Results for 'Clara Prats'

972 found
  1.  32
    Congenital and Blood Transfusion Transmission of Chagas Disease: A Framework Using Mathematical Modeling.Edneide Ramalho, Jones Albuquerque, Cláudio Cristino, Virginia Lorena, Jordi Gómez I. Prat, Clara Prats & Daniel López - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-10.
    Chagas disease or American trypanosomiasis is an important health problem in Latin America. Due to the mobility of Latin American population around the world, countries without vector presence started to report disease cases. We developed a deterministic compartmental model in order to gain insights into the disease dynamics in a scenario without vector presence, considering congenital transmission and transmission by blood transfusion. The model was used to evaluate the epidemiological effect of control measures. It was applied to demographic data from (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Particularity and Reflexivity in the Intentional Content of Perception.Olga Fernández Prat - 2006 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 21 (2):133-145.
    A significant part of perception, especially in visual perception, is characterized by particularity (roughly, the view that in such cases the perceiver is aware of particular objects in the environment). The intuition of particularity, however, can be made precise in at least two ways. One way (proposed by Searle) is consistent with the view that the content of perception is to be thought of as existentially quantified. Another way (the “demonstrative element” view championed by Evans, Campbell and others in diverse (...)
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    La actividad política de las mujeres republicanas en México (1940-1960).Pilar Domínguez Prats - 2009 - Arbor 185 (735):75-85.
    Durante el exilio en México, una parte significativa de la minoría femenina activa en política en el período republicano se dedicó a la reconstrucción de una de las organizaciones de mujeres que habían funcionado en España durante la guerra, la “Agrupación de Mujeres Antifascistas”. Así se creó en los años cuarenta la Unión de Mujeres Españolas, dedicada en especial a la solidaridad material con las mujeres y los hombres presos dentro de las cárceles franquistas. Su actividad política desarrollada a partir (...)
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    L’évolution de la médecine de la reproduction. Introduction.Hélène Gaumont-Prat - 2011 - Médecine et Droit 2011 (106):7.
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    A Philosophical View on the Experience of Dignity and Autonomy through the Phenomenology of Illness.Andrea Rodríguez-Prat & Xavier Escribano - 2019 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 44 (3):279-298.
    In the context of the end of life, many authors point out how the experience of identity is crucial for the well-being of patients with advanced disease. They define this identity in terms of autonomy, control, or dependence, associating these concepts with the sense of personal dignity. From the perspective of the phenomenology of embodiment, Kay Toombs and other authors have investigated the ways disease can impact on the subjective world of patients and have stressed that a consideration of this (...)
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    « Accès aux origines, anonymat et secret de la filiation ». Commentaire de l'avis no 90 du CCNE du 26 janvier 2006.Hélène Gaumont-Prat - 2006 - Médecine et Droit 2006 (78):88-90.
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    Assumptions and moral understanding of the wish to hasten death: a philosophical review of qualitative studies.Andrea Rodríguez-Prat & Evert van Leeuwen - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (1):63-75.
    It is not uncommon for patients with advanced disease to express a wish to hasten death. Qualitative studies of the WTHD have found that such a wish may have different meanings, none of which can be understood outside of the patient’s personal and sociocultural background, or which necessarily imply taking concrete steps to ending one’s life. The starting point for the present study was a previous systematic review of qualitative studies of the WTHD in advanced patients. Here we analyse in (...)
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    The Naturalization of Phenomenology.Olga Fernández Prat - 2007 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 38 (39):231.
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    Human inference in changing environments with temporal structure.Arthur Prat-Carrabin, Robert C. Wilson, Jonathan D. Cohen & Rava Azeredo da Silveira - 2021 - Psychological Review 128 (5):879-912.
  10.  7
    Movimiento, operación, acción y producción. Explicitación poliana de la teoría aristotélica de la acción.Miquel Bastons Prat - 2004 - Studia Poliana:121-139.
    En este artículo se parte de la distinción aristotélica de cuatro formas fundamentales de acción: enérgeia-kínesis (de la Metafísica) y praxis—poiesis (de la Ética) y de las aportaciones de L. Polo en sus obras de Teoría del Conocimiento y de Ética, especialmente, de sus conceptos de operación inmanente y movimiento transitivo, para establecer una tipología con las cuatro formas fundamentales de un dinamismo: proceso (kinesis), operación (enérgeia), acción (praxis) y producción (poiesis).
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  11.  15
    El pensamiento político de Domingo de Soto y su concepción del poder.Jaime Brufau Prats - 1960 - [Salamanca]: Universidad de Salamanca.
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  12.  22
    Influencia de Suárez en la Ilustración.Jaime Brufau Prats - 1980 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 7:65-79.
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    La actitud metódica de Samuel Pufendorf y la configuración de la "disciplina juris naturalis.".Jaime Brufau Prats - 1968 - Madrid,: Instituto de Estudios Políticos.
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  14.  20
    L’Église et la cité comme formes architecturées de communautisation dans l’Occident latin (500-1500).Dominique Iogna-Prat - 2019 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 56:75-83.
    Victor Hugo a soutenu : « Dieu, cela n’est pas tant que ce n’est pas en pierre / Il faut une maison pour mettre la prière. » L’histoire de l’incarnation christique suffit-elle à expliquer la place de la pierre dans l’imaginaire des sociétés culturellement issues du christianisme? En quoi l’Église – la communauté et l’institution nées de l’enseignement du Christ – poursuit-elle ce projet d’inscription de la chair dans la pierre? Dans quelle mesure la parole de Jésus à l’un de (...)
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    La tipología de la revelación de la palabra sagrada en la Antigua Tradición del buddhismo tibetano.Ramón N. Prats - 1998 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 3:223.
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  16. Rethinking Respect.Clara Lingle - forthcoming - Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics.
    This paper develops and defends a paradigm-based explanation of respect. Paradigm-based explanations propose to illuminate subject matter that are basically disunified, by identifying a form of them (“the paradigm”) that is then shown to be explanatorily basic to the subject as a whole. This explanatory strategy is well-suited to the subject of respect, which is widely agreed to encompass two distinct kinds, appraisal respect and recognition respect. Accordingly, the paper sets out to determine which of these two kinds is paradigmatic (...)
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    The relationship between different types of dissociation and psychosis-like experiences in a non-clinical sample.Clara S. Humpston, Eamonn Walsh, David A. Oakley, Mitul A. Mehta, Vaughan Bell & Quinton Deeley - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 41:83-92.
  18.  70
    The paradoxical self: Awareness, solipsism and first-rank symptoms in schizophrenia.Clara S. Humpston - 2018 - Philosophical Psychology 31 (2):210-231.
    Schizophrenia as a pathology of self-awareness has attracted much attention from philosophical theorists and empirical scientists alike. I view schizophrenia as a basic self-disturbance leading to a lifeworld of solipsism adopted by the sufferer and explain how this adoption takes place, which then manifests in ways such as first-rank psychotic symptoms. I then discuss the relationships between these symptoms, not as isolated mental events, but as end-products of a loss of agency and ownership, and argue that symptoms like thought insertion (...)
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  19. Online Adaptation to Altered Auditory Feedback Is Predicted by Auditory Acuity and Not by Domain-General Executive Control Resources.Clara D. Martin, Caroline A. Niziolek, Jon A. Duñabeitia, Alejandro Perez, Doris Hernandez, Manuel Carreiras & John F. Houde - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  20.  34
    Philosophy and cognitive science on spatial and temporal experience.Olga Fernández-Prat & Daniel Quesada - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):9089-9108.
    The study of the contrast between fundamental aspects of spatial and temporal awareness offers a good opportunity to bring to light the relation between philosophical and scientific theories of consciousness. In this paper we critically examine important work by Rick Grush on spatial and temporal experience, and we show that while there is a valid claim for the relevant neuroscientific model to be one that supports Gareth Evans's stance on "behavioral space", there is not at present any scientific model that (...)
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  21.  18
    Spatial Representations and Their Physical Content.Olga Fernandez Prat & Daniel Quesada - 1997 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 61:107-134.
  22.  25
    The Contribution of Philosophy of Mind to Empirical Theories in Cognitive Science.Olga Fernández-Prat - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 45:3-8.
    It has been argued that philosophical theories in the philosophy of mind necessarily require empirical theories in cognitive science or cognitive neuroscience to be validated. This is indeed an unexpected relation between philosophy and science, since it is widely assumed nowadays – quite apart from Quinean qualms – that philosophical claims are largely a priori just in that their justification proceeds along paths which are independent of empirical investigations. I will defend that the case of attention provides further confirmation of (...)
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  23. The difficulty of kindness : boundaries, time, and the ordinary.Clara Han - 2014 - In Veena Das, Michael Jackson, Arthur Kleinman & Bhrigupati Singh, The ground between: anthropologists engage philosophy. London: Duke University Press.
  24.  33
    Ethical challenges in the COVID-19 research context: a toolkit for supporting analysis and resolution.Clara Calia, Corinne Reid, Cristóbal Guerra, Abdul-Gafar Oshodi, Charles Marley, Action Amos, Paulina Barrera & Liz Grant - 2021 - Ethics and Behavior 31 (1):60-75.
    COVID-19 is compromising all aspects of society, with devastating impacts on health, political, social, economic and educational spheres. A premium is being placed on scientific research as the source of possible solutions, with a situational imperative to carry out investigations at an accelerated rate. There is a major challenge not to neglect ethical standards, in a context where doing so may mean the difference between life and death. In this paper we offer a rubric for considering the ethical challenges in (...)
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  25.  29
    Empresa y su responsabilidad social para un desarrollo económico sostenible.Germán Martínez Prats - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (3):1-7.
    La empresa es una organización donde se desarrolla una actividad económica de producción o de servicio, para satisfacer las necesidades de la sociedad. Representando una parte importante para el desarrollo económico, gracias a al impacto que causa atrayendo nuevas empresas y consumidores para sustentar sus operaciones, para obtener un crecimiento sostenible conforme a su actividad económica realizada. El objetivo de este documento es describir la importancia que las empresas tienen en su aplicación de la responsabilidad social entre los actores de (...)
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  26. Feminist Philosophy, Pragmatism, and the “Turn to Affect”: A Genealogical Critique.Clara Fischer - 2016 - Hypatia 31 (4):810-826.
    Recent years have witnessed a focus on feeling as a topic of reinvigorated scholarly concern, described by theorists in a range of disciplines in terms of a “turn to affect.” Surprisingly little has been said about this most recent shift in critical theorizing by philosophers, including feminist philosophers, despite the fact that affect theorists situate their work within feminist and related, sometimes intersectional, political projects. In this article, I redress the seeming elision of the “turn to affect” in feminist philosophy, (...)
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  27.  22
    Ética de la responsabilidad y racionalidad de la praxis. Schopenhauer en perspectiva.Belisario Prats-Palma, José Vicente Villalobos-Antúnez, Pedro Severino-González & Flavia Sepúlveda De la Jara - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 18 (5):1-11.
    Se aborda el concepto de ética de la responsabilidad desde una doble perspectiva: desde la racionalidad de la praxis que despliega el sujeto visto como individuo, pero también desde la idea de la solidaridad necesaria para conformar una trama filosófica que aborde la ética empresarial en un sentido abarcador. Bajo el concepto de filosofía de la praxis, se interpreta el concepto de conciencia moral para luego abordar el concepto de responsabilidad social como praxis necesarias de la acción. Se concluye desde (...)
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    Introduction au colloque « Avancées biomédicales et protection des libertés ».Hélène Gaumont-Prat - 2011 - Médecine et Droit 2011 (106):3-4.
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    La réflexion du Comité consultatif national d’éthique sur la procréation médicalement assistée.Hélène Gaumont-Prat - 2014 - Médecine et Droit 2014 (125):29-33.
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    Tests génétiques et emploi. propositions à l'occasion de la révision des lois de bioéthique.Hélène Gaumont-Prat - 2000 - Médecine et Droit 2000 (42):26-31.
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  31. Moral.Brufau Prats & Jaime[From Old Catalog] - 1967 - [Salamanca]: Universidad de Salamanca.
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  32. Por la educación: ensayos y conferencias.Ivelisse Prats-Ramírez de Pérez - 1981 - [Santo Domingo: Editora de la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo]. Edited by Fiume Gómez de Michel.
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  33. The Roles of Psychological Capital and Gender in University Students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions.Clara Margaça, Brizeida Hernández-Sánchez, José Carlos Sánchez-García & Giuseppina Maria Cardella - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Universities increasingly play an important role in entrepreneurship, which has contributed to gender equality in the business world. The aim of this study is to establish a causal model of entrepreneurial intentions and explore it by gender, based on the dimensions of the Theory of Planned Behavior, and how these are mediated by the individuals’ resilience and psychological well-being. The previous work experience was considered as one of the control variables, in order to analyze whether this influence the entrepreneurial intention. (...)
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  34.  19
    Les derniers entretiens de charLes renouvier.Louis Prat - 1904 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 12 (2):149 - 185.
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  35. Territorial rights and open borders.Clara Sandelind - 2015 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 18 (5):487-507.
  36.  50
    Editorial: Multiple Identities Management: Effects on (of) Identification, Attitudes, Behavior and Well-Being.Clara Kulich, Soledad de Lemus, Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka & Fabio Lorenzi-Cioldi - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  37.  5
    La arquitectura emocional de la educación desde la ciencia, la filosofía y el arte.Clara Romero Pérez - 2024 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 36:43-67.
    El propósito general de este estudio es ofrecer un marco de análisis integrador sobre la arquitectura emocionalde la educación y sus implicaciones para el diseño de acciones educativas pertinentes en los procesos de formaciónhumana. De modo específico, se analizan los componentes y mecanismos emocionales implicados en los procesoseducativos que han probado su efectividad. A tal fin, se ha aplicado un enfoque analítico basado en una revisióndocumental a partir de estudios científicos y humanísticos. Las preguntas que han guiado este estudio han (...)
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  38.  12
    HÖFFE, O., Immanuel Kant, Herder, Barcelona, 1986, 311 pp. [REVIEW]Miguel Bastons Prat - 1987 - Anuario Filosófico 20 (2):203-205.
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    Gendered Readings of Change: A Feminist-Pragmatist Approach.Clara Fischer - 2014 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In Gendered Readings of Change, Clara Fischer develops a unique theory of change by drawing on American philosophy and contemporary feminist thought. Via a select history of ancient Greek and Pragmatist philosophies of change, she argues for a reconstruction of transformation that is inclusive of women's experiences and thought. With wide-ranging analysis, this book addresses ontological, moral, epistemological, and political questions, and includes an insightful exploration of the philosophies of Parmenides, Aristotle, John Dewey, Iris Young, and Jane Addams.
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  40. Prevention of admission and continuity of care.Clara Vanistendael - 1985 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 6 (1).
    An in-depth analysis of the recent reform in Italian psychiatry reveals that the relevance of these changes transcends national borders. However, these changes are, from the scientific point of view, worth much more than mere biased pragmatic interest. The reshaping of theory made possible by the transformation of Italian psychiatry in fact opens up new prospects for a scientifically founded form of psychiatric care. Thanks to the new Mental Health Act (No. 180 of 1978),2 it has been possible to set (...)
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    Beschouwingen over de historische grondslagen der tegenwoordige omvorming van het strafbegrip..Clara Wichmann - 1912 - Leiden,: Brill.
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  42.  20
    Recordability: Resistance and collusion in psychometric interviews with children.Clara Iversen - 2012 - Discourse Studies 14 (6):691-709.
    Different areas of child welfare work call for psychometric measurement to replace professionals’ judgements with objective numbers. Using data from a national Swedish evaluation of interventions for abused children, the present article investigates child interviewees’ resistance to constraints in psychometric questions. The article contributes to studies of how psychology operates in institutional settings; it looks into the discursive production of the interviewee’s position in the struggle between the principle of recordability and ‘sensitive’ interviewing. The findings suggest that interviewees resist questions’ (...)
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  43.  72
    Trust as an instance of asymmetrical reciprocity: An ethics perspective on corporate brand management.Clara Gustafsson - 2005 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 14 (2):142–150.
  44.  48
    Abortion and Reproduction in Ireland: Shame, Nation-building and the Affective Politics of Place.Clara Fischer - 2019 - Feminist Review 122 (2):32-48.
    In 2018, Irish citizens voted overwhelmingly to repeal the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution to allow for the introduction of a more liberal abortion law. In this article, I develop a retrospective reading of the stubborn persistence of the denial of reproductive rights to women in Ireland over the decades. I argue that the ban’s severity and longevity is rooted in deep-seated, affective attachments that formed part of processes of postcolonial nation-building and relied on shame and the construction of the (...)
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  45.  17
    A nuclear monument the size of a football field: The diplomatic construction of soil nuclearity in the Palomares accident.Clara Florensa - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (2):320-338.
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    (1 other version)Controversies about reductionism in soviet philosophy of science.Naftali Prat - 1989 - Studies in East European Thought 37 (1):1-25.
  47. True or False Cures?Clara Gallini - 1999 - Diogenes 47 (188):85-94.
    During the last century procedures for distinguishing between ‘human sciences’ and ‘natural sciences’ have seen a number of changes. Currently, the pre-eminence of the scientific-naturalist paradigm, which led the field throughout the nineteenth century, seems again under discussion on some fundamental issues. In particular, the boundaries between the two sciences - boundaries which were in no case rigid or absolute - are being tested, in a confrontation concerning the very statutes of both disciplines as well as their respective methods.
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  48.  28
    On the Fairness of the Multilateral Trading System.Clara Brandi - 2014 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 1 (2):227-247.
    Three perspectives on international trade are present in current debates. From the first perspective, trade is regarded as a set of individual transactions among consenting parties and considerations of fairness and justice barely feature, if at all. The second perspective underlines the importance of background structures for trade, maintained by states, which gives rise considerations of fairness and justice. One prominent version of this perspective, for example as defended by Aaron James, views all trading states as having in principle equal (...)
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  49.  85
    Mathematical Responses to the Hole Argument: Then and Now.Clara Bradley & James Owen Weatherall - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (5):1223-1232.
    We argue that several apparently distinct responses to the hole argument, all invoking formal or mathematical considerations, should be viewed as a unified “mathematical response.” We then consider and rebut two prominent critiques of the mathematical response before reflecting on what is ultimately at issue in this literature.
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  50.  87
    Gender, Nation, and the Politics of Shame: Magdalen Laundries and the Institutionalization of Feminine Transgression in Modern Ireland.Clara Fischer - 2016 - Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 41 (4):821-843.
    In this article, I trace the politics of shame in the context of the problematization of women’s bodies as markers of sexual immorality in modern Ireland. I argue that the post-Independence project of national identity formation established women as bearers of virtue and purity and that sexual transgression threatening this new identity came to be severely punished. By hiding women, children, and all those deemed to be dangerous to national self-representations of purity, the Irish state, supported by Catholic moral values (...)
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