Results for 'Diego Zilio'

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  1. A natureza comportamental da mente: behaviorismo radical e filosofia da mente.Diego Zilio - 2010 - São Paulo, Brazil: Cultura Acadêmica.
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    Realismo vs. Instrumentalismo em Análise do Comportamento.Filipe Lazzeri & Diego Zilio - 2024 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 29 (1).
    Este artigo aborda o debate realismo vs. instrumentalismo (ou antirrealismo) sobre teorias científicas, com foco no debate desdobrado no contexto da Análise do Comportamento (AC). Axiologias realistas são caracterizadas como aquelas segundo as quais (i) as teorias científicas devem buscar identificar e descrever processos, entidades, propriedades e/ou relações extrateóricos de suas esferas de estudo, e (ii) estamos justificados em considerar que elas, quando empiricamente adequadas (ou maduras), são bem-sucedidas nisso. Axiologias instrumentalistas (ou antirrealistas, termos tomados aqui intercambiavelmente), por outro lado, (...)
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    Modularity: Understanding the Development and Evolution of Natural Complex Systems.Werner Callebaut & Diego Rasskin-Gutman (eds.) - 2005 - MIT Press.
    This collection broadens the scientific discussion of modularity by bringing together experts from a variety of disciplines, including artificial life, ...
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    God and the self in Hegel: beyond subjectivism.Paolo Diego Bubbio - 2017 - Albany, NY: Suny Press.
    Christ as symbol in Kant¿s religion -- Hegel's conception of God -- The reality of religion in Hegel's idealist metaphysics -- Hegel's version of the ontological argument for the existence of God -- The trinity and the I -- The death of God and recognition of the self -- Beyond subjectivism -- The relevance of Hegel's philosophy of religion today.
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    Cofinalities of Borel ideals.Michael Hrušák, Diego Rojas-Rebolledo & Jindřich Zapletal - 2014 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 60 (1-2):31-39.
    We study the possible values of the cofinality invariant for various Borel ideals on the natural numbers. We introduce the notions of a fragmented and gradually fragmented ideal and prove a dichotomy for fragmented ideals. We show that every gradually fragmented ideal has cofinality consistently strictly smaller than the cardinal invariant and produce a model where there are uncountably many pairwise distinct cofinalities of gradually fragmented ideals.
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    Measuring the Project Management Complexity: The Case of Information Technology Projects.Rocio Poveda-Bautista, Jose-Antonio Diego-Mas & Diego Leon-Medina - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-19.
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  7. Algunos comentarios respecto del sistema leibniziano de creencias.Juan Diego Moya Bedoya - 2011 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 49 (126):37-48.
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    È veramente noiosa la storia della filosofia antica?Enrico Berti, Diego Fusaro & Luca Grecchi (eds.) - 2008 - Saonara (Pd) [i.e. Padua, Italy]: Il prato.
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    Quantum–chemical study of photo–excited states in tetragonal SrTiO3lattice.Ricardo Viteri, Diego Ortiz & Arvids Stashans - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (10):1057-1063.
  10. Frequency dependence arguments for the co-evolution of genes and culture.Graciela Kuechle & Diego Rios - 2011 - In Martin Brinkworth & Friedel Weinert (eds.), Evolution 2.0: implications of Darwinism in philosophy and the social and natural sciences. New York: Springer.
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    Optimization-Based Explanations.Graciela Kuechle & Diego Rios - 2015 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 45 (4-5):481-496.
    This article argues that evolutionary models based on selection validate, under appropriate conditions, the relevance of optimality as an explanatory mechanism in rational choice theory. The reason is that these frameworks share the mechanism that drives the results, namely, optimization, even if they situate it at different levels. The consequences of our argument are twofold. First, it resolves the tension between those predictions of rational choice theory that are accurate and the evidence showing that individuals seldom optimize. Second, it relativizes (...)
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    On the role of thematic roles in a historical event ontology.Anna Goy, Diego Magro & Marco Rovera - 2018 - Applied ontology 13 (1):19-39.
    In this paper we discuss the issues related to the formal representation of thematic roles in an ontology modeling historical events. We start by analyzing the ontological distinctions between them...
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    Jorge Úbeda: La infancia y el filósofo: Ediciones Encuentro, Madrid, 2011.Por Diego S. Garrocho Salcedo - 2015 - Continental Philosophy Review 48 (3):405-407.
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    La dimensión cognitiva de las pasiones : la vigencia de Aristóteles en la psicología moral contemporánea = The cognition of passions : the contemporary relevance of the Aristotelian thought in moral psychology.Diego S. Garrocho Salcedo - 2013 - Endoxa 31:15.
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    Colomina, Juan J.“Qué podemos.Juan Diego Morales - 2011 - Ideas Y Valores 60 (146).
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  16. Mimetic Theory and Hermeneutics.Paolo Diego Bubbio - 2005 - Colloquy 9:16-28.
    René Girard's mimetic theory has been object of much interest in the last few years, both in the 'Continental' and in the 'English-speaking' philosophical areas. Nevertheless, Girard's thought is not always accepted in the academic circles. The main cause for this is that his theory is considered too 'philosophical' in the Human Sciences Departments, and it seems too close to cultural anthropology and literary criticism to be appreciated by philosophers. This is the reason why it could be fruitful to focus (...)
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    Psychological Governance and Public Policy: Governing the Mind, Brain and Behaviour.Diego Palacios-Díaz & Rocío Fernández-Ugalde - 2020 - British Journal of Educational Studies 68 (6):787-789.
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    La planificación de la acción aplicada a los sistemas de PSA.Diego Paredes Cuervo & Alejandro Arango Ramírez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Análisis crítico de la teoría marxista de la justicia.Martín Diego Farrell - 1989 - Madrid: Centro de Estudios Constitucionales.
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  20. Cuestiones de filosofía y derecho.Martín Diego Farrell - 1977 - Buenos Aires: Cooperadora de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales.
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    “Feeling more regret than I would have imagined”: Self-report and behavioral evidence.Diego Fernandez-Duque - unknown
    People tend to overestimate emotional responses to future events. This study examined whether such affective forecasting errors occur for feelings of regret, as measured by self-report and subsequent decision-making. Some participants played a pricing game and lost by a narrow or wide margin, while others were asked to imagine losing by such margins. Participants who experienced a narrow loss reported more regret than those who imagined a narrow loss. Furthermore, those experiencing a narrow loss behaved more cautiously in a subsequent (...)
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  22. Selective attention in early dementia of alzheimer type.Diego Fernandez-Duque - manuscript
    This study explored possible deficits in selective attention brought about by Dementia of Alzheimer Type (DAT). In three experiments, we tested patients with early DAT, healthy elderly, and young adults under low memory demands to assess perceptual filtering, conflict resolution, and set switching abilities. We found no evidence of impaired perceptual filtering nor evidence of impaired conflict resolution in early DAT. In contrast, early DAT patients did exhibit a global cost in set switching consistent with an inability to maintain the (...)
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    Domingo de Soto y su doctrina jurídica: estudio teológico-jurídico e histórico.Venancio Diego Carro - 1944 - Salamanca: [S.N.].
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  24. Albert Schweitzer y la crisis moral de nuestra civilización.Domínguez Caballero & Diego[From Old Catalog] - 1953 - Panamá,: Sociedad Panameña de Filosofía.
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    GARRIDO CLEMENTE, P., Obra completa del sufí Ibn Masarra de Córdoba. Córdoba, Almuzara, 2022.Antonio de Diego González - 2024 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 29 (1):153-156.
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    Contemplando lo Real. Una lectura akbarí de las experiencias visionarias de Ahmad Tijani.Antonio de Diego González - 2021 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 4 (2):29-56.
    En el sufismo la experiencia visionaria (ru’ya) es uno de los principales métodos de conocimiento profundo de la realidad (ḥaqīqa). La visión verídica (ru’ya ṣadīqa) y la visión despierta (ru’ya fi-l yaqẓa) son las principales vías de acceso al mundo imaginal (‘ālam al-mithāl) y a la hermenéutica vital que se desprende de estas experiencias. Este trabajo recoge y analiza desde una perspectiva filosófica las principales experiencias visionarias de uno de los más importantes personajes de la ṭarīqa Tijāniyya, Aḥmad Tijāni, comparándolas (...)
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  27. Conceptos spinoziano y leibniziano de Divinidad. Una colación. II parte.Juan Diego Moya - 2002 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 40 (102):87-100.
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    La justicia como imparcialidad, progreso y perfección.Diego Alejandro Otero Angelini - 2020 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 15:21-40.
    In this article I analyze the justification of rawlsian anti-perfectionism, present in both A Theory of Justice and Political Liberalism. My aim is to show how justice as fairness, Rawls's conception of justice, lacks stability because of it. As an alternative to his anti-perfectionism, I propose, in the second part, the idea of progress as practical perfectionism by John Dewey. I argue that a perfectionist liberalism of this kind does not undermine reasonable pluralism as Rawls argued. Also I argue that (...)
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    Los Procesos de Moscú: mentira y propaganda. El caso Trotsky desde la perspectiva de la Comisión Dewey.Diego Antonio Pineda Rivera - 2019 - Universitas Philosophica 36 (72):173-217.
    This article examines a specific case of lying, at the same time judicial and mediatic, promoted from the highest levels of political power, the Leon Trotsky case, from the perspective of the work done by the International Commission of Investigation chaired by the American philosopher John Dewey. After a general justification and contextualization of the subject, and a historical account of the events that surrounded the “Moscow Trials” and the constitution of the Dewey Commission, some of the reasons why the (...)
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    Consciousness in a Rotor? Science and Ethics of Potentially Conscious Human Cerebral Organoids.Federico Zilio & Andrea Lavazza - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (2):178-196.
    Human cerebral organoids are three-dimensional biological cultures grown in the laboratory to mimic as closely as possible the cellular composition, structure, and function of the corresponding organ, the brain. For now, cerebral organoids lack blood vessels and other characteristics of the human brain, but are also capable of having coordinated electrical activity. They have been usefully employed for the study of several diseases and the development of the nervous system in unprecedented ways. Research on human cerebral organoids is proceeding at (...)
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  31. Meditación de nuestro tiempo, de José Ortega y Gasset. [REVIEW]Diego Sánchez Meca - 1997 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 16 (3):123-126.
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    Anti-exceptionalism and methodological pluralism in logic.Diego Tajer - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-21.
    According to methodological anti-exceptionalism, logic follows a scientific methodology. There has been some discussion about which methodology logic has. Authors such as Priest, Hjortland and Williamson have argued that logic can be characterized by an abductive methodology. We choose the logical theory that behaves better under a set of epistemic criteria. In this paper, I analyze some important discussions in the philosophy of logic, and I show that they presuppose different methodologies, involving different notions of evidence and different epistemic values. (...)
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    Le virtù del buon musulmano.Ida Zilio-Grandi - 2020 - Torino: Giulio Einaudi editore s.p.a..
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    The Body Surpassed Towards the World and Perception Surpassed Towards Action: A Comparison between Enactivism and Sartre’s Phenomenology.Federico Zilio - 2020 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 28 (1):73-99.
    Enactivism maintains that the mind is not produced and localized inside the head but is distributed along and through brain-body-environment interactions. This idea of an intrinsic relationship between the agent and the world derives from the classical phenomenological investigations of the body (Merleau-Ponty in particular). This paper discusses similarities and differences between enactivism and Jean-Paul Sartre’s phenomenology, which is not usually considered as a paradigmatic example of the relationship between phenomenological investigations and enactivism (or 4E theories in general). After a (...)
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  35. A Ghost in the Shell or an Anatomically Constrained Phenomenon? Consciousness through the Spatiotemporal Body.Federico Zilio - 2022 - Phenomenology and Mind 22 (22):104.
    Intuitively, we can conceive of the existence of a conscious state as a pure activity that does not necessarily require a body (or even a brain). This idea has found new support in certain recent theories that present the possibility of a totally disconnected and disembodied consciousness. Against this hypothesis, I argue that human experience is intrinsically embodied and embedded, though in a specific way. Using Sartre’s phenomenology of the body, I first analyze the concept of consciousness as intentionality and (...)
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  36. Alberto Rougès [por] Diego F. Pró.Diego F. Pró - 1967 - Tucumán,: Argentina] Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Biblioteca Central.
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  37. Memoria gratiaque: homenaje a Diego F. Pró en sus 75 años.Diego F. Pró (ed.) - 1990 - Mendoza: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.
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  38. Extended mind and the brain-computer interface. A pluralist approach to the human-computer integration.Federico Zilio - 2020 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 11 (2):169-189.
    : This paper uses Extended Mind Theory to explore Brain-Computer Interfaces, demonstrating how this conceptual framework provides a wide-ranging interpretation of the potential integration of user and computer. After a preliminary analysis of first- and second-wave EMT arguments and other pragmatic criteria, I present BCI technology, addressing the issues that arise. Can BCIs extend our mental processes and to what degree? What EMT criteria should be applied to this technology? What is the role of the body in the process of (...)
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    The virtue of tolerance: Notes on the root s-m-ḥ in the Islamic tradition.Ida Zilio-Grandi - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (4):429-437.
    Starting from the semantic difference between the Arabic terms samāḥa or tasāmuḥ, and the Latin tolerantia, this essay proposes some observations on the Islamic notion of tolerance according to some contemporary Arabic language texts of Islamic inspiration. This literature invariably emphasises the importance of tolerance in the context of the Islamic religion and thought; and, notwithstanding some evident differences among the authors, relating to schools and to varying degrees of openness to Western thought, the discourse remains anchored in the foundational (...)
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    Un approccio pragmatico al “problema reale” della coscienza.Federico Zilio - 2018 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 9 (3):232-238.
    Riassunto : Nonostante le difficoltà teoretiche ed epistemologiche nell’affrontare il fenomeno della coscienza, l’autore individua una metodologia pragmatica e sperimentalmente consistente, fondata sull’approccio neurocognitivo bidimensionale: per evitare di rimanere incagliati nel “problema complesso” della coscienza, è preferibile infatti concentrarsi sul “problema reale”, ovvero sui meccanismi empiricamente rilevabili, lasciando in secondo piano le caratteristiche epistemiche e fenomenologiche degli stati mentali coscienti. Dall’analisi della relazione gerarchica tra stato di veglia e contenuto di coscienza emerge un’interessante interpretazione che tenta di rendere ragione dell’unitarietà (...)
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  41. Pyrrhonism in Ancient, Modern, and Contemporary Philosophy.Diego E. Machuca (ed.) - 2011 - Springer.
    In recent years, there has been renewed interest in Pyrrhonism among both philosophers and historians of philosophy. This skeptical tradition is complex and multifaceted, since the Pyrrhonian arguments have been put into the service of different enterprises or been approached in relation to interests which are quite distinct. The diversity of conceptions and uses of Pyrrhonism accounts for the diversity of the challenges it is deemed to pose and of the attempts to meet them. The present volume brings together twelve (...)
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  42. The Normative Autonomy of Logic.Diego Tajer - 2022 - Erkenntnis 87 (6):2661-2684.
    Some authors have called into question the normativity of logic, using as an argument that the bridge principles for logical normativity (MacFarlane, In what sense (in any) is logic normative for thought, 2004 )? are just by-products of general epistemic principles for belief. In this paper, I discuss that suggestion from a formal point of view. I show that some important bridge principles can be derived from usual norms for belief. I also describe some possible ways to block this derivation (...)
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    Reciprocity and Ethical Tuberculosis Treatment and Control.Diego S. Silva, Angus Dawson & Ross E. G. Upshur - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (1):75-86.
    This paper explores the notion of reciprocity in the context of active pulmonary and laryngeal tuberculosis treatment and related control policies and practices. We seek to do three things: First, we sketch the background to contemporary global TB care and suggest that poverty is a key feature when considering the treatment of TB patients. We use two examples from TB care to explore the role of reciprocity: isolation and the use of novel TB drugs. Second, we explore alternative means of (...)
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    Attending to scalar ethical issues in emerging approaches to environmental health research and practice.Diego S. Silva, Maxwell Smith & Chris G. Buse - 2019 - Monash Bioethics Review 37 (1-2):4-21.
    Accelerated changes to the planet have created novel spaces to re-imagine the boundaries and foci of environmental health research. Climate change, mass species extinction, ocean acidification, biogeochemical disturbance, and other emergent environmental issues have precipitated new population health perspectives, including, but not limited to, one health, ecohealth, and planetary health. These perspectives, while nuanced, all attempt to reconcile broad global challenges with localized health impacts by attending to the reciprocal relationships between the health of ecosystems, animals, and humans. While such (...)
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    The biblical roots of Locke's theory of personal identity.Diego Lucci - 2021 - Zygon 56 (1):168-187.
    Locke’s consciousness-based theory of personal identity resulted not only from his agnosticism on substance, but also from his biblical theology. This theory was intended to complement and sustain Locke’s moral and theological commitments to a system of otherworldly rewards and sanctions as revealed in Scripture. Moreover, he inferred mortalist ideas from the Bible, rejecting the resurrection of the same body and maintaining that the soul dies at physical death and will be resurrected by divine miracle. Accordingly, personal identity is neither (...)
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    BioEssays 1/2021.Diego Hojsgaard & Manfred Schartl - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (1):2170011.
    Graphical AbstractThe origins of asexuality in plants as well as animals have long puzzled researchers. In article 2000111, Diego Hojsgaard and Manfred Schartl integrate old ideas with recent molecular and genomic data and provide a single mechanistic model for this phenomenon. They highlight two usually overlooked conditions to understand the molecular nature of clonal organisms to explain asexuals' developmental diversity and biologically vague cases such as automixis and polyploidy.
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    Francisco de Assis e o Sonho da Educação Humanizadora.Claudete R. Cacilho Zilio - 2024 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 17 (33):99-104.
    Franciscan education is carried out with the understanding that formal knowledge must serve real life. Concepts, formulas and theoretical reffections are not enough without the understanding that life is an experience, a relationship, a giƒ and grace poured out by the Creator. Francisco de Assis, did not leave any theory on education, as he did not discuss topics associated with pedagogy or other sciences. The saint of Assisi leƒ a testimony of life, which serves as a basis and model for (...)
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    Sobre as Vozes do Silêncio.C. H. Zilio - 2009 - Páginas de Filosofía 1 (2):155-158.
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    L'eredità di Wittgenstein.Diego Marconi - 1987 - Roma: Laterza.
    "Diego Marconi analizza in questo saggio alcune tappe fondamentali della riflessione di Wittgenstein, illlustrando i motivi per cui gran parte della discussione filosofica odierna risalga all'esperienza intellettuale del filosofo di Vienna: dal "sapere senza fondamenti" al "pensiero debole", dalla filosofia analitica all'ermeneutica.
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    Is thirty-two three tens and two ones? The embedded structure of cardinal numbers.Diego Guerrero, Jihyun Hwang, Brynn Boutin, Tom Roeper & Joonkoo Park - 2020 - Cognition 203 (C):104331.
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