Results for 'Dario Tordoni'

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  1.  6
    "Supremum mentis desiderium": la mediazione bonaventuriana nel neoplatonismo di Niccolò Cusano.Dario Tordoni - 2022 - Napoli: Orthotes.
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  2. Vico e Grozio giureconsulti del genere umano.Dario Faucci - 1970 - Torino: Edizioni di Filosofia.
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    Healthcare and cultural life access for persons with disabilities during the pandemic: reflections of a researcher.Dario Imperatore - 2021 - Science and Philosophy 9 (1):105-111.
    The Covid-19 pandemic has put a strain on the health system, as well as the social, economic, and cultural ones at the Global level. After the pandemic, the risk is that the process of inclusion of persons with disabilities is grinding to a halt. But the chance is to find new ideas. This paper will define a brief but significant framework of principles that should be taken into consideration in order to support strategies of inclusion of people with disabilities in (...)
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    Film Spectacle and Cinematic Culture.Dario Vuger - 2020 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 40 (3):477-498.
    In this paper, the author establishes and defends the thesis that the 1980s horror film production acts as a paradigm of the spectacle, especially in terms of the system of reduction of immediate life to image related mediations and phenomena. Thus, three disparate elements are now connected in a conceptual framework by which author supposes one must judge the media theory and media at large at the end of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first century. The three elements (...)
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  5. A new solution to the safety dilemma.Dario Mortini - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-17.
    Despite the substantial appeal of the safety condition, Kelp (J Philos Res 34:21–31, 2009; Am Philos Q 53:27–37; Good Thinking. A Knowledge First Virtue Epistemology, Routledge, London, 2018) has raised a difficult challenge for safety-theoretic accounts of knowledge. By combining Gettier-style fake barn cases with epistemic Frankfurt cases, he concludes that no formulation of safety can be strong enough to predict ignorance in the former and weak enough to accommodate knowledge in the latter. In this note, my contribution is two-fold. (...)
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  6. Knowledge, Individualised Evidence and Luck.Dario Mortini - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (12):3791-3815.
    The notion of individualised evidence holds the key to solve the puzzle of statistical evidence, but there’s still no consensus on how exactly to define it. To make progress on the problem, epistemologists have proposed various accounts of individualised evidence in terms of causal or modal anti-luck conditions on knowledge like appropriate causation, sensitivity and safety. In this paper, I show that each of these fails as satisfactory anti-luck condition, and that such failure lends abductive support to the following conclusion: (...)
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    Hume at La Flèche: Skepticism and the French Connection.Dario Perinetti - 2018 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 56 (1):45-74.
    In "My Own Life," Hume writes:1 During my retreat in France, first at Reims, but chiefly at La Fleche, in Anjou, I composed my Treatise of Human Nature. After passing three years very agreeably in that country, I came over to London in 1737. In the end of 1738, I published my Treatise, and immediately went down to my mother and my brother, who lived at his country house, and was employing himself very judiciously and successfully in the improvement of (...)
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    Estado, derecho, sociedad: seminario sobre la filosofía del derecho de Hegel.Darío Mesa (ed.) - 1993 - Santafé de Bogotá, D.C., Colombia: Facultad de Derecho, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
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    Uno sguardo dall'alto: la perdita della "qualità" nell'Occidente moderno secondo René Guénon.Dario Roman - 2015 - Ariccia (RM): Aracne editrice int.le S.r.l..
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    Rousseau, il paradosso del porcospino.Dario Sacchi - 2016 - Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
  11.  18
    Lambros Couloubaritsis, La pensée de Parménide.Dario Zucchello - 2010 - Philosophie Antique 10:278-281.
    Nel caso di riedizione di opera ormai classica, normalmente le ragioni che hanno spinto l’autore a riproporne o rivederne l’impianto sono proposte nella nuova prefazione o in introduzione: non è facile, invece, imbattersi – anche all’interno del corpo del testo vero e proprio - nella esplicita confessione del travaglio teorico all’origine del ripensamento, della rielaborazione e della revi­sione delle proprie posizioni interpretative. È quello che accade affrontando la lettura della recente t...
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    Problems for Hard Moral Particularism: Can We Really Dismiss General Reasons?Dario Cecchini - 2020 - Philosophical Inquiries 8 (2):31-46.
    Moral particularism, in its extreme version, is the theory that argues that there are no invariant context-independent moral reasons. It states also that moral knowledge is not constituted by principles and that these are useless or harmful in practice. In this paper, I intend to argue that this position takes context-sensitiveness of reasons too seriously and has to face many philosophical problems—mainly because its most important argument (the argument from holism of reasons) is not convincing but also because a pluralist (...)
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    Percezione Morale.Dario Cecchini - 2020 - Aphex 22.
    Recently, in metaethics, several authors have taken into account the view according to which moral knowledge can be based on perceptual or quasi-perceptual experience. This kind of knowledge is defined as moral perception. This paper aims to introduce the recent debate about moral perception. Specifically, the possibility of moral perception will be discussed, and many different views of moral perception will be compared.
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  14. The professional autonomy of the medical doctor in italy.Dario Sacchini & Leonardo Antico - 2000 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 21 (5):441-456.
    This contribution deals with the issue of the professional autonomy ofthe medical doctor. Worldwide, the physician's autonomy is guaranteedand limited, first of all, by Codes of Medical Ethics. InItaly, the latest version of the national Code of MedicalEthics (Code 1998) was published in 1998 by the Federation ofprovincial Medical Associations (FnomCeO). The Code 1998acknowledges the physician's autonomy regarding the scheduling, thechoice and application of diagnostic and therapeutic means, within theprinciples of professional responsibility. This responsibility has tomake reference to the following (...)
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    O si domina o si è dominati.Dario Bernazza - 1979 - Roma: Messaggerie del libro.
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  16. Christopher J. Berry, The Idea of Luxury: A Conceptual and Historical Investigation, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994, pp. xiv + 271.Dario Castiglione - 1997 - Utilitas 9 (2):259.
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    Crossing borders: Towards a cognitive aesthetic approach to Caravaggio and Beckett.Dario Del Degan - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (157):65-82.
    When conducting interart studies, difficulty arises comparing art forms due to differences in discourse between genres. The problem becomes compounded when certain art works extend their mode of communication beyond the boundaries of their genre. Interpreting such works tends to result in subjectivist readings that cannot be justified according to any predetermined analytical model. Rather than negating the subjective response, this article proposes that an artwork is realized within the mind. In examining critical responses to Caravaggio’s painting ‘Beheading of St. (...)
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  18. Statualità del diritto e diritto naturale.Mario di Dario - 1938 - Napoli,: Studio di propaganda editoriale.
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  19. Realtà E apparenza Del cielo: La filosofia di parmenide E zenone.Dario Drivet & Claudia Traversa - 2006 - Filosofia 57 (1-3).
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    Una propuesta de categorías orientativas sobre arte a partir de la estética de Friedrich Nietzsche.Darío Buñuel Fanconi - 2020 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 11 (1):113-132.
    Nietzsche's well-known statement collected by Heidegger "art is the most transparent and familiar form of the will to power" comes to emphasize that only in art the will to power recognizes that nothing bases it. But it is insufficient to characterize the idea of art that Nietzsche uses and we consider it can be more precisely addressed. We propose some categories, which although they are never going to be presented purely in a specific case, can help us to guide ourselves (...)
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  21. La filosofia politica di Croce e di Gentile.Dario Faucci - 1974 - Firenze: La nuova Italia.
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    La libertà attraverso il diritto: illuminismo giuridico e questione penale.Dario Ippolito, Philippe Audegean, Francesco Berti & Luigi Delia (eds.) - 2014 - Napoli: Editoriale scientifica.
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    Lo spirito del garantismo: Montesquieu e il potere di punire.Dario Ippolito - 2016 - Roma: Donzelli editore.
  24.  46
    Infant colic: Re-evaluating the adaptive hypotheses.Dario Maestripieri & Kristina M. Durante - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (4):468-469.
    Colic may allow infants to obtain additional investment from their parents. The lack of clear fitness costs of colic and of differences in condition between colicky and non-colicky infants is inconsistent with the hypotheses that colic is an honest signal of need or vigor. These and other characteristics of colic, however, are consistent with the hypothesis that colic is a manipulative signal.
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    The contribution of comparative research to the development and testing of life history models of human attachment and reproductive strategies.Dario Maestripieri - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (1):37-38.
    Research with nonhuman primates can make important contributions to life history models of human attachment and reproductive strategies, such as: including parental responsiveness into female reproductive strategies, testing the assumption that adult attachment is a reproductive adaptation, assessing genetic and environmental effects on attachment and reproduction, and investigating the mechanisms through which early stress results in accelerated reproductive maturation.
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    Teaching in Marine mammals? Anecdotes versus science.Dario Maestripieri & Jessica Whitham - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):342-343.
    The use of anecdotes is not a viable research strategy to study animal culture. Social learning processes can often be documented with careful quantitative analyses of observational data. Unfortunately, suggestions that killer whales engage in teaching are entirely based on subjective interpretations of qualitative observations. Thus, of teaching in killer whales cannot be used to argue for the occurrence of culture in marine mammals.
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    Sociologia della pena, economia e criminalità: un'introduzione.Dario Melossi - 1998 - Polis 12 (3):365-370.
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    Cultures of democracy.Darío Montero - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (7):784-786.
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  29. History, concepts and normativity in Hegel.Dario Perinetti - 2005 - In David Gray Carlson, Hegel's theory of the subject. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  30.  10
    Russell e Wittgenstein: un lungo addio: Cambridge, 1911-1913.Dario Zucchello - 2023 - Pistoia: Petite plaisance.
  31.  27
    Explaining financial and prosocial biases in favor of attractive people: Interdisciplinary perspectives from economics, social psychology, and evolutionary psychology.Dario Maestripieri, Andrea Henry & Nora Nickels - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40:e19.
    Financial and prosocial biases in favor of attractive adults have been documented in the labor market, in social transactions in everyday life, and in studies involving experimental economic games. According to the taste-based discrimination model developed by economists, attractiveness-related financial and prosocial biases are the result of preferences or prejudices similar to those displayed toward members of a particular sex, racial, ethnic, or religious group. Other explanations proposed by economists and social psychologists maintain that attractiveness is a marker of personality, (...)
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    Interactive Grounding and Inference in Learning by Instruction.Dario D. Salvucci - 2021 - Topics in Cognitive Science 13 (3):488-498.
    This paper illustrates cognitive modeling constructs designed to make learning by instruction more robust, including (1) flexible grounding of language to execution, (2) inference of implicit instruction knowledge, and (3) interactive clarification of instructions during both learning and execution.
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  33.  34
    Threaded cognition: An integrated theory of concurrent multitasking.Dario D. Salvucci & Niels A. Taatgen - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (1):101-130.
  34.  36
    The origin of DNA:RNA hybridization.Dario Giacomoni - 1993 - Journal of the History of Biology 26 (1):89-107.
    Besides its use in basic research, the DNA:RNA hybridization technique has helped the development of genetic engineering: it is instrumental in the isolation of specific genes that can be inserted into foreign cells, thus modifying their genetic information. Plants, animals, and microorganisms can now be altered to yield improved crops, pest-resistant plants, and a cheaper source of important proteins or drugs. The social relevance of genetic engineering received official sanction in 1980 when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that genetically modified (...)
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  35. Moral intuition, strength, and metacognition.Dario Cecchini - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 36 (1):4-28.
    Moral intuitions are generally understood as automatic strong responses to moral facts. In this paper, I offer a metacognitive account according to which the strength of moral intuitions denotes the level of confidence of a subject. Confidence is a metacognitive appraisal of the fluency with which a subject processes information from a morally salient stimulus. I show that this account is supported by some empirical evidence, explains the main features of moral intuition and is preferable to emotional or quasi-perceptual views (...)
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    On the relation between the enactive and the sensorimotor approach to perception.Dario Taraborelli & Matteo Mossio - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (4):1343-1344.
    In Mossio & Taraborelli (2008) we challenged the assumption according to which the ecological and sensorimotor approaches are mere conceptual variations on the same enactive theme. We showed, on the contrary, that they endorse substantially different notions of an 'action-dependent perceptual invariant' and we submitted that this distinction has interesting theoretical and empirical implications. This dissimilarity between ecological and sensorimotor theories stems, in our view, from a more fundamental divergence on the nature of perceptual information. Since Gibson's work, the ecological (...)
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  37. Integration and Reuse in Cognitive Skill Acquisition.Dario D. Salvucci - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (5):829-860.
    Previous accounts of cognitive skill acquisition have demonstrated how procedural knowledge can be obtained and transformed over time into skilled task performance. This article focuses on a complementary aspect of skill acquisition, namely the integration and reuse of previously known component skills. The article posits that, in addition to mechanisms that proceduralize knowledge into more efficient forms, skill acquisition requires tight integration of newly acquired knowledge and previously learned knowledge. Skill acquisition also benefits from reuse of existing knowledge across disparate (...)
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  38.  14
    Jean Baudrillard: il male, l'utopia, il simulacro.Dario Altobelli - 2020 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  39. Epistemologia e didattica.Dario Antiseri - 1977 - Roma: LAS.
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    La Vienna di Popper.Dario Antiseri - 2000 - Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro): Rubbettino.
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    Un'introduzione all'epistemologia contemporanea.Dario Antiseri - 1983 - Padova: CLEUP. Edited by Giacomo Gava.
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    Ascoltare la luce: vita e pedagogia di Janusz Korczak.Dario Arkel - 2009 - [Mazzo di Rho, Milano]: ATí. Edited by Dario Arkel.
  43.  8
    Lo sviluppo morale.Dario Bacchini - 2011 - Roma: Carocci.
  44.  93
    Introduction: Beyond toleration?Dario Castiglione & Catriona McKinnon - 2001 - Res Publica 7 (3):223-230.
    Although tolerance is widely regarded as a virtue of both individuals and groups that modern democratic and multiculturalist societies cannot do without, there is still much disagreement among political thinkers as to what tolerance demands, or what can be done to create and sustain a culture of tolerance. The philosophical literature on toleration contains three main strands. (1) An agreement that a tolerant society is more than a modus vivendi; (2) discussion of the proper object(s) of toleration; (3) debate about (...)
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    La notion de vérité à l’épreuve de l’intelligence artificielle.Dario Compagno - 2025 - Semiotica 2025 (262):25-49.
    Pouvons-nous appliquer les notions traditionnelles de vérité et d’erreur à la production artificielle d’énoncés? A partir d’une tripartition proposée par Umberto Eco, l’article s’interroge sur la pertinence contemporaine des critères de vérité utilisés pour évaluer les énoncés humains. Il s’agit de remarquer que les énoncés artificiels ne sont pas vrais ou faux comme ceux produits par les humains, ce qui remet en question notre conception du langage. L’article identifie la spécificité et les limites de la génération automatique de langage dans (...)
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    Il divino Giamblico.Beniamino Massimo Di Dario - 2011 - Padova: Edizioni di Ar.
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  47. Percezioni di metallo.Dario Floreano - 2003 - Rivista di Estetica 43 (24):74-76.
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  48. Il mondo dell'immaginazione e altri scritti.Dario Galli - 1967 - Bologna,: Scuola grafica salesiana.
    Il mondo dell'immaginazione.--La libertà religiosa.--Religione e coesistenza.--L'itinerario filosofico di Benedetto Croce.--Ancora sull'itinerario filosofico di Benedetto Croce.--Rosmini e il sensismo.--Il senso della storia.--Socrate.--La metafisica, ieri e oggi.--Di al cune aporie della teologia naturale.--Filosofi tedeschi d'oggi.
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    The Ship Transportation of Passengers with Disabilities and The Disability-Related Training Procedures of Seamen: A Legal and Social Framework.Dario Imperatore - 2018 - Science and Philosophy 6 (2):61-74.
    Recent programs aimed at the independent living of persons with disabilities, allow them to be costumers of sectors in which they have never had full access in the past. The Lisbon Treaty has distinctly recognized the existence of a community tourist area within the primary law, and CRPD has defined the principles of accessibility and accessible tourism as tools for the inclusion. In addition, tourism and transportation stakeholders must guarantee non-discriminatory services; they must approach persons with disabilities as every other (...)
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  50. » Bošković on Knowledge.«.Dario Škarica - 1993 - Synthesis Philosophica 8:255-267.
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