Results for 'Clara Mafra'

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  1.  12
    A World Without Anthropology.Clara Mafra - 2007 - In Elizabeth Hallam & Tim Ingold (eds.), Creativity and cultural improvisation. New York, NY: Berg. pp. 44.
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    Administração e dissolução do οἶκος no período clássico.Janaína Silveira Mafra - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-21.
    A hipótese deste artigo é que o Econômico de Xenofonte, considerado um diálogo socrático, fornece um modelo de economia ao qual Platão, de maneira radical, contrapõe-se na República ao propor a dissolução do οἶκος dos guardiões como uma das condições para a idealização da cidade justa. Na primeira parte dele, discorreremos sobre a administração do οἶκος no Econômico e, por conseguinte, sobre um ideal de economia e de mulher. Na segunda parte, mostraremos o caráter paradoxal –– levando em conta o (...)
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    Globalização, educação e movimentos sociais: 40 anos da pedagogia do oprimido.Jason Mafra & Afonso Celso Scocuglia (eds.) - 2009 - São Paulo: Editora Esfera.
    'Globalização educação e movimentos sociais - 40 anos da Pedagogia do Oprimido'. O livro é composto por um conjunto de textos - trabalhos dos conferencistas - produzidos para o 'VI Encontro Internacional do Fórum Paulo Freire', realizado na Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, em setembro de 2008.
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    Lugares de atuação e tarefas das mulheres: a natureza (φύσις) como justificativa dos costumes (νόμοι) no Econômico, de Xenofonte.Janaína Silveira Mafra - 2024 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 34:e03423.
    Xenofonte foi um dos autores clássicos mais desconsiderados do último século. O descrédito que marcou seus escritos socráticos é uma consequência das conclusões a que chegaram, no começo do século XX, alguns historiadores que buscavam uma solução à Questão socrática. Segundo alguns comentadores, desde as origens dessa Questão, o testemunho de Xenofonte foi submetido a críticas impiedosas: 1) Xenofonte não era um filósofo, mas, sim, um militar e político e 2) Xenofonte se empenhava em defender seu mestre da acusação de (...)
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  5. As organizações modernas e o contempor'neo: notas para uma leitura comunicacional do presente.Rennan Lanna Martins Mafra - 2022 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 28 (3):89.
    Em tom ensaístico, o texto aposta numa problematização do contemporâneo pelo estatuto comunicacional das organizações modernas, aqui tomadas pela égide de três estratos relacionais - Estado, Mercado, Ciência -, instituidores de espaços de experiência pelo epicentro da ideologia do progresso. Ao considerar o contemporâneo como cronótopo atravessado pela crise de tal ideologia, o texto sugere como tais organizações tornam-se ambientes privilegiados à leitura comunicacional do presente, a partir da identificação de três notas experienciais: a) tensões entre diferenças e progresso; b) (...)
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    As abordagens de Kojève e de Sartre do conceito hegeliano de reconhecimento.Janaína Silveira Mafra - 2018 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 16 (1).
    O artigo trata do tema hegeliano do reconhecimento (Anerkennung), que, graças aos cursos de Alexandre Kojève sobre a Fenomenologia do Espírito, ministrados na École des Hautes Études de 1933 a 1939, exerceu um forte impacto no pensamento francês do século XX. São explicitadas nele duas abordagens, uma otimista, a de Kojève, outra critico-construtiva, a de Jean-Paul Sartre.
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    Ação Penal 937: o foro por prerrogativa de função e a judicialização da política.Gabriela Mafra & Claudio Ladeira de Oliveira - 2019 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 17 (2).
    Tem-se como temática central a atuação do poder judiciário no Brasil, em especial, do Supremo Tribunal Federal em relação ao fenômeno da judicialização da política. Por meio do estudo de processo judicial, a Ação Penal 937 no Supremo Tribunal Federal, procura-se constatar o movimento ativista de juízes que ganha forçano Brasil e no mundo, desde o fim da segunda guerra mundial. Tal prática, que se justifica na efetivação de direitos humanos e utiliza a retórica neoconstitucionalista, fere a separação de poderes (...)
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    Educação formal, não-formal e Hip Hop contextos e desafios educacionais no Brasil e Cabo Verde.Vitor Mafra - 2019 - Filosofia E Educação 11 (1):139-155.
    O modelo escolar moderno que foi universalizado durante o século XX, mostrou-se incapacitado de responder todas as demandas sociais que lhe foram impostas. Dessa forma, durante a segunda metade deste século a crise do sistema de ensino formal deu abertura a diversos debates sobre questões que permeiam a ação de educar, como os espaços, os atores e porque não sobre próprio conceito: o que é educar? Sendo assim, neste artigo trago reflexões sobre a educação formal, dentre outras formas, analisando o (...)
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    Crossover als Inszenierungsstrategie: doing pop, doing classical music, doing mixed genres.Clara-Franziska Petry - 2020 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
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  10. The Occupation Cookbook, or, the Model of the Occupation of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb.Clara Pope - 2011 - Radical Philosophy 169:63.
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    On the interpretation of Empedocles.Clara Elizabeth Smertenko - 1908 - New York: Garland.
  12. La psychanalyse, son évolution, ses développements.Clara Thompson, P. Mullahy & A. Green - 1957 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 12 (2):270-270.
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    A matter of life.Clara Urquhart - 1963 - Westport, Conn.,: Greenwood Press.
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    Faculty senate agrees all freshmen should study ancient, medieval culture.Clara N. Bush - forthcoming - Minerva.
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    Die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Natur und Vernunft in der menschlichen Freiheit in Kants "Die Religion innerhalb den Grenzen der blossen Vernunft", Schellings "Über das Wesen der menschlichen Freiheit" und Heideggers Interpretation derselben Schrift.Clara Carus - 2014 - Eschborn: Fwpf, Fördergemeinschaft wissenschaftlicher Publikationen von Frauen e.V..
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    Relations between parents and children (1892).Clara Dixon Davidson - unknown
    RPC.2 The individual’s measure of consequences is proportionate to the circle of his outlook. His horizons may lie so near that he can only measure at short range. But, whether they be near or far, he can only judge of consequences as proximately or remotely touching himself. His judgment may err; his motive remains always the same, whether he be conscious of it or not. RPC.3 That motive is necessarily egoistic, since no one deliberately chooses misery when..
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  17. “Página infeliz da nossa história”.Clara Silvério Diógenes & Tallita de Carvalho Martins - 2014 - Revista Fides 5 (1):8-10.
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  18. Troubling French feminist diplomacy with the national context.Clara Eroukhmanoff - 2024 - In Hannah Partis-Jennings & Clara Eroukhmanoff (eds.), Feminist policymaking in turbulent times: critical perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  19. Westlicher Wissensdrang--Indische Weisheit.Clara Gessler - 1970 - Zürich,: Origo-Verlag.
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    The paradoxical self: Awareness, solipsism and first-rank symptoms in schizophrenia.Clara S. Humpston - 2018 - Philosophical Psychology 31 (2):210-231.
    Schizophrenia as a pathology of self-awareness has attracted much attention from philosophical theorists and empirical scientists alike. I view schizophrenia as a basic self-disturbance leading to a lifeworld of solipsism adopted by the sufferer and explain how this adoption takes place, which then manifests in ways such as first-rank psychotic symptoms. I then discuss the relationships between these symptoms, not as isolated mental events, but as end-products of a loss of agency and ownership, and argue that symptoms like thought insertion (...)
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    The relationship between different types of dissociation and psychosis-like experiences in a non-clinical sample.Clara S. Humpston, Eamonn Walsh, David A. Oakley, Mitul A. Mehta, Vaughan Bell & Quinton Deeley - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 41:83-92.
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    Isolated by Oneself: Ontologically Impossible Experiences in Schizophrenia.Clara S. Humpston - 2022 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 29 (1):5-15.
    In the field of clinical practice, there does not seem to be too much contention about what schizophrenia is, at least from a high level. After all, there are various diagnostic systems and guidelines, all of which point toward schizophrenia as a psychotic syndrome which likely forms a continuum with other psychotic disorders. It may sound obvious that, according to the current definitions, the major commonality between schizophrenia and all other psychoses is psychotic symptoms; more precisely, delusions and hallucinations. Any (...)
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    Bioethics and Religion: Some Implications for Reproductive Medicine.Clara Mironiuc, Nicolae Ovidiu Grad, Horațiu Silaghi, Alina Cristina Silaghi & Ion Aurel Mironiuc - 2017 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 16 (47):90-103.
    This paper addresses the topic of bioethics in reproductive medicine from the perspective of the religious implications for the field. The assumption underlying the approach is that religion remains a factor that influences the field of bioethics even in a secularized postmodern society. The first part of the paper analyses the main bioethical issues which mark obstetrics and gynecology, uttering that the four basic principles of bioethics are available both in obstetrics and gynecology and must be applied in association with (...)
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    Das problem der ganzheit in der modernen medizin.Max Clara - 1940 - Leipzig,: J. A. Barth.
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  25. The role of the public toilet in civic life.Clara Greed - 2009 - In Olga Gershenson Barbara Penner (ed.), Ladies and Gents: Public Toilets and Gender. Temple University Press. pp. 36--47.
  26. Man the romantic.Clara Frances Mcintyre - 1930 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 11 (3):194.
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  27. La teoría de la apariencia en Marx y sus raíces kantianas.Clara Ramas San Miguel - 2020 - Araucaria 22 (43).
    En este artículo se presenta una interpretación de la crítica de la economía política de Marx como teoría filosófica: una teoría de la apariencia que tiene sus raíces en la intervención kantiana en la historia de la metafísica. En primer lugar, se presenta el proyecto de la crítica de la economía política como una crítica de la “apariencia real” “objetiva” [ realer, gegenständlicher Schein ]. A continuación, se apunta a fetichismo y mistificación como las categorías centrales de esta teoría de (...)
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  28. Tierra Movida.Clara Inés Carreño Monsalva - 2011 - Revista Aletheia 3 (2).
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    Una incursione letteraria e antropologica nel mondo della mania: Giorni Felici di Samuel Beckett.Clara F. Muscatello & Paolo Scudellari - 2002 - Comprendre: Archive International pour l'Anthropologie et la Psychopathologie Phénoménologiques 12:97.
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  30. La salvación de los libros= The salvation of the books.Clara Janés Nadal, Eugenio G. de Nora, Jenaro Talens Carmona, Guillermo Carnero Arbat & Francisco Brines - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 44:91-93.
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    De qué se ríe la Gioconda?, o, Por qué la vida de las mujeres no está en el arte.Clara Obligado - 2006 - Madrid: Temas de Hoy.
    What is the Gioconda laughing at?, or, Why the lives of women are not in art.
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    The Non-equivalence of Einstein and Lorentz.Clara Bradley - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (4):1039-1059.
    In this article, I give a counterexample to a claim made in that empirically equivalent theories can often be regarded as theoretically equivalent by treating one as having surplus structure, thereby overcoming the problem of underdetermination of theory choice. The case I present is that of Lorentz's ether theory and Einstein's theory of special relativity. I argue that Norton's suggestion that surplus structure is present in Lorentz's theory in the form of the ether state of rest is based on a (...)
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  33. Womb Rentals and Baby-Selling: Does Surrogacy Undermine the Human Dignity and Rights of the Surrogate Mother and Child?Clara Watson - forthcoming - The New Bioethics:1-17.
  34. La incesante búsqueda de la transformación.Clara Inés Carreño Manosalva & José Luis Mendoza - 2011 - Revista Aletheia 3 (1).
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  35. The Roles of Psychological Capital and Gender in University Students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions.Clara Margaça, Brizeida Hernández-Sánchez, José Carlos Sánchez-García & Giuseppina Maria Cardella - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Universities increasingly play an important role in entrepreneurship, which has contributed to gender equality in the business world. The aim of this study is to establish a causal model of entrepreneurial intentions and explore it by gender, based on the dimensions of the Theory of Planned Behavior, and how these are mediated by the individuals’ resilience and psychological well-being. The previous work experience was considered as one of the control variables, in order to analyze whether this influence the entrepreneurial intention. (...)
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  36. Is Virginia Woolf a Feminist?Clara F. Mcintyre - 1960 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 41 (2):176.
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  37. Le courage du possible.Teresa Santa-Clara - 1985 - Dialectics and Humanism 12 (1):139-147.
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    Bronson Alcott's Fruitlands.Clara Endicott Sears - 1915 - Philadelphia: Porcupine Press. Edited by Louisa May Alcott.
  39. Die Kindersprache, eine Psychologische und Sprachtheoretische Untersuchung.Clara Stern & William Stern - 1910 - Mind 19 (73):112-117.
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  40. Notes and News.Clara Harrison Town - 1908 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 5 (11):308.
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    Trust as an instance of asymmetrical reciprocity: An ethics perspective on corporate brand management.Clara Gustafsson - 2005 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 14 (2):142–150.
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    Una aproximación a la intuición estética en Schopenhauer y Bergson.Clara Zimmermann - 2024 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 91:185-199.
    En este artículo buscamos mostrar que, tanto en la filosofía de Schopenhauer como también en la de Bergson, la experiencia estética se constituye como el paradigma del conocimiento intuitivo. A diferencia de lo que establece la teoría kantiana, para Schopenhauer y Bergson la intuición no sólo es la única forma de conocimiento inmediato, sino que no necesita de conceptos para aprehender aquello dado en la sensibilidad. Asimismo, puesto que actualmente no encontramos demasiada literatura sobre la influencia de Schopenhauer en la (...)
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    Gendered Readings of Change: A Feminist-Pragmatist Approach.Clara Fischer - 2014 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In Gendered Readings of Change, Clara Fischer develops a unique theory of change by drawing on American philosophy and contemporary feminist thought. Via a select history of ancient Greek and Pragmatist philosophies of change, she argues for a reconstruction of transformation that is inclusive of women's experiences and thought. With wide-ranging analysis, this book addresses ontological, moral, epistemological, and political questions, and includes an insightful exploration of the philosophies of Parmenides, Aristotle, John Dewey, Iris Young, and Jane Addams.
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    Mathematical Responses to the Hole Argument: Then and Now.Clara Bradley & James Owen Weatherall - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (5):1223-1232.
    We argue that several apparently distinct responses to the hole argument, all invoking formal or mathematical considerations, should be viewed as a unified “mathematical response.” We then consider and rebut two prominent critiques of the mathematical response before reflecting on what is ultimately at issue in this literature.
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    Feminist Interpretations of William James eds. by Erin C. Tarver and Shannon Sullivan.Clara Fischer - 2016 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 52 (2):309-312.
    Feminist Interpretations of William James is the third volume on a classical pragmatist in the generally excellent Penn State book series, Re-Reading the Canon. The series dedicates itself to a reconstruction of the work of prominent philosophers, and has already brought a critical, feminist perspective to the lives and thought of Jane Addams and John Dewey. This latest installment of the series is a welcome and lively contribution on William James, and adds significantly to the series’ wider reconstructive project, which (...)
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  46. Dreams and psychotherapy.Clara E. Hill & Patricia Spangler - 2007 - In Deirdre Barrett & Patrick McNamara (eds.), The New Science of Dreaming. Praeger Publishers. pp. 2--159.
  47. (1 other version)The Psychology of Expectation.Clara M. Hitchcock - 1903 - The Monist 13:473.
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  48. Memories are made of this.Clara Nisley - 2018 - In Heather L. Rivera & Alexander E. Hooke (eds.), The Twilight Zone and philosophy: a dangerous dimension to visit. Chicago: Open Court.
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  49. Inclusión social: Experiencias de Vida de tres personas con baja visión.Clara Eugenia Peña Perdomo, Martha Janeth Sanabria Guerrero & Jaime Alberto Tapias Peñaloza - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 4 (1):164 - 192.
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  50. Prevention of admission and continuity of care.Clara Vanistendael - 1985 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 6 (1).
    An in-depth analysis of the recent reform in Italian psychiatry reveals that the relevance of these changes transcends national borders. However, these changes are, from the scientific point of view, worth much more than mere biased pragmatic interest. The reshaping of theory made possible by the transformation of Italian psychiatry in fact opens up new prospects for a scientifically founded form of psychiatric care. Thanks to the new Mental Health Act (No. 180 of 1978),2 it has been possible to set (...)
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