Results for 'Franco Bonsignori'

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    Psicanalisi della pace.Franco Bonsignori - 2015 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  2. L'ideologia della definizione del diritto e il pensiero di Alf Ross.Franco Bonsignori - 1973 - Pisa,: Pacini.
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  3. Musique et science. Semiotique de l* intercommunication creative: Musique et peinture, mathematique et cosmologie en synthese." Perpetuum mobile.Gian Franco Arlandi - 1997 - In Music and sciences. Bochum: N. Brockmeyer. pp. 331.
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  4. Youth Leadership and the Use of the Future.Ace Victor Franco Aceron & Shermon Cruz - 2018 - In Riel Miller, Transforming the future: anticipation in the 21st century. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Linguagem em contextos.Maria Cecilia Mollica & Claudio de Paiva Franco (eds.) - 2014 - [Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]: 7 Letras.
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  6. 1'saggi'di Éric Weil.Pier Franco Taboni - 1976 - Filosofia 27 (3):457-464.
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    All'ombra di Vico: testimonianze e saggi vichiani in ricordo di Giorgio Tagliacozzo.Giorgio Tagliacozzo & Franco Ratto (eds.) - 1999 - Via Cellini: Sestante.
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  8. Corso di Lezioni Su la Libertà.Guido De Ruggiero & Franco Fagnola - 1945 - Libreria Dell'università, Tumminelli.
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  9. A abordagem fenomenológica de Heidegger ao conceito de vida e o começo da biopolítica.Alexandre Franco de Sá - 2015 - In Diogo Ferrer & Luciano Utteich, A Filosofia Transcendental E a Sua Crítica: Idealismo - Fenomenologia - Hermenêutica. Coimbra, Portugal: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
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  10. Opere.Antonio Labriola & Franco Sbarberi - 1972 - Napoli,: F. Rossi. Edited by Franco Sbarberi.
    Una risposta alla prolusione di Zeller.-Della libertà morale.-I problemi della filosofia della storia.-In memoria del Manifesto dei comunisti.- Del materialismo storico.-Discorrendo di socialismo e di filosofia.-Da un secolo all'altro.-Storia, filosofia della storia, sociologia e materialismo storico.
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    Socrate, Platone, Aristotele: una filosofia della polis, da Politeia a Politika.Gian Franco Lami - 2005 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
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    Le filosofie femministe: due secoli di battaglie teoriche e pratiche.Adriana Cavarero & Franco Restaino (eds.) - 2022 - Milano: Pearson.
    Una raccolta di testi che consente un primo approccio diretto alla varietà e ricchezza del pensiero femminista. Temi e figure principali vengono presentati seguendo un itinerario storicotematico e suddivisi per aree culturali, tenendo conto degli specifici contributi teorici delle singole aree: denuncia del patriarcalismo, dicotomia, sesso-genere, lesbofemminismo e femminismo etnico negli Stati Uniti; femminismo socialista integrato dalla psicoanalisi in Gran Bretagna; teoria della differenza sessuale e scrittura femminile in Francia; differenza e pensiero sessuato in Italia."--Page 4 of cover.
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    Anthropos logos.Pier Franco Taboni - 2002 - Urbino: Quattro venti.
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    The concept of proportionality in public law.Franco Chung Wai Man - 2020 - Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong.
    Proportionality is a German, and thus continental European, concept in public law that is applied by both the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). The principle specifies that measures adopted by executive authorities should not exceed the limits of what is appropriate and necessary in order to achieve legitimate objectives in the interest of the public. Using a functional comparative approach, this book evaluates the extent to which proportionality has been (...)
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  15. La genesi della logica hegeliana.di Franco Chiereghin - 1992 - In Pietro Rossi, Hegel: guida storica e critica. Roma: Laterza. pp. 27-65.
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  16. Porque te quiero te aporreo: La violencia contra las mujeres como el sustento Del patriarcado.María Isleny Franco Moreno & Dora Cecilia Rodríguez Avendaño - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 4 (2).
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    Gesù per Hegel: un itinerario per rileggere la Vita di Gesù.Gian Franco Poli - 2000 - Milano: Ancora.
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    A.M. Torriglia, "Broken Time, Fragmented Space: A Cultural Map for Postwar Italy".Franco La Polla - 2003 - Polis 17 (1):179-180.
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    Universal basic income in Viennese Late Enlightenment: rediscovering Josef Popper-Lynkeus and his in-kind social program.Alexander Linsbichler & Marco Vianna Franco - 2025 - European Journal of the History of Economic Thought.
    Austrian engineer, philosopher, and political economist Josef Popper-Lynkeus (1838–1921) was a renowned public intellectual of Viennese Late Enlightenment. In this article, we unearth and explore Popper-Lynkeus’s social program. It sought to implement social conscription to unconditionally guarantee a basic level of goods and services for every human individual. We appraise the economic and ethical justifications provided by Popper-Lynkeus for his allegedly “rational” proposals and the intended consequences for the discipline of economics. Finally, and based on our disambiguation of different notions (...)
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    Modelli di ragionamento nella filosofia antica: una proposta didattica.Carlo Natali & Franco Ferrari (eds.) - 1994 - Roma: Laterza.
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  21. Fobaproa… el costo que todos pagamos.Ana Isabel Franco Cano, María Mussmet Hernández Rivero & Cristina Elizabeth Maldonado Martínez - 2005 - Episteme 1 (4).
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  22. Mito e storia nel pensiero greco.Gian Franco Gianotti (ed.) - 1976 - Torino: Loescher.
  23. Evaluación de los planes de desarrollo región zuliana en el área educativa.Mineira Finol de Franco - 1999 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (2):351-358.
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    Introduction to the Italian translation of Fredric Jameson’s Marxism and Form.Franco Fortini & Toscano Alberto - 2021 - Historical Materialism 29 (1):235-246.
    This text is essayist, critic and poet Franco Fortini’s introduction to the Italian translation of Fredric Jameson’s Marxism and Form. Fortini frames his assessment of Jameson in terms of a contrast with the Italian reception of the dialectical criticism assayed in Marxism and Form.
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    Il secolo deleuziano.Gilles Deleuze, Franco Berardi & Salvo Vaccaro - 1997
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    Ideias sem centro: esquerda e direita no populismo contemporâneo.Alexandre Franco de Sá - 2021 - Alfragide, Portugal: D. Quixote.
  27. Schelling e l'esistenzialismo. Lo schelling "pensatore posthegeliano e postheideggeriano" di Pareyson.Gian Franco Frigo - 1979 - Filosofia Oggi 2 (4):469-489.
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  28. Middle Platonism and its relation to Stoicism and the Peripatetic tradition.Gretchen Reydams-Schils & Franco Ferrari - 2014 - In Svetla Slaveva-Griffin & Pauliina Remes, The Routledge Handbook of Neoplatonism. New York: Routledge.
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  29. Formación docente, género sexualidades: el desafío de pensar para y desde Latinoamérica.Silvia Siderac & Graciela Di Franco - 2017 - In Luis Porta & María Marta Yedaide, Pedagogía(s) vital(es): cartografías del pensamiento y gestos ético-políticos en perspectiva descolonial. Mar del Plata, Argentina: EUDEM.
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    The impact of a values education programme for adolescent Romanies in Spain on their feelings of self‐realisation.Encarnación Soriano, Clemente Franco & Christine Sleeter - 2011 - Journal of Moral Education 40 (2):217-235.
    This study analysed the effects a values education programme can have on the feelings of self‐realisation, self‐concept and self‐esteem of Romany adolescents in southern Spain. To do this, an experimental group received a values education intervention but a control group did not. The intervention programme was adapted to the Romany culture. The self‐realisation, self‐concept and self‐esteem of both groups were evaluated using the Self‐Concept and Realisation Questionnaire. Statistical analyses showed the existence of significant differences between the experimental and control groups (...)
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    Friedrich Nietzsche & Alberto Caeiro: paganismo e linguagem.Cláudia Franco Souza - 2015 - Cadernos Nietzsche 36 (1):245-265.
    Resumo:Neste artigo pretendemos aproximar reflexões sobre a linguagem apresentadas pelo filósofo Friedrich Nietzsche em seu texto Sobre verdade e mentira no sentido extramoral, e a filosofia pagã do heterônimo de Fernando Pessoa, Alberto Caeiro. Utilizaremos no corpus desta análise o texto de Nietzsche já citado, a obra O Guardador de Rebanhos de autoria de Caeiro, e alguns textos em prosa de Fernando Pessoa, António Mora, Ricardo Reis e Álvaro de Campos. O artigo está dividido em três partes: na primeira, mostraremos (...)
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    Plato and democracy’s ambiguous beauty : the tension between philosophy and democracy.Alexandre Franco de Sá - 2017 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 19:15-32.
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  33. Franco Chiereghim: Dialettica dell' assoluto e ontologia della soggettività in Hegel.Franco Volpi - 1981 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 35 (3/4):645.
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  34. Significato e struttura del tempo. Testo bilingue di Franco Spisani.Franco Spisani - 1972 - Bologna: Azzoguidi.
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  35. Tecnologia, crisis ambiental y desarrollo sustentable: un análisis crítico.José Francisco Sarmiento Franco - 1997 - Ludus Vitalis 2 (UMERO ESPECIAL):127-133.
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    Homenaje a Ricardo Franco Guzmán: 50 años de vida académica.Ricardo Franco Guzmán (ed.) - 2008 - México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales.
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  37. Francesc Esteva Lluıs Godo Franco Montagna.Franco Montagna - 2004 - Studia Logica 76:155-194.
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  38. Sein und Zeit: Homologien zur Nikomachischen Ethik.Franco Volpi - 1989 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 96 (2):225-240.
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  39. Per una biografia di Damascio.Franco Trabattoni - 1985 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 40 (2):179.
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    Utopia and reform in the Enlightenment.Franco Venturi - 1970 - Cambridge [Eng.]: University Press.
    In this detailed study of the republican tradition in the development of the Enlightenment, the central problem of utopia and reform is crystallized in a discussion of the right to punish. Describing the political situation in Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the author shows how the old republics in Italy, Poland and Holland stagnated and were unable to survive in the age of absolutism. The Philosophes discussed the ideal of republicanism against this background. They were particularly influenced by (...)
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    Avempace, Projectile Motion, and Impetus Theory.Abel B. Franco - 2003 - Journal of the History of Ideas 64 (4):521-546.
    This paper provides a historical reevaluation of the originality and implications of Avempace's critique of Aristotle's causal explanation of the motion of projectiles. It also offers a serious revision of the place which has usually been assigned to Avempace in the history of science. The views regarding projectiles defended in Avempace's Arabic commentary are in sharp opposition to the anti-Aristotelian Avempace that was known in the Medieval West through Averroes. Avempace's commentary reveals only a moderate critic of Aristotle, a critic (...)
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  42. Diplomacia y diplomáticos a través de la correspondencia reservada de sus embajadores con Floridablanca.Juan Hernández Franco - 1986 - Contrastes 2:121-140.
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  43. La "filosofia occidentale" e il pensiero indiano.Franco Lombardi - 1965 - Filosofia 16 (2):251.
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    Politica ed educazione nel personalismo di Mounier: saggio critico con antologia del pensiero e della critica.Franco V. Lombardi & Emmanuel Mounier - 1980
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  45. Ricostruzione Filosofica.Franco Lombardi - 1960 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 15 (1):116-117.
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    Hume sobre a volição e a faculdade da vontade/Hume on volition and the faculty of the will.Franco Nero Antunes Soares - 2013 - Natureza Humana 15 (1).
    Meu objetivo neste artigo é defender que podem ser atribuídos sentidos distintos para os termos “vontade” e “volição” na filosofia de Hume. Ao contrário das interpretações tradicionais, sustento que Hume não identifica vontade e volição. Inicialmente, apresento argumentos de Hobbes e Locke contra a concepção escolástica sobre a produção de ações voluntárias e defendo que Hume associa-se a esses dois filósofos. A seguir, apresento os argumentos da interpretação tradicional que identifica vontade e volição na filosofia humeana e também algumas objeções (...)
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  47. Neutralizzazione dello spazio per sintesi produttiva.Franco Spisani - 1968 - Milano,: Marzorati.
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    The Futurium—a Foresight Platform for Evidence-Based and Participatory Policymaking.Franco Accordino - 2013 - Philosophy and Technology 26 (3):321-332.
    This paper presents the Futurium platform used by Digital Futures, a foresight project launched by the European Commission's Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT). Futurium was initially developed with the primary purpose of hosting and curating visions and policy ideas generated by Digital Futures (Digital Futures was launched in July 2011 by DG CONNECT's Director General Robert Madelin following a prior DG CONNECT exercise called Digital Science.). However, it has turned into a platform on which to (...)
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    Phenomenology as possibility: The "phenomenological" appropriation of the history of philosophy in the young Heidegger.Franco Volpi - 2000 - Research in Phenomenology 30 (1):120-145.
  50. In Whose Name? Heidegger and 'Practical Philosophy'.Franco Volpi - 2007 - European Journal of Political Theory 6 (1):31-51.
    Although Heidegger's relation to political philosophy is, at the very least, problematic, many figures who have contributed significantly to the field attended his courses in the 1920s (Hans-Georg Gadamer, Hannah Arendt, Hans Jonas, Joachim Ritter, Gunther Anders and others). Heidegger's work at that time was marked by an extensive engagement with Aristotle, and above all with Aristotle's practical philosophy. This article approaches the question of Heidegger as a political thinker by returning to his reading of Aristotle's practical philosophy in order (...)
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