Results for 'Canan Bilen-Green'

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  1.  33
    Advocates and Allies: The Succession of a Good Idea or What’s in a Meme?Cali Anicha, Canan Bilen-Green & Ann Burnett - 2018 - Studies in Social Justice 12 (1):152-164.
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    Ethics and the Third Party in Iris Murdoch’s The Green Knight.Canan Şavkay - 2012 - Philosophy and Literature 36 (2):347-362.
    Arguing that he wants to achieve a better understanding of the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas, C. Fred Alford in his article “Emmanuel Levinas and Iris Murdoch: Ethics as Exit?” compares Levinas’s ideas with those of Iris Murdoch and concludes that the major difference between the two philosophers consists in their attitude toward everyday reality. Alford claims that although both philosophers are concerned with one’s relation with the other person, Levinas is “never interested in the concrete reality of the other person, (...)
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  3. A Layered View of Shape Perception.E. J. Green - 2017 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 68 (2).
    This article develops a view of shape representation both in visual experience and in subpersonal visual processing. The view is that, in both cases, shape is represented in a ‘layered’ manner: an object is represented as having multiple shape properties, and these properties have varying degrees of abstraction. I argue that this view is supported both by the facts about visual phenomenology and by a large collection of evidence in perceptual psychology. Such evidence is provided by studies of shape discriminability, (...)
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  4. Attempt at a Critique of All Revelation.Johann Gottlieb Fichte & Garrett Green - 1978. - Religious Studies 15 (4):577-577.
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    Steel and bone: mesoscale modeling and middle-out strategies in physics and biology.Robert W. Batterman & Sara Green - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):1159-1184.
    Mesoscale modeling is often considered merely as a practical strategy used when information on lower-scale details is lacking, or when there is a need to make models cognitively or computationally tractable. Without dismissing the importance of practical constraints for modeling choices, we argue that mesoscale models should not just be considered as abbreviations or placeholders for more “complete” models. Because many systems exhibit different behaviors at various spatial and temporal scales, bottom-up approaches are almost always doomed to fail. Mesoscale models (...)
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  6. Representationalism and Perceptual Organization.E. J. Green - 2016 - Philosophical Topics 44 (2):121-148.
    Some philosophers have suggested that certain shifts in perceptual organization are counterexamples to representationalism about phenomenal character. Representationalism about phenomenal character is, roughly, the view that there can be no difference in the phenomenal character of experience without a difference in the representational content of experience. In this paper, I examine three of these alleged counterexamples: the dot array (Peacocke 1983), the intersecting lines (Speaks 2010), and the 3 X 3 grid (Nickel 2007). I identify the two features of their (...)
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  7.  77
    Perceptual constancy and perceptual representation.E. J. Green - 2023 - Analytic Philosophy 65 (4):473-513.
    Perceptual constancy has played a significant role in philosophy of perception. It figures in debates about direct realism, color ontology, and the minimal conditions for perceptual representation. Despite this, there is no general consensus about what constancy is. I argue that an adequate account of constancy must distinguish it from three distinct phenomena: mere sensory stability through proximal change, perceptual categorization of a distal dimension, and stability through irrelevant proximal change. Standard characterizations of constancy fall short in one or more (...)
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    What Do Object Files Pick Out?Edwin Green - 2018 - Philosophy of Science 85 (2):177-200.
    Many authors have posited an “object file” system, which underlies perceptual selection and tracking of objects. Several have proposed that this system internalizes principles specifying what counts as an object and relies on them during tracking. Here I consider a popular view on which the object file system is tuned to entities that satisfy principles of three-dimensionality, cohesion, and boundedness. I argue that the evidence gathered in support of this view is consistent with a more permissive view on which object (...)
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  9.  23
    Deep Democracy: Community, Diversity, and Transformation.Judith M. Green - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Deeply understood, democracy is more than a "formal" institutional framework for which America provides the model, acting as a preferable alternative to the modern totalitarian regimes that have distorted social life around the world. At its core, as John Dewey understood, democracy is a realistic ideal, a desired and desirable future possibility that is yet-to-be. In this period of global crises in differing cultures, a shared environment, and an increasingly globalized political economy, this book provides a clear contemporary articulation of (...)
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    Lying, cheating, and stealing: a moral theory of white-collar crime.Stuart P. Green - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This is the first book to take a comprehensive look at white collar criminal offenses from the perspective of moral and legal theory. Focussing on the way in which key white collar crimes such as fraud, perjury, false statements, obstruction of justice, bribery, extortion, blackmail, insider trading, tax evasion, and regulatory and intellectual property offenses are shaped and informed by a range of familiar, but nevertheless powerful, moral norms.
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    Editors’ Introduction.Aurelia Armstrong, Keith Green & Andrea Angiacom - 2019 - In Aurelia Armstrong, Keith Green & Andrea Sangiacomo, Spinoza and Relational Autonomy: Being with Others. Edinburgh: Eup. pp. 1-9.
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  12. Revisiting generality in biology: systems biology and the quest for design principles.Sara Green - 2015 - Biology and Philosophy 30 (5):629-652.
    Due to the variation, contingency and complexity of living systems, biology is often taken to be a science without fundamental theories, laws or general principles. I revisit this question in light of the quest for design principles in systems biology and show that different views can be reconciled if we distinguish between different types of generality. The philosophical literature has primarily focused on generality of specific models or explanations, or on the heuristic role of abstraction. This paper takes a different (...)
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  13.  89
    Benefiting from 'evil': An incipient moral problem in human stem cell research.Ronald M. Green - 2002 - Bioethics 16 (6):544–556.
    When does benefiting from others’ wrongdoing effectively make one a moral accomplice in their evil deeds? If stem cell research lives up to its therapeutic promise, this question (which has previously cropped up in debates over fetal tissue research or the use of Nazi research data) is likely to become a central one for opponents of embryo destruction. I argue that benefiting from wrongdoing is prima facie morally wrong under any of three conditions: (1) when the wrongdoer is one’s agent; (...)
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  14. Business ethics in banking.C. F. Green - 1989 - Journal of Business Ethics 8 (8):631 - 634.
    Companies do have ethical responsibility and are not protected by limited liability from the consequences of their actions. A company's record and the preception of its ethics affect its reputation and ensure long term success or failure.The financial community has a history of placing moral considerations above legal or opportunistic expedients. But we are often exposed to moral dangers and the dangers of contamination are increasing. Deregulation and the technological revolution are sharpening ethical conflicts.
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    Pavlovian conditioned responses: Some elusive results and an indeterminate explanation.Leonard Green - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (3):402-403.
  16. Too soon to give up: Re-examining the value of advance directives.Benjamin H. Levi & Michael J. Green - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (4):3 – 22.
    In the face of mounting criticism against advance directives, we describe how a novel, computer-based decision aid addresses some of these important concerns. This decision aid, Making Your Wishes Known: Planning Your Medical Future , translates an individual's values and goals into a meaningful advance directive that explicitly reflects their healthcare wishes and outlines a plan for how they wish to be treated. It does this by (1) educating users about advance care planning; (2) helping individuals identify, clarify, and prioritize (...)
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  17.  50
    The grain objection.Michael B. Green - 1979 - Philosophy of Science 46 (4):559-589.
    Many philosophers, both past and present, object to materialism not from any romantic anti-scientific bent, but from sheer inability to understand the thesis. It seems utterly inconceivable to some that qualia should exist in a world which is entirely material. This paper investigates the grain objection, a much neglected argument which purports to prove that sensations could not be brain events. Three versions are examined in great detail. The plausibility of the first version is shown to depend crucially on whether (...)
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  18.  32
    It’s agony for us as well.Janet Green, Philip Darbyshire, Anne Adams & Debra Jackson - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (2):176-190.
    Background: Improved techniques and life sustaining technology in the neonatal intensive care unit have resulted in an increased probability of survival for extremely premature babies. The by-product of the aggressive treatment is iatrogenic pain, and this infliction of pain can be a cause of suffering and distress for both baby and nurse. Research question: The research sought to explore the caregiving dilemmas of neonatal nurses when caring for extremely premature babies. This article aims to explore the issues arising for neonatal (...)
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  19.  41
    Moral dumbfounding and imaginative resistance.Adam Green - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
  20. Authorization and Political Authority in Hobbes.Michael J. Green - 2015 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 53 (1):25-47.
  21. Can biological complexity be reverse engineered?Sara Green - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 53:73-83.
    Concerns with the use of engineering approaches in biology have recently been raised. I examine two related challenges to biological research that I call the synchronic and diachronic underdetermination problem. The former refers to challenges associated with the inference of design principles underlying system capacities when the synchronic relations between lower-level processes and higher-level systems capacities are degenerate. The diachronic underdetermination problem regards the problem of reverse engineering a system where the non-linear relations between system capacities and lower-level mechanisms are (...)
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  22. On the autonomy of linguistic meaning.Mitchell S. Green - 1997 - Mind 106 (422):217-243.
    Frege and many following him, such as Dummett, Geach, Stenius and Hare, have envisaged a role for illocutionary force indicators in a logically perpspicuous notation. Davidson has denied that such expressions are even possible on the ground that any putative force indicator would be used by actors and jokers to heighten the drama of their performances. Davidson infers from this objection a Thesis of the Autonomy of Linguistic Meaning: symbolic representation necessarily breaks any close tie with extra-linguistic purpose. A modified (...)
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    Introduction.K. Green & R. Hagengruber - 2015 - The Monist 98 (1):1-6.
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  24. Is Love an Emotion?O. H. Green - 1997 - In Roger Lamb, Love analyzed. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press. pp. 209--24.
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  25.  74
    Authority and convention.Leslie Green - 1985 - Philosophical Quarterly 35 (141):329-346.
  26.  50
    Personalizing Medicine: Disease Prevention in silico and in socio.Sara Green & Henrik Vogt - 2016 - Humana Mente 9 (30).
    Proponents of the emerging field of P4 medicine argue that computational integration and analysis of patient-specific “big data” will revolutionize our health care systems, in particular primary care-based disease prevention. While many ambitions remain visionary, steps to personalize medicine are already taken via personalized genomics, mobile health technologies and pilot projects. An important aim of P4 medicine is to enable disease prevention among healthy persons through detection of risk factors. In this paper, we examine the current status of P4 medicine (...)
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    Should Speech Act Theory Eschew Propositions?Mitchell Green - 2023 - In Laura Caponetto & Paolo Labinaz, Sbisà on Speech as Action. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 2147483647-2147483647.
    In articles such as “Speech Acts without Propositions?” (2006), Marina Sbisà advocates a “strong” conception of speech acts as means by which speakers modify their own and others’ deontic statuses, including their rights, obligations, and commitments. On this basis Sbisà challenges an influential approach to speech acts as typically if not universally possessing propositional contents. Sbisà argues that such an approach leads to viewing speech acts as primarily aimed at communicating propositional attitudes rather than carrying out socially and normatively significant (...)
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  28. Analysis: John Has Hepatitis and Schizophrenia.Paul Dagg, Stephen A. Green, Sidney Bloch & Walter Glannon - 2009 - Journal of Ethics in Mental Health 1 (1):1-7.
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  29. La psychanalyse, son évolution, ses développements.Clara Thompson, P. Mullahy & A. Green - 1957 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 12 (2):270-270.
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    The Moral Problem Is a Hume Problem.Karen Green - 2024 - Belgrade Philosophical Annual 37 (1):103-121.
    The moral problem, as articulated by Smith, arises out of the attempt to introduce the experimental method of reasoning into moral subjects, developed by Hume. This paper returns to Locke’s earlier attempt to provide an empirically adequate account of morality and the debate his attempt generated. It argues that the seeds of a more adequate, naturalistic account of the metaphysics and epistemology of morals than that developed by either Locke or Hume can already be found in aspects of Locke’s Essay (...)
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  31. The Philosophical Works of David Hume, Ed. By T.H. Green and T.H. Grose.David Hume & Thomas Hill Green - 1874
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  32. exoteric Teaching.Leo Strauss & Kenneth Green - 1986 - Interpretation 14 (1):51-59.
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  33.  76
    The Jet Lag Theory of Purgatory.Adam Green - 2015 - Faith and Philosophy 32 (2):146-160.
    Models of purgatory tend to come paired with an operative conception of what perfection consists in. In the recent philosophical literature, two models, the satisfaction model and the sanctification model, have been pitted against one another. The former focuses on innocence before the law and makes purgatory out to be a place where a debt of punishment is paid. The latter focuses on moral character and describes purgatory in terms of character formation. If perfection consists in a certain way of (...)
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  34. The methods of business ethics.Ronald M. Green & Aine Donovan - 2010 - In George G. Brenkert & Tom L. Beauchamp, The Oxford handbook of business ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Access to healthcare: Going beyond fair equality of opportunity.Ronald M. Green - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (2):22 – 23.
  36.  59
    Dummett: philosophy of language.Karen Green - 2001 - Malden, Mass.: Polity Press.
    Dummett's output has been prolific and highly influential, but not always as accessible as it deserves to be. This book sets out to rectify this situation.
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  37. (1 other version)Jesus.Eduard Schweizer & David E. Green - 1971
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  38. The Gospel of Luke.Joel B. Green - 1997
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    Iliad, Book 24. Homer & Translated by Peter Green - 2015 - Arion 22 (3):9.
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  40. Backward masking in schizophrenia: Neuropsychological, electrophysiological, and functional neuroimaging findings.Jonathan K. Wynn & Michael F. Green - 2006 - In Jonathan K. Wynn & Michael F. Green, gmen, Haluk; Breitmeyer, Bruno G. (2006). The First Half Second: The Microgenesis and Temporal Dynamics of Unconscious and Conscious Visual Processes. (Pp. 171-184). Cambridge, MA, US: MIT Press. Xi, 410 Pp.
  41. There's No Such Thing As A Legal Name: A Strange, Shared Delusion.Austin A. Baker & J. Remy Green - forthcoming - Columbia Human Rights Law Review 53.
  42. Method in business ethics–A critical assessment.Robbin Derry & V. Green - 1989 - Journal of Business Ethics 8:129-141.
  43.  23
    “The revolution will not be supervised”: Consent and open secrets in data science.Abibat Rahman-Davies, Madison W. Green & Coleen Carrigan - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    The social impacts of computer technology are often glorified in public discourse, but there is growing concern about its actual effects on society. In this article, we ask: how does “consent” as an analytical framework make visible the social dynamics and power relations in the capture, extraction, and labor of data science knowledge production? We hypothesize that a form of boundary violation in data science workplaces—gender harassment—may correlate with the ways humans’ lived experiences are extracted to produce Big Data. The (...)
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    The Recorded Sayings of Zen Master Joshu.James Green - 2010 - Yale University Press.
    So striking were the replies of Joshu to students' questions, that it was said that his "lips emitted light." His saysing were extremely influential throughout the Zen tradition and are included in many koan anthologies. Now here is the first full English translation of his sayings, lectures, dialogues, poems, and records from his pilgimages. The translation aims for readability rather than literalness; helpful notes illustrate features from the Chinese that might not be evident in English. A historical introudction by the (...)
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  45.  32
    The priority of health care.Ronald M. Green - 1983 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 8 (4):373-380.
  46.  81
    Does science persecute women? The case of the 16th–17th century witch-Hunts.Karen Green & John Bigelow - 1998 - Philosophy 73 (2):195-217.
    I. Logic, rationality and ideology Herbert Marcuse once claimed that the ‘“rational” is a mode of thought and action which is geared to reduce ignorance, destruction, brutality, and oppression.’ He echoed a widespread folk belief that a world in which people were rational would be a better world. This could be taken as an optimistic empirical conjecture: if people were more rational then probably the world would be a better place (a trust that ‘virtue will be rewarded’, so to speak). (...)
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    Cultivating male allies.Bonnie Lori Hooks & Penny Anthon Green - 1993 - Human Nature 4 (1):81-107.
    Females make large investments in their children and compete among themselves to establish and maintain privileged relationships with male allies who demonstrate both an ability and a willingness to provide fitness-enhancing advantages. Various “strategies” and their more numerous, associated “tactics” are utilized in the competition. Alleged strategies include using sexuality, producing offspring, assisting the male in his own intrasexual contests, and harassing female competitors. The strategies in question are documented in multiple primate species, including humans living in various times and (...)
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    Detailed and Succinct Self-Portraits of Addicts in Broadcast Stories.Irit Kupferberg & David Green - 2000 - Discourse Studies 2 (3):305-322.
    Narrative discourse offers a viable perspective on sociocultural, psychological and professional dimensions of the self. Following Labov's early definition of evaluation, current studies explore linguistic and paralinguistic evaluative devices which participants in discourse use to present and construct their self. Organizing metaphors are a global evaluative device often used in broadcast personal stories to summarize local lexical and syntactic repetition. These metaphors constitute succinct self-portraits which facilitate interpersonal communication in a speech situation which is limited in time, and lacking in (...)
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  49.  64
    Stem cell research: A target article collection part III - determining moral status.Ronald M. Green - 2002 - American Journal of Bioethics 2 (1):20 – 30.
    In this chapter, I review some of the background thinking concerning matters of moral status that I had developed in previous years and that I would now bring to the work of the Human Embryo Research Panel. Two ideas were at the forefront of my thinking. First, that biology usually offers not decisive "events" but only continuous processes of development. Second, in making status determinations we do not so much "identify" a point on a developmental continuum where moral respect should (...)
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  50.  42
    Perceiving persons.Adam Green - 2012 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 19 (3-4):3-4.
    Since their discovery, mirror neurons have played a critical role in the interdisciplinary debate over how we come to understand other people, a topic often labelled 'mind-reading'. The philosopher Alvin Goldman argues that mirror neurons provide critical evidence that we come to understand others by simulating them. In this paper, I demonstrate that mirror neurons should be thought of as facilitating the perception of persons but should not be thought of as simulators. Our basic understanding of others does not come (...)
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