Results for 'Emanuele Colombo'

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  1.  14
    Secondary Traumatic Stress: Relationship With Symptoms, Exhaustion, and Emotions Among Cemetery Workers.Lara Colombo, Federica Emanuel & Margherita Zito - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    New Technologies Smart, or Harm Work-Family Boundaries Management? Gender Differences in Conflict and Enrichment Using the JD-R Theory.Chiara Ghislieri, Federica Emanuel, Monica Molino, Claudio G. Cortese & Lara Colombo - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    I nodi della memoria: concezioni e pratiche della memoria nel periodo borromaico.Emanuele Colombo, Marina Massimi & Alberto Rocca (eds.) - 2021 - Milano (Italy): Centro ambrosiano.
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  4. Definitions and Conceptual Dimensions of Responsible Research and Innovation: A Literature Review.Mirjam Burget, Emanuele Bardone & Margus Pedaste - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (1):1-19.
    The aim of this study is to provide a discussion on the definitions and conceptual dimensions of Responsible Research and Innovation based on findings from the literature. In the study, the outcomes of a literature review of 235 RRI-related articles were presented. The articles were selected from the EBSCO and Google Scholar databases regarding the definitions and dimensions of RRI. The results of the study indicated that while administrative definitions were widely quoted in the reviewed literature, they were not substantially (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Data science and molecular biology: prediction and mechanistic explanation.Ezequiel López-Rubio & Emanuele Ratti - 2019 - Synthese (4):1-26.
    In the last few years, biologists and computer scientists have claimed that the introduction of data science techniques in molecular biology has changed the characteristics and the aims of typical outputs (i.e. models) of such a discipline. In this paper we will critically examine this claim. First, we identify the received view on models and their aims in molecular biology. Models in molecular biology are mechanistic and explanatory. Next, we identify the scope and aims of data science (machine learning in (...)
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    "Para o Neo-Hegelianismo" e "o Programa Do Neo-Hegelianismo" de Fritz Berolzheimer.Silvana Colombo de Almeida, Gabriel Rodrigues da Silva & Guilherme Gregório Arraes Fernandes - 2023 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 14 (37):189-206.
    Dos textos originais, que possibilitaram as traduções que se seguem, o primeiro compõe o volume 3, número 2, da revista Archiv Für Rechts- Und Wirtschaftsphilosophie, abreviada por ARWP6, publicado em dezembro de 1909. O segundo, por sua vez, é fruto de uma conferência de abertura ministrada por Fritz Berolzheimer na ocasião do III Kongress der Internationalen Vereinigung für Rechts- und Wirtschaftsphilosophie, realizado entre os dias 02 e 05 de junho de 1914 na Akademie für Sozial- und Handelswissenschaften em Frankfurt am (...)
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  7. CSR Practices and Corporate Strategy: Evidence from a Longitudinal Case Study.Lucio Lamberti & Emanuele Lettieri - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (2):153-168.
    This paper aims to contribute to the present debate about business ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) that the Journal of Business Ethics is hosting. Numerous contributions argued theoretical frameworks and taxonomies of CSR practices. The authors want to ground in this knowledge and provide further evidence about how companies adopt CSR practices to address stakeholders’ claims and consolidate their trust. Evidence was provided by a longitudinal case study about an Italian food company that is one of the largest producers (...)
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  8. Junk or functional DNA? ENCODE and the function controversy.Pierre-Luc Germain, Emanuele Ratti & Federico Boem - 2014 - Biology and Philosophy 29 (6):807-831.
    In its last round of publications in September 2012, the Encyclopedia Of DNA Elements (ENCODE) assigned a biochemical function to most of the human genome, which was taken up by the media as meaning the end of ‘Junk DNA’. This provoked a heated reaction from evolutionary biologists, who among other things claimed that ENCODE adopted a wrong and much too inclusive notion of function, making its dismissal of junk DNA merely rhetorical. We argue that this criticism rests on misunderstandings concerning (...)
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    A Complex Network Framework to Model Cognition: Unveiling Correlation Structures from Connectivity.Gemma Rosell-Tarragó, Emanuele Cozzo & Albert Díaz-Guilera - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-19.
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  10. (1 other version)Estimating the Reproducibility of Experimental Philosophy.Florian Cova, Brent Strickland, Angela Abatista, Aurélien Allard, James Andow, Mario Attie, James Beebe, Renatas Berniūnas, Jordane Boudesseul, Matteo Colombo, Fiery Cushman, Rodrigo Diaz, Noah N’Djaye Nikolai van Dongen, Vilius Dranseika, Brian D. Earp, Antonio Gaitán Torres, Ivar Hannikainen, José V. Hernández-Conde, Wenjia Hu, François Jaquet, Kareem Khalifa, Hanna Kim, Markus Kneer, Joshua Knobe, Miklos Kurthy, Anthony Lantian, Shen-yi Liao, Edouard Machery, Tania Moerenhout, Christian Mott, Mark Phelan, Jonathan Phillips, Navin Rambharose, Kevin Reuter, Felipe Romero, Paulo Sousa, Jan Sprenger, Emile Thalabard, Kevin Tobia, Hugo Viciana, Daniel Wilkenfeld & Xiang Zhou - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology (1):1-36.
    Responding to recent concerns about the reliability of the published literature in psychology and other disciplines, we formed the X-Phi Replicability Project to estimate the reproducibility of experimental philosophy. Drawing on a representative sample of 40 x-phi studies published between 2003 and 2015, we enlisted 20 research teams across 8 countries to conduct a high-quality replication of each study in order to compare the results to the original published findings. We found that x-phi studies – as represented in our sample (...)
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  11. Degrowth, Democracy and Autonomy.Viviana Asara, Emanuele Profumi & Giorgos Kallis - 2013 - Environmental Values 22 (2):217-239.
    The quest for real democracy is one of the components of sustainable degrowth. But the incipient debate on democracy and degrowth suffers from general defi-nitions and limited connections to political philosophy and democracy theory. This article offers a critical review of democracy theory within the degrowth literature, taking as its focal point a relevant debate between Serge Latouche and Takis Fotopoulos. We argue that the core of their contention can be traced back to the relationship between the concepts of democracy (...)
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  12.  25
    Proactive Environmental Strategies in Healthcare Organisations: Drivers and Barriers in Italy.Marta Pinzone, Emanuele Lettieri & Cristina Masella - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (1):183-197.
    This study sheds new light on why healthcare organisations are having difficulty responding to the growing pressure from stakeholders to proactively address their responsibility to deliver high-quality services without harming the environment. Basing our work on past research on stakeholder pressure and environmental barriers, we conceptualise and empirically test the effect of the interplay between stakeholder pressure and internal barriers on healthcare organisations’ adoption of proactive environmental strategies. To test the proposed hypotheses, a survey was carried out among medical directors (...)
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    What Do We Teach to Engineering Students: Embedded Ethics, Morality, and Politics.Avigail Ferdman & Emanuele Ratti - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (1):1-26.
    In the past few years, calls for integrating ethics modules in engineering curricula have multiplied. Despite this positive trend, a number of issues with these ‘embedded’ programs remains. First, learning goals are underspecified. A second limitation is the conflation of different dimensions under the same banner, in particular confusion between ethics curricula geared towards addressing the ethics of individual conduct and curricula geared towards addressing ethics at the societal level. In this article, we propose a tripartite framework to overcome these (...)
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    Measuring individuals' response quality in self-administered psychological tests: an introduction to Gendre's functional method.Marc Dupuis, Emanuele Meier, Roland Capel & Francis Gendre - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Present Moment and Giving Oneself as a Gift.Gianluca Castelnuovo, Emanuele Cappella, Chiara Spatola & Enrico Molinari - 2014 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 19 (1-2):229-241.
    The contemporary individual is immersed in a reality characterized by a rapid sequence of stimuli and actions and he is often unable to fully live the present moment. Several authors in the field of psychology have discussed on the individual’s ability to live his own experience in the present moment, each highlighting some peculiar aspects and potential of this concept within their models. The major aim of the present article is to discuss these different psychological perspectives moving from more traditional (...)
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  16. Microethics for healthcare data science: attention to capabilities in sociotechnical systems.Mark Graves & Emanuele Ratti - 2021 - The Future of Science and Ethics 6:64-73.
    It has been argued that ethical frameworks for data science often fail to foster ethical behavior, and they can be difficult to implement due to their vague and ambiguous nature. In order to overcome these limitations of current ethical frameworks, we propose to integrate the analysis of the connections between technical choices and sociocultural factors into the data science process, and show how these connections have consequences for what data subjects can do, accomplish, and be. Using healthcare as an example, (...)
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  17. Phänomenologie im Nationalsozialismus.Emmanuel Alloa & Emanuele Caminada - 2023 - In Emmanuel Alloa, Thiemo Breyer & Emanuele Caminada (eds.), Handbuch Phänomenologie. Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck. pp. 38-49.
    Die Phänomenologie stellt eine der Hauptströmungen der Gegenwartsphilosophie dar und findet in zahlreichen Wissenschaften sowie in Praxis und Therapeutik starke Resonanz. Nach 120 Jahren Wirkungsgeschichte füllt die Bibliothek phänomenologischer Werke zahllose Bücherregale und selbst für Expert:innen ist die Forschungsliteratur mittlerweile unüberschaubar geworden. An allgemeinen Einführungen sowie spezialisierter Fachliteratur mangelt es dabei keineswegs, wohl aber an einem Handbuch, in dem sowohl der Vielfalt der historischen Entwicklungen als auch dem berechtigten Wunsch nach innerer systematischer Kohärenz Rechnung getragen wird. Das Handbuch Phänomenologie schließt (...)
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  18. Introduzione a Machiavelli.Emanuele Cutinelli Rèndina - 1999 - Roma: Laterza.
  19. La prima traduzione italiana completa dei Moralia.di Emanuele Lelli E. Giuliano Pisani - 2017 - In Plutarch (ed.), Tutti i Moralia: prima traduzione italiana completa. Firenze, Italia: Bompiani.
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    Italian Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of the Prejudice Against Immigrants Scale (PAIS): Assessment of Validity, Reliability, and Measure Invariance.Marco Salvati, Emanuele Basili, Nicola Carone & Mauro Giacomantonio - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Diverse perspectives on ontology: A joint report on the First IAOA Interdisciplinary Summer School on Ontological Analysis.Emilio Sanfilippo, Emanuele Ratti, Francesca Quattri, Aleksandra Sojic, Federico Boem, Gaoussou Camara & Eric Chuk - 2013 - Applied ontology 8 (1):59-71.
    The aim of the following report is to outline the content of the lectures given during the First IAOA Interdisciplinary Summer School on Ontological Analysis (July 16–20, 2012, Trento, Italy). The...
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  22. Feynman's Diagrams, Pictorial Representations and Styles of Scientific Thinking.Dorato Mauro & Emanuele Rossanese - 2017
    In this paper we argue that the different positions taken by Dyson and Feynman on Feynman diagrams’ representational role depend on different styles of scientific thinking. We begin by criticizing the idea that Feynman Diagrams can be considered to be pictures or depictions of actual physical processes. We then show that the best interpretation of the role they play in quantum field theory and quantum electrodynamics is captured by Hughes' Denotation, Deduction and Interpretation theory of models (DDI), where “models” are (...)
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    The Use of Advance Directives in Specialized Care Units: A Focus Group Study With Healthcare Professionals in Madrid.Benjamín Herreros, María José Monforte, Julia Molina, María Velasco, Karmele Olaciregui Dague & Emanuele Valenti - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (3):395-405.
    Eight focus groups were conducted in four public hospitals in Madrid to explore healthcare professionals’ perceptions of advance directives in order to improve the understanding of their lack of success among physicians and patients. A purposive sample of sixty healthcare professionals discussed ADs and reasons for their infrequent use. Three main themes were identified: perceptions about their meaning, appraisals of their use in clinical practice, and decision-making about them. Healthcare professionals perceived a lack of clarity about their definition and implementation. (...)
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  24. The Ontology of Group Agency.Daniele Porello, Emanuele Bottazzi & Roberta Ferrario - 2014 - In Pawel Garbacz & Oliver Kutz (eds.), Formal Ontology in Information Systems: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference. IOS Press. pp. 183--196.
    We present an ontological analysis of the notion of group agency developed by Christian List and Philip Pettit. We focus on this notion as it allows us to neatly distinguish groups, organizations, corporations – to which we may ascribe agency – from mere aggregates of individuals. We develop a module for group agency within a foundational ontology and we apply it to organizations.
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  25. Can Monetary Reward Modulate Social Attention?Emanuele Lo Gerfo, Jacopo De Angelis, Alessandra Vergallito, Francesco Bossi, Leonor Josefina Romero Lauro & Paola Ricciardelli - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Design is the answer, but what was the question?Francesca Cozzolino, Emanuele Quinz & Barbara Szaniecki - 2022 - Multitudes 89 (4):168-170.
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    A Genealogia e a Consagração do Termo Biopolí-tica. Intercursos entre Esposito, Arendt e Foucault.Lara Emanuele da Luz - 2017 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 8 (2):213-231.
    El presente artículo pretende, por un lado, estudiar la genealogía del término biopolítica, pasando por el término bíos. Para sostener tal reflexión, se utilizará la primera parte del libro de Roberto Esposito, Bíos. El término biopolítica pasa por una mutación, desde su primera utilización, en 1905. Por otro lado, con base en los datos presentados en la primera parte del capítulo, se hará un análisis de la consagración del término hecha por Michel Foucault. En el transcurso del artículo, además de (...)
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  28.  16
    O campo como nómos biopolítico da modernidade e a figura do muçulmano.Lara Emanuele Da Luz & Eduardo Morello - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (1):144-153.
    O presente texto, cujo título é “O campo como nómos biopolítico da modernidade e a figura do muçulmano” tem por objetivo geral examinar a noção de campo como nómos biopolítico presente na modernidade, segundo as afirmações da obra de Giorgio Agamben, destacando a figura do muçulmano como seu habitante e como um paradigma da vida nua em oposição à forma-de-vida. Para que se possa realizar o objetivo proposto, iniciamos com a abordagem dos conceitos de vida nua e de biopolítica em (...)
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    Il valore aggregante del miles christi nell’epistolario di Cipriano di Cartagine.Emanuele Di Nardo - 2024 - Augustinianum 64 (1):87-102.
    The aim of the following research is to investigate the epistolary of Cyprian of Carthage, in order to analyze whether and to what extent the military lexicon used by the African prelate had an «aggregating» value in a delicate period for the Church (252-254), marked by the persecution of Trebonius Gallus and the spread of the plague. We hypothesize a subtle but substantial difference in the regular use of miles Christi between the letters of 250-251 and those after 252 as (...)
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    Giuliano l’Apostata nel pensiero di Giovanni Crisostomo.Emanuele Di Santo - 2005 - Augustinianum 45 (2):349-387.
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  31. O vínculo entre a revolução E o poder constituinte.Raquel Emanuele Albuquerque Galdino - 2014 - Revista Fides 5 (1):194-212.
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  32. Understanding Cultural Traits: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Cultural Diversity.Fabrizio Panebianco & Emanuele Serrelli (eds.) - 2018 - Springer.
    UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (2 November 2001) defines culture with an emphasis on cultural features: “culture should be regarded as the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society or a social group”, encompassing, “in addition to art and literature, lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs”. Cultural traits are also the primitive of mathematical models of cultural transmission inspired by population genetics, imported and refined by economics. Any serious evaluation of the (...)
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    Filosofia ed esegesi in San Girolamo.Emanuele Di Santo - 2023 - Isidorianum 32 (1):123-151.
    Lo studio inquadra l’ambivalente rapporto di S. Girolamo con la filosofia antica nel contesto romano di fine IV secolo: come Ambrosiaster, anche Girolamo considera la filosofia un esercizio di dialettica e utilizza l’opposizione fra filosofi e apostoli pescatori per teorizzare uno stile umile nell’esegesi. Tuttavia, non rinunzia all’eredità della cultura classica, proponendo un uso cauto e selettivo della filosofia, attraverso la metafora della “bella prigioniera”. La filosofia è recuperata come anticipazione della vita ascetica, concepita come “vera filosofia”, e dà il (...)
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  34. Macroevolutionary issues and approaches in evolutionary Biology.Nathalie Gontier & Emanuele Serrelli - 2015 - In Emanuele Serrelli & Nathalie Gontier (eds.), Macroevolution: Explanation, Interpretation and Evidence. Springer. pp. 1-29.
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    High-frequency transverse-like excitations in glassy glycerol.Tullio Scopigno, Emanuele Pontecorvo, Roberto Di Leonardo, Michael Krisch, Giulio Monaco, Giancarlo Ruocco, Barbara Ruzicka & Francesco Sette - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (13-16):1453-1461.
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  36. A phenomenology and epistemology of large language models: transparency, trust, and trustworthiness.Richard Heersmink, Barend de Rooij, María Jimena Clavel Vázquez & Matteo Colombo - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (3):1-15.
    This paper analyses the phenomenology and epistemology of chatbots such as ChatGPT and Bard. The computational architecture underpinning these chatbots are large language models (LLMs), which are generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems trained on a massive dataset of text extracted from the Web. We conceptualise these LLMs as multifunctional computational cognitive artifacts, used for various cognitive tasks such as translating, summarizing, answering questions, information-seeking, and much more. Phenomenologically, LLMs can be experienced as a “quasi-other”; when that happens, users anthropomorphise them. (...)
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  37. Quantity competition, endogenous motives and behavioral heterogeneity.Alessandra Chirco, Caterina Colombo & Marcella Scrimitore - 2013 - Theory and Decision 74 (1):55-74.
    The article shows that strategic quantity competition can be characterized by behavioral heterogeneity, once competing firms are allowed in a pre-market stage to optimally choose the behavioral rule they will follow in their strategic choice of quantities. In particular, partitions of the population of identical firms in which some of them are profit maximizers while others follow an alternative criterion, turn out to be deviation-proof equilibria both in simultaneous and sequential game structures. Our findings that in a strategic framework heterogeneous (...)
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    Why have Advance Directives failed in Spain?Benjamín Herreros, María Benito, Pablo Gella, Emanuele Valenti, Beatriz Sánchez & Tayra Velasco - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-13.
    Background In Spain, there has been great effort by lawmakers to put Advance Directives into practice since 2002. At the same time, the field of bioethics has been on the rise, a discipline that has spurred debate on the right of patients to exercise their autonomy. Despite all this, the implementation of ADs can be said to have failed in Spain, because its prevalence is very low, there is a great lack of knowledge about them and they have very little (...)
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    Camouflaging Truth: A Biological, Argumentative and Epistemological Outlook from Biological to Linguistic Camouflage.Tommaso Bertolotti, Emanuele Bardone & Lorenzo Magnani - 2014 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 14 (1-2):65-91.
    Camouflage commonly refers to the ability to make something appear as different from what it actually is, or not to make it appear at all. This concept originates from biological studies to describe a range of strategies used by organisms to dissimulate their presence in the environment, but it is frequently borrowed by other semantic fields as it is possible to camouflage one’s position, intentions, opinion etc.: an interesting conceptual continuum between the multiple denotations of camouflage seems to emerge from (...)
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    Fra metafisica, scienze della natura e scienze della vita. Percorsi della causalità nella filosofia scozzese del common sense.Emanuele Levi Mortera - 2018 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 73 (1):57-78.
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    Who Is a Good Data Scientist? A Reply to Curzer and Epstein.Mark Graves & Emanuele Ratti - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (2):1-5.
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    An auditory multiclass brain-computer interface with natural stimuli: Usability evaluation with healthy participants and a motor impaired end user.Nadine Simon, Ivo Kã¤Thner, Carolin A. Ruf, Emanuele Pasqualotto, Andrea Kã¼Bler & Sebastian Halder - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Le dilemme du design.Claudia Banz & Emanuele Quinz - 2022 - Multitudes 89 (4):171-175.
    Le texte se focalise sur l’ambiguïté et le flou du concept de design depuis les années 1960, sur notre appréhension du design comme force de transformation ou problème. En partant du fameux kitchen debate, il s’interroge également sur le discours du design dans les pays (post)socialistes. Le 9 e congrès du Conseil International des Sociétés de Design Industriel (ICSID qui s’est tenu à Moscou en 1975 sous le titre Design pour l’homme et la société, a joué un rôle clé dans (...)
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    Karl R. Popper lettore dei presocratici.Emanuele D'Urso - 2016 - Roma: Armando editore.
    È possibile rivalutare l’attenzione di Popper verso i presocratici in un quadro interpretativo più ampio rispetto a quanto sostenuto finora? Il lavoro propone una generale riconsiderazione del tema principalmente attraverso lo studio delle fonti utilizzate nella lettura di Parmenide e degli altri presocratici, con l’intento di evidenziarne i legami con il contesto generale della filosofia popperiana.
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    Oxytocin as the Neurobiological Basis of Synchronization: A Research Proposal in Psychotherapy Settings.Arianna Palmieri, Emanuele Pick, Ariella Grossman-Giron & Dana Tzur Bitan - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Health advocacy and moral distress among nurses in organ transplant units.João Paulo Victorino, Emanuele Seicenti de Brito, Ursula Marcondes Westin, Mara Ambrosina de Oliveira Vargas, Karina Dal Sasso Mendes & Carla Aparecida Arena Ventura - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background Health advocacy is crucial for both patients and healthcare professionals. However, nurses who recognize the importance of health advocacy may experience heightened moral distress, particularly in complex donation and transplantation cases where patient autonomy, respect, and advocacy are paramount. Aim To identify the factors contributing to moral distress among nurses working in solid organ transplant units at a university hospital in São Paulo, with a focus on health advocacy. Research Design This descriptive, cross-sectional study employs both quantitative and qualitative (...)
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    Philosophical Theories of Political Cinema.Angelo Emanuele Cioffi - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book utilizes philosophical tools to build up a framework for the classification, analysis, and assessment of political cinema. The author first maps the category of political cinema, clarifying what it means for a film to be 'political', and then analyzes the relation between the value of a film as a political film and its value as art. Through philosophical enquiry, Angelo Cioffi builds up a framework that could be of use in art-critical practice and that can help with the (...)
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    Girolamo, Elvidio e il contesto teologico romano al tempo di Damaso.Emanuele Di Santo - 2021 - Augustinianum 61 (2):435-461.
    This essay places the debate between Jerome and Helvidius in the theological context of the Rome of Pope Damasus. It presents the different theological positions of Helvidius and Jerome, highlighting that the literary clash was in the first place centered on asceticism and only later on the question of the perpetual virginity of Mary. The controversy, before being dogmatic, was exegetical in nature and this could explain the absence of an official intervention by Pope Damasus. Referring mainly to the testimony (...)
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    Bridging the Pedagogical Gap Between Operational and Contextual Affordances with Social Media.Wilson Otchie, Emanuele Bardone & Margus Pedaste - 2022 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 26 (62):57-80.
    The usage of social media in education is increasing as a result of perceived pedagogical benefits. The literature emphasizes the importance of teachers continuing to build their social media capabilities, experiences, and values. Critical thinking, problem-solving, and the ability to contextualize social media require intellectual, social, and ethical talents regardless of operational proficiency. We performed a semi-structured interview with 13 high school teachers who expressed their thoughts and experiences using social media in the classroom. The interviews’ recorded videos were transcribed (...)
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    Risquons-tout: contemporary artists venture into risk, unpredictability and transgression.Dirk Snauwaert, Emanuele Coccia, Marina Vishmidt & Vivian Ziherl (eds.) - 2020 - Brussels: Mercatorfonds.
    'Risquons-Tout' is an ambitious, thematic group exhibition that explores the potential of transgression and unpredictability. It examines how art challenges the homogenisation of thought in the now infamous echo chambers of our overcrowded info-sphere. 'Risquons-Tout' presents some of the most innovative and influential artists and authors from the Eurocore region, which extends between Amsterdam, Paris, Cologne, Düsseldorf and London, with Brussels at its centre. The title is borrowed from a place located on the Belgian-French border, a real yet liminal space (...)
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