Results for 'Marie Yvonne'

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  1.  28
    Can Norman Daniels Help You Get a Wheelchair? A Commentary on Durocher et al.Mary Yvonne Egan - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (3):192-195.
    Durocher and colleagues argue that Norman Daniels’s notion of just health could provide a useful framework for decreasing inequities in access to assistive technology. I argue that it would provide limited help for two reasons. First, Daniels’s reliance on normal species functioning as the goal of health care and his assumptions regarding the impact of normal species functioning on reasonable life projects create substantial difficulties for application to assistive technology. Second, although Daniels’s requirements for distributive justice provide a critical starting (...)
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  2. Si vous n'étiez pas Dieu.Marie Yvonne - 1971 - [Paris]: Desclée.
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  3. Entre l'homme et le dieu.Yvonne Marie Buttafoco - 1970 - Paris,: Adyar.
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    Emilie Dardenne, Introduction aux études animales.Yvonne-Marie Rogez - 2021 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 20.
    Le 21 octobre dernier, députés et sénateurs ont trouvé un accord sur le texte contre la maltraitance animale. Le 16 novembre, l’Assemblée Nationale l’a adopté définitivement, et de manière quasi-unanime. Le Sénat a fait de même le 18 novembre. Le co-auteur de cette proposition de loi, Loïc Dombreval, a tweeté à cette occasion : « Nous venons de trouver un accord inespéré sur un texte historique en faveur de la cause animale en France. Interdiction des animaux sauvages dans les cirques, (...)
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  5. La voie de la libération.Yvonne Marie Lorenzini de Buttafoco - 1961 - Paris,: La Colombe, Éditions du Vieux Colombier.
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    Ethical dilemmas faced by healthcare teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic.Monika Koskinen, Yvonne Hilli, Tuulikki Keskitalo, Merle Talvik, Ann-Helen Sandvik, Kari Marie Thorkildsen, Maria Skyvell-Nilsson, Meeri Koivula & Jekaterina Šteinmiller - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (5):907-918.
    Background Previous studies have shown that the rapid transition to emergency remote teaching due to the COVID-19 pandemic was challenging for healthcare teachers in many ways. This sudden change made them face ethical dilemmas that challenged their values and ethical competence. Research aim This study aimed to explore and gain a deeper understanding of the ethical dilemmas healthcare teachers faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research design This was an inductive qualitative study using a hermeneutic approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and (...)
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  7. Qu'est-ce que Dieu?Yvonne Marie de Buttafoco - 1934 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
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    Microglial Priming and Alzheimer’s Disease: A Possible Role for (Early) Immune Challenges and Epigenetics?Lianne Hoeijmakers, Yvonne Heinen, Anne-Marie van Dam, Paul J. Lucassen & Aniko Korosi - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  9.  46
    Excavating Women: A History of Women in European Archaeology. Margarita Diaz-Andreu, Marie Louise Stig Sorensen.Yvonne Marshall - 1999 - Isis 90 (2):403-404.
  10.  84
    (2 other versions)Anne-Marie SOHN, Chrysalides. Femmes dans la vie privée (XIXe-XXe siècles). Publications de la Sorbonne, 1, 1996. 2 volumes. [REVIEW]Yvonne Knibiehler - 1999 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 1:30-30.
    Cette thèse en impose par la masse de travail qu'elle représente, mais plus encore par les questions qu'elle pose à l'histoire des femmes et par l'éclairage nouveau qu'elle apporte sur les milieux populaires. La vie privée a reçu droit de cité en histoire grâce à la haute approbation de Philippe Ariès et de Georges Duby (ainsi que de leurs nombreux collaborateurs). Le concept de vie privée reste pourtant difficile à cerner. La première audace d'Anne Marie Sohn consiste à donner (...)
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    Marie-Françoise CHARRIER et Élise FELLER (dir.), Aux origines de l'Action sociale. L'invention des services sociaux aux chemins de fer, Éditions Eres, 2001, 276 p. [REVIEW]Yvonne Knibiehler - 2001 - Clio 14:252-256.
    Il y a comme un hiatus entre le titre et le sous-titre de ce livre. Le titre, Aux origines de l'action sociale, annonce une intention modeste ; en effet l'ouvrage, composé de touches successives, ne se présente pas comme une synthèse historique organisée. Par contre le sous-titre indique un projet précis et construit, un projet d'histoire : L'invention des services sociaux aux chemins de fer. Dans le texte tout se passe comme si les auteurs n'avaient pas voulu (pas su?) choisir (...)
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  12.  33
    Paul CESBRON et Yvonne KNIBIEHLER, La Naissance en Occident, Paris, Albin Michel, 2004, 363 p.Marie-France Morel - 2005 - Clio 21:20-20.
    Voici un livre à deux voix, où s’entrelacent en un dialogue (rendu sensible par des typographies contrastées) les réflexions d’une grande historienne de la maternité et celles d’un gynécologue obstétricien d’aujourd’hui. Il s’agit de comprendre les profondes transformations de la procréation et de la naissance dans nos sociétés en revenant sur l’histoire longue des croyances et des pratiques autour de la grossesse et de l’accouchement. Même s’il n’est pas question de proposer un retour à l’an...
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    Book Review: Gendering the Recession: Media and Culture in the Age of Austerity by Diane Negra and Yvonne Tasker. [REVIEW]Mary Gatta - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (4):589-590.
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    Handbook in MotionThe Notebooks of Martha Graham"Post-Modern Dance," the Drama ReviewMerce CunninghamWork 1961-73The Mary Wigman Book"Your Isadora," the Love Story of Isadora Duncan and Gordon Craig. [REVIEW]Selma Jeanne Cohen, Simone Forti, Martha Graham, Michael Kirby, James Klosty, Yvonne Rainer, Walter Sorell, Francis Steegmuller, Isadora Duncan & Gordon Craig - 1976 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 34 (3):346.
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    Medicine. Humaine et veterinaire. A la fin du Moyen AgeGuy Beaujouan Yvonne Poulle-Drieux Jeanne-Marie Dureau-Lapeysonnie.C. Talbot - 1967 - Isis 58 (4):575-576.
  16.  41
    (1 other version)Temps de travail et temps sociaux à Beyrouth. Employés de banque et chauffeurs de taxi.Marie-Noëlle Abi Yaghi & Élisabeth Longuenesse - 2013 - Temporalités (15).
    C’est à partir de deux exemples concrets, celui des employés de banque et des chauffeurs de taxi collectif à Beyrouth que nous nous proposons d’interroger l’« absence » de la question du temps de travail dans les revendications sociales au Liban. Une absence qui serait l’indice de la prégnance d’un autre rapport au temps : on serait en présence de régimes de temporalités hétérogènes les uns aux autres, à la mesure de la fragmentation de la société entre des mondes sociaux (...)
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    The construction and legitimation of workplace bullying in the public sector: insight into power dynamics and organisational failures in health and social care.Marie Hutchinson & Debra Jackson - 2015 - Nursing Inquiry 22 (1):13-26.
    Health‐care and public sector institutions are high‐risk settings for workplace bullying. Despite growing acknowledgement of the scale and consequence of this pervasive problem, there has been little critical examination of the institutional power dynamics that enable bullying. In the aftermath of large‐scale failures in care standards in public sector healthcare institutions, which were characterised by managerial bullying, attention to the nexus between bullying, power and institutional failures is warranted. In this study, employing Foucault's framework of power, we illuminate bullying as (...)
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  18.  17
    Individualisation and individualised science across disciplinary perspectives.Marie I. Kaiser, Anton Killin, Anja-Kristin Abendroth, Mitja D. Back, Bernhard T. Baune, Nicola Bilstein, Yves Breitmoser, Barbara A. Caspers, Jürgen Gadau, Toni I. Gossmann, Sylvia Kaiser, Oliver Krüger, Joachim Kurtz, Diana Lengersdorf, Annette K. F. Malsch, Caroline Müller, John F. Rauthmann, Klaus Reinhold, S. Helene Richter, Christian Stummer, Rose Trappes, Claudia Voelcker-Rehage & Meike J. Wittmann - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (3):1-36.
    Recent efforts in a range of scientific fields have emphasised research and methods concerning individual differences and individualisation. This article brings together various scientific disciplines—ecology, evolution, and animal behaviour; medicine and psychiatry; public health and sport/exercise science; sociology; psychology; economics and management science—and presents their research on individualisation. We then clarify the concept of individualisation as it appears in the disciplinary casework by distinguishing three kinds of individualisation studied in and across these disciplines: Individualisation ONE as creating/changing individual differences (the (...)
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  19.  22
    Merleau-Ponty and Nancy on Sense and Being: At the Limits of Phenomenology.Marie-Eve Morin - 2022 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    - Brings a new dimension to thinking about philosophical materialism and realism in the wake of phenomenology and deconstruction - Challenges speculative realism’s critique of contemporary Continental philosophy as correlationism - Uses Merleau-Ponty and Nancy to develop an ontology that respects the materiality and exteriority of what exists without reinstating the mind–world divide - Shows how Merleau-Ponty and Nancy overcome the Cartesian presupposition at work in current realist appeal to step out of our own thoughts to reach the ‘great outdoors’ (...)
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  20.  62
    Sleepwalking Into Infertility: The Need for a Public Health Approach Toward Advanced Maternal Age.Marie-Eve Lemoine & Vardit Ravitsky - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (11):37-48.
    In Western countries today, a growing number of women delay motherhood until their late 30s and even 40s, as they invest time in pursuing education and career goals before starting a family. This social trend results from greater gender equality and expanded opportunities for women and is influenced by the availability of contraception and assisted reproductive technologies. However, advanced maternal age is associated with increased health risks, including infertility. While individual medical solutions such as ART and elective egg freezing can (...)
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  21. Grammar in the philosophical investigations.Marie McGinn - 2011 - In Oskari Kuusela & Marie McGinn (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Wittgenstein. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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  22.  43
    Les femmes et la politique.Françoise Thébaud & Eliane Richard - 1995 - Clio 1.
    À l'occasion du cinquantième anniversaire de l'accession des Françaises aux droits politiques, l'Association Les femmes et la ville (présidente Yvonne Knibiehler, Université de Provence) et le Groupe interdisciplinaire d'études sur les femmes (présidente Eliane Gubin, Université libre de Bruxelles) ont pris l'initiative d'organiser conjointement des recherches consacrées aux rapports des femmes et de la politique. À Lyon Michèle Bacot et Marie-Claude Plantin (IEP), Mireille Meyer et Fr...
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    Motivations for Relationships as Sources of Meaning: Ghanaian and South African Experiences.Marié P. Wissing, Angelina Wilson Fadiji, Lusilda Schutte, Shingairai Chigeza, Willem D. Schutte & Q. Michael Temane - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  24. Wittgenstein and naturalism.Marie McGinn - 2010 - In Mario De Caro & David Macarthur (eds.), Naturalism and Normativity. Cambridge University Press.
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  25.  34
    “No Margin, No Mission”: Challenge to Institutional Ethics.Marie Wolff - 1993 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 12 (2):39-50.
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    Aus Platos Werdezeit. By Max Pohlenz. 1 vol. 8vo. Pp. 427. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1913. M. 10.Marie V. Williams - 1915 - The Classical Review 29 (07):219-220.
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    Image, Icon, Economy: The Byzantine Origins of the Contemporary Imaginary.Marie-José Mondzain - 2004 - Stanford University Press.
    This book argues that the extraordinary force of the image in contemporary life--the contemporary imaginary--can be traced back to the Byzantine iconoclastic controversy of the eighth and ninth centuries.
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    Desire After Affect.Marie-Luise Angerer & Patricia T. Clough - 2014 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Desire After Affect offers a detailed analysis of the affective turn and its consequences for the humanities.
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    Do emotional stimuli interfere with two distinct components of inhibition?Marie My Lien Rebetez, Lucien Rochat, Joël Billieux, Philippe Gay & Martial Van der Linden - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (3):559-567.
  30.  14
    Adaptive memory: Source memory is positively associated with adaptive social decision making.Marie Luisa Schaper, Laura Mieth & Raoul Bell - 2019 - Cognition 186 (C):7-14.
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    Walking dreams in congenital and acquired paraplegia.Marie-Thérèse Saurat, Maité Agbakou, Patricia Attigui, Jean-Louis Golmard & Isabelle Arnulf - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1425-1432.
    To test if dreams contain remote or never-experienced motor skills, we collected during 6 weeks dream reports from 15 paraplegics and 15 healthy subjects. In 9/10 subjects with spinal cord injury and in 5/5 with congenital paraplegia, voluntary leg movements were reported during dream, including feelings of walking , running , dancing , standing up , bicycling , and practicing sports . Paraplegia patients experienced walking dreams just as often as controls . There was no correlation between the frequency of (...)
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    Responses to the Discovery of Unethical Acts: An Organizational Identity and Reputation Perspective.Marie McKendall & Mahendra Joshi - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (4):706-741.
    There has recently been a growth in research that examines how corporations respond to allegations of unethical actions. Although scholars have gained much insight about the range of responses available to and used by organizations, there has been almost no study of why firms choose one response over another. In this article, the authors present a framework of likely organizational response choices to allegations of wrongdoing; we propose that response choices are based on the degree of reputational risk from stakeholder (...)
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    The Principle of Autonomy’s Enduring Validity.Marie Newhouse - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (2):545-551.
    Pauline Kleingeld has argued persuasively that Kant’s Principle of Autonomy draws an analogy between two relationships: 1) that between an individual agent and their maxim, and 2) that between a legislator and their legislation. She also suggests that Kant’s evolving views on the normative significance of popular elections made his analogy inapt, which explains its disappearance from his later writings. This comment concurs with Sorin Baiasu that the merits of Kant’s analogy were untouched by his evolving political views. The analogy (...)
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  34. La transmission des textes philosophiques et scientifiques au Moyen Age.Marie Thérèse D' Alverny & Charles Burnett - 1994 - Brookfield, Vt., USA: Variorum. Edited by Charles Burnett.
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  35. La remise en question de la summa ratio et des certitudes juridiques par le juriste humaniste Nicolas Bérauld.Marie-Françoise André - 2015 - In Susanna Gambino Longo (ed.), La certitude de l'Antiquité à la Renaissance. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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  36. The role of oriental emigrants in Constantin ople and the byzantine empire (8th to 9th C.): Stand and perspectives.Marie-France Auzepy - 2012 - Al-Qantara 33 (2):475 - 503.
    Cet article est une tentative pour mesurer les conséquences démographiques, pour l�Empire, de la perte des provinces orientales du fait de la conquête musulmane. Les sources, surtout les sources grecques, sont rares et donnent seulement quelques informations ponctuelles sur les transferts forcés de population, sur quelques individus quittant le califat et rejoignant l�Empire à dessein et enfin sur la destinée de quelques renégats. Comme d�habitude à cette époque, en raison du quasi monopole des sources ecclésiastiques, les renseignements sont plus nombreux (...)
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    (1 other version)Teaching and philosophy: a synthesis.Marie E. Wirsing - 1972 - Boston,: Houghton Mifflin.
  38.  48
    Language and Self in Clarice Lispector's The Apple in the Dark.Marie Wise - 2003 - Semiotics:436-442.
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    The erosion of privacy.Marie A. Wright & John S. Kakalik - 1997 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 27 (4):22-25.
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    Humanism vs. competency: Traditional and contemporary models of education.Marie-Élise Zovko & John Dillon - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (6-7):554-564.
  41.  33
    Mother–Child Relationships in France: Balancing Autonomy and Affiliation in Everyday Interactions.Marie-Anne Suizzo - 2004 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 32 (3):293-323.
  42.  15
    La oligarquía y el establecimiento como constructos históricos sociológicos.Anne Marie Zwerg-Villegas - 2012 - Aposta 55:1.
    Colombia padece la imagen de que, desde sus inicios como colonia española hasta el presente, el país ha sido controlado por la oligarquía. Este ensayo examinará las evidencias que apuntan a esta alegación y confirmará que en sus inicios la Nación sí fue dominado por un grupo élite y reducido. Sin embargo, en años modernos, la oligarquía persiste pero que un grupo más extendido--una para-oligarquía o el Establecimiento--tiene mayor incidencia en las determinaciones en el progreso del país a través de (...)
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  43. The managerial relevance of ethical efficacy.Marie S. Mitchell & Noel F. Palmer - 2010 - In Marshall Schminke (ed.), Managerial Ethics: Managing the Psychology of Morality. Routledge. pp. 89--108.
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    Innovative techniques for legal text retrieval.Marie-Francine Moens - 2001 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 9 (1):29-57.
    Legal text retrieval traditionally relies upon external knowledge sources such as thesauri and classification schemes, and an accurate indexing of the documents is often manually done. As a result not all legal documents can be effectively retrieved. However a number of current artificial intelligence techniques are promising for legal text retrieval. They sustain the acquisition of knowledge and the knowledge-rich processing of the content of document texts and information need, and of their matching. Currently, techniques for learning information needs, learning (...)
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    Points of view from a logical perspective (II).Marie Duží–Bjørn Jespersen–Pavel Materna - 2007 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 14 (1):5-31.
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    Sur le vague de Bertrand Russell.Marie Michon - 2024 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 11 (1):67-72.
    À l'occassion de ce numéro spécial sur le vague dans les sciences, nous avons traduis l'article fondamental de Bertrand Russell dont le titre est éponyme : Vagueness. Initialement publié dans The Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy en 1923, et faisant suite à une lecture du philosophe devant la Jowett Society à Oxford, ce texte demeurait inaccessible aux lecteur.ices non anglophones.
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    Graph theory reveals dysconnected hubs in 22q11DS and altered nodal efficiency in patients with hallucinations.Marie-Christine Ottet, Marie Schaer, Martin Debbané, Leila Cammoun, Jean-Philippe Thiran & Stephan Eliez - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  48. La place de la bioéthique au sein du régime d’examen des plaintes dans le réseau de santé et de services sociaux québécois.Marie-Ève Lemoine, Julien Brisson, Émilie Blackburn, Jean-Philippe Payment & Maude Laliberté - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (3):11.
    Au Québec, le régime d’examen des plaintes dans le réseau de la santé et des services sociaux contribue à l’amélioration continue des soins en permettant aux usagers de partager leur insatisfaction auprès d’une instance indépendante pouvant émettre des recommandations aux établissements. Le régime permet ainsi de renforcer la participation active de l’usager et donc de démocratiser les soins et services. En plus de sa parenté évidente avec cet objectif d’autonomisation, la bioéthique est omniprésente dans le travail des instances responsables de (...)
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    Kings, heroes and warriors: aspects of children‘s literature in Ireland in the era of emergent nationalism.Marie West - 1994 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 76 (3):165-184.
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    Plagiarism and the news media.Marie Dunne White - 1989 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 4 (2):265 – 280.
    Lack of attribution and plagiarism can create a special problem for journalists. As numerous examples indicate, there is confusion about the sometimes fine line between lack of attribution and plagiarism. But there is even more confusion over how to solve the problem. Short of restructuring the journalism profession to create an overall governing body similar to the law bar, there is no way to create a set of national guidelines on when lack of attribution might become plagiarism. The only place (...)
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