Results for 'Dirk Sager'

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  1.  18
    Wie deutete man chronischen Schmerz im Alten Israel?Dirk Sager - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 74 (2):165-173.
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  2. Het menselijk liberal• Isme.Door Dirk Verhofstadt - forthcoming - Idee.
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    Criteria for unconscious cognition: Three types of dissociation.Thomas Schmidt & Dirk Vorberg - 2006 - Perception and Psychophysics 68 (3):489-504.
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    Doctrine and Doxography: Studies on Heraclitus and Pythagoras.Dirk Obbink & David Sider (eds.) - 2013 - Boston: DeGruyter.
    This volume contains the proceedings of a conference on the Presocratic philosophers Pythagoras and Heraclitus. Investigated by a team of international scholars are key problems in doxography, Pythagorean Communities, logos, harmony, psychology, flux, number theory, ethics, and theology. Designed for all students of ancient philosophy, this volume will spur further investigations into these cardinal concerns of early Greek scientific thinkers.
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    Euroscepticisme in België.Koen Abts, Dirk Heerwegh & Marc Swyngedouw - 2008 - Res Publica 50 (4):357-381.
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  6. Vico's Metaphysics of Poetic Wisdom.Jeffrey Dirk Wilson - 2012 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 41 (2):339-358.
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    Eye Movement Registration as a Continuous Index of Attention Deployment: Data from a Group of Spider Anxious Students.Dirk Hermans, Deb Vansteenwegen & Paul Eelen - 1999 - Cognition and Emotion 13 (4):419-434.
  8. Moral dysfunction : theoretical model and potential neurosurgical treatments.Dirk De Ridder - 2009 - In Jan Verplaetse (ed.), The moral brain: essays on the evolutionary and neuroscientific aspects of morality. New York: Springer.
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  9. Proclus and Theodore of Asine on female philosopher-rulers: Patriarchy, metempsychosis, and women in the Neoplatonic commentary tradition.Dirk Baltzly - 2013 - Ancient Philosophy 33 (2):403-424.
    The Platonic dialogues contain passages that seem to point in quite opposite directions on the question of the moral equality of women with men. Rep. V defends the view that sexual difference need not be relevant to a person’s capacity for philosophy and thus for virtue. Tim. 42a-c, however, makes incarnation in a female body a punishment for failure to master the challenges of embodiment. This paper examines the different ways in which two subsequent Platonists, Proclus (d. 485 CE) and (...)
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  10. Hg.: Communicating Religion and Atheism in Central and Eastern Europe.Jenny Vorpahl & Dirk Schuster - 2020
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    Cognition and Emotion, Volume 24, 2010, List of Contents.Dirk Hermans, Jan De Houwer, Jenny Yiend, Nilly Mor, Leah D. Doane, Emma K. Adam, Susan Mineka, Richard E. Zinbarg, James W. Griffith & Michelle G. Craske - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (8).
  12. Recovering the hidden through found-footage films.Dirk de Bruyn - 2013 - In Estelle Barrett & Barbara Bolt (eds.), Carnal knowledge: towards a 'new materialism' through the arts. New York: I.B. Tauris.
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    Task Demands Modulate Effects of Threatening Faces on Early Perceptual Encoding.Nicolas Burra & Dirk Kerzel - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  14. Ethics in the societal debate on genetically modified organisms: A (re)quest for sense and sensibility.Pieter Maeseele Yann Devos, Linda Speybroeck Dirk Reheuvanl & Danny de Waele - 2008 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 21 (1).
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  15. Ghoshal’s Ghost: Financialization and the End of Management Theory.Gregory A. Daneke & Alexander Sager - 2015 - Philosophy of Management 14 (1):29-45.
    Sumantra Ghoshal’s condemnation of “bad management theories” that were “destroying good management practices” has not lost any of its salience, after a decade. Management theories anchored in agency theory (and neo-classical economics generally) continue to abet the financialization of society and undermine the functioning of business. An alternative approach (drawn from a more classic institutional, new ecological, and refocused ethical approaches) is reviewed.
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  16. For king and country. A new reading of the murals of Henri Leys in Antwerp City hall.Jan Dirk Baetens - 2012 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 90 (2).
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    New directions in business ethics.Andrew Crane & Dirk Matten (eds.) - 2012 - Los Angeles: SAGE Publications.
    v. 1. International perspectives on business ethics -- v. 2. New theoretical directions -- v. 3. Behavioral business ethics -- v. 4. Managing business ethics.
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    RoboCup@Home: Analysis and results of evolving competitions for domestic and service robots.Luca Iocchi, Dirk Holz, Javier Ruiz-del-Solar, Komei Sugiura & Tijn van der Zant - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence 229:258-281.
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    Ex(tra)territorial: reassessing territory in literature, culture and languages = Ex(tra)territorial: les territoires littéraires, culturels et linguistiques en question.Didier Lassalle, Dirk Weissmann & Abdelfattah Kilito (eds.) - 2014 - Amsterdam: Rodopi.
    To take into account the growing importance of this extraterritoriality paradigm reassessing the idea of territory in literature, culture and languages, this book offers an interdisciplinary and plurilingual journey through four centuries, four continents and a dozen languages.
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  20. El positivismo durante el Porfiriato, 1876-1910.William Dirk Raat - 1975 - México, D.F.: Secretaría de Educación Pública, Dirección General de Divulgación.
  21. Dokumentation zum Essa-Wettbewerb der Schopenhauer-Gesellschaft: Schopenhauer und die moderne Hirnforschung.Daniel Schubbe, Dirk GÖHMANN & Andrea Hampel - 2004 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 85:191-251.
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  22. Faith and reason in late antiquity : the perishability axiom and its impact on Christian views about the origin and nature of the soul.Dirk Krausmüller - 2009 - In Maha Elkaisy-Friemuth & John Myles Dillon (eds.), The afterlife of the Platonic soul: reflections of Platonic psychology in the monotheistic religions. Boston: Brill.
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    Justification rather than truth: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing's defence of positive religion in the ring-parable.Dirk-Martin Grube - 2005 - Bijdragen 66 (4):357-378.
    In chapter I, different types of interpretations of Lessing’s ring-parable are introduced. After a summary of them , the different types are sketched and their plausibility is evaluated . I suggest preferring the interpretation according to which Lessing suggests that, although the truth of religion is undecided, we can nevertheless be epistemically justified to continue believing in our Christian, Jewish, Muslim ...religion . In chapter II, I defend the philosophical tenability of Lessing’s solution. He does not advocate the philosophically untenable (...)
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    Dedekind et la crèation du continu arithmétique.Emmylou Haffner & Dirk Schlimm - 2021 - In Emmylou Haffner & David Rabouin (eds.), L'Épistemologie du dedans. Mélanges en l'honneur de Hourya Benis-Sinaceur. Editions Classiques Garnier. pp. 341–378.
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    Het verborgen veld: een nieuwe geschiedenis van de natuurkunde.Cornelis Dirk Andriesse - 2015 - Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Atlas Contact.
    Het verhaal van de natuurkunde is ook een persoonlijk verhaal, want achter de feiten gaan altijd mensen schuil. Van Einstein, die Beethoven op zijn viool probeert te spelen, tot Van Swinden, die jarenlang in het planetarium in Franeker werkt. Cees Andriesse, die 'Titan kan niet slapen' schreef, een biografie over Christiaan Huygens, heeft veel gevoel voor deze verhalen. In deze nieuwe geschiedenis van de natuurkunde wordt dan ook ruim aandacht besteed aan de zoektocht en wederwaardigheden van grote figuren, maar ook (...)
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  26. Brigands and virtuous musicians : representations of Roma ("Gypsies") as oriental other in the eastern part of the Habsburg Monarchy during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.Robert Born & Dirk Suckow - 2021 - In Marsha Morton & Barbara Larson (eds.), Constructing race on the borders of Europe: ethnography, anthropology, and visual culture, 1850-1930. New York: Bloomsbury Visual Arts.
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  27. Literatur, Artes Und Philosophie.Jan-Dirk Müller - 1992 - De Gruyter.
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    Deep economy: caring for ecology, humanity, and religion.Hans-Dirk van Hoogstraten - 2001 - Parkwest, N.Y.: James Clarke & Co..
    A wide-ranging analysis of the economic world order and its ecological and theological dimensions, this unique and challenging work confronts us with the ...
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    Darstellung: Philosophie des Kinos.Dirk Rustemeyer - 2013 - Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft.
    Typisierungsleistungen der Massenkultur treten exemplarisch im Film hervor. Filme sind Formen, mit denen die Gesellschaft sich in ihren eigenen Wirklichkeiten und Möglichkeiten für die Augen eines Massenpublikums beschreibt. Sie richten die Wahrnehmung und die Kommunikation auf die Beobachtung kohärenter Möglichkeitsräume aus. Ihr Publikum laden sie dazu ein, sein Leben mit dem Leben in den Filmwelten zu vergleichen, denn die Differenz zwischen Leben und Kino steht nicht in Frage. Filme besitzen dieses Potential dank ihrer diagrammatischen Form. Bilder, Worte und Musik verschränken (...)
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    Drei Sitzungsprotokolle aus den Frankfurter Seminaren Theodor W. Adornos.Dirk Braunstein - 2012 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 60 (3):435-456.
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    Jacobis Philosophie des Unbedingten.Dirk Fetzer - 2007 - Paderborn: Schöningh.
    Aufgrund ihrer allesbedingenden Struktur erzwingt die moderne Rationalität unweigerlich, was schon Jacobi 'Nihilismus' nannte. Gegen die 'negative Philosophie' das Positive zu rechtfertigen und dennoch nichts an rationaler Klarheit einzubüßen ist das Ziel von Jacobis Philosophie des Unbedingten, die in ihrer architektonischen Komplexität und spezifischen Argumentationspraxis hier erstmals durchdrungen wird. Dem neuerdings wieder aufgeflammten Interesse an Jacobi - von seinen Zeitgenossen einhellig neben, teilweise sogar über Kant gestellt - sind bis jetzt die entscheidenden Merkmale von Jacobis eigener philosophischer Konzeption entgangen. Nur (...)
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    Zur Utrechter Konferenz über Oswald Bayers »Martin Luthers Theologie. Eine Vergegenwärtigung«.Dirk-Martin Grube - 2006 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 48 (1):1-3.
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    Anton A. van Niekerk, Loretta M. Kopelman (eds) (2005) Ethics & Aids in Africa—The Challenge to our Thinking.: Mit einem Vorwort von Richter E. Cameron, David Philip Publishers, Claremont (Südafrika), XVII + 222 S., ISBN 0-86486-673-9.Dirk Hagemeister - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (3):280-282.
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    (1 other version)Nietzsche, Biology, and Metaphor (review).Dirk R. Johnson - 2008 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 35 (1):170-173.
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  35. Being, Seeming and Becoming: Patriarch Methodius on Divine Impersonation of Angels and Souls and the Origenist Alternative.Dirk Krausmüller - 2009 - Byzantion 79:168-207.
    In his Encomium of Agatha Patriarch Methodius suggests that a figure appearing to the saint in her prison could be either the Apostle Peter, an angel in the guise of Peter, or Christ impersonating an angel in the guise of Peter. This article has two aims : to show that Methodius offered these alternatives because he was acutely aware of the problems arising from attempts to identify agents from their outward appearances ; and to demonstrate that Methodius could accept the (...)
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    Risquons-tout: contemporary artists venture into risk, unpredictability and transgression.Dirk Snauwaert, Emanuele Coccia, Marina Vishmidt & Vivian Ziherl (eds.) - 2020 - Brussels: Mercatorfonds.
    'Risquons-Tout' is an ambitious, thematic group exhibition that explores the potential of transgression and unpredictability. It examines how art challenges the homogenisation of thought in the now infamous echo chambers of our overcrowded info-sphere. 'Risquons-Tout' presents some of the most innovative and influential artists and authors from the Eurocore region, which extends between Amsterdam, Paris, Cologne, Düsseldorf and London, with Brussels at its centre. The title is borrowed from a place located on the Belgian-French border, a real yet liminal space (...)
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  37. The Stoic Sage in the Cosmic City.Dirk Obbink - 1998 - In Katerina Ierodiakonou (ed.), Topics in Stoic Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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    Institutional Entrepreneurship and CSR within Multinational SME’s.Dirk Johan de Jong & Frank Jan de Graaf - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:449-458.
    This paper develops propositions on the added value for SMEs of normatively based, employee-oriented corporate social responsibility (CSR). We suggest that not only motives but also the skills of the owner/manager as an institutional entrepreneur are critical in dealing with institutional variance. Also, the transfer of employee-oriented CSR can have positive results for SMEs that could imply that globalisation is not only a race to the bottom.
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  39. (1 other version)Wider besseren Wissens? : Anthropologiekritik und Anthropologiebedarf bei Jürgen Habermas.Dirk Jörke - 2015 - In Marc Rölli (ed.), Fines Hominis?: Zur Geschichte der Philosophischen Anthropologiekritik. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
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  40. Pinocchio and the puppet of Plato's Laws.Jeffrey Dirk Wilson - 2016 - In Geoffrey C. Kellow & Neven Leddy (eds.), On Civic Republicanism: Ancient Lessons for Global Politics. London: University of Toronto Press.
  41. Prototypicality as a prototypical notion.Dirk Geeraerts - 1988 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 21 (1):343-355.
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    The doctor and the semantician.Dirk Geeraerts - 2010 - In Dylan Glynn & Kerstin Fischer (eds.), Quantitative methods in cognitive semantics: corpus-driven approaches. New York: De Gruyter Mouton. pp. 46--63.
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  43. Metaphorical truth, conflict, and truth-experience: a critique of Vincent Brümmer.Dirk J. Louw - 1994 - South African Journal of Philosophy 13 (2):58-65.
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    Plato’s “Symposium”. [REVIEW]Jeffrey Dirk Wilson - 2011 - Review of Metaphysics 65 (1):150-152.
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    Athens, Arden, Jerusalem: Essays in Honor of Mera Flaumenhaft. [REVIEW]Jeffrey Dirk Wilson - 2018 - Review of Metaphysics 72 (2).
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    Verene, Donald Phillip. Moral Philosophy and the Modern World. [REVIEW]Jeffrey Dirk Wilson - 2014 - Review of Metaphysics 68 (2):448-450.
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    Reframing the brain drain.Alex Sager - 2014 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 17 (5):560-79.
    Theorists concerned about the distributive effects of skilled emigration (brain drain) often argue that its harmful effects can be justly mitigated by restricting emigration from sending countries or by limiting immigration opportunities to receiving countries. I raise moral and practical concerns against restricting the movement of skilled migrants and contend that conceptualizing the moral issue in these terms leads theorists to neglect the moral salience of institutions that determine the distributive effects of migration. Using an analogy to skilled migration in (...)
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    'Economism and its Limits' Dirk Haubrich and Jonathan Wolff.Dirk Haubrich - unknown
    Jonathan Wolff is Professor of Philosophy at University College London. He is the author of Robert Nozick (1991), An Introduction to Political Philosophy (1996) and Why Read Marx Today (2002). He is currently working on a number of topics at the intersection of political philosophy and public policy.
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  49. The Uses and Abuses of "Migrant Crisis".Alex Sager - 2021 - In Immigrants and Refugees in Times of Crisis. Athens, Greece: European Public Law Organization. pp. 15-34.
    MEDIA and humanitarian organizations inundate us with headlines and press releases decrying the “Global Refugee Crisis”, the “Syrian Refugee Crisis”, the “Mediterranean Migration Crisis”, the “2014 American Immigrant Crisis” and much more. Careers in academic and policy circles are built on analyzing and proposing solutions to migration crises. The representation of migration as a crisis is a default response to the challenges of human mobility. This default response is often misguided and harmful. This claim may seem odd or even perverse. (...)
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    Against Borders: Why the World Needs Free Movement of People.Alex Sager - 2020 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This book carefully engages philosophical arguments for and against open borders, bringing together major approaches to open borders across disciplines and establishing the feasibility of open borders against the charge of utopianism.
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