Results for 'Felix Borecký'

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  1.  16
    Authors and Servants: A Contribution to Merlau-Ponty’s Philosophy of Speech.Felix Borecký - 2020 - Pro-Fil 21 (1):69.
    Článek si klade za cíl objasnit a obohatit Merleau-Pontyho pojetí promlouvající mluvy v kontrastu k mluvě, jíž se mluví. V kontextu tvůrčích vyjadřovacích výkonů, zejm. umění, píše Merleau-Ponty o promlouvající mluvě především jako o mluvě, jež otevírá nové horizonty zkušenosti a vede ke kognitivnímu obohacení recipienta. Mluva, jíž se mluví, je naproti tomu řečovou sedimentací kulturního významu, jejímž prostřednictvím jsou ustavené poznávací vzorce tradovány. Ve studii nejprve vysvětlujeme, jak se promlouvající mluva tvoří na pozadí běžné mluvy, jíž se mluví, a (...)
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  2. Koncepce a priori Mikela Dufrenna = Mikel Dufrenne's concept of the a priori.Felix Borecký - 2018 - In Ondřej Dadejík & Vlastimil Zuska (eds.), Studia aesthetica. Praha: Nakladatelství Karolinum.
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  3. Merleau-Ponty jako milník Dufrennova myšlení = Merleau-Ponty as milestone of Dufrenne's thought.Felix Borecký - 2018 - In Ondřej Dadejík & Vlastimil Zuska (eds.), Studia aesthetica. Praha: Nakladatelství Karolinum.
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  4. Studia aesthetica.Ondřej Dadejík & Jakub Stejskal (eds.) - 2016 - Praha: Nakladatelství Karolinum.
    Magie a estetika odkouzlení u Collingwooda = Magic and the aesthetics of disenchantment in Collingwood / Jakub Stejskal -- Americký trávník jako cvičiště občanské ctnosti = American lawn as a training ground for civic virtue / Jan Hlávka -- Patočkova raná filosofie umění = Patočka's early philosophy of art / Jan Josl -- Koncepce a priori Mikela Dufrenna = Mikel Dufrenne's concept of the a priori / Felix Borecký -- A priori imaginace = The a priori of imagination / (...)
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  5. To lie or to mislead?Felix Https://Orcidorg Timmermann & Emanuel Https://Orcidorg Viebahn - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (5):1481-1501.
    The aim of this paper is to argue that lying differs from mere misleading in a way that can be morally relevant: liars commit themselves to something they believe to be false, while misleaders avoid such commitment, and this difference can make a moral difference. Even holding all else fixed, a lie can therefore be morally worse than a corresponding misleading utterance. But, we argue, there are also cases in which the difference in commitment makes lying morally better than misleading, (...)
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  6.  21
    The Effect of Prominence and Cue Association on Retrieval Processes: A Computational Account.Felix Engelmann, Lena A. Jӓger & Shravan Vasishth - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (12):e12800.
    We present a comprehensive empirical evaluation of the ACT‐R–based model of sentence processing developed by Lewis and Vasishth (2005) (LV05). The predictions of the model are compared with the results of a recent meta‐analysis of published reading studies on retrieval interference in reflexive‐/reciprocal‐antecedent and subject–verb dependencies (Jäger, Engelmann, & Vasishth, 2017). The comparison shows that the model has only partial success in explaining the data; and we propose that its prediction space is restricted by oversimplifying assumptions. We then implement a (...)
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    Refugees: The politically oppressed.Felix Bender - 2020 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (5):615-633.
    Who should be recognized as a refugee? This article seeks to uncover the normative arguments at the core of legal and philosophical conceptions of refugeehood. It identifies three analytically dist...
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    Short proofs of normalization for the simply- typed λ-calculus, permutative conversions and Gödel's T.Felix Joachimski & Ralph Matthes - 2003 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 42 (1):59-87.
    Inductive characterizations of the sets of terms, the subset of strongly normalizing terms and normal forms are studied in order to reprove weak and strong normalization for the simply-typed λ-calculus and for an extension by sum types with permutative conversions. The analogous treatment of a new system with generalized applications inspired by generalized elimination rules in natural deduction, advocated by von Plato, shows the flexibility of the approach which does not use the strong computability/candidate style à la Tait and Girard. (...)
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  9.  37
    Can we know if donor trust expires? About trust relationships and time in the context of open consent for future data use.Felix Gille & Caroline Brall - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (3):184-188.
    As donor trust legitimises research, trust is vital for research in the fields of biomedicine, genetics, translational medicine and personalised medicine. For parts of the donor community, the consent signature is a sign of trust in research. Many consent processes in biomedical research ask donors to provide their data for an unspecified future use, which introduces uncertainty of the unknown. This uncertainty can jeopardise donor trust or demand blind trust. But which donor wants to trust blindly? To reduce this uncertainty, (...)
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  10.  38
    Statistical Learning of Unfamiliar Sounds as Trajectories Through a Perceptual Similarity Space.Felix Hao Wang, Elizabeth A. Hutton & Jason D. Zevin - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (8):e12740.
    In typical statistical learning studies, researchers define sequences in terms of the probability of the next item in the sequence given the current item (or items), and they show that high probability sequences are treated as more familiar than low probability sequences. Existing accounts of these phenomena all assume that participants represent statistical regularities more or less as they are defined by the experimenters—as sequential probabilities of symbols in a string. Here we offer an alternative, or possibly supplementary, hypothesis. Specifically, (...)
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  11. Bilattices with Implications.Félix Bou & Umberto Rivieccio - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (4):651-675.
    In a previous work we studied, from the perspective ofAlgebraic Logic, the implicationless fragment of a logic introduced by O. Arieli and A. Avron using a class of bilattice-based logical matrices called logical bilattices. Here we complete this study by considering the Arieli-Avron logic in the full language, obtained by adding two implication connectives to the standard bilattice language. We prove that this logic is algebraizable and investigate its algebraic models, which turn out to be distributive bilattices with additional implication (...)
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  12.  63
    Shaftesbury's illustrations of characteristics.Felix Paknadel - 1974 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 37 (1):290-312.
  13.  78
    Democracy - Characteristics Included and Excluded.Felix E. Oppenheim - 1971 - The Monist 55 (1):29-50.
    What are the characteristics to be included in a fruitful definition of democracy? More important still, which of the features commonly considered democratic had better be excluded from the dinning characteristics?
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    Jacob Burckhardt's Student Years: the Road to Cultural History.Felix Gilbert - 1986 - Journal of the History of Ideas 47 (2):249.
  15.  13
    The giants of pre-sophistic Greek philosophy.Felix M. Cleve - 1965 - The Hague,: Martinus Nijhoff.
  16.  20
    (1 other version)On the Philosophical Definition of Human Play Using the Tools of Qualitative Content Analysis.Felix Lebed - 2019 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 15 (1):1-19.
    Formulating a metaphysical definition of human play faces three main difficulties. First, for many years the very possibility, or need, for such a definition has been questioned. Second, very often...
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  17.  29
    Luck, art of living and cleverness. On the rediscovery of a core competence of philosophy.Felix Heidenreich - 2007 - Philosophische Rundschau 54 (4):308 - 329.
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  18. Common Ground, Conversational Roles and Epistemic Injustice.Felix Bräuer - 2021 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 28 (2):399–419.
    People partaking in a conversation can add to the common ground of said conversation by performing different speech acts. That is, they can influence which propositions are presumed to be shared among them. In this paper, I am going to apply the common ground framework to the phenomenon of epistemic injustice. In doing so, I am going to focus on two kindsof speech acts: making assertions and asking certain kinds of questions. And I am going to look at three varieties (...)
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    The Inbetweenness of Sympotic Elegy.Felix Budelmann & Timothy Power - 2013 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 133:1-19.
    This article revisits the question of how elegy was performed at the symposion, and argues that, rather thanbeing either musical or non-musical, elegy situates itself between speech and song. None of the passages in whichelegy mentions song are clearly self-referential: they tend to be generic, set in the future, concerned with otherperformers and other compositions or altogether too slippery in their language to pin them down. Moreover, there area number of elegiac pieces that appear designed to allow symposiasts to shift (...)
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  20. Looking beyond reductionism and anti-reductionism.Felix Bräuer - 2020 - Episteme 17 (2):230-248.
    Under which conditions are we epistemically justied to believe that what other people tell us is true? Traditionally, the answer has either been reductionist or anti-reductionist: Either our justication reduces to non-testimonial reasons, or we have a presumptive, though defeasible, right to believe what we are told. However, different cases pull in different directions. Intuitively, someone asking for the time is subject to different epistemic standards than a surgeon consulting a colleague before a dangerous operation. Following this line of thought, (...)
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  21. Epistemic Internalism and the Challenge from Testimony.Felix Bräuer - 2019 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio 1 (13):82-98.
    In this paper, I spell out a new challenge for epistemic internalism that emerges out of the current debate on testimonial justification. Based on recent developments within this debate, one might argue as follows: Epistemic internalism can’t account for the justification of our testimony-based beliefs, because (1) we should conceive of testimonial justification along anti-reductionist lines and (2) anti-reductionism is incompatible with epistemic internalism. In response to this challenge, I show that, despite initial appearances, epistemic internalism and anti-reductionism are compatible (...)
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  22.  14
    Problems.Félix Guattari - 2024 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 18 (2):143-171.
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    Florentine political assumptions in the period of savonarola and soderini.Felix Gilbert - 1957 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 20 (3/4):187-214.
  24. Sustainable governance and management of food systems: ethical perspectives.Cristian Timmermann & Georges F. Félix - 2019 - Wageningen Academic Publishers.
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  25. Salvific Community. Part One: Ignatius of Loyola.Felix Körner - 2013 - Gregorianum 94 (3):593-609.
    What is salvific community for Ignatius of Loyola? It is communion with Christ, a dynamic for which Ignatius used the expression ‹societies Jesu›. This wording has a revealing intertextuality. ‹Societas› is the Vulgate’s rendering of Pauline and Johannine koinōnia: «sharing in (Christ)». The NT overtones of the Ignatian experience of communion can be explored regarding a theology of relationship (person), of action (history) and of the Church (representation). Being a person is understood as being friend and servant, history as the (...)
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  26. (1 other version)El tiempo del logos. Consideraciones sobre el lugar sistemático de la historia de la filosofía en Hegel.Félix Duque - 1996 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 14:137-146.
    La Historia de la Filosofía se ubica en una tensión entre el tiempo y el logos, cuya adecuada comprensión decide en última instancia el papel que ésta cumple en la Filosofía. Esta tesis es desarrollada por el autor mediante el estudio del lugar que tal disciplina ocupa en la constitución del Sistema hegeliano. Según esto, la dependencia mutua del tiempo y del logos debe mostrarse por dos vías contrapuestas: de un lado, la necesidad de considerar la existencia (Dasein) del concepto (...)
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  27. Der Gott Israels, Jesu und Muhanmmds? Trinitätstheologie als Regula im interreligiösen Gespräch.Felix Körner - 2011 - Gregorianum 92 (1):139-158.
    The article analyses the problems and possibilities in saying that Judaism, Christianity and Islam ‹have the same God›.
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    Demanding and encouraging. Education, what for?Félix Von Cube - 1985 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 12:71.
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    Elementarteilchen, ein überblick über experiment und theorie.Felix von Grütter - 1950 - Dialectica 4 (4):331-339.
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    The reconstruction of the spiritual ideal: Hibbert lectures, delivered in Manchester College, Oxford, May 1923.Felix Adler - 1924 - New York: AMS Press.
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    Ethical systems and legal ideals: an essay on the foundations of legal criticism.Felix S. Cohen - 1976 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
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    Population structure increases the evolvability of genetic algorithms.Felix J. H. Hol, Xin Wang & Juan E. Keymer - 2012 - Complexity 17 (5):58-64.
  33.  6
    Moral principles in political philosophy.Felix E. Oppenheim - 1968 - New York,: Random House.
  34.  28
    (1 other version)A moral argument against human germline therapy?Felix Thiele - 2002 - Poiesis and Praxis 1 (2):160-164.
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    Niccolò Machiavelli e la vita culturale del suo tempo.Felix Gilbert - 1969 - Bologna,: Il mulino.
  36. The Humanist Concept of the Prince and Machiavelli.Felix Gilbert - 1939
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    Form und Materie des Erkennens in der Transzendentalen Æsthetik.Felix Gross - 1911 - Philosophical Review 20 (1):95-95.
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    Elementarteilchen, ein überblick über experiment und theorie.Felix Grütter - 1950 - Dialectica 4 (4):331-339.
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  39. Du postmoderne au postmédia.Félix Guattari - 2008 - Multitudes 34 (3):128.
  40.  92
    Project for a Film by Kafka.Félix Guattari - 2009 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 3 (2):150-161.
    This short document, appearing for the first time in English translation, concerns the prospects of a made-for-television cultural mini-series inspired by select episodes in Kafka's works. A window is opened onto Guattari's curatorial ambitions, cinematic projects, and theory of minor cinema, bringing into focus how he translated theoretical preoccupations into the cultural sector with reference to diverse semiotic media.
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    (1 other version)Socrates.Félix Guattari - 2012 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 6 (2):173-186.
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    Le Hatha-Vidya: le monde et l'homme.Félix Guyot - 1945 - Paris: J. Tallandier.
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  43. Individuale Partnerschaft. Zur anthropologischen Bedeutung der Geschlechtlichkeit.Felix Hammer - 1968 - Salzburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie:307-321.
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    Lebensregeln der Renaissance neu bedacht.Felix Hammer - 1995
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    Leib und Geschlecht: philosophische Perspektiven von Nietzsche bis Merleau-Ponty und phänomenologisch-systematischer Aufriss.Felix Hammer - 1974 - Bonn: Bouvier Verlag H. Grundmann.
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    Metempirische Implikationen der Tiefenpsychologie.Felix Hammer - 1982 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 36 (4):599 - 613.
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    Theonome Anthropologie?Felix Hammer - 1972 - Den Haag,: Martinus Nijhoff.
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  48.  42
    Die tuckischen Zauberkrafte des Geldes. Kulturphilosophische Analysen aus gegebenem Anlass.Felix Heidenreich - 2013 - Philosophische Rundschau 60 (1):35-51.
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    Grund, Gründe, Begründen Metaphorologische und systematische Perspektiven auf die Politik des Gründens.Felix Heidenreich - 2016 - Zeitschrift Fuer Kulturphilosophie 2016 (1):145-166.
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  50.  34
    (1 other version)Hartmut Rosas Resonanz – Lösung oder Heuristik?Felix Heidenreich - 2016 - Latest Issue of Philosophische Rundschau 63 (3):185-194.
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