Results for 'Daniel Gil-Benumeya'

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  1.  3
    La muerte de los otros. Un análisis comparado de la gestión de los espacios funerarios islámicos y judíos en la Comunidad de Madrid.Daniel Gil-Benumeya & Óscar Salguero Montaño - 2024 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 29:e95093.
    La cuestión funeraria puede entenderse como un hecho social total que implica cuestiones de orden histórico, social, político, simbólico, jurídico o económico. Este estudio realiza un análisis comparado de las demandas y necesidades en materia funeraria de las comunidades judía y musulmana en el territorio de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid como caso de estudio. Ambas religiones comparten una historia de desarraigo y persecución en la sociedad española, configurada durante siglos como esencialmente católica, así como un proceso de recuperación y (...)
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    Exploring the Role of Meditation and Dispositional Mindfulness on Social Cognition Domains: A Controlled Study.Daniel Campos, Marta Modrego-Alarcón, Yolanda López-del-Hoyo, Manuel González-Panzano, William Van Gordon, Edo Shonin, Mayte Navarro-Gil & Javier García-Campayo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  3. A new well‐being atomism.Gil Hersch & Daniel Weltman - 2023 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 107 (1):3-23.
    Many philosophers reject the view that well-being over a lifetime is simply an aggregation of well-being at every moment of one's life, and thus they reject theories of well-being like hedonism and concurrentist desire satisfactionism. They raise concerns that such a view misses the importance of the relationships between moments in a person's life or the role narratives play in a person's well-being. In this article, we develop an atomist meta-theory of well-being, according to which the prudential value of a (...)
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    It’s Not the Slope that Matters: Well-Being and Shapes of Lives.Gil Hersch & Daniel Weltman - 2024 - Journal of Moral Philosophy.
    Many believe that an upward-sloping life is better than a downward-sloping life because of its shape. This is a common way of formulating the shape of a life hypothesis. We argue that the hypothesis is mistaken. We need not assume that there is something intrinsically valuable in the shape of one’s life to justify the tendency to judge an upward-sloping life as better than a downward sloping one. Instead, we can appeal to more fundamental and less controversial claims to justify (...)
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  5. It’s Not the Slope that Matters: Well-Being and Shapes of Lives.Gil Hersch & Daniel Weltman - forthcoming - Journal of Moral Philosophy.
    Many believe that an upward-sloping life is better than a downward-sloping life because of its shape. This is a common way of formulating the shape of a life hypothesis. We argue that the hypothesis is mistaken. We need not assume that there is something intrinsically valuable in the shape of one’s life to justify the tendency to judge an upward-sloping life as better than a downward sloping one. Instead, we can appeal to more fundamental and less controversial claims to justify (...)
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  6. Bringing pupils' learning closer to a scientific construction of knowledge: A permanent feature in innovations in science teaching.Daniel Gil‐Perez & Jaime Carrascosa‐Alis - 1994 - Science Education 78 (3):301-315.
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  7. From Models to Experiments.Gil Hersch & Daniel Houser - 2018 - In Richard E. Wagner, James M. Buchanan: A Theorist of Political Economy and Social Philosophy. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 921-937.
    In this paper we discuss James Buchanan’s contribution in the narrow domain of understanding committee voting under majority rule. We then go on to discuss Charles Plott’s seminal experimental work on the topic that sparked a wave of public choice experimental work. However, given Plott’s claims that Buchanan influenced him significantly, it is puzzling that his work with Morris Fiorina explores a question outside of those which Buchanan and Tullock found interesting. We suggest several ways to resolve this tension. Our (...)
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    From Models to Experiments; James Buchanan and Charles Plott.Gil Hersch & Daniel Houser - 2018 - In Richard E. Wagner, James M. Buchanan: A Theorist of Political Economy and Social Philosophy. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 921-937.
    Buchanan’s work, and in particular The Calculus of Consent, which he wrote with Gordon Tullock, has been foundational in the field of public choicePublic choice. One of his students, Charles Plott, became a pioneer with multiple seminal contributions in the field of experimental public choice. In this chapter we focus on Buchanan’s work on decision making under majority rule, and any influence it may have had on Plott. While Buchanan and Tullock address environments with single decisions, they focus much more (...)
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    Defending constructivism in science education.Daniel Gil-Pérez, Jenaro Guisasola, Antonio Moreno, Antonio Cachapuz, Anna M. Pessoa De Carvalho, Joaquín Martínez Torregrosa, Julia Salinas, Pablo Valdés, Eduardo González & Anna Gené Duch - 2002 - Science & Education 11 (6):557-571.
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    Hacia una imagen no deformada de la actividad científica.Jaime Carrascosa Alís, Daniel Gil Pérez & Isabel Fernández Montoro - 2001 - Endoxa 1 (14):228.
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  11. “Bare life” political order and the specter of antisocial being in Shakespeare's Julius caesar.Daniel Juan Gil - 2007 - Common Knowledge 13 (1):67-79.
  12. What to do about science “misconceptions”.Daniel Gil‐Perez & Jaime Carrascosa - 1990 - Science Education 74 (5):531-540.
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    Zen Wisdom for Christians by Christopher Collingwood.Daniel Millet Gil - 2020 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 40 (1):475-479.
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    Explanation-based learning:A problem solving perspective.Steven Minton, Jaime G. Carbonell, Craig A. Knoblock, Daniel R. Kuokka, Oren Etzioni & Yolanda Gil - 1989 - Artificial Intelligence 40 (1-3):63-118.
  15. When is Green Nudging Ethically Permissible?C. Tyler DesRoches, Daniel Fischer, Julia Silver, Philip Arthur, Rebecca Livernois, Timara Crichlow, Gil Hersch, Michiru Nagatsu & Joshua K. Abbott - 2023 - Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 60:101236.
    This review article provides a new perspective on the ethics of green nudging. We advance a new model for assessing the ethical permissibility of green nudges (GNs). On this model, which provides normative guidance for policymakers, a GN is ethically permissible when the intervention is (1) efficacious, (2) cost-effective, and (3) the advantages of the GN (i.e. reducing the environmental harm) are not outweighed by countervailing costs/harms (i.e. for nudgees). While traditional ethical objections to nudges (paternalism, etc.) remain potential normative (...)
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    The Politics of Belonging: Nationalism, Liberalism, and Pluralism.Rainer Bauböck, Pierre Birnbaum, Stéphane Pierré-Caps, Gil Delannoi, Guy Hermet, Geneviève Koubi, Will Kymlicka, Jacob Levy, Wayne Norman, Patricia Savidan & Daniel Weinstock (eds.) - 2004 - Lexington Books.
    The Politics of Belonging represents an innovative collaboration between political theorists and political scientists for the purposes of investigating the liberal and pluralistic traditions of nationalism. Alain Dieckhoff introduces an indispensable collection of work for anyone dealing with questions of identity, ethnicity, and nationalism.
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  17. Can an evidential account justify relying on preferences for well-being policy?Gil Hersch - 2015 - Journal of Economic Methodology 22 (3):280-291.
    Policy-makers sometimes aim to improve well-being as a policy goal, but to do this they need some way to measure well-being. Instead of relying on potentially problematic theories of well-being to justify their choice of well-being measure, Daniel Hausman proposes that policy-makers can sometimes rely on preference-based measures as evidence for well-being. I claim that Hausman’s evidential account does not justify the use of any one measure more than it justifies the use of any other measure. This leaves us (...)
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  18. Descartes: Reception and Disenchantment. Réception et Déception. Edited by: Yaron Senderowicz & Yves Wahl.Yaron Senderowicz, Yves Wahl, Daniel Garber, Frédéric Cossutta, Georges-Elia Sarfati, Sergio Cremaschi, Anthony Kenny, Elhanan Yakira, Abraham Mansbach, Fernando Gil, Ruth Weintraub, Zauderer Naaman Noa, Keenan Hagi & Viala Alain - 2000 - Tel Aviv: University Publishing Projects.
    A collection of essays in French or English on the reception of Cartesian philosphy.
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    O tilintar dos cálices de Cristo, Chico/Gil e Criolo: a questão da ética num brinde dialógico.Anderson Salvaterra Magalhães & Daniel Eduardo Candido - 2020 - Bakhtiniana 15 (4):46-75.
    ABSTRACT In this paper, the aim is to demonstrate the ethical-semantic impact of great time in the reaccentuation of two reformulations of the expression “let this cup pass from me.” Theoretically, we describe great time as semantic sectors of existence which frame the possibilities of meaning actualized in speech genres and concrete utterances. Methodologically, the song Cálice by Chico Buarque and Gilberto Gil and the RAP Cálice by Criolo are dialogically disposed in relation to their context of production, to one (...)
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  20. Review of Daniel Kelly: Yuck! The Nature and Moral Significance of Disgust: Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2011, 194 pp. $30.00/£20.95. [REVIEW]Marta Gil - 2012 - Neuroethics 6 (1):221-223.
    Perhaps the most remarkable feature about this book is the effort made by its author in order to shed light on the most intriguing question that surrounds disgust: how is it possible for disgust to be so flexible with its objects? This book is highly recommended for those readers interested in the latest and most exciting aspects of current scholarship on the study of the emotions. Readers too who are interested on evolutionary psychology, moral psychology or neuroethics will find this (...)
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    Confessions of an American Psycho: James Hogg’s and Bret Easton Ellis’s Anti-Heroes’ Journey from Vulnerability to Violence.Daniel Cojocaru - 2008 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 15:185-200.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Confessions of an American PsychoJames Hogg’s and Bret Easton Ellis’s Anti-Heroes’ Journey from Vulnerability to ViolenceDaniel Cojocaru (bio)My vitals have all been torn, and every faculty and feeling of my soul racked, and tormented into callous insensibility.... I could perceive no bottom, and then—not till then, did I repeat the tremendous prayer!—I was instantly at liberty; and what I now am, the Almighty knows! Amen.—James Hogg, The Private Memoirs (...)
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    Appels de Jacques Derrida.Danielle Cohen-Lévinas & Ginette Michaud (eds.) - 2014 - Paris: Hermann Éditeurs.
    Autour de la grande conference de Jacques Derrida, intitulee Justices, prononcee en 2003 et demeuree inedite en francais a ce jour, cet ouvrage collectif convoque certains des meilleurs specialistes de son oeuvre. Il s'agit moins ici de commemorer ou de dresser un etat des lieux que de penser, a partir de Derrida et avec lui, ce qui vient et de repondre a l'appel, aux appels pluriels qui resonnent dans son travail philosophique. Sont ainsi examines les principaux legs de sa pensee (...)
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    Optimism for Naturalized Social Metaphysics: A Reply to Hawley.Daniel Saunders - 2020 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 50 (2):138-160.
    Metaphysics has undergone two major innovations in recent decades. First, naturalistic metaphysicians have argued that our best science provides an important source of evidence for metaphysical theories. Second, social metaphysicians have begun to explore the nature of social entities such as groups, institutions, and social categories. Surprisingly, these projects have largely kept their distance from one another. Katherine Hawley has recently argued that, unlike the natural sciences, the social sciences are not sufficiently successful to provide evidence about the metaphysical nature (...)
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    Vauvenargues moraliste: la synthèse impossible de l'idée de nature et de la pensée de la diversité.Daniel Acke - 1993 - Janus Book Publishers.
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    The critique's contradiction as the key to post-Kantianism: Longuenesse and the collapse of Kant's distinction between sensibility and the understanding.Daniel Addison - 2015 - Aurora, Colorado: Noesis Press.
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    The Hegelian Phenomenological Exposition of the Problem of Social Identity.Daniel O. Adekeye - 2018 - Dialogue and Universalism 28 (2):159-175.
    The process of constructing a social reality where “difference” becomes a social asset rather than a monster that threatens peace and progress must commence with a phenomenological understanding of social interactions within and among human societies. In my opinion, Hegel, more than any other thinker, has constructed a phenomenological framework that adequately captures and represents the nature of group interactions within human societies. This paper explores the Hegelian phenomenon of social identity, and, especially, characterizes the interactions between and among various (...)
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    The Status of Irrationality: Karl Jaspers' Response to Davidson and Searle.Daniel Adsett - unknown
    In this dissertation I advance a Jaspersian account of the formation and possession of irrational attitudes. This account stands in opposition to two competing views – externalism and internalism with respect to rational and irrational attitudes. According to externalism, a subject’s attitudes are irrational when they fail to satisfy standards or criteria independent of the subject, such as laws of logic, methods for evidence acquisition, and rules of decision theory. According to internalism, a subject’s attitudes are irrational when they are (...)
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  28. Faith in our future: Pastoral planning in the diocese of Parramatta.Daniel Ang - 2014 - The Australasian Catholic Record 91 (2):131.
    Ang, Daniel The Australian Catholic Church confronts serious challenges now and in the immediate years ahead. Chief among these are the recovery of institutional trust, confidence and credibility in the wake of a sexual abuse crisis; the steady decline in religious practice that will reshape the organisation and vitality of parishes markedly in the next decade, and the related and urgent demand of self-reflection; and pastoral and administrative reform, if it is to live its evangelising mission with renewed integrity (...)
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  29. Karl Jaspers' theory of irrationality: from delusions to worldviews.Daniel Adsett - 2025 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In Karl Jaspers' Theory of Irrationality, Daniel Adsett explains how a Jaspersian view of irrationality makes better sense of the irrationality of delusions and worldviews than competing views, offering a novel contribution to contemporary debates about the character of reason.
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    Literature, ethics, and decolonization in postwar France: the politics of disengagement.Daniel Just - 2015 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Against the background of intellectual and political debates in France during the 1950s and 1960s, Daniel Just examines literary narratives and works of literary criticism arguing that these texts are more politically engaged than they may initially appear. As writings by Roland Barthes, Maurice Blanchot, Albert Camus, and Marguerite Duras show, seemingly disengaged literary principles - such as blankness, minimalism, silence, and indeterminateness - can be deployed to a number of potent political and ethical ends. At the time the (...)
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    Patrick Manning; Daniel Rood (Editors). Global Scientific Practice in an Age of Revolutions, 1750–1850. vii + 401 pp., figs., bibl., index. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2016. $49.95 (cloth); ISBN 9780822944546. E-book available. Patrick Manning; Mat Savelli (Editors). Global Transformations in the Life Sciences, 1945–1980. xi + 314 pp., notes, bibl., index. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018. $45 (cloth); ISBN 9780822945277. E-book available. Patrick Manning; Abigail Owen (Editors). Knowledge in Translation: Global Patterns of Scientific Exchange, 1000–1800 CE. xv + 437 pp., notes, bibl., index. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018. $55 (cloth); ISBN 9780822945376. E-book available. [REVIEW]Dániel Margócsy - 2020 - Isis 111 (4):852-855.
  32. El dolor social.Adriana Gil Juárez - 2005 - Ludus Vitalis 13 (24):211-222.
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    Diamond Lil at Euro-Disneyland: A Conversation.Alice Y. Kaplan, Myriam Herve-Gil & Jean-Philippe Mazzia - 1995 - Substance 24 (1/2):154.
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    Nota editorial.Juana María Gil Ruiz - 2022 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 2:5-8.
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    The Smile of Tragedy: Nietzsche and the Art of Virtue.Daniel R. Ahern - 2012 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    In _The Smile of Tragedy_, Daniel Ahern examines Nietzsche’s attitude toward what he called “the tragic age of the Greeks,” showing it to be the foundation not only for his attack upon the birth of philosophy during the Socratic era but also for his overall critique of Western culture. Through an interpretation of “Dionysian pessimism,” Ahern clarifies the ways in which Nietzsche sees ethics and aesthetics as inseparable and how their theoretical separation is at the root of Western nihilism. (...)
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    Words from the wound: selected addresses, letters and homilies of archbishop mark coleridge [Book Review].Michael E. Daniel - 2016 - The Australasian Catholic Record 93 (2):251.
    Daniel, Michael E Review of: Words from the wound: selected addresses, letters and homilies of archbishop mark coleridge, by Mark Coleridge, edited by Anthony Ekpo and David Pascoe, pp. 342, $24.95.
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    What inspires action in Global Health?Daniel Palazuelos - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (2):6-10.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:What inspires action in Global Health?Daniel Palazuelos"Why do all of you want to go to the middle of nowhere and take care of the sickest people even though you won't have half the tools necessary to make the slightest difference?" he asks.I'm sitting in the Intensive Care Unit workroom enjoying one of those rare, calm moments during residency when this question suddenly breaks my peace. A co-resident, my (...)
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    4 Figuren der Andersheit: Der ontologische Aspekt oder die Frage nach dem Anderen.Daniel Althof - 2017 - In System Und Systemkritik: Hegels Metaphysik Absoluter Negativität Und Jacobis Sprung. De Gruyter. pp. 130-155.
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    Siglen.Daniel Althof - 2017 - In System Und Systemkritik: Hegels Metaphysik Absoluter Negativität Und Jacobis Sprung. De Gruyter.
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  40. Appetites, Matter and Metaphors: Aristotle, Physics I, 9 , and Its Renaissance Commentators.Daniel Andersson - 2016 - In Guido Giglioni, James A. T. Lancaster, Sorana Corneanu & Dana Jalobeanu, Francis Bacon on Motion and Power. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
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    Ralph A. Smith and Ronald Berman, eds., Public policy and the aesthetic interest: Critical essays on defining cultural and educational relations.Daniel Baker - 1993 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 51 (4):636-639.
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    Individuación, sujeto y aprendizaje.Lina Marcela Gil Congote - 2019 - Doispontos 16 (2).
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  43.  10
    Herramientas y conceptos del Cosmismo ruso como alternativa al vacío existencial del Transhumanismo.María Adelaida Gil Martínez & Yulia Vorontsova - 2021 - Relectiones 9:54-63.
    El objetivo de este artículo es presentar los diferentes conceptos del Cosmismo ruso como una alternativa al vacío existencial que permea todo el Transhumanismo. Si tenemos en cuenta que el fenómeno original del Cosmismo ruso es una síntesis de enfoques científicos generales, científico-naturales y culturales para el estudio de la dimensión cosmoplanetaria del hombre, es posible ver en el movimiento del Transhumanismo, por el contrario, supone una amenaza para la humanidad que podría culminar en la realización de sus ideales y (...)
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  44.  18
    The Moderating Effect of Store Format on the Relationships Between ICT, Innovation and Sustainability in Retailing.Antonio Marín-García, Irene Gil-Saura, María-Eugenia Ruiz-Molina & Gloria Berenguer-Contrí - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Innovation and sustainability are postulated as key variables for the future of large commercial distribution. In addition, the development of Information and Communication Technologies solutions, and especially those related to Artificial Intelligence and digitization, are particularly relevant factors in the current pandemic scenario in which retail companies operate. These tools are essential to face the derived changes in commercial relations, especially between companies and consumers. For all these reasons, this work aims to examine the effect of ICT, as a driving (...)
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    Conflict.Daniel McGowan - 2024 - Questions 24:30-30.
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    Sloth: The Besetting Sin of the Age?Daniel Mcinerny - 2009 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 12 (1):38-61.
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  47. Caixa de ferramentas afetivas.Daniel Meirinho - 2025 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 31 (1).
    Ensaio visual produzido a partir de uma série de fotografias através de um inventário catalográfico amoroso da caixa de ferramentas do meu pai e das relações afetivas que estabeleci com ele através destas peças.
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  48. Laçaço – (re)performar o afeto.Daniel Meirinho - 2022 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 28 (2).
    Laçaço foi uma ação colaborativa e "tática" coletiva que surgiu do questionamento da relação entre arte, corpo, cidade e do afrouxamento dos laços de afeto aí implicados. Trata-se de uma documentação fotográfica e expansão visual da intervenção performática de apropriação simbólica do Forte dos Reis Magos, marco inicial da cidade de Natal.
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    Introducción al análisis normativo.Daniel Mendonca - 1992 - Madrid: Centro de estudios constitucionales.
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    The Book to Come Is a Theater.Daniel Mesguich, Gerv Ais Robin & Carl R. Lovitt - 1977 - Substance 6 (18/19):113.
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