Results for 'Gal Nitsan'

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  1.  19
    One Size Does Not Fit All: Examining the Effects of Working Memory Capacity on Spoken Word Recognition in Older Adults Using Eye Tracking.Gal Nitsan, Karen Banai & Boaz M. Ben-David - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Difficulties understanding speech form one of the most prevalent complaints among older adults. Successful speech perception depends on top-down linguistic and cognitive processes that interact with the bottom-up sensory processing of the incoming acoustic information. The relative roles of these processes in age-related difficulties in speech perception, especially when listening conditions are not ideal, are still unclear. In the current study, we asked whether older adults with a larger working memory capacity process speech more efficiently than peers with lower capacity (...)
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    Emotion regulation choice: selecting between cognitive regulation strategies to control emotion.Gal Sheppes & Ziv Levin - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  3.  43
    In search for a new distraction: the efficiency of a novel attentional deployment versus semantic meaning regulation strategies.Gal Sheppes, William J. Brady & Andrea C. Samson - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Baroque Optics and the Disappearance of the Observer: From Kepler’s Optics to Descartes’ Doubt.Ofer Gal & Raz Chen-Morris - 2010 - Journal of the History of Ideas 71 (2):191-217.
    Seventeenth-century optics naturalizes the eye while estranging the mind from objects. A mere screen, on which rests a blurry array of light stains, the eye no longer furnishes the observer with genuine re-presentations of visible objects. The intellect is thus compelled to decipher flat images of no inherent epistemic value, accidental effects of a purely causal process, as vague, reversed reflections of wholly independent objects. Reflecting on and trespassing the boundaries between natural and artificial, orderly and disorderly, this optical paradox (...)
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    In defense of being wrong.Nitsan Chorev - 2015 - Thesis Eleven 127 (1):24-26.
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  6. (1 other version)On The Relative Repugnance of Organ Markets.Gal Kober - 2008 - In On The Relative Repugnance of Organ Markets. Center for Applied Ethics and Philosophy (CAEP) Hokkaido University. pp. 153-164.
  7.  11
    Attentional Focus Instructions Do Not Affect Choice Reaction Time.Gal Ziv & Ronnie Lidor - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The majority of the studies on attentional focus have shown that participants who were instructed to focus externally performed better than those who were taught to focus internally. However, in most of these studies the participants performed complex motor tasks. Due to the scarcity of data on the effects of attentional focus specifically on simple motor tasks, our purpose in the current study was to examine these effects on two simple reaction time tasks. The study was conducted on a cloud-based (...)
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    Theories of Time and the Asymmetry in Human Attitudes.Gal Yehezkel - 2013 - Ratio 27 (1):68-83.
    An important aspect of the debate between the A-theory and the B-theory of time relates to the supposed implications of each for some of the most basic human attitudes and stances. The asymmetry in our attitudes towards past and future events in our life (pleasant and unpleasant), and towards the temporal limits of our existence, that is, toward birth and death, is supposedly considered differently by the two theories. I argue that our attitudes are neither justified nor discredited by anything (...)
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  9. Fixed Intelligence Mindset, Self-Esteem, and Failure-Related Negative Emotions: A Cross-Cultural Mediation Model.Éva Gál, István Tóth-Király & Gábor Orosz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A growing body of literature supports that fixed intelligence mindset promotes the emergence of maladaptive emotional reactions, especially when self-threat is imminent. Previous studies have confirmed that in adverse academic situations, students endorsing fixed intelligence mindset experience higher levels of negative emotions, although little is known about the mechanisms through which fixed intelligence mindset exerts its influence. Thus, the present study proposed to investigate self-esteem as a mediator of this relationship in two different cultural contexts, in Hungary and the United (...)
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  10.  52
    Finite freedom: Hegel on the existential function of the state.Gal Katz - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (3):943-960.
    European Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    (1 other version)A note on direct products.L. Novak Gál - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (1):1-6.
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  12.  44
    Kuhle Wampe : Politics of Montage, De-montage of Politics?Gal Kirn - 2007 - Film-Philosophy 11 (1):33-48.
    Kuhle Wampe 1is an extraordinary cultural product by thecollective that was deeply involved in the formation of Weimar cinema.2Members of thiscollective were Slatan Dudov, who participated in Fritz Lang’s production of Metropolis, Hanns Eisler, who composed music for Walter Ruttmann’s Berlin: Symphony of aGreat City , while Ernst Ottwald was adistinguished novelist and a screenwriter. Bertolt Brecht did not have major experience infilm production,3although he collaborated with Karl Valentin in the preparation of film The Mysteries of a Hairdresser's Shop . (...)
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  13.  67
    Fear of Death and the Symmetry Argument.Gal Yehezkel - 2016 - Manuscrito 39 (4):279-296.
    ABSTRACT According to the Symmetry Argument against the fear of death, our attitudes towards birth and death should be identical. In this paper I defend the Deprivation Account of the badness of death, according to which death is bad because it deprives one of future goods. After rejecting previous attempts to explain and justify the asymmetry in our attitudes towards birth and death I argue that the asymmetry in our attitudes is both explained and justified by the fact that contrary (...)
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  14.  29
    Fear of Death and the Metaphysics of Time.Gal Yehezkel - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 23:123-127.
    Lucretius points out a puzzling asymmetry in our attitudes towards our prenatal non-existence and our post-mortem non-existence. Normally, we view birth as a happy occasion, and death as a sad event. Some philosophers argue that these asymmetry in our attitude is justified by the A-theory of Time, which reflects the common sense way of thinking about time, and so they discredit the B-theory of Time. In this paper I critically examine these claims and argue that this belief is false. Our (...)
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  15. Necessary Categories of Conscious Experience.Gal Yehezkel - 2018 - In M. W. Hackett Paul (ed.), Mereologies, Ontologies, and Facets: The Categorial Structure of Reality. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 19-36.
    In this chapter I analyze the concept of self-consciousness in order to uncover its conceptual structure. The conclusions of this analysis describe some of the necessary categories of conscious experience. The concept of the self, the concept of consciousness, the concept of objectivity, the temporal distinctions between past, present, and future, and finally the idea of natural regularities, are found to be necessary categories for conscious experience, and hence describe the fundamental cognitive structure of self-conscious beings.
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  16.  60
    Alleviating love’s rage: Hegel on shame and sexual recognition.Gal Katz - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (4):756-776.
    The paper reconstructs Hegel’s account of shame as a fundamental affect. Qua spiritual, the human individual strives for self-determination; hence she is ashamed of the fact that, q...
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  17.  77
    A Defence of a Rationalist Conception of Practical Reason.Gal Yehezkel - 2017 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 13 (1):39-57.
    In this paper I attempt to refute the instrumental conception of practical reason, and thus defend a rationalist conception of practical reason. I argue that, far from merely playing an instrumental role, reason can be used by an agent to evaluate, that is, to approve or reject, final ends, which might be suggested by desires, and further to determine final ends independently of any desires, whether actual or potential, that the agent might have. My argument relies on an analysis of (...)
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  18.  22
    Landmarks in the Evolution of Liberal Thought: Freedom, Plurality, Knowledge.Gal Gerson - 2024 - The European Legacy 29 (5):471-490.
    In the past few decades, liberal and democratic thought has been subjected to attacks from the adherents of nationalism, populism, and social radicalism. Much of these attacks involve suspicions about liberalism’s association with the contents and purveyors of structured knowledge, scientific and humanistic alike. I suggest that an examination of the history of liberal beliefs may add to our understanding of what is at stake. Such an examination may reveal how liberal thought in the twentieth century shifted away from its (...)
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  19.  29
    L'évangile de la folie sainte.Frédéric Le Gal - 2001 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 3 (3):419-442.
    A partir de l'idée de “ folie ” chez S. Paul , Fr. Le Gal explore le thème de “ la folie sainte de Dieu ” qui n'est autre que la révélation de son amour fou pour l'homme. Examinant tout d'abord la polysémie du terme, sa réflexion porte en première partie sur Jésus-Christ comme “ homme de la dérision et Dieu à la folie ”, examinant au passage la parabole comme lieu de l' “ ironie christique ”. Dans la seconde (...)
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  20.  46
    Empiricism without the senses: How the instrument replaced the eye.Ofer Gal & Raz Chen-Morris - 2010 - In Charles T. Wolfe & Ofer Gal (eds.), The Body as Object and Instrument of Knowledge: Embodied Empiricism in Early Modern Science. Springer. pp. 121--147.
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  21. The Inauguration of Formalism: Aestheticism and the Productive Opacity Principle.Michalle Gal - 2022 - Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics 2 (24):20-30.
    This essay presents the Aestheticism of the 19th century as the foundational movement of modernist-formalist aesthetics of the 20th century. The main principle of this movement is what I denominate “productive opacity”. Aestheticism has not been recognized as a philosophical aesthetic theory. However, its definition of artwork as an exclusive kind of form—a deep, opaque form—is among the most precise ever given in the discipline. This essay offers an interpretation of aestheticism as a formalist theory, referred to here as “deep (...)
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  22.  21
    Consciously monitored grasping is vulnerable to perceptual intrusions.Gal Navon & Tzvi Ganel - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 85:103019.
  23.  50
    Por qué el arte no es un lenguaje (o Sobre cómo refuta la teoría pictórica del lenguaje la teoría de la pintura como lenguaje).Álvaro Delgado-gal - 1992 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 7:53.
    En el presente estudio analizaremos la expresión del conflicto en el lenguaje, donde la lucha palabra-letra impregna la teoría agónica del lenguaje y marca la trascendencia sobre la relación historia-intrahistoria. Asimismo, presentaremos la dimensión creadora del lenguaje, relevante desde el Unamuno contemplativo, y el papel desempeñado por el diálo go a la hora de expresar los dos poíos del conflicto, agónico y contem plativo.
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    Sex and the city: Rousseau on sexual freedom and its modern discontents.Gal Katz - 2025 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 68 (2):617-642.
    Like some ‘second wave’ feminists, Rousseau believes that modern sexual practices are not a manifestation of a newfound autonomy—rather, they reflect its systemic deprivation. Drawing on his critique of libertine culture in eighteenth century Paris, I show how even consensual sex may lead to a chronic deficit of recognition, coupled with psychological misery. To avoid such discontents, sexual freedom must include a satisfying sexual recognition. I articulate the conditions for such recognition as cultivated in Emile’s erotic education. Informed by amour-propre, (...)
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  25. Proceedings of the International Applied Ethics Conference, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, 21-23 November 2008.Gal Kober - 2008
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  26.  83
    “Love is only between living beings who are equal in power”: On what is alive (and what is dead) in Hegel's account of marriage.Gal Katz - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):93-109.
    The paper develops a conception of marital love as a complex recognitive relation, which I articulate by juxtaposing it against other recognitive relations that figure in Hegel's theory of modern civil society (i.e., respect and esteem). Drawing on Hegel's early writings, I argue that, if love is to provide its unique sort of recognition, it must obtain between “living beings who are equal in power”—a peculiar form of equality that I name (drawing on Stanley Cavell's work) “dynamic equality.” I conclude (...)
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  27. Visual Metaphors and Aesthetics: A Formalist Theory of Metaphor.Michalle Gal - 2022 - London, UK: Bloomsbury Puplishing.
    This book offers a new definition of metaphor-as an ontological and visual construction, whose roots are external visual forms, and its motivation is our attachment to forms. This definition, which Michalle Gal names “visualist,” challenges the ruling conceptualist theory of metaphors and places a new emphasis on how we experience rather than understand metaphors. In doing so, she responds to the visual turn that is taking place in literature and the media, demanding that the visual become a site of philosophical (...)
  28.  33
    The Rejection of Fatalism about the Past.Gal Yehezkel - 2016 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 4 (23):525–538.
    In this paper I defend the rejection of fatalism about the past by showing that there are possible circumstances in which it would be rational to attempt to bring about by our decisions and actions a necessary and sufficient condition, other things being equal, for something which we see as favorable to have occurred in the past. The examples I put forward are analogous to our attempts to bring about the occurrence of future events, and demonstrate the symmetry between the (...)
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  29. For They Do Not Agree In Nature: Spinoza and Deep Ecology.Gal Kober - 2013 - Ethics and the Environment 18 (1):43-65.
    In the Ethics,1 Spinoza presents a rigorous naturalistic view of man and nature. Man is a part of nature, a subject of the same domain—not a domain separate from it, nor a domain within that of nature. Man cannot act against nature or in an unnatural way; in comparison with any other part or creature of nature, man is not special, more important or qualitatively different. All general laws of nature apply equally to animals, inanimate objects, humans, God, the mind, (...)
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  30. The crisis of neoliberalism and the future of international institutions: A comparison of the IMF and the WTO. [REVIEW]Nitsan Chorev & Sarah Babb - 2009 - Theory and Society 38 (5):459-484.
    The current crisis of neoliberalism is calling into question the relevance of key international institutions. We analyze the origins, nature, and possible impacts of the crisis through comparing two such institutions: the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). Both originated in the post-World War II U.S.-led hegemonic order and were transformed as part of the transition to global neoliberalism. We show that while the IMF and the WTO have been part of the same hegemonic project, their (...)
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  31.  16
    Behavioral winter: Disillusionment with applied behavioral science and a path to spring forward.David Gal & Derek D. Rucker - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e156.
    Chater & Loewenstein thoughtfully express their disillusionment with contemporary applied behavioral science, particularly as it pertains to public policy. Although they fault an overemphasis on i-frame approaches, their proposed alternatives leave doubt regarding whether behavioral science has much, if anything, useful to offer policy. We offer two critical principles to guide and motivate more relevant behavioral science.
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  32. Time and Change.Gal Yehezkel - 2008 - Analysis and Metaphysics 7:148-165.
    In this paper I argue that a period of time during which nothing changes in the world is impossible. I do this by exposing the conceptual dependence of time on change. My argument rests on a view of necessary conditions for the meaningfulness of expressions in language. I end up concluding that the meaningfulness of temporal expressions assumes change.
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  33. Quantum Chemistry and the Quantum Revolution.Gal BenPorat & Sam Schweber - 2015 - In Ana Simões, Jürgen Renn & Theodore Arabatzis (eds.), Relocating the History of Science: Essays in Honor of Kostas Gavroglu. Springer Verlag.
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  34. Ėto ukrashaet cheloveka.Petr Kapitonovich Galʹdi︠a︡ev - 1962
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  35.  13
    Robert Kilwardby’s Questions on the Metaphysics and Physics of Aristotle.Gedeon Gál - 1953 - Franciscan Studies 13 (1):7-28.
  36.  12
    Z řečtiny do řečtiny. Krátce o Plótínovi a Pavlosu Kalligasovi.Ota Gál - 2022 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 2022 (62):147-152.
    Introduction of the philosophy of Pavlos Kalligas.
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    Nietzsche philosophe du XXIe siècle.Yves Le Gal - 2021 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    1. Nietzsche l'éclatant -- 2. Nietzsche l'exorbitant.
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  38.  24
    Unitas multiplex as the basis of plotinus'conception of beauty.Gal Ota - 2011 - Estetika: The Central European Journal of Aestetics; Until 2008: Estetika (Aesthetics) 48 (2).
  39. Objectivity and Natural Laws.Gal Yehezkel - 2013 - Analysis and Metaphysics 12:116–132.
    The principle of the "uniformity of nature" states that reality is subject to natural laws. In this paper I argue that a weak version of the principle of the uniformity of nature is a necessary truth. According to this weakened principle, every reality for which the question of its subjection to natural laws can arise is subject to natural laws. I argue that this question arises only for a subject who knows of the existence of objective reality, qua objective (that (...)
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  40.  76
    Self-consciousness, objectivity, and time.Gal Yehezkel - 2008 - Metaphilosophy 39 (4-5):591-611.
    Abstract: This article considers the conceptual connections between self-consciousness, objectivity, and time. The model of conceptual analysis employed examines the necessary conditions of the meaningfulness of expressions in language. In the course of this analysis two distinct options for the explanation of self-consciousness are identified and examined. According to the first (Strawsonian) view, self-consciousness is based upon the distinction between the self and other subjects of consciousness; according to the second (Kantian) view, self-consciousness is based upon the distinction between the (...)
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    Viewing Cute Images Does Not Affect Performance of Computerized Reaction Time Tasks.Gal Ziv & Orly Fox - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:800543.
    Humans are emotionally affected by cute or infantile appearances, typical of baby animals and humans, which in turn often leads to careful and cautious behavior. The purpose of this pre-registered study was to examine whether looking at cute images of baby pets improves performance of computerized cognitive-motor tasks. Ninety-eight participants were recruited for this online study and were randomly assigned to two experimental groups. The participants in one group performed two cognitive-motor tasks (Simon task and alternate task-switching task) before and (...)
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  42. The boundaries of languages and disciplines: How ideologies construct difference.Susan Gal & Judith T. Irvine - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
  43.  32
    Gualteri de Chatton et Guillelmi de Ockham Controversia de Natura Conceptus Universalis.Gedeon Gál - 1967 - Franciscan Studies 27 (1):191-212.
  44.  53
    The Conceptual Structure of Reality.Gal Yehezkel - 2014 - Cham: Springer.
    This book describes a novel conception of reality, one that uniquely incorporates an idealistic view of existence with an account of objectivity. It introduces a general model of conceptual analysis and demonstrates its effectiveness in exposing and establishing the existence of conceptual ties. The book begins by introducing the tools and principles needed for the conceptual analysis undertaken in chapters that follow. Next, it presents a detailed examination into existence, contingency, idealism, self-consciousness and natural laws. In the process, the author (...)
  45.  26
    EEG-Based Prediction of Cognitive Load in Intelligence Tests.Nir Friedman, Tomer Fekete, Kobi Gal & Oren Shriki - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  46.  29
    Taking one's lumps while doing the splits: A big tent perspective on emotion generation and emotion regulation.James J. Gross, Gal Sheppes & Heather L. Urry - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (5):789-793.
  47. The Illusion of the Experience of the Passage of Time.Gal Yehezkel - 2013 - Disputatio 5 (35):67-80.
    Supporters of the A-theory of time sometimes refer to an alleged experience of the passage of time in support of their theory. In this paper I argue that it is an illusion that we experience the passage of time, for such an experience is impossible. My argument relies on the general assertion that experience is contingent, in the sense that if it is possible to experience the passage of time, it is also possible to experience that time does not pass. (...)
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  48. The New Riddle of Induction and the New Riddle of Deduction.Gal Yehezkel - 2016 - Acta Analytica 31 (1):31-41.
    Many believe that Goodman’s new riddle of induction proves the impossibility of a purely syntactical theory of confirmation. After discussing and rejecting Jackson’s solution to Goodman’s paradox, I formulate the “new riddle of deduction,” in analogy to the new riddle of induction. Since it is generally agreed that deductive validity can be defined syntactically, the new riddle of induction equally does not show that inductive validity cannot be defined syntactically. I further rely on the analogy between induction and deduction in (...)
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  49.  39
    Enhancing social communication of children with high-functioning autism through a co-located interface.Eynat Gal, Nirit Bauminger, Dina Goren-Bar, Fabio Pianesi, Oliviero Stock, Massimo Zancanaro & L. Patrice - 2009 - AI and Society 24 (1):75-84.
    This study evaluated the effectiveness of a 3-week intervention in which a co-located cooperation enforcing interface, called StoryTable, was used to facilitate collaboration and positive social interaction for six children, aged 8–10 years, with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). The intervention focused on exposing pairs of children to an enforced collaboration paradigm while they narrated a story. Pre- and post-intervention tasks included a “low technology” version of the storytelling device and a non storytelling play situation using a free construction game. The (...)
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  50. Filozofia mysle a kognitívne vedy.Egon Gál - 1993 - Filozofia 10.
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