Results for 'Evelyn Bytzek'

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  1.  19
    Herausforderungen und Perspektiven der empirischen Wahlforschung in Deutschland am Beispiel der German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES).Ina E. Bieber & Evelyn Bytzek - 2013 - Analyse & Kritik 35 (2):341-370.
    Empirical electoral research in Germany has reached a high level of quality both with regard to theoretical approaches and methodological issues. Moreover, it is strongly linked to other disciplines in political science such as comparative political studies or political communication and also highly integrated in international electoral research. However, a changing context of voting and internal deficits are imposing challenges on electoral research in Germany which should be met in the next years and decades. Still, these challenges can also be (...)
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    Evelyn Waugh's review of.Evelyn Waugh - 1992 - The Chesterton Review 18 (3):434-436.
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    The Diary of John Evelyn.John Evelyn - 1996 - Routledge.
    John Evelyn (1620-1706) is best remembered for Sylva - his magnum opus - and his Diary . Alongside Pepys' diary, Evelyn's is as well known now as anything else written in their time. A connoisseur of architecture, painting, music, coins, and sermons, Evelyn was renowned for his practical knowledge on horticulture and arboriculture, and he was one of the original Fellows of the Royal Society. His Diary begins with an account of his early life and travels in (...)
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  4. The Diary of John Evelyn: Volume 6: Additions & Corrections, Index.John Evelyn (ed.) - 2000 - Oxford University Press.
    An edition of the letters of Erasmus, regarded as one of the greatest humanist writers. All 12 volumes of this work have been reissued, complete with their scholarly apparatus of commentary and notes, as well as plates.
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  5. Evelyn Waugh on the American Epoch in the Catholic Church.Evelyn Waugh - 2009 - The Chesterton Review 35 (1/2):317-333.
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    A Conversation between Evelyne Grossman & Jacob Rogozinski & : Deleuze, reader of Artaud – Artaud, reader of Deleuze.Evelyne Grossman & Jacob Rogozinski - 2019 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 27 (1):1-13.
    A translation of a dialogue between Evelyne Grossman and Jacob Rogozinski on Artaud, Deleuze, and the status of the ego.
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  7. Reflections on Gender and Science.Evelyn Fox Keller - 1985 - Yale University Press.
    "-Barbara Ehrenreich, Mother Jones "This book represents the expression of a particular feminist perspective made all the more compelling by Keller's evident commitment to and understanding of science.
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    Making Sense of Life.Evelyn Fox Keller - 2002 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    What do biologists want? If, unlike their counterparts in physics, biologists are generally wary of a grand, overarching theory, at what kinds of explanation do biologists aim? A history of the diverse and changing nature of biological explanation in a particularly charged field, "Making Sense of Life" draws our attention to the temporal, disciplinary, and cultural components of what biologists mean, and what they understand, when they propose to explain life.
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  9. Beyond Prejudice: The Moral Significance of Human and Nonhuman Animals.Evelyn B. Pluhar - 1995 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In _Beyond Prejudice_, Evelyn B. Pluhar defends the view that any sentient conative being—one capable of caring about what happens to him or herself—is morally significant, a view that supports the moral status and rights of many nonhuman animals. Confronting traditional and contemporary philosophical arguments, she offers in clear and accessible fashion a thorough examination of theories of moral significance while decisively demonstrating the flaws in the arguments of those who would avoid attributing moral rights to nonhumans. Exposing the (...)
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    A Guide to Field Philosophy: Case Studies and Practical Strategies.Evelyn Brister & Robert Frodeman (eds.) - 2020 - New York: Routledge.
    Philosophers increasingly engage in practical work with other disciplines and the world at large. This volume draws together the lessons learned from this work--including philosophers' contributions to scientific research projects, consultations on matters of policy, and expertise provided to government agencies and non-profits--on how to effectively practice philosophy. Its 22 case studies are organized into five sections: I Collaboration and Communication II Policymaking and the Public Sphere III Fieldwork in the Academy IV Fieldwork in the Professions V Changing Philosophical Practice (...)
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  11. Evelyn Fox Keller Science and Gender.Bill D. Moyers, Evelyn Fox Keller, Leslie Clark, N. Y.) Wnet York & Ill) Wttw Chicago - 1994 - Films for the Humanities.
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  12. The Century of the Gene.Evelyn Fox Keller - 2001 - Journal of the History of Biology 34 (3):613-615.
  13.  67
    Evelyn Waugh and Fascism.Evelyn Waugh & Donat Gallagher - 1999 - The Chesterton Review 25 (3):388-390.
  14. Evelyn Waugh on Thomas Merton.Evelyn Waugh - 2008 - The Chesterton Review 34 (1/2):364-365.
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  15.  21
    Le thème de l'amitié dans l'Éthique à Nicomaque et l'Éthique à Eudème.Évelyne Proulx - 1985 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 41 (3):317-328.
  16.  34
    L-eye to me: The combined role of Need for Cognition and facial trustworthiness in mimetic desires.Evelyne Treinen, Olivier Corneille & Gaylord Luypaert - 2012 - Cognition 122 (2):247-251.
  17. Secrets of Life, Secrets of Death: Essays on Language, Gender and Science.Evelyn Fox Keller - 1994 - The Personalist Forum 10 (1):47-49.
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  18.  46
    Moral Intensity, Issue Characteristics, and Ethical Issue Recognition in Sales Situations.Evelyne Rousselet, Bérangère Brial, Romain Cadario & Amina Béji-Bécheur - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (2):347-363.
    Researchers have considered individual and organizational factors of ethical decision making. However, they have little interest in situational factors :101–125, 2013) which is surprising given the many situations sales persons face. We address this issue using two pilot qualitative studies successively and a 2 by 2 within-subject experiment with sales scenarios. Qualitative and quantitative data are obtained from front-line employees of the main French retail banks that serve low-income customers. We show that the recognition of an ethical issue differs depending (...)
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    Suppressing the truth as a mechanism of deception: Delta plots reveal the role of response inhibition in lying.Evelyne Debey, Richard K. Ridderinkhof, Jan De Houwer, Maarten De Schryver & Bruno Verschuere - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 37:148-159.
  20.  22
    Producing and projecting data: Aesthetic practices of government data portals.Evelyn Ruppert & Helene Ratner - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (2).
    We develop the concept of ‘aesthetic practices’ to capture the work needed for population data to be disseminated via government data portals. Specifically, we look at the Census Hub of the European Statistical System and the Danish Ministry of Education’s Data Warehouse. These portals form part of open government data initiatives, which we understand as governing technologies. We argue that to function as such, aesthetic practices are required so that data produced at dispersed sites can be brought into relation and (...)
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    Reassembling Social Science Methods: The Challenge of Digital Devices.Evelyn Ruppert, John Law & Mike Savage - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (4):22-46.
    The aim of the article is to intervene in debates about the digital and, in particular, framings that imagine the digital in terms of epochal shifts or as redefining life. Instead, drawing on recent developments in digital methods, we explore the lively, productive and performative qualities of the digital by attending to the specificities of digital devices and how they interact, and sometimes compete, with older devices and their capacity to mobilize and materialize social and other relations. In doing so, (...)
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  22.  26
    Crimes of NarrationAlbert Camus, dans le premier silence... et au-dela.Evelyn H. Zepp, Alex Argyros & Paul-F. Smets - 1987 - Substance 16 (3):78.
  23. Physics and the emergence of molecular biology: A history of cognitive and political synergy.Evelyn Fox Keller - 1990 - Journal of the History of Biology 23 (3):389-409.
  24.  94
    Revisiting ``scale-free'' networks.Evelyn Fox Keller - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (10):1060-1068.
    Recent observations of power-law distributions in the connectivity of complex networks came as a big surprise to researchers steeped in the tradition of random networks. Even more surprising was the discovery that power-law distributions also characterize many biological and social networks. Many attributed a deep significance to this fact, inferring a “universal architecture” of complex systems. Closer examination, however, challenges the assumptions that (1) such distributions are special and (2) they signify a common architecture, independent of the system's specifics. The (...)
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  25. From Servitude to Service Work: Historical Continuities in the Racial Division of Paid Reproductive Labor.Evelyn Nakano Glenn - 1997 - History and Theory: Feminist Research, Debates, Contestations 18 (1):113.
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    Field Philosophy and Social Justice.Evelyn Brister - 2021 - Social Epistemology 35 (4):393-404.
    Field philosophy is a method of philosophical practice. As such, it is open or neutral with regard to topic and content, to the social location of collaborators, and to the type of outcome or produ...
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    Alexius Meinong.Evelyn Dölling - 1995 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 50 (1):1-27.
    Meinongs Leben vollzog sich in engen räumlichen Grenzen. Es scheint kaum von besonderen Höhepunkten gekennzeichnet zu sein. Als neunjähriger, im Jahre 1862, verließ er seine Geburtsstadt Lemberg und ging nach Wien, um dort die Schule zu besuchen und später deutsche Philologie und Geschichte zu studieren. Nach Abschluß einer Dissertation über Arnold von Brescia wandte er sich der Philosophie zu und habilitierte sich auf Empfehlung von Franz Brentano mit einer Arbeit über David Hume. Ein schweres Augenleiden, das sehr zeitig schon zu (...)
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    It’s no accident: Our bias for intentional explanations.Evelyn Rosset - 2008 - Cognition 108 (3):771-780.
  29. Knowing As Making, Making As Knowing: The Many Lives of Synthetic Biology.Evelyn Fox Keller - 2009 - Biological Theory 4 (4):333-339.
    The ways in which the various activities of synthetic biology connect to those of conventional biology display both a multiplicity and variety that reflect the multiplicity and variety of meanings for which the term synthetic biology has been invoked, today as in the past. Central to this variety, as well as to the connection itself, is the complex relationship between knowing and making that has prevailed in the life sciences. That relationship is the focus of this article. More specifically, my (...)
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    The Mirage of a Space between Nature and Nurture.Evelyn Fox Keller - 2010 - Duke University Press.
    In this powerful critique, the esteemed historian and philosopher of science Evelyn Fox Keller addresses the nature-nurture debates, including the persistent disputes regarding the roles played by genes and the environment in determining individual traits and behavior. Keller is interested in both how an oppositional “versus” came to be inserted between nature and nurture, and how the distinction on which that opposition depends, the idea that nature and nurture are separable, came to be taken for granted. How, she asks, (...)
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  31.  45
    Organisms, Machines, and Thunderstorms: A History of Self-Organization (I).Evelyn Fox Keller - 2008 - Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 38 (1):45-75.
  32.  86
    Reproduction and the central project of evolutionary theory.Evelyn Fox Keller - 1987 - Biology and Philosophy 2 (4):383-396.
    In much of the discourse of evolutionary theory, reproduction is treated as an autonomous function of the individual organism — even in discussions of sexually reproducing organisms. In this paper, I examine some of the functions and consequences of such manifestly peculiar language. In particular, I suggest that it provides crucial support for the central project of evolutionary theory — namely that of locating causal efficacy in intrinsic properties of the individual organism. Furthermore, I argue that the language of individual (...)
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  33. Different Sexualities.Evelyn Blackwood - 1994 - In Anne Herrmann & Abigail J. Stewart, Theorizing feminism: parallel trends in the humanities and social sciences. Boulder: Westview Press. pp. 301.
  34.  11
    La détermination nominale : enjeux d’une mise en dialogue des approches théoriques.Evelyne Gardelle Chabert - 2022 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Il s’agit d’étudier dans ce volume non pas juste une classe de mots, mais une fonction, qui a fait l’objet de grandes divergences théoriques quant à ses délimitations, sa définition exacte, et dont le concept même n’est pas utilisé par toutes les écoles de linguistique. Le but de ce volume est de faire le point sur les facteurs de divergence, sur les concepts limitatifs ou concurrents à celui de détermination, afin de voir si certaines...
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    Pierre Caspard, Jean-Noël Luc, Rebecca Rogers (dir.), « L’Éducation des filles, XVIIIe-XXIe.Évelyne Héry - 2009 - Clio 29.
    L’intérêt que la revue Clio. Femmes, histoire, sociétés porte à l’histoire de l’éducation des filles justifie à lui seul la lecture du numéro spécial d’Histoire de l’éducation qui lui est consacré. L’hommage à l’historienne Françoise Mayeur qui ouvre le recueil est le fil d’Ariane des textes rassemblés. Après cet avant-propos et l’inventaire des travaux sur le sujet, les coordonnateurs du numéro ont opté pour un classement chronologique des thèmes étudiés. On recommandera d’abord à tout cherc...
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    Alfred Schutz Private Family Journal of First Trip to the United States of America in 1937.Evelyn S. Lang - 2009 - Schutzian Research 1:245-271.
  37.  24
    Child psychology.Evelyn Lawrence - 1939 - The Eugenics Review 31 (2):132.
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    The factors of the mind.Evelyn Lawrence - 1941 - The Eugenics Review 32 (4):139.
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  39. Dreamwood.Evelyn Olivier, Roger Somers, Diane Nelson, Margo St James & Henry Taylor - 1990 - Mystic Fire Video [Distributor].
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    Human Cloning: Category, Dignity, and the Role of Bioethics.Evelyne Shuster - 2003 - Bioethics 17 (5-6):517-525.
    ABSTRACT Human cloning has been simultaneously a running joke for massive worldwide publicity of fringe groups like the Raelians, and the core issue of an international movement at the United Nations in support of a treaty to ban the use of cloning techniques to produce a child (so called reproductive cloning). Yet, even though debates on human cloning have greatly increased since the birth of Dolly, the clone sheep, in 1997, we continue to wonder whether cloning is after all any (...)
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    Mobile Brain/Body Imaging (MoBI) of Physical Interaction with Dynamically Moving Objects.Evelyn Jungnickel & Klaus Gramann - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  42.  59
    Not the Same Old Chestnut.Evelyn Brister & Andrew E. Newhouse - 2020 - Environmental Ethics 42 (2):149-167.
    We argue that the wild release of genetically modified organisms can be justified as a way of preserving species and ecosystems. We look at the case of a genetically modified American chestnut that is currently undergoing regulatory review. Because American chestnuts are functionally extinct, a genetically modified replacement has significant conservation value. In addition, many of the arguments used against GMOs, especially GMO crops, do not hold for American chestnut trees. Finally, we show how GMOs such as the American chestnut (...)
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  43.  62
    Review of Evelyn Fox Keller and Helen E. Longino: Feminism & Science (Oxford Readings in Feminism)[REVIEW]Evelyn Fox Keller & Helen E. Longino - 1997 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 48 (4):618-620.
  44.  49
    (1 other version)The Governmental Topologies of Database Devices.Evelyn Ruppert - 2012 - Theory, Culture and Society 29 (4-5):116-136.
    In business and government, databases contain large quantities of digital transactional data (purchases made, services used, finances transferred, benefits received, licences acquired, borders crossed, tickets purchased). The data can be understood as ongoing and dynamic measurements of the activities and doings of people. In government, numerous database devices have been developed to connect such data across services to discover patterns and identify and evaluate the performance of individuals and populations. Under the UK’s New Labour government, the development of such devices (...)
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    Contextual fear conditioning predicts subsequent avoidance behaviour in a virtual reality environment.Evelyn Glotzbach, Heike Ewald, Marta Andreatta, Paul Pauli & Andreas Mühlberger - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (7):1256-1272.
  46.  25
    Sensation Seeking, Non-contextual Decision Making, and Driving Abilities As Measured through a Moped Simulator.Evelyn Gianfranchi, Mariaelena Tagliabue, Andrea Spoto & Giulio Vidotto - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    “Just Access”? Questions of Equity in Access and Funding for Assistive Technology.Evelyne Durocher, Rosalie H. Wang, Jerome Bickenbach, Daphne Schreiber & Michael G. Wilson - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (3):172-191.
    Assistive technology has great potential to contribute to health, functioning, and quality of life. To date, as exemplified in the Canadian context, variations and inequities in access to assistive technology are evident; the development of legislation, policies, and programs has not kept up with the increasing use of assistive technology. In this article, we apply ;Daniels’s (2008) theory of just health to argue that equitable access to assistive technology funding and services is necessary for justice. In doing so, we offer (...)
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  48.  53
    Between language and science: the question of directed mutation in molecular genetics.Evelyn Fox Keller - 1992 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 35 (2):292.
  49.  12
    Proceduralism and Expertise in Local Environmental Decision-Making.Evelyn Brister - 2018 - In Ben A. Minteer & Sahotra Sarkar, A Sustainable Philosophy—the Work of Bryan Norton. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Among Bryan Norton’s most influential contributions to environmental philosophy has been his analysis and evaluation of democratic processes for environmental decision-making. He examines actual cases of environmental decision-making in their legal, political, ethical and scientific contexts, and, with contextual constraints and goals in mind, he theorizes concerning what they accomplish and how they can be improved. Informed by the political theories of both John Dewey and Jürgen Habermas, Norton’s pragmatist approach holds that appropriate democratic decision procedures will generate broadly defensible (...)
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    Distributed cognition, Shakespeare’s theatre, and the dogma of harmony.Evelyn Tribble - forthcoming - Topoi:1-7.
    The field of distributed cognition has been accused of being overly concerned with the “dogma of harmony,” valuing smoothness and success and neglecting moments of failure, contingency, noise, and chaos. This paper examines this proposition through a historical case study. Performances, whether theatrical or cinematic, depend upon deploying powerful cognitive, affective and symbolic technologies, tools that can that at times elude or escape full control. I ask whether the use of such technologies—including verbal, gestural, visual (lighting, cinematic technologies such as (...)
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