Results for 'Dorothy Moss'

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  1.  10
    Gender, Space and Time: Women and Higher Education.Dorothy Moss - 2006 - Lexington Books.
    Drawing on the work of Henri Lefebvre and Barbara Adam, Gender, Space, and Time is a brilliant study that offers a unique and original threefold conceptualization of how space and time is developed and applied in an empirical study of women's lives. Moss conceptualizes women as centers of action and demonstrates the ways in which they construct personal pathways, connect different spheres of experience, intergrate new time demands into the multiple rhythms of their everyday lives, and carve out personal (...)
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  2. Probabilistic Knowledge.Sarah Moss - 2016 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Traditional philosophical discussions of knowledge have focused on the epistemic status of full beliefs. In this book, Moss argues that in addition to full beliefs, credences can constitute knowledge. For instance, your .4 credence that it is raining outside can constitute knowledge, in just the same way that your full beliefs can. In addition, you can know that it might be raining, and that if it is raining then it is probably cloudy, where this knowledge is not knowledge of (...)
  3. Logics for epistemic programs.Alexandru Baltag & Lawrence S. Moss - 2004 - Synthese 139 (2):165 - 224.
    We construct logical languages which allow one to represent a variety of possible types of changes affecting the information states of agents in a multi-agent setting. We formalize these changes by defining a notion of epistemic program. The languages are two-sorted sets that contain not only sentences but also actions or programs. This is as in dynamic logic, and indeed our languages are not significantly more complicated than dynamic logics. But the semantics is more complicated. In general, the semantics of (...)
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  4. Misunderstanding Metaethics: Difficulties Measuring Folk Objectivism and Relativism.Lance S. Bush & David Moss - 2020 - Diametros 17 (64):6-21.
    Recent research on the metaethical beliefs of ordinary people appears to show that they are metaethical pluralists that adopt different metaethical standards for different moral judgments. Yet the methods used to evaluate folk metaethical belief rely on the assumption that participants interpret what they are asked in metaethical terms. We argue that most participants do not interpret questions designed to elicit metaethical beliefs in metaethical terms, or at least not in the way researchers intend. As a result, existing methods are (...)
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    Topological reasoning and the logic of knowledge.Andrew Dabrowski, Lawrence S. Moss & Rohit Parikh - 1996 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 78 (1-3):73-110.
    We present a bimodal logic suitable for formalizing reasoning about points and sets, and also states of the world and views about them. The most natural interpretation of the logic is in subset spaces , and we obtain complete axiomatizations for the sentences which hold in these interpretations. In addition, we axiomatize the validities of the smaller class of topological spaces in a system we call topologic . We also prove decidability for these two systems. Our results on topologic relate (...)
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    Hegel’s Foundation Free Metaphysics: The Logic of Singularity.Gregory S. Moss - 2020 - New York/London: Routledge.
    Contemporary philosophical discourse has deeply problematized the possibility of absolute existence. Hegel’s Foundation Free Metaphysics demonstrates that by reading Hegel’s Doctrine of the Concept in his Science of Logic as a form of Absolute Dialetheism, Hegel’s logic of the concept can account for the possibility of absolute existence. Through a close examination of Hegel’s concept of self-referential universality in his Science of Logic, Moss demonstrates how Hegel’s concept of singularity is designed to solve a host of metaphysical and epistemic (...)
  7.  39
    Transformation of the Doctor–Patient Relationship: Big Data, Accountable Care, and Predictive Health Analytics.Seuli Bose Brill, Karen O. Moss & Laura Prater - 2019 - HEC Forum 31 (4):261-282.
    The medical profession is steeped in traditions that guide its practice. These traditions were developed to preserve the well-being of patients. Transformations in science, technology, and society, while maintaining a self-governance structure that drives the goal of care provision, have remained hallmarks of the profession. The purpose of this paper is to examine ethical challenges in health care as it relates to Big Data, Accountable Care Organizations, and Health Care Predictive Analytics using the principles of biomedical ethics laid out by (...)
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  8. Hypersets.J. Barwise & L. Moss - 1991 - The Mathematical Intelligencer 13:31-41.
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    African Americans and the Mississippi River: Race, history and the environment.Dorothy Zeisler-Vralsted - 2019 - Thesis Eleven 150 (1):81-101.
    Long touted in literary and historical works, the Mississippi River remains an iconic presence in the American landscape. Whether referred to as ‘Old Man River’ or the ‘Big Muddy,’ the Mississippi River represents imageries ranging from pastoral and Acadian to turbulent and unpredictable. But these imageries – revealed through the cultural production of artists, writers and even filmmakers – did not adequately reflect the experiences of everyone living and working along the river. The African-American community and its relationship to the (...)
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    Ernst Cassirer and the Autonomy of Language.Gregory S. Moss - 2014 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Gregory S. Moss examines the central arguments in Ernst Cassirer’s first volume of the Philosophy of Symbolic Forms to show how Cassirer defends language as an autonomous cultural form, and how he borrows the concept of the “concrete universal” from G. W. F. Hegel in order to develop a concept of cultural autonomy.
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  11. (1 other version)Readings from World Religions.Selwyn Gurney Champion & Dorothy Short - 1951 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 13 (4):744-744.
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  12. André Morellet's theological articles for the Encyclopédie: text and subtext.K. Hardesty Doig & Dorothy Medlin - 1995 - Diderot Studies 26:89-107.
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    Modal correspondence for models.Jon Barwise & Lawrence S. Moss - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 27 (3):275-294.
    This paper considers the correspondence theory from modal logic and obtains correspondence results for models as opposed to frames. The key ideas are to consider infinitary modal logic, to phrase correspondence results in terms of substitution instances of a given modal formula, and to identify bisimilar model-world pairs.
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    (1 other version)'Quantifying in and out of' Quotes.Nuel D. Belnap & Dorothy L. Grover - 1977 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 42 (2):313-313.
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  15. The Codification of Medical Morality Historical and Philosophical Studies of the Formalization of Western Medical Morality in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.Robert Baker & Dorothy Porter - 1993
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  16. Mullahs of the West: judges as authoritative expositors of the natural law?Antonin Scalia & Dorothy Pizzey (eds.) - 2005 - [Melbourne]: University of Melbourne.
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    The Splendors of Asia.Garry Tarr, Dorothy Hales Gary & Robert Payne - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (1):156.
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    The relation between extent and contrast in the liminal stimulus for vision.P. W. Cobb & F. K. Moss - 1927 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 10 (4):350.
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    The Cambridge Companion to Hans Urs von Balthasar.S. J. Oakes & David Moss (eds.) - 2004 - Cambridge University Press.
    Hans Urs von Balthasar is one of the most prolific, creative and wide-ranging theologians of the twentieth century who is just now coming to prominence. But because of his own daring speculations about the meaning of Christ's descent into hell after the crucifixion, about the uniqueness of Christ as savior of a pluralistic world, and because he draws so many of his resources for his theology from literature, drama, and philosophy, Balthasar has never been an easily-categorized theologian. He is neither (...)
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    Observations on Workers' Perceptions of Risk in the Dangerous Trades.Michael Brown & Dorothy Nelkin - 1984 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 9 (2):3-10.
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    Concepts and categories: What is the evidence for neural specialisation?Lorraine K. Tyler & Helen E. Moss - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (3):495-496.
    Humphreys and Forde argue that semantic memory is divided into separate substores for different kinds of information. However, the neuro-imaging results cited in support of this view are inconsistent and often methodologically and statistically unreliable. Our own data indicate no regional specialisation as a function of semantic category or domain and support instead a distributed unitary account.
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    Going to Alone: Cities and States for Climate Action.Lachlan Montgomery Umbers & Jeremy Moss - 2018 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 21 (1):56-59.
    The first year of the Trump Presidency has been marked by regressive steps in US climate policy. Trump’s announcement on 1 June 2017 of his intention to withdraw the US from the Paris Agreement was...
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    Special Issue on the Occasion of Johan van Benthem’s 60th Birthday—Editorial.Hans van Ditmarsch & Lawrence S. Moss - 2009 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 38 (6):587-588.
  24.  22
    Indian Fiction in English.E. B. & Dorothy M. Spencer - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (4):392.
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    The Defection from Phenomenology.Didier Franck & Noah Moss Brender - 2009 - Levinas Studies 4:21-46.
  26.  39
    Portrait of a Profession: Teaching and Teachers in the 21st Century.Wendy J. Glenn, David M. Moss & Richard Lewis Schwab (eds.) - 2005 - Praeger.
    Offering an inside look at the hidden dimensions of teaching, this provocative text presents insight into, and analysis of, the work of teaching--from preparing ...
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    Facilitation and interference in performance on the modified Mashburn apparatus: I. The effects of varying the amount of original learning.Don Lewis, Dorothy E. McAllister & Jack A. Adams - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 41 (4):247.
  28. Bernard Flusin, Miracle et histoire dans l'œuvre de Cyrille de Scythopolis. Paris: Etudes Augustiniennes, 1983. Paper. Pp. 263. [REVIEW]Dorothy de F. Abrahamse - 1985 - Speculum 60 (2):396-398.
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    François Halkin and André-Jean Festugière (†), eds. and transs. (into French), Dix textes inédits tirés du ménologe impérial de Koutloumous. (Cahiers d'Orientalisme, 8.) Geneva: Patrick Cramer, 1984. Pp. 130. [REVIEW]Dorothy de F. Abrahamse - 1987 - Speculum 62 (1):238-239.
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    Books received. [REVIEW]Janusz Czelakowski & Lawrence S. Moss - 1991 - Studia Logica 50 (1):425-430.
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    Introduction to Dorothy L. Sayer's "Are Women Human?" from Unpopular Opinions: Twenty-One Essays.Dorothy L. Sayer - 2005 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 8 (4):158-164.
  32.  57
    Joseph S. Miller Lawrence S. Moss.Lawrence S. Moss - 2001 - Studia Logica 68:1-37.
  33.  72
    Dorothy Day’s Friendship with Helene Iswolsky.Dorothy Day - 2008 - The Chesterton Review 34 (1/2):289-292.
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    Quotes about Peter Maurin from Dorothy's Diaries.Dorothy Day - 2008 - The Chesterton Review 34 (3/4):765-767.
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    Dorothy Day on the Duty of Delight.Dorothy Day - 2009 - The Chesterton Review 35 (1/2):276-277.
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  36. Updating as Communication.Sarah Moss - 2012 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 85 (2):225-248.
    Traditional procedures for rational updating fail when it comes to self-locating opinions, such as your credences about where you are and what time it is. This paper develops an updating procedure for rational agents with self-locating beliefs. In short, I argue that rational updating can be factored into two steps. The first step uses information you recall from your previous self to form a hypothetical credence distribution, and the second step changes this hypothetical distribution to reflect information you have genuinely (...)
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    The grassblade beyond Newton: the pragmatizing of Kant for evolutionary-developmental biology.Lenny Moss & Stuart A. Newman - 2015 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 7:94-111.
    Much of the philosophical attention directed to Kant’s intervention into biology has been directed toward Kant’s idea of a transcendental limit upon what can be understood constitutively. Kant’s own wider philosophical practice, however, was principally oriented toward solving problems and the scientific benefits of his methodology of teleology have been largely underappreciated, at least in the English language literature. This paper suggests that all basic biology has had, and continues to have, a need for some form of heuristic “bracketing” and (...)
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    Commentary on Falk and Downes.Lenny Moss - 2004 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 26 (1):123 - 129.
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  39. How Monkeys See the World: Inside the Mind of Another Species.Dorothy L. Cheney & Robert M. Seyfarth - 1990 - University of Chicago Press.
    "This reviewer had to be restrained from stopping people in the street to urge them to read it: They would learn something of the way science is done,...
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    The Politica of Justus Lipsius and the Commonplace-Book.Ann Moss - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (3):421-436.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Politica of Justus Lipsius and the Commonplace-BookAnn MossThroughout Western Europe in the sixteenth century, schoolboys and grown men educated in the Latin schools of the humanists would recognize the commonplace-book as an indispensable tool for making sense of the books they read, for assimilating the written culture transmitted to them, and for possessing the means of production in their turn. This handy organizer of information and rather effective (...)
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    The Presidential Address: Counterfactuals.Dorothy Edgington - 2008 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 108 (1pt3):1 - 21.
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    Remarks on The Palgrave Handbook of Russian Thought and the woman question.Anne Eakin Moss - 2023 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (4):761-765.
  43.  15
    The Development of Bertrand Russell's Philosophy.J. M. B. Moss - 1974 - Philosophical Quarterly 24 (94):73-76.
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    A History of Biochemistry by Marcel Florkin.Dorothy Needhani - 1973 - History of Science 11:148-150.
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    Li, Yi, and Jen in the Lun Yü: Three Philosophical DefinitionsLi, Yi, and Jen in the Lun Yu: Three Philosophical Definitions.Moss Roberts - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (4):765.
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  46.  11
    Reason and Scepticism.Dolores Moss - 1971 - Philosophical Quarterly 21 (85):377-378.
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  47.  85
    Power and the digital divide.Jeremy Moss - 2002 - Ethics and Information Technology 4 (2):159-165.
    The ethical and political dilemmas raised byInformation and Communication Technology (ICT)have only just begun to be understood. Theimpact of centralised data collection, masscommunication technologies or the centrality ofcomputer technology as a means of accessingimportant social institutions, all poseimportant ethical and political questions. As away of capturing some of these effects I willcharacterise them in terms of the type of powerand, more particularly, the ‘Power-over’ peoplethat they exercise. My choice of thisparticular nomenclature is that it allows us todescribe, firstly, how specific (...)
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  48.  30
    Education and its Discontents: Teaching, the Humanities, and the Importance of a Liberal Education in the Age of Mass Information.Mark Howard Moss - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    Education and Its Discontents: Teaching, the Humanities, and the Importance of a Liberal Education in the Age of Mass Information, by Mark Moss, is an exploration of how the traditional educational environment, particularly in the post-secondary world, is changing as a consequence of the influx of new technology. Students now have access to myriad of technologies that instead of supplementing the educational process, have actually taken it over. Faculty who do not adapt face enormous obstacles, and those who do (...)
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    Power and the Multitude.Dorothy H. B. Kwek - 2015 - Political Theory 43 (2):155-184.
    Benedict Spinoza (1634–1677) is feted as the philosopher par excellence of the popular democratic multitude by Antonio Negri and others. But Spinoza himself expresses a marked ambivalence about the multitude in brief asides, and as for his thoughts on what he calls “the rule of (the) multitude,” that is, democracy, these exist only as meager fragments in his unfinished Tractatus Politicus or Political Treatise. This essay addresses the problem of Spinoza’s multitude. First, I reconstruct a vision of power that is (...)
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    Johan P. Mackenbach, A History of Population Health: Rise and Fall of Disease in Europe.Dorothy Apedaile - 2022 - Centaurus 64 (1):289-292.
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