Results for 'Britt-Marie Drottz-Sjöberg'

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  1.  19
    Models of Transparency and Accountability in the Biotech Age.Clas-Otto Wene, Patricia Ann Fleming, Raul Espejo, Britt-Marie Drottz-Sjöberg & Kjell Andersson - 2006 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 26 (1):46-56.
    Today, societal decisions in areas of complexity are often dominated by one of three alternative ways: (a) by scientists, nowadays often in combination with commercial interest; (b) by politicians alone; and (c) by simply “laissez-faire,” or “the tyranny of small steps.” None of these three ways of decision making is fully democratic because they do not create enough awareness among the politicians and the general public. One reason is that the decision making basis becomes too narrowly framed and fragmented. Biotechnology (...)
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    Descriptions of long-term impact from inter-professional ethics communication in groups.Britt-Marie Wälivaara, Karin Zingmark & Catarina Fischer-Grönlund - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (4):614-625.
    Background On a daily basis, healthcare professionals deal with various ethical issues and it can be difficult to determine how to act best. Clinical ethics support (CES) has been developed to provide support for healthcare professionals dealing with complex ethical issues. A long-term perspective of participating in inter-professional dialogue and reflective-based CES sessions is seemingly sparse in the literature. Research aim The aim was to describe experiences of impact of Inter-professional Ethics Communication in groups (IEC) based on Habermas’ theory of (...)
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    Wittgenstein's City.Britt-Marie Christina Schiller - 1990 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 28 (2):310-311.
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  4. Wittgenstein on Reading: A Stylistic, Structural, and Methodological Study of Investigations ##156-178.Britt-Marie Christina Schiller - 1985 - Dissertation, Washington University
    The main objective of this study is to eliminate the obstacles that the stylistic, structural, and methodological aspects of the text place in the way of reading and understanding Ludwig Wittgenstein's later work. The characteristic features of these elements are developed and discussed in the context of a close reading of the short section on reading in the Philosophical Investigations. Wittgenstein's aim in this section is the negative one of completely undermining explanatory accounts of the meaning of reading in terms (...)
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    Wittgenstein: A social theory of knowledge.Britt-Marie Christina Schiller - 1986 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 24 (1):137-139.
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  6. Gendering drives : amae, philotes, and the forgotten mystery of female ancestry.Britt-Marie Schiller - 2016 - In Mary C. Rawlinson (ed.), Engaging the World: Thinking after Irigaray. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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    Views on Dignity of Elderly Nursing Home Residents.Lise-Lotte Franklin, Britt-Marie Ternestedt & Lennart Nordenfelt - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (2):130-146.
    Discussion about a dignified death has almost exclusively been applied to palliative care and people dying of cancer. As populations are getting older in the western world and living with chronic illnesses affecting their everyday lives, it is relevant to broaden the definition of palliative care to include other groups of people. The aim of the study was to explore the views on dignity at the end of life of 12 elderly people living in two nursing homes in Sweden. A (...)
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    Dignity at stake: Caring for persons with impaired autonomy.Åsa Rejnö, Britt-Marie Ternestedt, Lennart Nordenfelt, Gunilla Silfverberg & Tove E. Godskesen - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):104-115.
    Dignity, usually considered an essential ethical value in healthcare, is a relatively complex, multifaceted concept. However, healthcare professionals often have only a vague idea of what it means to respect dignity when providing care, especially for persons with impaired autonomy. This article focuses on two concepts of dignity, human dignity and dignity of identity, and aims to analyse how these concepts can be applied in the care for persons with impaired autonomy and in furthering the practice of respect and protection (...)
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    Wittgenstein, Ethics and Aesthetics: The View from Eternity. By B. R. Tilghman. [REVIEW]Britt-Marie Schiller - 1992 - Modern Schoolman 69 (2):159-160.
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  10. Patient Participation in Decision Making at the End of Life as Seen by a Close Relative.Eva Sahlberg-Blom, Britt-Marie Ternestedt & Jan-Erik Johansson - 2000 - Nursing Ethics 7 (4):296-313.
    The aim of the present study was to describe variations in patient participation in decisions about care planning during the final phase of life for a group of gravely ill patients, and how the different actors’ manner of acting promotes or impedes patient participation. Thirty-seven qualitative research interviews were conducted with relatives of the patients. The patients’ participation in the decisions could be categorized into four variations: self-determination, co-determination, delegation and nonparticipation. The manner in which patients, relatives and caregivers acted (...)
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    Philosophy as Therapy: An Interpretation and Defense of Wittgenstein's Later Philosophical Project. By James F Peterman. [REVIEW]Britt-Marie Schiller - 1993 - Modern Schoolman 70 (2):156-159.
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    Transcendence and Wittgenstein's TRACTATUS. By Michael P. Hodges. [REVIEW]Britt-Marie Schiller - 1991 - Modern Schoolman 68 (2):178-179.
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    Littéracie et déficience intellectuelle : une nouvelle exigence dans le paradigme de la participation sociale?Britt-Marie Martini-Willemin - 2013 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 7 (3):193-205.
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    Development of nurses’ abilities to reflect on how to create good caring relationships with patients in palliative care: an action research approach.Elisabeth Bergdahl, Eva Benzein, Britt-Marie Ternestedt & Birgitta Andershed - 2011 - Nursing Inquiry 18 (2):111-122.
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    Three Nursing Home Residents Speak About Meaning At the End of Life.Lise-Lotte Dwyer, Lennart Nordenfelt & Britt-Marie Ternestedt - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (1):97-109.
    This article provides a deeper understanding of how meaning can be created in everyday life at a nursing home. It is based on a primary study concerning dignity involving 12 older people living in two nursing homes in Sweden. A secondary analysis was carried out on data obtained from three of the primary participants interviewed over a period of time (18—24 months), with a total of 12 interviews carried out using an inductive hermeneutic approach. The study reveals that sources of (...)
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  16.  14
    Intervening factors in the utilization of social research.Sune Sunesson, Kjell Nilsson, Birgitta Ericson & Britt-Marie Johansson - 1989 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 2 (1):42-56.
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    Co‐creating possibilities for patients in palliative care to reach vital goals – a multiple case study of home‐care nursing encounters.Elisabeth Bergdahl, Eva Benzein, Britt-Marie Ternestedt, Eva Elmberger & Birgitta Andershed - 2013 - Nursing Inquiry 20 (4):341-351.
    The patient’s home is a common setting for palliative care. This means that we need to understand current palliative care philosophy and how its goals can be realized in home‐care nursing encounters (HCNEs) between the nurse, patient and patient’s relatives. The existing research on this topic describes both a negative and a positive perspective. There has, however, been a reliance on interview and descriptive methods in this context. The aim of this study was to explore planned HCNEs in palliative care. (...)
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  18.  36
    Reasoning about truth-telling in end-of-life care of patients with acute stroke.Åsa Rejnö, Gunilla Silfverberg & Britt-Marie Ternestedt - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (1):100-110.
    Background: Ethical problems are a universal phenomenon but rarely researched concerning patients dying from acute stroke. These patients often have a reduced consciousness from stroke onset and thereby lack ability to convey their needs and could be described as ‘incompetent’ decision makers regarding their own care. Objective: The aim of the study was to deepen the understanding of stroke team members’ reasoning about truth-telling in end-of-life care due to acute stroke. Research design: Qualitative study based on individual interviews utilizing combined (...)
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  19.  23
    Constructions of exclusion: the processes and outcomes of technological imperialism: Marie Hicks. Programmed inequality: how Britain discarded women technologists and lost its edge in computing. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2018, 352pp, US$20.00 PB Safiya U. Noble. Algorithms of oppression: how search engines reinforce racism. New York: New York University Press, 2018, 217pp, US$28.00 PB.Britt S. Paris - 2018 - Metascience 27 (3):493-498.
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    Law, justice and the state: essays on justice and rights: proceedings of the 16th World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR), Reykjavík, 26 May-2 June, 1993.Mikael M. Karlsson (ed.) - 1995 - Stuttgart: F. Steiner Verlag.
    Aus dem Inhalt: Views from the North: Hans Petter Graver: Law, Justice and the State: Nordic Perspectives u Jacob Dahl Rendtorff: The Danish Welfare State: Philosophical Ideals and Systemic Reality u Sigri!Dur *orgeirsdottir: Feminist Ethics and Feminist Politics u Kuellike Lengi: The Situation of Human Rights in Estonia u Einar Palsson: Pythagoras and Early Icelandic Law u Law, Discourse and Rationality: Mats Flodin: Internal and External Rationality of Legal Systems u Logi Gunnarsson: A Discourse About Discourse u Hjordi!s Hakonardottir: Legal (...)
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    La philosophie pour enfants: le modèle de Matthew Lipman en discussion.Claudine Leleux (ed.) - 2005 - Bruxelles: De Boeck.
    Les enfants peuvent apprendre à penser et " conceptualiser"s'ils sont mis dès leur plus jeune âge en situation de réfléchir et discuter des questions philosophiques. Matthew Lipman a développé une méthodologie, la " philosophie pour enfants ", qui a fait ses preuves dans le monde entier. Cet ouvrage, qui s'ouvre par un texte de Matthew Lipman, a pour objectif de confronter le modèle lipmanien à d'autres points de vue pour en dégager les points forts, tout en l'enrichissant de la recherche (...)
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    (1 other version)Temps de travail et temps sociaux à Beyrouth. Employés de banque et chauffeurs de taxi.Marie-Noëlle Abi Yaghi & Élisabeth Longuenesse - 2013 - Temporalités (15).
    C’est à partir de deux exemples concrets, celui des employés de banque et des chauffeurs de taxi collectif à Beyrouth que nous nous proposons d’interroger l’« absence » de la question du temps de travail dans les revendications sociales au Liban. Une absence qui serait l’indice de la prégnance d’un autre rapport au temps : on serait en présence de régimes de temporalités hétérogènes les uns aux autres, à la mesure de la fragmentation de la société entre des mondes sociaux (...)
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  23. Mechanistic and topological explanations in medicine: the case of medical genetics and network medicine.Marie Darrason - 2018 - Synthese 195 (1):147-173.
    Medical explanations have often been thought on the model of biological ones and are frequently defined as mechanistic explanations of a biological dysfunction. In this paper, I argue that topological explanations, which have been described in ecology or in cognitive sciences, can also be found in medicine and I discuss the relationships between mechanistic and topological explanations in medicine, through the example of network medicine and medical genetics. Network medicine is a recent discipline that relies on the analysis of various (...)
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  24. Elucidating the Tractatus: Wittgenstein's early philosophy of logic and language.Marie McGinn - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Discussion of Wittgenstein's Tractatus is currently dominated by two opposing interpretations of the work: a metaphysical or realist reading and the 'resolute' reading of Diamond and Conant. Marie McGinn's principal aim in this book is to develop an alternative interpretative line, which rejects the idea, central to the metaphysical reading, that Wittgenstein sets out to ground the logic of our language in features of an independently constituted reality, but which allows that he aims to provide positive philosophical insights into (...)
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    Motivations for Relationships as Sources of Meaning: Ghanaian and South African Experiences.Marié P. Wissing, Angelina Wilson Fadiji, Lusilda Schutte, Shingairai Chigeza, Willem D. Schutte & Q. Michael Temane - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Developmental dyslexia: The visual attention span deficit hypothesis.Marie-Line Bosse, Marie Josèphe Tainturier & Sylviane Valdois - 2007 - Cognition 104 (2):198-230.
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    Merleau-Ponty and Nancy on Sense and Being: At the Limits of Phenomenology.Marie-Eve Morin - 2022 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    - Brings a new dimension to thinking about philosophical materialism and realism in the wake of phenomenology and deconstruction - Challenges speculative realism’s critique of contemporary Continental philosophy as correlationism - Uses Merleau-Ponty and Nancy to develop an ontology that respects the materiality and exteriority of what exists without reinstating the mind–world divide - Shows how Merleau-Ponty and Nancy overcome the Cartesian presupposition at work in current realist appeal to step out of our own thoughts to reach the ‘great outdoors’ (...)
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    Sleepwalking Into Infertility: The Need for a Public Health Approach Toward Advanced Maternal Age.Marie-Eve Lemoine & Vardit Ravitsky - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (11):37-48.
    In Western countries today, a growing number of women delay motherhood until their late 30s and even 40s, as they invest time in pursuing education and career goals before starting a family. This social trend results from greater gender equality and expanded opportunities for women and is influenced by the availability of contraception and assisted reproductive technologies. However, advanced maternal age is associated with increased health risks, including infertility. While individual medical solutions such as ART and elective egg freezing can (...)
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    Individualisation and individualised science across disciplinary perspectives.Marie I. Kaiser, Anton Killin, Anja-Kristin Abendroth, Mitja D. Back, Bernhard T. Baune, Nicola Bilstein, Yves Breitmoser, Barbara A. Caspers, Jürgen Gadau, Toni I. Gossmann, Sylvia Kaiser, Oliver Krüger, Joachim Kurtz, Diana Lengersdorf, Annette K. F. Malsch, Caroline Müller, John F. Rauthmann, Klaus Reinhold, S. Helene Richter, Christian Stummer, Rose Trappes, Claudia Voelcker-Rehage & Meike J. Wittmann - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (3):1-36.
    Recent efforts in a range of scientific fields have emphasised research and methods concerning individual differences and individualisation. This article brings together various scientific disciplines—ecology, evolution, and animal behaviour; medicine and psychiatry; public health and sport/exercise science; sociology; psychology; economics and management science—and presents their research on individualisation. We then clarify the concept of individualisation as it appears in the disciplinary casework by distinguishing three kinds of individualisation studied in and across these disciplines: Individualisation ONE as creating/changing individual differences (the (...)
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  30. Grammar in the philosophical investigations.Marie McGinn - 2011 - In Oskari Kuusela & Marie McGinn (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Wittgenstein. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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  31. Wittgenstein and naturalism.Marie McGinn - 2010 - In Mario De Caro & David Macarthur (eds.), Naturalism and Normativity. Cambridge University Press.
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  32. Les enjeux éthiques en réadaptation. Un état des lieux de la conceptualisation de notions éthiques.Marie Goulet & Marie-Josée Drolet - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 1 (3):9-21.
    In rehabilitation, there is a growing interest in ethics. That said, few meta-ethical reflections have been conducted to date. Therefore, a review and critical analysis of the use of the concept of “ethical issue” is warranted. To this end, a systematic and critical review of the literature discussing ethical issues in rehabilitation was conducted. This review, based on the method developed by McCullough and colleagues, identified and analyzed 80 articles. Several characteristics and gaps in the conceptualization of the ethical issue (...)
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    The role of ‘accompagnement’ in the end-of-life debate in France: from solidarity to autonomy.Marie Gaille & Ruth Horn - 2016 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 37 (6):473-487.
    This article traces the way autonomy has become a recognised value in health care in France. In a country that based its social fundamentals on the very idea of solidarity for many years, autonomy has long been considered a foreign ‘Anglo-American principle’. Taking the example of the end-of-life debate, the article shows, however, how the use of the French term ‘accompagnement’ allowed autonomy to be redefined and to be associated with the concept of solidarity. Exploring the arguments used over the (...)
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  34. La transmission des textes philosophiques et scientifiques au Moyen Age.Marie Thérèse D' Alverny & Charles Burnett - 1994 - Brookfield, Vt., USA: Variorum. Edited by Charles Burnett.
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  35. La remise en question de la summa ratio et des certitudes juridiques par le juriste humaniste Nicolas Bérauld.Marie-Françoise André - 2015 - In Susanna Gambino Longo (ed.), La certitude de l'Antiquité à la Renaissance. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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  36. The role of oriental emigrants in Constantin ople and the byzantine empire (8th to 9th C.): Stand and perspectives.Marie-France Auzepy - 2012 - Al-Qantara 33 (2):475 - 503.
    Cet article est une tentative pour mesurer les conséquences démographiques, pour l�Empire, de la perte des provinces orientales du fait de la conquête musulmane. Les sources, surtout les sources grecques, sont rares et donnent seulement quelques informations ponctuelles sur les transferts forcés de population, sur quelques individus quittant le califat et rejoignant l�Empire à dessein et enfin sur la destinée de quelques renégats. Comme d�habitude à cette époque, en raison du quasi monopole des sources ecclésiastiques, les renseignements sont plus nombreux (...)
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    Hutcheson and Hume on Explaining the Nature of Morality: Why It Is Mistaken to Suppose Hume Ever Raised the "Is-Ought" Question.Marie A. Martin - 1991 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 8 (3):277 - 289.
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    Points of view from a logical perspective (II).Marie Duží–Bjørn Jespersen–Pavel Materna - 2007 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 14 (1):5-31.
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    Sur le vague de Bertrand Russell.Marie Michon - 2024 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 11 (1):67-72.
    À l'occassion de ce numéro spécial sur le vague dans les sciences, nous avons traduis l'article fondamental de Bertrand Russell dont le titre est éponyme : Vagueness. Initialement publié dans The Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy en 1923, et faisant suite à une lecture du philosophe devant la Jowett Society à Oxford, ce texte demeurait inaccessible aux lecteur.ices non anglophones.
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    Aus Platos Werdezeit. By Max Pohlenz. 1 vol. 8vo. Pp. 427. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1913. M. 10.Marie V. Williams - 1915 - The Classical Review 29 (07):219-220.
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    (1 other version)Teaching and philosophy: a synthesis.Marie E. Wirsing - 1972 - Boston,: Houghton Mifflin.
  42.  48
    Language and Self in Clarice Lispector's The Apple in the Dark.Marie Wise - 2003 - Semiotics:436-442.
  43.  30
    The erosion of privacy.Marie A. Wright & John S. Kakalik - 1997 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 27 (4):22-25.
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  44. Si vous n'étiez pas Dieu.Marie Yvonne - 1971 - [Paris]: Desclée.
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    La oligarquía y el establecimiento como constructos históricos sociológicos.Anne Marie Zwerg-Villegas - 2012 - Aposta 55:1.
    Colombia padece la imagen de que, desde sus inicios como colonia española hasta el presente, el país ha sido controlado por la oligarquía. Este ensayo examinará las evidencias que apuntan a esta alegación y confirmará que en sus inicios la Nación sí fue dominado por un grupo élite y reducido. Sin embargo, en años modernos, la oligarquía persiste pero que un grupo más extendido--una para-oligarquía o el Establecimiento--tiene mayor incidencia en las determinaciones en el progreso del país a través de (...)
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    Adaptive memory: Source memory is positively associated with adaptive social decision making.Marie Luisa Schaper, Laura Mieth & Raoul Bell - 2019 - Cognition 186 (C):7-14.
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    Schadenfreude: The (not so) Secret Joy of Another’s Misfortune.Marie Dasborough & Paul Harvey - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (4):693-707.
    Despite growing interest in emotions, organizational scholars have largely ignored the moral emotion of schadenfreude, which refers to pleasure felt in response to another’s misfortune. As a socially undesirable emotion, it might be assumed that individuals would be hesitant to share their schadenfreude. In two experimental studies involving emotional responses to unethical behaviors, we find evidence to the contrary. Study 1 revealed that subjects experiencing schadenfreude were willing to share their feelings, especially if the misfortune was perceived to be deserved. (...)
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    Image, Icon, Economy: The Byzantine Origins of the Contemporary Imaginary.Marie-José Mondzain - 2004 - Stanford University Press.
    This book argues that the extraordinary force of the image in contemporary life--the contemporary imaginary--can be traced back to the Byzantine iconoclastic controversy of the eighth and ninth centuries.
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  49. Les enjeux éthiques de la recherche en ergothérapie : un portrait préoccupant.Marie-Josée Drolet & Karoline Girard - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (3):21-40.
    The ethical issues of health research are well documented. Ethical issues in occupational therapy research are beginning to attract the interest of researchers. However, no research has documented the ethical issues experienced by occupational therapists conducting research in academic settings in Quebec. This is revealed by the literature review that was the basis for this qualitative research, the results of which are presented here. This article also presents the results of a qualitative research conducted with eleven women occupational therapy researchers (...)
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    Responses to the Discovery of Unethical Acts: An Organizational Identity and Reputation Perspective.Marie McKendall & Mahendra Joshi - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (4):706-741.
    There has recently been a growth in research that examines how corporations respond to allegations of unethical actions. Although scholars have gained much insight about the range of responses available to and used by organizations, there has been almost no study of why firms choose one response over another. In this article, the authors present a framework of likely organizational response choices to allegations of wrongdoing; we propose that response choices are based on the degree of reputational risk from stakeholder (...)
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