Results for 'D. Salmon'

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  1. Two aspects of impaired consciousness in alzheimer's.E. Salmon, P. Ruby, D. Perani, E. Kalbe, Steven Laureys, S. Adam & F. Collette - 2005 - In Steven Laureys (ed.), The Boundaries of Consciousness: Neurobiology and Neuropathology. Elsevier.
  2. J. Alberto Coffa.W. C. Salmon, G. Massey, N. D. Belnap Jr & T. M. Simpson - 1993 - In David-Hillel Ruben (ed.), Explanation. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Chromosomes take an active role in spindle assembly.Jennifer C. Waters & Edward D. Salmon - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (11):911-914.
    The assembly of a bipolar spindle is essential for the accurate segregation of replicated chromosomes during cell division. Do chromosomes rely solely on other cellular components to regulate the assembly of the bipolar spindle or are they masters of their own fate? In the Zhang and Nicklas(1) study reviewed here, micromanipulation techniques and video microscopy were used to demonstrate the different roles that chromosome arms, kinetochores and centrosomes play in bipolar spindle assembly.
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    Long-delay visual discrimination learning in monkeys.M. R. D’Amato, D. P. Salmon & M. Puopolo - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 18 (2):89-91.
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    The Mediaeval Latin Translations of Alfarabi’s Works.D. Salmon - 1939 - New Scholasticism 13 (3):245-261.
  6. Posterior parietal contributions in motor programming for peripheral visual targets.M. Ishihara, L. Pisella, A. Blangero, J. Luaute, P. Krolak-Salmon, G. Rode, D. Boisson, A. Vighetto, K. Imanaka & Y. Rossetti - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 165-166.
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    Les éditions Zeus, une initiative maçonnique pour la littérature d'avant-garde.Olivia Salmon Monviola - 2006 - In Maxence Caron & Jocelyn Benoist (eds.), Heidegger. Paris: Cerf. pp. 125.
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    Dynamic instability of microtubules.L. U. Cassimeris, R. A. Walker, N. K. Pryer & E. D. Salmon - 1987 - Bioessays 7 (4):149-154.
    Recent evidence shows that dynamic instability is the dominant mechanism for the assembly of pure tubulin in vitro and for the great majority of microtubules in the mitotic spindle and the interphase cytoplasmic microtubule complex. The basic concepts of this model provide a framework for future characterization of the molecular basis of spatial and temporal regulation of microtubule dynamics in the cell and the function of microtubule dynamics in motile processes such as chromosome movement.
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    Mélanges d'IslamologieMelanges d'Islamologie.James A. Bellamy & Pierre Salmon - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (1):159.
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    Les « Études psychologiques sur moi-même » de Gabriel Tarde. Faire science de soi, la genèse d’une méthode de travail.Louise Salmon - 2017 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 54:15-34.
    Les 18 cahiers inédits des « Études psychologiques sur moi-même » écrits entre 1862 et 1876 sont caractéristiques de ces écritures de l’intime qui connaissent un déploiement certain dans la sphère privée et un succès éditorial dans la sphère publique au XIXe siècle. Premières écritures tardiennes, si ces cahiers représentent pour Tarde un support matériel pour une écriture et une lecture de soi, ils nous plongent aussi dans le laboratoire intérieur de Tarde où la pratique d’une introspection à visée scientifique (...)
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  11. Science looks at spirituality David hay and spirituality as a natural phenomenon: Bringing Pawel M. Socha biological and psychological perspectives together Ellen Goldberg cognitive science and hathayoga.Harold J. Morowitz, Charley D. Hardwick, Ann Pederson, Gregory R. Peterson, Karl E. Peters, Nicole Schmitz-Moormann, James F. Salmon, S. J. Paul H. Carr, Michael W. DeLashmutt & James E. Huchingson - 2005 - Zygon 40 (3-4):788.
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    (1 other version)The Appraisal of Theories: Kuhn Meets Bayes.Wesley C. Salmon - 1990 - PSA Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1990 (2):324-332.
    Can statistical inference shed any worthwhile light on theory change? For many years I have believed that the answer is “Yes.” Let me try to explain why I think so. On my first reading of Thomas S. Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962) I was so deeply shocked at his repudiation of the distinction between the context of discovery and the context of justification that I put the book down without finishing it. By 1969, when a conference was held (...)
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    Alternative Models of Scientific Explanation.Wesley C. Salmon & Merrilee H. Salmon - 1997 - In Wesley C. Salmon (ed.), Causality and Explanation. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Coauthored with Merrilee Salmon, addresses archaeologists and other anthropologists interested in the nature of scientific explanation. A group called the new archaeologists, concerned to assure the scientific status of archaeology, had become convinced that a sine qua non of science is the construction of explanations conforming to Hempel's D‐N model. The authors aim was to show that a much wider class of covering law models of explanation is available, and that others in this set are more suitable than the (...)
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    Le Jugement d’Existence.E. G. Salmon - 1939 - New Scholasticism 13 (3):281-284.
  15. Joseph Webbe: Some Seventeenth-century Views On Language-teaching And The Nature Of Meaning.Vivian Salmon - 1961 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 23 (2):324-340.
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    Liberty by degrees: Raynal and Diderot on the British constitution.J. H. M. Salmon - 1999 - History of Political Thought 20 (1):87-106.
    Raynal and his collaborator, Diderot, offer views on the history and nature of the British Constitution in various parts of their encyclopedic account of Western expansion, The History of the Two Indies (1770, revised versions 1780 and 1784). These opinions are analysed in comparison with the judgments of Montesquieu, Voltaire, Hume, Bolingbroke, De Lolme and others. The evolution of Raynal's ideas on the subject is discussed in the light of his earlier anglophobic History of the Parliament of England (1748) and (...)
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    Processos causals, realisme i mecànica quàntica.Merrilee H. Salmon - 2005 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 37:169-179.
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    The many Galens of the medieval commentators on vision/Les multiples Galien des commentateurs médiévaux de la vision.Fernando Salmon - 1997 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 50 (4):397-420.
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    Verbicide: Du Bon Usage des Cerveaux Humains Disponibles: Essais.Christian Salmon - 2005 - Climats.
    Ce livre traite du 11 septembre ; du triomphe de la télé réalité, des formes nouvelles de domination symbolique, du capitalisme culturel, mais il gravite autour d'un seul et même foyer : nous vivons une crise mondiale de narration, dont le symptôme le plus visible est une inflation narrative, la substitution de l'anecdote au récit. Qu'il emprunte la forme de l'essai ou du récit, ce livre décrit la situation d'un homme sans recours narratif face à l'expérience, qui ne sait plus (...)
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  20. SALMON, Wesley: The Foundations of Scientific Inference. [REVIEW]D. Stove - 1969 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 47:86.
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    Psychologie historique et analyse structurale chez J.-P. Vernant.Gildas Salmon - 2007 - Cahiers Philosophiques 112 (4):42-65.
    Si Vernant est célèbre pour avoir appliqué aux mythes grecs la méthode structurale élaborée par Lévi-Strauss, on essaiera ici de montrer que l’absence de la notion de transformation dans ses travaux révèle la distance qui sépare sa psychologie historique de l’anthropologie structurale. Au lieu d’analyser les relations qui unissent les variantes d’un mythe, Vernant cherche à appréhender la cohérence interne d’une œuvre, afin de reconstituer la mentalité qu’elle exprime. Cette démarche s’oppose profondément à celle de Lévi-Strauss, qui soutient pour sa (...)
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    Causality in Archaeological Explanation.Wesley C. Salmon - 1997 - In Wesley C. Salmon (ed.), Causality and Explanation. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    This chapter extends the discussion of the preceding chapter, and emphasizes the causal dimensions of explanation in archaeology. The author considers the sorts of situations that archaeologists want to explain, and notes that many of these are events that result from a complex set of factors, some of which are positively relevant to the occurrence of the event and others that are negatively relevant. In addition, many events that archaeologists want to explain are events that had a very low probability (...)
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    “A Piece of Cloth Woven with Myths and Faith …” A Repertoire of Polish Flag Symbolism.Monika Salmon-Siama - 2015 - Iris 36:175-190.
    Cet article a pour but de retracer, à partir de l’exemple des étendards polonais du xxe siècle, la genèse et le fonctionnement à travers le temps de cet important support identitaire. L’iconographie et la chromatique vexillologique ont un rôle précis à jouer dans la transmission intergénérationnelle de la mythologie nationale. À partir d’un échantillon thématique de bannières des immigrées polonaises en France, nous nous interrogerons sur l’évolution ou l’immuabilité de cet imaginaire spécifique conditionné non seulement par le temps et l’espace, (...)
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    L'offre éthique des entreprises.Anne Salmon - 2004 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 116 (1):77-96.
    Que l’éthique ait pu soutenir le capitalisme n’est pas une idée nouvelle : on la trouve déjà chez Marx, puis chez Weber qui analyse les « affinités électives » entre l’éthique protestante et l’esprit du capitalisme. Il semble cependant qu’aujourd’hui, on assiste à un phénomène qui relèverait d’une « économisation » du concept d’éthique. Le lieu de « production » de l’ « éthique » paraît bien être la sphère économique elle-même, et notamment l’entreprise qui en serait l’un des principaux (...)
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  25. On Raising the Chances of Effects.D. H. Mellor - 1988 - In J. H. Fetzer (ed.), Probability and Causality: Essays in Honor of Wesley C. Salmon. D. Reidel. pp. 229-239.
    I show that the connotations of causation - temporal, explanatory, predictive and means-end - are preserved in indeterministic causation only to the extent that effects have a greater chance of occurring in the circumstances if their causes do than if they don’t.
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    "Zeno's Paradoxes," ed. Wesley C. Salmon[REVIEW]Martin D. O'Keefe - 1972 - Modern Schoolman 49 (3):291-291.
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  27. Frege’s puzzle and Frege cases: Defending a quasi-syntactic solution.Robert D. Rupert - 2008 - Cognitive Systems Research 9:76-91.
    There is no doubt that social interaction plays an important role in language-learning, as well as in concept acquisition. In surprising contrast, social interaction makes only passing appearance in our most promising naturalistic theories of content. This is particularly true in the case of mental content (e.g., Cummins, 1996; Dretske, 1981, 1988; Fodor, 1987, 1990a; Millikan, 1984); and insofar as linguistic content derives from mental content (Grice, 1957), social interaction seems missing from our best naturalistic theories of both.1 In this (...)
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    Ethics and Other Knowledge. [REVIEW]J. D. Bastable - 1957 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 7:243-243.
    The 1957 Presidential address of Fr. Klubertanz pleads for greater study of Thomist ethics, especially in view of its recent criticism by Leclerc and Niebuhr, which is expounded and tentatively evaluated. Père Eschmann portrays St. Thomas’s approach to moral philosophy as balancing human autonomy with objective order. Fr. Doyle analyses the current problem of subalternating ethics to theology. Miss Salmon investigates the relationship of moral truth to modern epistemology, while Dr. Riedl further analyses ethics as a practical science in (...)
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    P. Salmon: La limitation des naissances dans la société romaine. (Collection Latomus 250.) Pp. 101. Brussels: Latomus, Revue d’Études Latines, 1999. Paper, frs 100. ISBN: 2-87031-191-5. [REVIEW]David Noy - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (2):438-439.
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  30. Sober on Brandon on screening-off and the levels of selection.Robert N. Brandon, Janis Antonovics, Richard Burian, Scott Carson, Greg Cooper, Paul Sheldon Davies, Christopher Horvath, Brent D. Mishler, Robert C. Richardson, Kelly Smith & Peter Thrall - 1994 - Philosophy of Science 61 (3):475-486.
    Sober (1992) has recently evaluated Brandon's (1982, 1990; see also 1985, 1988) use of Salmon's (1971) concept of screening-off in the philosophy of biology. He critiques three particular issues, each of which will be considered in this discussion.
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  31. Bokk Review.Eleonore Stump, Charles B. Schmitt, James J. Murphy, M. Mugnai, Robin Smith, C. W. Kilmister, N. C. A. Da Costa, von G. Schenk, Robert Bunn, D. W. Barron & A. Grieder - 1982 - History and Philosophy of Logic 3 (2):213-240.
    MEDIEVAL LOGICS LAMBERT MARIE DE RIJK (ed.), Die mittelalterlichen Traktate De mod0 opponendiet respondendi, Einleitung und Ausgabe der einschlagigen Texte. (Beitrage zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters, Neue Folge Band 17.) Miinster: Aschendorff, 1980. 379 pp. No price stated. THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY MARTA FATTORI, Lessico del Novum Organum di Francesco Bacone. Rome: Edizioni dell'Ateneo 1980. Two volumes, il + 543, 520 pp. Lire 65.000. VIVIAN SALMON, The study of language in 17th century England. (Amsterdam Studies in the (...)
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    Wesley Salmon sobre explicació, probabilitat i racionalitat.Maria Carla Galavotti - 2005 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 37:61-75.
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    Trade and industry D. J. Mattingly, J. salmon (edd.): Economies beyond agriculture in the classical world . Pp. XII + 324, figs. London and new York: Routledge, 2000. Cased, £50. Isbn: 0-415-21253-. [REVIEW]Peter Fibiger Bang - 2002 - The Classical Review 52 (01):97-.
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    Sobre la predicció en Ciències Ciències socials: anàlisi de la proposta de Merrilee Salmon.Wenceslao J. González - 2005 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 37:181-202.
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    Justificant la justificació de la inducció de Salmon.Gerhard Ernst - 2005 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 37:77-84.
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    Un épisode du pacte Des muses… érasme et salmon macrin.Georges Soubeille - 1982 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 44 (1):133-136.
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    Über zwei formen Von realismus in der quantentheorie.Michael Stöltzner - 1999 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 30 (2):289-316.
    On Two Types of Realism in Quantum Theory. Current realist approaches to the foundations of quantum theory emphasize the dichotomy between (Copenhagen) positivism and ‘beable’-realism. Recently it was even attempted to turn this picture into two (equally possible) histories in order to legitimate Bohmian Mechanics as a viable alternative. This paper argues that this dichotomy is philosophically inadequate and historically questionable by embedding it into the philosophical discussion on positivism and realism that has taken place since the 1920s. Logical Empiricists (...)
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  38. True belief reports and the sharing of beliefs.Heimir Geirsson - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Research 23 (January):331-342.
    In recent years Russell´s view that there are singular propositions, namely propositions that contain the individuals they are about, has gained followers. As a response to a number of puzzles about attitude ascriptions several Russellians (as I will call those who accept the view that proper names and indexicals only contribute their referents to the propositions expressed by the sentences in which they occur), including David Kaplan and Nathan Salmon, have drawn a distinction between what proposition is believed and (...)
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    Progress in philosophy.J. A. McWilliams - 1955 - Milwaukee: Bruce Pub. Co..
    --Father Hart, by J.D. Collins.--The meeting of the ways, by J.A. McWilliams.--On the notion of subsistence, by J. Maritain.--Metaphysics and unity, by E.G. Salmon.--What is really real? By W.N. Clarke.--Professor Scheltens and the proof of God's existence, by F.X. Meehan.--On the mathematical approach to nature, by V.E. Smith.--The assimilation of the new to the old in the philosophy of nature, by L.A. Foley.--In seipsa subsistere, by I. Brady.--St. Thomas and the unity of man, by A.C. Pegis.--Law and morality, by (...)
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    Mythical Mythology: Mythical Objects, Intentional Identity, and Referential Anti-Realism.Peter Alward - forthcoming - Dialogue:1-17.
    Résumé Je défends une solution référentielle anti-réaliste au problème de l'identité intentionnelle. Je développe la solution réaliste référentielle de Nathan Salmon — selon laquelle les objets mythiques existent et que nous pouvons y faire référence en utilisant des noms d'objets mythiques — et je considère les objections de David Braun à son égard. Je soutiens que la solution de Salmon donne l'identité réelle des objets des pensées de plusieurs sujets, plutôt que leur identité intentionnelle. Je développe enfin une (...)
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  41. Hume's skepticism about inductive inference.N. Scott Arnold - 1983 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 21 (1):31-56.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Hume's Skepticism about Inductive Inference N. SCOTT ARNOLD IT HAS BEEN A COMMONPLACE among commentators on Hume's philosophy that he was a radical skeptic about inductive inference. In addition, he is alleged to have been the first philosopher to pose the so-called problem of induction. Until recently, however, Hume's argument in this connection has not been subject to very close scrutiny. As attention has become focused on this (...)
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  42. Why explanation and thus coherence cannot be reduced to probability.M. Siebel - 2011 - Analysis 71 (2):264-266.
    Some philosophers, most notably Hempel and Salmon, have tried to reduce explanation to probability by proposing analyses of explanation in probabilistic terms. Hempel claims, roughly, that a hypothesis H explains a datum D if and only if the conditional probability P is close to 1. It is well known that such an account fails in cases where H is irrelevant for D. Even though it is highly likely that Tom will not become pregnant, given that he regularly takes his (...)
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    Probabilities: Reasonable or true?J. Alberto Coffa - 1977 - Philosophy of Science 44 (2):186-198.
    Hempel's high probability requirement asserts that any rationally acceptable answer to the question 'Why did event X occur?' must offer information which shows that X was to be expected at least with reasonable probability. Salmon rejected this requirement in his S-R model. This led to a series of paradoxical consequences, such as the assertion that an explanation of an event can both lower its probability and make it arbitrarily low, and the assertion that the explanation of an outcome would (...)
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    Bayesianism and Analogy in Hume's Dialogues.Robert Burch - 1980 - Hume Studies 6 (1):32-44.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:32. BAYESIANISM AND ANALOGY IN HUME'S DIALOGUES Wesley Salmon has recently focussed attention on Hume's consideration of the argument from design for the existence of God in the Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, by construing it according to a Bayesian account of inductive inferences to causal hypotheses. Salmon argues that an interpretation of the argument from design, considered by Philo and Cleanthes in the Dialogues, as an appeal (...)
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  45. The Structure of Explanation in Cognitive Science.Brian Beakley - 1992 - Dissertation, State University of New York at Stony Brook
    The goal of this dissertation is to show that cognitive science, while dealing with the special subject of the mind, can nonetheless fit into the same general model that Bas van Fraassen provides for the natural sciences. The dissertation focuses specifically on the nature of explanation in the cognitive sciences. ;Chapter One makes clear what I take cognitive science to be in the work. The two central cases here are Noam Chomsky's theory of generative syntax, and David Marr's computational theory (...)
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    Non-Exclusive Resources And Rights Of Exclusion: Private Property Rights In Practice.Hannes H. Gissurarson - 2003 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 13 (1).
    Certain scarce resources seem indivisible, unlike, e.g., land and cattle. But some such resources can be, and have been, turned into private property. In offshore fishing grounds, individual tranferable quotas have been issued to fishing firms that have, as a result, become custodians of fish stocks in those grounds. In the eel fishery on the Danish coast owners of farms by the coast had traditional rights to lay eeltraps leasing those rights out to professional fishermen. In the 1920’s in the (...)
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  47. Philosophy of Science: The Central Issues.Martin Curd & Jan A. Cover (eds.) - 1998 - Norton.
    Contents Preface General Introduction 1 | Science and Pseudoscience Introduction Karl Popper, Science: Conjectures and Refutations Thomas S. Kuhn, Logic of Discovery or Psychology of Research? Imre Lakatos, Science and Pseudoscience Paul R. Thagard, Why Astrology Is a Pseudoscience Michael Ruse, Creation-Science Is Not Science Larry Laudan, Commentary: Science at the Bar---Causes for Concern Commentary 2 | Rationality, Objectivity, and Values in Science Introduction Thomas S. Kuhn, The Nature and Necessity of Scientific Revolutions Thomas S. Kuhn, Objectivity, Value Judgment, and (...)
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    The Hume Literature for 1978.Roland Hall - 1979 - Hume Studies 5 (2):131-138.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:131. THE HUME LITERATURE FOR 1978 The Hume Literature from 1925 to 1976 has been thoroughly covered in my book Fifty Years of Hume Scholarship : A Bibliographical Guide (Edinburgh University Press, 1978; J¿ 5.50), which also lists the main earlier writings on Hume. Publications of the year 1977 were listed in Hume Studies last November. What follows here will bring the record up to the end of 1978. (...)
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  49. Essays in honor of Carl G. Hempel.Carl G. Hempel, Donald Davidson & Nicholas Rescher (eds.) - 1970 - Dordrecht,: D. Reidel.
    Reminiscences of Peter, by P. Oppenheim.--Natural kinds, by W. V. Quine.--Inductive independence and the paradoxes of confirmation, by J. Hintikka.--Partial entailment as a basis for inductive logic, by W. C. Salmon.--Are there non-deductive logics?, by W. Sellars.--Statistical explanation vs. statistical inference, by R. C. Jeffre--Newcomb's problem and two principles of choice, by R. Nozick.--The meaning of time, by A. Grünbaum.--Lawfulness as mind-dependent, by N. Rescher.--Events and their descriptions: some considerations, by J. Kim.--The individuation of events, by D. Davidson.--On properties, (...)
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  50. Dedukcyjno-nomologiczny model wyjaśniania Hempla a wyjaśnianie w naukach humanistycznych.Adam Włodarczyk - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (4).
    The starting point of the article is claim, that the well-known distinction between natural sciences as explaining and human sciences as interpreting made by W. Dilthey and distinction between idiographic and nomothetic sciences made by H. Rickert are both inadequate at present. Human sciences separate their research areas using logics and statistics and formulating many generalizations and even laws. So it can be argued that they can give explanations sensu stricto. First part of the article describes contemporary controversy naturalism-anti­naturalism in (...)
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