Results for 'F. N. George'

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  1.  25
    Minds, Machines and Godel.F. N. George - 1962 - Philosophy 37 (139):62-63.
    I Would like to draw attention to the basic defect in the argument used by Mr J. R. Lucas.Mr Lucas there states that Gödel's theorem shows that any consistent formal system strong enough to produce arithmetic fails to prove, within its own structure, theorems that we, as humans, can nevertheless see to be true. From this he argues that ‘minds’ can do more than machines, since machines are essentially formal systems of this same type, and subject to the limitation implied (...)
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    Correspondence.N. F. Mott, George Z. F. Bereday & Harry G. Johnson - 1967 - Minerva 5 (2):265-273.
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    Professor Waddington's Naturalistic Ethics.F. N. George - 1962 - Philosophy 37 (139):63-66.
    In an interesting work ‘The Ethical Animal’ Professor C. H. Waddington valiantly attempts to bridge the gap between ‘ought’ and ‘is’ without, it seems, succeeding in doing so. Notwithstanding his erudition, honesty of purpose and charm in exposition, the gulf remains unbridged. Indeed there are passages where it is difficult to be certain whether the author considers that he has bridged it or even what standpoint he finally adopts.
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    Philosophical traditions and contemporary world: Russia-West-East.George F. McLean, N. S. Kirabaev & I︠U︡. M. Pochta (eds.) - 2004 - Moscow: Publishing House of Peoplesʹ Friendship University of Russia.
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    Psychological Contract Violation or Basic Need Frustration? Psychological Mechanisms Behind the Effects of Workplace Bullying.Philipp E. Sischka, André Melzer, Alexander F. Schmidt & Georges Steffgen - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Workplace bullying is a phenomenon that can have serious detrimental effects on health, work-related attitudes, and the behavior of the target. Particularly, workplace bullying exposure has been linked to lower level of general well-being, job satisfaction, vigor, and performance and higher level of burnout, workplace deviance, and turnover intentions. However, the psychological mechanisms behind these relations are still not well-understood. Drawing on psychological contract and self-determination theory (SDT), we hypothesized that perceptions of contract violation and the frustration of basic needs (...)
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    Algebras, Lattices, and Varieties.Ralph McKenzie, McNulty N., F. George & Walter F. Taylor - 1987 - Wadsworth & Brooks.
    This book presents the foundations of a general theory of algebras. Often called “universal algebra”, this theory provides a common framework for all algebraic systems, including groups, rings, modules, fields, and lattices. Each chapter is replete with useful illustrations and exercises that solidify the reader's understanding. The book begins by developing the main concepts and working tools of algebras and lattices, and continues with examples of classical algebraic systems like groups, semigroups, monoids, and categories. The essence of the book lies (...)
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    Book Reviews Section 3.James L. Jarrett, Walter P. Krolikowski, Charles R. Estes, Hugh C. Black, Charles S. Benson, John Lipkin, Gerald T. Kowitz, Anthony Scarangello, Langston C. Bannister, David N. Campbell, Christine C. Swarm, Steven I. Miller, David H. Ford, William J. Mathis, Don Kauchak, Paul R. Klohr, George W. Bright, Joyce Ann Rich, Edward F. Dash & Marvin Willerman - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (3):155-168.
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  8. Studies in Philosophy British Academy Lectures, by G.F. Stout [and Others]. --.J. N. Findlay, George Frederick Stout & British Academy - 1966 - Oxford University Press.
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    Dos concepciones de la segunda naturaleza.Georg W. Bertram, Santiago Rebelles & José F. Zuñiga - 2023 - Ideas Y Valores 71:33-56.
    El concepto de segunda naturaleza promete proporcionar una explicación de cómo la naturaleza y la razón se pueden reconciliar. Pero dicho concepto está cargado de ambigüedad: se entiende como aquello que une todas las actividades cognitivas y se concibe como un tipo de naturaleza que puede ser modificada por actividades cognitivas. Se intenta investigar esta ambigüedad distinguiendo una concepción kantiana de otra hegeliana. Se sostiene que la idea de una transformación de un ser de prim- era naturaleza en un ser (...)
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    European and American Philosophers.John Marenbon, Douglas Kellner, Richard D. Parry, Gregory Schufreider, Ralph McInerny, Andrea Nye, R. M. Dancy, Vernon J. Bourke, A. A. Long, James F. Harris, Thomas Oberdan, Paul S. MacDonald, Véronique M. Fóti, F. Rosen, James Dye, Pete A. Y. Gunter, Lisa J. Downing, W. J. Mander, Peter Simons, Maurice Friedman, Robert C. Solomon, Nigel Love, Mary Pickering, Andrew Reck, Simon J. Evnine, Iakovos Vasiliou, John C. Coker, Georges Dicker, James Gouinlock, Paul J. Welty, Gianluigi Oliveri, Jack Zupko, Tom Rockmore, Wayne M. Martin, Ladelle McWhorter, Hans-Johann Glock, Georgia Warnke, John Haldane, Joseph S. Ullian, Steven Rieber, David Ingram, Nick Fotion, George Rainbolt, Thomas Sheehan, Gerald J. Massey, Barbara D. Massey, David E. Cooper, David Gauthier, James M. Humber, J. N. Mohanty, Michael H. Dearmey, Oswald O. Schrag, Ralf Meerbote, George J. Stack, John P. Burgess, Paul Hoyningen-Huene, Nicholas Jolley, Adriaan T. Peperzak, E. J. Lowe, William D. Richardson, Stephen Mulhall & C. - 1991 - In Robert L. Arrington, A Companion to the Philosophers. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 109–557.
    Peter Abelard (1079–1142 ce) was the most wide‐ranging philosopher of the twelfth century. He quickly established himself as a leading teacher of logic in and near Paris shortly after 1100. After his affair with Heloise, and his subsequent castration, Abelard became a monk, but he returned to teaching in the Paris schools until 1140, when his work was condemned by a Church Council at Sens. His logical writings were based around discussion of the “Old Logic”: Porphyry's Isagoge, aristotle'S Categories and (...)
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    Studies and Essays in the History of Science and Learning Offered in Homage to George Sarton on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday. [REVIEW]E. N. & M. F. Ashley Montagu - 1947 - Journal of Philosophy 44 (24):666.
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    Formal rules and questions of J u S t I F y I N g mathematical practice.Georg Kreisel - 1978 - In Kuno Lorenz, Konstruktionen Versus Positionen: Beiträge Zur Diskussion Um Die Konstruktive Wissenschaftstheorie. Bd 1: Spezielle Wissenschaftstheorie. Bd 2: Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie. Paul Lorenzen Zum 60. Geburtstag. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 99-130.
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  13.  33
    G.W.F. Hegel: Lecons Sur La Philosophie de L'Histoire.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1979 - Paris,: Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
    Quelle que fut la puissance avec laquelle Hegel concentrait par la pensee le monde phenomenal, il lui etait impossible cependant dans le cours d'un semestre de dominer entierement l'inepuisable matiere de l'histoire. [...] Son premier expose de l'hiver 1822-23 avait principalement pour fin l'evolution du concept de philosophie et voulait montrer comment celui-ci constitue en fait le fond de l'histoire [...]. La Chine et l'Inde n'etaient que des exemples pour montrer de quelle maniere on comprend philosophiquement un caractere national [...]. (...)
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    Reminiscences of A.F. Losev.George L. Kline - 2001 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 40 (3):74-82.
    L.P.: Earlier, Georgii Liudvigovich, we spoke at some length about your personal acquaintance with such distinguished Russian émigré scholars and thinkers as Fr. Vasilii Zen'kovskii, N.O. Losskii, and Fr. Georgii Florovskii. Today I'd like to ask you about your meetings in Moscow with the late A.F. Losev.
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    G.W.F. Hegel: Lecons Sur l'Histoire de la Philosophie VII: La Philosophie Moderne La Derniere Philosophie Allemande.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1991 - Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
    Les Lecons sur la logique, donnees par Hegel dans l'ete 1831, quelques mois avant sa mort, livrent son ultime pensee dans le domaine de cette science qui constitue l' ame du systeme. Le texte de l'abrege encyclopedique n'est, comme il l'ecrit a Cousin, qu'une suite de theses, dont le developpement et l'eclaircissement est reserve aux cours. On trouve donc, dans les rares manuscrits et cahiers de ses etudiants, le veritable echo de l'enseignement et des explications du maitre, permettant de comprendre (...)
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    A Companion to Cognitive Science.George Graham & William Bechtel (eds.) - 1998 - Blackwell.
    Part I: The Life of Cognitive Science:. William Bechtel, Adele Abrahamsen, and George Graham. Part II: Areas of Study in Cognitive Science:. 1. Analogy: Dedre Gentner. 2. Animal Cognition: Herbert L. Roitblat. 3. Attention: A.H.C. Van Der Heijden. 4. Brain Mapping: Jennifer Mundale. 5. Cognitive Anthropology: Charles W. Nuckolls. 6. Cognitive and Linguistic Development: Adele Abrahamsen. 7. Conceptual Change: Nancy J. Nersessian. 8. Conceptual Organization: Douglas Medin and Sandra R. Waxman. 9. Consciousness: Owen Flanagan. 10. Decision Making: J. Frank (...)
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    G.W.F. Hegel: Lecons Sur La Logique 1831.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 2007 - Bibliotheque Des Textes Philos.
    Les Lecons sur la logique, donnees par Hegel dans l'ete 1831, quelques mois avant sa mort, livrent son ultime pensee dans le domaine de cette science qui constitue l' ame du systeme. Le texte de l'abrege encyclopedique n'est, comme il l'ecrit a Cousin, qu'une suite de theses, dont le developpement et l'eclaircissement est reserve aux cours. On trouve donc, dans les rares manuscrits et cahiers de ses etudiants, le veritable echo de l'enseignement et des explications du maitre, permettant de comprendre (...)
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  18.  72
    The Russian cosmists: the esoteric futurism of Nikolai Fedorov and his followers.George M. Young - 2012 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The spiritual geography of Russian cosmism. General characteristics ; Recent definitions of cosmism -- Forerunners of Russian cosmism. Vasily Nazarovich Karazin (1773-1842) ; Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev (1749-1802) ; Poets: Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, (1711-1765) and Gavriila Romanovich Derzhavin (1743-1816) ; Prince Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky (1803-1869) ; Aleksander Vasilyevich Sukhovo-Kobylin (1817-1903) -- The Russian philosophical context. Philosophy as a passion ; The destiny of Russia ; Thought as a call for action ; The totalitarian cast of mind -- The religious and spiritual (...)
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  19.  50
    Abortion, society, and the law.David F. Walbert - 1973 - Cleveland [Ohio]: Press of Case Western Reserve University. Edited by J. Douglas Butler.
    George, B. J. Jr. The evolving law of abortion.--Guttmacher, A. F. The genesis of liberalized abortion in New York: a personal insight.--Callahan, D. Abortion: some ethical issues.--Jakobovits, I. Jewish views on abortion.--Drinan, R. F. The inviolability of the right to be born.--Schwartz, R. A. Abortion on request: the psychiatric implications.--Fleck, S. A psychiatrist's views on abortion.--Niswander, K. R. Abortion practices in the United States: a medical viewpoint.--Macintyre, M. N. Genetic risk, prenatal diagnosis, and selective abortion.--Messerman, G. A. Abortion counselling: (...)
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  20.  48
    Algorithmic randomness of continuous functions.George Barmpalias, Paul Brodhead, Douglas Cenzer, Jeffrey B. Remmel & Rebecca Weber - 2008 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 46 (7-8):533-546.
    We investigate notions of randomness in the space ${{\mathcal C}(2^{\mathbb N})}$ of continuous functions on ${2^{\mathbb N}}$ . A probability measure is given and a version of the Martin-Löf test for randomness is defined. Random ${\Delta^0_2}$ continuous functions exist, but no computable function can be random and no random function can map a computable real to a computable real. The image of a random continuous function is always a perfect set and hence uncountable. For any ${y \in 2^{\mathbb N}}$ , (...)
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    “Climate change” and the “butterfly effect” in an eighteenth century monograph.KelleyAnne Malinen & Chérif F. Matta - 2018 - Foundations of Chemistry 20 (3):265-268.
    Long before the phrases “climate change” and “butterfly effect” were incorporated into the mainstream literature, these phrases appeared in an appropriate context almost verbatim in the first Chapter of a book entitled “The Emigrant” published in the mid-nineteenth century by Sir Francis Bond Head. Head was Upper Canada’s sixth Lieutenant Governor under King George IV and Queen Victoria. Head claimed that forest wildfires were “changing the climate” of North America as manifested in a warming effect “on the thermometer”. In (...)
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  22.  12
    The Living Socrates. [REVIEW]A. F. M. - 1976 - Review of Metaphysics 30 (1):141-143.
    This is an excellent introductory account of Socrates’s life and thought. The most valuable aspect of the book is that his experiences and ideas are integrated in such a way that his ideas are always shown to arise in the context of some concrete event of his life. Of course, in the case of Socrates, it is not difficult to display such synthesis of what may be called theory and practice: in fact, what the present author gives us is an (...)
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    Ralph N. McKenzie, George F. McNulty, and Walter F. Taylor. Algebras, lattices, varieties. Volume I. The Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole mathematics series. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole Advanced Books & Software, Monterey, Calif., 1987, xii + 361 pp. [REVIEW]Joel Berman - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (1):266-268.
  24. (1 other version)Front matter.F. N. Z. - 2016 - Philosophical Problems in Science 61:1-2.
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    The Forger's Art: Forgery and the Philosophy of Art.F. N. Sibley - 1985 - Philosophical Books 26 (3):168-171.
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    XVII. Lexikographische bemerkungen medicinisch-philologischen Inhalts.N. Anke & K. E. Georges - 1873 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 32 (4):577-599.
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  27. Priesthood and Prophecy in Judeo-Christian Religion.F. N. Nwahaghi - 1990 - Journal of Dharma 15 (1):5-17.
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  28. Perception: A Philosophical Symposium.F. N. Sibley - 1973 - Philosophy 48 (183):91-92.
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  29. Table of contents.F. N. Z. - 2016 - Philosophical Problems in Science 61:3-4.
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  30. Materials for the Psycho-genetic Theory of Comparison.F. N. Hales - 1905 - Philosophical Review 14:633.
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  31. Analysing seeing I.F. N. Sibley - 1971 - In Frank Noel Sibley, Perception: A Philosophical Symposium. London,: Methuen.
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    Essay Review: Henry Sigerist and Medicine in the Ancient World.F. N. L. Poynter - 1963 - History of Science 2 (1):148-152.
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    Languages of art.F. N. Sibley - 1971 - Philosophical Books 12 (2):9-12.
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    The concept of criticism.F. N. Sibley - 1968 - Philosophical Books 9 (3):22-24.
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  35. Edmund Husserl on Phenomenology.F. N. Ndubuisi - 2001 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 28 (3):283-296.
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  36. The influence of perceptual difficulty on family resemblance sorting.F. N. Milton & A. J. Wills - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 2273--2278.
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    Robert de Sorbon's 'Cum Repetes'.F. N. M. Diekstra - 1999 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 66 (1):79-154.
    Robert de Sorbon’s Cum repetes — or De modo audiendi confessiones et interrogandi as it is called in the Bruges manuscript — is for the clergy what Robert’s Qui vult vere confiteriis for laymen. It is a guide for confessors, specifically addressed to those charged with the cura animarum to provide practical instruction on how to interrogate the penitent and assist him in examining his conscience. It is this subject that determines and delimits its scope. In terms of the tripartite (...)
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  38.  12
    The Economist's Oath:On the Need for and Content of Professional Economic Ethics: On the Need for and Content of Professional Economic Ethics.George F. DeMartino - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Economics is today among the most influential of all professions. Economists alter the course of economic affairs and deeply affect the lives of current and future generations. Yet, virtually alone among the major professions, economics lacks a body of professional ethics to guide its practitioners. Over the past century the profession consistently has refused to adopt or even explore professional economic ethics. As a consequence, economists are largely unprepared for the ethical challenges they face in their work.The Economist's Oath challenges (...)
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    The Philosophy of Peace.F. N. Burlatskii - 1983 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 22 (1):3-25.
    From the editors of Voprosy filosofii: In implementing the historical program for peace adopted by the Twenty-sixth Congress of the CPSU, the Soviet Union is pursuing a principled line in its foreign policy that is aimed at achieving a concrete solution to the problem of disarmament, the consolidation of universal peace, and the security of nations. All these questions have an important sociophilosophical meaning. The world is currently going through a very complicated period. The savage attacks on socialism and national (...)
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    Education and human nature.F. N. Dunlop - 1970 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 4 (1):21–44.
    F N Dunlop; Education and Human Nature, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 4, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 21–44,
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    “francis Thompson: 1859-1907,”.F. N. Lees - 1960 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 42 (2):378-395.
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  42.  25
    The History of Medicine in 1960–61.F. N. L. Poynter - 1962 - History of Science 1 (1):44-56.
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    Particularity, Art and Evaluation.F. N. Sibley - 1974 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 48 (1):1-22.
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  44. Spis treści.F. N. Z. - 2015 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 59:3.
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  45. Objectivity and Aesthetics.F. N. Sibley & Michael Tanner - 1968 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 42 (1):31-72.
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    The Language of the Marketplace in the Sermons of Robert de Sorbon.F. N. M. Diekstra - 2008 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 75 (2):337-394.
    This study presents examples, not previously available in print, of the frequent use of the imagery of commerce in Robert de Sorbon’s sermons and discusses the imagery’s relation to scriptural and patristic sources, in particular the apostle Paul and Augustine of Hippo. It is argued that Robert’s use of the language of the marketplace in discussions of theological and moral matters functions as a rhetorical tool which emphasizes the boundlessness of God’s mercy through the redemption.
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    Hume's probabilism.F. N. Harpley - 1971 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 49 (2):146 – 151.
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    Philosophy and Analysis.F. N. Sibley - 1956 - Philosophical Review 65 (2):260.
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    The Aesthetic Point of View: Selected Essays.F. N. Sibley - 1984 - Philosophical Books 25 (1):31-34.
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    The Imitation of Nature.F. N. Sibley - 1992 - Philosophical Books 31 (4):250-252.
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