Results for 'Elise Darragh-Ford'

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  1.  22
    Divergences in color perception between deep neural networks and humans.Ethan O. Nadler, Elise Darragh-Ford, Bhargav Srinivasa Desikan, Christian Conaway, Mark Chu, Tasker Hull & Douglas Guilbeault - 2023 - Cognition 241 (C):105621.
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    Academic Integrity in an Online Culture: Do McCabe’s Findings Hold True for Online, Adult Learners?Laura Harris, Douglas Harrison, Darragh McNally & Cristi Ford - 2019 - Journal of Academic Ethics 18 (4):419-434.
    This study examines how the self-reported cheating behaviors of students from a single large institution serving primarily adult students in online courses differ from those previously reported in large-scale studies of academic integrity among traditional-age college students. Specifically, the research presented here demonstrates that students at a large online university are no more likely to engage in most forms of cheating than the traditional-age students in residential institutions studied by Donald McCabe in his seminal research on academic integrity. Relatedly, our (...)
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    Scope note 32: A just share: Justice and fairness in resource allocation.Pat Milmoe McCarrick & Tina Darragh - 1997 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 7 (1):81-102.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Just Share: Justice and Fairness in Resource Allocation*Pat Milmoe Mccarrick (bio) and Martina Darragh (bio)Each of us has some basic sense of what the words “fair” or “just” or “fairness” or “justice” mean. Each of us probably also has an idea of what is “fair” in health care. The attempt by the state of Oregon in the mid-1980s to quantify this notion made a previously private exercise (...)
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    Tables Dancing: Playing with Enchantments of Materiality beyond Representation.Gabrielle Ivinson & Mark Sackville-Ford - 2019 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 28 (2):83-94.
    This article is written in response to Method Lab #2, reacting to and reading scenes from the theatre and the school classroom. We responded to ‘The table and the dancer’ by Carla J. Maier with drawings by Janna R. Wieland, and ‘The book and the authors reading’ by Elise v. Bernstorff and Carla J. Maier. Our responses are within the ontological turn and specifically posthuman studies and new material feminism(s). We move beyond representational thinking to explore vibrant matter and (...)
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    Private Bioethics Forums: Counterpoint to Government Bodies.Cynthia B. Cohen & Elizabeth Leibold McCloskey - 1994 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 4 (3):283-289.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Private Bioethics Forums:Counterpoint to Government BodiesCynthia B. Cohen (bio) and Elizabeth Leibold McCloskey (bio)Ethical issues associated with reproductive technologies quickly gain public attention. The front pages of newspapers have featured stories about grandmothers giving birth to their own grandchildren, couples "renting" wombs from surrogates, and researchers prepared to transplant fetal ovaries into women unable to produce viable eggs. With each new and bolder foray into reproductive realms, the question (...)
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  6. Essays on Anscombe's Intention.Anton Ford, Jennifer Hornsby & Frederick Stoutland (eds.) - 2011 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    This collection of ten essays elucidates some of the more challenging aspects of Anscombe’s work and affirms her reputation as one of our most original ...
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  7. Responsibility for forgetting.Samuel Murray, Elise D. Murray, Gregory Stewart, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong & Felipe De Brigard - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (5):1177-1201.
    In this paper, we focus on whether and to what extent we judge that people are responsible for the consequences of their forgetfulness. We ran a series of behavioral studies to measure judgments of responsibility for the consequences of forgetfulness. Our results show that we are disposed to hold others responsible for some of their forgetfulness. The level of stress that the forgetful agent is under modulates judgments of responsibility, though the level of care that the agent exhibits toward performing (...)
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    The relation between rumination and temporal features of emotion intensity.Maxime Résibois, Elise K. Kalokerinos, Gregory Verleysen, Peter Kuppens, Iven Van Mechelen, Philippe Fossati & Philippe Verduyn - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (2):259-274.
    Intensity profiles of emotional experience over time have been found to differ primarily in explosiveness and accumulation. However, the determinants of these temporal features remain poorly understood. In two studies, we examined whether emotion regulation strategies are predictive of the degree of explosiveness and accumulation of negative emotional episodes. Participants were asked to draw profiles reflecting changes in the intensity of emotions elicited either by negative social feedback in the lab or by negative events in daily life. In addition, trait, (...)
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  9. The Robot's Dilemma Revisited: The Frame Problem in Artificial Intelligence.Kenneth M. Ford & Zenon W. Pylyshyn (eds.) - 1994 - Ablex.
    The chapters in this book have evolved from talks originally presented at The First International Workshop on Human and Machine Cognition.
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  10. Is Agency a Power of Self-Movement?Anton Ford - 2013 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 56 (6):597-610.
    Helen Steward holds that agency is a power to move oneself, and that it is specifically a power to move one’s body. This conception of agency is supported by a long tradition and is widely held today. It is, however, opposed to another conception of agency on which agency is a power to transact with others—with other things and with other agents. The latter conception, though scarcely represented in contemporary action theory, is no less traditional than the one that Steward (...)
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    Design, Mediation, and the Posthuman.Kristie S. Fleckenstein, Brendan Keogh, Jonathan Rey Lee, Matthew A. Levy, Emily McArthur, Josh Mehler, Nicole M. Merola, Anthony Miccoli, Elise Takehana, John Tinnell & Yoni Van Den Eede (eds.) - 2014 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    Weiss, Propen, and Reid gather a diverse group of scholars to analyze the growing obsolescence of the human-object dichotomy in today's world. In doing so, Design, Mediation, and the Posthuman brings together diverse disciplines to foster a dialog on significant technological issues pertinent to philosophy, rhetoric, aesthetics, and science.
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    Logic of Action from the Perspective of Knowledge Representation.Andreas Herzig, Emiliano Lorini & Elise Perrotin - 2024 - In Jacek Malinowski & Rafał Palczewski, Janusz Czelakowski on Logical Consequence. Springer Verlag. pp. 401-418.
    Taking the perspective of knowledge representation, we introduce a simple logic of agency where the agents’ actions are described by their precondition and effects and whose semantics is based on the concept of attempt. We give its syntax, semantics, and axiomatics and discuss the relation with other proposals, in particular Belnap and Horty’s ‘branching time and agent choice’ semantics (BT+AC) and Czelakowski’s relational semantics.
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  13. Helen Keller Was Never in a Chinese Room.Jason Ford - 2011 - Minds and Machines 21 (1):57-72.
    William Rapaport, in “How Helen Keller used syntactic semantics to escape from a Chinese Room,” (Rapaport 2006), argues that Helen Keller was in a sort of Chinese Room, and that her subsequent development of natural language fluency illustrates the flaws in Searle’s famous Chinese Room Argument and provides a method for developing computers that have genuine semantics (and intentionality). I contend that his argument fails. In setting the problem, Rapaport uses his own preferred definitions of semantics and syntax, but he (...)
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    The Intersection of Goals to Experience and Express Emotion.Katharine H. Greenaway & Elise K. Kalokerinos - 2019 - Emotion Review 11 (1):50-62.
    Experience and expression are orthogonal emotion dimensions: we do not always show what we feel, nor do we always feel what we show. However, the experience and expression dimensions of emotion are rarely considered simultaneously. We propose a model outlining the intersection of goals for emotion experience and expression. We suggest that these goals may be aligned or misaligned. Our model posits these states can be separated into goals to experience and express, experience but not express, express but not experience, (...)
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    Two process philosophers.Lewis S. Ford - 1973 - Tallahassee,: American Academy of Religion. Edited by William Lad Sessions.
  16.  30
    What Have Firms Been Doing? Exploring What KLD Data Report About Firms’ Corporate Social Performance in the Period 2000-2010.Michael A. Quinn & Elise Perrault - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (5):890-928.
    With the blossoming of research on corporate social performance, the data produced by Kinder, Lydenberg, Domini have become the standard to measure firms’ social and stakeholder actions. However, to date, only a few studies have focused on examining the data directly, and have done so largely in terms of validating the concepts and methods in the data set’s construction. The present study seeks to complement these efforts by contributing knowledge about what the KLD data report on firms’ actions toward primary (...)
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    Worldly and otherworldly virtue: Likeness to God as educational ideal in Plato, Plotinus, and today.Marie-Élise Zovko - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (6):586-596.
    In Plato, ‘Becoming like God’ constitutes the telos of the philosophical life. Our ‘likeness to God’ is rooted in the relationship of the divine paradeigma to its image established in the generation of the Cosmos. This relationship makes knowledge and virtue possible, and informs Plato’s theory of education. Related concepts preexist in Judeo-Christian and other traditions and continue to inform our thought on moral and ethical issues, particularly as regards our understanding of what it means to be human. From the (...)
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    Marx’s inquiry and presentation: The pedagogical constellations of the Grundrisse and Capital.Derek R. Ford - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (11):1887-1897.
    This paper reads Marx’s distinction between the method of inquiry and presentation as distinct and Marxist pedagogical logics that take the form of learning and studying. After articulating the differences and their current conceptualizations in educational theory, I turn to different interpretations of the Grundrisse and Capital. While I note the differences, I maintain these result from Marx’s alternation between learning and studying, to the different weights Marx gives to both. Marx sought to understand, articulate, learn, and relay the precise (...)
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  19. “Giving something back”: a systematic review and ethical enquiry into public views on the use of patient data for research in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.Jessica Stockdale, Jackie Cassell & Elizabeth Ford - 2019 - Wellcome Open Research 3 (6).
    Background: Use of patients’ medical data for secondary purposes such as health research, audit, and service planning is well established in the UK. However, the governance environment, as well as public understanding about this work, have lagged behind. We aimed to systematically review the literature on UK and Irish public views of patient data used in research, critically analysing such views though an established biomedical ethics framework, to draw out potential strategies for future good practice guidance and inform ethical and (...)
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    Jordan's derivation of blackbody fluctuations.Guido Bacciagaluppi, Elise Crull & Owen J. E. Maroney - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 60:23-34.
    The celebrated Dreimännerarbeit by Born, Heisenberg and Jordan contains a matrix-mechanical derivation by Jordan of Planck’s formula for blackbody fluctuations. Jordan appears to have considered this to be one of his finest contributions to quantum theory, but the status of his derivation is puzzling. In our Dreimenschenarbeit, we show how to understand what Jordan was doing in the double context of a Boltzmannian approach to statistical mechanics and of the early ‘statistical interpretation’ of matrix mechanics.
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  21.  10
    Learning to talk about events from narrated video in a construction grammar framework.Dominey Peter Ford & Jean-David Boucher - 2005 - Artificial Intelligence 167 (1-2):31-61.
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  22.  17
    Linguistic and embodied formats for making (concrete) offers.Tiina Keisanen & Elise Kärkkäinen - 2012 - Discourse Studies 14 (5):587-611.
    The article examines how discourse participants use language, the body and the local interactional and material context in the construction of offers. The data consist of eight hours of video recordings of everyday interactions in English and Finnish, and conversation analysis is used as the method. We focus on offers that make available to the recipient some concrete referent or material object or artifact in the current situation, that is, ‘concrete offers’. The article shows that such offers can be conceptualized (...)
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    Expériences et effets biographiques du sport adapté de haut niveau. Étude de trajectoires sportives et professionnelles d’athlètes catégorisés comme ayant une déficience intellectuelle.Yann Beldame, Elise Lantz & Anne Marcellini - 2016 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 10 (3):248-262.
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  24. Crathorn on Extension.Magali Elise Roques - 2016 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 83 (2):423-467.
    In this paper, I analyze William Crathorn’s view on extension and compare it to William Ockham’s reductionist view, according to which extension is not really distinct from substance or quality. In my view, Crathorn elaborates a metaphysical machinery based on mereological and topological relationships in order to solve what he considers to be problems in Ockham’s account of quantity. In order to make my point, I reconstruct Crathorn’s main arguments in favor of his finitist atomism. Crathorn claims that certain fundamental (...)
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  25. Jus ad Vim and the Just Use of Lethal Force Short of War.S. Brandt Ford - 2013 - In Fritz Allhoff, Nicholas G. Evans & Adam Henschke, Routledge Handbook of Ethics and War: Just War Theory in the 21st Century. Routledge. pp. 63--75.
    In this chapter, I argue that the notion which Michael Walzer calls jus ad vim might improve the moral evaluation for using military lethal force in conflicts other than war, particularly those situations of conflict short-of-war. First, I describe his suggested approach to morally justifying the use of lethal force outside the context of war. I argue that Walzer’s jus ad vim is a broad concept that encapsulates a state’s mechanisms for exercising power short-of-war. I focus on his more narrow (...)
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  26.  58
    Ethical reasoning in the mental health professions.Gary George Ford - 2000 - Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
    The ability to reason ethically is an extraordinarily important aspect of professionalism in any field. Indeed, the greatest challenge in ethical professional practice involves resolving the conflict that arises when the professional is required to choose between two competing ethical principles. Ethical Reasoning in the Mental Health Professions explores how to develop the ability to reason ethically in difficult situations. Other books merely present ethical and legal issues one at a time, along with case examples involving "right" and "wrong" answers. (...)
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  27. Intent and Opportunity as Predictors of a Comprehensive Ethical Decision Making Model.R. C. Ford & R. S. Hansen - forthcoming - Association of Business Ethics, Miami, Fl.
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    Dynamic Threshold Selection for a Biocybernetic Loop in an Adaptive Video Game Context.Elise Labonte-Lemoyne, François Courtemanche, Victoire Louis, Marc Fredette, Sylvain Sénécal & Pierre-Majorique Léger - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:307287.
    Passive Brain-Computer interfaces (pBCIs) are a human-computer communication tool where the computer can detect from neurophysiological signals the current mental or emotional state of the user. The system can then adjust itself to guide the user towards a desired state. One challenge facing developers of pBCIs is that the system's parameters are generally set at the onset of the interaction and remain stable throughout, not adapting to potential changes over time such as fatigue. The goal of this paper is to (...)
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    Who Do They Think They Are? Identity as an Antecedent of Social Activism by Institutional Shareholders.Katarina Sikavica, Elise Perrault & Rehbein Kathleen - 2018 - Business and Society 59 (6):1228-1268.
    Shareholder activists increasingly pressure corporations on social policy issues; yet, extant research provides little understanding of who these activists are and how they choose their corporate targets. In this article, we adopt an activist-centered approach and rely on hybrid organizational identity theory to determine, in a two-phase analysis, how shareholder activists define their economic and social identities and whether these identities are associated with specific target characteristics and tactical strategies. Our findings form the premise of a typology of institutional shareholder (...)
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    John Henry Newman as Contextual Theologian.John T. Ford - 2005 - Newman Studies Journal 2 (2):60-76.
    What is the reason for the continued interest in Newman’s theology? This article’s reply that Newman was a contextual theologian is based on a consideration of three questions:Was Newman a theologian? What was the context of his theology? What are the reasons for Newman’s theological longevity?
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    William James's Psychical Research and Its Philosophical Implications.Marcus Ford - 1998 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 34 (3):605 - 626.
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    Hemispheric Lateralization of Arithmetic Facts and Magnitude Processing for Two-Digit Numbers.Stefanie Jung, Korbinian Moeller, Hans-Otto Karnath & Elise Klein - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Addressing the COVID-19 Mental Health Crisis: A Perspective on Using Interdisciplinary Universal Interventions.Geraldine Przybylko, Darren Peter Morton & Melanie Elise Renfrew - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Mental health is reaching a crisis point due to the ramifications of COVID-19. In an attempt to curb the spread of the virus and circumvent health systems from being overwhelmed, governments have imposed regulations such as lockdown restrictions and home confinement. These restrictions, while effective for infection control, have contributed to poorer lifestyle behaviors. Currently, Positive Psychology and Lifestyle Medicine are two distinct but complimentary disciplines that offer an array of evidence-based approaches for promoting mental health and well-being across a (...)
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    Fazit & Ausblick.Janna R. Wieland, Jule Korte, Carla J. Maier, Elise V. Bernstorff & Birgit Althans - 2019 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 28 (2):171-214.
    In diesem Fazit & Ausblick werden nun die in der Einleitung formulierten Themenfelder, in denen wir auch die Anschlüsse an Arbeiten und Forschungsgebiete der Historischen Anthropologie gegeben sahen, wieder aufgegriffen. Dies geschieht entlang von Aspekten, die durch die responses aufgeworfen wurden, und die wir hinsichtlich unserer Forschung zu Arenen transkultureller Bildung weiterdenken. Ein wichtiger Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf den Transmissionseffekten, die sich im Forschungsprozess, auch unter Einbezug der responses, zwischen den Forschungsfeldern – den Arenen Theater und Schule – ergeben haben. (...)
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  35. Epilogue: Twelve theses for Christian theology in the twenty-first century in the modern theologians : An introduction to Christian theology since 1918.David F. Ford & Rachel Muers - 2007 - In David Ford, Shaping theology: engagements in a religious and secular world. Oxford: Blackwell.
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    Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change.Chie Sakakibara, Elise Horensky & Sloane Garelick - 2020 - Environmental Philosophy 17 (1):75-92.
    In this essay, we will discuss the lessons that we have learned in a course titled “Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change” regarding Indigenous efforts and epistemologies to cope with stresses and plights induced by global climate change. Primarily informed by humanistic perspectives, we examine how Indigenous peoples, especially those of North America, process climate change through their cultural values and social priorities, with a particular focus on human emotions or feelings associated with their homeland, which often called sense of place (...)
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  37.  45
    Contemporary Indian Philosophy: Why It Is Worth Taking Up the Challenge.Elise Coquereau-Saouma & Elisa Freschi - 2018 - Sophia 57 (3):357-361.
  38.  18
    Après les Ciompi : regards florentins sur le tumulte et construction politique de l’après-crise.Laurent Baggioni & Élise Leclerc - 2016 - Astérion 15 (15).
    The article analyzes the perception of the revolt of 1378 in Florentine memory, from the end of the 14th century to the middle of the 15th century. Two types of sources – Florentine family books and humanistic writings – are submitted to a crossed analysis. From the confrontation of those sources, the two following conclusions can be drawn: first, the interpretations of the event gradually change and eventually shun any socio-economic analysis of the conflict; second, those interpretations reflect two key (...)
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  39. Just Spirituality: How Faith Practices Fuel Social Action.Mae Elise Cannon - 2013
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    Politics of Addressing, Problems of Reception: To Whom Are Anglophone Indian Philosophers Speaking?Elise Coquereau-Saouma - 2018 - Sophia 57 (3):489-500.
    The demand for the recognition of non-Western philosophy has often brought about the opposition of substantialized entities such as ‘India’ and the ‘West,’ which has nourished the drifts of nationalistic rhetoric. As a decolonizing process but also as a deconstruction of nationalistic revivals, it is necessary to investigate the presuppositions involved when defining ‘Indian philosophy’ in these post-colonial demands for recognition. Considering that the understanding of what is ‘Indian philosophy’ and its claim for recognition is a prerequisite for its reception, (...)
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    Poor emotion regulation ability mediates the link between depressive symptoms and affective bipolarity.Egon Dejonckheere, Elise K. Kalokerinos, Brock Bastian & Peter Kuppens - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (5):1076-1083.
    ABSTRACTPeople's relationship between positive and negative affect varies on a continuum from relatively independent to bipolar opposites, with stronger bipolar opposition being termed affective bipolarity. Experiencing more depressive symptoms is associated with increased bipolarity, but the processes underlying this relation are not yet understood. Here, we sought to replicate this link, and to examine the role of two potential mediating mechanisms: emotion regulation ability, and trait brooding. Drawing from the Dynamic Model of Affect, we hypothesised that a poor ability to (...)
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    Carole Carribon, Dominique Picco, Delphine Dussert-Galinat, Bernard Lachaise.Marie-Élise Hunyadi - 2020 - Clio 51.
    Cet ouvrage collectif est le fruit de différentes journées d’études bordelaises, organisées entre 2012 et 2014 par les coordinatrices et le coordinateur du volume, au sein de l’axe de recherche Réseaux de femmes, femmes en réseaux. Il fait suite à un premier numéro thématique de la revue Genre et histoire, publié en 2013 sous la direction de Dominique Picco. L’introduction de Delphine Dussert-Galinat et Carole Carribon met en lumière les ambitions des membres de ce groupe d’études, à savoir c...
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    Christine von Oertzen, Science, Gender, and In.Marie-Élise Hunyadi - 2015 - Clio 42:312-312.
    Depuis une vingtaine d’années, le phénomène d’internationalisation des mouvements féministes a été principalement exploré à travers les trois « grandes » associations internationales de femmes créées successivement au tournant du XXe siècle : le Conseil International des Femmes, l’Alliance Internationale pour le Suffrage des Femmes, et la Ligue Internationale des Femmes pour la Paix et la Liberté. Dans cet ouvrage, Christine von Oertzen s’intéresse à une quatrième association actuellement moi...
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    Unjust Outcomes and Unfair Process?D. Robert MacDougall, Elise M. Smith & David B. Resnik - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (4):10-12.
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    Jōkei and the Rhetoric of “Other Power” and “Easy Practice” in Medieval Japanese Buddhism.James Ford - 2002 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 29 (1-2):67-106.
  46. Tye-dyed teleology and the inverted spectrum.Jason Ford - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 156 (2):267-281.
    Michael Tye’s considered position on visual experience combines representationalism with externalism about color, so when considering spectrum inversion, he needs a principled reason to claim that a person with inverted color vision is seeing things incorrectly. Tye’s responses to the problem of the inverted spectrum ( 2000 , in: Consciousness, color, and content, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA and 2002a , in: Chalmers (ed.) Philosophy of mind: classical and contemporary readings, Oxford University Press, Oxford) rely on a teleological approach to (...)
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  47. Functional neurosurgical intervention: neuroethics in the operating room.P. J. Ford & J. M. Henderson - forthcoming - Neuroethics. Defining the Issues in Theory, Practice, and Policy.
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    (3 other versions)Editorial Preface.John T. Ford - 2006 - Newman Studies Journal 3 (2):3-5.
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    Embryo Research, Cloning and Ethics.Norman Ford - 2002 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 8 (1):4.
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    Enduring Subjectivity.Lewis S. Ford - 2006 - Process Studies 35 (2):291-318.
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