Results for 'Dumitru Dumitrescu'

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  1. Despre previziunea științifică.Dumitru Dumitrescu - 1965 - București,: Editura Științifică. Edited by Uroș Tomin.
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    The Demon of Distraction.Irina Dumitrescu & Caleb Smith - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 47 (S2):S77-S81.
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    Infinite Lifespans, Terraforming Planets, And Intergenerational Justice.Adelin-Costin Dumitru - 2020 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 12 (2):75-86.
    When it comes to specifying the moral duties we bear towards future generations, most political philosophers position themselves on what could be regarded as a safe ground. A variant of the Lockean proviso is commonplace in the literature on intergenerational justice, taking the form of an obligation to bestow upon future people a minimum of goods necessary for reaching a certain threshold of well-being (Meyer, 2017). Furthermore, even this minimum is often frowned upon, given the non-identity problem and the challenges (...)
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    On the Moral Irrelevance of a Global Basic Structure: Prospects for a Satisficing Sufficientarian Theory of Global Justice.Adelin Costin Dumitru - 2017 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 17 (2):233-264.
    Many important criticisms to the possibility of global justice are advanced following one or another operationalization of the Rawlsian concept of a basic structure. The purpose of this paper is twofold: i) to show that the existence of a global basic structure is irrelevant from the standpoint of justice; ii) to set the stage for a cosmopolitan theory of global justice that employs satisficing sufficientarianism as a distributive principle. One of the main contentions is that the institutional-interactional cut in the (...)
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  5. Un monde sans passeports serait-il utopique?Speranta Dumitru - 2016 - In Hélène Thiollet (ed.), Migrants, migrations. Armand Collin. pp. 59-91.
    « Utopique » se dit d’un projet irréalisable, qui ne saurait exister. Or, un monde où les passeports n’étaient pas obligatoires pour traverser une frontière a bel et bien existé : c’est celui d’avant la Première Guerre Mondiale. Cet article résume l'histoire des efforts pour abolir le régime des passeports obligatoires après la Première Guerre Mondiale.
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  6. Skilled Migration: Who should pay for what?Speranta Dumitru - 2012 - Diversities 14 (1):8-23.
    Brain drain critiques and human rights advocates have conflicting views on emigration. From a brain drain perspective, the emigration harms a country when emigrants are skilled and the source country is poor. From the human rights perspective, the right "to leave any country, including one's own" is a fundamental right, protected for all, whatever their skills. Is the concern with poverty and social justice at odds with the right to emigrate? At the beginning of the l970s, the economist Jagdish Bhagwati (...)
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    A Companion to Hobbes, edited by Adams, Marcus P.Claudia Dumitru - 2024 - Hobbes Studies 37 (2):197-203.
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    Web Service Modeling Ontology.Dumitru Roman, Uwe Keller, Holger Lausen, Jos de Bruijn, Rubén Lara, Michael Stollberg, Axel Polleres, Cristina Feier, Cristoph Bussler & Dieter Fensel - 2005 - Applied ontology 1 (1):77-106.
    The potential to achieve dynamic, scalable and cost-effective marketplaces and eCommerce solutions has driven recent research efforts towards so-called Semantic Web Services that are enriching Web services with machine-processable semantics. To this end, the Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO) provides the conceptual underpinning and a formal language for semantically describing all relevant aspects of Web services in order to facilitate the automatization of discovering, combining and invoking electronic services over the Web. In this paper we describe the overall structure of (...)
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    Metaphysical Foundations of the Idea of Tolerance in John Locke's Philosophy.Marius Dumitrescu - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (3):134-147.
    In this paper we will try to identify the concrete ways in which John Locke describes the limits of toleration between different types of faith and its metaphysical foundations. From the beginning of his text A Letter Concerning Toleration, John Locke specifies that toleration is, first and foremost, a practical ideal and, secondly, a moral one. As such, toleration must be the essential feature of the true Church because in the field of religious faith any claimed superiority is in fact (...)
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    Teoria generală a dreptului: curs universitar.Dumitru Baltag - 2010 - Chișinău: [Publisher Not Identified].
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    (1 other version)ƒ‐Multipliers and the localization of hilbert algebras.Dumitru Buşneag - 1990 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 36 (4):331-338.
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    The philosophy of nature and the drama of modern physics.Dumitru Daba - 2009 - Timișoara: Editura Politehnica.
  13. Cum de na ajuns CV Tudor preşedinte.Florin Dumitrescu - 2002 - Dilema 508:8.
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    Depression and Inflammatory Periodontal Disease Considerations—An Interdisciplinary Approach.Alexandrina L. Dumitrescu - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  15. De la Sisif la Prometeu: (curente de idei în filosofia contemporană).Lucia Dumitrescu-Codreanu - 1977 - București: Editura Politică.
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    Despre tolerantã, pluralism si recunoasterea celorlalti/ On Tolerance, Pluralism and the Recognition of Others.Mircea Dumitru - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 4 (10):12-18.
    The paper examines some presuppositions of toleration and pluralism and explores two models, a deontological and a consequentialist model, that could support the view that rational agents should act in a tolerant way. Within the first model two arguments are given in favor of the view that people are better off and more rational if they are tolerant. The first argument draws upon a principle of charity that one usually makes use of in philosophy of mind and philosophy of language, (...)
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    Grigore T. Popa – Promoter of Medical Ethics in Romania.Ana-Maria Dumitrescu, Andreas Nilsen Myhre, Thorvald Nilsen Myhre & Rodica Ghiuru - 2016 - Annals of Philosophy, Social and Human Disciplines 2 (1):29-37.
    Our paper reveals Professor Grigore T. Popaʼs view on medical ethics of anatomical teaching as he was bringing in Romania the experience of the Anglo-Saxon education from both England and the United States. We analysed his lecture: “What Anatomy is or is not?” where he introduced some ideas of medical ethics. Professor Popa considered that medical ethics and deontology are required whenever someone studies the anatomy of the human body. Anatomy teaches us the lesson of respect towards human body, and (...)
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  18. On tolerance, pluralism and the recognition of others.M. Dumitru - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (10).
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    Peter Wollen (1993/2008) Raiding the Icebox: Reflections on Twentieth-Century Culture.Alexandra Dumitrescu - 2012 - Film-Philosophy 16 (1):232-237.
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    Studies in the philosophy of law.Corina Adriana Dumitrescu & Ion Craiovan (eds.) - 2020 - Lewiston, New York: The Edwin Mellen Press.
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  21. Artă, morală în istoria gîndirii estetice românești.Dumitru Matei & Gheorghe Stroia (eds.) - 1983 - București: Editura Eminescu.
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    D.D. Roșca și Hegel.Dumitru D. Roșca - 1995 - [Bucharest]: Editura Viitorul Românesc. Edited by Vasile Muscă.
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    Pentru o noua teorie literara.Dumitru Tiutiuca - 2005 - Iași: Editura Timpul.
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    Metaphysics, Meaning, and Modality: Themes From Kit Fine.Mircea Dumitru (ed.) - 2020 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    This is the first book on the provocative and innovative contributions to philosophy of language, metaphysics, the philosophy of mathematics, and logic made by Kit Fine, one of the world's foremost philosophers. Topics covered include meaning and representation, arbitrary objects, essence, ontological realism, and the metaphysics of modality.
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  25. How neo-Marxism creates bias in gender and migration research: evidence from the Philippines.Speranta Dumitru - 2018 - Ethnic and Racial Studies 15 (41):2790-2808.
    he paper analyses migration flows from the Philippines in two gendered occupations: domestic helpers and computer programmers. The international division of labour theory claims that foreign investment determines migration from developing countries, especially of women, towards low-skilled gendered occupations in developed countries. This paper shows that the division of labour is neither gendered nor international in the predicted sense. For instance, data from Philippines Overseas Employment Agency shows that the theory is Eurocentric as Northern America and Europe are destinations for (...)
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  26. What to Say When There Is Nothing to Talk about.Mircea Dumitru & Frederick Kroon - 2008 - Critica 40 (120):97-109.
    In Reference without Referents, Mark Sainsbury aims to provide an account of reference that honours the common-sense view that sentences containing empty names like "Vulcan" and "Santa Claus" are entirely intelligible, and that many such sentences -"Vulcan doesn't exist", "Many children believe that Santa Claus will give them presents at Christmas", etc.- are literally true. Sainsbury's account endorses the Davidsonian program in the theory of meaning, and combines this with a commitment to Negative Free Logic, which holds that all simple (...)
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    On the Preeminence of Euclidean Geometry: Nash’s Embedding Theorems.Mircea Dumitru & Liviu Ornea - forthcoming - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie:1-11.
    According to Kant’s philosophy of geometry, Euclidean geometry is synthetic _a priori_. The advent of non-Euclidean geometries proved this position at least problematic, if not obsolete. However, based on Nash’s embedding theorems we show that a weaker notion of _preeminence_ supports the view that Euclidean geometry, even though not strictly _a priori_, enjoys a more fundamental status than non-Euclidean geometries.
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  28. Qu'est-ce que le nationalisme methodologique? Essai de typologie.Speranta Dumitru - 2014 - Raisons Politiques 54 (2):9-22.
    This article argues that there are at least three different versions of methodological nationalism: state-centrism (unjustified supremacy granted to the nation-state), territorialism (understanding space as divided in territories), and groupism (equating society with the nation-state’s society). If these three versions are logically distinct, as it will be shown, the typology can serve as a tool to weight the influence of methodological nationalism in the social sciences. The paper has three sections arguing that 1) the three versions are all present in (...)
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    The Genomic Fabric Perspective on the Transcriptome Between Universal Quantifiers and Personalized Genomic Medicine.Dumitru Andrei Iacobas - 2016 - Biological Theory 11 (3):123-137.
    Numerous groups race to discover the gene biomarker whose alteration alone is indicative of a particular disease in all humans. Biomarkers are selected from the most frequently altered genes in large population cohorts. However, thousands of other genes are simultaneously affected, and, in each person, the same disease results from a unique, never-repeatable combination of gene alterations. Therefore, our Genomic Fabric Paradigm (GFP) switches the focus from the alteration of one particular gene to the overall change in selected groups of (...)
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    A Journey Inside the Perception of the Self-Image - from the 15th Century Italian Portrait to the Glamorized Image on the Facebook.Marius Dumitrescu - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (3):34-59.
    This article aims to present the philosophical perspective upon the birth of the idea of the individual and the consequences of the discovery of the self-image on the techniques of image reproduction from the Renaissance to the present day. The process of projecting the self-image into the public space acquires a special importance with the elaboration of the portrait technique in the Italian painting of the 15th century. Through Leonardo da Vinci's paintings, this technique of reproducing self-image reaches a certain (...)
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    Conceptul de filosofie la P.P. Negulescu.Petre Dumitrescu - 1975 - Iași: "Junimea,".
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  32. Holocaust Memoryscapes. Contemporary Memorialisation of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern European Countries.Adelin Dumitru (ed.) - 2020 - Bucharest: Editura Universitara.
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  33. Remarques en marge du" Coislin 79": les trois eunuques et le problème du donateur.C. -L. Dumitrescu - 1987 - Byzantion 57 (1):32-45.
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    Rescuing sufficientarianism from itself.Adelin-Costin Dumitru - 2020 - South African Journal of Philosophy 39 (3):347-359.
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    Revealing the Unconscious through Dreams in Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalysis.Marius Dumitrescu - 2019 - Postmodern Openings 10 (4):144-152.
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    The Use of Non-verbal Displays in Framing COVID-19 Disinformation in Europe: An Exploratory Account.Delia Dumitrescu & Mina Trpkovic - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    While online disinformation practices have grown exponentially over the past decade, the COVID-19 pandemic provides arguably the best opportunity to date to study such communications at a cross-national level. Using the data provided by the International Fact-Checking Network, we examine the strategic uses of non-verbal and verbal arguments to push disinformation through social media and websites during the first wave of lockdowns in 2020 across 16 European countries. Our paper extends the work by Brennen et al. on the use of (...)
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    Basic principles of the strategy concerning the elucidation of configuration of chiral centers of linear isomeric aldohexoses.Dumitru Petru Iga - 2017 - Foundations of Chemistry 20 (1):31-41.
    Fischer’s approach for structure elucidation of linear aldohexoses is still the most widespread alternative in textbooks for carbohydrates. However, in post-Fischer era, a series of remarkable discoveries and inventions were made in different laboratories, and by their use a more comprehensive and coherent strategy for structure elucidation of linear isomeric aldohexoses can be elaborated. Fischer used the exceptional properties of d-mannose for the knowledge of configuration of C-2 and called it the key of the gate to stereochemistry. We bring the (...)
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  38. Cîteva observații asupra experienței artistice și conștiinței estetice.Dumitru Matei - 1986 - In Nina Nicolaeva (ed.), Arta modernă și problemele percepției estetice. București: Editura Minerva.
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  39. Etic și estetic: studii de estetică și teoria artei.Dumitru Matei (ed.) - 1979 - București: "Meridiane".
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  40. Mihail Dragomirescu: privire critică asupra sistemului filosofic și estetic.Dumitru Matei - 1974 - București: Editura științifică.
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    Cultură, personalitate, vocație: în concepția lui C. Rădulescu-Motru.Dumitru Otovescu - 1990 - Craiova: Scrisul Românesc.
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  42. Ieșirea din labirint..Dumitru Popescu - 1973 - București: Editura Eminescu.
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    Influența lui Hegel asupra lui Taine.Dumitru D. Roșca - 1968 - [București]: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România.
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  44. “Care drain”. Explaining bias in theorizing women’s migration.Speranta Dumitru - 2016 - Romanian Journal of Society and Politics 11 (2):7-24.
    Migrant women are often stereotyped. Some scholars associate the feminization of migration with domestic work and criticize the “care drain” as a new form of imperialism that the First World imposes on the Third World. However, migrant women employed as domestic workers in Northern America and Europe represent only 2% of migrant women worldwide and cannot be seen as characterizing the “feminization of migration”. Why are migrant domestic workers overestimated? This paper explores two possible sources of bias. The first is (...)
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  45. Les sans-papiers et leurs droits d'avoir des droits: une approche par l'éthique de la discussion.Speranta Dumitru & Insa Breyer - 2007 - Raisons Politiques 26 (2):125-147.
    The aim of this article is to show that refusing to legalize the status of undocumented immigrants who have been long-term residents is a serious violation of human rights. The "right to have rights" ­ a term coined by Hannah Arendt and developed by Sheila Benhabib ­ should be construed first and foremost as the right to a legal existence. We take issue with consequentialists who warn that legalizing the status of undocumented aliens will encourage further undesirable immigration, for withholding (...)
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  46. Emigración, talentos y justicia: un argumento feminista sobre la fuga de cerebros.Speranta Dumitru - 2009 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 30:31-52.
    Este artículo analiza los compromisos éticos que implica la metodología de la investigación sobre la “fuga de cerebros” y que conducen a los que participan en el debate público a cuestionar el derecho a la emigración de personas calificadas. Se identifican cinco presupuestos de este debate : el consecuencialismo, el prioritarismo y el nacionalismo, así como lo que llamamos “sedentarismo” y elitismo. Este análisis muestra que, si bien la emigración de talentos representa una pérdida para el país de origen, ésta (...)
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    Adequacy in Education and Normative School Choice.Adelin Costin Dumitru - 2017 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 37 (2):123-146.
    In this paper I make a contribution to three distinct, but deeply interwoven subjects. Firstly, I argue that, at the level of ideal theory, the distribution of educational goods should follow a sufficientarian pattern and that the evaluative space of children’s advantage should be inspired by the capability approach. Secondly, the paper is delving into the more policy-oriented debates on the desirability of school choice. I argue that, given the non-ideal circumstances in which decision makers have to act, giving parents (...)
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    Enfranchising refugees in a non-ideal world.Adelin-Costin Dumitru - forthcoming - Journal of Value Inquiry:1-25.
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    Deconstructing the Constituency of the Public Reason. Taking Systematic Conspiracy Theorists out of the Legitimation Pool.Adelin-Costin Dumitru - 2020 - Filozofia 75 (4).
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    Coherence across consciousness levels: Symmetric visual displays spare working memory resources.Magda L. Dumitru - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 38:139-149.
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