Results for 'Camillo Sitte'

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  1.  49
    The Art of Building CitiesNew Cities for Old.Paul Zucker, Camillo Sitte & Louis Justement - 1946 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 5 (1):69.
  2. Recapture Results and Classical Logic.Camillo Fiore & Lucas Rosenblatt - 2023 - Mind 132 (527):762–788.
    An old and well-known objection to non-classical logics is that they are too weak; in particular, they cannot prove a number of important mathematical results. A promising strategy to deal with this objection consists in proving so-called recapture results. Roughly, these results show that classical logic can be used in mathematics and other unproblematic contexts. However, the strategy faces some potential problems. First, typical recapture results are formulated in a purely logical language, and do not generalize nicely to languages containing (...)
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    Ripples of consciousness.Jacobo D. Sitt, Jean-Rémi King, Lionel Naccache & Stanislas Dehaene - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (11):552-554.
  4.  25
    Another perspective on the doctrine of double effect.Camillo C. Bica - 1999 - Public Affairs Quarterly 13 (2):131-139.
  5.  28
    Collateral Violence and the Doctrine of Double Effect.Camillo C. Bica - 1997 - Public Affairs Quarterly 11 (1):87-92.
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    El argumento de" Lo Uno sobre lo múltiple" en el Tratado sobre las Ideas de Aristóteles.Silvana Gabriela Di Camillo - 2010 - Synthesis (la Plata) 17:47-63.
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    Introduction.Martin Sitte - 1986 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 11 (2):5-7.
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  8. A Structural Tonk.Camillo Fiore - 2023 - Analysis (XX):anad049.
    When logicians work with multiple-conclusion systems, they use a metalinguistic comma ‘,’ to aggregate premises and/or conclusions. In this note, I present an analogy between this comma and Prior’s infamous connective tonk. The analogy reveals that these expressions have much in common. I argue that, indeed, the comma can be seen as a structural incarnation of tonk. The upshot is that, whatever story one has to tell about tonk, there are good reasons to tell a similar story about the comma (...)
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    Un uomo di nome Benedetto: la vita di Croce nei suoi aspetti privati e poco noti.Camillo Albanese - 2001 - Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
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    Opposing a war and/or supporting the warrior: The moral obligations of citizens in an immoral war.Camillo Bica - 2007 - Journal of Social Philosophy 38 (4):627–643.
  11. Esplorando l'ignoto.Camillo Eugenio Branchi - 1949 - [Milano]: Garzanti.
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    Abdução peirciana e a relação de probabilidade entre características.José Carlos Camillo - 2023 - Cognitio 24 (1):e61812.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo rever a crítica que Peirce faz a uma definição de abdução como uma relação de probabilidade a partir das características. Parece consensual entre seus comentadores que, de fato, essa definição não se adequa ao conceito peirciano. Contudo, este artigo defende que não há uma desarmonia entre abdução e uma relação de probabilidade. Ao contrário, será defendido que, sendo a abdução composta de formação e seleção de hipóteses, essa relação de probabilidade poderia ter uma função na (...)
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    Per una nuova metafisica.Camillo Cecchi - 2000 - Roma: Armando editore.
    v. 1. Presentazione de Biagia Catanzaro Gligora -- v. 2. Logica, totalità-reale e realtà -- v. 3. Anima e coscienza.
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  14. El problema del status ontológico del universal en Aristóteles.Silvana Di Camillo - 2004 - Synthesis (la Plata) 11:103-122.
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  15. All intermediate logics with extra axioms in one variable, except eight, are not strongly ω-complete.Camillo Fiorentini - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (4):1576-1604.
    In [8] it is proved that all the intermediate logics axiomatizable by formulas in one variable, except four of them, are not strongly complete. We considerably improve this result by showing that all the intermediate logics axiomatizable by formulas in one variable, except eight of them, are not strongly ω-complete. Thus, a definitive classification of such logics with respect to the notions of canonicity, strong completeness, ω-canonicity and strong ω-completeness is given.
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  16.  11
    Indic Manuscript Cultures Through the Ages: Material, Textual, and Historical Investigations.Camillo Alessio Formigatti, Daniele Cuneo & Vincenzo Vergiani (eds.) - 2017 - De Gruyter.
    This collection of essays explores the history of the book in pre-modern South Asia looking at the production, circulation, fruition and preservation of manuscripts in different areas and across time. Edited by the team of the Cambridge-based Sanskrit Manuscripts Project and including contributions of the researchers who collaborated with it, it covers a wide range of topics related to South Asian manuscript culture: from the material dimension and the complicated interactions of manuscripts with printing in late medieval Tibet and in (...)
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  17.  10
    La meta e i passi: don Giussani e l'educazione: confronti.Camillo Fornasieri & Onorato Grassi (eds.) - 2023 - Cinisello Balsamo (Milano): San Paolo.
  18.  18
    Walking the Deckle Edge: Scribe or Author? Jayamuni and the Creation of the Nepalese Avadānamālā Literature.Camillo A. Formigatti - 2017 - Buddhist Studies Review 33 (1-2):101-140.
    The article presents a preliminary survey of textual reuse in Nepalese collections of j?takas and avad?nas, focusing in particular on three works: the Avad?na?ataka, the Divy?vad?na, and the Dv?vi??atyavad?nakath?. The reassessment of the manuscript tradition of these three Sanskrit collections, based on Nepalese manuscripts and Tibetan translations, sheds more light on the role of scribes in the creation of these collections and of the Nepalese avad?nam?l? literature. In particular, the great role played in the 17th century by the Nepalese scribe (...)
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  19. La sillogistica di Aristotele come metodo della conoscenza scientifica.Camillo Negro - 1968 - Bologna,: R. Pàtron.
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    About the predictability and complexity of complex systems.Renate Sitte - 2009 - In Moulay Aziz-Alaoui & Cyrille Bertelle (eds.), From System Complexity to Emergent Properties. Springer. pp. 23--48.
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  21. Classical Logic Is Connexive.Camillo Fiore - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Logic (2):91-99.
    Connexive logics are based on two ideas: that no statement entails or is entailed by its own negation (this is Aristotle’s thesis) and that no statement entails both something and the negation of this very thing (this is Boethius' thesis). Usually, connexive logics are contra-classical. In this note, I introduce a reading of the connexive theses that makes them compatible with classical logic. According to this reading, the theses in question do not talk about validity alone; rather, they talk in (...)
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    A Therapeutic Application of Philosophy.Camillo C. Bica - 1999 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 13 (1):81-92.
    In this essay I will discuss the therapeutic application of philosophy in treating what I term “the moral casualties of war.” In doing so, I will develop an etiology of moral injury and focus upon the philosophical reasoning and insights that may be applied in an individual or group setting to foster an understanding of the warexperience as the first treatment step in a long and complex journey to healing.
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  23. A Storytelling Approach: Insights from the Shambaa.Camillo Lamanna - 2018 - Journal of Medical Humanities 39 (3):377-389.
    Narrative medicine explores the stories that patients tell; this paper, conversely, looks at some of the stories that patients are told. The paper starts by examining the ‘story’ told by the Shambaa people of Tanzania to explain the bubonic plague and contrasts this with the stories told by Ghanaian communities to explain lymphatic filariasis. By harnessing insights from memory studies, these stories’ memorability is claimed to be due to their use mnemonic devices woven into stories. The paper suggests that stories (...)
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  24. Reading Conclusions Conjunctively.Camillo Fiore - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (6):1641-1672.
    In philosophical logic and proof theory, we often find multiple-conclusion systems that induce a conjunctive reading of premises and a disjunctive reading of conclusions. In mathematical logic, in contrast, we often find multiple-conclusion systems that induce a conjunctive reading of both premises and conclusions. This paper studies some technical and philosophical aspects of this latter approach to multiple-conclusion consequence. The takeaway is that, while the importance of disjunctive multiple conclusions is beyond doubt, conjunctive multiple conclusions also have philosophical interest. First, (...)
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  25. Homossexualidade em animais não-humanos.José Carlos Camillo - 2024 - Filosofia E História da Biologia 19 (2):147-170.
    This paper aims at defending that there is homosexuality in non-human animals. Sexual intercourse between non-human animals of the same sex has been recorded for a long time. Many people have used this fact to defend ethical and political issues related to sexual orientation, which, in its turn, generates some debate. Especially three different arguments have been raised to reject the idea that homosexuality exists among animals: same sex behavior take place in unnatural places, they should not be considered as (...)
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  26. Il pensiero di Raffaele Lanciano.Camillo Cinalli - 1968 - [n.p.]: Edizioni accademiche.
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  27. "Los principios de la acción en Aristóteles" de Carmen Trueba.Silvana di Camillo & Gabriel Livov - 2004 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 30 (1):147-155.
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    Intervista su Dio: le parole della fede, il cammino della ragione.Camillo Ruini - 2012 - Milano: Mondadori. Edited by Andrea Galli.
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    Jacob Burckhardt as architect of a new art history.Martina Sitt - 1994 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 57 (1):227-242.
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    Interpreting Just War Theory's Jus in Bello Criterion of Discrimination.Camillo C. Bica - 1998 - Public Affairs Quarterly 12 (2):157-168.
  31.  10
    Establishing Liability in War.Camillo Bica - 1997 - Public Affairs Quarterly 11 (3):217-227.
  32. Como a linguagem molda a memória episódica.José Carlos Camillo - 2024 - Princípios 31 (66).
    O enativismo radical defende que cognição básica não é composta por computações de informações representacionais. Diante dessa proposta, a memória episódica (de eventos que alguém viveu) pode se tornar um desafio para essa abordagem da cognição humana especialmente porque parece intuitivo que memórias representam os eventos passados. Neste artigo, esse problema será abordado a partir da discussão acerca de como a linguagem humana molda a memória episódica. Será argumentado que a linguagem afeta as funções da memória episódica de modo a (...)
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  33. Inferential Constants.Camillo Fiore, Federico Pailos & Mariela Rubin - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (3):767-796.
    A metainference is usually understood as a pair consisting of a collection of inferences, called premises, and a single inference, called conclusion. In the last few years, much attention has been paid to the study of metainferences—and, in particular, to the question of what are the valid metainferences of a given logic. So far, however, this study has been done in quite a poor language. Our usual sequent calculi have no way to represent, e.g. negations, disjunctions or conjunctions of inferences. (...)
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  34. Semidisquotation and the infinitary function of truth.Camillo Fiore - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (2):851-866.
    The infinitary function of the truth predicate consists in its ability to express infinite conjunctions and disjunctions. A transparency principle for truth states the equivalence between a sentence and its truth predication; it requires an introduction principle—which allows the inference from “snow is white” to “the sentence ‘snow is white’ is true”—and an elimination principle—which allows the inference from “the sentence ‘snow is white’ is true” to “snow is white”. It is commonly assumed that a theory of truth needs to (...)
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  35. What the Adoption Problem Does Not Show.Camillo Giuliano Fiore - 2022 - Análisis Filosófico 42 (1):79-103.
    Saul Kripke proposed a skeptical challenge that Romina Padró defended and popularized by the name of the Adoption Problem. The challenge is that, given a certain definition of adoption, there are some logical principles that cannot be adopted—paradigmatic cases being Universal Instantiation and Modus Ponens. Kripke has used the Adoption Problem to argue that there is an important sense in which logic is not revisable. In this essay, I defend two independent claims. First, that the Adoption Problem does not entail (...)
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  36. Aristóteles frente a Platón en torno a la separación y eternidad de la Forma.Silvana Di Camillo - 2018 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 18 (21):140-163.
    Aristóteles comparte con Platón la concepción de la forma como causa del ser y del conocimiento de las cosas. Sin embargo, un análisis de sus críticas a las Ideas muestra que encuentra en la separación de las Ideas y las cosas sensibles la aporía fundamental de la teoría platónica. Con el propósito de circunscribir el significado de “separación” aplicable a las Ideas, concentraremos nuestro estudio en dos objeciones: 1) el argumento que conduce al tercer hombre y 2) la inutilidad de (...)
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    Ma. J. Figueiredo, O Perì Ideôn e a crítica aristotélica a Plat'o, Lisboa 1996 (Colibrí, 122 págs.).Silvana Di Camillo - 2000 - Méthexis 13 (1):163-166.
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    Las críticas de aristóteles a platón en metafísica I, 9.Silvana Gabriela Di Camillo - 2010 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 15 (1):169-195.
    The use of critical exposition of previous doctrines is a methodological procedure usual in Aristotle. But the distinctive characteristic of Book I of the Metaphysics is that, rather than to establish a new doctrine, a review of predecessors serves to confirm the own concepts to be used in the evaluation of the doctrines examined. This imposition of own terms has cost him the charge of distorting historical understanding. With the detailed analysis of the criticisms of Plato's theory of Ideas in (...)
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    Medical Interventions During Pregnancy in Light of Dobbs.John A. Di Camillo & Jozef D. Zalot - 2022 - Ethics and Medics 47 (8):1-4.
    The Supreme Court’s decision in the Dobb’s case has given rise to confusion in the medical community, mostly concerning the specific definition of an abortion and what procedures are acceptable. Catholic bioethics has a long history of examining the ethical issues surrounding procedures used in vital conflict situations and other instances where direct or indirect abortion may be the preferred treatment. This article lays out the important points and ethical dimensions surrounding some of the most common pregnancy related interventions and (...)
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    Pairwise disjoint eight-shaped curves in hybrid planes.Camillo Costantini - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (6):551-557.
    We introduce a suitable notion of eight-shaped curve in the product S × ℝ of a Suslin line S for the real line ℝ, and we prove that if S is dense in itself, then every collection of pairwise disjoint eight-shaped curves in S × ℝ is countable. This parallels a folklore result which holds for the real plane.
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  41. A tableau calculus for Propositional Intuitionistic Logic with a refined treatment of nested implications.Mauro Ferrari, Camillo Fiorentini & Guido Fiorino - 2009 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 19 (2):149-166.
    Since 1993, when Hudelmaier developed an O(n log n)-space decision procedure for propositional Intuitionistic Logic, a lot of work has been done to improve the efficiency of the related proof-search algorithms. In this paper a tableau calculus using the signs T, F and Fc with a new set of rules to treat signed formulas of the kind T((A → B) → C) is provided. The main feature of the calculus is the reduction of both the non-determinism in proof-search and the (...)
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  42. A proof-theoretical analysis of semiconstructive intermediate theories.Mauro Ferrari & Camillo Fiorentini - 2003 - Studia Logica 73 (1):21 - 49.
    In the 80's Pierangelo Miglioli, starting from motivations in the framework of Abstract Data Types and Program Synthesis, introduced semiconstructive theories, a family of large subsystems of classical theories that guarantee the computability of functions and predicates represented by suitable formulas. In general, the above computability results are guaranteed by algorithms based on a recursive enumeration of the theorems of the whole system. In this paper we present a family of semiconstructive systems, we call uniformly semiconstructive, that provide computational procedures (...)
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  43. On maximal intermediate predicate constructive logics.Alessandro Avellone, Camillo Fiorentini, Paolo Mantovani & Pierangelo Miglioli - 1996 - Studia Logica 57 (2-3):373 - 408.
    We extend to the predicate frame a previous characterization of the maximal intermediate propositional constructive logics. This provides a technique to get maximal intermediate predicate constructive logics starting from suitable sets of classically valid predicate formulae we call maximal nonstandard predicate constructive logics. As an example of this technique, we exhibit two maximal intermediate predicate constructive logics, yet leaving open the problem of stating whether the two logics are distinct. Further properties of these logics will be also investigated.
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  44. A secondary semantics for Second Order Intuitionistic Propositional Logic.Mauro Ferrari, Camillo Fiorentini & Guido Fiorino - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (2):202-210.
    In this paper we propose a Kripke-style semantics for second order intuitionistic propositional logic and we provide a semantical proof of the disjunction and the explicit definability property. Moreover, we provide a tableau calculus which is sound and complete with respect to such a semantics.
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    I problemi dello Stato moderno.Angelo Camillo De Meis - 1947 - Bologna: N. Zanichelli. Edited by Francesco Fiorentino & Felice Battaglia.
    Lo Stato, Il sovrano, Repubblica o monarchia, di A.C. de Meis.--Lettere di F. Fiorentino a Silvio Spaventa sullo Stato moderno.
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    The syllogism of neuro-economics.Camillo Padoa-Schioppa - 2008 - Economics and Philosophy 24 (3):449-457.
    If neuroscience is to contribute to economics, it will do so by the way of psychology. Neural data can and do lead to better psychological theories, and psychological insights can and do lead to better economic models. Hence, neuroscience can in principle contribute to economics. Whether it actually will do so is an empirical question and the jury is still out. Economics currently faces theoretical and empirical challenges analogous to those faced by physics at the turn of the twentieth century (...)
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  47. Meta-Classical Non-Classical Logics.Eduardo Barrio, Camillo Fiore & Federico Pailos - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (4):1146-1171.
    Recently, it has been proposed to understand a logic as containing not only a validity canon for inferences but also a validity canon for metainferences of any finite level. Then, it has been shown that it is possible to construct infinite hierarchies of ‘increasingly classical’ logics—that is, logics that are classical at the level of inferences and of increasingly higher metainferences—all of which admit a transparent truth predicate. In this paper, we extend this line of investigation by taking a somehow (...)
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  48.  28
    The Bow and the Lyre. [REVIEW]Martin Sitte - 1998 - Review of Metaphysics 51 (4):911-913.
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  49. Classificazione delle scienze; collection des Manuali Hœpli.Camillo Trivero - 1900 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 49:542-544.
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    AN ANALYSIS OF METAPHYSICS A - (J.-F.) Pradeau (trans.) Aristote: Métaphysique. Livre Alpha. Pp. iv + 243. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2019. Paper, €12. ISBN: 978-2-13-082088-8. [REVIEW]Silvana Gabriela Di Camillo - 2022 - The Classical Review 72 (2):463-465.
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