Results for 'Deborah Furet'

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  1.  17
    Lies, Passions, and Illusions: The Democratic Imagination in the Twentieth Century.François Furet, Christophe Prochasson & Deborah Furet (eds.) - 2014 - University of Chicago Press.
    Shortly after his death in 1997, the New York Review of Books called him “one of the most influential men in contemporary France.” Lies, Passions, and Illusions is a fitting capstone to this celebrated author’s oeuvre: a late-career ...
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  2. Naturalizing joint action: A process-based approach.Deborah Tollefsen & Rick Dale - 2012 - Philosophical Psychology 25 (3):385-407.
    Numerous philosophical theories of joint agency and its intentional structure have been developed in the past few decades. These theories have offered accounts of joint agency that appeal to higher-level states that are?shared? in some way. These accounts have enhanced our understanding of joint agency, yet there are a number of lower-level cognitive phenomena involved in joint action that philosophers rarely acknowledge. In particular, empirical research in cognitive science has revealed that when individuals engage in a joint activity such as (...)
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  3. Senses of Magic : Anthropology, Art, and Christianity in the Vula'a Lifeworld.Deborah Van Heekeren - 2015 - In Kalpana Ram & Christopher Houston (eds.), Phenomenology in Anthropology: A Sense of Perspective. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
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  4. Hobbes's political theory.Deborah Baumgold - 1988 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Chapter Introduction Hobbes's political doctrine presents the unusual feature that it has given rise to an "official" interpretation, in terms of which, ...
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    Selecting for the con in consciousness.Deborah Hodgkin & Alasdair I. Houston - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):668-669.
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    Interpreting surrogate consent using counterfactuals.Deborah Barnbaum - 1999 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 16 (2):167–172.
    Philosophers such as Dan Brock believe that surrogates who make health care decisions on behalf of previously competent patients, in the absence of an advance directive, should make these decisions based upon a substituted judgment principle. Brock favours substituted judgment over a best interests standard. However, Edward Wierenga claims that the substituted judgment principle ought to be abandoned in favour of a best interests standard, because of an inherent problem with the substituted judgment principle. Wierenga's version of the substituted judgment (...)
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    The professional status of bioethics consultation.Deborah Cummins - 2002 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 23 (1):19-43.
    Is bioethics consultation a profession? Withfew exceptions, the arguments andcounterarguments about whether healthcareethics consultation is a profession haveignored the historical and cultural developmentof professions in the United States, the wayssocial changes have altered the work andboundaries of all professions, and theprofessionalization theories that explain howmodern societies institutionalize expertise inprofessions. This interdisciplinary analysisbegins to fill this gap by framing the debatewithin a larger theoretical context heretoforemissing from the bioethics literature. Specifically, the question of whether ethicsconsultation is a profession is examined fromthe (...)
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  8. Why do people participate in epidemiological research?Claudia Slegers, Deborah Zion, Deborah Glass, Helen Kelsall, Lin Fritschi & Beatrice Loff - unknown
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  9. Pacifying Politics.Deborah Baumgold - 1993 - Political Theory 21 (1):6-27.
  10.  60
    Computers as surrogate agents.Deborah G. Johnson & Thomas M. Powers - 2008 - In M. J. van den Joven & J. Weckert (eds.), Information Technology and Moral Philosophy. Cambridge University Press. pp. 251.
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    Philosophical foundations for the hierarchy of life.Deborah E. Shelton & Richard E. Michod - 2010 - Biology and Philosophy 25 (3):391-403.
    We review Evolution and the Levels of Selection by Samir Okasha. This important book provides a cohesive philosophical framework for understanding levels-of-selections problems in biology. Concerning evolutionary transitions, Okasha proposes that three stages characterize the shift from a lower level of selection to a higher one. We discuss the application of Okasha’s three-stage concept to the evolutionary transition from unicellularity to multicellularity in the volvocine green algae. Okasha’s concepts are a provocative step towards a more general understanding of the major (...)
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    Slavery discourse before the Restoration: The Barbary coast, Justinian's Digest, and Hobbes's political theory.Deborah Baumgold - 2010 - History of European Ideas 36 (4):412-418.
    Seventeenth-century natural-law philosophers participated in colonizing and slave-trading companies, yet they discussed slavery as an abstraction. This dispassionate approach is commonly explained with the “distance thesis” that the practice of slavery was at some remove from Northwest Europe. I contest the thesis, with a specific focus on pre-Restoration English discourse and Hobbes's political theory. By laying out the salient context — English experience of Barbary-coast slavery and an inherited neo-Roman intellectual frame — I argue, first, that slavery was hardly a (...)
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    “Trust” in Hobbes’s Political Thought.Deborah Baumgold - 2013 - Political Theory 41 (6):0090591713499764.
    “Trust” is not usually considered a Hobbesian concept, which is odd since it is central to the definition of a covenant. The key to understanding Hobbes’s concept of trust is to be found in his account of conquest— “sovereignty by acquisition”—which is a heavily revised adaptation of the Roman justification of slavery. Hobbes introduces a distinction between servants, who are trusted with liberty, and imprisoned slaves. The servant/master relationship involves mutual trust, an ongoing exchange of benefits (protection for service and (...)
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  14.  34
    Should computer programs be owned?Deborah G. Johnson - 1985 - Metaphilosophy 16 (4):276-288.
  15. In Search of Parenthood.Judith N. Lasker, Susan Borg, Christine Overall, Patricia Spallone, Deborah Lynn Steinberg & Michelle Stanworth - 1989 - Hypatia 4 (3):136-149.
    A critical review of four recent works that reflect current conflicts and tensions among feminists regarding new reproductive technologies: In Search of Parenthood by Judith Lasker and Susan Borg; Ethics and Human Reproduction by Christine Overall; Made to Order, Patricia Spallone and Deborah Steinberg, eds. and Reproductive Technologies: Gender, Motherhood and Medicine, Michelle Stanworth, ed. Their positions are evaluated against the background of growing feminist dialogue about the future of reproduction and the bearing of reproductive innovations on such related (...)
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  16. Gelt.Rabbi Deborah Prinz - 2019 - In Mary L. Zamore & Elka Abrahamson (eds.), The sacred exchange: creating a Jewish money ethic. New York, NY: CCAR Press.
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  17.  82
    Teaching Empathy in Medical Ethics.Deborah R. Barnbaum - 2001 - Teaching Philosophy 24 (1):63-75.
    Being empathetic (or compassionate) is an important trait that allows for those working in health care professions to successfully analyze cases and provide patients with adequate care. One standard and enormously important way to try and teach empathy involves the use of case studies. The case-study approach, however, has some unique limitations in teaching empathy. This paper describes an activity where students are asked to imagine that they have contracted a specific disease (one that lasts the entire semester) through a (...)
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  18.  8
    Freud and Education.Deborah P. Britzman - 2010 - Routledge.
    The concept of education—its dangers and promises and its illusions and revelations—threads throughout Sigmund Freud’s body of work. This introductory volume by psychoanalytic authority, Deborah P. Britzman, explores key controversies of education through a Freudian approach. It defines how fundamental Freudian concepts such as the psychical apparatus, the drives, the unconscious, the development of morality, and transference have changed throughout Freud’s _oeuvre_. An ideal text for courses in education studies, human development, and curriculum studies, _Freud and Education_ concludes with (...)
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    Eye Movements in Real-World Scene Photographs: General Characteristics and Effects of Viewing Task.Deborah A. Cronin, Elizabeth H. Hall, Jessica E. Goold, Taylor R. Hayes & John M. Henderson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    A Note from the Editor.Deborah Baumgold - 2023 - Hobbes Studies 36 (2):123-124.
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    Records of Practice and the Development of Collective Professional Knowledge.Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Miriam Ben-Peretz & Rhonda B. Cohen - 2014 - British Journal of Educational Studies 62 (3):317-335.
    Although recent years have seen an increase in professional learning communities, use of video and lesson study groups, most teachers still work and learn in isolation. What they know is personal and remains private; little opportunity exists for most teachers to develop shared knowledge or language. The scale of the teaching force, and the rapid turnover of new teachers, makes this lack of shared knowledge an acute problem. This paper explores the potential of records of practice for developing collective professional (...)
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    Why Tamagatchis Are Not Pets.Deborah Barnbaum - 1998 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 13 (4):41-43.
    What makes "digital pets" pets? This article posits four necessary and jointly sufficient conditions for an individual to be a pet, concluding that digital pets fail to meet these sufficient criteria and thus are not pets.
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    A Communicology of "The Empty Nest Syndrome”.Deborah Bauer - 2008 - Semiotics:319-325.
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    A Communicology of.Deborah Bauer - 2008 - Semiotics:319-325.
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    (1 other version)Note from the Editor.Deborah Baumgold - 2019 - Hobbes Studies 32 (1):1.
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  26. Ross Harrison, Hobbes, Locke, and confusion's masterpiece (cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2003), pp. 281.Deborah Baumgold - 2005 - Utilitas 17 (3):348-349.
  27.  43
    UnParadoxical Hobbes.Deborah Baumgold - 2009 - Political Theory 37 (5):689-693.
  28.  38
    Fonds de financement européens et cinéma latino-américain.Deborah Shaw & Brigitte Rollet - 2015 - Diogène 245 (1):125-141.
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    (1 other version)Reframing Women: Gender and Film in Aotearoa New Zealand 1999–2014.Deborah Shepard - 2015 - Diogenes 62 (1):7-23.
    When my book Reframing Women: A history of New Zealand cinema was published in 2000 New Zealand women’s film was flourishing. There had been an explosion of filmmaking following the upsurge of twentieth century feminism in the 1970s beginning with the international women’s year film Some of My Best Friends are Women and the subsequent production of nine feminist documentary films. The energy generated by these films and the international feminist history projects that uncovered the formerly invisible contribution of women (...)
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    Critical Stratagems in Adorno and Habermas: Theories of Ideology and the Ideology of Theory.Deborah Cook - 2000 - Historical Materialism 6 (1):67-88.
    In one of his many metaphorical turns of phrase – a leitmotif in The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity — Jürgen Habermas speaks of the path not taken by modern philosophers, a path that might have led them towards his own intersubjective notion of communicative reason. Habermas is especially critical of his predecessors, Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer, because, he believes, they repudiated the rational potential in the culture of modernity. Whenever Adorno and Horkheimer heard the word ‘culture’, they apparently (...)
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    A Realistic Approach to Maternal‐Fetal Conflict.Deborah Hornstra - 1998 - Hastings Center Report 28 (5):7-12.
    We should not think of babies as having a right to be born healthy. We cannot say what such a right involves, and if we could, enforcing it would infringe on the mother's most basic rights. Most importantly, positing such a right casts the fetus and mother as adversaries, and so destroys the maternal‐fetal relationship.
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    Learning from the literature on collegiate cheating: A review of empirical research. [REVIEW]Deborah Crown & M. Spiller - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (6):229-246.
    The role demographic, personality, and situational factors play in the ethical decision making process has received a significant amount of attention (Ford and Richardson, 1994). However, the empirical research on students' decisions to engage in collegiate cheating has not been included in this literature. This paper reviews the last 25 years of empirical research on collegiate cheating. The individual/situational factor typology from Ford and Richardson's review (1994) is used to compare the two literatures. In addition, issues pertaining to the quantification (...)
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  33.  15
    A Complexity Science View of Conflict.L. Deborah Sword - 2008 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 10 (4).
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    Student perceptions of dual relationships between faculty and students.Deborah L. Holmes, Patricia A. Rupert, Stephanie A. Ross & Wendy E. Shapera - 1999 - Ethics and Behavior 9 (2):79 – 107.
  35.  66
    Warranted assertibility and the norms of assertoric practice: Why truth and warranted assertibility are not coincident norms.Deborah C. Smith - 2005 - Ratio 18 (2):206–220.
    Crispin Wright has argued that truth and warranted assertibility are coincident but non-co-extensive norms of assertoric practice and that this fact tends to inflate deflationary theories of truth. Wright’s inflationary argument has generated much discussion in the literature. By contrast, relatively little has been said about the claim that truth and warranted assertibility are coincident norms. This paper will examine that claim. Wright’s argument for the claim that truth and warranted assertibility are coincident norms is first clearly presented. It is (...)
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    Do Elderly Persons’ Concerns for Family Burden Influence their Preferences for Future Participation in Dementia Research?S. Deborah Majerovitz & Jeffrey T. Berger - 2005 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 16 (2):108-115.
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    Did Wittgenstein Have a Theory of Hinge Propositions?Deborah Jane Orr - 1989 - Philosophical Investigations 12 (2):134-153.
  38. Parfit on Personal Identity.Deborah C. Smith - 2001 - Idealistic Studies 31 (2-3):169-181.
    This paper examines Parfit's argument that personal identity is not what matters, focusing on his case against reductionist theories of personal identity. I argue that Parfit's reasons for rejecting reductionist views do not take the physical criterion for personal identity seriously enough. I outline a thoroughly naturalistic version of the reductionist theory that, if true, would escape Parfit's criticism. Such a view would be a plausible candidate for a relation that would matter as much as, if not more than, the (...)
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  39. What If There are Limits to Understanding?Deborah Spitz - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (3):233-235.
    POTTER'S PAPER RAISES several questions of great interest to the clinician. First, to what degree is it necessary to understand the patient's experience in order to treat a patient's disease? Second, to what degree is it possible to understand a patient's experience? And third, to what degree ought understanding be the goal of psychotherapy?
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  40. Pragmatism, the just war tradition, and an ethical approach to private military and security companies.Deborah Avant - 2018 - In Daniel R. Brunstetter & Jean-Vincent Holeindre (eds.), The ethics of war and peace revisited: moral challenges in an era of contested and fragmented sovereignty. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
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    The 'imaginative Syllogism' in Arabic Philosophy: A Medieval Contribution to the Philosophical Study of Metaphor.Deborah L. Black - 1989 - Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.
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  42. The role of empirical legal studies in legal scholarship, legal education and policy-making : a US perspective.Deborah R. Hensler & Matthew A. Gasperetti - 2017 - In Rob van Gestel, Hans-W. Micklitz & Edward L. Rubin (eds.), Rethinking legal scholarship: a transatlantic dialogue. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
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    Of Human Potential: An Essay in the Philosophy of Education.Deborah Court - 1989 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 3 (1):23-25.
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    What to Do? Case Studies for Teachers (William Hare and John Portelli) and What Makes A Good Teacher.Deborah Court - 1994 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 8 (1):43-45.
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    The hospital environment and infant feeding: results from a five country study.Deborah L. Covington, D. S. Gates, Barbara Janowitz, R. Israel & Nancy Williamson - 1985 - Journal of Biosocial Science 17 (S9):83-97.
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    National Soldiers and the War on Cities.Deborah Cowen - 2007 - Theory and Event 10 (2).
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    Clinical ethics consultants' response.Deborah S. Cummins & William J. Winslade - 1994 - HEC Forum 6 (6):393-396.
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    Apes ape!Deborah Custance - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (1):118-119.
    Heyes's claim that the only unequivocal evidence of motor imitation comes from rats and budgerigars is contested. It is suggested that the rats' behavior can be explained by emulation and the budgerigars' by response facilitation. Behavioral matching in chimpanzees (Custance et al. 1995; Whiten et al. 1996) is reconsidered and interpreted in terms of imitation.
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    A propósito de "possibilidade, compossibilidae e incompossibilidade em Leibniz", de Edgar Marques.Déborah Danowski - 2004 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 45 (109):188-190.
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    (1 other version)Indiferença, simetria e perfeição segundo Leibniz.Déborah Danowski - 2001 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 42 (104):49-71.
    Na Teodicéia, Leibniz apresenta três soluções para o sofisma de Buridan, em particular, e para o problema da liberdade de indiferença, em geral. A primeira refuta a idéia de que, mesmo em uma situação de perfeito equilíbrio e total ausência de uma razão determinante, os homens seriam capazes de agir. As outras duas refutam diretamente a possibilidade de haver no universo tal situação de equilíbrio e simetria perfeitos, de modo que o próprio sofisma perde seu sentido.
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