Results for 'Filipe Pamplona'

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  1.  18
    Espaço Físico e outros tipos de espaço.Filipe Pamplona - 2023 - Perspectivas 8 (1):197-245.
    Apresenta-se uma síntese do estudo comparativo das classificações de Ernst Mach, Rudolf Carnap e Hans Reichenbach, com um objetivo principal: a demarcação do problema geral – “o que é espaço?” – em prol da delimitação do problema específico: “o que é espaço físico?” Para isso, é necessário contrastar tal conceito com os demais “tipos de espaço” que designam os diferentes significados que a palavra ‘espaço’ pode assumir; significados estes restritos à interseção das áreas da física, da matemática e da filosofia. (...)
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    Spatial phenomena in material places. Reflections on sensory substitution, shape perception, and the external nature of the senses.Filip Mattens - 2019 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 18 (5):833-854.
    From the outside, our senses are spatially integrated in our body in manifestly different ways. This paper starts from the suggestion that the philosophical formulation of the problem of spatial perception, as it flows from the modern opposition of mind and world, is partly responsible for the fact that philosophers have often explicitly disregarded the spatial nature of the senses themselves. An indirect consequence is that much philosophical work focuses on how the senses can – or cannot – perceive the (...)
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    Liberating Oedipus?: Psychoanalysis as Critical Theory.Filip Kovacevic - 2006 - Lexington Books.
    In Liberating Oedipus?: Psychoanalysis as Critical Theory, Dr. Filip Kovacevic demonstrates how psychoanalytic theory can join political theory in designing alternative political norms and values. Kovacevic proves that political practice without an emancipatory psychology to guide it is potentially dangerous.
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    O discurso de Glauco e o nascimento do tirano em República II.Matheus Jorge do Couto Abreu Pamplona - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-30.
    Neste artigo, defenderei que o recurso à imagem de Giges que é feita por Glauco no livro II da República de Platão serve ao propósito de demonstrar que, dada a ambição (πλεονεξία) que é própria à natureza humana, a concessão de um poder ilimitado a quem quer que seja conduz fatalmente à tirania. Antes disso, contudo, reconstruirei a hipótese de Glauco para a origem da justiça e por fim sustentarei como Glauco, ao final do seu discurso, procura superar o plano (...)
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    Unconscious task application.Filip Opstavanl, Wim Gevers, Magda Osman & Tom Verguts - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (4):999-1006.
    The nature of unconscious information processing is a heavily debated issue in cognitive science , and neuroscience . Traditionally, it has been thought that unconscious cognitive processing is restricted to knowledge that is strongly prepared by conscious processes . In three experiments, we show that the task that is performed consciously can also be applied unconsciously to items outside the current task set. We found that a same–different judgment of two target stimuli was also performed on two subliminally presented prime (...)
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    Institutions and the Artworld – A Critical Note.Buekens Filip & J. P. Smit - 2018 - Journal of Social Ontology 4 (1):53-66.
    Contemporary theories of institutions as clusters of stable solutions to recurrent coordination problems can illuminate and explain some unresolved difficulties and problems adhering to institutional definitions of art initiated by George Dickie and Arthur Danto. Their account of what confers upon objects their institutional character does not fit well with current work on institutions and social ontology. The claim that “the artworld” confers the status of “art” onto objects remains utterly mysterious. The “artworld” is a generic notion that designates a (...)
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    Organisms as subjects: Jakob von Uexküll and Adolf Portmann on the autonomy of living beings and anthropological difference.Filip Jaroš & Carlo Brentari - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (3):1-23.
    This paper focuses on the links between Jakob von Uexküll’s theoretical biology and Adolf Portmann’s conception of organic life. Its main purpose is to show that Uexküll and Portmann not only share a view of the living being as an autonomous and holistically organized entity, but also base this view on the seminal idea of the subjectivity of the organism. In other words, the respective holistic principles securing the autonomy of the living being—the Bauplan, for Uexküll; the Innerlichkeit, for Portmann—share (...)
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    Meaning and Language: Phenomenological Perspectives.Filip Mattens (ed.) - 2008 - Springer.
    This book is the first anthology to provide a wide-ranging picture of how phenomenology relates to language.
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    Philosophy of biology: Naturalistic or transcendental?Filip Kolen & Gertrudis Van de Vijver - 2007 - Acta Biotheoretica 55 (1):35-46.
    The aim of this article is to clarify the meaning of a naturalistic position within philosophy of biology, against the background of an alternative view, founded on the basic insights of transcendental philosophy. It is argued that the apparently minimal and neutral constraints naturalism imposes on philosophy of science turn out to involve a quite heavily constraining metaphysics, due to the naturalism’s fundamental neglect of its own perspective. Because of its intrinsic sensitivity to perspectivity and historicity, transcendental philosophy can avoid (...)
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  10.  50
    On some common objections to a behavioral approach to psychological categories.Filipe Lazzeri - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (3):405-418.
    This paper addresses several objections that have been leveled against a behavioral approach to psychological categories. It reconstructs and critically assesses the so-called causal objection; alleged counterexamples whereby one can exhibit the typical behaviors associated with a psychological phenomenon without exhibiting the latter, including Lewis’ “perfect actor” case and Kirk’s “zombie”; alleged counterexamples whereby organisms can exemplify psychological phenomena without exhibiting any behavior associated with them, including Armstrong’s imagined brain in a vat, Putnam’s “super-super-spartans” scenario, and related cases; and the (...)
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    Can Interpersonal Behavior Influence the Persistence and Adherence to Physical Exercise Practice in Adults? A Systematic Review.Filipe Rodrigues, Teresa Bento, Luís Cid, Henrique Pereira Neiva, Diogo Teixeira, João Moutão, Daniel Almeida Marinho & Diogo Monteiro - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    (1 other version)On the Introduction of the Concept of Phantom in Ideas II.Filip Mattens - 2006 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 6:83-107.
  13. Distributivity strengthens reciprocity, collectivity weakens it.Hana Filip & Gregory N. Carlson - 2001 - Linguistics and Philosophy 24 (4):417-466.
    In this paper we examine interactions of the reciprocal with distributive and collective operators, which are encoded by prefixes on verbs expressing the reciprocal relation: namely, the Czech distributive po and the collectivizing na-. The theoretical import of this study is two-fold. First, it contributes to our knowledge of how word-internal operators interact with phrasal syntax/semantics. Second, the prefixes po and na generate (a range of) readings of reciprocal sentences for which the Strongest Meaning Hypothesis (SMH) proposed by Dalrymple et (...)
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    What do billionaires want? From structure to agency and back again.Filipe Campello - 2022 - Journal of Global Ethics 18 (2):220-225.
    ABSTRACT By turning his focus to individuals – the profile of billionaires as the people they are – Peter Hägel offers in his book Billionaires in World Politics an interesting move towards agency, showing that their power, even if situated in a complex economic structure, also consists in bending, changing, or setting the rules of how the game is played. After having followed the move of the pendulum from structure to agency with Hägel, in this paper I suggest that moving (...)
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    I know the rule, but I'll just go with my gut: is there a rational use of intuition?Filipe Loureiro & Teresa Garcia-Marques - 2018 - Thinking and Reasoning 24 (4):469-497.
    ABSTRACTResearch has established that human thinking is often biased by intuitive judgement. The base-rate neglect effect provides such an example, so named because people often support their decisions in stereotypical individuating information, neglecting base-rates. Here, we test the hypothesis that reasoners acknowledge information provided by base-rates and may use individuating information in support of a “rational” decision process. Results from four experiments show that “base-rate neglecting” occurs when participants acknowledge sample distributions; participants who prefer individuating over base-rate information perceive base-rates (...)
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  16. Possible worlds in the logical discourse.D. Filip - 2002 - Filosoficky Casopis 50 (2):207-227.
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  17. Aristotle against the determinist: Metaphysics 6.3.Filip Grgić - 1998 - International Philosophical Quarterly 38 (1998):127-136.
    The article tries to show that Aristotle's refutation of causal determinism in Metaph. 6.3 is grounded mainly on two assumptions: a. that there must be a first member of any causal chain, and b. that the origin and the outcome of the chain have to be of equal status.
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    24. Zur Bilanz des griechischen Skeptizismus.Filip Karfík & Jan Janda - 2008 - In Filip Karfík & Jan Janda (eds.), Studien zu Sextus Empiricus, Diogenes Laertius und zur pyrrhonischen Skepsis. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Zarys filozofii twórczości Henryka Bergsona.Filip Maj - 2008 - Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Stakroos/Muzaios.
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    Introducing Terms.Filip Mattens - 2008 - In Meaning and Language: Phenomenological Perspectives. Springer. pp. 281--327.
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    Jogos Olímpicos de Berlim 1936: o uso do esporte para fins nada esportivos.Filipe Fernandes Ribeiro Mostaro - 2012 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 19 (1).
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  22. Rousseau i Rameau. Spór o zasady muzyki.Filip Taranienko - 2012 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 84 (4):55-63.
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    O holistycznym modelu ludzkiej natury u Maine de Birana i Michela Henry.Filip Bardziński - 2017 - Filozofia i Nauka 5:89-104.
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  24. The Sense of Touch: From Tactility to Tactual Probing.Filip Mattens - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95 (4):688-701.
    Because philosophical reflections on touch usually start from our ability to perceive properties of objects, they tend to overlook features of touch that are crucial to correct understanding of tactual perception. This paper brings out these features and uses them to develop a general reconception of the sense of touch. I start by taking a fresh look at our ability to feel, in order to reveal its vital role. This sheds a different light on the skin's perceptual potential. While it (...)
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  25. Nesnáze introspekce: svoboda rozhodování a morální jednání z pohledu filozofie a vědy.Filip Tvrdý - 2015 - Prague: Togga.
    V dějinách filozofie se objevilo nespočetné množství snah překonat kognitivní nedostatečnost člověka. Většinový názor zněl, že zatímco vnější smyslové poznání podléhá nejrůznějším klamům, poznání vnitřní je mnohem jistější, či dokonce neomylné. Předpokládaná znalost sebe sama je ovšem iluzorní a stala se důvodem pro vznik mnoha chybných přístupů ke skutečnosti. Kniha se skládá ze tří částí. První kapitola se zabývá introspekcí, především jejím přijetím v dějinách filozofie a odmítnutím v psychologickém behaviorismu 20. století. Druhá kapitola pojednává o iluzornosti svobody rozhodování, která (...)
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  26. Aspectual class and Aktionsart.Hana Filip - 2011 - In Klaus von Heusinger, Claudia Maienborn & Paul Portner (eds.), Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning. De Gruyter Mouton.
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  27. Vice Epistemology of Believers in Pseudoscience.Filip Tvrdý - 2021 - Filozofia 76 (10):735-751.
    The demarcation of pseudoscience has been one of the most important philosophical tasks since the 1960s. During the 1980s, an atmosphere of defeatism started to spread among philosophers of science, some of them claimed the failure of the demarcation project. I defend that the more auspicious approach to the problem might be through the intellectual character of epistemic agents, i.e., from the point of view of vice epistemology. Unfortunately, common lists of undesirable character features are usually based on a priori (...)
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    Humans on Top, Humans among the Other Animals: Narratives of Anthropological Difference.Filip Jaroš & Timo Maran - 2019 - Biosemiotics 12 (3):381-403.
    The relationship of humans to other primates – both in terms of abilities and evolution - has been an age-old topic of dispute in science. In this paper the claim is made that the different views of authors are based not so much on differences in empirical evidence, but on the ontological stances of the authors and the underlying ground narratives that they use. For comparing and reconciling the views presented by the representatives of, inter alia, cognitive ethology, comparative psychology, (...)
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  29. Faultless Disagreement, Assertions and the Affective-Expressive Dimension of Judgments of Taste.Filip Buekens - 2011 - Philosophia 39 (4):637-655.
    Contextualists and assessment relativists neglect the expressive dimension of assertoric discourse that seems to give rise to faultless disagreement. Discourse that generates the intuition makes public an attitudinal conflict, and the affective -expressive dimension of the contributing utterances accounts for it. The FD-phenomenon is an effect of a public dispute generated by a sequence of expressing opposite attitudes towards a salient object or state of affairs, where the protagonists are making an attempt to persuade the other side into joining the (...)
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  30. The Constitution of the Human Body in Plato’s Timaeus.Filip Karfík - 2012 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 12 (2):167-181.
    The author emphasizes the fact that the largest part of Plato’s Timaeus deals with human nature and offers a detailed account of the constitution of the human body. He then lists the parallels and the differences between the constitution of the world body and the human body. The central part of the paper deals with Plato’s explanation of the persistence of the human body within a bodily environment which causes its dissolution. The author pays a special attention to Plato’s theory (...)
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    Bohr’s Complementarity Framework in Biosemiotics.Filip Grygar - 2017 - Biosemiotics 10 (1):33-55.
    This paper analyses Bohr’s complementarity framework and applies it to biosemiotic studies by illustrating its application to three existing models of living systems: mechanistic biology, Barbieri’s version of biosemiotics in terms of his code biology and Markoš’s phenomenological version of hermeneutic biosemiotics. The contribution summarizes both Bohr’s philosophy of science crowned by his idea of complementarity and his conception of the phenomenon of the living. Bohr’s approach to the biological questions evolved – among other things – from the consequences of (...)
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  32. Perception, body, and the sense of touch: Phenomenology and philosophy of mind.Filip Mattens - 2009 - Husserl Studies 25 (2):97-120.
    In recent philosophy of mind, a series of challenging ideas have appeared about the relation between the body and the sense of touch. In certain respects, these ideas have a striking affinity with Husserl’s theory of the constitution of the body. Nevertheless, these two approaches lead to very different understandings of the role of the body in perception. Either the body is characterized as a perceptual “organ,” or the body is said to function as a “template.” Despite its focus on (...)
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  33. Singular Reference Without Singular Thought.Filipe Martone - 2016 - Manuscrito 39 (1):33-60.
    In this paper I challenge the widespread assumption that the conditions for singular reference are more or less the same as the conditions for singular thought. I claim that we refer singularly to things without thinking singularly about them more often than it is usually believed. I first argue that we should take the idea that singular thought is non-descriptive thought very seriously. If we do that, it seems that we cannot be so liberal about what counts as acquaintance; only (...)
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  34. Biologie zbavená břemene teleologie.Filip Tvrdý - 2021 - Aithér 13 (1):50-68.
    The use of teleological language in biology is burdened with many difficulties. Speakers in everyday and scientific discourse confuse functions with purposes and misunderstand functionality, finality, and intentionality. The paper is structured into three sections. In the first part the difference between Platonic supranatural and Aristotelian quasi-natural account of teleology will be explained, with examples from the history of philosophy of biology. The second part will present the Darwinian approach to etiology that constitutes a more sound alternative to the teleological (...)
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    Realismo vs. Instrumentalismo em Análise do Comportamento.Filipe Lazzeri & Diego Zilio - 2024 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 29 (1).
    Este artigo aborda o debate realismo vs. instrumentalismo (ou antirrealismo) sobre teorias científicas, com foco no debate desdobrado no contexto da Análise do Comportamento (AC). Axiologias realistas são caracterizadas como aquelas segundo as quais (i) as teorias científicas devem buscar identificar e descrever processos, entidades, propriedades e/ou relações extrateóricos de suas esferas de estudo, e (ii) estamos justificados em considerar que elas, quando empiricamente adequadas (ou maduras), são bem-sucedidas nisso. Axiologias instrumentalistas (ou antirrealistas, termos tomados aqui intercambiavelmente), por outro lado, (...)
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    Social movements and critical discourses in former Yugoslavia: Structural approach.Filip Balunovic - 2021 - Filozofija I Društvo 32 (2):296-317.
    Until a decade ago, a comprehensive contestation of the so-called?transitional? paradigm was largely missing in the post-socialist era. This reality changed in the last ten years, especially in the region of former Yugoslavia. Some social movements in this region have started questioning the very essence of the economic and social misconceptions of the post-socialist condition. This paper first provides an elaboration of the very conceptual edifice of the ruling paradigm, as well as a theoretical and methodological framework. It goes on (...)
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    Introduction.Filip Bardziński & Joanna Dutka - unknown
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  38. Supervenience without duplication.Filip Buekens - unknown
    Most attempts at defining or elucidating ’weak’ or ’strong’ supervenience introduce various forms of _physical indiscernibility_. After glancing at some definitions, I argue that they must fail if mental events are supposed to be genuinely causally efficacious and non-epiphenomenal. Then I elucidate Davidson’s account of supervenience (’D-supervenience’), first as an abstract relation between a predicate and a set of predicates (to be illustrated by uncontroversial examples), and then as applied to the mental/physical relation. I argue that Davidson must defend that (...)
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    A relação entre o pensamento português e o pensamento angolano: que Lusofonia?Filipe Abraão Martins do Couto - 2022 - [Braga]: Universidade do Minho, Centro de Estudos Humanísticos.
    Defende-se o argumento de que a lusofonia é um conceito em vias de extinção no pensamento filosófico português e num contexto do interperiferismo intelectual africano contemporâneo. O livro, dividido em 5 partes, procura analisar o estado da arte em relação ao conceito de lusofonia numa perspetiva portuguesa e africana, procurando, a partir daqui, o diálogo intercultural e epistemológico. Na primeira parte, é desenvolvido o estado da arte em que se encontra a ideia de lusofonia de acordo com a literatura produzida (...)
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  40. Termos psicológicos disposicionais.Filipe Lazzeri & Jorge M. Oliveira-Castro - 2010 - Princípios 17 (28):155-183.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo principal apresentar uma reconstruçáo lógico-conceitual e avaliaçáo de três argumentos de Skinner para a tese de que os termos psicológicos comuns sáo, em geral, inadmissíveis em análise do comportamento (a tese da inadmissibilidade). Começamos fazendo uma revisáo da abordagem de tais termos sustentada por Skinner, particularmente sua abordagem das categoriais de termos psicológicos disposicionais. Muito dela é aqui aceito, mas adotamos, como hipótese de trabalho, um desacordo com a premissa de Skinner de que eles sejam (...)
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    Foucault and Lifelong Learning, Governing the Subject – Edited by A. Fejes & K. Nicoll.Filipe D. Santos - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (8):898-900.
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    Die Beseelung des Kosmos: Untersuchungen zur Kosmologie, Seelenlehre und Theologie in Platons Phaidon und Timaios.Filip Karfík - 2004 - München: Saur.
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    Cats and Human Societies: a World of Interspecific Interaction and Interpretation.Filip Jaroš - 2016 - Biosemiotics 9 (2):287-306.
    This article focuses on the social structure of domestic cat colonies, and on the various ways these are represented in ethological literature. Our analysis begins with detailed accounts of different forms of cat societies from the works of Leyhausen, Tabor, and Alger and Alger, and then puts these descriptions into a broader epistemological perspective. The analysis is inspired by the bi-constructivist approach to ethological studies formulated by Lestel, which highlights the position of the ethologist in the constitution of particular animal (...)
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  44. Sextus Empiricus on the Goal of Skepticism.Filip Grgic - 2006 - Ancient Philosophy 26 (1):141-160.
    In this paper I take a closer look at Sextus Empiricus’ arguments in his Outlines of Pyrrhonism I.25-30 and try to make sense of his account of Skepticism as a goal-directed philosophy. I argue that Sextus fails to mount a convincing case for the view that tranquility, rather than suspension of judgment, is the ultimate goal of his inquiries.
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    Relativism, Assertion, and Disagreement in Matters of Taste.Filip Buekens - 2009 - Logique Et Analyse 52 (208):389-405.
  46. Investigative and Suspensive Scepticism.Filip Grgić - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy 22 (4):653-673.
    Sextus Empiricus portrays the Pyrrhonian sceptics in two radically different ways. On the one hand, he describes them as inquirers or examiners, and insists that what distinguishes them from all the other philosophical schools is their persistent engagement in inquiry. On the other hand, he insists that the main feature of Pyrrhonian attitude is suspension of judgement about everything. Many have argued that a consistent account of Sextan scepticism as both investigative and suspensive is not possible. The main obstacle to (...)
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  47. (1 other version)Perception and Representation: Mind the Hand!Filip Mattens - forthcoming - In Radman Zdravko (ed.), The Hand: An Organ of the Mind.
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    Heterogeneous Fibring of Deductive Systems Via Abstract Proof Systems.Luis Cruz-Filipe, Amílcar Sernadas & Cristina Sernadas - 2008 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 16 (2):121-153.
    Fibring is a meta-logical constructor that applied to two logics produces a new logic whose formulas allow the mixing of symbols. Homogeneous fibring assumes that the original logics are presented in the same way . Heterogeneous fibring, allowing the original logics to have different presentations , has been an open problem. Herein, consequence systems are shown to be a good solution for heterogeneous fibring when one of the logics is presented in a semantic way and the other by a calculus (...)
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    Progressive Training for Motor Imagery Brain-Computer Interfaces Using Gamification and Virtual Reality Embodiment.Filip Škola, Simona Tinková & Fotis Liarokapis - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:460265.
    This paper presents a gamified motor imagery brain-computer interface (MI-BCI) training in immersive virtual reality. Aim of the proposed training method is to increase engagement, attention, and motivation in co-adaptive event-driven MI-BCI training. This was achieved using gamification, progressive increase of the training pace, and virtual reality design reinforcing the body ownership transfer (embodiment) into the avatar. From the 20 healthy participants performing 6 runs of 2-class MI-BCI training (left/right hand), 19 were trained for a basic level of MI-BCI operation, (...)
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  50. Spinoza, Boyle, Galileo : Was Spinoza a Strict Mechanical Philosopher?Filip Buyse - 2013 - Intellectual History Review 23 (1):45-64.
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