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  1.  12
    What Genes Can't Do.Lenny Moss - 2003 - MIT Press.
    A historical and critical analysis of the concept of the gene that attempts to provide new perspectives and metaphors for the transformation of biology and its philosophy.
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  2. What Genes Can’t Do.Lenny Moss - 2003 - Journal of the History of Biology 38 (2):383-384.
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    A Kernel of Truth? On the Reality of the Genetic Program.Lenny Moss - 1992 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1992:335 - 348.
    The existence claim of a "genetic program" encoded in the DNA molecule which controls biological processes such as development has been examined. Sources of belief in such an entity are found in the rhetoric of Mendelian genetics, in the informationist speculations of Schrodinger and Delbruck, and in the instrumental efficacy found in the use of certain viral, and molecular genetic techniques. In examining specific research models, it is found that attempts at tracking the source of biological control always leads back (...)
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  4.  88
    Is the philosophy of mechanism philosophy enough?Lenny Moss - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (1):164-172.
  5.  56
    Normativity, Autonomy, and Agency: A Critical Review of Three Essays on Agency in Nature, and a Modest Proposal for the Road Ahead.Lenny Moss - 2024 - Biological Theory 19 (2):73-83.
    Has the renewal of interest in the ostensible agency of living beings signaled an advance from a merely heuristic Kantian sense of purposiveness to an unequivocally, empirically grounded research program or are there as yet hidden tensions or contradictions in, for example, the organizational autonomy approach to natural agency? Can normativity be found to be immanent in nature but only beginning with the living cell or must a thoroughgoing naturalism find the seeds of normativity immanent throughout abiotic as well as (...)
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    Concepts of Agency: Introduction to the Thematic Section.Lenny Moss - 2024 - Biological Theory 19 (1):3-5.
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  7. On Nature and Normativity: Normativity, Teleology, and Mechanism in Biological Explanation.Lenny Moss & Daniel J. Nicholson - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (1):88-91.
  8.  48
    Science, normativity and skill: Reviewing and renewing the anthropological basis of Critical Theory.Lenny Moss & Vida Pavesich - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (2):139-165.
    The categories and contours of a normative social theory are prefigured by its ‘anthropological’ presuppositions. The discourse/communicative-theoretic basis of Habermasian theory was prefigured by a strong anthropological demarcation between an instrumentally structured realm of science, technology and labor versus a normatively structured realm of social interaction. An alternative anthropology, bolstered by current work in the empirical sciences, finds fundamental normative needs for orientation and ‘compensation’ also to be embedded in embodied material practices. An emerging anthropologically informed concept of skill that (...)
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    Normativity, system-integration, natural detachment and the hybrid hominin.Lenny Moss - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (1):21-37.
    From a subjective point of view, we take the existence of integrated entities, i.e., ourselves as the most unproblematic given, and blithely project such integrity onto untold many “entities” far and wide. However, from a naturalistic perspective, accounting for anything more integral than the attachments and attractions that are explicable in terms of the four fundamental forces of physics has been anything but straightforward. If we take it that the universe begins as an integral unity and explodes into progressive stages (...)
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  10. Redundancy, Plasticity, and Detachment: The Implications of Comparative Genomics for Evolutionary Thinking.Lenny Moss - 2006 - Philosophy of Science 73 (5):930-946.
    Radically new or unexpected findings in a science demand an openness to new concepts and styles of explanation. The time is more than ripe for asking ourselves what we have learned from the research program of comparative genomics. Where not long ago the human genome was expected to reveal a close association of complexity with the quantitative expansion of the roster of unique genes, more recent findings, especially in relation to comparisons between human and chimp, have raised the bracing possibility (...)
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  11.  57
    Detachment and compensation.Lenny Moss - 2014 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 40 (1):91-105.
    There are many in the social sciences and social philosophy who would aspire to overcome the ‘nature/culture binary’, including some who, with at least an implicit nod toward a putatively ‘anti-essentialist’ process ontology, have set out with an orientation toward a paradigm of ‘biosocial becoming’ (Ingold and Palsson, 2013). Such contemporary work, however, in areas such as social and cultural anthropology and sciences studies has often failed to clarify, let alone justify, the warrants of their most basic assumptions and assertions. (...)
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    The grassblade beyond Newton: the pragmatizing of Kant for evolutionary-developmental biology.Lenny Moss & Stuart A. Newman - 2015 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 7:94-111.
    Much of the philosophical attention directed to Kant’s intervention into biology has been directed toward Kant’s idea of a transcendental limit upon what can be understood constitutively. Kant’s own wider philosophical practice, however, was principally oriented toward solving problems and the scientific benefits of his methodology of teleology have been largely underappreciated, at least in the English language literature. This paper suggests that all basic biology has had, and continues to have, a need for some form of heuristic “bracketing” and (...)
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  13.  34
    The Meanings of the Gene and the Future of the Phenotype.Lenny Moss - 2008 - Genomics, Society and Policy 4 (1):1-20.
  14.  94
    The gene-for confusion.Lenny Moss - 2001 - The Philosophers' Magazine 13 (13):46-47.
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  15.  22
    Commentary on Falk and Downes.Lenny Moss - 2004 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 26 (1):123 - 129.
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  16. Advances in Genomics and Its Conceptual Implications for Development and Evolution-Redundancy, Plasticity, and Detachment: The Implications of Comparative Genomics for Evolutionary, Thinking.Lenny Moss - 2006 - In Borchert, Philosophy of Science. MacMillan. pp. 73--5.
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    Can Normativity be the Force of Nature that Solves the Problem of Partes Extra Partes? Episode IV – A New Hope – Natural Detachment and the Case of the Hybrid Hominin.Lenny Moss - 2020 - In Andrea Altobrando & Pierfrancesco Biasetti, Natural Born Monads: On the Metaphysics of Organisms and Human Individuals. De Gruyter. pp. 293-314.
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  18. Ethical expertise and moral maturity: Conflict or complement?Lenny Moss - 1990 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 16 (3):227-235.
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    From Describing to Performing the Socioethical Engagement with Systems Biology.Lenny Moss - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (4):86-87.
  20.  27
    Prague – a 21st-century salon and beyond?Lenny Moss - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (3):284-285.
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  21. What Genes Can't Do: Prolegomena to a Post Modern-Synthesis Philosophy.Lenny Moss - 1998 - Dissertation, Northwestern University
    The concept of the gene has been the central organizing theme of 20th century biology. Biology has become increasingly influential both for philosophers seeking a naturalized basis for epistemology, ethics, and the understanding of the mind, as well as for the human sciences generally. The central task of this work is to get the story right about genes and in so doing provide a critical and enabling resourse for use in the further pursuit of human self-understanding. ;The work begins with (...)
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  22. The question of questions: What is a Gene? Comments on Rolston and Griffths & Stotz. [REVIEW]Lenny Moss - 2006 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 27 (6):523-534.
    If the question ``What is a gene?'' proves to be worth asking it must be able to elicit an answer which both recognizes and address the reasons why the concept of the gene ever seemed to be something worth getting excited about in the first place as well analyzing and evaluating the latest develops in the molecular biology of DNA. Each of the preceding papers fails to do one of these and sufferrs the consequences. Where Rolston responds to the apparent (...)
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    Genes and generalizations: Darden's strategies and the question of context. [REVIEW]Lenny Moss - 1995 - Biology and Philosophy 10 (4):483-488.
    In her recent book Lindley Darden has endeavored to reclaim for philosophy an active role in the elaboration of good science. She has done this, not by holding up some set of rational standards derived from outside of scientific practice, but rather by delving into the history of science and coming out with a set of scientific strategies. Unconcerned about whether any particular strategy wasin fact employed in a given historical case her project depends upon two claims, first that these (...)
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