Results for 'Christian philosophers '

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  1. Christian Philosophical Theology.Stephen T. Davis - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    Christian Philosophical Theology constitutes a Christian philosopher's look at various crucial topics in Christian theology, including belief in God, the nature of God, the Trinity, christology, the resurrection of Jesus, the general resurrection, redemption, and theological method. The book is tightly argued, and amounts to a coherent explanation of and case for the Christian world view. While the work is written from a broadly Reformed Protestant perspective and the author does not avoid controversial topics, the aim (...)
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    Christian Thomasius: Briefwechsel.Christian Thomasius - 2018 - Boston: Walter de Gruyter. Edited by Frank Grunert.
    Über die weitreichende Bedeutung von Briefwechseln für die Formierung der frühneuzeitlichen Gelehrtenrepublik besteht seit längerem ein für geisteswissenschaftliche Verhältnisse ungewöhnlicher Konsens. Die großen Briefwechsel von Grotius, Leibniz oder Haller machen deutlich, dass die Innovationsdynamik der Gelehrtenkultur im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert im Wesentlichen auf Kommunikationsstrukturen zurückzuführen ist, die durch Korrespondenzen und durch die damit verbundenen Netzwerke etabliert wurden. Obwohl der in Halle lehrende Jurist und Philosoph Christian Thomasius (1655-1728) zu den,,schlechthin zentralen Persönlichkeiten" der deutschen und - über deren Rezeption (...)
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    What is a Person?: Rethinking Humanity, Social Life, and the Moral Good From the Person Up.Christian Smith - 2010 - University of Chicago Press.
    What is a person? This fundamental question is a perennial concern of philosophers and theologians. But, Christian Smith here argues, it also lies at the center of the social scientist’s quest to interpret and explain social life. In this ambitious book, Smith presents a new model for social theory that does justice to the best of our humanistic visions of people, life, and society. Finding much current thinking on personhood to be confusing or misleading, Smith finds inspiration in (...)
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    "That miracle of the Christian world": Origenism and Christian Platonism in Henry More.Christian Hengstermann & Henry More (eds.) - 2020 - Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
    The present collection of essays is devoted to the Christian philosophy of the most prolific and most speculatively ambitious of the Cambridge Origenists, Henry More. Not only did More revere Origen, whom he extolled as a "holy sage" and "that miracle of the Christian world", but he also developed a philosophical system which hinged upon the Origenian notions of universal divine goodness and libertarian human freedom. Throughout his life, More subscribed to the ancient theology of the pre-existence of (...)
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    (1 other version)The Christian Philosopher.Cotton Mather & Winton U. Solberg (eds.) - 1994 - University of Illinois Press.
    Published in 1721 by the prominent Puritan clergyman Cotton Mather, The Christian Philosopher was the first comprehensive book on science to be written by an American. Building on natural theology, Mather demonstrated the harmony between religion and the new science associated with Sir Isaac Newton. His survey of all the known sciences from astronomy and physics to human anatomy presented evidence that both celestial and terrestrial phenomema imply an intelligent designer. Winton Solberg's introduction places Mather's treatise in its widest (...)
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    Le philosophe et son guide: Mullâ Sadra et la religion philosophique.Christian Jambet - 2021 - [Paris, France]: NRF Gallimard.
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    Un philosophe néoplatonicien du XIe siècle: Michel Psellos, sa vie, son œuvre, ses luttes philosophiques, son influence.Christian Zervos - 1920 - New York,: B. Franklin.
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  8. A Christian Philosopher's View of Recent Directions in the Abortion Debate.Patrick Lee - 2004 - Christian Bioethics 10 (1):7-32.
    From the standpoint of a Christian philosopher, heeding the teaching and exhortations of Pope John Paul II and previous popes, I examine three directions in which the recent philosophical debate has developed. In the last seven or eight years there has been 1) a renewed focus on the biological issue of when a human individual comes to be, 2) new arguments for the proposition that personhood is a characteristic acquired after birth, and 3) refinements of the early argument of (...)
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  9. Should Christians be Worried about Situationist Claims in Psychology and Philosophy?Christian B. Miller - 2016 - Faith and Philosophy 33 (1):48-73.
    The situationist movement in psychology and, more recently, in philosophy has been associated with a number of striking claims, including that most people do not have the moral virtues and vices, that any ethical theory which is wedded to such character traits is empirically inadequate, and that much of our behavior is causally influenced, to significant degrees, by psychological influences about which we are often unaware. Yet Christian philosophers have had virtually nothing to say about situationist claims. The (...)
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  10. Un philosophe néoplatonicien du XIe siècle.Christian Zervos - 1919 - Paris,: E. Leroux.
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    Philosophers and Religious Leaders: An Encyclopedia of People Who Changed the World.Christian D. Von Dehsen (ed.) - 1999 - Phoenix, Ariz.: Greenwood.
    How did Elijah Muhammad's establishment of the Nation of Islam affect the civil rights movement in the United States? Philosophers and Religious Leaders answers that question and others as it presents 200 leaders whose lives and work have greatly influenced the world we live in today. Profiles include: Muhammad Abduh—architect of Islamic modernism. Mary Daly— influential feminist theologian and philosopher. Mary Baker Eddy—founder of Christian Science. Mencius (Meng K'o)—Confucian moral philosopher and interpreter. Shang Yang—Chinese philosopher of legalist school.
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    Dôgen als Philosoph.Christian Steineck, Guido Rappe, Kåogaku Arifuku & Dåogen (eds.) - 2002 - Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz Verlag.
    Dogen Kigen (1200-1253) tritt uns in seinem Werk in vielfaltigen Aspekten entgegen: als Praktiker buddhistischer Lebensform und Experte fur Meditationstechniken, als Lehrer, um den sich Anhanger sammelten, als gebildeter Scholastiker, der sich bestens in buddhistischer Dogmatik auskannte, als Theoretiker, der diese Lehren und die mit ihnen verbundene Begrifflichkeit kritisch hinterfragte und auf seine Situation hin adaptierte, sowie als Neuerer, der traditionelle Konzepte auf eigenwillige Art interpretierte, und schliesslich als Dichter, der seine philosophischen Erkenntnisse auch in poetische Formen zu fassen wusste. (...)
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  13.  66
    Some Philosophical Concerns about How the VIA Classifies Character Traits and the VIA-IS Measures Them.Christian Miller - 2019 - Journal of Positive Psychology 14:6-19.
    Written from the perspective of a philosopher, this paper raises a number of potential concerns with how the VIA classifies and the VIA-IS measures character traits. With respect to the 24 character strengths, concerns are raised about missing strengths, the lack of vices, conflicting character strengths, the unclear connection between character strengths and virtues, and the misclassification of some character strengths under certain virtues. With respect to the 6 virtues, concerns are raised about conflicting virtues, the absence of practical wisdom, (...)
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  14. Pestalozzi als philosoph.Christian Rothenberger - 1898 - Bern,: Buchdr. Steiger & cie..
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    Diagnostic Dilemmas in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Philosophical Perspectives.Christian David Perring & Lloyd A. Wells (eds.) - 2014 - Oxford University Press.
    Within child and adolescent psychiatry, there are a number of potential dilemmas pertaining to diagnosis, treatment, the protection of the child, as well as the child's own developing intelligence and moral judgement. Diagnostic Dilemmas in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is the first in the IPPP series to explore this highly complex topic.
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    Artistes et philosophes, éducateurs?: [exposition] Centre Georges Pompidou.Christian Descamps (ed.) - 1994 - Paris: Editions du Centre Pompidou.
    En bannissant les poètes de la Cité, Platon inaugurait une longue querelle entre philosophes et artistes. De fait, les artistes ont aimé se proclamer " instaurateurs ", " éducateurs ", " voyants ", " tenants de l'avant-garde ". Depuis Hölderlin, qui n'a en tête le poète-philosophe, depuis Nietzsche le philosophe-artiste? Pourtant le philosophique ne peut, sans renoncer au concept, être réduit à une poétique... Il est décisif d'articuler, aujourd'hui, les places philosophiques et artistiques. Au cours de ce séminaire, celles-là se (...)
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  17. Inter-Christian Philosophical Dialogues.Graham Oppy & Nick Trakakis (eds.) - 2017 - London: Routledge.
    This book is a collection of exchanges between Christian philosophers who adopt very different perspectives on Christianity.
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    Reflections: Philosophical Essays on the Minds, Thoughts, Emotions, and Action of Men: (Evangelism Documented).Christian Dozienze Ngoka - 2006 - Alphabet Nigeria Publishers.
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  19. Philosopher les Interrogations Contemporaines : Matériaux Pour Un Enseignement.Christian Delacampagne & Robert Maggiori - 1980
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    Philosophical Thought Experiments as Excercises in Conceptual Analysis.Christian Nimtz - 2010 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 81 (1):189-214.
    In this paper, I defend the viability and importance of conceptual analysis to philosophical inquiry. My argument proceeds in two steps. In a first step, I argue that we rely on the notions guiding how we do and would apply our terms in order to evaluate the counterfactual conditionals we find at the heart of philosophical thought experiments. In a second step, I argue that our notions determine what the relevant terms mean in our mouth. In order to defend the (...)
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  21.  18
    Briefwechsel zwischen Christian Wolff und Ernst Christoph von Manteuffel, 1738-1748: historisch-kritische Edition in 3 Bänden.Christian Wolff - 2019 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag. Edited by Ernst Christoph Manteuffel, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Hanns-Peter Neumann & Katharina Middell.
    Die Überlieferung des Briefwechsels zwischen Christian Wolff (1679–1754) und Ernst Christoph von Manteuffel (1676–1749) ist ein singulärer Glücksfall. Die in der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig aufbewahrten Bände enthalten den nahezu geschlossen und damit am umfangreichsten erhaltenen Briefwechsel in der Gesamtkorrespondenz Christian Wolffs. Die historisch-kritische Edition des Briefwechsels stellt Materialien bereit, die die Wolff- und Aufklärungsforschung auf eine neue Grundlage stellen. Der Briefwechsel erlaubt neben bisher unbekannten biographischen Details aus Wolffs Marburger Zeit und den ersten Jahren seines Wirkens nach der Rückkehr (...)
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  22.  43
    Philosophical anthropology, ethics, and love: Toward a new religion and science dialogue.Christian Early - 2017 - Zygon 52 (3):847-863.
    Religion and science dialogues that orbit around rational method, knowledge, and truth are often, though not always, contentious. In this article, I suggest a different cluster of gravitational points around which religion and science dialogues might usefully travel: philosophical anthropology, ethics, and love. I propose seeing morality as a natural outgrowth of the human desire to establish and maintain social bonds so as not to experience the condition of being alone. Humans, of all animals, need to feel loved—defined as a (...)
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  23.  19
    Health, Rights and Dignity: Philosophical Reflections on an Alleged Human Right.Christian Erk - 2011 - De Gruyter.
    The idea that there is such a thing as a human right to health has become pervasive. It has not only been acknowledged by a variety of international law documents and thus entered the political realm but is also defended in academic circles. Yet, despite its prominence the human right to health remains something of a mystery - especially with respect to its philosophical underpinnings. Addressing this unfortunate and intellectually dangerous insufficiency, this book critically assesses the stipulation that health is (...)
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  24. Le philosophe et le tyran. Histoire d'une illusion, coll. « Perspectives critiques ».Christian Delacampagne - 2003 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 193 (4):494-496.
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    “Good” Philosophical Reasons for “Bad” Editorial Philology? On Rhees and Wittgenstein'sPhilosophical Grammar.Christian Erbacher - 2019 - Philosophical Investigations 42 (2):111-145.
    Using new archival material, this article reconstructs the editorial history of Philosophical Grammar, an edition that Rush Rhees crafted from Wittgenstein's papers. Contrasting the often‐held view that Rhees, in editing Philosophical Grammar, arbitrarily interfered with Wittgenstein's Big Typescript, the article illuminates the work, motives and reasons that underlie Rhees’ editing. Although recent philological evidence supports his editorial decisions, Rhees, at the time, made them based on his desire to do justice to his understanding of Wittgenstein's philosophical orientation. Against this background, (...)
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  26. A philosophical critique of heterophenomenology.Christian Beenfeldt - 2008 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 15 (8):5-34.
    In this paper Dennett's method of heterophenomenology is discussed. After a brief explanation of the method, three arguments in support of it are considered in turn. First, the argument from the possibility of error and self-delusion of the subject is found to ignore the panoply of intermediate position that one can take with regard to the epistemic status of first-personal knowledge. The argument is also criticized for employing an epistemic double-standard. Second, the argument from the neutrality of heterophenomenology is found (...)
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    In search of lost spacetime: philosophical issues arising in quantum gravity.Christian Wuthrich - unknown
    This paper issues a call to arms and seeks to entice the reader with some of the most captivating philosophical puzzles arising in quantum gravity. The analysis will be prefaced, in Section 1, by general considerations concerning the need for finding a quantum theory of gravity and the methods used in the pursuit of this goal. After mapping the field in Section 2, loop quantum gravity is introduced as an important competitor and particularly rich source of philosophical trouble in Section (...)
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    From Romantic Irony to Postmodernist Metafiction: A Contribution to the History of Literary Self-Reflexivity in its Philosophical Context.Christian Quendler - 2001 - P. Lang.
    This study represents a comparison between two radical gestures of literary self-reflexivity: romantic irony and postmodernist metafiction. It examines the impact of early German romantic theory and its central concept of irony on German and English romantic narrative fiction and relates the same to postmodernist self-reflexive novels, including its British and American variants. A primary objective of this comparison is to account for the radical skepticism that postmodernist metafiction voices with respect to the paramount philosophical question of truth and reality. (...)
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  29. The Christian philosopher Premysl Fitter and his Utopia.J. Krestan - 1995 - Filosoficky Casopis 43 (6):921-934.
  30. Philosophical Practice. [REVIEW]Christian Perring - 2002 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 23 (3):321-324.
    Lou Marinoff's Philosophical Practice outlines the rise of the new profession of philosophical practice and argues that philosophy should aim to be more applicable to issues people face in their everyday lives. Marinoff is the President of the American Philosophical Practitioners Association, and author of Plato Not Prozac, and he has arguably managed to draw more attention to philosophical counseling than any other person in America.
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    Philosophical Knowledge: Its Possibility and Scope.Christian Beyer & Alex Burri (eds.) - 2007 - New York, NY: Rodopi.
    Philosophical Intuitions: Their Target, Their Source, and Their Epistemic Status; Naturalism and Intuitions; Intuitions: Their Nature and Epistemic Efficacy; The Nature of Rational Intuitions and a Fresh Look at the Explanationist Objection; Philosophical Knowledge and Knowledge of Counterfactuals; The Possibility of Knowledge; Transcendental Arguments: a Plea for Modesty; A Priori Existence.
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    Presocratics and Papyrological Tradition: A Philosophical Reappraisal of the Sources. Proceedings of the International Workshop Held at the University of Trier.Christian Vassallo (ed.) - 2019 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    The papyri transmit a part of the testimonia relevant to pre-Socratic philosophy. The ʼCorpus dei Papiri Filosofici‛ takes this material only partly into account. In this volume, a team of specialists discusses some of the most important papyrological texts that are major instruments for reconstructing pre-Socratic philosophy and doxography. Furthermore, these texts help to increase our knowledge of how pre-Socratic thought – through contributions to physics, cosmology, ethics, ontology, theology, anthropology, hermeneutics, and aesthetics – paved the way for the canonic (...)
  33.  3
    Theological reflections of a Christian philosopher.Joseph John Sikora - 1970 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
    The essays which follow, as theological reflections of a Christian the ontological reality of philosopher, are essays of inquiry concerning and underlying truths revealed by God. Divine revelation of course cannot be encompassed within a few dogmatic formulae in any ade quate manner; it is the mysterious plenitude of the historical human encounter with the self-revealing God Who has revealed His salvific designs for men. This revelation can be approached from many view points of scientific study, such as those (...)
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  34. (1 other version)The Middle Way to Reality: on Why I Am Not a Buddhist and Other Philosophical Curiosities.Christian Coseru - 2021 - Sophia 60 (3):1-24.
    This paper examines four central issues prompted by Thompson's recent critique of the Buddhist modernism phenomenon: (i) the suitability of evolutionary psychology as a framework of analysis for Buddhist moral psychological ideas; (ii) the issue of what counts as the core and main trajectory of the Buddhist intellectual tradition; (iii) the scope of naturalism in the relation between science and metaphysics, and (iv) whether a Madhyamaka-inspired anti-foundationalism stance can serve as an effective platform for debating the issue of progress in (...)
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  35.  37
    Onward Christian Philosophers.Angus J. L. Menuge - 2019 - Philosophia Christi 21 (1):11-15.
    Christian philosophers have engaged naturalism in three main ways: direct refutation; systematic comparison; and sustained development of compelling alternative accounts. While all of these options have value, I argue that it is, and especially, that are most likely to win converts, and that we are witnessing an encouraging strategic shift in that direction. Options and bring Christian philosophers into closer dialogue with their naturalistic counterparts, building mutual respect and a greater opportunity for Christian philosophers (...)
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    Nietzsche's Naturalism: Philosophy and the Life Sciences in the Nineteenth Century.Christian Emden - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book explores Nietzsche's philosophical naturalism in its historical context, showing that his position is best understood against the background of encounters between neo-Kantianism and the life sciences in the nineteenth century. Analyzing most of Nietzsche's writings from the late 1860s onwards, Christian J. Emden reconstructs Nietzsche's naturalism and argues for a new understanding of his account of nature and normativity. Emden proposes historical reasons why Nietzsche came to adopt the position he did; his genealogy of values and his (...)
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  37. Can Withdrawing Citizenship be Justified?Christian Barry & Luara Ferracioli - 2016 - Political Studies 64:1055-1070.
    When can or should citizenship be granted to prospective members of states? When can or should states withdraw citizenship from their existing members? In recent decades, political philosophers have paid considerable attention to the first question, but have generally neglected the second. There are of course good practical reasons for prioritizing the question of when citizenship should be granted—many individuals have a strong interest in acquiring citizenship in particular political communities, while many fewer are at risk of denationalization. Still, (...)
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  38. Why Free Will is Real.Christian List - 2019 - Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Press.
    Philosophers have argued about the nature and the very existence of free will for centuries. Today, many scientists and scientifically minded commentators are skeptical that it exists, especially when it is understood to require the ability to choose between alternative possibilities. If the laws of physics govern everything that happens, they argue, then how can our choices be free? Believers in free will must be misled by habit, sentiment, or religious doctrine. Why Free Will Is Real defies scientific orthodoxy (...)
  39. Schleiermacher interpreter of anaximander: Hsitorical and philosophical valuations on the abhandlung of Berlin in 1811.Christian Vassallo - 2011 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 66 (4):731-737.
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    A Christian Philosophical Perspective on Western Civilization.Iulia Grad - 2010 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 9 (25):192-194.
    Emil Brunner, Christianity and Civilisation. Foundations and Specific Problems. Cambridge: James Clarke & Co. 2009.
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    Briefwechsel zwischen Leibniz und Christian Wolf: aus den Handschriften der königlichen Bibliothek zu Hannover.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Christian Wolff, C. I. Gerhardt & G. H. Pertz - 1860 - H. W. Schmidt.
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  42. Virtue Cultivation in Light of Situationism.Christian Miller - 2016 - In Julia Annas, Darcia Narvaez & Nancy E. Snow (eds.), Developing the Virtues: Integrating Perspectives. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 157-183.
    Various themes have been discussed under the heading of ‘situationism’ in psychology over the past forty years. Much of this discussion has been extremely controversial, leading to deep divisions among psychologists and, more recently, among philosophers as well. In this paper I will pick up on one of those themes having to do with the influence of certain unconscious mental dispositions. I will assume that these dispositions are widely possessed, and also that they disqualify the people who have them (...)
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  43. The Naturalistic Fallacy and Theological Ethics.Christian B. Miller - 2018 - In Neil Sinclair (ed.), The Naturalistic Fallacy. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 206-225.
    What views are the primary target of Moore’s fallacy and his open question argument? A common answer, I suspect, would be naturalistic approaches to morality. It is the naturalistic fallacy, after all. But in fact both his fallacy and his argument apply just as straightforwardly to supernatural approaches to morality as well. In this chapter, I focus specifically on how philosophers of religion have tried to grounds morality in God in ways that are clearly relevant to Moore’s project.
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    Philosophical Anaylsis for Educational Problems: Engineering and ameliorating educational concepts.Jane Gatley & Christian Norefalk (eds.) - 2024
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    Le philosophe et le tyran: histoire d'une illusion.Christian Delacampagne - 2000 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Les philosophes, disait Robert Musil, sont des êtres violents qui, faute d'avoir une armée à leur disposition, se soumettent le monde en l'enfermant dans un système. Il peut aussi leur arriver de vouloir atteindre leurs objectifs en devenant les conseillers d'un prince. Ils s'exposent, en ce cas, à de pénibles frustrations, car le prince (" bon " roi ou " méchant " tyran) n'a que faire des conseils d'un naïf philosophe. Si je reviens ici sur les temps forts de cette (...)
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    Empirical Approaches to Moral Character.Christian Miller - 201y - The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The turn of the century saw a significant increase in the amount of attention being paid by philosophers to empirical issues about moral character. Dating back at least to Plato and Aristotle in the West, and Confucius in the East, philosophers have traditionally drawn on empirical data to some extent in their theorizing about character. One of the main differences in recent years has been the source of this empirical data, namely the work of social and personality psychologists (...)
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    Essays in the Philosophy of Religion.Christian Miller (ed.) - 2006 - Clarendon Press.
    This volume brings together fourteen of the best papers by the late Philip Quinn, one of the world's leading philosophers of religion. It covers the following topics: religious epistemology, religious ethics, religion and tragic dilemmas, religion and political liberalism, topics in Christian philosophy, and religious diversity.
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  48. Social psychology and virtue ethics.Christian Miller - 2003 - The Journal of Ethics 7 (4):365-392.
    Several philosophers have recently claimed to have discovered a new and rather significant problem with virtue ethics. According to them, virtue ethics generates certain expectations about the behavior of human beings which are subject to empirical testing. But when the relevant experimental work is done in social psychology, the results fall remarkably short of meeting those expectations. So, these philosophers think, despite its recent success, virtue ethics has far less to offer to contemporary ethical theory than might have (...)
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    A philosophical approach to quantum field theory.Hans Christian Öttinger - 2017 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Approach to quantum field theory -- Scalar field theory -- Quantum electrodynamics -- Perspectives.
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    A Systems-Neuroscience View of Attention.Christian C. Ruff - 2011 - In Christopher Mole, Declan Smithies & Wayne Wu (eds.), Attention: Philosophical and Psychological Essays. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1.
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