Results for 'Davide Clemente'

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  1.  24
    Morte di Zarathustra.David Beronio & Clemente Tafuri - 2016 - Nóema 7 (1).
    Artistic work is often born through a thought, the deepening and the study of themes, which are the fundamental principles of art, being used and becoming subjects of a different work, parallel to that of the creative one.
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    Aversive conditioning, anxiety, and the strategic control of attention.David S. Lee, Andrew Clement, Laurent Grégoire & Brian A. Anderson - 2025 - Cognition and Emotion 39 (2):476-484.
    What we pay attention to is influenced by both reward learning and aversive conditioning. Although early attention tends to be biased toward aversively conditioned stimuli, sustained ignoring of such stimuli is also possible. How aversive conditioning influences how a person chooses to search, or the strategic control of attention, has not been explored. In the present study, participants learned an association between a colour and an aversive outcome during a training phase, and in a subsequent test phase searched for one (...)
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    Advances in Structural Biology and the Application to Biological Filament Systems.David Popp, Fujiet Koh, Clement P. M. Scipion, Umesh Ghoshdastider, Akihiro Narita, Kenneth C. Holmes & Robert C. Robinson - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (4):1700213.
    Structural biology has experienced several transformative technological advances in recent years. These include: development of extremely bright X-ray sources and the use of electrons to extend protein crystallography to ever decreasing crystal sizes; and an increase in the resolution attainable by cryo-electron microscopy. Here we discuss the use of these techniques in general terms and highlight their application for biological filament systems, an area that is severely underrepresented in atomic resolution structures. We assemble a model of a capped tropomyosin-actin minifilament (...)
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    New books. [REVIEW]Clement C. J. Webb, Cyril Burt, John Laird, T. E. Jessop, David Baumgardt, J. O. Wisdom, H. B. Acton, David Baumgardt, E. W. Edwards & F. R. Tennant - 1938 - Mind 47 (185):98-121.
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    La faute médicale caractérisée en droit pénal français est-elle liée à des qualifications d’intensité et de gravité?Jessica Lalande, Renaud Clément, Clotilde Rougé-Maillart, David Lebossé & Gilles Potel - 2016 - Médecine et Droit 2016 (136):14-18.
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    Wallace, Turner, and Perkins revisited.R. J. Senter, David O. Richter, Sandra D. Wilson & Debbie Clements - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 20 (3):178-179.
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    Achieving new levels of recall in consent to research by combining remedial and motivational techniques: Table 1.David S. Festinger, Karen L. Dugosh, Douglas B. Marlowe & Nicolle T. Clements - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (4):264-268.
    Introduction Research supports the efficacy of both a remedial consent procedure ) and a motivational consent procedure for improving recall of informed consent to research. Although these strategies were statistically superior to standard consent, effects were modest and not clinically significant. This study examines a combined incentivised consent and CF procedure that simplifies the cognitive task and increases motivation to learn consent information.Methods We randomly assigned 104 individuals consenting to an unrelated host study to a consent as usual condition or (...)
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    Emotional expression and vocabulary learning in adults and children.Fabrice Clément, Stéphane Bernard, Didier Grandjean & David Sander - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (3):539-548.
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    Considérations éthiques sur le congé en milieu hospitalier de courte durée.Alberte Perron, Robert Clément, David J. Roy, Lise Sauvé-Henry & Thérèse Leroux - 1994 - Horizons Philosophiques 4 (2):113-120.
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    Derrida: la Vie et l'Oeuvre.Bruno Clement & David F. Bell - 2005 - Substance 34 (1):35-37.
  11.  31
    La follia. Storia ed epistemologia in Occidente.Ettore De Monte & Davide Clemente (eds.) - 2021 - Roma: CISU.
    La storia della follia assume i tratti di uno straordinario racconto, laddove trame e personaggi s’intrecciano in uno svolgimento comune e condiviso. Questa storia, però, perturba gli animi, poiché essa alterna disumane crudeltà a rivoluzionarie pre- se di consapevolezza. In certi periodi e contesti storici, infatti, il folle diviene beffarda maschera del male, da allontanare, internare o, addirittura, perseguitare. Su di lui s’abbatte la crudeltà umana, dietro il velo menzognero di un’improbabile cura. La follia diviene malattia, demone, male assoluto da (...)
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    Towards an Anthropological Perspective on Human Flourishing in Education.James Arthur, David M. Goodman & Matthew Clemente - forthcoming - British Journal of Educational Studies.
  13. The cost of being watched: Stroop interference increases under concomitant eye contact.Laurence Conty, David Gimmig, Clément Belletier, Nathalie George & Pascal Huguet - 2010 - Cognition 115 (1):133-139.
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    Excavations at Olynthus.Alfred R. Bellinger, David M. Robinson & Paul Augustus Clement - 1940 - American Journal of Philology 61 (1):102.
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    Sensorimotor Learning during a Marksmanship Task in Immersive Virtual Reality.Hrishikesh M. Rao, Rajan Khanna, David J. Zielinski, Yvonne Lu, Jillian M. Clements, Nicholas D. Potter, Marc A. Sommer, Regis Kopper & Lawrence G. Appelbaum - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:302766.
    Sensorimotor learning refers to improvements that occur through practice in the performance of sensory-guided motor behaviors. Leveraging novel technical capabilities of an immersive virtual environment, we probed the component kinematic processes that mediate sensorimotor learning. Twenty naïve subjects performed a simulated marksmanship task modeled after Olympic Trap Shooting standards. We measured movement kinematics and shooting performance as participants practiced 350 trials while receiving trial-by-trial feedback about shooting success. Spatiotemporal analysis of motion tracking elucidated the ballistic and refinement phases of hand (...)
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    The essential David Bohm.James Clement van Pelt - 2005 - Sophia 44 (1):129-134.
  17. Constitutionalism and Character: Executive Power and the American Founding.Clement Fatovic - 2002 - Dissertation, Cornell University
    This dissertation argues that the current tendency to define liberal constitutionalism in terms of the impersonal and formalistic ideals of the rule of law diverges from early liberal theories of constitutionalism, which were sensitive to the occasional need for extra-legal discretionary exercises of power to deal with the unpredictable contingencies of politics. This understanding of politics shaped the constitutional and political thought of liberal thinkers from John Locke, David Hume, and William Blackstone to Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and other Federalists (...)
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  18. New books. [REVIEW]E. A. Menneer, L. T., Clement C. J. Webb, T. Loveday, R. R. Marett, W. Leslie MacKenzie, J. H. & C. A. F. Rhys Davids - 1900 - Mind 9 (35):405-422.
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    The Presentness of Painting: Adrian Stokes as Aesthetician.David Carrier - 1986 - Critical Inquiry 12 (4):753-768.
    Adrian Stokes , long admired by a small, highly distinguished, mostly English circle, was the natural successor to Pater and Ruskin. But though his place in cultural history is important, what is of particular interest now to art historians is his theory of the presentness of painting, a theory which offers a challenging critique of the practice of artwriting. From Vasari to the present, the most familiar rhetorical strategy of the art historian is the narrative of “the form, prophet-saviour-apostles,” in (...)
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  20.  56
    New York Art, Pittsburgh Art, Art1.David Carrier - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (3):99.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.3 (2003) 99-104 [Access article in PDF] New York Art, Pittsburgh Art, Art 1 David Carrier Champney Family Professor Case Western Reserve University/Cleveland Institute of Art I. New York Art A fully developed artworld requires not only artists, but also a support system — schools to teach the artists, commercial galleries to display art, and the connected artmarket; public museums and their curators to (...)
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  21.  20
    Why Has Aesthetic Formalism Fallen on Hard Times?David E. W. Fenner - 2010 - Reason Papers 32:93-106.
    Nick Zangwill has done more than any person recently to resuscitate aesthetic formalism. I say "resuscitate" because formalism has not been in favor for several decades. Zangwill writes that "Aesthetic Formalism has fallen on hard times. At best it receives unsympathetic discussion and swift rejection. At worse it is the object of abuse and derision." The reasons many today believe aesthetic formalism is not viable have been the subject of discussion since the pendulum swing away from New Criticism, via the (...)
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    Formalist Problems, Realist Solutions.David Anthony Gall - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 50 (1):80-94.
    For about the last three decades, postmodernists have exposed the weaknesses of modernist formalism. Western modernist formalism effectively locates art’s meaning in its formal qualities. Clive Bell’s twentieth-century significant form aesthetic theory, Clement Greenberg and abstract art, and art educators’ preoccupation with design elements and principles typify this modernist tendency.1 In contrast, postmodernists generally insist that sociocultural context supplies art’s meaning. Within contemporary art education, postmodernist theory relies strongly on semiotics, neopragmatism, and social constructivist theories of culture; these tend to (...)
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  23.  23
    Philo in early Christian literature: a survey.David T. Runia - 1993 - Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
    It is a remarkable fact that the writings of Philo, the Jew from Alexandria, were preserved because they were taken up in the Christian tradition. But the story of how this process of reception and appropriation took place has never been systematically research. In this book the author first examines how Philo's works are related to the New Testament and the earliest Chritian writing, and then how they were used by Greek and Latin church fathers up to 400 c.e., with (...)
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  24. Manuscritos inéditos de D. Báñez sobre las tesis de Alcalá (1602).David Torrijos-Castrillejo - 2022 - In David Torrijos Castrillejo & Jorge Luis Gutiérrez, La Escuela de Salamanca: la primera versión de la modernidad. Madrid: Sinderesis. pp. 247-283.
    In 1601 certain Jesuits in Alcalá de Henares defended the following thesis: «It is not by faith that we confess that this man, for example, Clement VIII, is Pope.» During 1602 this fact became known in Rome and the Pope urged that the Spanish Inquisition imprison these Jesuits. To defend themselves, they alleged that the thesis was not unusual among scholars, indicating the names of several authors who defended it, among them, the eminent professor emeritus of Salamanca Domingo Báñez. However, (...)
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  25. Un manuscrito inédito de Domingo Báñez: Respuesta del P. Báñez a un informe de los PP. Jesuitas acerca de las “tesis de Alcalá” (si es de fe o no que este hombre sea el Romano Pontífice).David Torrijos-Castrillejo - 2019 - Revista Española de Teología 79:93-126.
    This unpublished manuscript of the Spanish Dominican Domingo Báñez reflects his personal account of the proceedings held during July 1602 in Valladolid in defense of his own doctrine against suspicious theses formulated by some Jesuits from Alcalá de Henares the previous March. The Jesuits denied that the adhesion of faith to the Roman Pontiff included him as a specific man, e.g. Pope Clement VIII. In support of their thesis, they provided the authority of Báñez. The Dominican theologian clarified in Valladolid (...)
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    Proceedings of the Marketing Eschatology Retreat, Held at St. Clement's Belfast 22-24 September 1995.Stephen Brown, Jim Bell & David Carson - 1995
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    Translocal Ecologies: The Norfolk Broads, the “Natural,” and the International Phytogeographical Excursion, 1911.Laura Cameron & David Matless - 2011 - Journal of the History of Biology 44 (1):15-41.
    What we consider “nature” is always historical and relational, shaped in contingent configurations of representational and social practices. In the early twentieth century, the English ecologist A.G. Tansley lamented the pervasive problem of international misunderstandings concerning the nature of “nature.” In order to create some consensus on the concepts and language of ecological plant geography, Tansley founded the International Phytogeographical Excursion, which brought together leading plant geographers and botanists from North America and Europe. The first IPE in August 1911 started (...)
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    Against the Santa Claus Lie.David Kyle Johnson - 2010 - In Scott C. Lowe, Christmas: Philosophy For Everyone. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 137–150.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Reason 1: It's a Lie, and Lying is Wrong Reason 2: Santa Doesn't Have Your Best Interests in Mind Reason 3: The Damage to Credulity Having Faith in Santa Cut It Out, Wrap It Up.
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    Artforum, Andy Warhol, and the Art of Living: What Art Educators Can Learn from the Recent History of American Art Writing.David Carrier - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (1):1-12.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Artforum, Andy Warhol, and the Art of Living:What Art Educators Can Learn from the Recent History of American Art WritingDavid Carrier (bio)When around 1980 I began writing art criticism, Artforum was much concerned with historical analysis.1 When presenting the work of younger painters and sculptors, it seemed natural to explain artists' accomplishments by identifying precedents for their work. Much of my criticism published in the 1980s presented post-formalist accounts (...)
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  30.  26
    From Clement to Origen: The Social and Historical Context of the Church Fathers. By David Ivan Rankin.Andrew Louth - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (2):313-314.
  31.  7
    Hans Urs von Balthasar. His Life and Work ed. by David L. Schindler.Christophe Potworowski - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (4):689-694.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 689 present the spirit of Catholic Christianity to contemporary man in such a way that it [Catholic Christianity, not contemporary man!] appears credible in itself and its historical development..." (emph. mine). Clearly, de Lubac's entire theology is an effort to say the opposite of what the mistranslation regrettably says. Page 46: "his articles, however, which from 1972 [typographical correction: 1942] on prepared for his works on modern (...)
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    Review of Gregory E. Sterling (ed.), Studies in Philo in Honor of David Runia, Studia Philonica annual: studies in Hellenistic Judaism, volume XXVII (2016), Atlanta: SBL Press, 2016, ISBN 9780884141815, «Bryn Mawr Classical Review» July 2017 (Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2017.07.16). [REVIEW]Ilaria L. E. Ramelli - 2017 - Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2017.
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  33. Magicicada, Mathematical Explanation and Mathematical Realism.Davide Rizza - 2011 - Erkenntnis 74 (1):101-114.
    Baker claims to provide an example of mathematical explanation of an empirical phenomenon which leads to ontological commitment to mathematical objects. This is meant to show that the positing of mathematical entities is necessary for satisfactory scientific explanations and thus that the application of mathematics to science can be used, at least in some cases, to support mathematical realism. In this paper I show that the example of explanation Baker considers can actually be given without postulating mathematical objects and thus (...)
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    DNA is not an ontologically distinctive developmental cause.Davide Vecchi - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 81 (C):101245.
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  35. Genetics, Race and Intelligence.Davide Serpico - 2024 - Viewpoint: Magazine of the British Society for the History of Science 134:3-4.
    Davide Serpico describes his research at the Special Collection dedicated to the distinguished population geneticist John R. G. Turner at the University of Leeds’ Library.
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    The political life of sensation.Davide Panagia - 2009 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    Prologue : narratocracy and the contours of political life -- From nomos to nomad : Kant, Deleuze, and Rancière on sensation -- The piazza, the edicola, and the noise of the utterance -- Machiavelli's theory of sensation and Florence's vita festiva -- The viewing subject : Caravaggio, Bacon, and the ring -- "You're eating too fast!" slow food's ethos of convivium -- Epilogue : "the photographs tell it all" : on an ethics of appearance.
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    19 Embedded trust: the analytical approach in vignettes, laboratory experiments and surveys.Davide Barrera, Vincent Buskens & Werner Raub - 2012 - In Fergus Lyon, Guido Möllering & Mark Saunders, Handbook of research methods on trust. Northampton, Mass.: Edward Elgar. pp. 199.
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    Nicholas of Cusa: Trinity, freedom and dialogue.Davide Monaco - 2016 - Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
    Trinity, freedom and dialogue not only represent three themes of Nicholas Cusanus' thought, but provide a possible hermeneutic key to reading his work and understanding his philosophy. Through a historico-philological and theoretico-speculative investigation, an attempt is made to investigate Cusanus' complex reflection on the One and his reflections on the concept of man and religion. If Cusanus has collated Platonic and Neoplatonic reflection, in particular from Plato, Proclus and Dionysius, he managed at the same time to direct their teachings towards (...)
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  39.  6
    Gens genti lupa: Thomas Hobbes e le relazioni internazionali.Davide Ragnolini - 2021 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
  40.  16
    Introduction: Corruption and rationality.Davide Torsello - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (2):119-123.
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  41.  43
    Group Effects on Individual Attitudes Toward Social Responsibility.Davide Secchi & Hong T. M. Bui - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (3):725-746.
    This study uses a quasi-experimental design to investigate what happens to individual socially responsible attitudes when they are exposed to group dynamics. Findings show that group engagement increases individual attitudes toward social responsibility. We also found that individuals with low attitudes toward social responsibility are more likely to change their opinions when group members show more positive attitudes toward social responsibility. Conversely, individuals with high attitudes do not change much, independent of group characteristics. To better analyze the effect of group (...)
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  42. Multi-field and Bohm’s theory.Davide Romano - 2020 - Synthese (11):29 June 2020.
    In the recent literature, it has been shown that the wave function in the de Broglie–Bohm theory can be regarded as a new kind of field, i.e., a "multi-field", in three-dimensional space. In this paper, I argue that the natural framework for the multi-field is the original second-order Bohm’s theory. In this context, it is possible: i) to construe the multi-field as a real-valued scalar field; ii) to explain the physical interaction between the multi-field and the Bohmian particles; and iii) (...)
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  43. Crossing the Threshold: An Epigenetic Alternative to Dimensional Accounts of Mental Disorders.Davide Serpico & Valentina Petrolini - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    Recent trends in psychiatry involve a transition from categorical to dimensional frameworks, in which the boundary between health and pathology is understood as a difference in degree rather than as a difference in kind. A major tenet of dimensional approaches is that no qualitative distinction can be made between health and pathology. As a consequence, these approaches tend to characterize such a threshold as pragmatic or conventional in nature. However, dimensional approaches to psychopathology raise several epistemological and ontological issues. First, (...)
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  44.  58
    From Biological Determination to Entangled Causation.Davide Vecchi, Paul-Antoine Miquel & Isaac Hernández - 2019 - Acta Biotheoretica 67 (1):19-46.
    Biologists and philosophers often use the language of determination in order to describe the nature of developmental phenomena. Accounts in terms of determination have often been reductionist. One common idea is that DNA is supposed to play a special explanatory role in developmental explanations, namely, that DNA is a developmental determinant. In this article we try to make sense of determination claims in developmental biology. Adopting a manipulationist approach, we shall first argue that the notion of developmental determinant is causal. (...)
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  45. Il principe di San Severo (1710-1771) nella storia della biologia: Un'interpretazione.Davide Arecco - 2008 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 38 (2):83-98.
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    Etymologicum Genuinum s. v. γηράς e un dimenticato frammento poetico.Davide Baldi - 2019 - Hermes 147 (1):125.
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    Il chierico tradito: Julien Benda fra cultura e politica (1916-1933).Davide Cadeddu & Julien Benda (eds.) - 2022 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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    Natural Kinds as Homeorhetic Dynamic Systems.Davide Serpico & Francesco Guala - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    Philosophers have become increasingly aware of the difficulties that plague accounts of kinds with objectively determined boundaries, and generally recognise that scientific taxonomies are shaped by human pragmatic interests and non-epistemic values. Against this trend, we propose an account of kinds conceived as dynamic entities, characterised by qualitatively distinct and robust trajectories originating from bifurcation events in the development of complex systems. We argue that the Homeorhetic Dynamic Kinds account (HDK) can be applied to systems investigated in a variety of (...)
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    Identification of ethics committees based on authors’ disclosures: cross-sectional study of articles published in the European Journal of Anaesthesiology and a survey of ethics committees.Davide Zoccatelli, Martin R. Tramèr & Nadia Elia - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):57.
    Since 2010, the European Journal of Anaesthesiology has required the reporting of five items concerning ethical approval in articles describing human research: ethics committee’s name and address, chairperson’s name, study’s protocol number and approval date. We aimed to assess whether this requirement has helped to identify and to contact the referenced ethics committees. In this cross-sectional study, we analysed articles requiring ethical approval, according to the Swiss federal law for human research and published in the European Journal of Anaesthesiology in (...)
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    Effects of weak transcranial alternating current stimulation on brain activity—a review of known mechanisms from animal studies.Davide Reato, Asif Rahman, Marom Bikson & Lucas C. Parra - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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