Results for 'Daniele Cuneo'

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  1.  11
    Indic Manuscript Cultures Through the Ages: Material, Textual, and Historical Investigations.Camillo Alessio Formigatti, Daniele Cuneo & Vincenzo Vergiani (eds.) - 2017 - De Gruyter.
    This collection of essays explores the history of the book in pre-modern South Asia looking at the production, circulation, fruition and preservation of manuscripts in different areas and across time. Edited by the team of the Cambridge-based Sanskrit Manuscripts Project and including contributions of the researchers who collaborated with it, it covers a wide range of topics related to South Asian manuscript culture: from the material dimension and the complicated interactions of manuscripts with printing in late medieval Tibet and in (...)
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    Replies to Cuneo, Driver, and Littlejohn.Daniel Star - 2016 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 93 (3):728-744.
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    Review of *Philosophical Methodology: From Data to Theory* by John Bengson, Terence Cuneo and Russ Shafer-Landau. [REVIEW]Daniel Stoljar - 2025 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
    A review of *Philosophical Methodology: From Data to Theory* by John Bengson, Terence Cuneo and Russ Shafer-Landau.
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  4. Review of Terence Cuneo, The Normative Web: An Argument for Moral Realism (OUP, 2007). [REVIEW]Daniel Star - 2010 - Mind 119 (473):210-215.
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    Cuneo, Terence 278, 288 Dancy, Jonathan 230, 246 Daniels, Norman 75, 87 David, Marian 152 Dehaene, Stanislas 283, 288.Peter Achinstein, A. J. Ayer, Tim Crane & Thomas Crisp - 2013 - In Chris Tucker (ed.), Seemings and Justification: New Essays on Dogmatism and Phenomenal Conservatism. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
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    Debating cosmopolitics.Daniele Archibugi & Mathias Koenig-Archibugi (eds.) - 2003 - New York: VERSO.
    Cosmopolitics, the concept of a world politics based on shared democratic values, is in an increasingly fragile state.
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    Il dinamismo intellettuale davanti al mistero: la questione del soprannaturale nel percorso speculativo di J. Maréchal.Daniele Moretto - 2001 - Milano: Glossa.
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    Lo Schopenhauer “romantico” nella novella "Eva" del giovane Horkheimer.Daniele Zanghi - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11 (1):150.
    The purpose of the present paper is to clarify the different ways in which the young Max Horkheimer received Schopenhauer’s philosophy in his early writings Aus der Pubertät. The text analysis reveals that the young Horkheimer adopted during the 1914-1916 period a romantic perspective and a more illuministic one in the 1917-1918 period. This paper specifically focuses on a novel from the first period, Eva, from which it appears that Horkheimer subscribed to Schopenhauer’s doctrine of the aesthetical genius in an (...)
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    La réception de L’Invitée et du Sang des autres par la critique journalistique, Danièle Fleury.Danièle Fleury - 2007 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 23 (1):61-74.
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  10. Knowing how to establish intellectualism.Daniele Sgaravatti & Elia Zardini - 2008 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 77 (1):217-261.
    In this paper, we present a number of problems for intellectualism about knowledge-how, and in particular for the version of the view developed by Stanley & Williamson 2001. Their argument draws on the alleged uniformity of 'know how'-and 'know wh'-ascriptions. We offer a series of considerations to the effect that this assimilation is problematic. Firstly, in contrast to 'know wh'-ascriptions, 'know how'-ascriptions with known negative answers are false. Secondly, knowledge-how obeys closure principles whose counterparts fail for knowledge-wh and knowledge-that. Thirdly, (...)
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  11.  32
    Jean-Luc Nancy and the thinking of otherness: philosophy and powers of existence.Daniele Rugo - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    Jean-Luc Nancy and the Thinking of Otherness is the first book in English to provide a sustained account of the relationship between Nancy, Levinas and Heidegger.
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  12. La spiritualità di giorgio la pira nelle.Daniele Aucone - 2007 - Divus Thomas 110 (2):221-235.
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  13. Persona ed esistenza. Note sull'epistolario inedito Frankl-Binswanger.Daniele Bruzzone - 2005 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 18:151-176.
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    Knowledge and assertion.Daniele Chiffi - 2012 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Kurt Gödel: philosophical explorations: history and theory.Daniele Chiffi - 2012 - Roma: Aracne.
  16. Capitu: Helena à brasileira?Daniele Rodrigues Ramos Kazan - 2010 - Principia: Revista do Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Orientais do Instituto de Letras 2 (21):39-63.
    A idéia deste artigo é tentar demonstrar, através da construção da personagem Capitu feita por Bentinho, como o romance Dom Casmurro, em alguma medida, se apropria do mito de Helena, principalmente da versão relatada por Eurípides em tragédia homônima. As duas personagens não têm em comum somente o fato de serem consideradas adúlteras — sem que isso possa ser comprovado nas respectivas narrativas —, mas um todo ficcional que nos leva a essa relação.
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    A quoi sert la littérature?: entretien avec Philippe Petit.Danièle Sallenave & Philippe Petit - 1997 - Paris: Les Editions Textuel. Edited by Philippe Petit.
    Les pouvoirs de la littérature sont en déshérence. Enseignante et écrivaine, l'auteure ne se résigne pas à entériner cet échec. L'enseignement des lettres doit servir à former des hommes libres, des citoyens capables d'un jugement autonome. Ce livre est aussi une réflexion sur la figure du narrateur et sur la liberté du lecteur qui retraverse des situations où se trouve engagé son imaginaire.
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    Clinical Reasoning: Knowledge, Uncertainty, and Values in Health Care.Daniele Chiffi - 2020 - Cham: Springer.
    This book offers a philosophically-based, yet clinically-oriented perspective on current medical reasoning aiming at 1) identifying important forms of uncertainty permeating current clinical reasoning and practice 2) promoting the application of an abductive methodology in the health context in order to deal with those clinical uncertainties 3) bridging the gap between biomedical knowledge, clinical practice, and research and values in both clinical and philosophical literature. With a clear philosophical emphasis, the book investigates themes lying at the border between several disciplines, (...)
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  19. The Vagueness of Religious Beliefs.Daniele Bertini - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (2):181-210.
    My paper characterizes religious beliefs in terms of vagueness. I introduce my topic by providing a general overview of my main claims. In the subsequent section, I develop basic distinctions and terminology for handling the notion of religious tradition and capturing vagueness. In the following sections, I make the case for my claim that religious beliefs are vague by developing a general argument from the interconnection between the referential opacity of religious belief content and the long-term communitarian history of the (...)
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  20. An Ontological Account of the Action Theory of Economic Exchanges.Daniele Porello, Giancarlo Guizzardi, Tiago Prince Sales, Glenda C. M. Amaral & Nicola Guarino - 2020 - In Daniele Porello, Giancarlo Guizzardi, Tiago Prince Sales, Glenda C. M. Amaral & Nicola Guarino (eds.), Proceedings of 14th International Workshop on Value Modelling and Business Ontologies, Brussels, Belgium, January 16-17, 2020. pp. 157-169.
    In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in thedevelopment of ontologically well-founded conceptual models for Information Systems in areas such as Service Management, Accounting Information Systems and Financial Reporting. Economic exchanges are central phenomena in these areas. For this reason, they occupy a prominent position in modelling frameworks such as the REA (Resource-EventAction) ISO Standard as well as the FIBO (Financial Industry BusinessOntology). In this paper, we begin a well-founded ontological analysisof economic exchanges inspired by a recent ontological (...)
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  21.  13
    Éthique et politique de soi: Foucault, Hadot, Cavell et les techniques de l'ordinaire.Daniele Lorenzini - 2015 - Paris, France: Vrin.
    Quel rapport est-il possible de tracer entre l'ethique et la politique? Michel Foucault, Pierre Hadot et Stanley Cavell, a partir de trois positions philosophiques tres differentes, ont elabore des strategies de reponse a cette question que le present ouvrage se propose de rendre explicites et d'explorer. Ainsi, l'esthetique de l'existence, les exercices spirituels et le perfectionnisme moral y sont combines afin de construire un arriere-plan conceptuel et pratique permettant de saisir a la fois les enjeux politiques d'une ethique de soi (...)
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    Testing Hypotheses on Risk Factors for Scientific Misconduct via Matched-Control Analysis of Papers Containing Problematic Image Duplications.Daniele Fanelli, Rodrigo Costas, Ferric C. Fang, Arturo Casadevall & Elisabeth M. Bik - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (3):771-789.
    It is commonly hypothesized that scientists are more likely to engage in data falsification and fabrication when they are subject to pressures to publish, when they are not restrained by forms of social control, when they work in countries lacking policies to tackle scientific misconduct, and when they are male. Evidence to test these hypotheses, however, is inconclusive due to the difficulties of obtaining unbiased data. Here we report a pre-registered test of these four hypotheses, conducted on papers that were (...)
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  23. Teologia dell'esperienza.Daniele Bertini, Giovanni Salmeri & Paolo Tiranni (eds.) - 2010 - Nuova Cultura.
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    Finché esiste l'uomo: quattro studi su autodeterminazione e obbligatorietà.Daniele M. Cananzi - 2014 - Torino: G. Giappichelli editore. Edited by Daniele M. Cananzi.
    La modernità incompiuta e l'ermeneutica dell'umano: sulla filosofia di Domenico Jervolino -- Sulla mortalità dell'essere morale: note su ontologia e diritto con Gabriel Marcel -- Matrimonio e "diritto naturale vignete" in Sergio Cotta -- La molteplicità degli ordinamenti giuridici nella riflessione di Giuseppe Capograssi -- Last not last.
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  25. America is addicted to oil": U.S. secret warfare and dwindling oil reserves in the context of peak oil and 9/11.Daniele Ganser - 2012 - In Eric Michael Wilson (ed.), The Dual State: Parapolitics, Carl Schmitt and the National Security Complex. Ashgate.
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  26. Si può parlare di linguaggio del biologico?Daniele Romano - 2008 - Humana Mente 2 (4).
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    La 'Teoria della ricezione' di Hans Robert Jauss.Daniele Sironi - 1997 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 10 (2):348-362.
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    Neooświecenie i polityka kultury. O relacji polityki i kultury po drugiej wojnie światowej we Włoszech.Daniele Stasi - 2019 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 64:275-290.
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    Forcing Optimality and Brandt’s Principle.Daniele Struppa, Marco Panza & Domenico Napoletani - 2017 - In Martin Carrier & Johannes Lenhard (eds.), Mathematics as a Tool: Tracing New Roles of Mathematics in the Sciences. Springer Verlag.
    We argue that many optimization methods can be viewed as representatives of “forcing”, a methodological approach that attempts to bridge the gap between data and mathematics on the basis of an a priori trust in the power of a mathematical technique, even when detailed, credible models of a phenomenon are lacking or do not justify the use of this technique. In particular, we show that forcing is implied in particle swarms optimization methods, and in modeling image processing problems through optimization. (...)
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  30.  36
    Temporal Perspectives of the Nanotechnological Challenge to Regulation: How Human Rights Can Contribute to the Present and Future of Nanotechnologies.Daniele Ruggiu - 2013 - NanoEthics 7 (3):201-215.
    Expectations play a central role in understanding scientific and technological changes. Future-oriented representations are also central with regard to nanotechnologies as they can guide policy activities, provide structures and legitimation, attract different interests, focus policy-makers’ attention and foster investments for research. However, the emphasis on future scenarios tends to underrate the complexity of the challenges of the present market of nanotechnologies by flattening them under the needs and promises of scientific research. This is particularly apparent if we consider the viewpoint (...)
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  31.  68
    Body ownership: When feeling and knowing diverge.Daniele Romano, Anna Sedda, Peter Brugger & Gabriella Bottini - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 34:140-148.
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    Is Knowledge of Essence Required for Thinking about Something?Daniele Sgaravatti - 2016 - Dialectica 70 (2):217-228.
    Lowe claims that having knowledge of the essence of an object is a precondition for thinking about it. Lowe supports this claim with roughly the following argument: you cannot think about something unless you know what you are thinking about; and to know what it is that you are thinking about just is to know its essence. I will argue that this line of reasoning fails because of an equivocation in the expression ‘what a thing is’, which can be used (...)
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    Schelling as a Thinker of Immanence: contra Heidegger and Jaspers.Daniele Fulvi - 2020 - Sophia 60 (4):869-887.
    Among the different interpretations of the philosophy of Schelling, there is no doubt that the ones developed by Martin Heidegger and Karl Jaspers played a prominent role within the most recent Schelling scholarship. Both Heidegger and Jaspers focused on Schelling’s discourse on freedom, pointing out the fundamental incompatibility of its key elements, i.e. ‘ground’ and ‘existence’, as well as the fallacious conception of Seynsfuge that emerges from it. Moreover, Heidegger argues that Schelling’s ontology ultimately falls back into traditional metaphysical subjectivism, (...)
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  34. Error Theory, Unbelievability and the Normative Objection.Daniele Bruno - 2019 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 17 (2).
    One of the most formidable challenges to the Error Theory is the Normative Objection, according to which the Error Theory ought to be rejected because of its deeply implausible first-order normative implications. Recently, Bart Streumer has offered a novel and powerful defence of the Error Theory against this objection. Streumer argues that the Error Theory’s plausibility deficit when viewed against the background of our normative beliefs does not show the theory’s falsity. Rather, it can be explained by the fact that (...)
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    Tightrope-Walking Rationality in Action: Feyerabendian Insights for the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.Daniele Oriti - 2024 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 37 (4):161-193.
    We scan Paul K. Feyerabend's work in philosophy of physics and of science more generally for insights that could be useful for the contemporary debate on the foundations of quantum mechanics. We take as our starting point what Feyerabend has actually written about quantum mechanics, but we extend our analysis to his general views on realism, objectivity, pluralism, and the relation between physics and philosophy, finding that these more general views could in fact offer many interesting insights for physicists and (...)
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  36.  80
    Abductive inference within a pragmatic framework.Daniele Chiffi & Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen - 2020 - Synthese 197 (6):2507-2523.
    This paper presents an enrichment of the Gabbay–Woods schema of Peirce’s 1903 logical form of abduction with illocutionary acts, drawing from logic for pragmatics and its resources to model justified assertions. It analyses the enriched schema and puts it into the perspective of Peirce’s logic and philosophy.
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  37. Critique without ontology: Genealogy, collective subjects and the deadlocks of evidence.Daniele Lorenzini & Martina Tazzioli - 2020 - Radical Philosophy 207:27-39.
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    From Counter-Conduct to Critical Attitude: Michel Foucault and the Art of Not Being Governed Quite So Much.Daniele Lorenzini - 2016 - Foucault Studies 21:7-21.
    In this article I reconstruct the philosophical conditions for the emergence of the notion of counter-conduct within the framework of Michel Foucault’s study of governmentality, and I explore the reasons for its disappearance after 1978. In particular, I argue that the concept of conduct becomes crucial for Foucault in order to redefine governmental power relations as specific ways to conduct the conduct of individuals: it is initially within this context that, in Security, Territory, Population, he rethinks the problem of resistance (...)
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  39. A Radical Interpretation of Bands as Variable Embodiments.Daniele Porello - 2024 - In Ludger Jansen & Thorben Petersen (eds.), ONTOLOGY OF MUSIC GROUPS: Identity, Persistence, and Agency of Creative. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  40. Redefining death?Daniele Bryden - 2013 - In Simon Woods & Lynn Hagger (eds.), A Good Death?: Law and Ethics in Practice. Burlington, VT: Routledge.
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  41. Politica e ragione (per la precisazione di alcuni concetti fondamentali delle dottrine politiche).Daniele Crusio - 1950 - Venezia,: Tip. emiliana.
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  42. Peregrinazioni di una coscienza inquieta per il ritorno della guerra in Europa.Daniele Mancini - 1999
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    Il mondo dell'animalità: dalla biologia alla metafisica.Daniele Palmieri & Nicola Zengiaro (eds.) - 2019 - Perugia: edizioni.
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    Governmentality, subjectivity, and the neoliberal form of life.Daniele Lorenzini - 2018 - Journal for Cultural Research 22 (2):154-166.
    In this paper, I argue that the appropriate answer to the question of the form contemporary neoliberalism gives our lives rests on Michel Foucault’s definition of neoliberalism as a particular art of governing human beings. I claim that Foucault’s definition consists in three components: neoliberalism as a set of technologies structuring the ‘milieu’ of individuals in order to obtain specific effects from their behavior; neoliberalism as a governmental rationality transforming individual freedom into the very instrument through which individuals are directed; (...)
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  45. On possibilising genealogy.Daniele Lorenzini - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    In this paper, I argue that the vindicatory/unmasking distinction has so far prevented scholars from grasping a third dimension of genealogical inquiry, one I call possibilising. This dimension has passed unnoticed even though it constitutes a crucial aspect of Foucault’s genealogical project starting from 1978 on. By focusing attention on it, I hope to provide a definitive rebuttal of one of the main criticisms that has been raised against genealogy in general, and Foucauldian genealogy in particular, namely the idea that (...)
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  46. La philosophie comme maladie du langage : Pierre Hadot lecteur de Wittgenstein.Daniele Lorenzini - 2022 - In Pascale Gillot & Élise Marrou (eds.), Wittgenstein en France. Paris: Éditions Kimé.
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    Using Synthetic Biology to Avert Runaway Climate Change: A Consequentialist Appraisal.Daniele Fulvi & Josh Wodak - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (1):89-107.
    We attempt to justify the use of synthetic biology in response to the climate crisis, based on the premise that it is impossible to avert runaway climate change without sequestering sufficient greenhouse gases (GHG), which could only become possible through Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs). Then, moving from a consequentialist standpoint, we acquiesce to how the consequences of using NETs through synthetic biology are preferable to the catastrophic consequences of runaway climate change. In conclusion, we show how our analysis of synthetic (...)
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    Le rapport social de sexe.Danièle Kergoat - 2001 - Actuel Marx 30:85.
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    Correction to: On the Logical Philosophy of Assertive Graphs.Daniele Chiffi & Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 29 (4):399-399.
    This erratum is to correct in the paper of Daniele Chiffi and Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen, On the Logical Philosophy of Assertive Graphs.
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    Anchoring European Governance: Two Versions of Responsible Research and Innovation and EU Fundamental Rights as ‘Normative Anchor Points’.Daniele Ruggiu - 2015 - NanoEthics 9 (3):217-235.
    Among the various experiments in ‘new governance’, the model of Responsible Research and Innovation is emerging in the European landscape as quite promising. Up to now, there have been two versions of RRI: a socio-empirical version which tends to underline the role of democratic processes aimed at identifying values on which governance needs to be anchored and a normative version which stresses the role of EU goals as ‘normative anchor points’ of both governance strategies and policy making. Both versions are (...)
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