Results for 'Elisabeth Menzinger'

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  1.  19
    Evidence for a close relationship between conscious effort and anterior cingulate cortex activity.Christoph Mulert, Elisabeth Menzinger, Gregor Leicht, Oliver Pogarell & Ulrich Hegerl - 2005 - International Journal of Psychophysiology 56 (1):65-80.
  2. Slurring Perspectives.Elisabeth Camp - 2013 - Analytic Philosophy 54 (3):330-349.
    Slurs are rhetorically insidious and theoretically interesting because they communicate something above and beyond the truth-conditional predication of group membership, something which typically though not always projects across 'blocking' constructions like negation, conditionals, and indirect quotation, and which is exceptionally resistant to direct challenge. I argue that neither pure expressivism nor straightforward truth-conditionalism can account for the sort of commitment that speakers undertake by using slurs. Instead, I claim, users of slurs endorse a denigrating perspective on the targeted group.
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  3. Sarcasm, Pretense, and The Semantics/Pragmatics Distinction.Elisabeth Camp - 2011 - Noûs 46 (4):587 - 634.
    Traditional theories of sarcasm treat it as a case of a speaker's meaning the opposite of what she says. Recently, 'expressivists' have argued that sarcasm is not a type of speaker meaning at all, but merely the expression of a dissociative attitude toward an evoked thought or perspective. I argue that we should analyze sarcasm in terms of meaning inversion, as the traditional theory does; but that we need to construe 'meaning' more broadly, to include illocutionary force and evaluative attitudes (...)
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  4. Insinuation, Common Ground, and the Conversational Record.Elisabeth Camp - 2018 - In Daniel Fogal, Daniel W. Harris & Matt Moss, New Work on Speech Acts. Oxford University Press. pp. 40–66.
  5. Metaphor and that certain 'je ne sais quoi'.Elisabeth Camp - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 129 (1):1 - 25.
    Philosophers have traditionally inclined toward one of two opposite extremes when it comes to metaphor. On the one hand, partisans of metaphor have tended to believe that metaphors do something different in kind from literal utterances; it is a ‘heresy’, they think, either to deny that what metaphors do is genuinely cognitive, or to assume that it can be translated into literal terms. On the other hand, analytic philosophers have typically denied just this: they tend to assume that if metaphors (...)
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    Stories and Selves: A Twisted Love Story about the Meaning of Life.Elisabeth Camp - 2024 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 95:157-179.
    I argue that stories are ‘equipment for living’ in two senses: retrospectively, they provide ‘configurational comprehension’ of a temporal sequence of events; prospectively, they offer templates for action. Narrative conceptions of the self appear well poised to leverage these functional roles for stories into an intuitively compelling view of self-construction as self-construal. However, the narrative conception defines selves in terms of the lives they live: a self is the protagonist in a lifelong story. And narrative structure is itself defined by (...)
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  7. Imaginative Frames for Scientific Inquiry: Metaphors, Telling Facts, and Just-So Stories.Elisabeth Camp - 2019 - In Arnon Levy & Peter Godfrey-Smith, The Scientific Imagination. New York, US: Oup Usa. pp. 304-336.
    I distinguish among a range of distinct representational devices, which I call "frames", all of which have the function of providing a perspective on a subject: an overarching intuitive principle or for noticing, explaining, and responding to it. Starting with Max Black's metaphor of metaphor as etched lines on smoked glass, I explain what makes frames in general powerful cognitive tools. I distinguish metaphor from some of its close cousins, especially telling details, just-so stories, and analogies, in ordinary cognition and (...)
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  8. Just saying, just kidding : liability for accountability-avoiding speech in ordinary conversation, politics and law.Elisabeth Camp - 2022 - In Laurence R. Horn, From lying to perjury: linguistic and legal perspective on lies and other falsehoods. Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. pp. 227-258.
    Mobsters and others engaged in risky forms of social coordination and coercion often communicate by saying something that is overtly innocuous but transmits another message ‘off record’. In both ordinary conversation and political discourse, insinuation and other forms of indirection, like joking, offer significant protection from liability. However, they do not confer blanket immunity: speakers can be held to account for an ‘off record’ message, if the only reasonable interpreta- tions of their utterance involve a commitment to it. Legal liability (...)
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  9. Instrumental Reasoning in Nonhuman Animals.Elisabeth Camp & Eli Shupe - 2017 - In Kristin Andrews & Jacob Beck, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Animal Minds. Routledge. pp. 100-118.
  10. Metaphor in the Mind: The Cognition of Metaphor.Elisabeth Camp - 2006 - Philosophy Compass 1 (2):154-170.
    Philosophers have often adopted a dismissive attitude toward metaphor. Hobbes (1651, ch. 8) advocated excluding metaphors from rational discourse because they “openly profess deceit,” while Locke (1690, Bk. 3, ch. 10) claimed that figurative uses of language serve only “to insinuate wrong ideas, move the passions, and thereby mislead the judgment; and so indeed are perfect cheats.” Later, logical positivists like Ayer and Carnap assumed that because metaphors like..
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  11. Showing, telling and seeing.Elisabeth Camp - 2007 - The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication 3 (1):1-24.
    Theorists often associate certain “poetic” qualities with metaphor – most especially, producing an open-ended, holistic perspective which is evocative, imagistic and affectively-laden. I argue that, on the one hand, non-cognitivists are wrong to claim that metaphors only produce such perspectives: like ordinary literal speech, they also serve to undertake claims and other speech acts with propositional content. On the other hand, contextualists are wrong to assimilate metaphor to literal loose talk: metaphors depend on using one thing as a perspective for (...)
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  12. Saying and Seeing-As: The Linguistic Uses and Cognitive Effects of Metaphor.Elisabeth Maura Camp - 2003 - Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley
    Metaphor is a pervasive and significant feature of language. We use metaphor to talk about the world in familiar and innovative ways, and in contexts ranging from everyday conversation to literature and scientific theorizing. However, metaphor poses serious challenges for standard philosophical theories of meaning, because it straddles so many important boundaries: between language and thought, between semantics and pragmatics, between rational communication and mere causal association. ;In this dissertation, I develop a pragmatic theory of metaphorical utterances which reconciles two (...)
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  13. Philosophie et politique en Allemagne.Catherine Colliot-thélène & Élisabeth Kauffmann - 1993 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 98 (1):283-283.
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  14. Jean Scot érigène premier lecteur du "de institutione musica" de boèce?Marie-Elisabeth Duchez - 1980 - In Werner Beierwaltes, Eriugena: Studien zu seinen Quellen: Vorträge des III. Internationalen Eriugena-Colloquiums, Freiburg im Breisgau, 27.-30. August 1979. Heidelberg: C. Winter.
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    Philosophie der Schriftphilosophy of Writing.Jan Georg Schneider & Elisabeth Birk (eds.) - 2009 - Tübingen: Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag.
    Der Band vereint Beiträge zu neueren Entwicklungen in der Schrifttheorie, vor allem aus linguistischer, philosophischer, medientheoretischer und sprachdidaktischer Perspektive. Dabei geht es zum einen um die Frage, mit welchen Methoden und Kategorien Schrift und Schreiben analysiert werden können und worin sich die geschriebene Sprache medial von der gesprochenen unterscheidet. Zum anderen werden Einflüsse des Mediums Alphabetschrift auf die historische Entwicklung dieser Disziplinen nachgezeichnet und verschiedene Schrifttypen im Verhältnis zueinander beschrieben. Ausgangspunkt für die Beiträge waren die schrifttheoretischen Arbeiten Christian Stetters, insbesondere (...)
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    Epidemic subjects--radical ontology.Elisabeth von Samsonow & Suzana Milevska (eds.) - 2017 - Zürich: Diaphanes.
    Modern philosophy continues to grapple with the idea of subjectivity--and, as the concept of subjectivity has consequently been repeatedly refined and redefined, the struggle has spread to the ways we conceive of sovereignty, collectivity, nationality, and identity as a result. Yet, in the absence of an authoritative account of these central philosophical concepts, exciting new ways of thinking have emerged which continue to develop and evolve. Epidemic Subjects--Radical Ontology brings together a renowned team of contributors, including Eric Alliez, Levi Bryant, (...)
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    Metaphor and Varieties of Meaning.Elisabeth Camp - 2013 - In Ernie Lepore & Kurt Ludwig, Blackwell Companion to Donald Davidson. Blackwell. pp. 361–378.
    I compare two of Davidson's main discussions of metaphor. I argue, first, that despite some puzzling inconsistencies, the overall thrust of “What Metaphors Mean” is a radical form of noncogitivism, on which speakers of metaphors merely cause their hearers to perceive certain features in the world, but do not claim or implicate that things are any particular way. By contrast, in “A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs,” Davidson endorses a neo‐Gricean account of metaphor as a form of speaker's meaning. However, he (...)
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    Agni yoga, eller eldens yoga.Elisabeth Ståhlgren - 1966 - [Bromma,: Författaren.
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    Betriebliche Präventionsstrategien zur Gewichtsreduktion und gesunden Ernährung – die Beeinflussung von Risikofaktoren im Rahmen der RANSTUDIE.Elisabeth Steinhagen-Thiessen, Susanne Segebrecht, Matthias Möhner, Stefanie Walter, Gunnar Müller, Karl Martin, David Schönfeld, Roland Engehausen & Rahel Eckardt - 2010 - In Dieter Kleiber & Stefan N. Willich, Jahrbuch Healthcapital Berlin-Brandenburg 2009/2010: Ernährung Im Fokus der Prävention. Akademie Verlag. pp. 131-144.
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  20. Metaethical Expressivism.Elisabeth Camp - 2017 - In Tristram Colin McPherson & David Plunkett, The Routledge Handbook of Metaethics. New York: Routledge. pp. 87-101.
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    Die Antrittsvorlesung: Wiener Universitätsreden der Philosophischen Fakultät.Thomas Assinger, Elisabeth Grabenweger & Annegret Pelz (eds.) - 2019 - Göttingen: Vienna University Press.
    This edited collection brings together thirteen inaugural lectures given at the 'old' philosophical faculty of the University of Vienna. It presents the voices of important representatives of humanities, cultural and natural sciences through programmatic texts from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century. Some published for the first time, the lectures have been annotated by renowned scholars in terms of disciplinary, scientific and academic history as well as socio-political context. Hence, this volume contributes substantially to the so far under-researched history (...)
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    Politik und Geschichte: zu den Intentionen von G.W.F. Hegels Reformbill-Schrift.Christoph Jamme & Elisabeth Weisser-Lohmann (eds.) - 1995 - Bonn: Bouvier.
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  23. Finding a place for play in school : risk, ambiguity, and resistance.Chris Moffett & Elisabeth Tam - 2025 - In Cara E. Furman & Tomas de Rezende Rocha, Teachers and philosophy: essays on the contact zone. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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  24. Ehrenfels and Brentano.Maria Elisabeth Reicher - 2017 - In Uriah Kriegel, The Routledge Handbook of Franz Brentano and the Brentano School. London and New York: Routledge. pp. 283-292.
    Christian von Ehrenfels (1859–1932) was a student of Franz Brentano and Alexius Meinong. The topic of this paper is Ehrenfels’ relation to Brentano, in particular Brentano’s influence on his philosophical work. After a sketch of Ehrenfels’ most important contributions to philosophy (which belong to the fields of philosophical psychology and value theory), I present those passages within Ehrenfels’ work in which he explicitly deals with Brentano. These concern, in particular, Brentano’s theory of love and hate as well as his theory (...)
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    Le spectre de la biopolitique à l’ère de la pandémie.Anne Elisabeth Sejten - 2022 - Diogène n° 275-276 (3):7-19.
    Parmi les premières interventions philosophiques au sujet du coronavirus, les voix de Giorgio Agamben et de Jean-Luc Nancy se sont confrontées dans un vif débat qui fournit à cette étude ses sources et le champ restreint de sa réflexion. Il s’agit de montrer comment le paradigme de la biopolitique auquel Agamben fait référence pour expliquer la vraie nature de l’épidémie virale s’expose aux dangers totalisants de ce que Nancy nomme un « néo-viralisme » à peine séparable du néolibéralisme. En reconstruisant (...)
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  26. The Philosophy of Karl Jaspers.Paul Arthur & Elisabeth Young-Bruehl - 1984 - Human Studies 7 (3):387-395.
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  27. Risks and the Perception of Risks in a Changing Society.Birgitta Odén, Elisabeth Andréasson & Monica Udvardy - 1982 - Diogenes 30 (119):65-85.
    In 1976 an interdisciplinary study on risks and risk evaluations was inaugurated in Sweden and was sponsored by the Committee for Future-oriented Research. One of the basic assumptions of the Swedish risk project was that modern society has created “new, increasingly complicated and large-scale technical systems.” It also assumed that “large systems are economically efficient, but vulnerable and therefore create risks.” A third assumption was that “the ever rising standard of living is purchased at the cost of certain additional risks.” (...)
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    Der Wirklichkeits- und Normativitätsanspruch der Ethik. Überlegungen zu Grundlegungsfragen der Ethik in reformatorischer Sicht.Elisabeth Gräb-Schmidt - 2018 - In Marcus Held & Michael Roth, Was Ist Theologische Ethik?: Grundbestimmungen Und Grundvorstellungen. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 41-62.
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    Technikethik und ihre Fundamente: dargestellt in Auseinandersetzung mit den technikethischen Ansätzen von Günter Ropohl und Walter Christoph Zimmerli.Elisabeth Gräb-Schmidt - 2002 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    Gegenstand der Erörterung ist die Offenlegung des faktischen und potentiellen Ethikbezugs von Technik. Grundlegend für jede Ethik ist ein je bestimmtes Verständnis des Menschen und seiner Wirklichkeit. Diese prinzipielle Positionalität ist gegenüber diskurs- und verfahrensethischen Ansätzen ebenso festzuhalten wie gegenüber utilitaristischen Nivellierungen grundlagentheoretischer Fragen. Die vorliegende Untersuchung aus evangelischer Perspektive zeigt anhand der Analyse zweier technikphilosophischer Konzeptionen der Gegenwart (G. Ropohl, W. Ch. Zimmerli) die Relevanz von Technikethik nicht nur für Techniker, sondern bezüglich menschlichen Handelns im allgemeinen.
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  30. Animal rights and spanish bullfighting in France.Elisabeth Hardouin-Fugier - 1998 - In Georges Chapouthier & Jean-Claude Nouët, The universal declaration of animal rights: comments and intentions. Paris: Ligue Française des Droits de l'Animal.
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    Bildrhetorik.Joachim Knape & Elisabeth Grüner (eds.) - 2007 - Baden-Baden: Koerner.
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  32. Quelques remarques sur la mise en place des compositions et les choix techniques dans l'oeuvre de Nicolas Poussin.Patrick Le Chanu & Elisabeth Ravaud - 1994 - Techne 1:43-52.
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    Training to improve awareness of disabilities in clients with unilateral neglect.Kerstin Tham, Elisabeth Ginsburg, Anne G. Fisher & Richard Tegnér - 2001 - American Journal of Occupational Therapy 55 (1):46-54.
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    Insulin, growth hormone, body weight, and feeding: A reply to Panksepp.Stephen C. Woods, Elisabeth Kaestner & Joseph R. Vasselli - 1975 - Psychological Review 82 (2):165-168.
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  35. Language: Power Plays in Communication.Elisabeth Camp - 2020 - In Melissa Shew & Kimberly Garchar, Philosophy for girls: an invitation to the life of thought. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press. pp. 167-180.
    We do many things with words. We describe, we plan and promise, we invite and command, we hint and intimate. We also use words to wound – to demean, insult, and exclude. The fact that words can have such potent, pernicious effects is puzzling, because they are, after all, just words. As the schoolyard chant goes, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Words do hurt though–not only our feelings, but our social status, even (...)
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    Autobiography as Enigma.Elisabeth Cardonne-Arlyck & Steven Vogel - 1989 - Substance 18 (3):30.
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    Hvad er et menneskes "selv": og en analyse af Habermas' diskursetik set i forhold til sygeplejefagets teori og praksis.Merry Elisabeth Scheel - 1993 - [Aarhus]: Aarhus universitetsforlag.
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    Literaturwissenschaft als empirisch verfahrende Sozialwissenschaft: aufgezeigt am Beispiel von "Pluie et vent sur Télumée Miracle" von Simone Schwarz-Bart.Dorothea Elisabeth Trapp - 1999 - Bonn: Romanistischer Verlag.
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    Des animaux et des hommes.Alain Finkielkraut & Elisabeth de Fontenay (eds.) - 2018 - [Paris]: France culture.
    "Aujourd'hui, notre pitié ne s'arrête plus à l'humanité. Elle continue sur sa lancée. Elle repousse les frontières. Elle élargit le cercle du semblable. Quand un coin du voile est levé sur l'invivable existence des poules, des vaches ou des cochons dans les espaces concentrationnaires qui ont succédé aux fermes d'autrefois, l'imagination se met aussitôt à la place de ces bêtes et souffre avec elles. L'homme moderne est tiraillé entre une ambition immense et une compassion sans limite. Il veut être le (...)
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    Timing structures neuronal activity during preparation for action.Bjørg Elisabeth Kilavik & Alexa Riehle - 2010 - In Anna C. Nobre & Jennifer T. Coull, Attention and Time. Oxford University Press.
  41. The Reception of Continental Reformation in Britain.Leedham-Green Elisabeth - 2010
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  42. Pragmatica del linguaggio prescrittivo.Maria-Elisabeth Conte - 2008 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 85 (3):489-491.
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    More women (and men) that never evolved.R. Elisabeth Cornwell, Craig T. Palmer & Hasker P. Davis - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (4):598-599.
    We are not convinced by Gangestad & Simpson that differential mating strategies within each sex would be greater than such strategies between sexes. The target article does not provide actual evidence of human males who do not desire mating with multiple females, or evidence that the benefits for females of short-term matings with multiple males have ever outweighed the associated costs.
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    Argument Natur--was ist natürlich?: Studium generale: Wintersemester 1995/6.Ruth-Elisabeth Mohrmann & Heinz Holzhauer (eds.) - 1999 - Münster: Lit.
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    Spektakel als ästhetische Kategorie: Theorien und Praktiken.Simon Frisch, Elisabeth Fritz & Rita Rieger (eds.) - 2018 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink, Brill Deutschland.
    Bezeichnet man im deutschsprachigen Raum eine kulturelle Veranstaltung als 'Spektakel', geht damit oft eine negative Wertung einher. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigt der Band die vielfältigen Begriffsdimensionen, medialen Charakteristika und Funktionen dieser zentralen ästhetischen Kategorie in künstlerischen, epistemischen und politischen Kontexten auf. Beiträge aus Kunstgeschichte, Philosophie, Film-, Literatur-, Medien-, Tanz- und Theaterwissenschaft setzen sich mit ästhetischen Theorien und Praktiken des Spektakels von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart auseinander. Die behandelten Beispiele reichen von der christlichen Liturgie bis zur Barockoper, von Paulinus von (...)
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  46. Morality and the Crisis of Secularisation.Elisabeth Lasch-Quinn - 2006 - In Dolan Cummings, Debating humanism. Exeter: Imprint Academic. pp. 26--30.
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    Introduction.Elisabeth Camp - 2007 - The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication 3 (1).
    Here, I offer a rapid overview of the theory of metaphor, in order to situate the contributions to this volume in relation to one another and within the field more generally.
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    An Improbable Case of Philosophy: Arne Naess between Empiricism, Existentialism and Metaphysics.Elisabeth Nemeth - 2010 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 14:281-292.
    The Selected Works of Arne Naess, ed. by Harold Glasser and Alan Drengson in cooperation with the author, Dordrecht: Springer 2005. 10 volumes. On January 12, 2009 Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess passed away at the age of 96. He was still actively involved in putting together the edition of the Selected Writings of Arne Naess . He worte an introduction to the writings which is printed at the beginning of each volume together with the extensive introduction by the editor Harold (...)
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  49. Review: Josef Stern, Metaphor in Context. [REVIEW]Elisabeth Camp - 2005 - Noûs 39 (4):715-731.
    Metaphor is a crucially context-dependent linguistic phenomenon. This fact was not clearly recognized until some time in the 1970’s. Until then, most theorists assumed that a sentence must have a fixed set of metaphorical meanings, if it had any at all. Often, they also assumed that metaphoricity was the product of grammatical deviance, in the form of a category mistake. To compensate for this deviance, they thought, at least one of the sentence’s constituent terms underwent a meaning-changing ‘metaphorical twist’, which (...)
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    Emma K Russell: Queer Histories and the Politics of Policing: Abingdon, Routledge, 2020, ISBN: 978-0-8153-5490-1. [REVIEW]Felicity Elisabeth Adams - 2020 - Feminist Legal Studies 28 (2):231-235.
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