Results for 'Emma Hilton'

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  1. Clinical management of dementia : an overview (2).Carolyn Chew-Graham Chris Fox, Ian Maidment Emma Wolverson & Andrea Hilton - 2014 - In Charles Foster, Jonathan Herring & Israel Doron, The law and ethics of dementia. Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
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  2. When Ideology Trumps Science: A response to the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport’s Review on Transwomen Athletes in the Female Category.Miroslav Imbrisevic, Cathy Devine, Leslie A. Howe, Jon Pike, Emma Hilton & Tommy Lundberg - 2022 - Idrottsforum - Nordic Sports Science Forum 11:1-18.
    The recently published ‘Scientific Review’ by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport about transwomen’s participation in female sport doesn’t deserve its name; it is wholly unscientific. This publication follows a familiar pattern. The body is not important anymore when it comes to categorisation and eligibility in sport; instead, it’s all about a psychological phenomenon: gender identity. This side-lining of the body (which makes the side-lining of female athletes and the inclusion of male-born athletes possible) is now reinforced by an (...)
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    BioEssays 11/2019.Jenny A. Allen - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (11):1970111.
    Graphical AbstractSocial learning and culture occur in a wide variety of animal species and across many different types of community structures. In article number 1900060, Jenny A. Allen present an overview of social learning in species across a spectrum of community structures, providing the necessary infrastructure to allow a comparison of studies that will help move the field of animal culture forward. Art designer: Emma Hilton.
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  4. Extended emotion.J. Adam Carter, Emma C. Gordon & S. Orestis Palermos - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (2):198-217.
    Recent thinking within philosophy of mind about the ways cognition can extend has yet to be integrated with philosophical theories of emotion, which give cognition a central role. We carve out new ground at the intersection of these areas and, in doing so, defend what we call the extended emotion thesis: the claim that some emotions can extend beyond skin and skull to parts of the external world.
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  5. Openmindedness and truth.J. Adam Carter & Emma C. Gordon - 2014 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 44 (2):207-224.
    While openmindedness is often cited as a paradigmatic example of an intellectual virtue, the connection between openmindedness and truth is tenuous. Several strategies for reconciling this tension are considered, and each is shown to fail; it is thus claimed that openmindedness, when intellectually virtuous, bears no interesting essential connection to truth. In the final section, the implication of this result is assessed in the wider context of debates about epistemic value.
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  6. Knowledge First: Approaches in Epistemology and Mind.J. Adam Carter, Emma C. Gordon & Benjamin W. Jarvis (eds.) - 2017 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    'Knowledge-First' constitutes what is widely regarded as one of the most significant innovations in contemporary epistemology in the past 25 years. Knowledge-first epistemology is the idea that knowledge per se should not be analysed in terms of its constituent parts (e.g., justification, belief), but rather that these and other notions should be analysed in terms of the concept of knowledge. This volume features a substantive introduction and 13 original essays from leading and up-and-coming philosophers on the topic of knowledge-first philosophy. (...)
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    Scientific realism: quo vadis? Introduction: new thinking about scientific realism.Stathis Psillos & Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem - 1999 - Synthese 194 (9):3187-3201.
    This Introduction has two foci: the first is a discussion of the motivation for and the aims of the 2014 conference on New Thinking about Scientific Realism in Cape Town South Africa, and the second is a brief contextualization of the contributed articles in this special issue of Synthese in the framework of the conference. Each focus is discussed in a separate section.
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    The First- and Second-Order Ethical Reasons Approach: The Case of Human Challenge Trials.Davide Battisti, Emma Capulli & Mario Picozzi - 2024 - Ethics and Human Research 46 (5):26-36..
    At the height of the Covid pandemic, there was much discussion in the literature about using human challenge trials (HCTs) to expedite the development of effective Covid-19 vaccines. Historically, reluctance to fully accept HCTs has largely been due to potential conflicts with the principle of nonmaleficence in bioethics. Only a few commentators have explored this topic in depth. In this paper, we claim that to address ethical concerns regarding HCTs, two types of ethical reasons should be identified and investigated: first-order (...)
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    Playful teasing and the emergence of pretence.Vasudevi Reddy, Emma Williams & Alan Costall - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (5):1023-1041.
    The study of the emergence of pretend play in developmental psychology has generally been restricted to analyses of children’s play with toys and everyday objects. The widely accepted criteria for establishing pretence are the child’s manipulation of object identities, attributes or existence. In this paper we argue that there is another arena for pretending—playful pretend teasing—which arises earlier than pretend play with objects and is therefore potentially relevant for understanding the more general emergence of pretence. We present examples of playful (...)
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    Trust, artificial intelligence and software practitioners: an interdisciplinary agenda.Sarah Pink, Emma Quilty, John Grundy & Rashina Hoda - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-14.
    Trust and trustworthiness are central concepts in contemporary discussions about the ethics of and qualities associated with artificial intelligence (AI) and the relationships between people, organisations and AI. In this article we develop an interdisciplinary approach, using socio-technical software engineering and design anthropological approaches, to investigate how trust and trustworthiness concepts are articulated and performed by AI software practitioners. We examine how trust and trustworthiness are defined in relation to AI across these disciplines, and investigate how AI, trust and trustworthiness (...)
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    Introducing a gender-neutral pronoun in a natural gender language: the influence of time on attitudes and behavior.Marie Gustafsson Sendén, Emma A. Bäck & Anna Lindqvist - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Are counselors and therapists prostitutes? A dialogue.Rupert Read & Emma Willmer - 2000 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 7 (4):33-42.
    An age-old dilemma in philosophy—think of Socrates and the Sophists—concerns the taking of money in return for wisdom. Or rather in return for a shared search; in return, that is, for philo-sophia. The core of this same dilemma re-emerges in psychotherapy. Can it be right to take money for providing the kind of love, support, wisdom etc. which therapists and counselors attempt to provide?
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    Le droit de mutiler.Jasbir K. Puar, Emma Bigé & Harriet de Gouge - 2024 - Multitudes 94 (1):103-108.
    À l’été 2014, les mouvements Black Lives Matter et Free Palestine convergent. C’est l’occasion pour la théoricienne transdisciplinaire Jasbir K. Puar de réfléchir à la dévalidation forcée des populations racialisées. S’appuyant sur les théories handies décoloniales et crip-of-color, Puar considère la manière dont les corps non-blancs sont exclus de la reconnaissance du handicap. Alors que les meurtres policiers de personnes noires aux États-Unis touchent une large majorité de personnes noires handicapées, et alors que la destruction systématique des hôpitaux palestiniens par (...)
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    (1 other version)Children With Reading Difficulty Rely on Unimodal Neural Processing for Phonemic Awareness.Melissa Randazzo, Emma B. Greenspon, James R. Booth & Chris McNorgan - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Der Tanz im alten Aegypten.Hermann Ranke & Emma Brunner-Traut - 1940 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 60 (1):104.
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    Die Geburtsgeschichte der Evangelien im Lichte ägyptologischer Forschungen.Emma Brunner-Traut - 1960 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 12 (2):97-111.
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    Waste and Abundance: The Measure of Consumption.Susan Cahill, Emma Hegarty & Emilie Morin - 2008 - Substance 37 (2):3-7.
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    La complejidad y el pensamiento de Gilles Deleuze.Emma Ingala Gómez - forthcoming - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía.
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    Semences de liberté.Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Emma Bigé & Camille Noûs - 2022 - Multitudes 3 (3):121-127.
    Ce texte passe en revue les caractéristiques principales d’une expérience de jardins ouvriers menée à Durham, en Caroline du Nord pour lutter contre les violences sexuelles et sexistes. Le jardin, l’acte de jardiner sont envisagés comme des techniques de justice transformatrice : se rassembler, entrer en contact les unes avec les autres, cultiver de quoi se nourrir, sentir la terre et les histoires de violence qui la précèdent, se donner les moyens d’y faire pousser autres choses. Toutes ces pratiques interrelient (...)
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    Cognitive Control Processes and Defense Mechanisms That Influence Aggressive Reactions: Toward an Integration of Socio-Cognitive and Psychodynamic Models of Aggression.Jean Gagnon, Joyce Emma Quansah & Paul McNicoll - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Research on cognitive processes has primarily focused on cognitive control and inhibitory processes to the detriment of other psychological processes, such as defense mechanisms, which can be used to modify aggressive impulses as well as self/other images during interpersonal conflicts. First, we conducted an in-depth theoretical analysis of three socio-cognitive models and three psychodynamic models and compared main propositions regarding the source of aggression and processes that influence its enactment. Second, 32 participants completed the Hostile Expectancy Violation Paradigm in which (...)
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  21. The Spectrum of Clinical Research with Medications in A Spanish University Hospital. Review of 1.000 Clinical Trials Evaluated by the Research Ethics Committee. [REVIEW]Emma Fernández de Uzquiano, A. Gil Aguado, P. Lavilla Uriol, J. Frías Iniesta, R. Madero Jarabo & R. Álvarez-Sala Walther - 2009 - Open Ethics Journal 3:20-27.
  22. Minimal semantics.Emma Borg - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Minimal Semantics asks what a theory of literal linguistic meaning is for - if you were to be given a working theory of meaning for a language right now, what would you be able to do with it? Emma Borg sets out to defend a formal approach to semantic theorising from a relatively new type of opponent - advocates of what she call 'dual pragmatics'. According to dual pragmatists, rich pragmatic processes play two distinct roles in linguistic comprehension: as (...)
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    Worship in a post-lockdown context: A ritual-liturgical perspective.Hilton R. Scott - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):8.
    In this unprecedented time, there are many questions and plenty of speculation surrounding what life will be like after the South African nationwide lockdown. There is concern over the effects that the lockdown will have on worship services when churches are in a position to open their doors to the public once more. As a result of recognising the lockdown as a liminal phase, perspectives are shared when considering how the church will gather again in a post-lockdown context and therefore (...)
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    Toward a Moratorium on Publishing in the Field of Educational Studies: Where is This Train Going?Hilton Kelly - 2019 - Educational Studies 55 (1):1-11.
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    Pursuing Meaning.Emma Borg - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Emma Borg examines the relation between semantics and pragmatics, and assesses recent answers to fundamental questions of how and where to draw the divide between the two. She argues for a minimal account of the interrelation between them--a 'minimal semantics'--which holds that only rule-governed appeals to context can influence semantic content.
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  26.  15
    Problemas do historicismo contempor'neo – revolução em Castoriadis e redescrição em Rorty.Hilton Leal Da Cruz - 2012 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 6 (2):138-151.
    O presente artigo tem como objeto o historicismo, a abordagem filosófica que considera a história como um fator crucial para a configuração dos valores e crenças e critérios dos homens e mulheres. De modo mais específico, eu exploro nas páginas seguintes alguns problemas que cercam a abordagem historicista e sua relação com a ação política e o discurso filosófico. Faço isso através da análise do pensamento de dois filósofos cuja contribuição tem sido considerada muito importante para a filosofia política hodierna: (...)
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  27. Late presentation of isolated digital contracture following forearm fracture.Hilton P. Gottschalk, Eric Szczesniak & Randy R. Bindra - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman, The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 1--3.
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    Cosmic science of the ancient masters.Hilton Hotema - 1963 - [Chicago, Illinois]: Frontline Distribution International.
  29.  19
    Le marche Des droits de propriete en France et en angleterre a l’epoque moderne.Hilton Root - 1994 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 5 (2-3):295-318.
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    State Power and the Persistence of Communal Institutions in Old Regime France.Hilton L. Root - 1987 - Politics and Society 15 (3):235-258.
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    Katherine Cooper and Emma Short (eds) The female figure in contemporary historical fiction. [REVIEW]Emma Young - 2014 - Feminist Theory 15 (2):213-215.
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    Knowledge-based causal attribution: The abnormal conditions focus model.Denis J. Hilton & Ben R. Slugoski - 1986 - Psychological Review 93 (1):75-88.
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    Effects of age on metacognitive efficiency.Emma C. Palmer, Anthony S. David & Stephen M. Fleming - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 28:151-160.
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    A time to seek, a time to lose [for the Catholic Church in Melbourne].Hilton Deakin - 1996 - The Australasian Catholic Record 73 (4):407.
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    Contemporary Studies of American Schooling.Hilton Smith - 1985 - Educational Studies 16 (1):1-14.
  36.  35
    Dynamics of Stakeholders' Implications in the Institutionalization of the CSR Field in France and in the United States.Emma Avetisyan & Michel Ferrary - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 115 (1):115-133.
    This study supports the idea that fields form around issues, and describes the roles of various stakeholders in the structuring, shaping, and legitimating of the emerging field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). A model of the institutional history of the CSR field is outlined, of which a key stage is the appearance of CSR rating agencies as the significant players and Institutional Entrepreneurs of the field. We show to which extent the creation and further development of CSR rating agencies, and (...)
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    Epigenetics and Responsibility: Ethical Perspectives.Emma Moormann, Anna Smajdor & Daniela Cutas (eds.) - 2024 - Bristol University Press.
    We tend to hold people responsible for their choices, but not for what they can’t control: their nature, genes or biological makeup. This thought-provoking collection redefines the boundaries of moral responsibility. It shows how epigenetics reveals connections between our genetic make-up and our environment. The essays challenge established notions of human nature and the nature/nurture divide and suggest a shift in focus from individual to collective responsibility. Uncovering the links between our genetic makeup, environment and experiences, this is an important (...)
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    Healing as transformation and restoration: A ritual-liturgical exploration.Hilton Scott & Casparus J. Wepener - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (4):1-9.
    Illness is a reality that affects all people, and healing is the main reason why people attend worship services in sub-Saharan Africa. According to the Ritual Studies scholar Ronald Grimes, illness is a social reality; it is socially imagined and constructed. Healing in the church is something that many believers experience, also in the context of worship and liturgy. In order to explore such healing as it occurs in liturgy a research project was undertaken making use of both empirical work (...)
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    The Haunted House in Women's Ghost Stories: Gender, Space, and Modernity, 1850–1945 by Emma Liggins.Emma Schneider - 2021 - Intertexts 25 (1-2):139-144.
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    Neural Correlates of the Shamanic State of Consciousness.Emma R. Huels, Hyoungkyu Kim, UnCheol Lee, Tarik Bel-Bahar, Angelo V. Colmenero, Amanda Nelson, Stefanie Blain-Moraes, George A. Mashour & Richard E. Harris - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:610466.
    Psychedelics have been recognized as model interventions for studying altered states of consciousness. However, few empirical studies of the shamanic state of consciousness, which is anecdotally similar to the psychedelic state, exist. We investigated the neural correlates of shamanic trance using high-density electroencephalography (EEG) in 24 shamanic practitioners and 24 healthy controls during rest, shamanic drumming, and classical music listening, followed by an assessment of altered states of consciousness. EEG data were used to assess changes in absolute power, connectivity, signal (...)
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    Synovial chondromatosis in a child's thumb: a case report and review of the literature.Hilton P. Gottschalk, Robert Newbury & C. Doug Wallace - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman, The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 7--1.
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  42. Red and green all over again.John Hilton - 1961 - Analysis 22 (December):47-48.
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    Interview.Hilton Keon Kelly - 2004 - Educational Studies 35 (2):158-174.
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    A unifying theoretical approach to motor learning.Hilton N. Wasserman - 1952 - Psychological Review 59 (4):278-284.
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    The effect of motivation and amount of pre-rest practice upon inhibitory potential in motor learning.Hilton N. Wasserman - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 42 (3):162.
  46.  38
    The Right Thing at the Right Time: Why Ostensive Naming Facilitates Word Learning.Emma L. Axelsson, Kirsten Churchley & Jessica S. Horst - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Physical and mental effort disrupts the implicit sense of agency.Emma E. Howard, S. Gareth Edwards & Andrew P. Bayliss - 2016 - Cognition 157 (C):114-125.
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    Not All Green Space Is Created Equal: Biodiversity Predicts Psychological Restorative Benefits From Urban Green Space.Emma Wood, Alice Harsant, Martin Dallimer, Anna Cronin de Chavez, Rosemary R. C. McEachan & Christopher Hassall - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Contemporary epidemiological methods testing the associations between green space and psychological well-being treat all vegetation cover as equal. However, there is very good reason to expect that variations in ecological "quality" (number of species, integrity of ecological processes) may influence the link between access to green space and benefits to human health and well-being. We test the relationship between green space quality and restorative benefit in an inner city urban population in Bradford, UK. We selected 12 urban parks for study (...)
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  49. Explanatory roles for minimal content.Emma Borg - 2017 - Noûs 53 (3):513-539.
    A standard objection to so-called ‘minimal semantics’ (Borg 2004, 2012, Cappelen and Lepore 2005) is that minimal contents are explanatorily redundant as they play no role in an adequate account of linguistic communication (those making this objection include Levinson 2000, Carston 2002, Recanati 2004). This paper argues that this standard objection is mistaken. Furthermore, I argue that seeing why the objection is mistaken sheds light both on how we should draw the classic Gricean distinction between saying and implicating, and how (...)
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  50. Who really needs a theory of mind?Emma Williams - 2009 - In Ivan Leudar & Alan Costall, Against theory of mind. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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