Results for 'Delight and compassion'

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  1. What’s Wrong With Science? Towards a People’s Rational Science of Delight and Compassion, Second Edition.Nicholas Maxwell - 2009 - London: Pentire Press.
    What ought to be the aims of science? How can science best serve humanity? What would an ideal science be like, a science that is sensitively and humanely responsive to the needs, problems and aspirations of people? How ought the institutional enterprise of science to be related to the rest of society? What ought to be the relationship between science and art, thought and feeling, reason and desire, mind and heart? Should the social sciences model themselves on the natural sciences: (...)
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    Book reviews : What's wrong with science? Towards a people's rational science of delight and compassion. By Nicholas Maxwell. Hayes, middlesex, England: Bran's head books ltd., 1976. Pp. XI + 260. 5.50/$14.00. [REVIEW]T. A. Goudge - 1979 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 9 (2):241-244.
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    Literature, imagination, and human rights.Willie Peevanr - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (2):276-291.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Literature, Imagination, and Human RightsWillie van Peer“the poet’s function is to describe, not the thing that has happened, but a kind of thing that might happen”Aristotle: Poetics, 1451aAristotle’s dictum has been of vital importance to the development of literary theory, and its significance can still be felt today. It is the foundation of the distinction we make between journalism and literature, between history and fiction. Literature, Aristotle proposes, is (...)
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  4. Global Philosophy: What Philosophy Ought to Be.Nicholas Maxwell - 2014 - Exeter, UK: Imprint Academic.
    These essays are about education, learning, rational inquiry, philosophy, science studies, problem solving, academic inquiry, global problems, wisdom and, above all, the urgent need for an academic revolution. Despite this range and diversity of topics, there is a common underlying theme. Education ought to be devoted, much more than it is, to the exploration real-life, open problems; it ought not to be restricted to learning up solutions to already solved problems - especially if nothing is said about the problems that (...)
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    Literature, Imagination, and Human Rights.Willie van Peer - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (2):276-291.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Literature, Imagination, and Human RightsWillie van Peer“the poet’s function is to describe, not the thing that has happened, but a kind of thing that might happen”Aristotle: Poetics, 1451aAristotle’s dictum has been of vital importance to the development of literary theory, and its significance can still be felt today. It is the foundation of the distinction we make between journalism and literature, between history and fiction. Literature, Aristotle proposes, is (...)
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    "An Unaccountable Pleasure": Hume on Tragedy and the Passions.Alex Neill - 1998 - Hume Studies 24 (2):335-354.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume XXIV, Number 2, November 1998, pp. 335-354 "An Unaccountable Pleasure": Hume on Tragedy and the Passions ALEX NEILL Hume begins his essay "Of Tragedy" with a description of what he calls "a singular phaenomenon": It seems an unaccountable pleasure, which the spectators of a well-written tragedy receive from sorrow, terror, anxiety, and other passions, that are in themselves disagreeable and uneasy. The more they are touched (...)
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  7. Brief Account of How Nicholas Maxwell Came to Argue for the Urgent Need for a Revolution in Universities.Nicholas Maxwell - manuscript
    We need urgently to bring about a revolution in universities around the world, wherever possible, so that they take their fundamental task to be, not to acquire and apply knowledge, but rather to help humanity learn how to resolve conflicts and problems of living in increasingly cooperatively rational ways, so that we may make progress towards a good, genuinely civilized, wise world. The pursuit of knowledge would be a vital but subsidiary task. I have argued for the urgent need for (...)
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  8. Cruelty's rewards: The gratifications of perpetrators and spectators.Victor Nell - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (3):211-224.
    Cruelty is the deliberate infliction of physical or psychological pain on other living creatures, sometimes indifferently, but often with delight. Though cruelty is an overwhelming presence in the world, there is no neurobiological or psychological explanation for its ubiquity and reward value. This target article attempts to provide such explanations by describing three stages in the development of cruelty. Stage 1 is the development of the predatory adaptation from the Palaeozoic to the ethology of predation in canids, felids, and (...)
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    George Bernard Shaw: Women and the Body Politic.Michael Holroyd - 1979 - Critical Inquiry 6 (1):17-32.
    It was difficult to avoid the amiability of [Shaw's] impersonal embrace. Everything he seemed to say was what it was—and another thing. Women were the same as men: but different. But of the two, he calculated, women were fractionally less idiotic than men. "The only decent government is government by a body of men and women," he said in 1906; "but if only one sex must govern, then I should say, let it be women—put the men out! Such an enormous (...)
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    Joyfully just: Black wisdom and Buddist insights for liberated living.Kamilah Majied - 2024 - Boulder, Colorado: Sounds True.
    This delightful mosaic in book form employs personal stories from the author, poignant cultural references, engaging (and nobly challenging) practices, and the author's charismatic voice to promote personal, communal, and environmental justice.
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    Hume's Tragic Emotions.Malcolm Budd - 1991 - Hume Studies 17 (2):93-106.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume's Tragic Emotions Malcolm Budd Hume opens his essay "OfTragedy" with these remarks: It seems an unaccountable pleasure, which the spectators of a well-written tragedy receive from sorrow, terror, anxiety, and other passions, that are in themselves disagreeable and uneasy. The more they are touched and affected, the more are they delighted with the spectacle... The whole art ofthe poet is employed, in rouzing and supporting the compassion (...)
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  12. Pleased and Afflicted: Hume on the Paradox of Tragic Pleasure.Eva M. Dadlez - 2004 - Hume Studies 30 (2):213-236.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume 30, Number 2, November 2004, pp. 213-236 Pleased and Afflicted: Hume on the Paradox of Tragic Pleasure E. M. DADLEZ How fast can you run? As fast as a leopard. How fast are you going to run? A whistle sounds the order that sends Archie Hamilton and his comrades over the top of the trench to certain death. Racing to circumvent that order and arriving seconds (...)
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    Poems Ancient and Contemporary.Helaine L. Smith - 2019 - Arion 27 (1):177-189.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Poems Ancient and Contemporary HELAINE L. SMITH On the cover of Like: Poems by A. E. Stallings is a double photograph of a double image: two ancient carved heads, in profile and facing each other, of the pole horses of a quadriga, a four-horse chariot, dated about 570 BC, and currently in the collection of The Acropolis Museum. The marble horse in profile on the right side of the (...)
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    Truth and compassion: lessons from the past and premonitions of the future.Robert Petkovšek & Bojan Žalec (eds.) - 2017 - Zürich: LIT Verlag.
    Truth and Compassion offers an integral and inter-disciplinary view on truth and compassion, their mutual connectedness, the meaning of their cultivation, and the devastating consequences of their neglect and destruction. The authors analyze their various forms, their origins, and concrete ways and attempts of their repression. Essays focus on the attention to truth and compassion under communism, but this is only one of its segments. As a whole, topics range from basic theological and philosophical analysis to concrete (...)
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    Criticism and Compassion: The Ethics and Politics of Claudia Card.Robin S. Dillon & Robin S. Dillon and Armen Marsoobian (eds.) - 2018 - Hoboken: Blackwell.
    Claudia Card had a long and distinguished career as a philosopher that began at a time when being a woman in philosophy was not an easy matter and ended much too soon with her passing in 2015. Starting with her first and still widely-cited article, “On Mercy,” she published ten monographs and edited volumes and nearly 150 articles and reviews on topics in moral, social, and political philosophy. She is is most widely known for her influential work in analytic feminist (...)
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    The 1999 Parliament of the World's Religions.Jim Kenney - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):201-204.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The 1999 Parliament of the World’s ReligionsJim KenneyThe Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions (CPWR) is delighted to announce the convening of the 1999 Parliament of the World’s Religions, December 1–8, 1999, in Cape Town, South Africa. Nestled against Table Mountain and overlooking the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, Cape Town is home to many races, religious traditions, and cultural varieties. Religious, spiritual, cultural, and civic leaders, groups, (...)
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    Care and Compassion.Robert C. Solomon - 2004 - In In defense of sentimentality. New York: Oxford University Press.
    What is compassion? I suggest that it is, as Adam Smith and David Hume once argued, a moral sentiment that is subject to a great many constraints and variations but is nonetheless “natural.” I also consider Nietzsche's rather vehement attack on Mitleid and current social psychological literature on empathy.
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    Passion and Compassion in Early Christianity.Susan Wessel - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book examines how the early Christian elite articulated and cultivated the affective dimensions of compassion in a Roman world that promoted emotional tranquillity as the path to human flourishing. Drawing upon a wide range of early Christians from both east and west, Wessel situates each author in the broader cultural and intellectual context. The reader is introduced to the diverse conditions in which Christians felt and were urged to feel compassion in exemplary ways, and in which warnings (...)
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    Freethought and Compassion.Daniel T. Strain - 2008 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 16 (1):25-34.
    This paper was originally prepared for oral presentation at the Houston Church of Freethought - April 9, 2006, service. The HCOF members include humanists, atheists, agnostics, and other freethinkers. The paper argues that compassion is consistent with Freethought and supplies some suggestions for bringing it to the fore in everyday life.
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    Faith and compassion in an unfinished universe.John F. Haught - 2018 - Zygon 53 (3):782-791.
    The theme of compassion is prominent in the work of Christopher Southgate. This scientist and theologian is deeply affected by Charles Darwin's nineteenth century disclosure of the long, previously unknown, history of life's suffering. Southgate is also aware of the many unsuccessful attempts by Christian theologians to make sense of it all. Here I build on Southgate's work. I note, first, that both the suffering of life and the protest against it by compassionate human beings are integral parts of (...)
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  21. Pity and compassion as social virtues.Brian Carr - 1999 - Philosophy 74 (3):411-429.
    The altruistic emotions of pity and compassion are discussed in the context of Aristotle's treatment of the former in the Rhetoric, and Nussbaum's reconstruction of that treatment in a recent account of the latter. Aristotle's account of pity does not represent it as a virtue, the context of the Rhetoric rather rendering his account one of a peculiarly self-centred emotion. Nussbaum's reconstruction builds on the cognitive ingredients of Aristotle's account, and attempts to place the emotion of compassion more (...)
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    (1 other version)Democratizing Psychiatric Research: Recognizing the Potential and the Limits of Experiential Expertise.Phoebe Friesen - 2024 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 31 (2):143-149.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Democratizing Psychiatric ResearchRecognizing the Potential and the Limits of Experiential ExpertiseThe author reports no conflict of interests.First, I want to express my gratitude for such thoughtful and generative responses to the manuscript "Why Democratize Psychiatric Research?," which has been in development for several years and is the product of much reflection that has taken place in academic, advocacy, and interpersonal contexts. I am delighted to see such insightful engagement (...)
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    Reification and compassion in medicine: A tale of two systems.Anna Smajdor - 2013 - Clinical Ethics 8 (4):1477750913502620.
    In this paper, I will explore ideas advanced by Bradshaw, Pence and others who have written on compassion in healthcare. I will attempt to see how and whether their assumptions about compassion can be justified, and explore the role compassion should play in a modern healthcare system. I will justify scepticism at the idea of attempting to incentivise compassion through metrics. The Francis Report raises important questions concerning the nature of a healthcare system that harms rather (...)
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  24. Care and compassion: sharing values in the African context.Group Report - 2012 - In Jesse Ndwiga Kanyua Mugambi & David W. Lutz, Applied ethics in religion and culture: contextual and global challenges. Nairobi, Kenya: Action Publishers.
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  25. The Delights and Dilemmas of Hunting: the Hunting Versus Anti-Hunting Debate.Forrest Wood - 1999 - Environmental Values 8 (1):120-122.
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    Reason and compassion.R. S. Peters - 1973 - Boston,: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
    PREFACE The first three of these lectures, or rather an abbreviated version of them, were first given as the Lindsay Memorial Lectures at the University of ...
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    The Delights and Dilemmas of Hunting: The Hunting versus Anti-Hunting Debate.H. Sterling Burnett - 1999 - Environmental Values 8 (1):120-122.
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  28. Reason and Compassion the Lindsay Memorial Lectures Delivered at the University of Keele, February-March 1971 and the Swarthmore Lecture Delivered to the Society of Friends, 1972.R. S. Peters - 1973
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  29. Amusement, Delight, and Whimsy: Humor Has Its Reasons that Reason Cannot Ignore.E. K. Ackermann - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (3):405-411.
    Context: The idea for this article sprang from a desire to revive a conversation with the late Ernst von Glasersfeld on the heuristic function - and epistemological status - of forms of ideations that resist linguistic or empirical scrutiny. A close look into the uses of humor seemed a thread worth pursuing, albeit tenuous, to further explore some of the controversies surrounding the evocative power of the imaginal and other oblique forms of knowing characteristic of creative individuals. Problem: People generally (...)
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    Illness and Compassion: AIDS in an American Zen Community.Ronald Y. Nakasone - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (4):488.
    In an interview just before his death, Issan Dorsey, an American Zen priest and abbot of the Hartford Street Zen Center, stated, “AIDS is not fatal. Life is fatal. If you have AIDS, you are alive.” Although infected with AIDS, Issan worked to establish the Maitri Hospice for those dying from complications related to AIDS in the San Francisco Castro District, the heart of the gay and lesbian community. His efforts reflect the statement–although the body may be diseased, one can (...)
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  31. Reason and Compassion.Richard S. Peters - 1974 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 36 (3):611-612.
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  32. Remembrance and compassion+ Ruffino, Sergio-in-memoriam.G. Gallino - 1995 - Filosofia 46 (3):245-256.
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    Aesthetic Delight and Beauty: A Comparison of Kant’s Aesthetics and Abhinavagupta’s Theory of Rasa.Sangeetha Menon, Shankar Rajaraman & Saurabh Todariya - 2022 - Journal of Dharma Studies 5 (1):51-62.
    The study aims to address the existing research gap through a thematic comparison between the aesthetics of Kant and Abhinavagupta. This paper explores Kant’s notion of aesthetic judgment based on disinterestedness with Abhinavagupta’s analysis of sādhāraṇīkaraṇa. We argue that the notions of “disinterested judgment” in Kant and sādhāraṇīkaraṇa in Abhinavagupta points towards the impersonal nature of aesthetic delight which makes the universality of aesthetic experience possible. Hence, aesthetics in both Kant and Abhinavgupta are not the personal and subjective experience (...)
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  34. Egalitarianism and compassion.Roger Crisp - 2003 - Ethics 114 (1):119-126.
    In "Egalitarianism Defended," Larry Temkin attempted to rebut criticisms of egalitarianism I had made in my article, "Equality, Priority, and Compassion." Temkin's response is interesting and illuminating, but, in this article, I shall claim that his arguments miss their target and that the failure of egalitarianism may have implications more serious than some have thought.
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  35. “The Delight and Torment of the World” – Aesthetics and its History. [REVIEW]Endre Szécsényi - 2016 - Canadian Journal of History 51:333-344.
    A review-essay of P. Guyer's "A History of Modern Aesthetics" (CUP, 2014).
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  36. Reification and compassion in medicine: A tale of two systems.Anna Smajdor - 2013 - Clinical Ethics 8 (4):111-118.
    In this paper, I will explore ideas advanced by Bradshaw, Pence and others who have written on compassion in healthcare. I will attempt to see how and whether their assumptions about compassion can be justified, and explore the role compassion should play in a modern healthcare system. I will justify scepticism at the idea of attempting to incentivise compassion through metrics. The Francis Report raises important questions concerning the nature of a healthcare system that harms rather (...)
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  37. "Weighing Delight and Dole: A Study of Comedy, Tragedy and Anxiety": Peter B. Waldeck. [REVIEW]Olga Mcdonald Meidner - 1990 - British Journal of Aesthetics 30 (3):291.
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    Climate and Compassion: Buddhist Contribution to an Ethics of Intergenerational Justice.Peter D. Hershock - unknown
    Over the last century, the world's urban population increased from 224 million to over 3.5 billion, and advances in manufacturing, transportation, and communication technologies brought virtually limitless lifestyle and identity options, as well as the greatest inequalities of wealth, risk, and opportunity in history. Yet, as momentous as these changes are, they are dwarfed by the fact that human activity is now affecting planetary processes like climate. Justice concerns about future generations are no longer academic curiosities; they are global ethical (...)
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    Empathy, caring and compassion: Toward a Freudian critique of nursing work.Michael Traynor - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (1):e12399.
    The aim of this paper is to summarize key psychoanalytic concepts first developed by Sigmund Freud and apply them to a critical exploration of three terms that are central to nursing's self‐image—empathy, caring, and compassion. Looking to Menzies‐Lyth's work, I suggest that the nurse's strong identification as a carer can be understood as a fantasy of being the one who is cared for; critiques by Freud and others of empathy point to the possibility of it being, in reality, a (...)
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    Measuring nursing care and compassion: the McDonaldised nurse?A. Bradshaw - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (8):465-468.
    In June 2008 the UK government, supported by the Royal College of Nursing, stated that nursing care would be measured for compassion. This paper considers the implications of this statement by critically examining the relationship of compassion to care from a variety of perspectives. It is argued that the current market-driven approaches to healthcare involve redefining care as a pale imitation, even parody, of the traditional approach of the nurse as “my brother’s keeper”. Attempts to measure such parody (...)
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  41.  8
    Commitment and Compassion in Psychoanalysis: Selected Papers of Edward M. Weinshel.Robert S. Wallerstein (ed.) - 2003 - Routledge.
    Over the course of his distinguished career, Edward Weinshel has been a moral and intellectual force in contemporary psychoanalysis and an outspoken opponent of current trends in and out of the field toward dehumanization and deindividualization. _Commitment and Compassion in Psychoanalysis_, under the editorship of Robert Wallerstein, brings together 14 of Weinshel's major papers. The six clinical papers reprinted in this collection address the kaleidoscope of common personality organizations and propensities which, in their extreme variants, motivate individuals to seek (...)
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    Peace and compassion in the microcosmic–macrocosmic paradigm of Whitehead and the lotus sutra.Steve Odin - 2001 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 28 (4):371–384.
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    Loving- kindness and Compassion in Buddhist and Psychological Perspectives. 조옥경 & 윤희조 - 2016 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 86:449-470.
    불교적 전통에서 자비는 하나의 단어로 사용됨으로 인해서 유사한 마음상태를 지칭하는 것처럼 보이나 ‘자’와 ‘비’는 각각의 의미, 수행방법, 반대되는 마음상태의 측면에서 구분된다. 빨리어 멧따에 해당하는 자애는 이익과 행복을 주려는 마음이고, 까루나에 해당하는 연민은 불이익과 괴로움을 없애려는 마음이다. 악의와 상해가 각각에 대한 대표적인 반대되는 마음이다. 수행법에 있어서도 둘의 공통점과 차이점이 있다. 초기불교에서 대승불교로 나아가면서 연민을 강조하는 것을 볼 수 있다.BR 심리적 역동에서 연민은 부정적 정서에 대한 회피로 인해서 의지적으로 마음을 내는 것이고, 긍정적 정서를 불러오는 자애는 대상에 접근하려는 동기가 작용하고 주의를 확장시키는 역할을 (...)
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    Competition, Caring, and Compassion.Robert C. Solomon - 1993 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics:225-230.
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  45. Equality, priority, and compassion.Roger Crisp - 2003 - Ethics 113 (4):745-763.
    In recent years there has been a good deal of discussion of equality’s place in the best account of distribution or distributive justice. One central question has been whether egalitarianism should give way to a principle requiring us to give priority to the worse off. In this article, I shall begin by arguing that the grounding of equality is indeed insecure and that the priority principle appears to have certain advantages over egalitarianism. But I shall then claim that the priority (...)
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  46. Efficacy of an ACT and Compassion-Based eHealth Program for Self-Management of Chronic Pain (iACTwithPain): Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.Sérgio A. Carvalho, Inês A. Trindade, Joana Duarte, Paulo Menezes, Bruno Patrão, Maria Rita Nogueira, Raquel Guiomar, Teresa Lapa, José Pinto-Gouveia & Paula Castilho - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:630766.
    Background: Chronic Pain (CP) has serious medical and social consequences, and leads to economic burden that threatens the sustainability of healthcare services. Thus, optimized management of pain tools to support CP patients in adjusting to their condition and improving quality of life is timely. Although Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is considered an evidence-based psychological approach for CP, evidence for the efficacy of online-delivered ACT for CP is still scarce. At the same time, studies suggest that self-compassion mediates the (...)
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    Subjective Happiness and Compassion Are Enough to Increase Teachers’ Work Engagement?Simona De Stasio, Caterina Fiorilli, Paula Benevene, Francesca Boldrini, Benedetta Ragni, Alessandro Pepe & Juan José Maldonado Briegas - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  48. The Role of Empathy and Compassion in Conflict Resolution.Olga M. Klimecki - 2019 - Emotion Review 11 (4):310-325.
    Empathy and empathy-related processes, such as compassion and personal distress, are recognized to play a key role in social relations. This review examines the role of empathy in interpersonal and...
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    Wisdom and Compassion in Chinul, Korean Seon Buddhism, and Postmodern Ethics.Robert H. Scott - 2023 - In Robert H. Scott & James McRae, Introduction to Buddhist East Asia. SUNY Press. pp. 213-236.
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    Self-Oriented Empathy and Compassion Fatigue: The Serial Mediation of Dispositional Mindfulness and Counselor’s Self-Efficacy.Lin Zhang, Zhihong Ren, Guangrong Jiang, Dilana Hazer-Rau, Chunxiao Zhao, Congrong Shi, Lizu Lai & Yifei Yan - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study aimed to explore the association between self-oriented empathy and compassion fatigue, and examine the potential mediating roles of dispositional mindfulness and the counselor’s self-efficacy. A total of 712 hotline psychological counselors were recruited from the Mental Health Service Platform at Central China Normal University, Ministry of Education during the outbreak of Corona Virus Disease 2019, then were asked to complete the questionnaires measuring self-oriented empathy, compassion fatigue, dispositional mindfulness, and counselor’s self-efficacy. Structural equation modeling was utilized (...)
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