Results for 'Carmen Caffarell'

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  1. El español como instrumento competitivo para la acción cultural española en el exterior: la labor del Instituto Cervantes.Carmen Caffarell - 2010 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 57:58-63.
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    Relational Goes Beyond Interpersonal: The Development of Empathy in the Context of Culture.Alexandra Main & Carmen Kho - 2020 - Emotion Review 12 (4):295-296.
    It is clear a relational approach to the study of empathy is gaining traction across multiple disciplines. Both commentaries on “A Relational Framework for Integrating the Study of Empathy in Child...
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    Editorial: Aging in the Digital Era.Carmen Moret-Tatay & Mike Murphy - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:475030.
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    Emotional Intelligence, Self-Efficacy and Empathy as Predictors of Overall Self-Esteem in Nursing by Years of Experience.María del Carmen Pérez-Fuentes, María del Mar Molero Jurado, Rosa María del Pino & José Jesús Gázquez Linares - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The FOUnt ontologies for quantities, units, and the physical world.Bahar Aameri, Carmen Chui, Michael Grüninger, Torsten Hahmann & Yi Ru - 2020 - Applied ontology 15 (3):313-359.
    Quantities and units of measure provide an important means by which intelligent agents interact with the physical world. Although multiple ontologies for quantities and units of measure have been p...
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    Psychological Well-Being During Adolescence: Stability and Association With Romantic Relationships.Mercedes Gómez-López, Carmen Viejo & Rosario Ortega-Ruiz - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    What Do Teachers Think About Their Students’ Inclusion? Consistency of Students’ Self-Reports and Teacher Ratings.Martin Venetz, Carmen L. A. Zurbriggen & Susanne Schwab - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:458198.
    The aim of this study was to investigate the consistency between the self-reports and teacher ratings of students’ emotional and social inclusion at school as well as for their academic self-concept. The German version of the Perceptions of Inclusion Questionnaire (PIQ) was administered to 329 grade 8 students (50.8% female, Mage = 14.5 years, SDage = 0.5 years) and their teachers. First, the three-dimensional structure of both PIQ versions was confirmed by confirmatory item factor analysis. The  and  coefficients (...)
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    The Impact of Inattention, Hyperactivity/Impulsivity Symptoms, and Executive Functions on Learning Behaviors of Children with ADHD.Carla Colomer, Carmen Berenguer, Belén Roselló, Inmaculada Baixauli & Ana Miranda - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  9. Sexual Double Standard: A Psychometric Study From a Macropsychological Perspective Among the Spanish Heterosexual Population.María del Carmen Gómez Berrocal, Pablo Vallejo-Medina, Nieves Moyano & Juan Carlos Sierra - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Values, Environmental Beliefs, and Connection With Nature as Predictive Factors of the Pro-environmental Vote in Spain.M. Carmen Aguilar-Luzón, Beatriz Carmona, Antonia Calvo-Salguero & Pedro A. Castillo Valdivieso - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Presentación de una experiencia exitosa de apropiación de la investigación en el programa de Ingeniería Física de la UTP.Hugo Armando Gallego Becerra, R. Llamosa, Luis Enrique & José del Carmén Gómez Espíndola - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Axiomatic and dual systems for constructive necessity, a formally verified equivalence.Lourdes del Carmen González-Huesca, Favio E. Miranda-Perea & P. Selene Linares-Arévalo - 2019 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 29 (3):255-287.
    We present a proof of the equivalence between two deductive systems for constructive necessity, namely an axiomatic characterisation inspired by Hakli and Negri's system of derivations from assumptions for modal logic , a Hilbert-style formalism designed to ensure the validity of the deduction theorem, and the judgmental reconstruction given by Pfenning and Davies by means of a natural deduction approach that makes a distinction between valid and true formulae, constructively. Both systems and the proof of their equivalence are formally verified (...)
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    Relationship Between Digital Creativity, Parenting Style, and Adolescent Performance.María del Carmen Pérez-Fuentes, María del Mar Molero Jurado, Nieves Fátima Oropesa Ruiz, María del Mar Simón Márquez & José Jesús Gázquez Linares - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Participatory action research: towards (non-ideal) epistemic justice in a university in South Africa.Melanie Walker, Carmen Martinez-Vargas & Faith Mkwananzi - 2019 - Journal of Global Ethics 16 (1):77-94.
    The paper explores the possibilities for promoting epistemic justice in a South African university setting through a participatory action-based photovoice research project in which university resea...
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  15. Evidence Linking Brain Activity Modulation to Age and to Deductive Training.Paula Álvarez-Merino, Carmen Requena & Francisco Salto - 2018 - Neural Plasticity 2018:1-20.
    Electrical brain activity modulation in terms of changes in its intensity and spatial distribution is a function of age and task demand. However, the dynamics of brain modulation is unknown when it depends on external factors such as training. The aim of this research is to verify the effect of deductive reasoning training on the modulation in the brain activity of healthy younger and older adults ( (mean age of 21 ± 3.39) and (mean age of 68.92 ± 5.72)). The (...)
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    Bayesian Dimensionality Assessment for the Multidimensional Nominal Response Model.Javier Revuelta & Carmen Ximénez - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    „Die Ansagen sind einfach blind“ -Konflikte in der Trainer-Athlet-Kommunikation1/ “The Calls Are Simply Blind”— Conflicts in Coach-Athlete Communication.Steffen Bahlke, Klaus Cachay & Carmen Borggrefe - 2015 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 12 (1):3-38.
    Zusammenfassung In dem Beitrag wird untersucht, wie Trainer im Spitzensport mit Konflikten umgehen und wie sie versuchen, diese strategisch, das heißt in Orientierung am übergeordneten Ziel des sportlichen Erfolgs, zu regulieren. Ausgehend von der systemtheoretischen Konflikttheorie Messmers, der Sach-, Beziehungs- und Machtkonflikte unterscheidet, werden auf der Basis empirischer Daten, die Video- und Audioaufzeichnungen unterschiedlicher Trainings- und Wettkampfkommunikationen sowie Interviews mit Trainern und Spielern umfassen, authentische Konfliktbeispiele aus den Sportarten Handball und Hockey analysiert. Die Ergebnisse dieser Analysen münden in Empfehlungen an (...)
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  18. Fostering corporate social responsibility through public initiative: From the EU to the spanish case.Marta La Cuesta Gonzáledez & Carmen Valor Martinez - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 55 (3).
    Should CSR be approached only on a voluntary basis or should it be complemented with a compulsory regulatory framework? What type of government intervention is more effective in fostering CSR among companies? This paper is an attempt to answer these questions, reviewing the debate between proponents of the voluntary case and the obligatory case for CSR, and critically analysing current international government-led initiatives to foster CSR among companies, and national government-led initiatives in the EU area. Finally, the paper focuses on (...)
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    Indicadores emocionais no desenho da figura humana de crianças abusadas sexualmente; Emotional indicators in human figure drawings of sexuality abused children.José Augusto E. Hernandez, Adriana Valente Rochefort, Bernardo Trojan Neto, Carmen Sílvia B. Lopes Sarmiento, Luci Maria dos Santos Feijó, Maria Antonia Santiago Nunes & Susane Maria Curra - 2000 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 12:43-52.
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  20. A Cross-Sectional Study of Empathy and Emotion Management: Key to a Work Environment for Humanized Care in Nursing.María del Carmen Pérez-Fuentes, Ivan Herrera-Peco, María del Mar Molero Jurado, Nieves Fátima Oropesa Ruiz, Diego Ayuso-Murillo & José Jesús Gázquez Linares - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Assessing the Reliability of the Framework for Equitable and Effective Teaching With the Many-Facet Rasch Model.Priyalatha Govindasamy, Maria del Carmen Salazar, Jessica Lerner & Kathy E. Green - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Financial Independence and Academic Achievement: Are There Key Factors of Transition to Adulthood for Young Higher Education Students in Colombia?Mónica-Patricia Borjas, Carmen Ricardo, Elsa Lucia Escalante-Barrios, Jorge Valencia & Jose Aparicio - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:534827.
    Autonomy is conceptualized as the need for agency, self-actualization and independence. Nowadays, financial independence and academic achievement for young populations may be considered as key aspects in the transition to adulthood in response to some contextual demands of different cultural environments. By means of a multi-level model, the present study aims to determine the influence and contribution of factors at individual-level (e.g. sex, age, socioeconomic status, family financial support, awarded scholarships, personal finance, student loans) and school-level (e.g. programme quality, online (...)
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    The Timeout in Sports: A Study of Its Effect on Volleyball.Carmen Fernández-Echeverría, Jara González-Silva, Inma T. Castro & M. Perla Moreno - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Audiovisual narratives about the case Spain’s stolen babies.Carmen Marta-Lazo & Ana Mancho-Iglesia - 2020 - Discourse and Communication 14 (3):253-272.
    The critical discourse analysis is the tool used in this article, to study how audiovisual media have constructed mental representation about the historical facts occurred in Spain between the final stage of the Spanish Civil War and the late 1980s: the theft of newborn babies. The State has failed in an attempt to establish policies that support truth, justice and reparation as it has been recalled by United Nations experts to the Government of Spain, and the reports and documentaries have (...)
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    Fenomenología y formas de vida.María del Carmen Paredes Martín - 2015 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 42 (1):273-287.
    os artículos de Husserl en la revista japonesa Kaizo contienen muchas claves sugerentes e importantes sobre su filosofía práctica. Su visión de las “formas de vida” humanas y sobre todo su concepción de la “forma de vida ética” muestran su preocupación por el significado de la fenomenología para la vida y para la búsqueda de la responsabilidad. Husserl articula el problema ético sobre la base de su concepción de la “esencia” del ser humano y la lucha o el afán de (...)
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    Editorial: Resilience Resources in Chronic Pain Patients: The Path to Adaptation.Carmen Ramírez-Maestre, Rocío de la Vega, John Andrew Sturgeon & Madelon Peters - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Theory of Mind Profiles in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Adaptive/Social Skills and Pragmatic Competence.Belen Rosello, Carmen Berenguer, Inmaculada Baixauli, Rosa García & Ana Miranda - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Theory of Mind (ToM) is one of the most relevant concepts in the field of social cognition, particularly in the case of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Literature showing that individuals with ASD display deficits in ToM is extensive and robust. However, some related issues deserve more research: the heterogeneous profile of ToM abilities in children with ASD and the association between different levels of ToM development and social, pragmatic, and adaptive behaviors in everyday life. The first objective of this study (...)
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    Prenatal Genetic Tests.M. Carmen Sanchez Monserrate - 1996 - Society for Philosophy and Technology Quarterly Electronic Journal 1 (3):159-170.
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    La critica Sanjuanista en los últimos veinte años.Eulogio de la O. C. D. Virgen del Carmen - 1961 - Salmanticensis 8 (1):195-246.
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    Rights and obligations in Cambridge social ontology.Yannick Slade-Caffarel - 2022 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour (2):392-410.
    Rights and obligations—sometimes referred to as deontology or deontic powers—are key to most contemporary conceptions of social ontology. Both Cambridge Social Ontology and the dominant analytic conception associated, most prominently, with John Searle, place rights and obligations at the centre of their accounts. Such a common emphasis has led some to consider deontology to be a point of similarity between these different theories. This is a mistake. In this paper, I show that a distinctive conception of rights and obligations underpins (...)
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    (1 other version)«Nessun dio è mai sceso quaggiù». La polemica anticristiana dei filosofi antichi ( “Frecce”, 277 ). [REVIEW]Maria Carmen De Vita - 2019 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 41 (2):401-411.
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    Carmen de Burgos, traductora.María Del Carmen Simón Palmer - 2010 - Arbor 186 (Extra):157-168.
    En el primer tercio del siglo XX, Carmen de Burgos realizó una notable tarea para lograr el conocimiento de la literatura extranjera en España y tradujo más de treinta obras de autores tan variados como Ruskin, Renan, Moebius, Salgari o Rachilde. Se ha elegido ordenar sus traducciones de acuerdo con las editoriales que las publicaron para distinguir la línea editorial de cada una de ellas.
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    The Influence of Simone de Beauvoir’s Writings on Claire Cayron’s Personal and Creative Life.Alice Caffarel-Cayron - 2014 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 29 (1):4-19.
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    A Systemic Functional Perspective on the Controversy surrounding the Two English Translations of Simone de Beauvoir’s Iconic Sentence in Le Deuxième Sexe.Alice Caffarel-Cayron - 2021 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 31 (2):274-296.
    This article presents a systemic functional perspective for understanding the social and philosophical meanings conveyed by Beauvoir’s iconic sentence “on ne naît pas femme: on le devient,” with a view to addressing the controversy surrounding its English translations and complementing current philosophical debates. It analyzes Beauvoir’s linguistic resources in the sentence in question and describes how its meanings are symbolically articulated through her lexicogrammatical selections. This analysis serves as a point of departure for discussing the 1953 and 2009 translators’ choices.
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    Cambridge social ontology: an introduction to social positioning theory.Yannick Slade-Caffarel - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Social ontology is the study of the nature and basic structure of social reality. It is a rapidly growing field at the intersection of philosophy and social science that has the potential to greatly assist social researchers of all kinds. One of the longest running projects in social ontology has developed over the better part of the last four decades through the work of Tony Lawson and the Cambridge Social Ontology Group. Cambridge social ontology has its origins in an assessment (...)
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  36. Organisation, Emergence and Cambridge Social Ontology.Yannick Slade-Caffarel - 2020 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 50 (3):391-408.
    John Searle has mistakenly claimed that emergence is the central concept in the account of social ontology defended by Tony Lawson, the central figure in the project now regularly referred to as Cambridge Social Ontology. This is not the case. Rather, if any concept can be considered central for Lawson, it is organisation. In this paper, I explain how Searle could misunderstand Lawson and, in doing so, I bring out the importance of organisation for understanding how phenomena, both social and (...)
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    El predominio de la agenda neoliberal en el mundo contemporáneo: hegemonía y consecuencias = The predominance of the neoliberal agenda in the contemporary world: hegemony and consequences.Carmen Pineda Nebot & Francisco Fonseca - 2017 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 27:21-44.
    RESUMEN: Hace treinta años la economía mundial, sobre todo en los países desarrollados, sufría, como ocurre ahora, una fuerte crisis económica. De aquella situación surgió un nuevo modelo de regulación de las economías capitalistas al que se llamó neoliberalismo. Desde entonces, con mayor o menor fuerza, ha estado presente en todos los países, aprovechando las condiciones de estos para repetir constantemente los mismos principios: la reducción del Estado, las ventajas del mercado, la autorregulación de éste, etc. Aunque sus premisas parezcan (...)
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    Herranz Pascual, Carmen. Los Sabios del Talmud.Carmen Motos López - 1998 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 3:336.
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    The self in action effects: Selective attenuation of self-generated sounds.Carmen Weiss, Arvid Herwig & Simone Schütz-Bosbach - 2011 - Cognition 121 (2):207-218.
  40. Mujeres con autoridad en el cristianismo antigüo, de Carmen Bernabé Urbieta, Elisa Estévez, Carmen Soto, Fernando Rivero y Carolyn Osiek.Carmen Peña - 2008 - Critica 58 (955):87.
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  41. Eclécticos portugueses del siglo XVIII y algunas de sus influencias en América.Rovira Carmen & María del - 1958 - México]: Colegio de México.
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    La unificación de las instituciones upanishádicas Badarayana. El inicio de la escuela Vedanta.Carmen Dragonetti & Fernando Tola - 2004 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 9:183-209.
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    Questioning explicit properties of implicit individuals in knowledge representation.Carmen E. Westerberg & Chad J. Marsolek - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):788-789.
    Dienes & Perner argue that the explicit representation of an individual to which a property is attributed requires explicit representation of the attributed property. The reasons for this conclusion are similar to the reasons why another of their conclusions may be considered suspect: A property may be explicit without an explicit representation of an individual or the predication of the property to an individual. We question the latter conclusion and draw connections to neurophysiological and cognitive evidence.
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    White Woman, Hey.Carmen Williams - 1984 - Feminist Review 17 (1):79-79.
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  45. Boole, Piaget y el "psicologismo".Carmen Chaves Acosta - 1981 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 49:49-68.
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  46. No ir a la escuela puede salir muy caro.Carmen Fernández Aguinaco - 2007 - Critica 57 (946):8-10.
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    Treating Identity Failure in La Fille démantelée by Jacqueline Harpman.Carmen Andrei - 2021 - Episteme 26:157-174.
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    Education political function in Antonio Gramsci.Carmen Gloria Jarpa - 2015 - Cinta de Moebio 53:124-134.
    This article proposes that education, according to Antonio Gramsci, is a political act. To support our thesis, first we review the concepts hegemony, organic intellectual and historic bloc. In a second level, we use those concepts to understand education. In a third level we present a proposal for a functional political and ethical approach of education in current society. La tesis del artículo es que la educación en el pensamiento de Antonio Gramsci constituye un acto político. Para dar sustento a (...)
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  49. Infancia en Berlín hacia 1900. Walter Benjamin.Carmen Zancajo - 2008 - A Parte Rei 59:12.
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  50. María del Carmen Amaro Cano." Reflexiones éticas sobre la investigación científica en biomedicina desde el prisma de la universidad médica".María del Carmen Amaro Cano - 2005 - Episteme 1 (3).
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