Results for 'Bruno Chenu'

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  1.  15
    L'unité sous forme de communion.Bruno Chenu - 2001 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 2 (2):247-270.
    L'Église orthodoxe traverse, ou paraît traverser, des difficultés dans ses rapports avec le Conseil oecuménique des Églises . En réalité, ces difficultés prolongent un malaise déjà exprimé lors de la 6' Assemblée du COE qui s'est tenue à Vancouver en 1983. Ses représentants dénoncèrent alors le risque de voir ce Conseil devenir un simple forum d'échange d'idées sans fondement théologique spécifiquement chrétien et où « une prière commune deviendrait de plus en plus difficile et en fin de compte impossible ». (...)
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    Bruno Chenu, Le grand livre des Negro Spirituals. Go Down, Moses ! Paris, Bayard, 2000, 431 p. et un disque compact de 18 chansons totalisant 62 minutes.Bruno Chenu, Le grand livre des Negro Spirituals. Go Down, Moses ! Paris, Bayard, 2000, 431 p. et un disque compact de 18 chansons totalisant 62 minutes. [REVIEW]Yves Laberge - 2004 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 60 (2):383-385.
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    CHENU, Bruno, NEUSCH, Marcel, Au pays de la théologie : à la découverte des hommes et des courantsCHENU, Bruno, NEUSCH, Marcel, Au pays de la théologie : à la découverte des hommes et des courants.René-Michel Roberge - 1988 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 44 (2):268-269.
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    The Gestalt Theory and the Problem of Configuration.Bruno Petermann - 1999 - Routledge.
    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    The Theology of Henri de Lubac: An Overview by Hans Urs Von Balthasar.Mark D. Napack - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (4):683-689.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 68J The Theology of Henri de Lubac: An Overview. By HANS URS VON BALTHASAR. Translated by Joseph Fessio, S. J., Michael M. Waldstein (Preface), and Susan Clements (Conclusion). San Fran· cisco: Ignatius Press/Communio, 1991. Pp. 127. $9.95 (paper). Except for the preface and conclusion, Hans Urs von Balthasar's The Theology of Henri de Lubac first appeared as the long essay, "Henri de Lubac-L'oeuvre organique d'une vie," in (...)
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    Levende aandacht: opstellen over beschouwelijk leven aangeboden aan Cornelis Verhoeven.Bruno Nagel & Ben Schomakers - 1993
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  7. 1. Ulysses and the Sirens.Bruno Verbeek - 2007 - In Fabienne Peter (ed.), rationality and commitment. Oxford University Press USA. pp. 150.
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    Soggetto e oggetto del conoscere nella filosofia antica e medievale.Bruno Nardi - 1952 - Roma,: Edizioni dell'Ateneo.
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  9. In Aristotle's "Nicomachean Ethics" theory of knowledge in the moral beliefs.Bruno Niederbacher - 2007 - Philosophy and Culture 34 (5):37-59.
    Purpose of this article in the reconstruction and from the contemporary perspective to the knowledge of Aristotle's theory of moral beliefs do outline introduction. First, I would like to clarify a moral belief that knowledge of semantics on the premise of why. Then I will pick out a variety of moral beliefs theory of knowledge. Third, I will try to rebuild this discussion in Aristotle's "Nicomachean Ethics", especially in Chapter VI of the position. The aim of this article is to (...)
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  10. Religiöser Glaube und Vertrauen.Bruno Niederbacher - 2019 - In Klaus Viertbauer & Georg Gasser (eds.), Handbuch Analytische Religionsphilosophie. Akteure – Diskurse – Perspektiven. Stuttgart: Metzler.
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    Walter Benjamin à l'ère du monde digital: essai.Bruno Tackels - 2022 - Paris IIe: Éditions Kimé.
    Walter Benjamin est le penseur de la reproductibilité technique au XXe siècle, et il nous a donné de nombreuses pistes de lecture pour comprendre ce que la technique fait et défait dans nos sociétés industrielles fondées sur l'exploitation de l'autre. Déclin de l'aura, disparition de l'original, exposition généralisée, vulgarisation, performance, émergence de la star et du dictateur, choc, contrôle des masses et émancipation, il nous laisse un précieux viatique de fragments, célèbres ou méconnus, qui nous permettent de poser cette question (...)
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    Le mental et le social.Bruno Ambroise & Christiane Chauviré (eds.) - 2013 - Paris: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales.
    Qu'est-ce au juste que le mental? Les nouvelles "sciences de l'esprit" ne paraissent pas avoir de doute sur la réponse : c'est ce qu'il y a dans la boîte crânienne. L'idée que le mental puisse être autre chose que le côté "interne" d'une métaphore qui l'oppose à de l'externe, et qu'à ce titre il puisse s'avérer intrinsèquement social, leur paraît incongrue. C'est pourtant cette idée que le présent ouvrage s'applique à défendre. Il élabore une conception sociale du mental, en prenant (...)
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    Positive Jonsson Theories.Bruno Poizat & Aibat Yeshkeyev - 2018 - Logica Universalis 12 (1-2):101-127.
    This paper is a general introduction to Positive Logic, where only what we call h-inductive sentences are under consideration, allowing the extension to homomorphisms of model-theoric notions which are classically associated to embeddings; in particular, the existentially closed models, that were primitively defined by Abraham Robinson, become here positively closed models. It accounts for recent results in this domain, and is oriented towards the positivisation of Jonsson theories.
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    Paires de structures Stables.Bruno Poizat - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (2):239-249.
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    Humanity and the enemy: how ethics can rid politics of violence.Bruno Gullì - 2014 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Humanity and the Enemy attempts to show the limits and problems of the current and dominant idea of politics based on the friend-and-enemy logic, typical of the thought of Carl Schmitt. It proposes an alternative view in which politics and ethics are inextricably intertwined. This view entails the overcoming of the Enemy thought, namely, of the notion that there must always be an enemy. This overcoming can only be accomplished through resistance on the basis of radical changes in the material (...)
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    Anfangsgründe der philosophie.Bruno Bauch - 1932 - Leipzig,: F. Meiner.
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    Cause, principe et unité.Giordano Bruno - 1930 - Paris,: F. Alcan. Edited by Emile Namer.
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    En quête de l'humain.Bruno Drolet - 1974 - Montréal: Éditions Pleins bords.
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  19. Naturwissenschaft und weltanschauung.Bruno Kisch - 1931 - Leipzig,: J. A. Barth.
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  20. Kant nei manuali liceali di filosofia.Bruno Miglio - 1990 - In Franco Alessio (ed.), Kant: lezioni di aggiornamento. Bologna: Zanichelli.
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  21. Per un'introduzione.Bruno Montanari - 2016 - In Filosofia del diritto: il senso di un insegnamento. Milano: Mimesis.
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  22. Il pensiero giuridico e filosofico di padre Luigi Taparelli D'Azeglio.Bruno Neri - 1969 - Reggio Calabria,: Romeo.
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    Aufgaben und Methoden der onomasiologischen Forschung.Bruno Quadri - 1952 - Bern,: A. Francke.
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    Giuristi della 'Sapienza' questioni di filosofia del diritto.Bruno Romano, Luisa Avitabile, Beatrice Leucadito & Giovanna Petrocco (eds.) - 2015 - Torino: G. Giappichelli.
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  25. Neoplatonizm a etyka św.Bruno Switalski - 1938 - W Warszawie,: Nakł. Polskiego Tow. Teologicznego.
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    On the origins of Dee’s mathematical programme: The John Dee–Pedro Nunes connection.Bruno Almeida - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 (3):460-469.
    In a letter addressed to Mercator in 1558, John Dee made an odd announcement, describing the Portuguese mathematician and cosmographer Pedro Nunes as the ‘most learned and grave man who is the sole relic and ornament and prop of the mathematical arts among us’, and appointing him his intellectual executor. This episode shows that Dee considered Nunes one of his most distinguished contemporaries, and also that some connection existed between the two men. Unfortunately not much is known about this connection, (...)
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    Developing induction.Bruno G. Bara - 1994 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 8 (1):31 – 34.
  28. Deux ou trois choses que je sais de ln.Bruno Poizat - 1982 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 47 (3):641 - 658.
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    Groupes Stables, avec types génériques réguliers.Bruno Poizat - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (2):339-355.
  30. A mentalist framework for linguistic and extralinguistic communication.Bruno G. Bara & Maurizio Tirassa - 2010 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 9:182-193.
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  31. (1 other version)Jacobi's Dare: McDowell, Meillassoux, and Consistent Idealism.G. Anthony Bruno - 2020 - In Idealism, Relativism and Realism: New Essays on Objectivity Beyond the Analytic-Continental Divide.
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    What is unconsciousness in a fly or a worm? A review of general anesthesia in different animal models.Oressia Zalucki & Bruno van Swinderen - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 44:72-88.
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    Décrets inédits de Larissa (3).Athanasios Τziafalias & Bruno Helly - 2007 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 131 (1):421-474.
    Ανέκδοτα ψηφίσματα από τη Λάρισσα (3) Συνεχίζοντας τις δΰο προηγούμενες δημοσιεύσεις που αφορούσαν σε ψηφίσματα της Λάρισσας (BCH 128-129 (2005), p. 377-417 ; BCH 130 (2006) [20081, Ρ· 435-483), παρουσιάζουμε εδώ μια τρίτη στήλη, η οποία φέρει τρία κείμενα: δύο ψηφίσματα της Λάρισσας, που ψηφίστηκαν κατά τη διάρκεια της στρατηγείας του Παυσανία, υιού του Θρασυμήδη από τις Φέρες (περίπου 130/129 π. Χ.), το ένα για έναν Αθηναίο φιλόσοφο και το άλλο για τρεις πολίτες της Κω· ένα τρίτο ψήφισμα προέρχεται από (...)
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    Complexity Modelling in Economics: the State of the Art.Bruna Bruno, Marisa Faggini & Anna Parziale - 2016 - Economic Thought 5 (2):29.
    The economic crisis happening across the world over the last few years describes a range of interdependencies and interactions,and has highlighted the fundamentalf laws of neoclassical economic theory: its unedifying focus on prediction and, above all, its inability to explain how the economy really works. As such, it is increasingly recognised that economic phenomena cannot be exclusively investigated as being derived from deterministic, predictable and mechanistic dynamics. Instead, a new approach is required by which history-dependence, organic and ever-evolving processes are (...)
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  35.  16
    Nuovi libri.di Bruno Maiorca Abbagfiano - 1999 - Rivista di Filosofia 90 (3).
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    (1 other version)Sobre el significado subjetivo de la probabilidad.Bruno de Finetti - 2002 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 58:171-198.
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    Using ontologies for eLearning personalization.Paulo Gomes, Bruno Antunes, Luis Rodrigues, Arnaldo Santos, Jacinto Barbeira & Rafael Carvalho - 2008 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 41 (1):127.
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    Several perverse of positivity.Bruno Poizat - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (6):812-816.
  39. A bibliography of works by scaravelli, Luigi.M. Bruno - 1995 - Filosofia 46 (1-2):137-143.
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    Arte e critica.Francesco Bruno - 1967 - Napoli,: La nuova cultura.
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  41. 5. A Silent Echo of Hope: An Evangelical Lection of E. M. Forster's A Passage to India.O. Bruno M. Shah - 2008 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 11 (2).
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    Cause, principle, and unity: five dialogues.Giordano Bruno - 1976 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
  43. De la causa.Giordano Bruno - 1941 - Padova,: CEDAM. Casa editrice dott. A. Milani. Edited by Antonio Renda.
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  44. De lo infinito, universo y mundo (diálogo metafísico).Giordano Bruno - 1941 - Santiago de Chile,: Ediciones Ercilla. Edited by Galletti, Constante, [From Old Catalog] & Alfredo Galletti.
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  45. Dialoghi Metafisici.Giordano Bruno & Giovanni Gentile - 1907 - Gius. Laterza.
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  46. Development of saccadic suppression in children.A. Bruno, S. M. Brambati, D. Perani & M. C. Morrone - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 7-7.
  47. Dialogi.Giordano Bruno - 1949
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  48. Introduzione alla politica.Bruno Brunello - 1948 - Bologna,: L. Cappelli.
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    Infinità della natura e significato della civiltà.Giordano Bruno - 1971 - Firenze,: La Nuova Italia. Edited by Fulvio Papi.
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    La crisi del soggetto nel pensiero contemporaneo.Antonino Bruno (ed.) - 1988 - Milano: Franco Angeli.
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