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Michael Traynor [17]Michael T. Traynor [1]
  1.  24
    Empathy, caring and compassion: Toward a Freudian critique of nursing work.Michael Traynor - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (1):e12399.
    The aim of this paper is to summarize key psychoanalytic concepts first developed by Sigmund Freud and apply them to a critical exploration of three terms that are central to nursing's self‐image—empathy, caring, and compassion. Looking to Menzies‐Lyth's work, I suggest that the nurse's strong identification as a carer can be understood as a fantasy of being the one who is cared for; critiques by Freud and others of empathy point to the possibility of it being, in reality, a form (...)
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    Disciplinary processes and the management of poor performance among UK nurses: bad apple or systemic failure? A scoping study.Michael Traynor, Katie Stone, Hannah Cook, Dinah Gould & Jill Maben - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (1):51-58.
    The rise of managerialism within healthcare systems has been noted globally. This paper uses the findings of a scoping study to investigate the management of poor performance among nurses and midwives in the United Kingdom within this context. The management of poor performance among clinicians in the NHS has been seen as a significant policy problem. There has been a profound shift in the distribution of power between professional and managerial groups in many health systems globally. We examined literature published (...)
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  3. Beyond the Limits of Imagination: Abductive inferences from imagined phenomena.Michael Traynor - 2021 - Synthese 199:14293–14315.
    The present paper proposes a route to modal claims that allows us to infer to certain possibilities even if they are sensorily unimaginable and beyond the evidential capacity of stipulative imagining. After a brief introduction, Sect. 2 discusses imaginative resistance to help carve a niche for the kinds of inferences about which this essay is chiefly concerned. Section 3 provides three classic examples, along with a discussion of their similarities and differences. Section 4 recasts the notion of potential explanation in (...)
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    Slavery and jouissance: analysing complaints of suffering in UK and A ustralian nurses' talk about their work.Michael Traynor & Alicia Evans - 2014 - Nursing Philosophy 15 (3):192-200.
    Nursing has a gendered and religious history where ideas of duty and servitude are present and shape its professional identity. The profession also promotes idealized notions of relationships with patients and of professional autonomy both of which are, in practice, highly constrained or even impossible. This paper draws on psychoanalytic concepts in order to reconsider nursing's professional identity. It does this by presenting an analysis of data from two focus group studies involving nurses in England and Australia held between 2010 (...)
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    Postmodern research: no grounding or privilege, just free‐floating trouble making.Michael Traynor - 1997 - Nursing Inquiry 4 (2):99-107.
    Postmodernism has been criticized as failing to offer, on the one hand, authoritative explanations for social phenomena that might provide a scientific basis for policy formation or, on the other, the philosophical justification for emancipatory work – its radical scepticism about claims to knowledge leaving its advocates, including many nurses, with little scope to transform oppressive social and political regimes. Various approaches to this important problem have been offered, both philosophical and mediodological. Some critical theorists have rejected certain aspects of (...)
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    The oil crisis, risk and evidence‐based practice.Michael Traynor - 2002 - Nursing Inquiry 9 (3):162-169.
    The oil crisis, risk and evidence‐based practice Evidence‐based practice has risen to prominence over the last 20 years. Different professions have taken it up in different ways and for different purposes. It has been seen as holding both threats and advantages to professionalising endeavours and professional identity. It has engendered controversy but some criticisms of it have been unconvincing. It is possible to account for its rise as a response to tightening financial constraints on state spending in the west, as (...)
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  7.  13
    Autonomy and caring: Towards a Marxist understanding of nursing work.Michael Traynor - 2019 - Nursing Philosophy 20 (4):e12262.
    The aim of this paper is to re‐examine nursing work from a Marxist perspective by means of a critique of two key concepts within nursing: autonomy and caring. Although Marx wrote over 150 years ago, many see continuing relevance to his theories. His concepts of capital, ideology and class antagonism are employed in this paper. Nursing's historical insertion into the developing hospital system is seen in terms of a loss of autonomy covered over by the development of cults of loyalty (...)
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  8.  25
    The problem of dissemination: evidence and ideology.Michael Traynor - 1999 - Nursing Inquiry 6 (3):187-197.
  9.  86
    Phenomenal Experience and the Metaphysics of Persistence.Michael Traynor - 2014 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 114 (3pt3):381-388.
    I will adapt part of an argument in Prosser to the case of persistence, to conclude that our experience does not favour any particular theory of persistence—our immediate experience cannot rightly be considered as evidence in this context. Even if it does in fact seem that objects persist by enduring, this cannot be because they do in fact endure; and if things do in fact persist by perduring, this should not be considered to be in spite of appearances. Thus any (...)
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  10. Actual Time and Possible Change: A Problem for Modal Arguments for Temporal Parts.Michael T. Traynor - 2013 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):180-189.
    Sider (2001) and Hawley (2001) argue that, in order to account for the mere possibility of change, temporal parts must be as fine-grained as possible change, and hence as fine-grained as time. However, when dealing with metaphysical possibility, the fine-grainedness of actual time and the fine-grainedness of possible change can come apart. Once this is taken into account, we see that, on certain assumptions about the actual microstructure of time, the modal arguments of Sider and Hawley lead to the problematic (...)
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  11. Powers as Mereological Lawmakers.Michael Traynor - 2023 - In Christopher J. Austin, Anna Marmodoro & Andrea Roselli, Powers, Parts and Wholes: Essays on the Mereology of Powers. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 83-95.
    This chapter explores a potential analogy between mereological principles and laws of nature. Against a backdrop of what Marmodoro has termed ‘power structuralism’ (and a rejection of a Humean worldview), the connection between parthood and modality may be richer than has hitherto been considered. Mereological principles delineate possibilities for parts and wholes, and putting powers at the centre of a discussion about parthood can furnish a novel conception of mereological laws, much as dispositionalism has done so for natural laws; namely, (...)
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    An exploration of jealousy in nursing: A K leinian analysis.Alicia M. Evans, Michael Traynor & Nel Glass - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (2):171-178.
    It is well established that nursing practice produces considerable anxiety, and it can also give rise to envy and jealousy. While envy in nursing was identified in the literature more than 50 years ago, there remains a paucity of articles addressing either envy or jealousy for nurses. In a recent research study on current experiences of clinical practice, we analysed a fragment of nurses’ speech via Klein's theory of jealousy. The results revealed that the nurses expressed jealousy at the privilege (...)
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    Thinking Theoretically in Nursing Research—Positionality and Reflexivity in an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) Study.Iyore M. Ugiagbe, Helen T. Allan, Michael Traynor & Linda Collins - 2025 - Nursing Inquiry 32 (1):e12684.
    This paper explores the application of positionality and reflexivity drawing on the experience of a British Minority Ethnic (BME) group senior nurse researching nurses with the same ethnic heritage in an IPA study. It explores how using IPA informed reflexivity and positionality as a researcher who shared the same ethnicity with the research participants. The IPA study allowed for the exploration of Internationally Educated Nurses' (IENs) perspectives on their integration into British healthcare and their navigation of career progression. The central (...)
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    Anxiety and surplus in nursing practice: lessons from L acan and B ataille.Alicia M. Evans, Nel Glass & Michael Traynor - 2014 - Nursing Philosophy 15 (3):183-191.
    It is well established, following Menzies' work, that nursing practice produces considerable anxiety. Like Menzies, we bring a psychoanalytic perspective to a theorization of anxiety in nursing and do so in order to consider nursing practice in the light of psychoanalytic theory, although from a Lacanian perspective. We also draw on Bataille's notion of ‘surplus’. These concepts provide the theoretical framework for a study investigating how some clinical nurses are able to remain in clinical practice rather than leave the profession (...)
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    Sustainable funding for nursing research in higher education.Anne Marie Rafferty & Michael Traynor - 2002 - Nursing Inquiry 9 (4):219-220.
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    A Certain Pressure of Meaning.Michael Traynor - 2006 - Nursing Inquiry 13 (2):81-81.
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    A historical description of the tensions in the development of modern nursing in nineteenth‐century Britain and their influence on contemporary debates about evidence and practice.Michael Traynor - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (4):299-305.
    Modern British nursing developed from the mid‐nineteenth century and was seen as a morally purifying activity and as a potential force for social cohesion. It was also considered an activity fit for women. However, it embodied a fundamental tension within Victorian sensibility between a kind of rationalistic utilitarianism and a faith in transcendent values. This paper explores this tension and suggests that it can be detected in current debates about practice and evidence in nursing in the contemporary context of a (...)
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  18. Modal Arguments, Possible Evidence and Contingent Metaphysics.Michael Traynor - 2017 - Dissertation, St Andrews
    The present work explores various ways in which contingent evidence can impact metaphysics, while advocating that, just as a scientific realist allows for ampliative inferences to the unobservable, ampliative inferences from possible evidence can warrant possibility claims that lie beyond the reach of sensorial imagination. In slogan form: possible evidence is a guide to possibility. Drawing on Shoemaker’s (1969) argument for the possibility of time without change, I advocate the following principle: If there is a possible world at which the (...)
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