Results for 'Franziska Martini'

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  1.  33
    Bot, or not? Comparing three methods for detecting social bots in five political discourses.Ulrike Klinger, Tobias R. Keller, Paul Samula & Franziska Martini - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    Social bots – partially or fully automated accounts on social media platforms – have not only been widely discussed, but have also entered political, media and research agendas. However, bot detection is not an exact science. Quantitative estimates of bot prevalence vary considerably and comparative research is rare. We show that findings on the prevalence and activity of bots on Twitter depend strongly on the methods used to identify automated accounts. We search for bots in political discourses on Twitter, using (...)
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    S. Alfonso M. de Liguori, Opere Ascetiche. [REVIEW]B. Martini - 1963 - Augustinianum 3 (1):160-161.
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    Definable Henselian valuations.Franziska Jahnke & Jochen Koenigsmann - 2015 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 80 (1):85-99.
  4.  52
    Painting with the Same Brush? Surveying Unethical Behavior in the Workplace Using Self-Reports and Observer-Reports.Franziska Zuber & Muel Kaptein - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 125 (3):1-32.
    Research by academics, professional organizations, and businesses on ethics in the workplace often relies on surveys that ask employees to report how frequently they have observed others engaging in unethical behavior. But what do these frequencies in observer-reports say about the frequencies of committed unethical behavior? This paper is the first to address this question by empirically exploring the relationship between observer- and self-reports. Our survey research among the Swiss working population shows that for all 37 different forms of unethical (...)
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  5. Africa Humiliated? Misrecognition in Development Aid.Franziska Dübgen - 2012 - Res Publica 18 (1):65-77.
    Critiques of development aid from its recipient’s sometimes draw our attention to the perception of paternalism on the part of ‘development industry’ actors. Even within participatory project designs, critical voices recount experiences of clear power divides and informal hierarchies determining the content and form of ‘cooperation’. While neoliberal as well as neo-Marxist scholars base their critiques on a distributive scheme of global justice, post-development theory emphasizes respect and recognition as the central aspect of justice Indeed, post-development theorists continue to complain (...)
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    How to develop a phenomenological model of disability.Kristian Moltke Martiny - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (4):553-565.
    During recent decades various researchers from health and social sciences have been debating what it means for a person to be disabled. A rather overlooked approach has developed alongside this debate, primarily inspired by the philosophical tradition called phenomenology. This paper develops a phenomenological model of disability by arguing for a different methodological and conceptual framework from that used by the existing phenomenological approach. The existing approach is developed from the phenomenology of illness, but the paper illustrates how the case (...)
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  7. The impact of intelligent decision-support systems on humans’ ethical decision-making: A systematic literature review and an integrated framework.Franziska Poszler & Benjamin Lange - 2024 - Technological Forecasting and Social Change 204.
    With the rise and public accessibility of AI-enabled decision-support systems, individuals outsource increasingly more of their decisions, even those that carry ethical dimensions. Considering this trend, scholars have highlighted that uncritical deference to these systems would be problematic and consequently called for investigations of the impact of pertinent technology on humans’ ethical decision-making. To this end, this article conducts a systematic review of existing scholarship and derives an integrated framework that demonstrates how intelligent decision-support systems (IDSSs) shape humans’ ethical decision-making. (...)
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    Die Natur des Menschen und die (Un)Möglichkeit von Kapitalismuskritik: Menschenbilder als Ideologie.Franziska Baumbach - 2015 - Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot.
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    Les forces régulatrices de l’'me et la structure psychique.Franziska Baumgarten - 1958 - Revue de Synthèse 79 (9-10):103-111.
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  10. The role of vagueness in the numerical translation of verbal probabilities: A fuzzy approach.Franziska Bocklisch, Steffen F. Bocklisch, Martin Rk Baumann, Agnes Scholz & Josef F. Krems - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    Zeugs.Franziska Füchsl - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2017 (1):49-52.
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  12. Why is it Bad to Have a Disability?Franziska Felder - 2013 - Topoi 32 (2):179-187.
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  13. Augustus – einer der "Großen" in der Geschichte?Franziska Frisch & Magnus Frisch - 2012 - Geschichte Lernen 145:40-47.
    Der Aufsatz enthält einen Unterrichtsentwurf zur Kontrastierung des Selbstbildes des Kaisers Augustus, wie er es in den Res gestae entwirft, mit den Urteilen moderner Historiker über ihn.
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  14. Resolving Disagreement Through Mutual Respect.Carlo Martini, Jan Sprenger & Mark Colyvan - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (4):881-898.
    This paper explores the scope and limits of rational consensus through mutual respect, with the primary focus on the best known formal model of consensus: the Lehrer–Wagner model. We consider various arguments against the rationality of the Lehrer–Wagner model as a model of consensus about factual matters. We conclude that models such as this face problems in achieving rational consensus on disagreements about unknown factual matters, but that they hold considerable promise as models of how to rationally resolve non-factual disagreements.
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  15. Experts in science: a view from the trenches.Carlo Martini - 2014 - Synthese 191 (1):3-15.
    In this paper I analyze four so-called “principles of expertise”; that is, good epistemic practices that are normatively motivated by the epistemological literature on expert judgment. I highlight some of the problems that the four principles of expertise run into, when we try to implement them in concrete contexts of application (e.g. in science committees). I suggest some possible alternatives and adjustments to the principles, arguing in general that the epistemology of expertise should be informed both by case studies and (...)
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    African Environmental Ethics and Its Ontological Foundations.Franziska Dübgen - 2024 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 7 (1):110-123.
    The article carves out a tripartite ontology and related cosmological views, prevalent in many African philosophical accounts, and shows their significance for environmental ethics. It presents distinct cultural practices towards non-human animals and the environment such as totemism, taboos, and the sacralization of natural sites. In a next step, the author identifies specific moral principles that can be derived from this complex ontology and its related cultural practices, such as sufficiency, care, and sharing. This approach in environmental ethics can be (...)
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    Modeling the social organization of science: Chasing complexity through simulations.Carlo Martini & Manuela Fernández Pinto - 2016 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 7 (2):221-238.
    At least since Kuhn’s Structure, philosophers have studied the influence of social factors in science’s pursuit of truth and knowledge. More recently, formal models and computer simulations have allowed philosophers of science and social epistemologists to dig deeper into the detailed dynamics of scientific research and experimentation, and to develop very seemingly realistic models of the social organization of science. These models purport to be predictive of the optimal allocations of factors, such as diversity of methods used in science, size (...)
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  18.  21
    Die Semantik des Schicksals: zur Relevanz des Unverfügbaren zwischen Aufklärung und Erstem Weltkrieg.Franziska Rehlinghaus - 2015 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    Warum ist eine moderne, in ihrem Selbstverständnis rationale Gesellschaft auf einen so okkult anmutenden Begriff wie den des Schicksals angewiesen? Franziska Rehlinghaus weist nach, dass der deutsche Schicksalsbegriff seit seiner Etablierung um 1650 ein zentraler Ausdruck epochenspezifischer Problemstellungen war, so dass man von der Neuzeit als einem fatalisierten Zeitalter sprechen kann. Dafür rekonstruiert sie erstmals den semantischen und den funktionalen Wandel sowie die Konjunkturen des Schicksalsbegriffs von der Aufklärung bis zum Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts.
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    Paulin Hountondji: African Philosophy as Critical Universalism.Franziska Dübgen & Stefan Skupien - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    Paulin J. Hountondji is one of the most important and controversial figures in contemporary African philosophy. His critique of ethnophilosophy as a colonial, exoticising and racialized undertaking provoked contentious debates among African intellectuals on the proper methods and scope of philosophy and science in an African and global context since the 1970s. His radical pledge for scientific autonomy from the global system of knowledge production made him turn to endogenous forms of practising science in academia. The horizon of his philosophy (...)
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  20.  38
    What “Evidence” in Evidence-Based Medicine?Carlo Martini - 2021 - Topoi 40 (2):299-305.
    The concept of evidence has gone unanalysed in much of the current debate between proponents and critics of evidence-based medicine. In this paper I will suggest that part of the controversy rests on an understanding of the word “evidence” that is too broad, and therefore contains the contradictions that allow both camps to defend their position and charge their adversaries. I will argue that reconciling the different meanings of the word ‘evidence’ in “evidence-based medicine” should help put EBM in its (...)
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  21. Perceptual justification and objectual attitudes.Valentina Martinis - 2024 - Synthese 203 (5):1-24.
    Some philosophers claim that perception immediately and prima facie justifies belief in virtue of its phenomenal character (Huemer, Skepticism and the veil of perception. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, 2001; Pryor, There is immediate justification. In: Steup M, Sosa E (eds) Contemporary debates in epistemology. Blackwell, London (2014), pp. 181–202, 2005). To explain this special justificatory power, some appeal to perception’s presentational character: the idea that perceptual experience presents its objects as existing here-and-now (Chudnoff, Intuition. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013; Berghofer, (...)
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    Danksagung.Franziska Bomski - 2014 - In Die Mathematik Im Denken Und Dichten von Novalis: Zum Verhältnis von Literatur Und Wissen Um 1800. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag.
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    Wearable music in engaging technologies.Franziska Schroeder & Pedro Rebelo - 2007 - AI and Society 22 (1):85-91.
    We address the relationship between a music performer and her instrument as a possible model for re-thinking wearable technologies. Both musical instruments and textiles invite participation and by engaging with them we intuitively develop a sense of their malleability, resistance and fragility. In the action of touching we not only sense, but more importantly we react. We adjust the nature of our touch according to a particular material’s property. In this paper we draw on musical practice as it suggests attitudes (...)
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    The Trajectory of Hemispheric Lateralization in the Core System of Face Processing: A Cross-Sectional Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Pilot Study.Franziska E. Hildesheim, Isabell Debus, Roman Kessler, Ina Thome, Kristin M. Zimmermann, Olaf Steinsträter, Jens Sommer, Inge Kamp-Becker, Rudolf Stark & Andreas Jansen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Technik im lebendigen Selbst: Natürliche Künstlichkeit und Vulnerabilität am Beispiel der Tiefen Hirnstimulation.Franziska Krause & Oliver Müller - 2016 - In Oliver Müller & Thiemo Breyer, Funktionen des Lebendigen. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 43-70.
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    Understanding Care: Introductory Remarks.Franziska Krause & Joachim Boldt - 2017 - In Franziska Krause & Joachim Boldt, Caring in Healthcare. Reflections on Theory and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 1-9.
    Care is among the most important concepts in healthcare. It is not only a descriptive concept, but it also conveys a normative orientation. Approaches to the ethics of care have shown that care can indeed be understood as an overarching normative concept that integrates different normative orientations. Nonetheless, determining what constitutes good care is usually a matter of finding reasonable compromises. In healthcare settings, a typical compromise involves finding a balance between optimal care for individuals on the one hand and (...)
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  27. Recenti interpretazioni del razionalismo nietzschiano.Mario Martini - 1977 - Gubbio: Oderisi.
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    Just and Unjust Wars in Shakespeare.Franziska Quabeck - 2013 - De Gruyter.
    The interdisciplinary series "Law & Literature" takes a systematic look at the correlation between literature and the law. The studies presented in this series analyze the complex interrelation between two cultural spheres which are not only at the basis of Western Culture and Society, but share in a common focus on texts. Bringing together contributions by jurists, historians of law, legal philosophers, and specialists in literary and cultural studies, this series reflects a trend in current inter- and transdisciplinary research which (...)
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    Charles Taylor: Das sprachbegabte Tier. Grundzüge des menschlichen Sprachvermögens.Franziska Schwan - 2018 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 71 (4):351-361.
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  30. Shifting listening identities: towards a fluidity of form in digital music.Franziska Schroeder - 2012 - In Susan Broadhurst & Josephine Machon, Identity, Performance and Technology: Practices of Empowerment, Embodiment and Technicity. Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Dp-minimal valued fields.Franziska Jahnke, Pierre Simon & Erik Walsberg - 2017 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 82 (1):151-165.
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    Genuine versus bogus scientific controversies: the case of statins.Carlo Martini & Mattia Andreoletti - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (4):1-23.
    Science progresses through debate and disagreement, and scientific controversies play a crucial role in the growth of scientific knowledge. However, not all controversies and disagreements are progressive in science. Sometimes, controversies can be pseudoscientific; in fact, bogus controversies, and what seem like genuine scientific disagreements, can be a distortion of science set up by non-scientific actors. Bogus controversies are detrimental to science because they can hinder scientific progress and eventually bias science-based decisions. The first goal of this paper is to (...)
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  33.  12
    Ethical Decision-Making for Self-Driving Vehicles: A Proposed Model & List of Value-Laden Terms that Warrant (Technical) Specification.Franziska Poszler, Maximilian Geisslinger & Christoph Lütge - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (5):1-31.
    Self-driving vehicles (SDVs) will need to make decisions that carry ethical dimensions and are of normative significance. For example, by choosing a specific trajectory, they determine how risks are distributed among traffic participants. Accordingly, policymakers, standardization organizations and scholars have conceptualized what (shall) constitute(s) ethical decision-making for SDVs. Eventually, these conceptualizations must be converted into specific system requirements to ensure proper technical implementation. Therefore, this article aims to translate critical requirements recently formulated in scholarly work, existing standards, regulatory drafts and (...)
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  34.  14
    Leadership moments: Understanding nurse clinician‐scientists' leadership as embedded sociohistorical practices.Dieke Martini, Mirko Noordegraaf, Lisette Schoonhoven & Pieterbas Lalleman - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (4):e12580.
    Nurse clinician‐scientists are increasingly expected to show leadership aimed at transforming healthcare. However, research on nurse clinician‐scientists' leadership (integrating researcher and practitioner roles) is scarce and hardly embedded in sociohistorical contexts. This study introduces leadership moments, that is, concrete events in practices that are perceived as acts of empowerment, in order to understand leadership in the daily work of newly appointed nurse clinician‐scientists. Following the learning history method we gathered data using multiple (qualitative) methods to get close to their daily (...)
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  35.  61
    The role of experts in the methodology of economics.Carlo Martini - 2014 - Journal of Economic Methodology 21 (1):77-91.
    Is subjective expert judgment a source of evidence in economics? In this paper, I will argue that it is, on a par with other sources like modeling, statistics, experimental, etc. I will also argue that it is not derivative, that is, reducible to the previous ones. But what is exactly the role of experts in economics? The contribution to the current methodological debate that I propose not only takes the role of expertise in economics as indispensable, but also suggests a (...)
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  36. Is reasoning responding to reasons?Franziska Poprawe - 2020 - Philosophical Explorations 23 (2):146-159.
    Volume 23, Issue 2, June 2020, Page 146-159.
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    Auf den Spuren idealistischen Denkens: Die Vorlesungen Karl Leonhard Reinholds im Verhältnis zu seinen Werken und zu Immanuel Kants Philosophie.Franziska Götschl - 2023 - Baden-Baden: Tectum – ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
    Karl Leonhard Reinhold is regarded as the most important interpreter and disseminator of Kantian philosophy, and the popularity of Immanuel Kant is closely linked to Reinhold's writings. But his own works also exerted a great influence on German idealism. Nevertheless, he has never enjoyed a similar degree of fame as Immanuel Kant, or even fame itself.In this book, Franziska Götschl devotes herself to Reinhold’s lecture transcripts from the years 1792/93, which were first published in 2015, and sheds light on (...)
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    Selene Brumana, La scienza del divino nel Περὶ κόσμου Ps.-Aristotelico.Franziska van Buren - 2024 - Philosophie Antique 24 (24).
    The Περὶ κόσμου was considered a central text in the study of Aristotle’s corpus in both the ancient and medieval worlds. However, despite a small revival of interest in the text in the 20th century, scholarship has somewhat set the Περὶ κόσμου aside, considering it merely to be a work of poetical and theological rather than philosophical import. Selene Brumana’s La scienza del divino nel Περὶ κόσμου Ps.-Aristotelico aims to address this lacuna in the literature, and to show how the (...)
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    Real, rubber or virtual: The vision of “one’s own” body as a means for pain modulation. A narrative review.Matteo Martini - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 43:143-151.
  40.  10
    III. Mathematik und Enzyklopädistik im Allgemeinen Brouillon.Franziska Bomski - 2014 - In Die Mathematik Im Denken Und Dichten von Novalis: Zum Verhältnis von Literatur Und Wissen Um 1800. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 61-146.
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    Normative accounts of illusory correlations.Franziska M. Bott, David Kellen & Karl Christoph Klauer - 2021 - Psychological Review 128 (5):856-878.
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    Longitudinal Effects of the Family Support Program Chancenreich on Parental Involvement and the Language Skills of Preschool Children.Franziska Cohen, Juliane Schünke, Eric Vogel & Yvonne Anders - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    A usage-based cognitive linguistic interpretation of priming evidence.Franziska Günther - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Mit den Waffen der Aufklärung gegen den Antisemitismus.Franziska Krah - 2011 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 63 (2):122-144.
    The rise of political anti-Semitism in Imperial and Weimar Germany met with public opposition initiated primarily by Jews. From various perspectives, jewish journalists and intellectuals investigated the origin of this anti-Semitism, its different manifestations as well as possibilities of its public rejection. Journalist Binjamin W. Segel hereby focused his efforts on debunking antiSemitic myths, such as the Jewish World Conspiracy, as popularized by the text "The protocols of the Elders of Zion". In his writings, Segel, with an Eastern European background, (...)
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  45. Addressing the Impacts of Climate Change in a Caribbean Small Island Developing State.Franziska Mannke - 2012 - In Walter Leal Filho Evangelos Manolas, English through Climate Change. Democritus University of Thrace. pp. 141.
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    Hannah Arendts Kategorie des Paria: Die Verweigerung der Anerkennung.Franziska Piper - 2007 - In Christoph Asmuth, Transzendentalphilosophie Und Person: Leiblichkeit - Interpersonalität - Anerkennung. Transcript Verlag. pp. 327-336.
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    Was ist Qualität im Gesundheitswesen?Franziska Prütz - 2012 - Ethik in der Medizin 24 (2):105-115.
    With the introduction of diagnosis-related groups, German hospitals were obliged to develop quality assurance schemes. This article analyses (1) commonly used definitions for quality in health care and (2) their implementation in terms of interventions for improving quality in hospitals. -/- Consequences of current quality assurance practices include advances in objective quality, but also a shift within the culture of medicine towards dividing the treatment of patients into measurable and standardized steps. In contrast to this objective meaning of quality, there (...)
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  48.  14
    John Locke's concept of natural law from the Essays on the law of nature to the Second treatise of government.Franziska Quabeck - 2013 - Berlin: Lit.
    John Locke's account of natural law, which forms the very basis of his political philosophy, has troubled many critics over time. The two works that shed light on Locke's theory are the early Essays on the Law of Nature and the Second Treatise of Government, published over 20 years later. Many critics have assumed that the early work presents a voluntarist approach to natural law and the second a rationalist approach, but the present analysis in this book shows that Locke's (...)
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  49.  14
    Subjekt und Gegenstand: zur Konstitution der Aussenwelt im Anschluss an Husserl und Carnap.Franziska Thron - 2013 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
  50.  21
    (1 other version)Beyond the Blue Hole: Towards the consolidation of oceans as research fields.Franziska Torma - 2020 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 28 (1):91-103.
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