Results for 'Étienne Pinat'

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    La décennie phénoménologique de Maurice Blanchot.Étienne Pinat - 2021 - Philosophie 4 (4):23-35.
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    Présentation de la lettre sur Heidegger.Étienne Pinat - 2021 - Philosophie 151 (4):5-6.
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    Does the Christian church have any guidance to offer in solving the global problems we are faced with today?D. Etienne de Villiers - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (2).
    In his book, 21 Lessons for the 21st century, the historian Yuval Noah Harari devoted a chapter to the question of whether traditional religions could provide any guidance in solving the momentous global problems confronting us today. He drew the rather negative conclusion that they do not have any constructive contribution to make in solving these problems. This article made an original contribution to scholarly research by, from the perspective of Christian Ethics, subjecting this recently expressed view of Harari to (...)
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    Elements of Christian Philosophy.T. A. Burkill & Etienne Gilson - 1961 - Philosophical Review 70 (3):419.
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  5. Précis de Psychologie. Version française d'après la 2e édition américaine.Howard C. Warren, Louis Cunault & Étienne Maigre - 1924 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 98 (2):145-146.
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  6. La Condamnation Parisienne de 1277 Nouvelle Édition du Texte Latin : Traduction, Introduction Et Commentaires.David Piché, Claude Lafleur & Etienne Tempier - 1999
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    From Moral Principles to Political Judgments: The Case for Pragmatic Idealism.Pierre-Étienne Vandamme - 2021 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 8 (2):261-283.
    Political judgments usually combine a normative principle or intuition with an appreciation of empirical facts regarding the achievability of different options and their potential consequences. The interesting question dividing partisans of political idealism and realism is whether these kinds of considerations should be integrated into the normative principles themselves or considered apart. At first sight, if a theorist is concerned with guiding political judgments, non-ideal or realist theorizing can seem more attractive. In this article, however, I argue that ideal theorizing (...)
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    Politics and Commonality of Sensation from a Reading of Merleau-Ponty.Razvan Amironesei & Louis-Étienne Pigeon - 2017 - Substance 46 (1):69-89.
    During the afternoon of December 21, 1989, in Bucharest, a mass of demonstrators gather in a public square at the request of Nicolae Ceausescu, then president of Romania. In the previous days, students had shaken the country by taking to the streets in protest in the city of Timisoara. These mass protests had been preceded that year by a wave of other social movements that took place in Poland, Hungary, East Germany, Bulgaria, and Czechoslovakia. Now in a broadcast from the (...)
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  9. Dieu au cinéma. Collection « Nouvelle Recherche ».Amédée Ayfre & Étienne Souriau - 1954 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 144:156-156.
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    Understanding Firm Response to Environmental Issues.Charles A. Backman, Brian Etienne & Brooke Matthews - 2010 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 21:163-174.
    The natural based view of the firm using Hart (1995) is applied to firm responses in the Carbon Disclose Project (CDP) database. A large cross sectional sample(n=573) of North American and European firms is divided into 3 categories of proactivity to the climate change issue using 8 indicators of four resource domains. Results are presented along geographic and size dimensions.
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    Galactica’s dis-assemblage: Meta’s beta and the omega of post-human science.Nicolas Chartier-Edwards, Etienne Grenier & Valentin Goujon - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    Released mid-November 2022, Galactica is a set of six large language models (LLMs) of different sizes (from 125 M to 120B parameters) designed by Meta AI to achieve the ultimate ambition of “a single neural network for powering scientific tasks”, according to its accompanying whitepaper. It aims to carry out knowledge-intensive tasks, such as publication summarization, information ordering and protein annotation. However, just a few days after the release, Meta had to pull back the demo due to the strong hallucinatory (...)
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    May Christians request medically assisted suicide and euthanasia?D. Etienne De Villiers - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4).
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  13. Colégio estadual Pedro Carli ensino fundamental E médio.Etienne de La Boétie - forthcoming - Filosofia.
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    Religion, theology and the social sciences in a society in transition.Etienne De Villiers - 2004 - HTS Theological Studies 60 (1/2).
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    The ʿAbbāsid Revolution in Marw: New Data.Étienne de la Vaissière - 2018 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 95 (1):110-146.
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    Durf ons nog preek dat werk ’n roeping van God is?Etienne De Villiers - 2004 - HTS Theological Studies 60 (3).
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    In search of an appropriate contemporary approach in Christian ethics: Max Weber’s ethic of responsibility as resource.D. Etienne De Villiers - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (1).
    The article addresses the question: ‘To what extent can Max Weber’s ethic of responsibility be a helpful resource in the search of Christian Social Ethics for an appropriate contemporary approach’? This question is addressed by, first of all, providing a summary of Weber’s famous speech Politics as a Vocation in which he developed his view on the ethic of responsibility; secondly, providing an interpretation of his view; and, thirdly, critically discussing the extent to which this ethic can serve as a (...)
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    The church and the indispensability and fragility of morality revealed by the COVID-19 pandemic.D. Etienne de Villiers - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1).
    In this article the view that the Covid-19 pandemic – especially the lockdown that went hand in hand with it – revealed both the indispensability and fragility of morality was substantiated and the response of the church to the moral challenges posed by the pandemic discussed. Findings were based on information gained from South African media regarding the pandemic and the response to it in the South African context interpreted with the assistance of research in academic publications. Various respects in (...)
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    Learning to Make a Difference: Value Creation in Social Learning Spaces.Etienne Wenger-Trayner & Beverly Wenger-Trayner - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Today, more people want to know how to make a meaningful difference to what they care about. But for that, traditional approaches to learning often fall short. In this book, we offer a theoretical and practical way forward. We introduce the concept of social learning spaces for developing both new capabilities and a sense of agency. We provide a rich framework for focusing on the value of social learning spaces: how to generate this value, monitor it, and learn iteratively through (...)
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  20. Christianity and philosophy [by] Etienne Gilson..Etienne Gilson - 1939 - London,: Pub. for the Institute of mediaeval studies by Sheed & Ward. Edited by Ralph MacDonald.
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    Entretien avec Étienne Ollion.Étienne Rayner Ollion - 2022 - Temporalités 36.
    Vous menez depuis plusieurs années des enquêtes sur le personnel politique en France, avec l’ambition de reconsidérer la notion de « professionnel » de la politique et par extension les ressorts d’une « professionnalisation » de la vie politique en France. Un point de départ, semble-t-il, de votre réflexion porte sur le fait que ces termes servent souvent (à l’instar du vocable péjoratif de « politicien » auquel ils se substituent souvent) à dévaloriser le personnel politique. Ils avaient pourtant été (...)
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  22. Mélanges offerts à Etienne Gilson, de l'Académie française.Etienne Gilson (ed.) - 1959 - Paris,: Librarie philosophique J. Vrin.
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    Prof. Étienne Gilson, de l’Académie française, au nom des participants etrangers.Étienne Gilson - 1961 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 12:520-520.
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    Spinoza et la politique.Étienne Balibar - 2011 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    L'ouvrage se propose d'introduire à la philosophie de Spinoza - conçue comme une ontologie et une éthique de la communication - à partir du rapport intrinsèque qu'elle entretient avec la politique. Après une mise en situation de Spinoza dans les conflits de son temps et de son pays, qui claire les multiples dimensions de son projet intellectuel, les trois grandes oeuvres (Traité théologico-politique, Traité politique, Ethique) sont successivement discutées. Une attention particulière est apportée aux thèmes de la démocratie, de la (...)
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  25. Barbants et Jaccottet : poétique de la déflagration".par Étienne Pinat - 2022 - In Camille Riquier & C. Bobant (eds.), Donner lieu: conférences et débats sur la cosmologie phénoménologique de Renaud Barbaras. Paris: Éditions des Compagnons d'humanité.
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  26. A social theory of learning.Etienne Wenger - 2009 - In Knud Illeris (ed.), Contemporary Theories of Learning: Learning Theorists -- In Their Own Words. Routledge.
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  27. Communities of Practice: The Organizational Frontier.Etienne C. Wenger & William M. Snyder - 2006 - In Laurence Prusak & Eric Matson (eds.), Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning: A Reader. Oxford University Press.
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    Mélanges d'esthetique et de science de l'art offerts à Étienne Souriau par ses collègues, ses amis et ses disciples.Etienne Souriau - 1952 - Nizet.
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    Études sur le rôle de la pensée médiévale dans la formation du système cartésien.Étienne Gilson - 1984 - Paris,: Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
    Si l'histoire de la pensee medievale inclut celle de ses influences, comme l'histoire de la pensee moderne celle de ses sources, il est alors doublement legitime de se demander ce que peut nous apprendre sur la pensee cartesienne sa confrontation historique avec la pensee medievale, au contact de laquelle elle s'est formee, et a l'encontre de laquelle elle s'est developpee. Prenant la suite de travaux anterieurs, cet ouvrage d'Etienne Gilson envisage tout d'abord la confrontation dans une perspective genetique (en cherchant (...)
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  30. Introdução ao estudo de Santo Agostinho.Étienne Gilson - 2008 - Lumen Veritatis 1 (3):125-126.
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    Heidegger et Kierkegaard: la résolution et l'éthique.Étienne Pinat - 2018 - Paris: Éditions Kimé.
    La pensée de Kierkegaard constitue une source majeure de l'analytique existentiale de Heidegger qui ne se limite nullement à quelques thèmes comme l'existence ou l'angoisse. Cet essai entend montrer que la filiation va bien au-delà de ce que Heidegger reconnaît explicitement, et que ce sont en fait tous les stades de l'existence chez Kierkegaard qui l'inspirent pour penser aussi bien l'inauthenticité que l'authenticité de l'existence dans Etre et temps. Le coeur de cette source kierkegaardienne de la pensée de Heidegger est (...)
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  32. Recent Philosophy Hegel to the Present [by] Étienne Gilson, Thomas Langan [and] Armand A. Maurer.Etienne Gilson, Thomas Langan & Armand A. Maurer - 1966 - Random House.
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  33. (De) Constructing the Human as Human Institution: A Reflection on the Coherence of Hannah Arendt's Practical Philosophy.Etienne Balibar - 2007 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 74 (3):727-738.
    The paper argues that a specific "concept of the political" can be reconstructed in Arendt by bringing together elements coming from Origins of Totalitarianism, Part II , from The Human Condition and On Revolution , and from On Disobedience . These propositions produce a singular variety of "institutionalism", which involves a "groundless" politics of Human Rights , and also helps clarifying the thesis on the "banality of evil" in Eichmann in Jerusalem: the sovereign tautology "law is law" is the root (...)
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    Painting and Reality.Etienne Gilson - 1957 - Princeton University Press.
    The description for this book, Painting and Reality, will be forthcoming.
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    Como seria ver como um ser humano?Etienne Bimbenet - 2012 - Dois Pontos 9 (1).
    Perguntaremos aqui "como seria ver como um ser humano". Tal questão é difícil, pois recuando um passo em relação à percepção e considerando que ela pode não ser o que é, essa questão vai de encontro àquilo que é comumente considerado como a "atitude natural". Merleau-Ponty articulou esta relativização da visão humana e seu realismo espontâneo de duas maneiras diferentes. Em primeiro lugar, há o que poderia ser chamado a "via da finitude". Ela consiste em assumir o ponto de vista (...)
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    Différenciation et fonctionnement de l'organisme.Étienne Rabaud - 1929 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 107:339 - 362.
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    Pierre Watté, La force et le sens. Esquisses pour une anthropologie philosophique.Jacques Étienne - 1986 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 84 (61):128-129.
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  38. Free Speech and the Legal Prohibition of Fake News.Étienne Brown - 2023 - Social Theory and Practice 49 (1):29-55.
    Western European liberal democracies have recently enacted laws that prohibit the diffusion of fake news on social media. Yet, many consider that such laws are incompatible with freedom of expression. In this paper, I argue that democratic governments have strong pro tanto reasons to prohibit fake news, and that doing so is compatible with free speech. First, I show that fake news disrupts a mutually beneficial form of epistemic dependence in which members of the public are engaged with journalists. Second, (...)
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    (1 other version)L'être et l'essence.Etienne Gilson - 1972 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
    C'est avec la publication de l'etre et l'essence (1948) que Gilson fit veritablement irruption dans le debat philosophique contemporain, contraignant beaucoup de ceux qui n'avaient jamais entendu parler de l'etre autrement qu'a travers l'etre et le neant ou le premier chapitre de Wissenschaft der Logik, a admettre que ce petit mot etre, qu'une certaine tradition idealiste avait vainement tente de bannir du vocabulaire philosophique, abritait, sinon peut-etre le destin de l'Occident, du moins le lieu d'une de ses plus anciennes et (...)
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    Matière à contredire: essai de philo-physique.Etienne Klein - 2018 - Paris: Éditions de l'Observatoire.
    La physique et la philosophie sont-elles deux genres de pensée différents? Oui, mais... Est-il si certain que la physique et la philosophie ne se percutent jamais? Elles partagent en tout cas une même ambition, celle d'augmenter et de perfectionner, chacune à sa façon, la "connaissance" au sens large. Cela ne suffit-il pas pour qu'elles aient matière à conversations? Dès lors qu'on la prend au sérieux, la physique nous écarte de nos pensées les plus ordinaires, secoue nos idées pourtant les plus (...)
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    Letters of Etienne Gilson to Henri de Lubac.Etienne Gilson & Henri de Lubac - 1988
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  42. We, the People of Europe?: Reflections on Transnational Citizenship.Étienne Balibar - 2003 - Princeton University Press.
    étienne Balibar has been one of Europe's most important philosophical and political thinkers since the 1960s. His work has been vastly influential on both sides of the Atlantic throughout the humanities and the social sciences. In We, the People of Europe?, he expands on themes raised in his previous works to offer a trenchant and eloquently written analysis of "transnational citizenship" from the perspective of contemporary Europe. Balibar moves deftly from state theory, national sovereignty, and debates on multiculturalism and European (...)
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    Equaliberty: Political Essays.Étienne Balibar - 2014 - Duke University Press.
    First published in French in 2010, _Equaliberty_ brings together essays by Étienne Balibar, one of the preeminent political theorists of our time. The book is organized around _equaliberty_, a term coined by Balibar to connote the tension between the two ideals of modern democracy: equality and liberty. He finds the tension between these different kinds of rights to be ingrained in the constitution of the modern nation-state and the contemporary welfare state. At the same time, he seeks to keep rights (...)
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  44. Reviews the bookBuddhist Hermeneutics,'edited by Donald S. Lopez Jr.Etienne Lamotte - 1990 - Philosophy East and West 40 (2):258-262.
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    Les différents modes d'existence: suivi de Du mode d'existence de l'oeuvre à faire.Etienne Souriau - 2009 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Quel rapport entre l'existence d'une oeuvre d'art et celle d'un être vivant? Entre l'existence de l'atome et celle d'une valeur comme la solidarité? Ces questions sont les nôtres à chaque fois qu'une réalité est instaurée, prend consistance et vient à compter dans nos vies, qu'il s'agisse d'un morceau de musique, d'un amour ou de Dieu en personne. Comme James ou Deleuze, Souriau défend méthodiquement la thèse d'un pluralisme existentiel. Il y a, en effet, différentes manières d'exister, et même différents degrés (...)
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    From Aristotle to Darwin and Back Again: A Journey in Final Causality, Species and Evaluation.Etienne Gilson - 1984 - Burns & Oates.
    The great philosopher and historian of philosophy, Etienne Gilson, sets out to show that final causality or purposiveness and formal causality are principles for those who think hard and carefully about the world, including the world of biology. Gilson insists that a completely rational understanding of organisms and biological systems requires the philosophical notion of teleology, the idea that certain kinds of things exist and have ends or purposes the fulfillment of which are linked to their natures-in other words, formal (...)
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  47. An information theoretical approach to prefrontal executive function.Etienne Koechlin & Christopher Summerfield - 2007 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 11 (6):229-235.
  48. The Philosopher and the Mirror Neurons.Etienne Bimbenet - 2008 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 70 (3):509-535.
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  49. The Only Reason To Do Anything: Online Trolling as the Deceptive Disruption of Joint Action.Étienne Brown - 2023 - In Carl Fox & Joe Saunders (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Media Ethics. Routledge. pp. 331-341.
    According to recent discussions, trolls attempt to spark the anger of internet users by feigning engagement in serious conversations with unsuspecting targets who are turned into objects of ridicule in front of a complicit audience. In this chapter, I extend the traditional definition of trolling to non-conversational endeavours. In my view, trolling is the deceptive disruption of joint action regardless of whether such action is conversational or non-conversational in nature. In conjunction, I propose an account of the moral wrong in (...)
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    Via pulchritudinis.Étienne Souriau - 1959 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 14 (3):333 - 340.
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