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  1. Broadening the problem agenda of biological individuality: individual differences, uniqueness and temporality.Rose Trappes & Marie I. Kaiser - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (2):1-28.
    Biological individuality is a notoriously thorny topic for biologists and philosophers of biology. In this paper we argue that biological individuality presents multiple, interconnected questions for biologists and philosophers that together form a problem agenda. Using a case study of an interdisciplinary research group in ecology, behavioral and evolutionary biology, we claim that a debate on biological individuality that seeks to account for diverse practices in the biological sciences should be broadened to include and give prominence to questions about uniqueness (...)
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  2. Individual differences, uniqueness, and individuality in behavioural ecology.Rose Trappes - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 96 (C):18-26.
    In this paper I develop a concept of behavioural ecological individuality. Using findings from a case study which employed qualitative methods, I argue that individuality in behavioural ecology should be defined as phenotypic and ecological uniqueness, a concept that is operationalised in terms of individual differences such as animal personality and individual specialisation. This account make sense of how the term “individuality” is used in relation to intrapopulation variation in behavioural ecology. The concept of behavioural ecological individuality can sometimes be (...)
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    Defining the niche for niche construction: evolutionary and ecological niches.Rose Trappes - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (3):1-20.
    Niche construction theory (NCT) aims to transform and unite evolutionary biology and ecology. Much of the debate about NCT has focused on construction. Less attention has been accorded to the niche: what is it, exactly, that organisms are constructing? In this paper I compare and contrast the definition of the niche used in NCT with ecological niche definitions. NCT’s concept of the evolutionary niche is defined as the sum of selection pressures affecting a population. So defined, the evolutionary niche is (...)
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    Individual-level mechanisms in ecology and evolution.Marie I. Kaiser & Rose Trappes - 2023 - In William C. Bausman, Janella K. Baxter & Oliver M. Lean, From biological practice to scientific metaphysics. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. pp. 116-152.
    Philosophers have studied mechanisms in many fields in biology. The focus has often been on molecular mechanisms in disciplines such as neuroscience, genetics and molecular biology, with some work on population-level mechanisms in ecology and evolution. We present a novel philosophical case study of individual-level mechanisms, mechanisms in ecology and evolution that concern the interactions between an individual and its environment. The mechanisms we analyze are called Niche Choice, Niche Conformance and Niche Construction (NC3) mechanisms. Based on a detailed analysis (...)
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  5.  20
    Individualisation and individualised science across disciplinary perspectives.Marie I. Kaiser, Anton Killin, Anja-Kristin Abendroth, Mitja D. Back, Bernhard T. Baune, Nicola Bilstein, Yves Breitmoser, Barbara A. Caspers, Jürgen Gadau, Toni I. Gossmann, Sylvia Kaiser, Oliver Krüger, Joachim Kurtz, Diana Lengersdorf, Annette K. F. Malsch, Caroline Müller, John F. Rauthmann, Klaus Reinhold, S. Helene Richter, Christian Stummer, Rose Trappes, Claudia Voelcker-Rehage & Meike J. Wittmann - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (3):1-36.
    Recent efforts in a range of scientific fields have emphasised research and methods concerning individual differences and individualisation. This article brings together various scientific disciplines—ecology, evolution, and animal behaviour; medicine and psychiatry; public health and sport/exercise science; sociology; psychology; economics and management science—and presents their research on individualisation. We then clarify the concept of individualisation as it appears in the disciplinary casework by distinguishing three kinds of individualisation studied in and across these disciplines: Individualisation ONE as creating/changing individual differences (the (...)
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    Sex Traits and Individual Differences: Stabilising and Destabilising Binary Categories in Biological Practice.Alex Thinius & Rose Trappes - 2024 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    Sex is often thought of as a straightforwardly binary categorical variable. Yet there is considerable variation in would-be sex traits; from genitals and hormones to morphology, neurology and behaviour, there is rarely if ever a categorical binary. We introduce a strategy that researchers use to deal with this variation: Individualising Variation (IV). IV involves treating non-binary and gradual variation as idiosyncratic, as individual differences rather than sex-based differences. Using the contrasting cases of sex identification in field ornithology and the debate (...)
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    Introduction to niches and mechanisms in ecology and evolution.Ulrich Krohs, Behzad Nematipour & Rose Trappes - 2022 - Biology and Philosophy 37 (6):1-7.
    Niches and mechanisms are two important but contested elements in the study of organism-environment interactions. Although they are closely interrelated, with niches playing a crucial role in theorizing about ecological and evolutionary mechanisms such as niche construction, facilitation, and species invasion, philosophical discussions about each issue have been largely disconnected. This collection addresses this gap, bringing together contributions from philosophers and biologists about the niche concept, niche construction theory, and ecological and evolutionary mechanisms. In this introduction we provide some background (...)
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  8. Data Synthesis for Big Questions: From Animal Tracks to Ecological Models.Rose Trappes - 2024 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 16 (1):4.
    This paper addresses a relatively new mode of ecological research: data synthesis studies. Data synthesis studies involve reusing data to create a general model as well as a reusable, aggregated dataset. Using a case from movement ecology, I analyse the trade-offs and strategies involved in data synthesis. Like theoretical ecological modelling, I find that synthesis studies involve a modelling trade-off between generality, precision and realism; they deal with this trade-off by adopting a pragmatic kludging strategy. I also identify an additional (...)
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    Conceptualising research environments using biological niche concepts.Rose Trappes & Sabina Leonelli - 2025 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 15 (1):1-24.
    Several philosophers of science have taken inspiration from biological research on niches to conceptualise scientific practice. We systematise and extend three niche-based theories of scientific practice: conceptual ecology, cognitive niche construction, and scientific niche construction. We argue that research niches are a promising conceptual tool for understanding complex and dynamic research environments, which helps to investigate relevant forms of agency and material and social interdependencies, while also highlighting their historical and dynamic nature. To illustrate this, we develop a six-point framework (...)
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    Evaluating Elizabeth Grosz's Biological Turn.Rose Trappes - 2019 - Hypatia 34 (4):736-754.
    Elizabeth Grosz's interpretation of Darwinian evolutionary theory to ground a feminist ontology of biology has been particularly controversial. Most critics have understood Grosz as supporting her theory with empirical evidence, and they criticize her for being either inaccurate or uncritical of and overly dependent on science. I argue that Grosz reads Darwin as a philosopher in a Deleuzian and Irigarayan sense, and that Grosz's project is therefore better understood in terms of its ethical and political goals rather than in terms (...)
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  11.  27
    The easy difference: Sex in behavioural ecology.Rose Trappes - 2024 - In Annabelle Dufourcq, Annemie Halsema, Katrine Smiet & Karen Vintges, Purple Brains: Feminisms at the Limits of Philosophy. Nijmegen: Radboud University Press. pp. 98-105.
    This chapter questions the way “sex” features in behavioral ecological research as a standard explanatory variable. Researchers often use sex to explain variation in a trait or phenomenon that they are studying. This practice is widespread, partly because sex is often easy to identify and often explains some variation, thus making it easier to discover and test other causal patterns of interest. Yet, sex also frequently fails to explain variation. Using a couple of recent examples, it is shown how the (...)
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  12. How tracking technology is transforming animal ecology: epistemic values, interdisciplinarity, and technology-driven scientific change.Rose Trappes - 2023 - Synthese 201 (4):1-24.
    Tracking technology has been heralded as transformative for animal ecology. In this paper I examine what changes are taking place, showing how current animal movement research is a field ripe for philosophical investigation. I focus first on how the devices alter the limitations and biases of traditional field observation, making observation of animal movement and behaviour possible in more detail, for more varied species, and under a broader variety of conditions, as well as restricting the influence of human presence and (...)
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    The Online Alternative: Sustainability, Justice, And Conferencing in Philosophy.Rose Trappes, Daniel Cohnitz, Viorel Pâslaru, T. J. Perkins & Ali Teymoori - 2020 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 16 (2):145-171.
    The recent global pandemic has led to a shift to online conferences in philosophy. In this paper we argue that online conferences, more than a temporary replacement, should be considered a sustainable alternative to in-person conferences well into the future. We present three arguments for more online conferences, including their reduced impact on the environment, their enhanced accessibility for groups that are minorities in philosophy, and their lower financial burdens, especially important given likely future reductions in university budgets. We also (...)
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  14. Reorienting the Debate on Biological Individuality: Politics and Practices: Review of Alison K. McConwell. Biological Individuality. Elements in the Philosophy of Biology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 93pp. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108942775; ISBN: 9781009387422. [REVIEW]Rose Trappes - 2024 - Acta Biotheoretica 72 (1):4.
    Biological individuality is without a doubt a key concept in philosophy of biology. Questions around the individuality of organisms, species, and biological systems can be traced throughout the philosophy of biology since the discipline’s inception, not to mention the sustained attention they have received in biology and philosophy more broadly. It’s high time the topic got its own Cambridge Element. McConwell’s Biological Individuality falls short of an authoritative overview of the debate on biological individuality. However, it sends a welcome message (...)
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    Almost but not quite human: defining the human species through infrahuman figures. [REVIEW]Rose Trappes - 2019 - Metascience (1):1-4.
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    Almost but not quite human: defining the human species through infrahuman figures: Megan H. Glick: Infrahumanisms: science, culture, and the making of modern non/personhood. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2018, 288 pp, USD$25.95 PB. [REVIEW]Rose Trappes - 2020 - Metascience 29 (1):147-150.
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    Conference Report: The Third International Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science (GWP.2019), 25-27 February, 2019. [REVIEW]Rose Trappes - 2019 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 33 (1):107-110.
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    Simone de Beauvoir’s Philosophy of Individuation: The Problem of The Second Sex by Laura Hengehold. [REVIEW]Rose Trappes - 2020 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 10 (1):131-135.
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