Results for 'Chris Stolwijk'

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  1.  37
    Using practical wisdom to facilitate ethical decision-making: a major empirical study of phronesis in the decision narratives of doctors.Chris Turner, Alan Brockie, Catherine Weir, Catherine Hale, Aisha Y. Malik & Mervyn Conroy - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-13.
    BackgroundMedical ethics has recently seen a drive away from multiple prescriptive approaches, where physicians are inundated with guidelines and principles, towards alternative, less deontological perspectives. This represents a clear call for theory building that does not produce more guidelines. Phronesis (practical wisdom) offers an alternative approach for ethical decision-making based on an application of accumulated wisdom gained through previous practice dilemmas and decisions experienced by practitioners. Phronesis, as an ‘executive virtue’, offers a way to navigate the practice virtues for any (...)
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  2. Happiness and Well-Being.Chris Heathwood - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    This Element provides an opinionated introduction to the debate in moral philosophy over identifying the basic elements of well-being and to the related debate over the nature of happiness. The question of the nature of happiness is simply the question of what happiness is, and the central philosophical question about well-being is the question of what things are in themselves of ultimate benefit or harm to a person, or directly make them better or worse off.
  3.  56
    A Path with No End: Skill and Ethics in Zhuangzi.Chris Fraser - 2021 - In Tom P. S. Angier & Lisa Ann Raphals (eds.), Skill in Ancient Ethics: The Legacy of China, Greece and Rome. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    How does skill relate to dào 道, the ethically apt path and its performance? Two early Chinese ‘masters’ anthologies that make prominent use of craft metaphors imply profoundly contrasting answers to this question. For the Mòzǐ 墨子, a key to following dào is to set forth explicit models or standards for guiding and checking performance. By learning to consistently apply the right standards, we can develop the skill needed to follow the dào of the sage-kings reliably, just as a carpenter (...)
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  4. On the emergence of time in quantum gravity.Jeremy Butterfield & Chris Isham - 1999 - In The Arguments of Time. New York: Oup/British Academy. pp. 111--168.
    We discuss from a philosophical perspective the way in which the normal concept of time might be said to `emerge' in a quantum theory of gravity. After an introduction, we briefly discuss the notion of emergence, without regard to time. We then introduce the search for a quantum theory of gravity ; and review some general interpretative issues about space, time and matter. We then discuss the emergence of time in simple quantum geometrodynamics, and in the Euclidean approach. Section 6 (...)
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  5. Cessation states: Computer simulations, phenomenological assessments, and EMF theories.Chris Percy, Andrés Gómez-Emilsson & Bijan Fakhri - manuscript
    The stream of human consciousness appears to be interruptible, in that we can experience a sensation of ‘returning to ourselves after an absence of content’ (e.g. sleep, anaesthesia, full-absorption meditation). Prima facie, such evidence poses a challenge to simple applications of theories of consciousness based on electromagnetic or neural activity in the brain, because some of this activity persists during periods of interruption. This paper elaborates one of several possible responses to the challenge. We build on a previous theory in (...)
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    Information and the History of Philosophy.Chris Meyns (ed.) - 2021 - Routledge.
    In recent years the philosophy of information has emerged as an important area of research in philosophy. However, until now information’s philosophical history has been largely overlooked. Information and the History of Philosophy is the first comprehensive investigation of the history of philosophical questions around information, including work from before the Common Era to the twenty-first century. It covers scientific and technology-centred notions of information; views of human information processing, as well as socio-political topics such as the control and use (...)
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  7. The Necessity of Accidents.Chris Dorst & Marc Lange - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy.
    We argue that if there are laws of nature, then there must also be accidents. If the “laws” in a world suffice to determine the world’s entire history, then these “laws” cannot play various central roles characteristic of laws, and thus (we conclude) they are not laws at all. Many proposed accounts of lawhood (primitivist accounts, universals accounts, the Best System Account, the Package Deal Account, essentialist accounts) inappropriately permit worlds with laws but no accidents. We identify two otherwise dissimilar (...)
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    Structure and definability in general bounded arithmetic theories.Chris Pollett - 1999 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 100 (1-3):189-245.
    The bounded arithmetic theories R2i, S2i, and T2i are closely connected with complexity theory. This paper is motivated by the questions: what are the Σi+1b-definable multifunctions of R2i? and when is one theory conservative over another? To answer these questions we consider theories , and where induction is restricted to prenex formulas. We also define which has induction up to the 0 or 1-ary L2-terms in the set τ. We show and and for . We show that the -multifunctions of (...)
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  9. Dogmatic Withholding: Confessions of a Serial Offender.Chris Tucker - 2025 - In Verena Wagner & Zinke Alexandra (eds.), Suspension in epistemology and beyond. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This chapter provides an account of what dogmatism is, why the term matters, and how it applies to withholding judgment. Roughly, a person is dogmatic about P when a certain problematic personal investment—a superiority complex, broadly construed—biases their judgment concerning whether P. The term dogmatism and its cognates matter because of their social function. To accuse you of dogmatism is to signal how you are to be treated: your judgment or behavior needs to be “brought down to earth,” so that (...)
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    The Aesthetic Value of Diverse Beliefs.Chris Atkinson - forthcoming - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism.
    This article has two aims. The first is to open up a line of inquiry into whether epistemic and aesthetic values interact, at the most general level. Does an overall increase in epistemic or aesthetic value in the world have an effect on the alternative value? The second, and more specific, aim is to argue that yes, it does. In particular, I argue that an increase in epistemic value would result in a decrease in aesthetic value, across two important dimensions. (...)
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  11.  45
    Quantum Worldviews: How science and spirituality are converging to transform consciousness for meaningful solutions to wicked problems.Chris Laszlo, Sandra Waddock, Anil Maheshwari, Giorgia Nigri & Julia Storberg-Walker - 2021 - Humanistic Management Journal 6 (3):293-311.
    This article focuses on the concept of worldviews, arguing that a change in managerial worldviews is the key lever for addressing the social and global challenges facing humanity. We draw from a new synthesis of science and spirituality, with the addition of “other ways of knowing” that go beyond rational-empirical analysis, to suggest that what we call Quantum Worldviews are capable of generating the prosocial and pro-environmental behavior consistent with humanistic management. Using the yin-yang symbol as a metaphor, we suggest (...)
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  12.  88
    Nursing considered as moral practice: A philosophical-ethical interpretation of nursing.Chris Gastmans, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterle & Paul Schotsmans - 1998 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 8 (1):43-69.
    : Discussions of ethical approaches in nursing have been much enlivened in recent years, for instance by new developments in the theory of care. Nevertheless, many ethical concepts in nursing still need to be clarified. The purpose of this contribution is to develop a fundamental ethical view on nursing care considered as moral practice. Three main components are analyzed more deeply--i.e., the caring relationship, caring behavior as the integration of virtue and expert activity, and "good care" as the ultimate goal (...)
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  13.  27
    Support Vector Machines and Affective Science.Chris H. Miller, Matthew D. Sacchet & Ian H. Gotlib - 2020 - Emotion Review 12 (4):297-308.
    Support vector machines (SVMs) are being used increasingly in affective science as a data-driven classification method and feature reduction technique. Whereas traditional statistical methods typically compare group averages on selected variables, SVMs use a predictive algorithm to learn multivariate patterns that optimally discriminate between groups. In this review, we provide a framework for understanding the methods of SVM-based analyses and summarize the findings of seminal studies that use SVMs for classification or data reduction in the behavioral and neural study of (...)
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  14. Inconsistent mathematics.Chris Mortensen - 2008 - Studia Logica.
  15. Suspensive Wronging.Chris Ranalli - 2025 - In Verena Wagner & Zinke Alexandra (eds.), Suspension in epistemology and beyond. New York, NY: Routledge.
    According to the thesis of doxastic wronging, we can wrong people in virtue of having certain beliefs about them. In this chapter, I motivate and defend a similar view, the thesis of suspensive wronging, that we can wrong people in virtue of bearing an indecision attitude towards certain questions that bear on certain people. I explore the extent to which the thesis of suspensive wronging fits with certain prominent conceptions of suspension of judgment, including the sui generis attitude, higher-order, and (...)
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    Weighing Reasons.Chris Tucker - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    This entry explains what the issue of weighing reasons is about and then discusses a number of theories concerning weighing reasons. The general issue concerns how reasons (or considerations or pros and cons) systematically interact to determine the normative status of some action, belief, or attitude. For example, it concerns how reasons determine whether an action is permissible, required, or what ought to be done. The general issue also concerns how reasons aggregate or themselves result from systematic interactions with the (...)
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  17.  25
    Multifunction algebras and the provability of PH↓.Chris Pollett - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 104 (1-3):279-303.
    We introduce multifunction algebras B i τ where τ is a set of 0 or 1-ary terms used to bound recursion lengths. We show that if for all ℓ ∈ τ we have ℓ ∈ O then B i τ = FP Σ i−1 p , those multifunctions computable in polynomial time with at most O )) queries to a Σ i−1 p witness oracle for ℓ ∈ τ and p a polynomial. We use our algebras to obtain independence results (...)
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  18.  62
    Moral hinges and steadfastness.Chris Ranalli - 2021 - Metaphilosophy 52 (3-4):379-401.
    Epistemic rationality seems to permit a more steadfast response to disagreements over our fundamental convictions than it does for our ordinary beliefs. Why is this? This essay explores three answers to this question: web-of-belief conservatism, moral encroachment, and hinge theories, and argues that hinge theories do a better job than the alternatives at vindicating the intuition that there is a rationally permissible asymmetry in our responses to disagreements over ordinary beliefs and fundamental convictions. The essay also shows how hinge theorists (...)
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  19.  28
    Small Business and Social Irresponsibility in Developing Countries: Working Conditions and “Evasion” Institutional Work.Chris Rees, Laura J. Spence & Vivek Soundararajan - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (7):1301-1336.
    Small businesses in developing countries, as part of global supply chains, are sometimes assumed to respond in a straightforward manner to institutional demands for improved working conditions. This article problematizes this perspective. Drawing upon extensive qualitative data from Tirupur’s knitwear export industry in India, we highlight owner-managers’ agency in avoiding or circumventing these demands. The small businesses here actively engage in irresponsible business practices and “evasion” institutional work to disrupt institutional demands in three ways: undermining assumptions and values, dissociating consequences, (...)
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  20.  20
    Mental images: Should cognitive science learn from neurophysiology?Chris Mortensen - 1989 - In Peter Slezak (ed.), Computers, Brains and Minds. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 123--136.
  21. Relativism.Chris Swoyer - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  22. An Opinionated Guide to “What Makes Someone’s Life Go Best”.Chris Heathwood - 2020 - In Andrea Sauchelli (ed.), Derek Parfit’s Reasons and Persons: An Introduction and Critical Inquiry. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 94-113.
    Derek Parfit's monumental 1984 book Reasons and Persons contains a little appendix called "What Makes Someone's Life Go Best," a mini-essay on well-being that has taken on a life of its own apart from the body to which it is attached. This paper serves as a critical guide to that appendix. Topics include: the nature of pleasure and pain and its relation to theories of well-being; the unrestricted desire-fulfillment theory and the problem of remote desires; whether a person's actual preferences (...)
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  23.  84
    The Puzzle of Philosophical Testimony.Chris Ranalli - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):142-163.
    An epistemologist tells you that knowledge is more than justified true belief. You trust them and thus come to believe this on the basis of their testimony. Did you thereby come to know that this view is correct? Intuitively, there is something intellectually wrong with forming philosophical beliefs on the basis of testimony, and yet it's hard to see why philosophy should be significantly epistemically different from other areas of inquiry in a way that would fully prohibit belief by testimony. (...)
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  24.  69
    Introduction.Chris Letheby & Philip Gerrans - 2024 - In Chris Letheby & Philip Gerrans (eds.), Philosophical Perspectives on Psychedelic Psychiatry. Oxford University Press. pp. 1-22.
    The chapter undertakes three main tasks. The first is to review, briefly, the history of psychedelics in psychiatry, including the phenomenological and behavioural effects that first led to their being studied for therapeutic purposes. The second is to give an overview of recent research into the safety, efficacy, and therapeutic mechanisms of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. The third is to summarize the contributions of each of the chapters collected in this volume and show how they address philosophical issues arising from the new (...)
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    The climate emergency: Reality bites!Chris Abel - 2024 - Architectural Research Quarterly 27 (4):357-361.
    This updated essay expands on the author's analysis of the complex social and psychological reasons for the inadequate response to the climate emergency. Recent reports by climate scientists quoted in the article suggest that the pace of climate change has already reached the point of irreversibility, triggering multiple tipping points with catastrophic implications for the future of life on this planet. Yet climate change denial, which as the author explains, takes many forms itself, both aggressive and passive, remains common at (...)
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  26. I Laugh Because it's Absurd: Humor as Error Detection.Chris A. Kramer - 2021 - In Steven Gimbel & Jennifer Marra Henrigillis (eds.), It's Funny 'Cause It's True: The Lighthearted Philosophers Society's Introduction to Philosophy through Humor. pp. 82-93.
    “ A man orders a whole pizza pie for himself and is asked whether he would like it cut into eight or four slices. He responds, ‘Four, I’m on a diet ”’ (Noël Carroll) -/- While not hilarious --so funny that it induces chortling punctuated with outrageous vomiting--this little gem is amusing. We recognize that something has gone wrong. On a first reading it might not compute, something doesn’t quite make sense. Then, aha! , we understand the hapless dieter has (...)
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  27.  8
    The effects of collective trauma on Iowa farmers, their communities, and sustainability outcomes.Chris Morris & J. Arbuckle - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-20.
    Collective trauma refers to psychological effects that are experienced by a group of people in response to shared traumatic conditions. Farmers represent a unique population that is chronically exposed to potentially traumatic events and conditions particular to the agricultural industry. Farming communities in Iowa have experienced the farm crisis of the 1980s, decades of extreme weather events, rapidly fluctuating markets, trade wars, rising input costs, farm bankruptcies and foreclosures, and high rates of farmer suicides. Exposure to such conditions can potentially (...)
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  28.  8
    Christian anthropology‐based contributions to the ethics of socially assistive robots in care for older adults.Chris Gastmans, Edoardo Sinibaldi, Richard Lerner, Miguel Yáñez, László Kovács, Laura Palazzani, Renzo Pegoraro & Tijs Vandemeulebroucke - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (9):787-795.
    Our society, in general, and health care, in particular, faces notable challenges due to the emergence of innovative digital technologies. The use of socially assistive robots in aged care is a particular digital application that provokes ethical reflection. The answers we give to the ethical questions associated with socially assistive robots are framed by ontological and anthropological considerations of what constitutes human beings and how the meaning of being human relates to how these robots are conceived. Religious beliefs and secular (...)
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  29.  27
    The Logic of Inconsistency.Chris Mortensen - 1981 - Philosophical Quarterly 31 (124):275-277.
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  30.  38
    In Defense of Kant's Religion.Chris L. Firestone & Nathan A. Jacobs - 2008 - Indiana University Press.
    Chris L. Firestone and Nathan Jacobs integrate and interpret the work of leading Kant scholars to come to a new and deeper understanding of Kant's difficult book, Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason. In this text, Kant's vocabulary and language are especially tortured and convoluted. Readers have often lost sight of the thinker's deep ties to Christianity and questioned the viability of the work as serious philosophy of religion. Firestone and Jacobs provide strong and cogent grounds for taking (...)
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  31. Complex predicates and logics for properties and relations.Chris Swoyer - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 27 (3):295-325.
    In this paper I present a formal language in which complex predicates stand for properties and relations, and assignments of denotations to complex predicates and assignments of extensions to the properties and relations they denote are both homomorphisms. This system affords a fresh perspective on several important philosophical topics, highlighting the algebraic features of properties and clarifying the sense in which properties can be represented by their extensions. It also suggests a natural modification of current logics of properties, one in (...)
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  32.  36
    Care, compassion and recognition: an ethical discussion.Carlo Leget, Chris Gastmans & Marian Verkerk (eds.) - 2011 - Leuven: Peeters.
    Since Carol Gilligan's In a Different Voice (1982) the ethics of care has developed as a movement of allied thinkers, in different continents, who have a shared concern and who reflect on similar topics. This shared concern is that care can only be revalued and take its societal place if existing asymmetrical power relations are unveiled, and if the dignity of care givers and care receivers is better guaranteed, socially, politically and personally. In this first volume of a new series (...)
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  33.  42
    (1 other version)The stakeholder corporation.Chris E. Metcalfe - 1998 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 7 (1):30–36.
    The stakeholder debate continues unabated in Britain in various arenas of public life and activity. “While recognising the societal holism of the stakeholder concept this article concentrates on the debate at a business level, discussing whether stakeholding is ethical, attainable, or even appropriate to business corporations”. The author is completing his MBA at London Business School and has a background of consulting in organisational and IT analysis.
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  34.  11
    Politics, Persuasion, and Pragmatism: A Rhetoric of Feminist Utopian Fiction.Chris Ferns - 2006 - Utopian Studies 17 (1):254-257.
  35.  13
    Russian Cognitive Neuroscience: Historical and Cultural Context.Chris Forsythe (ed.) - 2022 - BRILL.
    This volume is an unprecedented compilation of research papers from esteemed Russian psychophysiologists, cognitive scientists, and neuroscientists. It also provides a detailed exposition of Russian advances in neuropsychology and cognitive science from the late nineteenth century to the present.
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    The Anthropocene and anthropology: Micro and macro perspectives.Chris Hann - 2017 - European Journal of Social Theory 20 (1):183-196.
    Noting a lack of consensus in the recent literature on the Anthropocene, this article considers how social anthropologists might contribute to its theorizing and dating. Empirically it draws on the author’s long-term fieldwork in Hungary. It is argued that ethnographic methods are essential for grasping subjectivities, including temporal orientations and perceptions of epochal transformation. When it comes to historical periodization, however, ethnography is obviously insufficient and proposals privileging the last half-century, or just the last quarter of a century, seem inadequate. (...)
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  37.  21
    Female Fighters in the Sierra Leone War: Challenging the Assumptions?Chris Coulter - 2008 - Feminist Review 88 (1):54-73.
    This article looks at how the category of female fighters in the Sierra Leone civil war (1991–2002) was interpreted by the local population and by the international humanitarian community. The category of the female fighter both challenges and confuses the gendered stereotypes of ‘woman the victim’ and ‘man the perpetrator’ on multiple levels. Most research on ‘women and war’ focuses on women either as inherently more peaceful or merely as victims, and often unwittingly reproduces in ‘war-affected women’ a corresponding lack (...)
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  38.  71
    Leibniz on intension and extension.Chris Swoyer - 1995 - Noûs 29 (1):96-114.
  39.  88
    (1 other version)The ethics of impression management.Chris Provis - 2010 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 19 (2):199-212.
    There are differences among forms of impression management that are relevant to its ethical evaluation. Sometimes, moral appraisal is to do with impression management as a tactic of influence, but not about deception. In other cases, an audience is given a true or a false impression, and ethical questions of deception arise, but they are made more complex by the need to consider the responsibility of an audience in reaching its conclusions. Cases where that is an issue blend into a (...)
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  40.  61
    The limits of change.Chris Mortensen - 1985 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 63 (1):1 – 10.
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  41. Process studies supplement..Chris van Haeften - forthcoming - Process Studies.
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  42. Completing the Circle of the Social Sciences? William Beveridge and Social Biology at London School of Economics during the 1930s.Chris Renwick - 2014 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 44 (4):478-496.
    Much has been written about the relationship between biology and social science during the early twentieth century. However, discussion is often drawn toward a particular conception of eugenics, which tends to obscure our understanding of not only the wide range of intersections between biology and social science during the period but also their impact on subsequent developments. This paper draws attention to one of those intersections: the British economist and social reformer William Beveridge’s controversial efforts to establish a Department of (...)
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  43. Managing cross cultural business ethics.Chris J. Moon & Peter Woolliams - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 27 (1-2):105 - 115.
    The Trompenaars database (1993) updated with Hampden-Turner (1998) has been assembled to help managers structure their cross cultural experiences in order to develop their competence for doing business and managing across the world. The database comprises more than 50,000 cases from over 100 countries and is one of the world's richest sources of social constructs. Woolliams and Trompenaars (1998) review the analysis undertaken by the authors in the last five years to develop the methodological approach underpinning the work. Recently Trompenaars (...)
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  44. Global egalitarianism.Chris Armstrong - 2008 - Philosophy Compass 4 (1):155-171.
    To whom is egalitarian justice owed? Our fellow citizens, or all of humankind? If the latter, what form might a global brand of egalitarianism take? This paper examines some recent debates about the justification, and content, of global egalitarian justice. It provides an account of some keenly argued controversies about the scope of egalitarian justice, between those who would restrict it to the level of the state and those who would extend it more widely. It also notes the cross-cutting distinction (...)
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    Sexual Abuse and Troubled Feminism: A Reply to Camille Guy.Chris Atmore - 1999 - Feminist Review 61 (1):83-96.
    In a recent issue of Feminist Review Camille Guy argued, focusing on selected controversies in New Zealand and Australia, that radical feminists have had a prescriptive hegemony in defining issues of sexual abuse, and that this has resulted in injustices and a censorious climate in which people who disagreed were too intimidated to speak out. This article replies to Guy's assertions and, while disagreeing with much of her argument, also suggests that it does point to more broadly sig-nificant issues for (...)
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  46. Later Mohist Logic, Ethics and Science after 25 Years.Chris Fraser - 1978 - In Angus Charles Graham (ed.), Later Mohist logic, ethics, and science. London: School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
    Introduction to reprint edition of A. C. Graham, Later Mohist Logic, Ethics and Science.
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  47. Reflections on the readings of Sundays and feasts: September-November 2020.Chris Monaghan - 2020 - The Australasian Catholic Record 97 (3):363.
    Communities of faith are not perfect and the readings this week invite us to deal with the reality of sin in ways that lead to positive change grounded in our mutual responsibility to and for each other.
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    Understanding Plato’s theory of justice and creating social order.Chris Osegenwune - 2011 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):205-212.
    Plato’s theory of justice is central in philosophical discourse. The canon of this theory is that every individual has an innate ability that can be harnessed to contribute to national development. Plato is of the view that grounding human ability in departmental excellence will promote a division of labour and enhance productivity, efficiency and effectiveness.Plato’s defense of justice is an attempt to correct the position of the sophists that injustice is preferred to justice. The Republic (Ideal state), one of his (...)
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    The smell of Latin grammar: contrary imaginings in English classrooms.Chris Stray - 1994 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 76 (3):201-220.
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    The hippocampus and spatial constraints on mental imagery.Chris M. Bird, James A. Bisby & Neil Burgess - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
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