Results for 'André Kerber'

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  1.  27
    Not the Master of Your Volitional Mind? The Roles of the Right Medial Prefrontal Cortex and Personality Traits in Unconscious Introjections Versus Self-Chosen Goals.Markus Quirin, André Kerber, Ekkehard Küstermann, Elise L. Radtke, Miguel Kazén, Carsten Konrad, Nicola Baumann, Richard M. Ryan, Michael Ennis & Julius Kuhl - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Humans are unconditionally confronted with social expectations and norms, up to a degree that they, or some of them, have a hard time recognizing what they actually want. This renders them susceptible for introjection, that is, to unwittingly or “unconsciously” mistake social expectations for self-chosen goals. Such introjections compromise an individual’s autonomy and mental health and have been shown to be more prevalent in individuals with rumination tendencies and low emotional self-awareness. In this brain imaging study, we draw on a (...)
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    Pre'mbulo à filosofia do sentir político.André Abranches - 2022 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 31 (62):185-200.
    Ao analisar parte da tradição filosófica Ocidental e, em particular, contrapor o ensinamento de mestres e gurus do Oriente aos ensinamentos de escolas metafísicas e de ciência política do Ocidente, o presente artigo, poderá ser dito, insere-se na categoria de filosofia das civilizações. Não estando limitada, porém, a nenhuma dessas civilizações, a arte política, enquanto perícia daquele que governa ou leva a vida feliz, pode ser examinada no prolongamento das suas intersecções e enquanto questão filosófica independente. Neste artigo, o autor (...)
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    Peirce's Early Semiotic Analysis of Representation.André De Tienne - 1988 - Semiotics:93-102.
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    L'italo-marxisme à la recherche de lui-même. Vers un autre paradigme?André Tosel - 1989 - Actuel Marx 5:145-156.
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    Hervormde Teologiese Kollege Volume, opgedra aan dr. Christo van der Merwe / Reformed Theological College Volume, dedicated to Dr Christo van der Merwe.André Ungerer - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3).
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  6. A Mechanization of Strong Kleene Logic for Partial Functions.Manfred Kerber Michael Kohlhase - unknown
    Even though it is not very often admitted, partial functions do play a significant role in many practical applications of deduction systems. Kleene has already given a semantic account of partial functions using three-valued logic decades ago, but there has not been a satisfactory mechanization. Recent years have seen a thorough investigation of the framework of many-valued truth-functional logics. However, strong Kleene logic, where quantification is restricted and therefore not truthfunctional, does not fit the framework directly. We solve this problem (...)
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  7. A tableau calculus for partial functions.Manfred Kerber Michael Kohlhase - unknown
    Even though it is not very often admitted, partial functions do play a significant role in many practical applications of deduction systems. Kleene has already given a semantic account of partial functions using a three-valued logic decades ago, but there has not been a satisfactory mechanization. Recent years have seen a thorough investigation of the framework of many-valued truth-functional logics. However, strong Kleene logic, where quantification is restricted and therefore not truthfunctional, does not fit the framework directly. We solve this (...)
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  8. Technique et culture dans la civilisation moderne.André Siegfried - 1948 - [Paris]: Centre de perfectionnement technique et administratif.
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  9. Le Mythe amazonien: De quelques précautions théoriques et opératoires.André Siganos - 2004 - Iris 27:89-96.
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  10. As crenças naturais e a mitigação do ceticismo em Hume.André Luiz Olivier da Silva - 2010 - Princípios 17 (27):203-218.
    Resumo: Este artigo pretende mostrar que a teoria das ideias de Hume náo apresenta apropriadamente uma soluçáo cética para o problema da justificaçáo das crenças, mas, sobretudo, uma soluçáo naturalista. Uma investigaçáo empirista como a de Hume prioriza as impressões sensíveis no processo cognitivo da natureza humana ao mesmo tempo em que reconhece as dificuldades em se extrair ideias diretamente de impressões, o que pode ocasionar a dúvida e a suspensáo das crenças. Como mitigaçáo ao ceticismo, Hume propõe uma intervençáo (...)
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    De la conscience sensible à la responsabilité.André Simha - 2012 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 62 (3):7-22.
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    La nature au défaut du discours.André Simha - 2001 - Philosophique 4:13-31.
    Notre science ne saurait être qu’inachevable et infondable. Qu’implique cette situation du discours scientifique selon Pascal? Et quelles significations, existentielles et épistémologiques, accorder au recours inévitable à la « nature »? En quoi la nature est-elle en nous relais du discours?
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    De la fin de l'histoire à l'analyse différentielle: la révolution urbaine.André Vachet - 1972 - Dialogue 11 (3):400-419.
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  14. Towards a multicomponent view of executive control: the case of response selection.André Vandierondonck, Arnaud Szmalec, Maud Deschuyteneer & Depoorter & Ann - 2007 - In Naoyuki Osaka, Robert H. Logie & Mark D'Esposito, The Cognitive Neuroscience of Working Memory. Oxford University Press.
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    Marcuse.André Vergez - 1970 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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    San Agustín y la filosofía cristiana.André Vergez - 1974 - Augustinus 19 (73):3-19.
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    Actualité de Jacques Ellul : La communication dans le contexte d'une société technicienne.André Vitalis - 2007 - Hermes 48:163.
    L'oeuvre de Jacques Ellul riche de plus d'une cinquantaine d'ouvrages, plus connue aux États-Unis qu'en France, reste encore à découvrir. Dans ses analyses, Ellul porte une attention particulière à l'information et à la communication qu'il considère comme des constituants essentiels de la société technicienne. Il a contribué à l'Université de Bordeaux dans les années 1950, à faire de ces phénomènes des objets d'études et d'enseignement. Ses livres sur la propagande et le bluff technologiques sont toujours d'actualité et témoignent de la (...)
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  18. Privacy Protection Law, 30 Years On.Andre Vitalis - 2009 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 53 (1):137 - +.
  19.  13
    Lydie Bodiou, Frédéric Chauvaud, Ludovic Gaussot, Marie-José Grihom.André Rauch - 2019 - Clio 50.
    En droit pénal, le « parricide » et l’« infanticide » figurent parmi les circonstances aggravantes d’un crime. En 2014, les associations féministes ont sollicité la Délégation aux droits des femmes de l’Assemblée nationale afin que le « féminicide » soit également introduit dans le Code pénal en France. Dans la langue, le mot « féminicide » n’est entré au Robert qu’en 2015. Des dates, des définitions, des lois, des coutumes, des cas, voilà le point de départ de ce livre (...)
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    De l'histoire comme technique présupposée a toute activité créatrice en philosophie.André Robinet - 1957 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 12 (3):405 - 409.
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    L'abbé De Catelan, Ou L'erreur Au Service De La Vérité.Andre Robinet - 1958 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 11 (4):289-301.
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  22.  23
    Leibniz und Heidegger: Atomzeitalter oder Informatikzeitalter?André Robinet - 1976 - Studia Leibnitiana 8 (2):241 - 256.
    On trouve dans l'ouvrage de M. Heidegger, Der Satz vom Grund, une structure essentielle d'opposition entre «compter» et «méditer». Cette opposition prend son origine dans la dualité des interprétations du principe de raison, selon qu'on l' accentue dans le sens du nombre ou dans le sens de l'être. Contrairement à ce que soutient Heidegger, A. R. estime que l'interprétation du principe de raison selon Leibniz relève d'une troisième accentuation, qui exige la connivence du nombre et de l'être, et non leur (...)
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  23. Modèle géométrique et critique informatique dans le discours spinozien.AndrÉ Robinet - 1980 - Studia Leibnitiana 12:96.
    Das Problem der Anwendung der lexikalischen Tatsachen, die durch die Bearbeitung des Spinozaschen Werkes mit Hilfe der Informatik geliefert werden, erlaubt die Frage, ob die Erkenntnisse, die man auf diese Weise gewinnt, mit denen zusammenfallen, die man ihnen früher gab. Wie stimmt der wirkliche Sprachgebrauch Spinozas überein mit der von ihm vorgetragenen Theorie der Sprache ? Vor allem wäre zu fragen, ob die Wortgestaltungen in Beziehung stehen zu den rhetorischen Gestaltungen des Werkes, vor allem mit der „geometrischen“ Anordnung. Die Termini (...)
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  24.  14
    Un ami de Malebranche : Pierre Berrand.André Robinet - 1958 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 148:348 - 351.
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    Formação da razão na ética de Espinosa, segundo Deleuze.André Menezes Rocha - 2007 - Cadernos Espinosanos 16:89.
    Este artigo é parte de um estudo mais amplo que tem como eixo a formação das noções comuns e a definição da razão na Ética de Espinosa. Neste artigo, examino a questão a partir da leitura de Gilles Deleuze em Espinoza e o problema daxpressão.
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    Schrödinger and Dirac equations for the hydrogen atom, and Laguerre polynomials.André Ronveaux & Jean Mawhin - 2010 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 64 (4):429-460.
    It is usually claimed that the Laguerre polynomials were popularized by Schrödinger when creating wave mechanics; however, we show that he did not immediately identify them in studying the hydrogen atom. In the case of relativistic Dirac equations for an electron in a Coulomb field, Dirac gave only approximations, Gordon and Darwin gave exact solutions, and Pidduck first explicitly and elegantly introduced the Laguerre polynomials, an approach neglected by most modern treatises and articles. That Laguerre polynomials were not very popular (...)
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    Bottom line or public interest? Serious publishing in the age of conglomeracy.André Schiffrin - 1999 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 10 (1):47-51.
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  28.  35
    Leo Strauss’s “Jerusalem and Athens” (1950): Three Lectures Delivered at Hillel House, Chicago.David Kretz, Hannes Kerber & Laurenz Denker - 2022 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 29 (1):133-173.
    For the first time, this edition presents Leo Strauss’s Hillel House lecture series on “Jerusalem and Athens.” The three lectures, delivered in the fall of 1950, investigate the agreement, disagreement, and conflict between the biblical and the philosophic “ways of life”: “Philosophy in the full sense is [...] incompatible with the biblical way of life. Philosophy and the Bible are the alternatives or the antagonists in the drama of the human soul. Each of the two antagonists claims to know the (...)
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    The Metaphysical Significance of Whitehead’s Creativity.André Cloots - 2001 - Process Studies 30 (1):36-54.
    Dr. Coots discusses creativity: 1. A different interpretation; 2. Differences and problems with Whitehead’s view; 3. What does creativity try to answer? 4. Ultimacy and creativity; 5. The relevance of Whitehead’s metaphysics of creativity in contemporary metaphysics.
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    Wie wird man, was man ist?: eine Auseinandersetzung mit Nietzsches Vorstellung von Selbstverwirklichung.André Kamphaus - 2012 - Münster: LIT.
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    Ayn Rand Shrugged: The Gap Between Ethical Egoism and Global Capitalism.Andre Santos Campos - 2012 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 12 (1):77-116.
    There is a gap between Rand 'sethical egoism and today's global capitalism on at least six points. Since her version of " capitalism : the unknown ideal" addresses none of these points, it cannot resemble the reality of today's global capitalism. The connection between Objectivist ethics and politics is preserved by a possible change in her minarchical political philosophy. This will mean that there is no necessary connection between ethical egoism and minarchism or between ethical egoism and minimal government intervention. (...)
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    Aquinas’s lex iniusta non est lex: a Test of Legal Validity.Andre Santos Campos - 2014 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 100 (3):366-378.
    Legal positivism understands natural law as performing classifying connections between morality and law as tests of legal validity: if a norm with some pretence to legality contradicts a moral good, it cannot be called a legal norm. The new natural law school, however, claims that natural law develops qualifying connections between morality and law: tests of legal validity are performed by non-moral criteria such as due enactment or efficacy, and morality determines not what the law is, but rather which law (...)
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  33. Malédictions et bénédictions qoumrâniennes.André Caquot - 2002 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 82 (1):3-14.
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    Haim Gaifman. Pointers to truth. The journal of philosophy, vol. 89 , pp. 223–261.Andre Chapuis - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (4):1462-1463.
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    (1 other version)Marsile Ficin et l'art.André Chastel - 1954 - Genève: Droz.
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    Preface.Andre Scedrov - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 69 (2-3):133.
  37. Auguste Comte, prophète du XIXe siècle: sa vie, son œuvre et son actualité (Auguste Comte et nous).André Sernin - 1993 - Paris: Albatros.
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    Incomplete understanding of concepts and knowing in part what something is.André J. Abath - 2020 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 24 (2).
    Burge famously argued that one can have thoughts involving a concept C even if one’s understanding of C is incomplete. Even though this view has been extremely influential, it has also been taken by critics as less than clear. The aim of this paper is to show that the cases imagined by Burge as being ones in which incomplete understanding of concepts is involved can be made clearer given an account of direct concept ascriptions—such as “Peter has the concept of (...)
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  39.  37
    Considerações sobre o Al-Farabi de Leo Strauss.André Abranches - 2013 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 22 (43):43-70.
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    Concupiscentia und temperantia: auf der Suche nach einem realistischen Bild christlicher moralischer Tugend mit Thomas von Aquin.Johannes Paul Andre - 2019 - Sankt Ottilien: EOS.
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    La diffusion des écritures alphabétiques (ca 1700-500 av. n.è.).André Lemaire - 2007 - Diogène 218 (2):52-.
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  42.  12
    La vie du R. P. Malebranche.Yves Marie André - 1886 - Genève,: Slatkine Reprints. Edited by A. M. P. Ingold.
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    L'Antiquité vidéoludique, une résurrection virtuelle?Laury-Nuria André & Sophie Lécole-Solnychkine - 2013 - Nouvelle Revue D’Esthétique 11 (1):87.
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    Pobreza de espírito? Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe e a crítica ao nacional-espiritualismo de Heidegger.Duarte André - 2011 - Natureza Humana 13 (1):1-24.
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    Theory of objects and set theory: introduction and semantics.André Chauvin - 1979 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 20 (1):37-54.
    A motivation and a presentation of the semantics of a formal system which proceeds from von neumann's "eine axiomatisierung der mengenlehre" by taking as fundamental notions the notion of partial functions, his principles of reification on the grounds of a "method of simulation" of meaningless terms and formulas by "ideal" terms and "virtual" formulas. theory of sets appears as the end of axiomatic extensions of the theory of objects (the intermediary extensions being the theories of classes, of universes, of aggregates).
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    Visual functioning in challenging conditions: Effects of alcohol consumption, luminance, stimulus motion, and glare on contrast sensitivity.Jeffrey T. Andre - 1996 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 2 (3):250.
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    Vues sur la psychologie animale.H. André, F. Buytendijk, G. Dwelshauvers, M. Manquat, R. Collin & R. Dalbiez - 1930 - Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
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  48. Conclusion.Andre Archie - 2015 - In Politics in Socrates' Alcibiades: A Philosophical Account of Plato's Dialogue Alcibiades Major. Cham: Imprint: Springer.
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    Insightful women, ignorant Alcibiades.Andre Archie - 2008 - History of Political Thought 29 (3):379-392.
    The prominent role of women in the Spartan and Persian Speech in Plato's dialogue Alcibiades Major has not been sufficiently appreciated. We remedy this by (1) laying out the context in which the speech is presented; (2) explaining what precisely the women of the speech say about Alcibiades' challenge to their men; (3) surveying and critiquing what commentators have said about the role women play in the speech; and (4) advancing a reading of the speech that unifies the sentiments attributed (...)
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  50. Listening to Plutarch’s Alcibiades in Plato’s Alcibiades Major.Andre Archie - 2015 - In Politics in Socrates' Alcibiades: A Philosophical Account of Plato's Dialogue Alcibiades Major. Cham: Imprint: Springer.
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