Results for 'Cecile O. Legaspi'

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  1. A personal philosophy of professionalism.Cecil O. Samuelson - 2009 - In Scott Wallace Cameron, Galen LeGrande Fletcher & Jane H. Wise, Life in the Law: Service & Integrity. J. Reuben Clark Law Society, Brigham Young University Law School.
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    The role of instruction in experimental space perception.Cecil W. Mann & Randolph O. Boring - 1953 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 45 (1):44.
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    O trabalho manual dos monges : eclesiologia e práticas sociais.Cécile Caby - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (48):1129.
    O artigo discute a representação Cisterciense do labor monástico. Ele baseia-se primordialmente em fontes polemistas e hagiográficas, tendo o intuito de entender como o discurso monástico sobre as atividades manuais, fora dos muros do mosteiro, se tornou, na Ordem de Cister, um importante elemento de construção identitária. Deseja-se reexaminar o lugar do trabalho manual nos discursos elaborados pelos monges, de modo a interrogar sobre as relações – no seio do monacato e globalmente nas sociedades medievais – entre representação do trabalho (...)
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    Onora O’Neill, Justice Across Boundaries: Whose Obligations?, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2016. 243 páginas. ISBN-13: 9781107116306. [REVIEW]Cecil Bates - 2017 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 17:141-144.
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    Literatura e gênero: vetores para a formação do leitor.Cecil Jeanine Albert Zinani - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (2):145-154.
    O mágico de Oz, obra de L. Frank Baum, muito embora tenha sido escrita no fim do século XIX, permanece atuando sobre o imaginário infantil cem anos depois. Centrado na personagem feminina, o texto não só desconstrói os estereótipos do conto de fadas tradicional, ao relativizar o papel da bruxa, que pode ser boa ou má, como também garante o estatuto de herói para uma personagem infantil do gênero feminino. Nessa perspectiva, este trabalho pretende discutir qual é a representação de (...)
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    Science education for blind and visually impaired children.Janja Plazar, Cécil J. W. Meulenberg & Aksinja Kermauner - 2021 - Metodicki Ogledi 28 (1):167-190.
    Nastava iz prirodoslovnog područja danas se najčešće temelji na principima konstruktivizma prema kojima djeca trebaju biti aktivni sudionici procesa učenja i izgrađivati svoje znanje na temelju iskustva. Metode i sredstva korištena u nastavi prirodoslovnog područja moraju biti prilagođeni perceptivnim potrebama slijepe djece i djece s oštećenjima vida kako bi im se omogućilo aktivno sudjelovanje u procesu učenja. Cilj ovoga rada je opisati posljednje spoznaje o aktivnom i istraživačkom učenju slijepe djece i djece s oštećenjima vida u nastavi prirodoslovnog područja te (...)
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    Un dispositivo temporal: desastres y la articulación de la (des)aceleración en y más allá del terremoto de Ancash de 1970.Tomás J. Usón & Cécile Stephanie Stehrenberger - 2021 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 24 (3):467-480.
    Históricamente, los estudios de desastres han presentado dos comprensiones antagónicas de las catástrofes: singularidades extremas que producen historia o procesos que perpetúan estructuras sociopolíticas e inequidades. Mediante un análisis del terremoto de 1970 en Ancash, Perú, y su influencia en la implementación de discursos de (des)aceleración en medio de grandes transformaciones en la sociedad peruana, este artículo presenta una comprensión alternativa de los desastres más allá de la disrupción y continuidad, para enfocarse en las articulaciones temporales que estos producen. Al (...)
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    The Sixth International Buddhist-Christian Conference, August 5-12, 2000.Paul O. Ingram - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):179-180.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Sixth International Buddhist-Christian Conference, August 5–12, 2000Paul IngramThe Sixth International Buddhist-Christian Conference, sponsored by the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies, will take place at Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Washington, from August 5 to 12, 2000. The Program Committee has approved the general conference theme as “Buddhism, Christianity, and Global Healing.” The conference will follow the structure, with some variations, of the last international conference that met at DePaul University (...)
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    Mrs. Cecil Chesterton, O.B.E.Susan J. Avens - 1981 - The Chesterton Review 7 (4):313-322.
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    Trzy panie o fizyce matematycznej [recenzja] Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat, Cécile DeWitt-Morette, Margaret Dillard-Bleick, Analysis, Manifolds and Physics, 1978.Michał Heller - 1982 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 4.
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    Elogio da Transmissão: O Professor e o Aluno, de George Steiner e Cécile Ladjali.Maria Helena Damião - 2007 - Critica.
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    Sekularyzm polityczny a spór o przekonania sumienia.Damian Barnat - 2017 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 65 (4):293-323.
    W artykule rekonstruuję podstawowe elementy koncepcji „sekularyzmu otwartego” przedstawionej przez Jocelyna Maclure’a i Charlesa Taylora w książce Secularism and Freedom of Conscience (2011). Wskazuję, że jedną z wyróżniających cech ich teorii jest opowiedzenie się za tzw. działaniami dostosowawczymi, których celem jest ochrona wolności sumienia. Następnie zarysowuję główne stanowiska w sporze o status przekonań sumienia i na tym tle przedstawiam „subiektywną” koncepcję wolności sumienia, jaką proponują Maclure i Taylor. W dalszej części artykułu przedstawiam zarzuty, jakie pod adresem kanadyjskich filozofów wyraziła (...) La- borde, a także odpowiedź na nie udzieloną przez Maclure’a. W ostatniej części artykułu staram się pokazać, że subiektywna teoria przekonań sumienia, w tej postaci, w jakiej została przedstawiona w Secularism and Freedom of Conscience, pozostaje w sprzeczności z leżącą u jej podstaw Taylorowską koncepcją „silnych wartościowań”. (shrink)
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    Evolution of Consciousness: Studies in Polarity.Shirley Sugerman (ed.) - 1976 - Barfield Press.
    Owen Barfield: a conversation with Shirley Sugerman -- To Owen Barfield -- Cecil Harwood: Owen Barfield -- Norman O. Brown: on interpretation -- Howard Nemerov: exceptions and rules -- Studies in polarity -- David Bohm: imagination, fancy, insight, and reason in the process of thought -- R.H. Barfield: darwinism -- Richard A. Hocks: "novelty" in polarity to "the most admitted truths" : tradition and the individual talent in S.T. Coleridge and T.S. Eliot -- Robert O. Preyer: the burden of culture (...)
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  14. Good Intentions, Poor Results: Garbage Collection in Quito Shantytowns.O. Hernandez - 1998 - Human Nature: Greencom's Newsletter 3 (1):4.
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  15. Educação e vida.João Lyra - 1970 - [Rio de Janeiro,: Gráfica Editôra Livro].
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  16. Universalização do direito.João Monteiro - 1906 - São Paulo,: Typ. Duprat & comp..
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    Plotting the Anatomical WatershedAndreas Vesalius of Brussels, 1514-1564. C. D. O'Malley.Joshua O. Leibowitz - 1965 - Isis 56 (3):362-365.
  18. (1 other version)Le Système d'Aristote.O. Hamelin - 1920 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 27 (4):1-2.
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    (1 other version)Vom Unvollendeten, Nicht-zu-Vollendenden.O. F. Bollnow - 1976 - Kant Studien 67 (1-4):480-491.
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    Bouwsma's Notes on Wittgenstein's Philosophy, 1965-1975.O. K. Bouwsma - 1995 - Edwin Mellen Press.
    This fully revised new edition re-establishes Paul Griffiths's survey as the definitive study of music since the Second World War. The disruptions of the war, and the struggles of the ensuing peace, were reflected in the music of the time: in Pierre Boulez's radical reforming of compositional technique and in John Cage's move into zen music, in Milton Babbitt's settling of the serial system and in Dmitry Shostakovich's unsettling symphonies, in Karlheinz Stockhausen's development of electronic music and in Luigi Nono's (...)
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    Braun, Otto, Dr. phil. Hinauf zum Idealismus.O. Braun - 1908 - Kant Studien 13 (1-3).
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  22. Hermenéutica y crítica de la ideología.O. Daniel Brauer - 1978 - Escritos de Filosofía 1 (2):145-149.
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    Hume’s Approach to Causation.Matthew O’Donneal - 1960 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 10 (10):64-99.
    David Hume has described his theory of causation as the ‘chief argument’ of his Treatise of Human Nature. The broad lines of that argument are well known, and need not be detailed here. Hume’s conclusion is that causation is not a ‘power’ in the cause but a ‘felt compulsion’ in the mind—an expectation that a certain event will be followed by a certain other event of the type habitually associated with the first in our experience. Both events are perceptions; the (...)
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  24. Les formes du combat rationaliste chez Paul Tillich.O. Abel - 1988 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 68 (4):461-476.
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  25. Research methods in social sciences.O. Akinloye - 1994 - In Onigu Otite, Sociology: theory and applied. Lagos: Malthouse Press. pp. 23--37.
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    Martin Heidegger’s Existential Analysis of Death.B. E. O’Mahoney - 1969 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 18:58-75.
    DEATH is one of the central themes of existentialist writing. This is to be expected since the focal point of all its reflection is human existence. Existentialism explores the innermost depths of experienced selfhood. Inevitably, the authentic self must face the problem of man’s origin and destiny or, in Heideggerian terms, the beginning and ending of his Being-in-the-world. Death is a profoundly human problem, inseparably bound up with the psychological and ontological structure of the human mode of being or Dasein.
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    Professor Lewis’ View of our Knowledge of Objects.O. N. Hillman - 1932 - The Monist 42 (2):303-312.
  28. Toich'willandŭ kojŏn ch'ŏrhak ŭi in'gannon yŏn'gu.Chu-ch'ŏl Kim - 2009 - [P'yŏngyang]: Sahoe Kwahak Ch'ulp'ansa.
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  29. Julian Tenison woods and virtue.Roderick O'Brien - 2013 - The Australasian Catholic Record 90 (4):433.
    O'Brien, Roderick When we held the Woods Centenary Seminar in 1989, the local Naracoorte Herald gave us excellent publicity. I recall sitting with the editor, Richard Peake, as he was briefed by the great Sr Margaret Press, assisted by Fr Kevin Horsell, the parish priest of Bordertown who brought his scientific background, and by me. The editor asked the question: 'If Mary MacKillop is to be canonised, why not Woods?'.
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    Salvian and Augustine.James J. O’Donnell - 1983 - Augustinian Studies 14:25-34.
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    Studies Preparatory to an Understanding of the Mysticism of St. Augustine and His Doctrine on the Trinity.John O’Meara - 1970 - Augustinian Studies 1:263-276.
  32. Pan'gye ŭi kongjŏnje kukkaron.Ch'oe Yun-O. - 2013 - In Sŏg-yun Mun, Pan'gye Yu Hyŏng-wŏn yŏn'gu. Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Saram ŭi Munŭi.
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  33. Soevereiniteit in het geding.O. K. Zijlstra - 1981 - In H. van Riessen & P. Blokhuis, Wetenschap, wijsheid, filosoferen: opstellen aangeboden aan Hendrik van Riessen bij zijn afscheid als hoogleraar in de wijsbegeerte aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam. Assen: Van Gorcum.
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    Le concept chez aristote.O. Hamelin - 1918 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 25 (4):405 - 418.
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    Buddha and hard eliminativism.O'Ryan Heideman - 2020 - Think 19 (55):95-109.
    An appropriate description for the Buddha's philosophy of persons within the frame of materialist philosophy of mind, prima facie, would understandably be a kind of reductionism, given that the Buddha reduced the self to nothing but a collection of impersonal and impermanent psychophysical elements. In this article, I argue that this view is only appropriate for understanding the self within conventional reality, as is the term used by Buddhists, and does not tackle the other half, namely, ultimate reality. I claim (...)
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    Cameron on specification.O. F. Herring - 1969 - Philosophical Quarterly 19 (76):251-254.
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  37. Wissenschaft “in sittlicher Absicht”, Zu Aristoteles' Modell einer eminent praktischen Philosophie.O. Höffe - 1972 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 79 (2):288-319.
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    Güneydoğu'da töre ve kan davaları: GAP'ın üzerine törelerin kanlı gölgesi düşmemeli.Ömer Faruk Hilmi - 2000 - Şanlıurfa [Turkey]: İsteme adresi Ufuk Gazetesi.
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    Against Inequalities in the World Legal Order.O. Hoffe - 2002 - Philosophical Topics 30 (2):49-77.
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    V preddverii Boga: vera kak svoboda.O. E. Ivanov - 2018 - Sankt-Peterburg: OOO "ID" "Petropolis".
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    Studies in Nietzsche and the Classical Tradition.James C. O'Flaherty, Timothy F. Sellner & Robert Meredith Helm (eds.) - 1976 - Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press.
    These fifteen essays on Nietzsche's indebtedness to the Classical Tradition were composed by scholars in the fields of philosophy, theology, German and Classics. The essays roughly cover the following epochs: the age of the Fathers of the Western Church, medieval scholasticism, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, Weimar Classicism, Romanticism and the several other intellectual trends and movements in the nineteenth century. Collection includes three essays comparing Nietzsche's perceptions of Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates with those (respectively) of Augustine, Aquinas, and Hamann. Three (...)
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  42. The Problem of Knowledge. Prolegomena to an Epistemology.O. A. Johnson - 1976 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 38 (3):482-483.
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    (2 other versions)No Title available: REVIEWS.O. R. Jones - 1972 - Religious Studies 8 (3):277-279.
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    Applying Wave Processing Techniques to Clustering of Gene Expressions.P. D. O'Neill, G. D. Magoulas & X. Liu - 2006 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 15 (1-4):107-128.
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    Acordar para a lógica matemática.Manuel S. Lourenço - 2006 - Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade.
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  46. Recordando a un amigo capaz de burlarse de lo mas sagrado.O. Maduro - 1998 - Revista Venezolana de Filosofía 36:11-13.
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  47. Tezy dopovideĭ II Kharkivsʹkykh Skovorodynivsʹkykh chytanʹ: "Nat︠s︡ionalʹna filosofii︠a︡: suchasne, mynule, ta perspektyvy".O. O. Mamaluĭ (ed.) - 1995 - Kharkiv: KhDU.
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  48. Vocación y ética.Gregorio Marañón - 1935 - Madrid,: Espasa-Calpe, s. a..
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    On the subject of Christian antinomies in the baroque sermon.O. Rozumna - 2002 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 22:74-83.
    Consideration of Christian values in a baroque context is a contradictory task in itself. After all, the values of the Baroque period are largely hedonistic, especially in Ukraine. The epoch, which passed in Ukraine under the slogans of religious struggle, quite often violated certain norms and principles established by the Church.
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  50. Montaigne and antiquity : fancies and grotesques.John O'Brien - 2005 - In Ullrich Langer, The Cambridge Companion to Montaigne. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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