Results for 'Carsten Konrad'

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  1.  23
    Not the Master of Your Volitional Mind? The Roles of the Right Medial Prefrontal Cortex and Personality Traits in Unconscious Introjections Versus Self-Chosen Goals.Markus Quirin, André Kerber, Ekkehard Küstermann, Elise L. Radtke, Miguel Kazén, Carsten Konrad, Nicola Baumann, Richard M. Ryan, Michael Ennis & Julius Kuhl - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Humans are unconditionally confronted with social expectations and norms, up to a degree that they, or some of them, have a hard time recognizing what they actually want. This renders them susceptible for introjection, that is, to unwittingly or “unconsciously” mistake social expectations for self-chosen goals. Such introjections compromise an individual’s autonomy and mental health and have been shown to be more prevalent in individuals with rumination tendencies and low emotional self-awareness. In this brain imaging study, we draw on a (...)
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    Ritual: Kritische Theorie und psychoanalytische Praxis.Oliver Decker, Christoph Türcke & Thomas Dietzel (eds.) - 2019 - Giessen: Psychosozial-Verlag.
    Als geronnene Wiederholungen prägen Rituale unseren Alltag und unser Zusammenleben maßgeblich. Nicht von ungefähr galten sie lange Zeit als Inbegriff des Konservativen, Starren und Förmlichen. Eine gänzlich durchritualisierte Welt wäre zweifellos eine unfreie Welt. Im Zeitalter der Deregulierung, der Hyperaktivität und des Aufmerksamkeitsdefizits wird nun ihre Halt gebende und strukturierende Seite wiederentdeckt.Die AutorInnen reflektieren gesellschaftskritisch Theorien und psychoanalytische Erfahrungen rund um das Thema Rituale und widmen sich den folgenden Fragen: Werden Rituale zu Widerstandsnestern gegen die allgemeine Flüchtigkeit? Können sie als (...)
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    Beyond Research Ethics: Dialogues in Neuro-ICT Research.Bernd Carsten Stahl, Simisola Akintoye, B. Tyr Fothergill, Manuel Guerrero, Will Knight & Inga Ulnicane - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:419547.
    The increasing use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to help facilitate neuroscience adds a new level of complexity to the question of how ethical issues of such research can be identified and addressed. Current research ethics practice, based on ethics reviews by institutional review boards (IRB) and underpinned by ethical principalism, has been widely criticised and even called ‘imperialist’. In this paper, we develop an alternative way of approaching ethics in neuro-ICT research, based on discourse ethics, which implements responsible (...)
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    Alexandri Aphrodisiensis peripatetici doctissimi, In Aristotelis opusculum de sensibus atque de his quae cadunt in sensum, vel de sensuum instrumentis, commentarium de Graeco accuratissimè conuersum.Lucillo Alexander, Konrad Michael, Aristotle, Filalteo & Gesner - 1573 - Apud Haeredem Hieronymi Scoti.
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    The Impact of Culture on Corruption, Gross Domestic Product, and Human Development.Wolfgang Scholl & Carsten C. Schermuly - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (1):171-189.
    The evidence of culture’s impact on corruption and its consequences is still inconclusive despite several investigations: Sometimes, theory is lacking and causes and consequences seem exchangeable. Based on psychological research on the distribution and use of power, we predicted that a steeper distribution of power induces more corruption and elaborated its negative consequences in a complex causal model. For measuring power distribution, pervading national culture, we augmented Hofstede’s ‘Power Distance’ with three additional indicators into a reversed, more reliable and valid (...)
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  6.  43
    Predictive brain signals best predict upcoming and not previous choices.Chun S. Soon, Carsten Allefeld, Carsten Bogler, Jakob Heinzle & John-Dylan Haynes - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  7.  10
    Unbedingte Bildung: Perspektiven kritischer Bildungstheorie.Carsten Bünger & Martina Lütke-Harmann (eds.) - 2020 - Wien: Löcker.
  8.  75
    Pragmatist Pragmatics: the Functional Context of Utterances.Konrad Talmont-Kaminski - 2005 - Philosophica 75 (1).
    Formal pragmatics plays an important, though secondary, role in modern analytical philosophy of language: its aim is to explain how context can affect the meaning of certain special kinds of utterances. During recent years, the adequacy of formal tools has come under attack, often leading to one or another form of relativism or antirealism. Our aim will be to extend the critique to formal pragmatics while showing that sceptical conclusions can be avoided by developing a different approach to the issues. (...)
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  9.  42
    Exploration and Exploitation During Sequential Search.Gregory Dam & Konrad Körding - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (3):530-541.
    When we learn how to throw darts we adjust how we throw based on where the darts stick. Much of skill learning is computationally similar in that we learn using feedback obtained after the completion of individual actions. We can formalize such tasks as a search problem; among the set of all possible actions, find the action that leads to the highest reward. In such cases our actions have two objectives: we want to best utilize what we already know (exploitation), (...)
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  10.  21
    Pears' Two Dogmas of Russell's Logical Atomism.Konrad Talmont-Kaminski - 1998 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 18 (2).
  11.  5
    Janusz Korczak in Theorie und Praxis: Beiträge internationaler Interpretation und Rezeption.Silvia Ungermann & Konrad Brendler (eds.) - 2004 - Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus.
    Autorinnen und Autoren aus Polen, Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz, den Niederlanden, Israel und Kanada legen in den Beiträgen dieses Bandes ihre neuesten Forschungsergebnisse vor. Im ersten Teil nähern sie sich unter spezifischen Fragestellungen der Person und dem Werk Janusz Korczaks. Der zweite Teil befasst sich mit seiner erzieherischen Praxis und zeigt, welche Elemente der Pädagogik Korczaks in der gegenwärtigen Erziehungspraxis von entscheidender Bedeutung sind.
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    (1 other version)Ruge, A., Einführung in die Philosophie. [REVIEW]Konrad Eilers - 1917 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 21:310.
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  13. (1 other version)Vom Altertum zur Gegenwart. [REVIEW]Konrad Eilers - 1924 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 29:505.
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  14. (1 other version)Ziehen, Theodor, Die Grundlagen der Religionsphilosophie. [REVIEW]Konrad Eilers - 1933 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 38:490.
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  15.  12
    A History of German Merchant Shipping. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1975 - Philosophy and History 8 (1):141-142.
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  16.  16
    Clemens August, Count von Galen. Bishop of Münster in the Third Reich. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1988 - Philosophy and History 21 (2):222-223.
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  17.  15
    Catholicism, Conservative Criticism of Capitalism and Early Socialism up to 1850. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1977 - Philosophy and History 10 (2):218-219.
  18.  24
    Eastern Europe. An Introduction to its History. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1979 - Philosophy and History 12 (2):245-246.
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    Gustav Stresemann. The Democrat Loyal to the Emperor. A Biography. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1991 - Philosophy and History 24 (1-2):96-97.
  20.  15
    Hitler. A Biography. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1974 - Philosophy and History 7 (2):195-196.
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    History of Poor Relief in Germany. From the Late Middle Ages until the First World War. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1981 - Philosophy and History 14 (1):102-104.
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  22.  32
    Henning von Tresckow. A Biography. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1975 - Philosophy and History 8 (1):128-128.
  23.  14
    Industry and Armament in the “Third Reich”. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1989 - Philosophy and History 22 (1):71-72.
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  24.  28
    Industrial Germany 1914–1972. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1976 - Philosophy and History 9 (1):82-83.
  25.  15
    Jewish Daily Routine in Germany, 1933–1945. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1987 - Philosophy and History 20 (2):180-181.
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    Jewish Life in Germany after World War II. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1988 - Philosophy and History 21 (1):64-65.
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    Luther. A Biography. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1983 - Philosophy and History 16 (2):157-158.
  28.  14
    Love of the Fatherland and Liberty. German Patriotism from 1750–1850. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1983 - Philosophy and History 16 (2):178-179.
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    Pauperism and Population. Statutory Marriage Restrictions in the South German States during the Nineteenth Century. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1981 - Philosophy and History 14 (1):96-97.
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    Propagandists in the War. The Press Department of the German Foreign Office under Ribbentrop. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1988 - Philosophy and History 21 (2):213-214.
  31.  29
    Pour le Mérite and Swastika. Hermann Göring in the Third Reich. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1988 - Philosophy and History 21 (2):211-212.
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    Problems of Legitimacy in the Federal Republic of Germany. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1979 - Philosophy and History 12 (1):96-98.
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    Revolution in Europe. The Origin and The Courses Taken by Internal Force. Structures, Elements, Examples. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1985 - Philosophy and History 18 (2):175-176.
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    Research into the State of the Workers in the Process of Industrialization. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1980 - Philosophy and History 13 (2):225-226.
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  35.  15
    Studies on the Mediation of Peace in the Early Modern Period. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1981 - Philosophy and History 14 (1):78-79.
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  36.  39
    Social Problems of German Immigrants in New York City 1800–1860. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1982 - Philosophy and History 15 (2):149-150.
  37.  23
    Science, State, Patrons. The Origin of Modern Scientific Policy in Great Britain 1850-1920. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1983 - Philosophy and History 16 (2):150-151.
  38.  79
    “Tradition and Present”. Studies and Sources on the History of the University of Mainz with Particular Regard to the Faculty of Arts. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1980 - Philosophy and History 13 (1):102-104.
  39.  21
    The Central Eastern Front in June ’44. Description, Assessment, Lessons. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1986 - Philosophy and History 19 (1):69-70.
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  40.  20
    The Development of Academic Policy in Germany 1750–1914. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1976 - Philosophy and History 9 (1):95-96.
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    The History of the Hitler Youth. Aims and Errors of a Generation. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1972 - Philosophy and History 5 (2):191-192.
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  42.  19
    The Iron and Steel Industry of the Ruhr District, 1879–1914. The Growth, Financing and Structure of its Major Companies. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1984 - Philosophy and History 17 (1):74-75.
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  43.  22
    The Large Ploetz. A Compendium of History. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1988 - Philosophy and History 21 (1):111-112.
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    The Revolution of the Mind. Political Thought in Germany 1770–1830. Goethe, Kant, Fichte, Hegel, Humboldt. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1973 - Philosophy and History 6 (1):12-13.
  45.  11
    Subjekt und Metaphysik: Konrad Cramer zu Ehren, aus Anlass seines 65. Geburtstages.Konrad Cramer & Jürgen Stolzenberg - 2001 - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    Proceedings of a conference held Dec. 4-5, 1998 at the Universit'at G'ottingen.
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    Lavelles philosophische Selbstbezeugung (eingeleitet von Karl Albert - übersetzt von Konrad Jacobs).Konrad Jacobs - 1981 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 7:245-262.
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    Wilutzky, Konrad, Die Liebe.Konrad Wilutzky - 1920 - Kant Studien 25 (1).
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  48. Francis Ludwig Carsten 1911–1998.Francis Ludwig Carsten - 2002 - In Carsten Francis Ludwig (ed.), Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 115 Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, I. pp. 119-129.
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  49.  62
    (1 other version)Further Insights on Fake-Barn Cases and Intuition Variation.Carsten Bergenholtz, Jacob Busch & Sara Kier Praëm - 2021 - Episteme:1-18.
    Studies in experimental philosophy claim to document intuition variation. Some studies focus on demographic group-variation; Colaçoet al., for example, claim that age generates intuition variation regarding knowledge attribution in a fake-barn scenario. Other studies claim to show intuition variation when comparing the intuition of philosophers to that of non-philosophers. The main focus has been on documenting intuition variation rather than uncovering what underlying factor(s) may prompt such a phenomenon. We explore a number of suggested explanatory hypotheses put forth by Colaçoet (...)
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  50.  35
    In intergroup conflict, self-sacrifice is stronger among pro-social individuals, and parochial altruism emerges especially among cognitively taxed individuals.Carsten K. W. De Dreu, D. Berno Dussel & Femke S. Ten Velden - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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