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Alfons Grieder [23]A. Grieder [9]Andrea Grieder [1]
  1. Gaston Bachelard: Phenomenologist of Modern Science.Alfons Grieder - 1989 - In Mary McAllester Jones, The Philosophy and poetics of Gaston Bachelard. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America.
  2.  47
    What are Boundary Situations? A Jaspersian Notion Reconsidered.Alfons Grieder - 2009 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 40 (3):330-336.
  3.  16
    Husserl and the Origin of Geometry.Alfons Grieder - 1989 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 20 (3):277-289.
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    What did Heidegger Mean by ‘Essence’?Alfons Grieder - 1988 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 19 (1):64-89.
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    Essential thinking, reflections on heidegger'beitrage zur philosophie'.Alfons Grieder - 1992 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 23 (3):240-251.
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    Eidos Uno Existenz, Umrisse Einer Philosophie Der Gegenwärtigkeit, by Gerhard Huber.Alfons Grieder - 1999 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 30 (3):338-341.
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    Further Remarks on Boundary Conditions, Boundary Situations and Jaspersian Grenzsituationen.Alfons Grieder - 2010 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 41 (3):319-324.
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    Geometry and the Life-World in Husserl's later Philosophy.Alfons Grieder - 1977 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 8 (2):119-122.
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    Gaston Bachelard—‘Phénoménologue’ of Modern Science.Alfons Grieder - 1986 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 17 (2):107-123.
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    Husserl and Heidegger: The Question of a Phenomenological Beginning, by Timothy J. Stapleton.Alfons Grieder - 1991 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 22 (2):104-105.
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    Husserl in the Thirties—the Hegelian Connection.Alfons Grieder - 1980 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 11 (3):255-270.
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    How the phenomenologists rediscovered the world.Alfons Grieder - 1994 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 25 (1):7-13.
  13.  23
    Karl Jaspers and the Quest for Philosophic Truth.Alfons Grieder - 1986 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 17 (1):17-35.
  14.  14
    On the Logic of Relations.Alfons Grieder - 1980 - Dialectica 34 (3):167-182.
    SummaryThe following paper is an attempt to deal with relations as elements of certain closed structures which I call relation schemata. A relation schema is essentially a lattice whose alements are m‐ary relations over a domain of individuals. The approach is based upon methods well known from linear algebra and throws light upon some analogies between classic syllogistic and relational logic; it also suggests a natural way of extending classic syllogistic to a system of 42 syllogisms.RésuméL'article suivant est une tentative (...)
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  15. Protophysik der Zeit und Relativitätstheorie.Alfons Grieder - 1976 - Dialectica 30 (2):145.
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    Philosophy in a technological age.Alfons Grieder - 1975 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 6 (1):3-12.
  17.  51
    Relativity, causality and the 'substratum'.Alfons Grieder - 1977 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 28 (1):35-48.
  18.  5
    Understanding of science and science of understanding.Alfons Grieder - 1976 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 7 (3):177-183.
  19.  18
    Zur formalen ordnung der kategorien und momente in hegels logik.Alfons Grieder - 1985 - History and Philosophy of Logic 6 (1):1-24.
    The thought determinations of Hegel's Logic are tentatively considered as three mutually intersecting systems giving rise to a set of general ordering relations. Each main category is given its place in a main sequence with triadic structure and is associated with two sequences of dependent partial determinations. In this way a number of clear distinctions can be introduced and some significant but hitherto largely neglected correspondences between categories and their partial determinations, in particular the so-called moments, be studied.
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  20. Poetry and Ethics: Inventing Possibilities in Which We Are Moved to Action and How We Live Together.Obiora Ike, Andrea Grieder & Ignace Haaz (eds.) - 2018 - Geneva, Switzerland: Globethics Publications.
    This book on the topic of ethics and poetry consists of contributions from different continents on the subject of applied ethics related to poetry. It should gather a favourable reception from philosophers, ethicists, theologians and anthropologists from Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America and allows for a comparison of the healing power of words from various religious, spiritual and philosophical traditions. The first part of this book presents original poems that express ethical emotions and aphorism related to a philosophical questioning (...)
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  21. Bokk Review.Eleonore Stump, Charles B. Schmitt, James J. Murphy, M. Mugnai, Robin Smith, C. W. Kilmister, N. C. A. Da Costa, von G. Schenk, Robert Bunn, D. W. Barron & A. Grieder - 1982 - History and Philosophy of Logic 3 (2):213-240.
    MEDIEVAL LOGICS LAMBERT MARIE DE RIJK (ed.), Die mittelalterlichen Traktate De mod0 opponendiet respondendi, Einleitung und Ausgabe der einschlagigen Texte. (Beitrage zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters, Neue Folge Band 17.) Miinster: Aschendorff, 1980. 379 pp. No price stated. THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY MARTA FATTORI, Lessico del Novum Organum di Francesco Bacone. Rome: Edizioni dell'Ateneo 1980. Two volumes, il + 543, 520 pp. Lire 65.000. VIVIAN SALMON, The study of language in 17th century England. (Amsterdam Studies in the Theory (...)
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    Reviews. [REVIEW]Alfons Grieder - 1977 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 28 (3):289-291.
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