Results for 'Cave Adele'

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  1.  28
    Resting EEG Source Localisation in Young and Older Adults.Cave Adele, De Blasio Frances, Borchard Jay & Barry Robert - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    ERPs in Young and Older Adults in the Equiprobable Auditory Go/NoGo Task.Barry Robert, De Blasio Frances & Cave Adele - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  3.  37
    Learning argument structure generalizations.Adele E. Goldberg, Devin M. Casenhiser & Nitya Sethuraman - 2004 - Cognitive Linguistics 15 (3).
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  4. On Communication-Based D e Re Thought, Commitments D e Dicto, and Word Individuation.Adele Mercier - 1999 - In Kumiko Murasugi & Robert Stainton, Philosophy and linguistics. Boulder: Westview Press. pp. 85--111.
    Provides an account of how necessary subjective syntactic investments on the part of speakers affect the semantic contents of their words and the possibilities for their thought-contents.
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    Modeling group assessments by means of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets.Jordi Montserrat-Adell, Núria Agell, Mónica Sánchez, Francesc Prats & Francisco Javier Ruiz - 2017 - Journal of Applied Logic 23:40-50.
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  6. Immortality and Virtue in the Phaedo: a Non-ascetic Interpretation.Adele Spitzer - 1976 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 57 (2):113.
  7.  39
    Understanding of and attitudes to academic ethics among first-year university students.Adèle Thomas & AndréVan Zyl - 2012 - African Journal of Business Ethics 6 (2):143.
    This study aimed to explore the understanding of and attitudes towards academic ethics of first-year students at a South African University using a paper-based survey that yielded 3611 respondents. A degree of confusion and ambivalence regarding academic ethical issues exists. The relative wealth of respondents also appears to influence the understanding of and attitudes to academic ethics. Millennial students have a tendency to disregard ownership of knowledge. There is a need for instruction in academic ethics to instil an awareness of (...)
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  8.  51
    Student academic dishonesty: What do academics think and do, and what are the barriers to action?Adele Thomas & Gideon P. De Bruin - 2012 - African Journal of Business Ethics 6 (1):13.
  9. Constructions: a new theoretical approach to language.Adele E. Goldberg - 2003 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 7 (5):219-224.
    A new theoretical approach to language has emerged in the past 10–15 years that allows linguistic observations about form–meaning pairings, known as ‘construc- tions’, to be stated directly. Constructionist approaches aim to account for the full range of facts about language, without assuming that a particular subset of the data is part of a privileged ‘core’. Researchers in this field argue that unusual constructions shed light on more general issues, and can illuminate what is required for a complete account of (...)
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    Mircea Eliade's Vision for a New Humanism.David Cave - 1993 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Through a biographical exegesis of Eliade's life and writings, Cave sets forward a structural description of what this "new humanism" might have meant for Eliade, and what it signifies for modern culture.
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    On The Decision Problem For Two-variable First-order Logic, By, Pages 53 -- 69.Erich Gr\"Adel, Phokion Kolaitis & Moshe Vardi - 1997 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 3 (1):53-69.
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    L’écriture de la sexualité.Nicolas Adell-Gombert - 2006 - Clio 23:293-309.
    À partir de l’exemple de deux autobiographies, celles de Jacques-Louis Ménétra et d’Agricol Perdiguier, tous deux compagnons du Tour de France, il s’agit d’établir des constantes de l’écriture de soi. La perspective adoptée, le discours sur la sexualité, sert de point d’ancrage. Après avoir déterminé les sphères d’énonciation de la sexualité des deux compagnons, le ludique chez Ménétra, l’altérité chez Perdiguier, on en vient à établir, au-delà des spécificités de chacun, une permanence des formes et, partant, des règles de transformation (...)
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    (1 other version)Martine Watrelot & Michèle Hecquet (dir.), Le compagnon du Tour de France de George Sand.Nicolas Adell - 2010 - Clio 32.
    Pour le bicentenaire conjoint des naissances de George Sand (1804-1876) et d’Agricol Perdiguier (1805-1876), Michèle Hecquet et Martine Watrelot ont eu l’heureuse initiative d’organiser à l’université de Lille 3, en décembre 2005, deux journées d’étude consacrées à l’analyse du Compagnon du Tour de France (1840), roman de G. Sand que l’on sait largement inspiré de la vie d’Agricol Perdiguier, compagnon menuisier, et de son Livre du compagnonnage (1839). Le résultat laisse un sentiment mitigé,...
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    Confini: musica tra visioni e follia.Adele Boghetich - 2020 - Varese (Italy): Zecchini editore. Edited by Nicola Guerini.
    Sguardo d'insieme -- Armonia delle sfere celesti : Hildegard von Bingen, symphonia -- Il tempo di Dio : Johann Sebastian Bach, Cantata Gottes Zeit -- Trasmutazioni : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Die Zauberflöte -- "Questo bacio vada al mondo intero" : Ludwig van Beethoven, An die Freude -- Viaggio d'inverno : Franz Schubert, Winterreise -- Inni all notte : Richard Wagner, Tristan und Isolde -- L'ultimo rito : Richard Wagner, Parsifal -- Azzurre solitudini : Gustav Mahler, Terza sinfonia -- Universi sonori (...)
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  15.  10
    Aux bords de la philosophie : l’analyse de film comme possible philosophique.Adèle Morerod & David Pagotto - 2022 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 72 (2):23-32.
    Prolongement d’une séquence de cours donnée au sein du lycée suisse, cet article explore les liens entre philosophie et cinéma dans le cadre de l’enseignement d’une pratique de la philosophie. Confrontés à deux approches différenciées d’un même thème, celui du féminisme, les élèves sont encouragés à les mettre à l’épreuve d’un objet culturel, ici le film. En confrontant des extraits de Trouble dans le genre de Judith Butler et d’ Une voix différente de Carol Gilligan à des scènes tirées de (...)
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  16. Breach of antitrust rules and consumer protection : class action and private enforcement in Italy and the U.S.A.Adele Pastena - 2016 - In Giuseppe Limone, Ars boni et aequi: il diritto fra scienza, arte, equità e tecnica. Milano: F. Angeli.
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  17. Homes and native lands: settler colonialism, national frames, and the remaking of history.Adele Perry - 2016 - In Antoinette M. Burton & Dane Keith Kennedy, How Empire Shaped Us. London: Bloomsbury Academic, An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
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    Business Response to Increasing Social Expectations.Adele Queiroz - 2008 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 19:137-142.
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    Pattern, Theme and Historicity in Livy Books 35 and 36.Adele C. Scafuro - 1987 - Classical Antiquity 6 (2):249-285.
  20.  40
    Cognitive accessibility predicts word order of couples’ names in English and Japanese.Adele E. Goldberg & Karina Tachihara - 2020 - Cognitive Linguistics 31 (2):231-249.
    We investigate the order in which speakers produce the proper names of couples they know personally in English and Japanese, two languages with markedly different constituent word orders. Results demonstrate that speakers of both languages tend to produce the name of the person they feel closer to before the name of the other member of the couple (N = 180). In this way, speakers’ unique personal histories give rise to a remarkably systematic linguistic generalization in both English and Japanese. Insofar (...)
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  21.  25
    Grief and its Transcendence: Memory, Identity, Creativity.Adele Tutter & Leon Wurmser (eds.) - 2015 - Routledge.
    Grief and its Transcendence: Memory, Identity, Creativity is a landmark contribution that provides fresh insights into the experience and process of mourning. It includes fourteen original essays by pre-eminent psychoanalysts, historians, classicists, theologians, architects, art-historians and artists, that take on the subject of normal, rather than pathological mourning. In particular, it considers the diversity of the mourning process; the bereavement of ordinary vs. extraordinary loss; the contribution of mourning to personal and creative growth; and individual, social, and cultural means of (...)
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  22.  99
    Consumerism and language acquisition.Adèle Mercier - 1994 - Linguistics and Philosophy 17 (5):499 - 519.
  23. Three Elements of Stakeholder Legitimacy.Adele Santana - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 105 (2):257-265.
    This paper focuses attention on the stakeholder attribute of legitimacy. Drawing upon institutional and stakeholder theories, I develop a framework of stakeholder legitimacy based on its three aspects—legitimacy of the stakeholder as an entity, legitimacy of the stakeholder’s claim, and legitimacy of the stakeholder’s behavior. I assume that stakeholder legitimacy is socially constructed by management and that each of its three aspects exists in degree in the manager’s perception. I discuss how these aspects interact and change over time, and propose (...)
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    (1 other version)Diagrams as Tools for Scientific Reasoning.Adele Abrahamsen & William Bechtel - 2015 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6 (1):117-131.
    We contend that diagrams are tools not only for communication but also for supporting the reasoning of biologists. In the mechanistic research that is characteristic of biology, diagrams delineate the phenomenon to be explained, display explanatory relations, and show the organized parts and operations of the mechanism proposed as responsible for the phenomenon. Both phenomenon diagrams and explanatory relations diagrams, employing graphs or other formats, facilitate applying visual processing to the detection of relevant patterns. Mechanism diagrams guide reasoning about how (...)
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  25.  31
    The nature of generalization in language.Adele E. Goldberg - 2009 - Cognitive Linguistics 20 (1):93-127.
    This paper provides a concise overview of Constructions at Work (Goldberg 2006). The book aims to investigate the relevant levels of generalization in adult language, how and why generalizations are learned by children, and how to account for cross-linguistic generalizations.
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  26. A Perverse Case of the Contingent A Priori.Adèle Mercier - 1995 - Philosophical Topics 23 (2):221-259.
  27.  76
    Argument Structure Constructions versus Lexical Rules or Derivational Verb Templates.Adele E. Goldberg - 2013 - Mind and Language 28 (4):435-465.
    The idea that correspondences relating grammatical relations and semantics (argument structure constructions) are needed to account for simple sentence types is reviewed, clarified, updated and compared with two lexicalist alternatives. Traditional lexical rules take one verb as ‘input’ and create (or relate) a different verb as ‘output’. More recently, invisible derivational verb templates have been proposed, which treat argument structure patterns as zero derivational affixes that combine with a root verb to yield a new verb. While the derivational template perspective (...)
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  28.  55
    Corpus evidence of the viability of statistical preemption.Adele E. Goldberg - 2011 - Cognitive Linguistics 22 (1):131-153.
    The present paper argues that there is ample corpus evidence of statistical preemption for learners to make use of. In the case of argument structure constructions, a verbi is preempted from appearing in a construction A, CxA, if and only if the following probability is high: P(CxB|context that would be suitable for CxA and verbi). For example, the probability of hearing a preemptive construction, given a context that would otherwise be well-suited for the ditransitive is high for verbs like explain (...)
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  29. Transparency and social responsibility issues for wikipedia.Adele Santana & Donna J. Wood - 2009 - Ethics and Information Technology 11 (2):133-144.
    Wikipedia is known as a free online encyclopedia. Wikipedia uses largely transparent writing and editing processes, which aim at providing the user with quality information through a democratic collaborative system. However, one aspect of these processes is not transparent—the identity of contributors, editors, and administrators. We argue that this particular lack of transparency jeopardizes the validity of the information being produced by Wikipedia. We analyze the social and ethical consequences of this lack of transparency in Wikipedia for all users, but (...)
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    The Big Think Book: Discover Philosophy Through 99 Perplexing Puzzles.Peter Cave - 2018 - London: Oneworld.
    “Perfect for aspiring students of philosophy, Cave’s splendidly thought-provoking puzzles are presented with verve, energy, and clarity. Highly recommended...” Adrian Moore, Professor of Philosophy, University of Oxford -/- The 99 puzzles include -/- What makes me, me – and you, you? What is this thing called ‘love’? Do we make the stars? Is ‘no’ the right answer to this question? Do we ever truly act freely? Why save the whale? Does life have a point?
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    Anatomy, and Biochemistry.Adele Diamond - 2002 - In Donald T. Stuss & Robert T. Knight, Principles of Frontal Lobe Function. Oxford University Press. pp. 466.
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    Alan Turing.Peter Cave - 2004 - Minds and Machines 10 (4):461-461.
    In his short life, Alan Turing (1912-1954) made foundational contributions to philosophy, mathematics, biology, artificial intelligence, and computer science. He, as much as anyone, invented and showed how to program the digital electronic computer. From September, 1939, his work on computation was war-driven and brutally practical. He developed high speed computing devices needed to decipher German Enigma Machine messages to and from U-boats, countering the most serious threat by far to Britain..
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    The Establishment of Four Chief Judgeships in Fāṭimid EgyptThe Establishment of Four Chief Judgeships in Fatimid Egypt.Adel Allouche - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (2):317.
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    Gênese do complexo da arte: um estudo fundamentado na estética Lukacsiana / Genesis of the art complex: a study based on lukacsian aesthetics.Adele Cristina Braga Araujo & Josefa Jackline Rabelo - 2020 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 25:020006.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar como se estabelecem os estudos do filósofo húngaro Georg Lukács sobre a origem do complexo da arte a partir das formas abstratas do reflexo estético da realidade, a saber: ritmo, simetria e proporção e ornamentística. Tais categorias configuram-se, conforme os estudos de Lukács, em princípios; em elementos estruturais da produção artística, os quais são diversos, orientados por funções as mais variadas e já bastante evoluídas e que, de forma excepcional, no caso da ornamentística, mantiveram (...)
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    Towards a Grammar of Biblical Poetics: Tales of the Prophets.Adele Berlin & Herbert Chanan Brichto - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (3):501.
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    Weep, O Daughter of Zion: A Study of the City-Lament Genre in the Hebrew Bible.Adele Berlin & F. W. Dobbs-Allsopp - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (2):319.
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    A normative interpretation of expected utility theory.Eric M. Cave - 2005 - Journal of Value Inquiry 39 (3-4):431-441.
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    Locating the Early Modern.Terence Cave - 2006 - Paragraph 29 (1):12-26.
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    New representation for old Christopher Prendergast, The Order of Mimesis: Balzac, Stendhal, Nerval, Flaubert . viii+288 pp.Terence Cave - 1988 - Paragraph 11 (1):99-105.
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  40. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 131, 2004 Lectures.Cave Terence - 2005
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    The Dialectic of Becoming in Hegel’s Logic.George P. Cave - 1985 - The Owl of Minerva 16 (2):147-160.
    In his study entitled “The Beginning and the Method of the Logic,” Dieter Henrich assumes an interpretive stance with regard to the beginning of Hegel’s Logic which is in staunch opposition to the scholarly tradition. That tradition, as Henrich tries to show, has almost unanimously rejected the dialectic of Becoming as untenable. This holds true not only for those critics whose ultimate aim was to discredit speculative dialectical method in general, but even for the members of Hegel’s own school, who (...)
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  42. A neglected classical phase of Turner's art: His vignettes to Rogers's italy.Adele M. Holcomb - 1969 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 32 (1):405-410.
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    Fanon: in search of the African revolution.Adele Jinadu - 1980 - New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
    Different from other books on Fanon, this book approaches him as both a political philosopher and political sociologist of the African experience.
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    Bounded polynomials and holomorphic mappings between convex subrings of.Adel Khalfallah & Siegmund Kosarew - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (1):372-384.
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    The governance of genomic information: will it come of age?Adèle Langlois - 2006 - Genomics, Society and Policy 2 (3):1-15.
    The completion of the Human Genome Project has opened up unprecedented possibilities in healthcare, but also ethical and social dilemmas in terms of how these can be achieved. Genomic information can be seen as a "global public good" (GPG), in that it is represented by knowledge in the public domain and across national boundaries. Lack of investment, infrastructure and expertise in developing countries means that they are unable to take advantage of these GPG characteristics to address their health needs, fuelling (...)
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  46.  14
    Latina/o College Student Leadership: Emerging Theory, Promising Practice.Adele Lozano (ed.) - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    This book examines Latina/o college student leadership and leadership development in higher education. Lozano analyzes emerging frameworks, empirical research, leadership models, essays, and promising practices to provide insight into how Latina/o students experience and promote leadership in higher education.
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    Apocalisse ed escatologia nell’opera di Origene.Adele Monaci - 1978 - Augustinianum 18 (1):139-151.
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    Origene ed “i molti”.Adele Monaci - 1981 - Augustinianum 21 (1):99-117.
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  49.  19
    Warmth and Unity with all Women?: Historicizing Racism in the Australian Women's Movement1.Adele Murdolo - 1996 - Feminist Review 52 (1):69-86.
    In this paper I discuss the four Women and Labour conferences which were held in Australian capital cities over the seven years between 1978 and 1984. I explore the ways in which the history of Australian feminist activism during this period could be written, questioning in particular the claim that the Women and Labour conferences have been central to the history of Australian feminism. I discuss the ways in which a historical sense could be established, using writings about the conferences (...)
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    A knowledge engineering framework for intelligent retrieval of legal case studies.Adel Saadoun, Jean-Louis Ermine, Claude Belair & Jean-Mark Pouyot - 1997 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 5 (3):179-205.
    Juris-Data is one of the largest case-study base in France. The case studies are indexed by legal classification elaborated by the Juris-Data Group. Knowledge engineering was used to design an intelligent interface for information retrieval based on this classification. The aim of the system is to help users find the case-study which is the most relevant to their own.The approach is potentially very useful, but for standardising it for other legal document bases it is necessary to extract a legal classification (...)
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