Results for 'Christine Rowley'

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  1.  26
    A Mental Capacity Act 2005 Questionnaire.Christine Rowley, Dexter Perry, Rebecca Brickwood & Nicola Mellor - 2013 - Clinical Ethics 8 (1):15-18.
    The hospital's clinical ethics committee sought to gauge health-care professionals’ level of knowledge and usage of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 within the hospital trust. The hospital's personnel were asked to complete a 10 part questionnaire relating to the basic contents of the Act. Four hundred questionnaires were distributed and 249 (62%) were returned completed and valid for analysis. A ‘pass-mark’ of 70% (7/10) was assumed; the results showed that 48% of respondents scored ≤50% (≤5/10), 74% of respondents scored <70% (...)
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  2. Atlas of the Early Christian World.F. van der Meer, Christine Mohrmann, Mary F. Hedlund & H. H. Rowley - 1958
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    Target Centred Virtue Ethics.Christine Swanton - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    Christine Swanton presents a new target centred virtue ethics, which is opposed to orthodox virtue ethics in two major ways. She rejects the 'natural goodness' metaphysics of neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics in favour of a 'hermeneutic ontology' of ethics, and she offers a new target centred framework for assessing rightness of acts.
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  4. Personal identity and the unity of agency: A Kantian response to Parfit.Christine Korsgaard - 1989 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 18 (2):103-31.
  5. Two Distinctions in Goodness.Christine Korsgaard - 1998 - The Journal of Ethics.
    1. Being an Animal Human beings are animals: phylum: chordata, class: mammalia, order: primates, family: hominids, species: homo sapiens, subspecies: homo sapiens sapiens. According to current scientific opinion, we evolved approximately 200,000 years ago in Africa from ancestors whom we share with the other great apes. What does it mean that we are animals? Scientifically speaking, an animal is essentially a complex, multicellular organism that feeds on other life forms. But what we share with the other animals is not just (...)
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  6. Acting for a Reason.Christine M. Korsgaard - 2005 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 40 (1):11-35.
    The use of the English word “reason” in all of these contexts, and the way we translate equivalent terms from other languages, suggests a connection, but what exactly is it? Aristotle and Kant’s conception of what practical reasons are, I believe, can help us to answer this question, by bringing out what is distinctive, and distinctively active, about acting for a reason. That, at least, is what I am going to argue.
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  7. Motivation, metaphysics, and the value of the self: A reply to Ginsborg, Guyer, and Schneewind.Christine Korsgaard - 1998 - Ethics 109 (1):49-66.
  8. Emotions and the intelligibility of akratic action.Christine Tappolet - 2003 - In Sarah Stroud & Christine Tappolet (eds.), Weakness of will and practical irrationality. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 97--120.
    After discussing de Sousa's view of emotion in akrasia, I suggest that emotions be viewed as nonconceptual perceptions of value (see Tappolet 2000). It follows that they can render intelligible actions which are contrary to one's better judgment. An emotion can make one's action intelligible even when that action is opposed by one's all-things-considered judgment. Moreover, an akratic action prompted by an emotion may be more rational than following one's better judgement, for it may be the judgement and not the (...)
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  9. Heideggerian Environmental Virtue Ethics.Christine Swanton - 2010 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 23 (1-2):145-166.
    Environmental ethics is apparently caught in a dilemma. We believe in human species partiality as a way of making sense of many of our practices. However as part of our commitment to impartialism in ethics, we arguably should extend the principle of impartiality to other species, in a version of biocentric egalitarianism of the kind advocated by Paul Taylor. According to this view, not only do all entities that possess a good have inherent worth, but they have equal inherent worth, (...)
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  10.  15
    Minding the Gap: Leveraging Mindfulness to Inform Cue Exposure Treatment for Substance Use Disorders.Christine Vinci, Leslie Sawyer & Min-Jeong Yang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Despite extinction-based processes demonstrating efficacy in the animal extinction and human anxiety literatures, extinction for substance use disorders has shown poor efficacy. Reasons for this lack of success include common threats to extinction, such as renewal and reinstatement. In recent decades, research on mindfulness for SUD has flourished, and a key aspect of these mindfulness-based interventions includes teaching individuals to stay present with whatever experience they have, even if unpleasant, without trying to change/escape/avoid it. Similarly, CET teaches individuals to not (...)
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  11.  33
    From Capture to Inhibition: How does Irrelevant Information Influence Visual Search? Evidence from a Spatial Cuing Paradigm.Christine Mertes, Edmund Wascher & Daniel Schneider - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  12.  12
    Die Entdeckung der Eifersucht im antiken Rom.Christine Walde - 2020 - Psyche 74 (9-10):660-686.
    Der Beitrag spürt der Entdeckung dessen, was man heute »Eifersucht« nennt, im antiken Rom in der Zeit des Kaisers Augustus nach. Die Autorin erläutert zunächst einige linguistische, sozioökonomische und gesellschaftliche Voraussetzungen, um dann in einem close reading von Gedichten der Elegiker Properz und Ovid Bedingungen und Umstände der Eifersucht in der Metropole Rom zu diskutieren. Diese philologische Auseinandersetzung bereitet psychologischen Überlegungen den Boden.
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    Species-Being and the Badness of Extinction and Death.Christine M. Korsgaard - 2018 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 1 (1):143-162.
    This paper offers an account of the property Feuerbach and Marx called “species-being,” the human being’s distinctive tendency to identify herself as a member of her species, and to think of the species as a “we.” It links the notion to Kant’s theory of rights, arguing that every claim of right commits the maker of that claim to something like world government, and therefore to the conception of humanity as a collective agent. It also links species-being to the concept of (...)
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  14.  66
    Knowing truth: Peirce's epistemology in an educational context.Christine L. McCarthy - 2005 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 37 (2):157–176.
    In this paper I examine Peirce's epistemological and ontological theories and indicate their relevance to educational practice. I argue that Peirces conception of Firsts, Seconds and Thirds entails a fundamental ontological realism. I further argue that Peirce does have a theory of truth, that it is a particular non‐traditional ‘correspondence’ theory, consistent with, and implicit in, an over‐arching position of pragmatic realism. Peirce's epistemological position is subject to misinterpretation when the ontological realism on which it rests is overlooked. Finally I (...)
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  15.  48
    The quality of informed consent in a clinical research study in Thailand.Christine Pace, Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Theshinee Chuenyam, Chris Duncombe, Judith D. Bebchuk, David Wendler, Jorge A. Tavel, Laura A. McNay, Praphan Phanuphak & Heidi P. Forster - 2004 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 27 (1):9-17.
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  16.  17
    Patterns of Global Gender Inequalities and Regional Gender Regimes.Christine E. Bose - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (6):767-791.
    This article draws on data from various sources for 190 developed and developing nations and uses them to examine gender regimes, or forms of patriarchal structures, at the regional level. I argue for multiple, rather than single, measures of gender inequality and illustrate that using many inequality measures exposes a wider range of outcomes within the Global South than the North, also suggesting the inefficacy of this geographic dichotomy. Then I re-examine the outcomes with nations grouped into seven regions, showing (...)
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  17.  40
    The standpoint of practical reason.Christine Marion Korsgaard - 1990 - New York: Garland.
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  18.  28
    Konstruktivismus? Wirklich? — Kommentar zu Constructing Practical Reasons.Christine Tiefensee - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 74 (4):560-565.
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    Le trauma à l’adolescence sous le prisme familial transgénérationnel.Christine Melato - 2024 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 243 (1):137-153.
    Cet article, adossé à un cas clinique, propose une réflexion sur la dimension traumatique à l’adolescence en analysant la problématique de l’intrus persécuteur et la problématique transgénérationnelle. L’adolescent manifeste une dynamique de survie psychique par des symptômes somatiques, des conduites phobosociales et une hypersensibilité narcissique. La différenciation et la séparation-individuation d’avec l’objet interne intruseur sont également apparues dans le travail psychique engagé dans les entretiens familiaux.
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    Wild, Native, or Pure: Trout as Genetic Bodies.Christine Biermann & David G. Havlick - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (6):1201-1229.
    Advances in genetics and genomics have raised new questions in trout restoration and management, specifically about species identity and purity, which fish to value, and where these fish belong. This paper examines how this molecular turn in fisheries management is influencing wild and native trout policy in Colorado. Examples from two small Colorado watersheds, Bear Creek and Sand Creek, illustrate how framing trout as genetic bodies can guide managers to care for or kill trout populations in the interest of rectifying (...)
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    Individual differences in pupil dilation to others’ emotional and neutral eyes with varying pupil sizes.Christine Fawcett, Elisabeth Nordenswan, Santeri Yrttiaho, Tuomo Häikiö, Riikka Korja, Linnea Karlsson, Hasse Karlsson & Eeva-Leena Kataja - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (5):928-942.
    Sensitivity to others’ emotional signals is an important factor for social interaction. While many studies of emotional reactivity focus on facial emotional expressions, signals such as pupil dilation which can indicate arousal, may also affect observers. For example, observers’ pupils dilate when viewing someone with dilated pupils, so-called pupillary contagion. Yet it is unclear how pupil size and emotional expression interact as signals. Further, examining individual differences in emotional reactivity to others can shed light on its mechanisms and potential outcomes. (...)
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  22. Hypocrisy, cheating, and character possession.Christine Mckinnon - 2005 - Journal of Value Inquiry 39 (3-4):399-414.
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  23. (1 other version)A challenge to intellectual virtue from moral virtue: The case of universal love.Christine Swanton - 2010 - Metaphilosophy 41 (1-2):152-171.
    : On the Aristotelian picture of virtue, moral virtue has at its core intellectual virtue. An interesting challenge for this orthodoxy is provided by the case of universal love and its associated virtues, such as the dispositions to exhibit grace, or to forgive, where appropriate. It is difficult to find a property in the object of such love, in virtue of which grace, for example, ought to be bestowed. Perhaps, then, love in general, including universal love, is not necessarily exhibited (...)
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  24.  41
    Motivational Relevance as a Potential Modulator of Memory for Affective Stimuli: Can We Compare Snakes and Cakes?Christine L. Larson & Elizabeth L. Steuer - 2009 - Emotion Review 1 (2):116-117.
    Consideration of affective dimensions beyond arousal may be useful for a more precise understanding of the effects of emotional events on episodic memory. As highlighted by Kensinger (2009), the valence of an event may differentially impact the accuracy of its recall. Paralleling work on attention, we propose that the relevance of an event or stimulus for survival may also importantly modulate memory accuracy. However, few memory studies to date have accounted for motivational relevance, and the stimuli employed in most studies (...)
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    J.-M. Renaud, Le mythe de Méléagre. Essais d'interprétation.Christine Mauduit - 1995 - Kernos 8:322.
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    Neither Brain nor Ghost: A Non-dualist Alternative to the Mind-Brain Identity Theory (review).Christine McCarthy - 2006 - Education and Culture 22 (2):83-86.
  27.  9
    "Tú conoces mejor que yo": el dinamismo del conocimiento transformador, en la relación de Agustín con Paulino de Nola.Christine McCann - 2007 - Augustinus 52 (204):133-137.
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    Agent Reliabilism, Subjective Justification, and Epistemic Credit.Christine McKinnon - 2006 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 44 (3):489-508.
    In this paper I examine John Greco’s agent reliabilism, in particular, his requirement of subjective justification. I argue that his requirement is too weak as it stands to disqualify as knowledge claims some true beliefs arrived at by reliable processes and that it is vulnerable to the “value problem” objection. I develop a more robust account of subjective justification that both avoids the objection that agents require beliefs about their dispositions in order to be subjectively justified and explains why knowledge (...)
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    From What Can’t be Said To What Isn’t Known.Christine McKinnon - 1991 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 29 (1):87-107.
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    Measuring excess risk of child mortality: An exploration of dhs I for burundi, uganda and zimbabwe.Christine Mcmurray - 1997 - Journal of Biosocial Science 29 (1):73-91.
    This paper proposes a new method of measuring excess risk of child mortality in cross-sectional surveys, which is applied to DHS I data for Burundi, Uganda and Zimbabwe. The expected child mortality experience is estimated for each mother on the basis of child's age, mother's age at child's birth and her parity, and compared with her observed experience. Mothers who exceed their expected child mortality experience and also had more than one child die are considered to have excess child mortality. (...)
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    One Day I Went to a Theological Consultation on Domestic Violence.Christine McMullen - 2003 - Feminist Theology 11 (2):197-202.
    The problem of violence in the home is on the public agenda. Although many Christians are concerned to eliminate such abuse in their communities, the church has special problems when it tries to address the matter. Violence against family members is related to power and patriarchy, and solutions to the problem relate to the Christian understanding of the nature of the marriage bond, the confidentiality of the confessional and our understanding of the nature of God. In tackling this problem, the (...)
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    Le gouvernement des corps des footballeuses et boxeuses de haut niveau.Christine Mennesson - 2006 - Clio 23:179-196.
    Cet article analyse les formes de contrôle (ou de tentative de contrôle) du genre et de la sexualité des sportives mises en œuvre dans deux institutions sportives « masculines » en France, le football et la boxe. Dans le cas du football, au niveau national comme au niveau local, entraîneurs et dirigeants jouent les entrepreneurs de morale en tentant de « féminiser » les joueuses et d’encourager l’hétérosexualité. Cependant, le « gouvernement des corps » des footballeuses se heurte à la (...)
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    Subtle Distinctions: How Attentional Templates Influence EEG Parameters of Cognitive Control in a Spatial Cuing Paradigm.Christine Mertes & Daniel Schneider - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  34. Happiness and morality.Christine Vitrano - 2000 - In Steven M. Cahn (ed.), Exploring Philosophy: An Introductory Anthology. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press USA.
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    Empowering Partnership.Christine Housel - 2022 - Journal of Ethics in Higher Education 1:245-270.
    This article aims to offer a general view of the work and the progress the Partnership and promotions team, placed at the core of the Foundation activities, has reached so far. Starting with a general view on its tasks and duties, Christine Housel opens the floor for the regional officers of the department to offer a personalized view and opinion on the relevant and pressing matters has to focus, or has focused on, locally. During this exposition, we (...)
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  36. Women's Liberation and the Sublime: Feminism, Postmodernism Environment by Bonnie Mann.Christine Battersby - 2008 - Hypatia 23 (3):227-230.
  37. Long-term emotions and emotional experiences in the explanation of actions.Christine Tappolet - 2002 - European Review of Philosophy 5:151-161.
    This paper consists in a critical review of Peter Goldie's book, The Emotion. A Philosophical Exploration (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000). Goldie is right to distinguish between long-term emotions and emotional experiences. And he is also right to reject the view that emotions are reducible to 'feelingless' states plus some extra feelings. However, Goldie's own account in terms of "feeling towards" is problematic. Goldie would have been better advised to claim that emotional experiences are necessarily emotional representations of something as (...)
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  38. Human beings and the other animals.Christine M. Korsgaard - unknown
    Human ethical practices and attitudes with respect to the other animals exhibit a curious instability. On the one hand, most people believe that it is wrong to inflict torment or death on a non-human animal for a trivial reason. Skinning a cat or setting it on fire by way of a juvenile prank is one of the standard examples of obvious wrongdoing in the philosophical literature. Like torturing infants, it is the kind of example that philosophers use when we are (...)
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    The foundational problem for cognition.Fred Keijzer & Pamela Christine Lyon - unknown
    What is cognition? Despite the existence of a science of cognition there is no clear agreement on what makes certain phenomena cognitive, and others not. Within cognitivism the issue was neglected. Human intelligence was used as a standard, and any process—natural or artificial—that fitted this standard sufficiently could be considered ‘cognitive’. For post-cognitivist psychology the situation is different. It cannot rely on the ‘human standard’ in the same way. One might even say that the need for a post-cognitivist psychology arose (...)
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  40. Inquiry without names in Plato's cratylus.Christine J. Thomas - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (3):pp. 341-364.
    The interlocutors of Plato’s Cratylus agree that “it is far better to learn and to inquire from the things themselves than from their names”. Although surprisingly little attention has been paid to these remarks, at least some commentators view Plato as articulating a preference for direct, nonlinguistic cognitive access to the objects of inquiry. Another commentator takes Plato simply to recommend first-hand, yet linguistic, experience in addition to instruction from experts. This paper defends, in contrast to both interpretations, the view (...)
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  41. Public toilets: Sex segregation revisited.Christine Overall - 2007 - Ethics and the Environment 12 (2):71-91.
    : Public toilets are a key part of the urban environment. This paper examines and evaluates the pervasive sex segregation, throughout North America, of public toilets. The issue is situated within a larger context—the design and management of the urban environment; larger assumptions about sexuality, reproduction, and privacy that govern that environment; and continuing compulsory sex identification and segregation which still define key areas of "public" space. I examine seven groups of arguments in favor of sex segregation, arguing that all (...)
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    How to Price and to Reimburse Publicly Funded Medicines in Latin America? Lessons Learned from Europe.Christine Leopold, Sergio Poblete & Sabine Vogler - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (S1):76-91.
    This paper reviews the main pricing policies in Latin American countries, discussing their shortcomings. It also gives an overview of the most common pricing and reimbursement policies in Europe and describes in detail three well-established approaches — international price referencing, value-based pricing, including setting up of health technology assessment, and generic and biosimilar policies — building on country examples.
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    Entretien avec ARISTIDE BALTAS.Christine Laferrière - 2006 - Rue Descartes 51 (1):68-76.
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    Public Demonstrations of Chemistry in Eighteenth Century France.Christine Lehman & Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 2007 - Science & Education 16 (6):573.
  45.  11
    Nietzsche critique de la presse.Christine Noël Lemaitre - 2011 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 61 (6):6-14.
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    Des vérités kinesthésiques en danse.Christine Leroy - 2022 - Noesis 37:67-78.
    Le syntagme « philosophie de la danse » fait surgir une tension aporétique : soit le philosophe esthéticien évince le _danser_ pour réduire la danse à la réception de son spectacle, soit il assimile la danse à une pensée ou un langage – ce qui est bien mal connaître l’absentement du concept en danse, supplanté par autant d’intuitions locomotrices. À titre alternatif, je soutiendrai que la pratique de la danse est révélatrice des dimensions non conceptuelles de la vérité, qualifiables d’ (...)
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    The Captivated Gaze. Diderot’s Allegory of the Cave and Democracy.Christine Abbt - 2023 - Critical Horizons 24 (4):339-352.
    ABSTRACT The problem of the captivated gaze has been taken up repeatedly in philosophy. Plato's Allegory of the Cave stands paradigmatically for this. Here, the gaze at the shadowy images prevents people from taking the path to the sun. Denis Diderot's critical reinterpretation of Plato's Allegory of the Cave is less well known. In Diderot, the view of the artificial light images is just as captivating as Plato's shadow images. Unlike there, however, Diderot does not distinguish between perception and cognition (...)
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    Rethinking gender and nature from a material(ist) perspective: Feminist economics, queer ecologies and resource politics.Christine Bauhardt - 2013 - European Journal of Women's Studies 20 (4):361-375.
    After the cultural turn, it has become necessary to reconsider society’s relations to nature. This article provides a theoretically sound basis for feminist interventions in global environmental policies drawing on feminist economics and queer ecologies to theorize material perspectives on gender and nature. This is the starting point for rethinking social and gender relations to nature from the resource politics approach. Beyond the feminization of environmental responsibility this approach aims at an understanding of human life embedded in material and discursive (...)
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    Neurofeedback in patients with frontal brain lesions: A randomized, controlled double-blind trial.Christine Annaheim, Kerstin Hug, Caroline Stumm, Maya Messerli, Yves Simon & Margret Hund-Georgiadis - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:979723.
    BackgroundFrontal brain dysfunction is a major challenge in neurorehabilitation. Neurofeedback (NF), as an EEG-based brain training method, is currently applied in a wide spectrum of mental health conditions, including traumatic brain injury.ObjectiveThis study aimed to explore the capacity of Infra-Low Frequency Neurofeedback (ILF-NF) to promote the recovery of brain function in patients with frontal brain injury.Materials and methodsTwenty patients hospitalized at a neurorehabilitation clinic in Switzerland with recently acquired, frontal and optionally other brain lesions were randomized to either receive NF (...)
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    Letter to the Editor.Christine Avery - 2010 - Feminist Theology 19 (1):107-108.
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