Results for 'Emilia Velikova'

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  1.  79
    Existence et valeurs dans le monde contemporain.Emilia Velikova - 2006 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 8:39-44.
    Dans l'espace spirituel de la civilisation occidentale contemporaine il s'opere un croisement entre deux paradigmes mentaux selon lesquels le rapport entre le transcendant et le phenomenologique est percu d'une maniere fondamentalement differente: il est question des paradigmes de pre-renaissance et de la modernite. Dans le paradigme pre-renaissant, l'univers est percu comme etant ontologiquement divise en deux realites subordonnees, ce qui introduit le Transcendant dans le monde. Avec les progres des sciences, le paradigme mental se bätit sur l'idee principale de l'unidimensionnalite (...)
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    Autentyczność emocji w bioetycznym sporze o ulepszanie człowieka. Czy „pigułka szczęścia” może dać prawdziwe szczęście?Emilia Kaczmarek - 2015 - Etyka 51:9-23.
    Celem artykułu jest podsumowanie filozoficznego sporu na temat autentyczności emocji wywoływanych przez środki psychofarmakologiczne. Praca jest głosem w szerszej bioetycznej dyskusji na temat ulepszania ludzi, a w szczególności ulepszania nastroju. W pierwszej części pracy przedstawiono dwa przeciwstawne bioetyczne stanowiska: wrogich idei ulepszania ludzi biokonserwatystów oraz entuzjastycznych transhumanistów. W drugiej części artykułu wykazano, w jaki sposób nieporozumienie między obydwoma stanowiskami może wynikać z innego sposobu definiowania pojęcia autentyczności. W trzeciej części problem autentyczności emocji rozpatrzono na hipotetycznym przykładzie przyjemności wywoływanej przez „pigułkę (...)
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    Can the Psycho-Emotional State be Optimized by Regular Use of Positive Imagery?, Psychological and Electroencephalographic Study of Self-Guided Training.Svetla Velikova, Haldor Sjaaheim & Bente Nordtug - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  4. Alleviative Bleeding: Bloodletting, Menstruation and the Politics of Ignorance in a Brazilian Blood Donation Centre.Emilia Sanabria - 2009 - Body and Society 15 (2):123-144.
    This article focuses on blood donation as a form of bloodletting in a context where donation is commonly seen to alleviate the symptoms of `thick blood'. It deals with the gendered aspects of blood donation, and the parallels drawn between donating blood and menstruating. Women are seen not to need to donate blood as much as men, who, in the absence of menstruation, are more prone to thick blood and require a means to expunge the ensuing excess. While blood donation (...)
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    Use case cards: a use case reporting framework inspired by the European AI Act.Emilia Gómez, Sandra Baldassarri, David Fernández-Llorca & Isabelle Hupont - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (2):1-23.
    Despite recent efforts by the Artificial Intelligence (AI) community to move towards standardised procedures for documenting models, methods, systems or datasets, there is currently no methodology focused on use cases aligned with the risk-based approach of the European AI Act (AI Act). In this paper, we propose a new framework for the documentation of use cases that we call use case cards, based on the use case modelling included in the Unified Markup Language (UML) standard. Unlike other documentation methodologies, we (...)
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    La materia della mente: lavori in corso.Emilia Barile - 2007 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Presentación.Emilia Bermúdez - 2010 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 15 (50):7-10.
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  8. Su Vico e la psicologia moderna.D. Emilia - 1977 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 7:178-180.
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    The last tribute to Isabella of bourbon at salamanca.Emilia Montaner - 1997 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 60 (1):164-193.
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    La confianza en el Derecho. Un centro de gravedad permanente.Emilia Bea Pérez - 2023 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 48:27-36.
    En el marco del debate suscitado por el último libro de Tommaso Greco, la re-flexión se centrará en el doble sentido evocado en el título del presente trabajo: confiar en el derecho y en el papel que la confianza juega dentro de él. Frente a la perspectiva antropológico-jurídica dominante, fundada en la desconfianza, la sospecha y el temor, abordamos un paradigma alternativo, basado en la necesidad de fiarse del otro y en el establecimiento de lazos cooperativos, cuyo núcleo reside en (...)
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    Notes on the International Society for Universal Dialogue.Emilia A. Tajsin - 2019 - Dialogue and Universalism 29 (2):243-252.
    Neither for today’s Russia, nor for the whole of the contemporary world is there, perhaps, a more important issue than the possibility of a civilized, peaceful dialogue between cultures, peoples, governments and individuals. The International Society for Universal Dialogue is one among other philosophical schools, societies and organizations which promote the idea of universal dialogue. It tries to solve problems associated with language and ideological barriers, strengthening professional and friendly ties and implementation, through joint efforts, of a peaceful and fair (...)
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    Reasoning in Faith: Reflections from 20th Seminar in Washington.Emilyia Velikova & Zbigniew Wendland - 2004 - Dialogue and Universalism 14 (10-12):59-70.
    In the period from September 15, 2004 to November 15, 2004 there took place a 10-week philosophical seminar, which for some time has been organized every fall by The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy and The Center for the Study of Culture and Values—both institutions associated with The Catholic University of America in Washington.
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    Self-guided Positive Imagery Training: Effects beyond the Emotions–A Loreta Study.Svetla Velikova & Bente Nordtug - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  14.  71
    How to distinguish medicalization from over-medicalization?Emilia Kaczmarek - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (1):119-128.
    Is medicalization always harmful? When does medicine overstep its proper boundaries? The aim of this article is to outline the pragmatic criteria for distinguishing between medicalization and over-medicalization. The consequences of considering a phenomenon to be a medical problem may take radically different forms depending on whether the problem in question is correctly or incorrectly perceived as a medical issue. Neither indiscriminate acceptance of medicalization of subsequent areas of human existence, nor criticizing new medicalization cases just because they are medicalization (...)
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    A Continuity Between the A and B Deductions of the Critique.Emilia Angelova - 2009 - Idealistic Studies 39 (1-3):53-69.
    Heidegger’s Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics controversially claims that the A deduction is superior to the B deduction because the imagination, as the“common root” of understanding and sensibility, opens the first Critique to metaphysical ground. Drawing on Dieter Henrich, this paper reinterprets Heidegger’sreading by moving beyond the Analytic and taking the Dialectic into account. This suggests a continuity between the A and B deductions, namely that the imagination, as more than an ontic faculty, remains a basic power that keeps (...)
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  16.  29
    Violence and “Hyperbologic”: Lawlor on Time’s Relation to Metaphysics.Emilia Angelova - 2018 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 56 (3):365-378.
    In his recent work, Leonard Lawlor draws attention to the problem of “violence,” which is the “problem that provides the most food for thought.” This emphasis on the problem of violence and its connections to metaphysics understood as philosophy has been remarkably consistent over his career, and thinking through responses to “violence” has sustained Lawlor’s continued effort to think about what he calls “violent” relations between event and repeatability and ground these upon a critical phenomenology. This contribution to the discussion (...)
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  17.  17
    Characterizing strong equivalence for argumentation frameworks.Emilia Oikarinen & Stefan Woltran - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (14-15):1985-2009.
  18.  1
    Lezioni sull'illuminismo: atti del seminario di studi organizzato dalla Provincia de Reggio Emilia, ottobre 1978-febbraio 1979.Paolo Rossi & Reggio Emilia Province) - 1980 - Feltrinelli.
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    La pertinencia heurística del concepto de ‘tiempo en abundancia’ para el análisis del tiempo de desempleo desde una perspectiva de género.Emilia Araújo & Mónica Franch - 2017 - Arbor 193 (784):380.
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  20. Conversaciones con Fina Birulés.Emilia Bea Y. Neus Campillo - 2020 - In Á. Lorena Fuster (ed.), Palabras clave: reflexiones para Fina Birulés. Barcelona: Icaria.
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  21.  3
    „Bisogna essere volpe e leone” – interferencja cenzury i recepcji w procesie twórczym Bożycy Bronisława Trentowskiego.Emilia Lipiec - 2024 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 68 (1):261-286.
    Celem artykułu jest prześledzenie wpływu cenzury na powstawanie zachowanej w rękopisie _Bożycy lub teozofii_ oraz na decyzje wydawnicze Bronisława Trentowskiego, jednego z wiodących polskich filozofów romantyzmu. Ze swego traktatu z zakresu filozofii Boga autor opublikował za życia tylko dwa fragmenty. Stawiam w artykule tezę, że dzieło nie zostało w pełni opublikowane z powodu złej recepcji owych fragmentów pośród polskich odbiorców, których tożsamość narodowa w okresie zaborów zawisła na spójności polskiego Kościoła katolickiego, a nie bezpośrednio z powodu cenzury. Kolacjonowanie opublikowanych fragmentów (...)
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  22. La legge morale alla luce del dualismo filosofico.Emilia Nobile - 1943 - Napoli,: G. U. F. "Mussolini," Sezione editoriale.
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  23.  26
    Sexing hormones and materializing gender in Brazil.Emilia Sanabria - 2014 - Clio 37.
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  24. El contexto de la hermenéutica analógica.Emilia Irina Strat - 2005 - Analogía Filosófica 19 (2):139-152.
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    Filozoficzne czasopisma radzieckie o problemach etyki.Emilia Żyro - 1968 - Etyka 3:223-239.
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    W. I. Lenin o kryterium moralności komunistycznej.Emilia Żyro - 1968 - Etyka 3:29-30.
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  27.  21
    Democracy vs. demography: Rethinking politics and the people as debate.Emilia Palonen - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 164 (1):88-103.
    Rise of populist politics in the 21s century calls scholars and politicians alike to reflect upon the question of how politics and democracy have been understood. Drawing on the theory of hegemony, this article establishes a distinction between democracy and ‘demography’ as a key line of conceptualization in politics. It highlights a central misunderstanding at the core of the demonization of populism: For radical democratic theory, ‘the people’ is not a demographic, socio-economic, or historically sedimented category tied to some characteristics, (...)
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    Військово-медична авіація в україні: Історія і сучасність.Kazan Emilia - 2017 - Схід 1 (147):58-63.
    The article analyzes the historical experience of creation and development of military medical aircraft in Ukraine from the 1920s. to the present. In particular, reviewed the activity of Design Bureaus of K. Kalinin and O. Antonov. Special attention is paid to the creation of military medical aircraft after Ukraine gained independence in 1991 and their application to evacuate the wounded during Armed conflict in the east of Ukraine in 2014-2016. The first attempt of creation a sanitary aircraft were made in (...)
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  29.  42
    The bounds of reason: Habermas, Lyotard, and Melanie Klein on rationality.Emilia Steuerman - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    What is the meaning of reason in our postmodern society today? Is reason a weapon of domination, or can it also serve as a means for emancipation? Is it possible for reason to understand its "other"--what it is not? Confronting such questions, Bounds of Reason is a compelling discussion of the limits and meaning of rationality as a tool for understanding the ideas of truth, justice and freedom. Emilia Steuerman explores the modernist and postmodernist controversy between Habermas and Lyotard (...)
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    The Bounds of Reason: Habermas, Lyotard and Melanie Klein on Rationality.Emilia Steuerman - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    _The Bounds of Reason: Habermas, Lyotard & Melanie Klein on Rationality_ is a highly original yet accessible study of the debate between modernity and postmodernity. Emilia Steuerman clearly explains the modernity/postmodernity dispute by examining the problem that has driven the whole debate: whether the use of reason is an emancipatory or enslaving force. Steuerman clearly sets out this debate by critically examining the arguments of two of its key proponents, Jurgen Habermas and Jean-François Lyotard. She clearly explains Habermas' defence (...)
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    Hand Position and Response Assignment Modulate the Activation of the Valence‐Space Conceptual Metaphor.Emilia Castaño, Elizabeth Gilboy, Sara Feijóo, Elisabet Serrat, Carles Rostan, Joseph Hilferty & Toni Cunillera - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (7):2342-2363.
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    Le nom émotion et son rapport à peur, colère, joie.Emilia Hilgert - 2021 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Avec l’entrée massive dans l’usage du nom « émotion » comme nom générique de toutes les manifestations psychologiques, due à la vulgarisation du discours de spécialité de la psychologie, des arts, etc., il existe la tentation de considérer ce nom, du point de vue linguistique, uniquement comme un hyperonyme et même comme un « nom général », du sommet ou des fondements du lexique. Cet article présente un point de vue nouveau : il montre que, par ses propriétés morphologiques, syntaxiques (...)
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  33.  17
    Harnessing the potential of transmedia narratives for critical multimodal literacy.Emilia Djonov & Chiao-I. Tseng - 2021 - Critical Discourse Studies 18 (3):349-367.
    Literary narratives are well recognised for their power to foster engagement with complex social themes. Transmedia narratives, which present the same story in different media, can help advance both critical multimodal discourse studies and multiliteracies pedagogies. To harness this potential, we need to develop methods for systematically relating media affordances to discourse-semantic patterns and the broad social themes these patterns construct in narratives, and ensure these methods build on the knowledge learners bring to the classroom. This article introduces a social (...)
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    Spinoza, ricerche e prospettive: per una storia dello spinozismo in Italia: atti delle Giornate di studio in ricordo di Emilia Giancotti, Urbino, 2-4 ottobre 2002.Emilia Giancotti, Daniela Bostrenghi & Cristina Santinelli (eds.) - 2007 - Napoli: Bibliopolis.
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    Feminist Philosophy.Emilia Angelova - 2007 - In Constantin V. Boundas (ed.), The Edinburgh Companion to the Twentieth Century Philosophies. Edinburgh. University of Edinburgh Press. pp. 590-602.
  36.  24
    Carlos Feíxa Pámpols: jóvenes la emergencia de nuevas formas de ser y estar.Emilia Bermúdez - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (57):5-6.
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    Vocación y vocaciones. Una mirada y muchas preguntas desde la pastoral educativa.Emilia Conde - 2012 - Revista Agustiniana 53 (160):159-186.
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    In Defence of True Music.Emilia Digby - 1894 - The Monist 5 (4):610-613.
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  39. Notas sobre cíborgs y abyecciones.Emilia Calisto Echeveste - 2018 - In Emilia Calisto Echeveste (ed.), Trashumancias: búsquedas teóricas feministas sobre cuerpo y sexualidad. Montevideo, Uruguay: Universidad de la República, Comisión Sectorial de Investigación Científica.
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  40. Bidirectionality in interpreter training in Spanish universities: An empirical study.Emilia Iglesias Ferndndez - 2005 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 38 (1-2):101-126.
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    Feminizm – czy to słowo jeszcze coś znaczy?Emilia Kaczmarek - 2012 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 81 (1):237-258.
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  42. (1 other version)Gorset i skalpel.Emilia Kaczmarek - 2014 - Civitas 16:191-198.
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  43. (1 other version)Huragany, ludożercy i giełdowi maklerzy - czyli o tym, jak napisać popularną książkę filozoficzną.Emilia Kaczmarek - 2013 - Civitas 15:201-206.
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  44. Il dualismo filosofico e l'umana educabilità.Emilia Nobile - 1939 - Napoli,: L. Loffredo.
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  45.  23
    Exploring the Nuanced Links Between Internet Use and Subjective Well-Being Among Older Adults: A Nordic Population-Based Study.Emilia W. E. Viklund & Anna K. Forsman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    AimThe aim was to explore the various associations between subjective well-being and internet use among older adults in two regions in Finland and Sweden.MethodsThe data was collected through a population-based survey as part of the GERDA project conducted in 2016. The connection between subjective well-being and internet use was studied by conducting binary regression analyses, calculating odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals. The analyses also controlled for key subjective well-being covariates.ResultsStatistically significant associations were found between perceived life meaningfulness and internet (...)
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  46.  15
    Lexicon Spinozanum.Emilia Giancotti Boscherini - 1971 - La Haye,: M. Nijhoff.
    We believe with the publication of our Lexicon Spinozanum, that we are meeting a need in Spinoza historiography which has been pointed out by scholars, but has never before been satisfied. In the intro duction of his Spinozas philosophische Terminologie (Leipzig, 1913), G. T. Richter promised "a Spinozistic Lexicon in which the meaning of each term is set out on an historical basis in alphabetical order". In 1924, in the Report, i.e., Nachbericht, of his four volume edition of the complete (...)
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  47.  28
    Discourse analysis as a tool for uncovering the lived experience of dementia: Metaphor framing and well-being in early-onset dementia narratives.Emilia Castaño - 2020 - Discourse and Communication 14 (2):115-132.
    The aim of this article is to explore how metaphor is mobilized to frame and describe the lived experience of dementia in a corpus of illness narratives compiled from 10 blogs initiated and maintained by individuals diagnosed with early-onset dementia. The article is set against the background of contemporary healthcare practices and discourse around chronic illness and focuses on the metaphors that patients use to communicate about their dementia experience in relation to three basic psychological needs: autonomy, competence and relatedness, (...)
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  48.  14
    Self-report versus clinical ratings using the SWAP-200 in the assessment of personality disorders.Emilia Soroko, Lidia Wanda Cierpiałkowska & Łukasz Mech - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin:178-191.
    The relationship between self- and informant reports of personality using psychometric instruments is constantly the focus of attention for researchers in the field of clinical assessment in psychology. The research shows weak agreement between clinicians and patients’ assessments of personality disorders (PDs). The current study aimed at the convergence of measurement of PDs using the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure (SWAP-200), the self-report Character Styles Questionnaire-R (CSQ-R) and Borderline Personality Inventory (BPI). Paper-pencil questionnaires were administered to 102 inpatients (88.2% female, aged 18-64, (...)
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  49. Understanding Moral Judgments: The Role of the Agent’s Characteristics in Moral Evaluations.Emilia Alexandra Antonese - 2015 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 2 (2): 203-213.
    Traditional studies have shown that the moral judgments are influenced by many biasing factors, like the consequences of a behavior, certain characteristics of the agent who commits the act, or the words chosen to describe the behavior. In the present study we investigated a new factor that could bias the evaluation of morally relevant human behavior: the perceived similarity between the participants and the agent described in the moral scenario. The participants read a story about a driver who illegally overtook (...)
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  50.  24
    The interoceptive underpinnings of the feeling of being alive. Damasio’s insights at work.Emilia Barile - 2023 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 1 (3):1-23.
    The feeling of being alive still constitutes a major blind spot of contemporary affective sciences research. The mainstream view accepts it as an ‘umbrella notion’ comprising different states, such as M. Ratcliffe’s «feelings of being», T. Fuchs’s «feeling of being alive», E.M. Engelen’s «Gefühl des Lebendigseins», etc. In contrast, I argue for an account of the feeling of being alive as a unique feeling that can be described in several ways. Empirical support for this view comes mainly from Carvalho and (...)
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