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  1. Sextus Empiricus on the Goal of Skepticism.Filip Grgic - 2006 - Ancient Philosophy 26 (1):141-160.
    In this paper I take a closer look at Sextus Empiricus’ arguments in his Outlines of Pyrrhonism I.25-30 and try to make sense of his account of Skepticism as a goal-directed philosophy. I argue that Sextus fails to mount a convincing case for the view that tranquility, rather than suspension of judgment, is the ultimate goal of his inquiries.
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  2. Aristotle's notion of experience.Pavel Gregorić & Filip Grgić - 2006 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 88 (1):1-30.
    Aristotle's notion of experience plays an important role in his epistemology as the link between perception and memory on the one side, and higher cognitive capacities on the other side. However, Aristotle does not say much about it, and what he does say seems inconsistent. Notably, some passages suggest that it is a non-rational capacity, others that it is a rational capacity and that it provides the principles of science. This paper presents a unitary account of experience. It explains how (...)
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  3. Aristotle's Teleological Luck.Filip Grgic - 2016 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 63 (2):441-457.
    In this paper I discuss some problems with Aristotle’s characterization of lucky events as events which are “for the sake of something”. I argue that there is no special sense of the phrase “for the sake of something” when applied to lucky events. Qua event, a lucky event has come about for the sake of something and thus unqualifiedly belongs among things that come about for the sake of something. But qua lucky event, it has not come about for the (...)
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  4. Investigative and Suspensive Scepticism.Filip Grgić - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy 22 (4):653-673.
    Sextus Empiricus portrays the Pyrrhonian sceptics in two radically different ways. On the one hand, he describes them as inquirers or examiners, and insists that what distinguishes them from all the other philosophical schools is their persistent engagement in inquiry. On the other hand, he insists that the main feature of Pyrrhonian attitude is suspension of judgement about everything. Many have argued that a consistent account of Sextan scepticism as both investigative and suspensive is not possible. The main obstacle to (...)
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  5. Aristotle on the Akratic's Knowledge.Filip Grgić - 2002 - Phronesis 47 (4):336-358.
    This paper is an analysis of Aristotle's "Nicomachean Ethics 7.3." Aristotle's discussion in this chapter is motivated by the Socratic doctrine, elaborated in Plato's "Protagoras," according to which it is impossible to know what is good and act against this knowledge. Aristotle wants to rebut this doctrine and show that there is a sense of "know" such that this is possible. I argue that this is all that he wants to do in EN 7.3, and that his discussion is not (...)
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  6. Sextus empiricus on the possibility of inquiry.Filip Grgic - 2008 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 89 (4):436-459.
    Abstract: In this paper I discuss Sextus Empiricus' response to the dogmatists' objection that the skeptics cannot inquire into philosophical theories and at the same time suspend judgment about everything. I argue that his strategy consists in putting the burden of proof on the dogmatists: it is they, and not the skeptics, who must justify the claim to be able to inquire into the nature of things. Sextus' arguments purport to show that if we consider the dogmatists' inquiry, we should (...)
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    Ignorance, Involuntariness, and Regret in Aristotle.Filip Grgić - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 29 (3):351-369.
    This paper is a discussion of Aristotle’s account of actions that come about because of ignorance as found in his Nicomachean Ethics 3.1. I argue that such actions do not originate in the agent, bu...
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  8. Aristotle on Deliberation and Contingency.Filip Grgic - 2018 - In Filip Grgić & Davor Pećnjak, Free Will & Action: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Switzerland: Springer. pp. 103-115.
    The author discusses Aristotle’s notion of deliberation and shows that it differs considerably from the model of deliberation as is common in contemporary discussions of free will and moral responsibility. As opposed to the contemporary model, Aristotle’s account does not require that the deliberator has any belief (or lack thereof) concerning the availability of possible courses of action. However, the action chosen by deliberation, before it is performed, is still contingent––i.e. such that it can both be and not be done––and (...)
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  9. “To See and Hear That Which is Not Present”: Aristotle on the Objects of Memory.Filip Grgić & Ana Grgić - 2022 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 129 (2):215-231.
    In this paper, we show that there are some strong philosophical and exegetical reasons to argue that according to the view developed in the first chapter of Aristotle’s De Memoria, the objects of memory are non-present, or absent, things and events rather than our past acts of awareness of them. We argue that on Aristotle’s account, the objects of memory can be particulars or universals, perceptibles or intelligibles, and that all these kinds of things are past in the same sense, (...)
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  10. Aristotle's Rational Powers and the Explanation of Action.Filip Grgić - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 74 (1):53-79.
    In this paper, I discuss Aristotle's notion of rational powers as presented in his Metaphysics Θ.2 and Θ.5. I argue, first, that his account cannot serve as the model for explaining human rational actions in general. The role of rational powers is restricted to the explanation of arts and their exercises, including the exercises of knowledge through teaching. The exercises of character virtues do not follow the same pattern that is discernible in the exercises of rational powers. Second, I try (...)
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  11. Aristotle on Co-causes of One’s Dispositions.Filip Grgić - 2017 - Elenchos 38 (1-2):107-126.
    In this paper I offer a close reading of Aristotle’s argument in the Nicomachean Ethics 3.5.1114a31–b25 and try to show that despite considerable interpretive difficulties, some clear structure can nevertheless be discerned. While Aristotle’s main concern in this passage is to refute the so-called asymmetry thesis – the thesis that virtue is voluntary, but vice is not – there is much more in it than just a dialectical encounter. Aristotle wants to respond to a more general objection, which has as (...)
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    Apraxia, Appearances, and Beliefs.Filip Grgić - 2016 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 16 (3):441-458.
    According to the objection of inactivity (apraxia), the skeptics cannot live their skepticism, since any attempt to apply it to everyday life would result in total inactivity, while any action they would perform qua skeptics would be a sign that they abandoned their skepticism. In this paper I discuss the ancient Pyrrhonists’ response to the objection as is presented in the writings of Sextus Empiricus. Sextus argues that the Pyrrhonists are immune to the apraxia objection because it is based on (...)
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    Aristotelians and Stoics on money and the good life.Filip Grgić - 2005 - Disputatio Philosophica 7 (1):27-36.
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  14. Aristotle against the determinist: Metaphysics 6.3.Filip Grgić - 1998 - International Philosophical Quarterly 38 (1998):127-136.
    The article tries to show that Aristotle's refutation of causal determinism in Metaph. 6.3 is grounded mainly on two assumptions: a. that there must be a first member of any causal chain, and b. that the origin and the outcome of the chain have to be of equal status.
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    Alan Bailey, Sextus Empiricus and Pyrrhonean Scepticism.Filip Grgić - 2004 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 12:403-408.
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  16. Aristotle On Knowledge And Ακρασια.Filip Grgiç - 2002 - Existentia 12 (1-2):209-218.
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    Bryan Frances, Scepticism Comes Alive.Filip Grgić - 2008 - Prolegomena 7 (1):103-107.
    Bryan Frances, Scepticism Comes Alive, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2005, xii + 209 pp.
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  18. David Sedley, The Midwife of Platonism: Text and Subtext in Plato's Theaetetus.Filip Grgić - 2004 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 2:131-136.
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    Eric T. Olson, What Are We? A Study in Personal Ontology.Filip Grgić - 2010 - Prolegomena 9 (2):344-349.
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  20. Free Will and Action.Filip Grgic & Davor Pećnjak (eds.) - 2018 - Dordrecht:
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    Good Luck, Nature, and God: Aristotle's Eudemian Ethics 8.2.Filip Grgić - 2019 - Res Philosophica 96 (4):471-493.
    In this paper I argue that the basic form of good luck (eutuchia) that Aristotle identifies in his Eudemian Ethics 8.2 is the divine good luck, which is not also natural good luck, as is commonly assumed by interpreters. The property of being lucky is neither a primitive nor a natural property, nor such that it is based on some natural property, but a property bestowed by god. Hence, the only satisfactory explanation of good luck must be theological. Furthermore, I (...)
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    Introduction.Filip Grgić - 2013 - Prolegomena 12 (2):197-197.
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    Kevin Timpe, Meghan Griffith, & Neil Levy, , "The Routledge Companion to Free Will." Reviewed by.Filip Grgić - 2020 - Philosophy in Review 40 (1):41-42.
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  24. Nicholas White, Individual and Conflict in Greek Ethics, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2002.Filip Grgić - 2005 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 2:301-305.
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    Pironizam i relativizam.Filip Grgić - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (4):823-841.
    U ovom se radu pokušava pokazati da postoji određena vrsta relativizma koja je spojiva sa skepticizmom Seksta Empirika. Tvrdi se da se u PH I.217–219 Protagora ne shvaća kao aletički ili epistemički relativist, nego kao relativist u minimalnom smislu riječi, te da takvo stajalište nije protivno pironizmu kako ga Sekst karakterizira u PH I. Potom se pokazuje da nam prihvaćanje toga aspekta pironizma može pomoći da objasnimo neke inače problematične relativističke zaključke što ih nalazimo u Sekstovim spisima, naročito u M (...)
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    Plato's Meno and the Possibility of Inquiry in the Absence of Knowledge.Filip Grgic - 1999 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 4 (1):19-40.
    In Meno 80d5-e5, we find two sets of objections concerning the possibility of inquiry in the absence of knowledge: the so-called Meno's paradox and the eristic arguments. This essay first shows that the eristic argument is not simply a restatement of Meno's paradox, but instead an objection of a completely different kind: Meno's paradox concerns not inquiry as such, but rather Socrates' inquiry into virtue as is pursued in the first part of the Meno, whereas the eristic argument indicates a (...)
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  27. Sextus Empiricus, Against the Logicians.Filip Grgić - 2007 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 1:209-213.
    A review of Sextus Empiricus, Against the Logicians, translated and edited by Richard Bett, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2005.
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  28. Logic, Knowledge, and Tradition. Essays in Honor of Srecko Kovac.Kordula Świętorzecka, Filip Grgić & Anna Brozek (eds.) - forthcoming
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  29. Plínio Junqueira Smith, Sextus Empiricus’ Neo-Pyrrhonism: Skepticism as a Rationally Ordered Experience. Cham: Springer, 2022, xvi + 372 pp. [REVIEW]Filip Grgić - 2024 - Rhizomata 12 (1):142-146.
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    Ancient Scepticism. By Harald Thorsrud. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2009. Pp. 248 + xvi. ISBN: 978-0-520-26026-9. [REVIEW]Filip Grgić - 2013 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 3 (3):219-223.
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    Method and Metaphysics: Essays in Ancient Philosophy I. [REVIEW]Filip Grgić - 2012 - History and Philosophy of Logic 33 (4):381-383.
    Jonathan Barnes, Method and Metaphysics: Essays in Ancient Philosophy I, edited by Maddalena Bonelli. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2011. xi + 621 pp. £60.00, $110.00. ISBN 978–0–19–957751–4. Reviewed b...
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  32. M. Tuominen, Apprehension and Argument: Ancient Theories of Starting Points for Knowledge. [REVIEW]Filip Grgic - 2008 - Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2.
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    Richard Bett, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Scepticism. [REVIEW]Filip Grgic - 2010 - Philosophy in Review 30 (5):315-317.
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    Review of Casey perin, The Demands of Reason: An Essay on Pyrrhonian Scepticism[REVIEW]Filip Grgic - 2010 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2010 (8).
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    Sextus Empiricus and Pyrrhonean Scepticism. [REVIEW]Filip Grgić - 2004 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 4 (3):403-408.