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Fred Keijzer [20]Fred A. Keijzer [6]
  1.  46
    Demarcating cognition: the cognitive life sciences.Fred Keijzer - 2020 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 1):137-157.
    This paper criticizes the role of intuition-based ascriptions of cognition that are closely related to the ascription of mind. This practice hinders the explication of a clear and stable target domain for the cognitive sciences. To move forward, the proposal is to cut the notion of cognition free from such ascriptions and the intuition-based judgments that drive them. Instead, cognition is reinterpreted and developed as a scientific concept that is tied to a material domain of research. In this reading, cognition (...)
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    Moving and sensing without input and output: early nervous systems and the origins of the animal sensorimotor organization.Fred Keijzer - 2015 - Biology and Philosophy 30 (3):311-331.
    It remains a standing problem how and why the first nervous systems evolved. Molecular and genomic information is now rapidly accumulating but the macroscopic organization and functioning of early nervous systems remains unclear. To explore potential evolutionary options, a coordination centered view is discussed that diverges from a standard input–output view on early nervous systems. The scenario involved, the skin brain thesis, stresses the need to coordinate muscle-based motility at a very early stage. This paper addresses how this scenario with (...)
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    The animal sensorimotor organization: a challenge for the environmental complexity thesis.Fred Keijzer & Argyris Arnellos - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (3):421-441.
    Godfrey-Smith’s environmental complexity thesis is most often applied to multicellular animals and the complexity of their macroscopic environments to explain how cognition evolved. We think that the ECT may be less suited to explain the origins of the animal bodily organization, including this organization’s potentiality for dealing with complex macroscopic environments. We argue that acquiring the fundamental sensorimotor features of the animal body may be better explained as a consequence of dealing with internal bodily—rather than environmental complexity. To press and (...)
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  4. The Sphex story: How the cognitive sciences kept repeating an old and questionable anecdote.Fred Keijzer - 2013 - Philosophical Psychology 26 (4):502-519.
    The Sphex story is an anecdote about a female digger wasp that at first sight seems to act quite intelligently, but subsequently is shown to be a mere automaton that can be made to repeat herself endlessly. Dennett and Hofstadter made this story well known and widely influential within the cognitive sciences, where it is regularly used as evidence that insect behavior is highly rigid. The present paper discusses the origin and subsequent empirical investigation of the repetition reported in the (...)
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  5. Doing without representations which specify what to do.Fred A. Keijzer - 1998 - Philosophical Psychology 11 (3):269-302.
    A discussion is going on in cognitive science about the use of representations to explain how intelligent behavior is generated. In the traditional view, an organism is thought to incorporate representations. These provide an internal model that is used by the organism to instruct the motor apparatus so that the adaptive and anticipatory characteristics of behavior come about. So-called interactionists claim that this representational specification of behavior raises more problems than it solves. In their view, the notion of internal representational (...)
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  6.  29
    Phenomenological and existential contributions to the study of erectile dysfunction.Chris A. Suijker, Corijn van Mazijk, Fred A. Keijzer & Boaz Meijer - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (4):597-608.
    The current medical approach to erectile dysfunction (ED) consists of physiological, psychological and social components. This paper proposes an additional framework for thinking about ED based on phenomenology, by focusing on the theory of sexual projection. This framework will be complementary to the current medical approach to ED. Our phenomenological analysis of ED provides philosophical depth and illuminates overlooked aspects in the study of ED. Mainly by appealing to Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception, we suggest considering an additional etiology of ED (...)
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  7.  51
    Workspace and sensorimotor theories: Complementary approaches to experience.Jan Degenaar & Fred Keijzer - 2009 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 16 (9):77-102.
    A serious difficulty for theories of consciousness is to go beyond mere correlation between physical processes and experience. Currently, neural workspace and sensorimotor contingency theories are two of the most promising approaches to make any headway here. This paper explores the relation between these two sets of theories. Workspace theories build on large-scale activity within the brain. Sensorimotor theories include external processes in their explanations, stressing the sensorimotor contingencies that arise from our interaction with the environment. Despite the basic differences, (...)
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    Behavioral systems interpreted as autonomous agents and as coupled dynamical systems: A criticism.Fred A. Keijzer & Sacha Bem - 1996 - Philosophical Psychology 9 (3):323-46.
    Cognitive science's basic premises are under attack. In particular, its focus on internal cognitive processes is a target. Intelligence is increasingly interpreted, not as a matter of reclusive thought, but as successful agent-environment interaction. The critics claim that a major reorientation of the field is necessary. However, this will only occur when there is a distinct alternative conceptual framework to replace the old one. Whether or not a serious alternative is provided is not clear. Among the critics there is some (...)
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    Describing Atypical Instances of Intelligence: The Case of Habituation.Fred Keijzer - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (7):1900079.
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    Belevende lijven.Fred Keijzer - 2024 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 116 (3):228-244.
    Experiencing bodies: Conceptual dualism and the computer metaphor Human bodies are experiencing bodies that feel pain, pleasure and have a point of view. Our experiencing bodies are the natural starting point to develop a fully natural scientific account of our cognitive and experiential processes. However, accepting the experiential nature of our bodies is hampered by a long-standing pre-scientific conceptual dualism between mind and body. Nowadays, this dualism has been morphed into a modernlooking scientific version by the computer metaphor that interprets (...)
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  11. Robotics, biological grounding and the Fregean tradition.Marti Hooijmans & Fred Keijzer - 2007 - Pragmatics and Cognition 15 (3):515-546.
    Dynamic, embodied and situated cognition set up organism-environment interaction — agency for short — as the core of cognitive systems. Robotics became an important way to study this behavioral kernel of cognition. In this paper, we discuss the implications of what we call the biological grounding problem for robotic studies: Natural and artificial agents are hugely different and it will be necessary to articulate what must be replicated by artificial agents such as robots. Interestingly, once this issue is explicitly raised, (...)
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    Differentiating Animality from Agency Towards a Foundation for Cognition.Fred Keijzer - unknown
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    De intuïties voorbij.Fred Keijzer - 2016 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 108 (2):131-159.
    Beyond intuitions: A biological interpretation of cognition How can the study of cognition become an ordinary science that is intrinsically connected to the other natural sciences? Since the cognitive revolution in and around psychology, ‘cognition’ has become the standard term to refer to the processes that make us – humans – intelligent. The interpretation of this cognitive domain and cognition itself, however, has never become really clear. First, cognition is a mental concept that is conceptually linked with theories and ideas (...)
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  14. Evolution in action in perception.Fred Keijzer - 2007 - Philosophical Psychology 20 (4):519 – 529.
    Action in Perception Alva NoëCambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005392 pages, ISBN: 0262140888 (hbk); $40.00When I started on Alva Noë's Action in Perception, I expected to be pleased with the book and to...
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  15.  52
    Is “the brain” a helpful metaphor for neuroscience?Fred Keijzer - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Brette criticizes the notion of neural coding as used in neuroscience as a way to clarify the causal structure of the brain. This criticism will be positioned in a wider range of findings and ideas from other branches of neuroscience and biology. While supporting Brette's critique, these findings also suggest the need for more radical changes in neuroscience than Brette envisions.
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    Modeling human experience?!Fred A. Keijzer - 2000 - Philosophical Psychology 13 (2):239 – 245.
    Borrett, Kelly and Kwan claim to provide neural-network models of important aspects of subjective human experience. To sidestep the long-standing and assumedly insurmountable problems with providing models of inner experience, they turn to a body-centered interpretation of experience, drawn from the work of Merleau-Ponty. This body-centered interpretation makes experience more tractable by linking it closely with bodily movement. However, when it comes to modeling, Borrett et al. ignore this body-centered interpretation and revert back to the traditional view of inner experience (...)
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  17.  40
    Repliek: Breken met een oude conceptuele tegenstelling.Fred Keijzer - 2016 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 108 (2):207-224.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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  18. Theoretical behaviorism meets embodied cognition: Two theoretical analyses of behavior.Fred Keijzer - 2005 - Philosophical Psychology 18 (1):123-143.
    This paper aims to do three things: First, to provide a review of John Staddon's book Adaptive dynamics: The theoretical analysis of behavior. Second, to compare Staddon's behaviorist view with current ideas on embodied cognition. Third, to use this comparison to explicate some outlines for a theoretical analysis of behavior that could be useful as a behavioral foundation for cognitive phenomena. Staddon earlier defended a theoretical behaviorism, which allows internal states in its models but keeps these to a minimum while (...)
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  19. The dynamics of what?Fred A. Keijzer, Sacha Ben & Lex van der Heijden - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (5):644-645.
    Van Gelder presents the distinction between dynamical systems and digital computers as the core issue of current developments in cognitive science. We think this distinction is much less important than a reassessment of cognition as a neurally, bodily, and environmentally embedded process. Embedded cognition lines up naturally with dynamical models, but it would also stand if combined with classic computation.
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  20.  57
    The foundational problem for cognition.Fred Keijzer & Pamela Christine Lyon - unknown
    What is cognition? Despite the existence of a science of cognition there is no clear agreement on what makes certain phenomena cognitive, and others not. Within cognitivism the issue was neglected. Human intelligence was used as a standard, and any process—natural or artificial—that fitted this standard sufficiently could be considered ‘cognitive’. For post-cognitivist psychology the situation is different. It cannot rely on the ‘human standard’ in the same way. One might even say that the need for a post-cognitivist psychology arose (...)
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  21.  30
    Trends in belichaamde cognitie.Fred Keijzer - 2009 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 71 (3):499.
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  22. Embedded cognition and mental causation: Setting empirical Bounds on metaphysics. [REVIEW]Fred Keijzer & Maurice Schouten - 2007 - Synthese 158 (1):109 - 125.
    We argue that embedded cognition provides an argument against Jaegwon Kim’s neural reduction of mental causation. Because some mental, or at least psychological processes have to be cast in an externalist way, Kim’s argument can be said to lead to the conclusion that mental causation is as safe as any other form of higher-level of causation.
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  23. Full Naturalism: The Objectivity of Subjective Points of View.Fred Keijzer - forthcoming - Biological Theory:1-12.
    In this article, I provide an account that rejects the claim that there is a fundamental dichotomy between our subjective mental domain and the objective external world. I will work with the premise that both belong to a single cohering set of natural processes, following what I will call full naturalism. Full naturalism accepts that subjective mental phenomena are intrinsically natural phenomena. This includes any epistemological repercussions for naturalism itself, which becomes partly dependent on subjective points of view. The article (...)
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  24. Dependencies, Connections and Other Relations. [REVIEW]Fred Keijzer - 2005 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 4.
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  25. Toward a Developmental Theory of Meaning: Grounding Mental Representations in Cognitive Science. [REVIEW]Fred Keijzer - 2003 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 4.
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