Results for 'Elena Raponi'

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  1. Hofmannsthal e la religione.Elena Raponi - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  2. Self-Evaluative and Other-Directed Emotional and Behavioral Responses to Gossip About the Self.Elena Martinescu, Onne Janssen & Bernard A. Nijstad - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Introduction: Epistemologies of the Match.Hansun Hsiung & Elena Serrano - 2021 - Isis 112 (4):760-765.
    Algorithmically driven online dating platforms today promise the ability to sort through relevant data and identify one’s ideal amorous matches effectively. Yet the appeal of technological and scientific solutions to the messy problem of finding partners is hardly new. This introduction to the Focus section “It’s a Match!” argues that the history of amorous matching has long been part and parcel of the history of science, in particular the social sciences. Taking matching as an “applied science of social harmony,” the (...)
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  4. Reductionism, emergence, and effective field theories.Elena Castellani - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 33 (2):251-267.
    In recent years, a change in attitude in particle physics has led to our understanding current quantum field theories as effective field theories. The present paper is concerned with the significance of this EFT approach, especially from the viewpoint of the debate on reductionism in science. In particular, it is a purpose of this paper to clarify how EFTs may provide an interesting case-study in current philosophical discussion on reduction, emergence and inter-level relationships in general.
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  5. More on pejorative language: insults that go beyond their extension.Elena Castroviejo, Katherine Fraser & Agustín Vicente - 2020 - Synthese 198 (10):9139-9164.
    Slurs have become a big topic of discussion both in philosophy and in linguistics. Slurs are usually characterised as pejorative terms, co-extensional with other, neutral, terms referring to ethnic or social groups. However, slurs are not the only ethnic/social words with pejorative senses. Our aim in this paper is to introduce a different kind of pejoratives, which we will call “ethnic/social terms used as insults”, as exemplified in Spanish, though present in many other languages and mostly absent in English. These (...)
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    Values and symbolization of success in modern cinema.Svetlana Viktorovna Kovaleva, Elena Pavlovna Panova & Roman Vital'evich Reshetov - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The subject of the study is the figurative and symbolic reflection and transformation of the dynamic reality of life in the cinematic space of modern culture. The purpose of the work is to identify and substantiate trends in the development of cinematographic cultural texts based on the figurative and symbolic representation of the phenomenon of success in the existential space of human existence. The scientific novelty of the work is represented by the evidence base of the study, which determines the (...)
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  7. Which Curie’s Principle?Elena Castellani & Jenann Ismael - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (5):1002-1013.
    Is there more that one "Curie's principle"? How far are different formulations legitimate? What are the aspects that make it so scientifically fruitful, independently of how it is formulated? The paper is devoted to exploring these questions. We start with illustrating Curie's original 1894 article and his focus. Then, we consider the way that the discussion of the principle took shape from early commentators to its modern form. We say why we think that the modern focus on the inter-state version (...)
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    Keep meaning in conversational coordination.Elena C. Cuffari - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:100130.
    Coordination is a widely employed term across recent quantitative and qualitative approaches to intersubjectivity, particularly approaches that give embodiment and enaction central explanatory roles. With a focus on linguistic and bodily coordination in conversational contexts, I review the operational meaning of coordination in recent empirical research and related theorizing of embodied intersubjectivity. This discussion articulates what must be involved in treating linguistic meaning as dynamic processes of coordination. The coordination approach presents languaging as a set of dynamic self-organizing processes and (...)
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    Pascal, Kierkegaard, Buber: un nuevo modo de filosofar: la relación como fundamento de la existencia.Catalina Elena Dobre - 2013 - Madrid: Fundación Emmanuel Mounier.
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    Renormalization group methods: Which kind of explanation?Elena Castellani & Emilia Margoni - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 95 (C):158-166.
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  11. Diseño de la Interfaz Web.Ma Elena Carbajal Franco - 2007 - Episteme 3 (10).
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  12. En los márgenes del derecho antidiscriminatorio: prostitución y derechos de las mujeres.María Elena Beltrán Pedreira - 2011 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 45:43-63.
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  13. Collingwood, Pragmatism, and Philosophy of Science.Elena Popa - 2018 - In Karim Dharamsi, Giuseppina D'Oro & Stephen Leach, Collingwood on Philosophical Methodology. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 131-149.
    This paper argues that there are notable similarities between Collingwood’s method of investigating absolute presuppositions and contemporary strands of pragmatism, focusing on two areas - the critique of realism and causation. It is first argued that there are methodological similarities between Collingwood’s argument against realism and his Kantian-inspired critique of metaphysics, and Putnam’s critique of externalism. Regarding causation, it is argued that Collingwood’s view and Price’s pragmatist approach have a common method – investigating causation in the context of specific human (...)
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    The Values of Biodiversity. An Introduction.Elena Casetta - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica 59:3-13.
    In questo contributo di introduzione al volume “Biodiversity” (Rivista di Estetica n. 59, 2015), dopo aver sottolineato il legame tra la realizzazione degli inventari biologici (le tassonomie) e lo studio della biodiversità, e la difficoltà di definire la biodiversità, prendo in esame tre diversi modi di intendere il valore della biodiversità. Oltre al valore etico ed estetico, oggetto rispettivamente di discipline relativamente recenti come l’etica ambientale e l’estetica ambientale, la biodiversità ha un valore economico, presente soprattutto nel cosiddetto approccio dei (...)
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    Slovenské obrodenecké myslenie.Elena Várossová - 1963 - Bratislava,: Vydavatel̕stvo Slovenskej akadémie vied.
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  16. Are Generics Defaults? A Study on the Interpretation of Generics and Universals in 3 Age- Groups of Spanish-Speaking Individuals.Elena Castroviejo, José V. Hernández-Conde, Dimitra Lazaridou-Chatzigoga, Marta Ponciano & Agustin Vicente - 2022 - Language Learning and Development 10.
    This paper reports an experiment that investigates interpretive distinctions between two different expressions of generalization in Spanish. In particular, our aim was to find out when the distinction between generic statements (GS) such as Tigers have stripes and universally quantified statements (UQS) such as All tigers have stripes was acquired in Spanish-speaking children of two different age groups (4/5-year-olds and 8/9-year-olds), and then compare these results with those of adults. The starting point of this research was the semantic distinction between (...)
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    the semantics of gradability, vagueness and scale structure.Elena Castroviejo, Louise McNally & Galit W. Sassoon - 2018 - Springer.
    This volume is the first to focus specifically on experimental studies of the semantics of gradability, scale structure and vagueness. It presents support for and challenges to current formal analyses of these phenomena in view of experimentally collected data, highlighting the ways semantic and pragmatic theory can benefit from experimental methodologies. The papers in the volume contribute to an explicit and detailed account of the use, representation, and online processing of gradable and vague expressions using various kinds of controlled speaker (...)
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  18. Enmattered Virtues.Elena Cagnoli Fiecconi - 2018 - Metaphysics 1 (1):63-74.
    I argue that, for Aristotle, virtues of character like bravery and generosity are, like the emotions, properties that require a hylomorphic analysis. In order to understand what the virtues are and how they come about, one needs to take into account their formal components and their material components. The formal component of a virtue of character is a psychic disposition, its material component is the appropriate state and composition of the blood. I defend this thesis against two potential objections and (...)
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    “Do We Really Need Hepatitis B on the Second Day of Life?” Vaccination Mandates and Shifting Representations of Hepatitis B.Elena Conis - 2011 - Journal of Medical Humanities 32 (2):155-166.
    In the decade following hepatitis B vaccine’s 1981 approval, U.S. health officials issued evolving guidelines on who should receive the vaccine: first, gay men, injection drug users, and healthcare workers; later, hepatitis B-positive women’s children; and later still, all newborns. States laws that mandated the vaccine for all children were quietly accepted in the 1990s; in the 2000s, however, popular anti-vaccine sentiment targeted the shot as an emblem of immunization policy excesses. Shifting attitudes toward the vaccine in this period were (...)
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    La coscienza protestante.Elena Bein Ricco & Debora Spini (eds.) - 2016 - Torino: Claudiana.
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    Psychological mindedness and awareness of self and others.Mark Beitel, Elena Ferrer & John J. Cecero - 2005 - Journal of Clinical Psychology 61 (6):739-750.
  22. Burzhuaznyĭ gumanizm--illi︠u︡zii i deĭstvitelʹnostʹ.Elena Vladimirovna Bogoli︠u︡bova - 1975 - Edited by Z. A. Tazhurizina.
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  23. Lara Jaque Roxana; Rivera Caamaño, Pilar. Factores asociados al nivel de sobrecarga de los cuidadores informales de adultos mayores dependientes, en control en el consultorio" Jose Durán Trujillo", San Carlos, Chile.Elena Espinosa Lavoz & Viviana Méndez Villarroel - 2009 - Theoria: Revista Ciencia, Arte y Humanidades 18 (1):69-79.
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  24. 3 Active Citizenship, a Case Study.Luca Giunti & Elena Camino - 2009 - In Donald Gray, Laura Colucci-Gray & Elena Camino, Science, society, and sustainability: education and empowerment for an uncertain world. New York: Routledge. pp. 27--51.
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  25. Power and Nothing: What Causes mistaken Judgement in The Winter's Tale?Elena Glazov-Corrigan & Kevin Corrigan - 2002 - Dionysius 20:199.
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  26. "'The'Portale di Giordano Bruno': A new" access" to life and in the work of the philosopher.Maria Elena Severini - 2005 - Rinascimento 45:391-397.
  27. Neuroethcis in education.Kim Sheridan, Elena Zinchenko & Gardner & Howard - 2005 - In Judy Illes, Neuroethics: Defining the Issues in Theory, Practice, and Policy. Oxford University Press.
  28. Manual de chimie clasa a IX-a, Ed.Luminiţa Ursea & Elena Goicumu - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    Drawn Stories Technique: Method and Concluding TherapeuticTurn.Giancarlo Trombini, Elena Trombini & Gerhard Stemberger - 2024 - Gestalt Theory 46 (1):63-80.
    Summary The developmental age is often characterized by problems of somatization of psychological problems and conflicts: Anorexia, enuresis, encopresis and persistent constipation. The Drawn-Story (DS) technique presented in this article was developed to enhance and support the narrative-dialogic relationship in the psychodiagnostic and psychotherapeutic context – initially primarily for work with children of developmental age, but later also for other patient groups. It is a projective drawing technique that was developed by Giancarlo Trombini in the 1970s based on his training (...)
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  30. Cristo nella materia.Elena Cortellese Platania - 1968 - Bologna,: Edizioni dehoniane.
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    Jewish Thought, Utopia, and Revolution.Elena Namli, Jayne Svenungsson & Alana M. Vincent (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Editions Rodopi.
    In response to the grim realities of the present world Jewish thought has not tended to retreat into eschatological fantasy, but rather to project utopian visions precisely on to the present moment, envisioning redemptions that are concrete, immanent, and necessarily political in nature. In difficult times and through shifting historical contexts, the messianic hope in the Jewish tradition has functioned as a political vision: the dream of a peaceful kingdom, of a country to return to, or of a leader who (...)
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    Biodiversity Surgery: Some Epistemological Challenges in Facing Extinction.Elena Casetta & Jorge Marques da Silva - 2015 - Axiomathes 25 (3):239-251.
    Biological conservation has a long story, but what distinguishes Conservation Biology from previous conservation fields is its multidisciplinary scope and its character as a mission-oriented crisis discipline. These characteristics suggested the introduction of the metaphor of biological conservation as a sort of surgery. This paper is about the initial stages of such surgery. Firstly, some data about the so-called “Big Sixth”—the disease—will be presented together with some information about Conservation Biology—the surgeon. Then epistemic and epistemological difficulties in extinction assessment and (...)
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    Earthquake prediction, biological clocks, and the cold war psy-ops: Using animals as seismic sensors in the 1970s California.Elena Aronova - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 70:50-57.
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    Subjectivity as the Theme of Philosophy.Elena L. Chertkova - 2018 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 56 (1):39-48.
    This article traces two trends in the evolution of subjectivity in philosophy: the concept of subjectivity introduced by Protagoras and the Sophists, which is related to the characterization of human knowledge, and the understanding of subjectivity in Descartes, who viewed it as a special reality that determines the essence of the individual as a “thinking thing.” The author examines the major turning points in interpreting subjectivity: Protagoras’ empirical interpretation, the metaphysical shift in Descartes, and the anti-metaphysical shift in postmodernism that (...)
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    On the Disappearance of the Self.Elena O. Trufanova - 2018 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 56 (1):49-60.
    This article discusses the reality of the existence of the Self as a self-sufficient phenomenon by tracing the relationship between the concepts of subject and the Self with consideration of postmodernist and socioconstructionist critiques. The author identifies the main approaches in the history of philosophy, arguing for the disappearance of the individual subject and propose counterarguments against those positions. Critically assessing the postmodern idea of the “death of the subject,” notions of the Self as a social and linguistic construction, as (...)
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    Creatividad Como Eje de Integración Intercultural.Elena De Prada Creo - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (1):1-12.
    La movilidad internacional ha demostrado contribuir muy favorablemente al desarrollo personal, académico y profesional del alumnado universitario. Conseguir que la mayor parte de los estudiantes tengan acceso a este tipo de experiencias debe de ser un objetivo prioritario para favorecer su formación integral. En el caso de las movilidades de corta duración, hacer una planificación específica a través de fórmulas de turismo creativo que permitan el máximo aprovechamiento de los intercambios interculturales puede determinar el éxito de la experiencia. La evaluación (...)
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    Expert and Layman.Elena V. Bryzgalina & Vladimir N. Kiselev - 2020 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 57 (2):33-41.
    The article substantiates the possibility of interpreting expertise as a research communicative practice, in contrast to the expert “comparison with the sample”. Inside the so-called examinations, a counter-examination is institutionally integrated. The communication of expert and counter-expert position, which is a phenomenological personality choice, can take a form of personal institutionalized communication, and can be mediated by mediators and media texts. The results of examination and counter-interaction are determined by many factors, among which the coincidence (mismatch) of the images of (...)
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    Metafora e conoscenza nella cultura monastica.Elena Cartotto - 2004 - Doctor Virtualis 3:83-87.
    I Sermoni su Cantico dei Cantici di Bernardo di Chiaravalle come esemplificazione della funzione conoscitiva della metafora: dall'autocomprensione di sé all'illustrazione della relazione uomo Dio.
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    Are Species Social Objects? Some Notes.Elena Casetta - 2014 - Rivista di Estetica 57:173-183.
    Although biological species might seem paradigmatic natural objects, several objections can be advanced against their independence from taxonomic activities and from scientific and social practices in general. Darwin himself, in the second chapter of the Origin, claimed to be looking «at the term species as one arbitrarily given, for the sake of convenience, to a set of individuals closely resembling each other». In this contribution, I sketch the sticking points of the issue whether species are natural or social objects in (...)
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    Between Science and Philosophy: New Perspectives on Gender, Sex, Race, and the Family.Elena Casetta & Vera Tripodi - 2012 - Humana Mente 5 (22).
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    From Assessing to Conserving Biodiversity.Elena Casetta, Davide Vecchi & Jorge Miguel Luz Marques da Silva (eds.) - 2019 - Springer.
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    Preformation vs. Epigenesis: Inspiration and Haunting Within and Outside Contemporary Philosophy of Biology.Elena Casetta - 2020 - Rivista di Estetica 74:119-138.
    The 17th and 18th centuries were the theatre of the fight between two main theories concerning the development of organisms: preformationism (or preformism) and epigeneticism (or epigenesis). According to the first, the formation of new features during organisms’ development can be seen as the result of a mere unfolding of features that were preformed in the sperm, the egg, or the zygote. According to epigeneticism, there is no pre-existing form, and development is a process where genuinely new characters emerge from (...)
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    Darle cuerpo al cuerpo: pruebas genéticas predictivas y autodesomatización.Elena Colombetti - 2022 - Persona y Bioética 25 (2):25210-25210.
    Genetics test in predictive medicine seems to take charge of the uniqueness of any human being. Unlike preventive medicine it moves from the theoretical assumption of the knowledge of a specific individual’s genetic structure and potential fragility. However, the attention paid to the gene risks placing the living and experienced body in the shadow. Sometimes, “genetic news” can make the subject in the present act like a sick person without being so, read every event in that direction, and, ultimately, fulfill (...)
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    L'etica smarrita della liberazione: l'eredità di Simone de Beauvoir nella maternità biotech.Elena Colombetti - 2011 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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    Reading Comprehension in Both Spanish and English as a Foreign Language by High School Spanish Students.Elena Cueva, Marta Álvarez-Cañizo & Paz Suárez-Coalla - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Several studies have highlighted that reading comprehension is determined by different linguistic skills: semantics, syntax, and morphology, in addition to one’s own competence in reading fluency. On the other hand, according to the Linguistic Interdependence Hypothesis, linguistic skills developed in one’s own native language facilitate the development of these skills in a second one. In this study, we wanted to explore the linguistic abilities that determine reading comprehension in Spanish and in English in Secondary Education students. To do this, 73 (...)
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  46. Selected Papers from the 11th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA 2005)-An Autonomous and User-Independent Hand Posture Recognition System for Vision-Based. [REVIEW]Elena Sanchez-Nielsen, Luis Anton-Canalis & Cayetano Guerra-Artal - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 4177--113.
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    AN UNUSUAL INTERPRETATION OF LUCRETIUS - (T.) Nail Lucretius III. A History of Motion. Pp. x + 217, ills. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022. Paper, £14.99 (Cased, £95). ISBN: 978-1-4744-6424-6 (978-1-4744-6423-9 hbk). [REVIEW]Elena Nicoli - 2023 - The Classical Review 73 (2):512-514.
  48.  19
    Book Review of Trials, Tribulations, and Celebrations: African-American Perspectives on Health, Illness, Aging, and Loss. [REVIEW]Elena O. Nightingale - 1994 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 5 (2):169-171.
  49.  17
    “The Role of Coercion in Law: The Case of International Law.”.Sandra Raponi - 2016 - Washington University Jurisprudence Review 8 (1).
    Critics of international law argue that it is not really law because it lacks a supranational system of coercive sanctions. International legal scholars and lawyers primarily refute this by demonstrating that international law is in fact enforced, albeit in decentralized and less coercive ways. I will focus instead on the presumption behind this skeptical view—the idea that law must be coercively enforced. First, I argue that coercive enforcement is not conceptually necessary for law or legal obligations. Second, I consider the (...)
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    A Defense of the Human Right to Adequate Food.Sandra Raponi - 2017 - Res Publica 23 (1):99-115.
    I argue that recognizing a human right to adequate food and enforcing it as a legal right is an important way to promote and ensure sustainable food security. I consider objections that have been raised against subsistence rights and socio-economic rights, including the argument that such rights are not feasible, that they are not justiciable, and that they are too amorphous—that it is not clear what is required to fulfill these rights and by whom. I defend the right to adequate (...)
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