Results for 'Galvin’s property'

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  1. Limitations on structural Principles of Distributive Justice: the Case of Discrete Idiosyncratic Goods.Richard Galvin & Chares Lockhart - 2012 - In Kjell Törnblom & Ali Kazemi (eds.), A Handbook of Social Resource Theory. Springer. pp. 351-372.
    Our aim is to draw a set of distinctions among types of goods which has significant implications for theories of distributive justice. We begin by providing a general account of two sets of properties--fungibility and nonfungibility, divisibility and indivisibility--and argue that goods can be distinguished according to these criteria. Further, we contend that these distinctions entail complications for structural principles of distributive justice (i.e., principles such as maximin that distribute payoffs to positions). As an example we consider James Fishkin’s discussion (...)
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    Non-Galvin filters.Tom Benhamou, Shimon Garti, Moti Gitik & Alejandro Poveda - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    We address the question of consistency strength of certain filters and ultrafilters which fail to satisfy the Galvin property. We answer questions [Benhamou and Gitik, Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 173 (2022) 103107; Questions 7.8, 7.9], [Benhamou et al., J. Lond. Math. Soc. 108(1) (2023) 190–237; Question 5] and improve theorem [Benhamou et al., J. Lond. Math. Soc. 108(1) (2023) 190–237; Theorem 2.3].
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    Non-Galvin filters.Tom Benhamou, Shimon Garti, Moti Gitik & Alejandro Poveda - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Ahead of Print. We address the question of consistency strength of certain filters and ultrafilters which fail to satisfy the Galvin property. We answer questions [Benhamou and Gitik, Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 173 (2022) 103107; Questions 7.8, 7.9], [Benhamou et al., J. Lond. Math. Soc. 108(1) (2023) 190–237; Question 5] and improve theorem [Benhamou et al., J. Lond. Math. Soc. 108(1) (2023) 190–237; Theorem 2.3].
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  4. Anthropomorphism, common sense, and animal awareness.H. A. Herzog & S. Galvin - 1997 - In Robert W. Mitchell, Nicholas S. Thompson & H. Lyn Miles (eds.), Anthropomorphism, Anecdotes, and Animals. SUNY Press. pp. 237--53.
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    Cofinal Types of Ultrafilters Over Measurable Cardinals.Tom Benhamou & Natasha Dobrinen - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-35.
    We develop the theory of cofinal types of ultrafilters over measurable cardinals and establish its connections to Galvin’s property. We generalize fundamental results from the countable to the uncountable, but often in surprisingly strengthened forms, and present models with varying structures of the cofinal types of ultrafilters over measurable cardinals.
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  6. The algebraic sum of sets of real numbers with strong measure zero sets.Andrej Nowik, Marion Scheepers & Tomasz Weiss - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (1):301-324.
    We prove the following theorems: (1) If X has strong measure zero and if Y has strong first category, then their algebraic sum has property s 0 . (2) If X has Hurewicz's covering property, then it has strong measure zero if, and only if, its algebraic sum with any first category set is a first category set. (3) If X has strong measure zero and Hurewicz's covering property then its algebraic sum with any set in APC (...)
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    Prime ideals on P ω (λ) with the partition property.Pierre Matet, Cédric Péan & Stevo Todorcevic - 2002 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 41 (8):743-764.
    We use ideas of Fred Galvin to show that under Martin's axiom, there is a prime ideal on Pω (λ) with the partition property for every \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}\end{document}.
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  8. Borel sets and Ramsey's theorem.Fred Galvin & Karel Prikry - 1973 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 38 (2):193-198.
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    Borel's conjecture in topological groups.Fred Galvin & Marion Scheepers - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (1):168-184.
    We introduce a natural generalization of Borel's Conjecture. For each infinite cardinal number $\kappa$, let ${\sf BC}_{\kappa}$ denote this generalization. Then ${\sf BC}_{\aleph_0}$ is equivalent to the classical Borel conjecture. Assuming the classical Borel conjecture, $\neg{\sf BC}_{\aleph_1}$ is equivalent to the existence of a Kurepa tree of height $\aleph_1$. Using the connection of ${\sf BC}_{\kappa}$ with a generalization of Kurepa's Hypothesis, we obtain the following consistency results: 1. If it is consistent that there is a 1-inaccessible cardinal then it is (...)
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    The Missing Piece(s).Kathleen Galvin & Marla L. Clayman - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (6):52-53.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 12, Issue 6, Page 52-53, June 2012.
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  11. Rounding up the usual suspects: Varieties of Kantian constructivism in ethics.Richard Galvin - 2011 - Philosophical Quarterly 61 (242):16-36.
    Some commentators have attributed constructivism to Kant at the first-order level; others cast him as a meta-ethical constructivist. Among meta-ethical constructivist interpretations I distinguish between ‘atheistic’ and ‘agnostic’ versions regarding the existence of an independent moral order. Even though these two versions are incompatible, each is linked with central Kantian doctrines, revealing a tension within Kant's own view. Moreover, among interpretations that cast Kant as rejecting substantive realism but embracing procedural realism, some (i.e., those that are ‘constructivist’) face charges of (...)
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    Two difficulties for Devlin's disintegration thesis.Richard Francis Galvin - 1987 - Philosophical Quarterly 37 (149):420-423.
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    The Marvelous Exchange: Raymund Schwager’s Interpretation of the History of Soteriology.John P. Galvin - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (4):675-691.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE MARVELOUS EXCHANGE: RAYMUND SCHWAGER'S INTERPRETATION OF THE ffiSTORY OF SOTERIOLOGY JOHNP. GALVIN The Oath-Olia University of America Washington, D.O. IN A WIDE-RANGING series of studies of disparate material, the French ethnologist and literary critic Rene Girard has proposed 'a remarkably comprehensive anthropological theory. Girard identifies imitation, which inevita.bly issues in rivalry and violence, as the decisive force in human conduct. In primitive societies,,Jacking centralized civil authority and confronted (...)
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    Causal Impotence and Complicity.Richard Galvin & John R. Harris - 2023 - Public Affairs Quarterly 37 (1):47-63.
    Moral problems such as climate change and global poverty result from widespread human action, and hence, are unaffected by changes in any individual's behavior—for instance, the harms of climate change will obtain whether I drive my car or not. This problem of causal impotence seems potentially devastating for consequentialists, but more easily addressed by deontologists. The deontologist can argue that (e.g.) even if our acts will have no effect on climate change, our using fossil fuels makes us complicit in, and (...)
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    Noonan's argument against abortion: Probability, possibility and potentiality.Richard Francis Galvin - 1988 - Journal of Social Philosophy 19 (2):80-89.
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  16. Slavery and Universalizability.Richard Galvin - 1999 - Kant Studien 90 (2):191-203.
    In this paper I examine O'Neill's argument (from Constructions of Reason) for the inconsistency of the universalized maxim of slavery. Although I agree that the universalized maxim of slavery entails a contradiction, her argument is a bit quick and leaves room for some potentially damaging objections. I intend to show that each of these objections can ultimately be met by expanding O'Neill's argument to include a more detailed treatment of the enslavement relation and its maxim. In so doing I hope (...)
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  17. "Kant's Two Facts of Reason".Richard Galvin - 2017 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 34 (1):37-56.
    Commentators generally agree that one important difference between the arguments that Kant offers in the Groundwork and those in the second Critique is the appeal to the term “fact of reason” has a single referent, although they disagree about what that referent is. I argue that Kant employs the term to refer to two distinct phenomena. In some passages Kant claims it to be a fact of reason what we take the moral law as supremely authoritative in our deliberations, whereas (...)
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    Does Kant's psychology of morality need basic revision?Richard Galvin - 1991 - Mind 100 (2):221-236.
    Any number of criticisms of Kant's moral psychology are directed at his claims that actions possessing moral worth must be performed "irrespective of all objects of the faculty of desire" (G 68,400),' and that actions done from duty must "set aside altogether the influence of inclination, and along with inclination every object of the will" (ibid). Rather than desire or inclination, it is "pure reverence for the law" that moves the will in actions done from duty (G 69,401). My present (...)
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    Galvin’s “Racing Pawns” Game, Internal Hyperarithmetic Comprehension, and the Law of Excluded Middle.Chris Conidis, Noam Greenberg & Daniel Turetsky - 2013 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54 (2):233-252.
    We show that the fact that the first player wins every instance of Galvin’s “racing pawns” game is equivalent to arithmetic transfinite recursion. Along the way we analyze the satisfaction relation for infinitary formulas, of “internal” hyperarithmetic comprehension, and of the law of excluded middle for such formulas.
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    Should Kantians Be Willing to Embrace “Universally Lawful Willing” as a Good Will’s Fundamental Principle?Richard Galvin - 2010 - Southwest Philosophy Review 26 (2):33-39.
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  21. Maxims and Practical Contradictions.Richard Galvin - 2011 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 28 (4):407.
    According to Kant’s Universal Law Formula, maxims that cannot be conceived as universal laws denote duties of perfect obligation. In the recent literature, two versions of the Contradiction in Conception test have received the most attention. When acting on a maxim would violate a perfect duty, according to the Logical Contradiction Interpretation (LCI), universalizing the maxim would make it literally impossible to perform the action as described in the original maxim. According to the Practical Contradiction Interpretation (PCI), the locus of (...)
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    The universal law formulas.Richard Galvin - 2009 - In Thomas E. Hill (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Kant's Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 52–82.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Some Common Misunderstandings How Different Are PGW, FUL, and FLN? The Role of the Universal Law Formulas Issues Regarding the Maxim and its Universal Counterpart The Two Hegelian Objections Contradictions in Conception Contradictions in the Will Three Persistent Problems and One Very Modest Proposal Bibliography.
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  23. A Ryan's Property And Political Theory. [REVIEW]S. Benhabib - 1985 - Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 12:30-33.
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    Well-Being Through the Poet’s Speaking: A Reflective Analysis of Well-Being through Engagement with Poetry Underpinned by Phenomenological Philosophical Ideas about Language and Poetry.Kathleen Galvin - 2019 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 19 (2):71-80.
    The poet speaks in a particular way that can “bring things to nearness”. This particular way of bringing things to nearness may have some useful implications for understanding human well-being. Sometimes I have noticed that, when I read a poem that really “speaks to me”, the poetic language puts me in touch with well-being in a very palpable way, and this has brought me to wonder about this question: What is it that is taking place in a much loved poem (...)
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  25. ‘Pass the Cocoamone, Please’: Causal Impotence, Opportunistic Vegetarianism and Act-Utilitarianism.John Richard Harris & Richard Galvin - 2012 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 15 (3):368 - 383.
    It appears that utilitarian arguments in favor of moral vegetarianism cannot justify a complete prohibition of eating meat. This is because, in certain circumstances, forgoing meat will prevent no pain, and so, on utilitarian grounds, we should be opportunistic carnivores rather than moral vegetarians. In his paper, ‘Puppies, pigs, and people: Eating meat and marginal cases,’ Alastair Norcross argues that causal impotence arguments like these are misguided. First, he presents an analogous situation, the case of chocolate mousse a-la-bama, in order (...)
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    The Reason of Following: Christology and the Ecstatic 1 by Robert P. Scharlemann.John Galvin - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (3):522-525.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:522 BOOK REVIEWS The Reason of Following: Christology and the Ecstatic I. By ROBERT P. ScHARLEMANN. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992. Pp. 214. $32.50 (cloth). Robert P. Scharlemann is Commonwealth Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Virginia. Writing in the tradition of Bultmann 's observation that speaking of God requires speaking of oneself, he conceives of christology as a distinctive form of reason, a philosophical /theological (...)
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    On Cohen and Prikry Forcing Notions.Tom Benhamou & Moti Gitik - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (2):858-904.
    Abstract(1)We show that it is possible to add $\kappa ^+$ -Cohen subsets to $\kappa $ with a Prikry forcing over $\kappa $. This answers a question from [9].(2)A strengthening of non-Galvin property is introduced. It is shown to be consistent using a single measurable cardinal which improves a previous result by S. Garti, S. Shelah, and the first author [5].(3)A situation with Extender-based Prikry forcings is examined. This relates to a question of H. Woodin.
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    Éršov Ü. L.. Razréšimost′ eléméntarnoj téorii distributivnyh struktur s otnositél′nyml dopolnéniámi i téorii fil′trov . Algébra i logika, Séminar, vol. 3 no. 3 pp. 17–38. [REVIEW]Fred Galvin - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (1):126-126.
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  29. Practical Uncertainty, Practical Contradiction and Logical Contradiction.Richard Galvin - 2013 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 30 (4):349-370.
    According to Kant’s Universal Law Formula, maxims that cannot be conceived as universal laws denote duties of perfect obligation. In the recent literature, two versions of the Contradiction in Conception test have received the most attention. When acting on a maxim would violate a perfect duty, according to the Logical Contradiction Interpretation (LCI), universalizing the maxim would make it literally impossible to perform the action as described in the original maxim. According to the Practical Contradiction Interpretation (PCI), the locus of (...)
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    What’s yours is ours: waiving intellectual property protections for COVID-19 vaccines.Nancy S. Jecker & Caesar A. Atuire - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (9):595-598.
    This paper gives an ethical argument for temporarily waiving intellectual property protections for COVID-19 vaccines. It examines two proposals under discussion at the World Trade Organization : the India/South Africa proposal and the WTO Director General proposal. Section I explains the background leading up to the WTO debate. Section II rebuts ethical arguments for retaining current IP protections, which appeal to benefiting society by spurring innovation and protecting rightful ownership. It sets forth positive ethical arguments for a temporary waiver (...)
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    Freedom and the Fact of Reason.Richard Galvin - 2019 - Kantian Review 24 (1):27-51.
    The focus of my argument is whether, and in what sense, freedom is “revealed” by the fact of reason in Kant’s second Critique. I examine the passages in which Kant refers to the fact of reason and conclude that he uses the term to refer to our taking morality as authoritative, and to our apprehending the content of the moral law. I then point out how various commentators have claimed each to be the fact of reason. Next I address how (...)
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    Honouring the opening: Unfolding the rich ground between the philosophical thinking of Martin Heidegger and practice-based empirical work.Graham Stew, Kathleen T. Galvin, Pirjo Vuoskoski, Vinette Cross & Kitty Maria Suddick - 2021 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 21 (1).
    ABSTRACT The aim of this article is to bring philosophical thinking closer to practice-based empirical work. Using Martin Heidegger’s philosophy, it offers a bridge between these two worlds, attempting to provide philosophical depth to the findings of a hermeneutic phenomenological study. This process unfolded through the appearance of three intertwined, potential, meaningful modes of being in the lifeworld: space as a condition for being and being for worlding the world; temporal and spatial self-being, the existence of multiple selves in time (...)
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    The resurrection of Jesus in contemporary catholic systematics.John P. Galvin - 1979 - Heythrop Journal 20 (2):123–162.
    CONCLUSIONThis brief survey of the assessment of the Resurrection of Jesus in contemporary Catholic Christology indicates the presence of widely varying views on the nature of the Resurrection, on the manner of its revelation, and on the role attributed to it in the overall structure of theology. While it is improbable that a unified consensus will be achieved in the near future, if ever, a few concluding remarks may serve to direct attention to some central issues which underlie the variations.First, (...)
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    Transcreation and Self-Translation in Contemporary Latinx Poetry.Rachel Galvin - 2022 - Critical Inquiry 49 (1):28-54.
    This article argues that a recent wave of creative self-translations by Latinx poets marks a significant turn in Latinx literary history. In contrast to the conventional view of translation as a derivative, subsidiary craft, these self-translations serve as a creative practice (for composing innovative literature), a trope (for cultural and linguistic multiplicity and self-decolonization), and a theoretical framing (attuned to colonial relationships and power differentials between languages and cultures). What does this reconceptualization of self-translation mean for Latinx poetry and for (...)
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    Art's properties.David Joselit - 2023 - Oxford ;: Princeton University Press.
    From the modern period until the present day, artworks have exhibited a well-known paradox: they promise a rich aesthetic experience and revolutionary qualities of innovation while simultaneously serving as a luxury commodity whose sale is directed toward a global class of oligarchs. Art's Properties proposes a new way of understanding this paradox, relating art's qualities-its properties-to its status as commercial property. In Art's Properties, esteemed art historian and theorist David Joselit argues that art's fundamental ontological property is its (...)
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    Property and the State: A Discussion of Robert Nozick's Anarchy, State, and UtopiaAnarchy, State, and Utopia.Milton Fisk & Robert Nozick'S. - 1980 - Noûs 14 (1):99.
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    Exploring the nuclear envelope's properties and roles.Adam S. Wilkins & Yosef Gruenbaum - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (7):814-826.
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    Lost property? Legal compensation for destroyed sperm: a reflection and comparison drawing on UK and French perspectives.S. Cordell, F. Bellivier, H. Widdows & C. Noiville - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (12):747-751.
    In a recent case in the UK, six men stored their sperm before undergoing chemotherapy treatment for cancer in case they proved to be infertile after the treatment. The sperm was not properly stored and as a result was inadvertently destroyed. The men sued the NHS Trust that stored the sperm and were in the end successful. This paper questions the basis on which the judgement was made and the rationale behind it, namely that the men ‘had ownership’ of the (...)
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    Her name was Clodagh: Twitter and the news discourse of murder suicide.Fergal Quinn, Muireann Prendergast & Audrey Galvin - 2019 - Critical Discourse Studies 16 (3):312-329.
    ABSTRACTThe evolution and adaptation of journalistic practice in response to discourses taking place in networked and shared media environments and the implications of same have been the focus of much academic attention in recent years. This paper examines the agenda-setting potential of Twitter and considers how this feeds into and affects journalistic output. It does so by applying a Critical Discourse Analysis framework in considering whether reportage on particular news events are re-framed in the aftermath of Twitter campaigns. In August (...)
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    Reverse mathematics and infinite traceable graphs.Peter Cholak, David Galvin & Reed Solomon - 2012 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 58 (1-2):18-28.
    We analyze three applications of Ramsey’s Theorem for 4-tuples to infinite traceable graphs and finitely generated infinite lattices using the tools of reverse mathematics. The applications in graph theory are shown to be equivalent to Ramsey’s Theorem while the application in lattice theory is shown to be provable in the weaker system RCA0.
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    A lifeworld phenomenological study of the experience of living within ageing skin.Fiona Cowdell & Kathleen T. Galvin - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (4):e12251.
    Understanding people's experience of skin ageing as it is lived can enable sensitive approaches to promoting healthy skin and to care in general. By understanding the insider perspective, what it is like for individuals, a way to sensitise practice for more humanly sensitive care is offered. Through interviews with seventeen community‐dwelling older people, the essential meaning of living within ageing skin was illuminated as a state of managed inevitability. The skin is inevitably changing, and ageing skin is a marker of (...)
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    Lifeworld-led Healthcare: Revisiting a Humanising Philosophy that Integrates Emerging Trends. [REVIEW]Les Todres, Kathleen Galvin & Karin Dahlberg - 2006 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 10 (1):53-63.
    In this paper, we describe the value and philosophy of lifeworld-led care. Our purpose is to give a philosophically coherent foundation for lifeworld-led care and its core value as a humanising force that moderates technological progress. We begin by indicating the timeliness of these concerns within the current context of citizen-oriented, participative approaches to healthcare. We believe that this context is in need of a deepening philosophy if it is not to succumb to the discourses of mere consumerism. We thus (...)
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    Beth's property fails in $l^{.Lee Badger - 1980 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 45 (2):284-290.
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    Craig-godel-lindenbaum's property and sobocinski-tarski's property in propositional calculi.Teodor Stepien - 1981 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 10 (3):116-120.
    In the paper we give a sucient condition of the Interpolation Property in propositional calculi; then we establish the power of the class of the systems with Craig's property. Next we show that there does not exist a minimal R0-system with Craig-Godel-Lindenbaum's property. Finally, we generalize Sobocinski-Tarskis theorem concerning Sobocinski-Tarski's property.
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    The First Order Properties of Products of Algebraic Systems.S. Feferman & R. L. Vaught - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (2):276-276.
  46. Insulation properties questioned.S. Chernack - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay (eds.), Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 149--5.
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    Grantham S. B.. Galvin's “racing pawns” game and a well-ordering of trees. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, no. 316. American Mathematical Society, Providence 1985, iv + 63 pp. [REVIEW]Jean A. Larson - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (3):1310-1311.
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  48. The problem of mental causation and the nature of properties.S. C. Gibb - 2004 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 82 (3):464-75.
    Despite the fact that the nature of the properties of causation is rarely discussed within the mental causation debate, the implicit assumption is that they are universals as opposed to tropes. However, in recent literature on the problem of mental causation, a new solution has emerged which aims to address the problem by appealing to tropes. It is argued that if the properties of causation are tropes rather than universals, then a psychophysical reductionism can be advanced which does not face (...)
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    From property to family: American dog rescue and the discourse of compassion.Andrei S. Markovits - 2014 - Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press. Edited by Katherine N. Crosby.
    In the wake of the considerable cultural changes and social shifts that the United States and all advanced industrial democracies have experienced since the late 1960s and early 1970s, social discourse around the disempowered has changed in demonstrable ways. In From Property to Family: American Dog Rescue and the Discourse of Compassion, Andrei Markovits and Katherine Crosby describe a “discourse of compassion” that actually alters the way we treat persons and ideas once scorned by the social mainstream. This “culture (...)
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  50. Authenticity, Right Relation and the Return of the Repressed Native in James Galvin’s "The Meadow".Ian K. Jensen - 2016 - Journal of Contemporary Thought 43:84-109.
    This essay reads acclaimed poet James Galvin’s 1992 semi-autobiographical novel through the lenses of Martin Heidegger’s notion of authenticity and Patrick Wolfe’s discussion of settler-colonialism. I argue that Lyle, arguably the novel’s main character, is portrayed as living “authentically” in contrast to the deep inauthenticity of Ferris. I connect Western authentic dwelling with settler-colonial logic, centering my account on the figures of the “lazy” and “magical” “Indian.” Ultimately, I find that far from rejecting settler-colonial logic Galvin’s text plays (...)
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