Results for 'Elisa Karezyńska'

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  1. Orientalism as a Sign of Provincialism.Elisa Karezyńska - 2012 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 100 (1):177-195.
    This article deals with various responses to the phenomenon of Orientalism. Since the publication of Edward Said s book _Orientalism_, there has been an ongoing discussion about the influence of Orientalism on contemporary social sciences in the East. In the West, Orientalism was an original theory, but in the East its acceptance was tantamount to an assimilation of foreign point of view on social reality. I argue that it is a symptom of provincialism among scientists from the East. Even though (...)
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    La philía politiké como amor mundi: La recepción de Hannah Arendt de la amistad política de Aristóteles.Elisa Goyenechea - 2021 - Isegoría 65:03-03.
    This paper examines Hannah Arendt’s reception of the Aristotelian philía. First, we expose the notes of the philía in his Nicomachean Ethics and the political projection of friendship as synaísthesis. Secondly, we argue that in a relevant fragment of “Truth and Politics” and in Lectures on Kant’s Political Philosophy, Arendt finishes clarifying her notion of friendship as a political and worldly bond. There she does not allude to Aristotle, but to Kant and his reflections on the sense of taste.
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    Holon e Heteron: osservazioni per un collegamento fra il "Teeteto" e il "Sofista".Elisa Magrì - 2015 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 9 (2):34.
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  4. Tres formas de abrazar un caballo: la cuestión del silencio en la epistemología de Nietzsche, Wittgenstein y Weil.Elisa Maradey & Juan Carlos Moraga - 2009 - A Parte Rei 62:6.
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    Two sources of evidence on the non-automaticity of true and false belief ascription.Elisa Back & Ian A. Apperly - 2010 - Cognition 115 (1):54-70.
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    Philosophy and Animal Studies: Calarco, Castricano, and Diamond.Elisa Aaltola - 2009 - Society and Animals 17 (3):279-286.
    Recently, animal studies has started to gain popularity. This interdisciplinary field investigates the human- animal relationship from different perspectives, including philosophy, cultural studies, and biology. In 2008, at least three books explored themes related to animal studies : Matthew Calarco, Zoographies: The Question of the Animal ; Jodey Castricano, Animal Subjects: An Ethics Reader in a Posthuman World; and Cora Diamond, Cary Wolfe, et al. Philosophy and Animal Life. Each volume approaches animal studies from a different viewpoint, but they also (...)
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  7. Siria y el enfrentamiento romano-sasánida en el siglo IV d. C.Elisa M. Garrido González - 1990 - Polis: Revista de Ideas y Formas Políticas de Antigüedad Clásica 2:143-156.
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    Biografema de Mário de Andrade: do plural.Elisa Angotti Kossovitch - 1987 - Trans/Form/Ação 9:57-85.
    Este texto é a primeira parte do terceiro capítulo de minha tese de doutoramento - MÁRIO DE ANDRADE, PLURAL . Aí, tenta-se a produção de um biografema à maneira de Roland Barthes, de quem é a epígrafe do capítulo. O biografema é uma livre-produção textual na medida em que não deriva de significado , mas, enfatizando imagens, cenas, gestos, fragmentos textuais, pulsões, opera significancias. O biografema não dispensa a biografia - usa-a, desmembra-a, desgasta-a. Disseminação, o biografema não hesita em lançar (...)
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  9. La mirada compasiva como elemento de cohesión social.Elisa Estévez López - 2006 - Ciencia Tomista 133 (429):101.
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    The Fragility of Compassion.Elisa Magrì - 2021 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 42 (2):253-279.
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    The Transcivilisational Perspective and the Universalism of the International Criminal Court.Elisa Orrù - 2014 - Storia Del Pensiero Politico 3 (2):285-310.
    The International Criminal Court (ICC) seems to have finally realized the ending legal globalists have long yearned for: a potentially universal, centralized and permanent court, able to enforce international humanitarian law without the mediation of the state. A legal system of mankind seems now more possible than ever before. The universalistic claim of the ICC, I contend in this article, is nevertheless potentially biased by a West-centric prejudice. Critically drawing on the transcivilizational perspective suggested by Onuma Yasuaki, I propose to (...)
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    The “Controversial Cundurango Cure”: Medical professionalization and the global circulation of drugs.Elisa Sevilla & Ana Sevilla - 2020 - Science in Context 33 (4):423-440.
    ArgumentThis article examines the medical and political discussions regarding a controversial medicinal bark from Ecuador – cundurango – that was actively sponsored by the Ecuadorian government as a new botanical cure for cancer in the late nineteenth century United States and elsewhere. The article focuses on the commercial and diplomatic interests behind the public discussion and advertising techniques of this drug. It argues that diverse elements – including the struggle for positioning scientific societies and the disapproval of the capacities of (...)
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    Engineering Students’ Affective Response to Climate Change.Elisa Warford - 2022 - Teaching Ethics 22 (1):1-15.
    In an engineering writing course whose theme is climate change and engineering, I foreground climate change as an ethical problem. At the end of the semester, I ask students to compare their attitudes toward climate change from when they began the course to their attitudes at the end. Some report that, as a result of knowing more about the difficulty and scale of the problem, they have become more pessimistic about our ability to solve it. Climate change despair has been (...)
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    El olvido del olvido: una aproximación psicoanalítica.Carmen Elisa Escobar María - 2015 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 27 (40):345.
    Apoyado en dos afirmaciones de Lacan respecto al olvido, una en 1954 y otra en 1970, junto con la aseveración de Allouch de que el psicoanálisis se había constituido en una práctica de dar caza al recuerdo, cuando antes que otra cosa se trataba de olvidar, este artículo se propone plantear el problema del olvido en tres direcciones: a) Retomando dos tipos de olvido que permiten pensar una forma radical de olvido: olvido del olvido. b) Relacionando olvido y repetición, al (...)
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    Nothing Distinguishes Us from God: bataille, mysticism, and divine nothingness.Elisa Heinämäki - 2012 - Angelaki 17 (3):113-122.
  16. The Ills of Man Writ Large: Hythloday's Diagnosis and Solution in Thomas More's Utopia.Elisa Torres Neff - 2021 - In Terence J. Kleven, Faith and Reason in the Reformations. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  17. Hoffmann e l'estetica romantica-in.Elisa Oberti - 1960 - Rivista di Estetica 5:52-80.
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  18. Raising the Bar in the Justification of Animal Research.Elisa Galgut - 2015 - Journal of Animal Ethics 5 (1):5-19,.
    Animal ethics committees (AECs) appeal to utilitarian principles in their justification of animal experiments. Although AECs do not grant rights to animals, they do accept that animals have moral standing and should not be unnecessarily harmed. Although many appeal to utilitarian arguments in the justification of animal experiments, I argue that AECs routinely fall short of the requirements needed for such justification in a variety of ways. I argue that taking the moral status of animals seriously—even if this falls short (...)
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    Definiteness in Tunisian Arabizi: Some Data from Statistical Approaches.Elisa Gugliotta, Angelapia Massaro, Giuliano Mion & Marco Dinarelli - 2024 - Romano-Arabica 23:49-76.
    We present a statistical analysis of the realization of definiteness in Tunisian Arabic (TA) texts written in Arabizi, a hybrid system reflecting some features of TA phonetics (assimilation), but also showing orthographic features, as the use of arithmographs. In §1, we give an overview of definiteness in TA from a semantic and syntactic point of view. In §2 we outline a typology of definite articles and show that TA normally marks definiteness with articles or similar devices, but also presents zero-markings (...)
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  20. Introduction.Elisa Pallanti Gugliotta - 2025 - Corpus 26 (26).
    Contexte Ce volume naît de la richesse des discussions et des échanges qui ont eu lieu lors de la journée d’étude intitulée « Bruit de fond ou valeur ajoutée? Gérer le bruit lors des traitements informatiques des corpus linguistiques », qui s’est tenue à Grenoble le 28 avril 2023. Cet événement, organisé conjointement par l’Université Grenoble Alpes et l’Université Sapienza de Rome, a vu la collaboration des laboratoires LIDILEM (Univ. Grenoble Alpes) et ECP (Univ. Lumière Lyon 2) ainsi que...
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  21. Beyond Belief: Toward a Theory of the Reactive Attitudes.Elisa A. Hurley & Coleen Macnamara - 2010 - Philosophical Papers 39 (3):373-399.
    Most moral theorists agree that it is one thing to believe that someone has slighted you and another to resent her for the insult; one thing to believe that someone did you a favor and another to feel gratitude toward her for her kindness. While all of these ways of responding to another's conduct are forms of moral appraisal, the reactive attitudes are said to 'go beyond' beliefs in some way. We think this claim is adequately explained only when we (...)
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    The divided mind of a disbeliever: Intuitive beliefs about nature as purposefully created among different groups of non-religious adults.Elisa Järnefelt, Caitlin F. Canfield & Deborah Kelemen - 2015 - Cognition 140 (C):72-88.
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    De Platone et eius dogmate: vita e pensiero di Platone.Elisa Dal Chiele - 2016 - Bologna: Bononia University Press. Edited by Apuleius & Elisa Dal Chiele.
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    (2 other versions)Wolfenbüttel: “Aktuelle Fragen der Edition in transdisziplinärer Perspektive”.Elisa Bisanti - 2020 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 62:412-419.
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    Individuo e comunità nella filosofia di Josiah Royce.Elisa Buzzi - 1992 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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  26. (1 other version)La rappresentazione pittorica.Elisa Caldarola - 2010 - Aesthetica Preprint 2010:11-19.
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    Seeing Double: Exploring the Phenomenology of Self-Reported Absence of Rivalry in Bistable Pictures.Elisa Filevich, Maxi Becker, Yuan-hao Wu & Simone Kühn - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  28. Tyhjä taivas: Georges Bataille ja uskonnon kysymys.Elisa Heinämäki - 2008 - Dissertation, University of Helsinki
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    La actividad financiera del estado social globalizado:(La prevención de gastos públicos y el tributo de tercera generación).Elisa Isabel García Luque - 2006 - Civitas. Revista Española de Derecho Financiero 131:471-502.
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    Hegel and the Genesis of the Concept.Elisa Magrì - 2016 - Symposium 20 (2):122-141.
    According to Habermas, Hegel’s early reflections in Jena on labour and language do not bear upon logical categories. In Habermas’s view, the formative model that Hegel proposes in his early texts on labour and language is lost in his mature philosophy. In this paper, I shall propose an intra-systematic reading of Hegel’s philosophy that challenges Habermas’s dualistic reading. I shall point out the dialectical relation between labour, memory, and the logical concept. In doing so, I will emphasize the fact that (...)
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  31. Hegel's Philosophical Psychology.Elisa Magrì - 2016
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  32. Alessandro di Afrodisia, Mantissa 20. Argumentative strategy against stoic ethics.Elisa Molina - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 61 (3):457-468.
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  33. Die Entstehung des präemptiven Sicherheitsansatzes in der Europäischen Union.Elisa Orrù - 2023 - In Martin H. W. Möllers & Robert Chr van Ooyen, Jahrbuch Öffentliche Sicherheit 2022/2023. Baden-Baden: Nomos. pp. 599-612.
    European police and judicial cooperation was initiated as a counterpart to the progressive abolition of internal border controls under Schengen. Since then, the security policy of the European Union (EU) has developed into one of the most dynamic and fastest growing policy areas of the Union. The aim of this contribution is to outline the main trends and characteristics of this policy field. I suggest to conceptualised them as instances of ‘pre-emptive security’. This is an approach to security that focuses (...)
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    La Corte penale internazionale tra etica, politica e diritto.Elisa Orrù - 2006 - Ragion Pratica: Rivista semestrale 27 (2):515-532.
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    As relações interdisciplinares em Ciências das Religiões.Elisa Pereira Gonsalves Possebon & Fabricio Possebon - forthcoming - Horizonte:1252.
    O artigo apresenta uma reflexão, no ambiente acadêmico, sobre as relações interdisciplinares, que são distintas da disciplinaridade e da multidisciplinaridade, estas já bem sedimentadas. Para tanto, compreende a disciplina como um campo específico de conhecimento, em termos teóricos e metodológicos, situando a interdisciplinaridade como uma resposta às limitações impostas pela especialização disciplinar. A partir de uma metodologia que utiliza a revisão bibliográfica como elemento central, conclui que a vocação do campo de conhecimento das Ciências das Religiões para a interdisciplinaridade se (...)
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  36. Opinión pública, democracia y dictadura.Elisa Chuliá Rodrigo - 2000 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 34:45-60.
    El concepto de gobierno es inseparable del de opinión pública en la medida en que la supervivencia de todos los gobiernos depende críticamente de la conformidad de la opinión pública. Pero las democracias protegen mejor a sus gobernantes de la amenaza que encierra la opinión pública que las dictaduras. Por una parte, las elecciones confieren a los gobernantes democráticos una legitimidad de origen de la que carecen muchos dictadores por haber alcanzado el poder a través de métodos considerados ilegítimos. Por (...)
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    Verbalizing the aesthetic experience.Elisa Steenberg - 1992 - British Journal of Aesthetics 32 (4):342-346.
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    How Do You Play? A Comparison among Children Aged 4–10.Elisa Delvecchio, Jian-Bin Li, Chiara Pazzagli, Adriana Lis & Claudia Mazzeschi - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  39. Eye gaze reveals a fast, parallel extraction of the syntax of arithmetic formulas.Elisa Schneider, Masaki Maruyama, Stanislas Dehaene & Mariano Sigman - 2012 - Cognition 125 (3):475-490.
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    Tackling Gender-Based Violence to Increase College Students’ Well-Being: A Study on Psychosocial Dimensions Affecting Attitudes Toward the Nonconsensual Intimate Image Dissemination.Elisa Berlin, Ilaria Coppola, Fabiola Bizzi, Nadia Rania, Marta Tironi & Chiara Rollero - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:51-60.
    One of the most recent forms of gender-based violence is non-consensual intimate images dissemination (NCII). This type of offense, popularly referred to as “revenge pornography”, consists of the nonconsensual creation, dissemination, or threat of dissemination of nude or sexually explicit images (photographs and videos) of individuals. NCII is considered a public health issue because of its damaging psychological consequences, especially among adolescents and young adults. According to the social-ecological perspective, psychosocial variables (e.g., endorsement of sexist attitudes, rape myths, sexual double (...)
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    G.E.M. Anscombe: guida alla lettura di Intention.Elisa Grimi - 2018 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    L’opera più importante per la filosofia dell’azione dopo l’Etica di Aristotele: così Donald Davidson ha definito il libro di Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe, Intention, che Elisa Grimi ci presenta oggi attraverso questa preziosa guida alla lettura, il primo testo di questo genere in lingua italiana. dalla Prefazione di Cyrille Michon. Che cosa sia un’intenzione, quale sia il ruolo che essa svolge all'interno di un’azione, se vi si possa trovare traccia della vera intenzione del soggetto guardando l’azione che compie: questi (...)
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  42. Working Passions: Emotions and Creative Engagement with Value.Elisa A. Hurley - 2007 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 45 (1):79-104.
    It is now a commonplace that emotions are not mere sensations but, rather, conceptually contentful states. In trying to expand on this insight, however, most theoretical approaches to emotions neglect central intuitions about what emotions are like. We therefore need a methodological shift in our thinking about emotions away from the standard accounts' attempts to reduce them to other mental states and toward an exploration of the distinctive work emotions do. I show that emotions' distinctive function is to engage us (...)
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    The moral costs of prophylactic propranolol.Elisa A. Hurley - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (9):35 – 36.
  44. Affective empathy as core moral agency: psychopathy, autism and reason revisited.Elisa Aaltola - 2014 - Philosophical Explorations 17 (1):76-92.
    Empathy has become a common point of debate in moral psychology. Recent developments in psychiatry, neurosciences and social psychology have led to the revival of sentimentalism, and the ‘empathy thesis’ has suggested that affective empathy, in particular, is a necessary criterion of moral agency. The case of psychopaths – individuals incapable of affective empathy and moral agency, yet capable of rationality – has been utilised in support of this case. Critics, however, have been vocal. They have asserted that the case (...)
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    L'unité de la connaissance: récit de voyage en terre savante.Elisa Brune - 2002 - Bruxelles: B. Gilson.
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  46. Cataloghi, categorie artistiche e apprezzamento del valore artistico.Elisa Caldarola - 2024 - In Davide Dal Sasso, Prima dell'archivio. Bologna: Il Mulino. pp. 239-250.
    Ci sono molti tipi di cataloghi d’arte. Alcuni presentano collezioni museali o raccolte private, altri le opere d’arte espo- ste in mostre temporanee, altri l’opera (completa o parziale) di qualche artista. Alcuni cataloghi listano soltanto le opere d’arte, altri mostrano alcuni aspetti dei contesti espositivi in cui le opere sono presentate al pubblico – installazioni permanenti di musei, o allestimenti temporanei in gallerie d’arte, per esempio. Tutti i cataloghi d’arte sono strumenti per comunicare al pubblico informazioni: i cataloghi possono essere (...)
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    Scienza e opinione nella città perfetta: letture del pensiero etico-politico di al-Fārābī.Elisa Coda (ed.) - 2019 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    Themistius, Arabic.Elisa Coda - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund, Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 1260--1266.
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  49. Natural directive, duty and person in Filippo Melantone interpreter of Cicerone's De'Officiis'.Elisa Cuttini - 2005 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 34 (3-4):163-188.
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    Why lay social representations of the economy should count in economics.Elisa Darriet & Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde - 2015 - Mind and Society 14 (2):245-258.
    We consider the potentially major role of lay economic representations in economic theoretical modelling. Departing both from the rational expectation hypothesis, that supposes a maximal cognitive fit between agents’ representations and the variables in the model, and from an approach in terms of psychological biases that would externally affect agents’representation of their environment, we consider that lay representations have essential features that make them potentially valuable tools for the reconciliation of normative and practical perspectives in macroeconomics. By reviewing a series (...)
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