Results for 'Brice Mayag'

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  1. A representation of preferences by the Choquet integral with respect to a 2-additive capacity.Brice Mayag, Michel Grabisch & Christophe Labreuche - 2011 - Theory and Decision 71 (3):297-324.
    In the context of Multiple criteria decision analysis, we present the necessary and sufficient conditions allowing to represent an ordinal preferential information provided by the decision maker by a Choquet integral w.r.t a 2-additive capacity. We provide also a characterization of this type of preferential information by a belief function which can be viewed as a capacity. These characterizations are based on three axioms, namely strict cycle-free preferences and some monotonicity conditions called MOPI and 2-MOPI.
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  2. Introduction: Is There Truth After Interpretation?Brice R. Wachterhauser - 1994 - In Hermeneutics and truth. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press. pp. 4.
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    Svätopluk Štúr’s criticism of Nietzsche’s vitalism.Brice D. Cantrell - 2023 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 13 (1-2):105-114.
    Svätopluk Štúr is a strong critic of strands of German thought that emphasize the will to power as an organizing principle of human society. Štúr is particularly critical of Nietzsche’s vitalism, which Štúr believes culminated in national socialism and the destruction of the Second World War. This paper describes and examines Štúr’s criticism of a number of German thinkers and focuses especially on Štúr’s criticism of Nietzsche. Štúr criticizes Nietzsche’s emphasis on life over knowledge. Štúr offers a different philosophy of (...)
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  4. Le commensalisme: d'un concept moral à un concept scientifique.Brice Poreau - 2012 - Ludus Vitalis 20 (38):53-66.
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    Wittgenstein's On Certainty: Insight and Method.Robert Greenleaf Brice - 2022 - Springer.
    In On Certainty, the important, but to many readers obscure, twentieth century Austrian philosopher, Ludwig Wittgenstein, provides not only a brilliant solution to a previously intractable philosophical problem, but also the elements of an entirely new way of approaching this and similar longstanding, apparently un-resolvable, problems. In these notes he re-conceives the problem of radical skepticism–the claim that we can never really be certain of anything except the contents of our own minds–as a kind of philosophical “disease” of thought. His (...)
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    Regularity of Center of Pressure Trajectories in Expert Gymnasts during Bipedal Closed-Eyes Quiet Standing.Brice Isableu, Petra Hlavackova, Bruno Diot & Nicolas Vuillerme - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    On intention.Brice Noel Fleming - 1964 - Philosophical Review 73 (3):301-320.
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    On the alleged misrepresentation problem (Not a problem for HOT theories. Not a problem for any theory, really.).Brice Bantegnie - 2023 - In Michal Polák, Tomáš Marvan & Juraj Hvorecký (eds.), Conscious and Unconscious Mentality: Examining Their Nature, Similarities and Differences. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 74-88.
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  9. Recognizing targets: Wittgenstein's exploration of a new kind of foundationalism in on certainty.Robert Greenleaf Brice - 2008 - Philosophical Investigations 32 (1):1-22.
    Bringing the views of Grayling, Moyal-Sharrock and Stroll together, I argue that in On Certainty, Wittgenstein explores the possibility of a new kind of foundationalism. Distinguishing propositional language-games from non-propositional, actional certainty, Wittgenstein investigates a foundationalism sui generis . Although he does not forthrightly state, defend, or endorse what I am characterizing as a "new kind of foundationalism," we must bear in mind that On Certainty was a collection of first draft notes written at the end of Wittgenstein's life. The (...)
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    La notion d'inculturation « par contestation » en théologie morale fondamentale.Brice Bini - 2006 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 4:665-696.
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    Accointance par procuration.Brice Halimi - 2019 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 130 (3):369-384.
    L’accointance d’un attribut est-elle de même nature que celle d’un individu? Bien entendu, l’assimilation des attributs à des universaux, et par suite à des objets, conduit immédiatement à une réponse positive. Mais que dire des attributs en position de prédicat? Le présent article vise à soutenir l’univocité de l’accointance en montrant que les prédicats sont bien, malgré d’importantes différences, les objets possibles d’une accointance comparable à l’accointance d’individus. Pour cela, on envisagera les choses négativement, en examinant la façon dont, dans (...)
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    Sets and Descent.Brice Halimi - 2016 - In Francesca Boccuni & Andrea Sereni (eds.), Objectivity, Realism, and Proof. FilMat Studies in the Philosophy of Mathematics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
    Algebraic Set Theory, a reconsideration of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory in category-theoretic terms, has been built up in the mid-nineties by André Joyal and Ieke Moerdijk. Since then, it has developed into a whole research program. This paper gets back to the original formulation by Joyal and Moerdijk, and more specifically to its first three axioms. It explains in detail that these axioms set up a framework directly linked to descent theory, a theory having to do with the shift from local (...)
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    Histoire de la philosophie...: Orient. Antiquité. Moyen Age.Brice Parain & Yvon Belaval (eds.) - 1969 - [Paris]: Nrf, Gallimard].
    1. Orient. Antiquité. Moyen Age.--2. De la Renaissance à la révolution kantienne.--3. Du XIXe siècle à nos jours.
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    Coleridge and Scepticism.Benjamin Brice - 2007 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Coleridge tended to view objects in the natural world as if they were capable of articulating truths about his own poetic psyche. He also regarded such objects as if they were capable of illustrating and concretely embodying truths about a transcendent spiritual realm. After 1805, he posited a series of analogical 'likenesses' connecting the rational principles that inform human cognition with the rational principles that he believed informed the teleological structure of the natural world. Human reason and the principle of (...)
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    Falling masts, rising Masters: The ethnography of virtue in caesar's account of the veneti.Brice Erickson - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (4):601-622.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 123.4 (2002) 601-622 [Access article in PDF] Falling Masts, Rising Masters:The Ethnography of Virtue in Caesar's Account of the Veneti Brice Erickson [Appendix]CAESAR'S ACCOUNT OF THE REVOLT of the Veneti and neighboring tribes along the northwest coast of Gaul (BGall. 3.8-15) contains a clear assertion of Rome's superiority in virtus over her foes. While the account of the Veneti has sparked considerable debate over (...)
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    Phenomenology and Skepticism: Essays in Honor of James M. Edie.Brice R. Wachterhauser (ed.) - 1996 - Northwestern University Press.
    This volume of essays honors the extensive contributions of James M. Edie, the founding editor of the Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy series, to the development of phenomenological thought. Grounded in Edie's emphasis on Husserl's confrontation with skepticism, the essays provide an in-depth analysis of Husserlian and neo-Husserlian responses to skepticism and relativism. Led by an informative introduction by the volume editor, Brice R. Wachterhauser, and featuring essays by thirteen contributors, including Edie himself, this volume confirms both Edie's (...)
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    Minimal Self and Timing Disorders in Schizophrenia: A Case Report.Brice Martin, Nicolas Franck, Michel Cermolacce, Jennifer T. Coull & Anne Giersch - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
    For years, phenomenological psychiatry has proposed that distortions of the temporal structure of consciousness contribute to the abnormal experiences described before schizophrenia emerges, and may relate to basic disturbances in consciousness of the self. However, considering that temporality refers mainly to an implicit aspect of our relationship with the world, disturbances in the temporal structure of consciousness remain difficult to access. Nonetheless, previous studies have shown a correlation between self disorders and the automatic ability to expect an event in time, (...)
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    Prejudice, Reason and Force.Brice R. Wachterhauser - 1988 - Philosophy 63 (244):231 - 253.
    Perhaps no other aspect of Hans-Georg Gadamer's Wahrheit und Methode has generated more controversy and caustic criticism than his attempt to defend the role of ‘prejudice’ in human understanding. Gadamer's goal in challenging what he calls ‘the Enlightenment's prejudice against prejudice’ is not to defend irresponsible, idiosyncratic, parochial or otherwise self-willed understanding in the human sciences, but to argue that all human cognition is ‘finite’ and ‘limited’ in the sense that it always involves, to borrow Polanyi's phrase, a ‘tacit dimension’ (...)
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    Hermeneutics and truth.Brice R. Wachterhauser (ed.) - 1994 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    The claim that all human thought involves "interpretation," that all human thought is in some way relative to a contingent context of cognitive, theoretical, practical, and aesthetic considerations, has become widely accepted, but waht we understand by "truth" and how we should best pursue it are questions raised with renewed force once a hermeneutical starting point has been embraced. Brice R. Wachterhauser's collection Hermeneutics and Truth is an attempt to contribute to this concersation. No thinkers have wrestled with the (...)
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  20. What are the debates on same-sex marriage and on the recognition of transwomen as women about? On anti-descriptivism and revisionary analysis.Brice Bantegnie - 2020 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 63 (9-10):974-1000.
    ABSTRACT In recent years, debates on same-sex marriage and the recognition of transwomen as women have been raging. These debates often seem to revolve around the meaning of, respectively, the word ‘marriage’ and ‘woman’. That such debates should take place might be puzzling. It seems that if debates on gay and transgender rights revolve around the meaning of these words, then those in favor of same-sex marriage and of the recognition of transwomen as women have no room left to maneuver. (...)
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    La logique, science recherchée.Brice Halimi - 2020 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 106 (2):145-164.
    Une théorie de la science qui permette une « étude systématique des formes » est l’ἐπιστήμη ζητοῦμένη de Cavaillès : ce dernier ne la trouve ni dans l’analytique kantienne, ni dans la théorie de la science de Bolzano ; pas plus que chez Frege, Carnap ou Tarski ; et ni dans la théorie de la démonstration, ni dans la mathesis husserlienne. Cet article défend l’idée qu’il aurait pu la trouver, ou du moins s’en approcher, s’il avait accordé davantage d’attention à (...)
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  22. Diagrams as sketches.Brice Halimi - 2012 - Synthese 186 (1):387-409.
    This article puts forward the notion of “evolving diagram” as an important case of mathematical diagram. An evolving diagram combines, through a dynamic graphical enrichment, the representation of an object and the representation of a piece of reasoning based on the representation of that object. Evolving diagrams can be illustrated in particular with category-theoretic diagrams (hereafter “diagrams*”) in the context of “sketch theory,” a branch of modern category theory. It is argued that sketch theory provides a diagrammatic* theory of diagrams*, (...)
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    Beyond Being: Gadamer's Post-Platonic Hermeneutic Ontology.Brice R. Wachterhauser - 1999 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    Hans Georg-Gadamer is best known in the English-speaking world for his major work on philosophical hermeneutics, _Truth and Method;_ he has also written extensively on the subject of Plato. Most commentators on Gadamer's work therefore view Gadamer either as a historian of philosophy or as a philosopher in his own right, critically engaged in the philosophical issues of our time. In _Beyond Being,_ Brice R. Wachterhauser contends that this perceived bifurcation in Gadamer's work oversimplifies and distorts important parts of (...)
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    Le nécessaire et l'universel: analyse et critique de leur corrélation.Brice Halimi - 2013 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
    English summary: Is universal truth fully necessary? Are all necessary truths universal? From Kant to Tarski, the philosophical tradition as a whole has accepted the existence of a correlation between these two properties. The purpose of this book is to question this assumption and challenge the belief that universality and necessity are basic components of truth. French text. French description: Toute verite universelle est-elle necessaire? Toute verite necessaire est-elle universelle? De Kant a Tarski, la tradition philosophique a dans son ensemble (...)
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    Quand l’ornement devient sujet : le papier peint dans quelques tableaux de l’avant-garde de la fin du XIXe siècle.Brice Ameille - 2019 - Nouvelle Revue D’Esthétique 1:41.
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  26. A Reply to John Searle and Other Traditionalists.Robert Greenleaf Brice - 2008 - Multicultural Education 16 (2):37-40.
    One of the more recent pedagogical debates confronting university instructors is whether liberal education should be replaced with multiculturalism. John Searle has labeled these positions as “traditionalists” and “challengers,” respectively. While not finding “much that is objectionable in the [traditionalists’] assumptions,” Searle argues that the challengers’ assumptions are “weak” and “fallacious.” This negative outcome for the challengers however, is due in large part to Searle’s misrepresentation of their position. Searle presents a flawed, straw-man argument; he unfairly and inaccurately presents the (...)
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    What Forever Means: An Empirical Existential-Phenomenological Investigation of Maternal Mourning.Charles W. Brice - 1991 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 22 (1):16-38.
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    Analytic Philosophy and the World of the Play by Michael Y. Bennett.Brice Ezell - 2022 - Philosophy and Literature 46 (1):241-243.
    There is no better time than the present to be studying the intersections of drama, theater, and philosophy. Since 2000, numerous monographs have been published on the interrelation between those subjects, and organizations such as the Performance Philosophy Network continue to promote innovative research by theater professionals and academics alike. However, a lacuna remains in this bustling scholarly enterprise. This scholarship, by and large, tends to draw from either ancient philosophy or from Continental European thought. As is often the case (...)
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    Mr. Hare and Naturalism.Brice Noel Fleming - 1954 - Analysis 15 (4):82 - 85.
    The author criticises chapter 5 of r m hare's "the language of morals" in which hare tries to show why naturalism is "untenable." the author concludes that hare's analysis as well as the naturalists' "keep us from saying what we do say and want to say." (staff).
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    The nature of perception.Brice Noel Fleming - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (2):259-295.
    Hamlyn's book is exactly what the subtitle says it is: a history of the philosophy of perception, where this is taken to be a part of what is now called the philosophy of mind, as distinguished from the theory of knowledge. He expounds and criticizes, clearly and carefully, the views of Western philosophers from the pre-Socratics to Ryle and Sartre, and in a final chapter of about ten pages he offers some conclusions of his own. He holds that "in the (...)
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  31. Benacerraf’s Mathematical Antinomy.Brice Halimi - 2016 - In Fabrice Pataut (ed.), Truth, Objects, Infinity: New Perspectives on the Philosophy of Paul Benacerraf. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Homotopy model theory.Brice Halimi - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (4):1301-1323.
    Drawing on the analogy between any unary first-order quantifier and a "face operator," this paper establishes several connections between model theory and homotopy theory. The concept of simplicial set is brought into play to describe the formulae of any first-order language L, the definable subsets of any L-structure, as well as the type spaces of any theory expressed in L. An adjunction result is then proved between the category of o-minimal structures and a subcategory of the category of linearly ordered (...)
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    Un principe caché de l'analytique transcendantale: L'équivalence posée par Kant entre l'universalité et la nécessité.Brice Halimi - 2014 - Philosophie 121 (2):29-49.
    Kant, dans l’Introduction de la seconde édition de la Critique de la raison pure, reconnaît l’universalité et la nécessité comme deux critères extensionnellement équivalents de l’a priori :Nécessité et rigoureuse universalité sont […] des critères sûrs d’une connaissance a priori et renvoient en outre, inséparablement, l’une à l’autre.Le terme de « critère » signifie dans ce passage qu’universalité...
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    L'écologie en bleu.Brice Lalonde - 2001 - Paris: Archipel.
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  35. Europeanizing the ethics of nanotechnology, rethinking nanoethics.Brice Laurent - forthcoming - Nanoethics: Do We Need a New Ethics for Nanotechnology?.
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    Latour and the Question of Politics: A Constitutional Reading.Brice Laurent - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (5):23-44.
    This article traces a path through Bruno Latour’s reflections on politics to propose a constitutional reading, which makes ontological and normative lines of investigation intersect. It starts with a discussion of a central theme in Latour’s work, that of war and, more generally, opposition and conflicts, and connects it with questions of representation, delegation and decision-making. The preoccupation with land and territories found in Latour’s latest work is an invitation to extend his notion of constitution and turn it into a (...)
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    Essai sur le logos platonicien.Brice Parain - 1942 - [Paris]: Gallimard.
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    Recherches sur la nature et les fonctions du langage.Brice Parain - 1942 - [Paris]: Gallimard.
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    Untersuchungen über Natur und Funktion der Sprache.Brice Parain - 1969 - Stuttgart: E. Klett.
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    Scene analysis using regions.Claude R. Brice & Claude L. Fennema - 1970 - Artificial Intelligence 1 (3-4):205-226.
  41. Technologies of Democracy: Experiments and Demonstrations.Brice Laurent - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (4):649-666.
    Technologies of democracy are instruments based on material apparatus, social practices and expert knowledge that organize the participation of various publics in the definition and treatment of public problems. Using three examples related to the engagement of publics in nanotechnology in France (a citizen conference, a series of public meetings, and an industrial design process), the paper argues that Science and Technology Studies provide useful tools and methods for the analysis of technologies of democracy. Operations of experiments and public demonstrations (...)
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    Exploring Certainty: Wittgenstein and Wide Fields of Thought.Robert Greenleaf Brice - 2014 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Exploring Certainty: Wittgenstein and Wide Fields of Thought considers how, where, and to what extent the thoughts and ideas found in Wittgenstein’s On Certainty can be applied to other areas of thought, including: ethics, aesthetics, religious belief, mathematics, cognitive science, and political theory. Robert Greenleaf Brice opens new avenues of thought for scholars and students of the Wittgensteinian tradition, while introducing original philosophies about human knowledge and cognition.
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    The Problem of Evil and Moral Scepticism.Brice R. Wachterhauser - 1985 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 17 (3):167 - 174.
    This paper argues that the logical coherence of classical theism can be defended through the traditional free-will defense and argument from divine omniscience and human finitude, but only at the cost of moral scepticism. The above two-pronged defense entails moral scepticism because it demands that we construe clear and undeniable cases of morally unjustifiable evil as merely apparently unjustifiable evils which can be morally justified from some moral point of view. The paper argues that justification is impossible because such basic (...)
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    Hermeneutics and Modern Philosophy.Brice R. Wachterhauser (ed.) - 1986 - State University of New York Press.
    Hermeneutics and Modern Philosophy is a collection of interpretive and critical essays on philosophical hermeneutics, focusing on the seminal work of Heidegger and Gadamer.
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    Getting it right: Relativism, realism and truth.Brice Wachterhauser - 2002 - In Robert J. Dostal (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Gadamer. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 52--78.
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    Psychology and Neuroscience. The (New) Autonomy Question.Brice Bantegnie - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-20.
    The traditional thesis of the autonomy of psychology from neuroscience is grounded in a metaphysical thesis; the irreducibility thesis. Anti-reductionism is still dominant nowadays, and, as a consequence, autonomists arguably stand on firmer grounds. Still, an anti-autonomist might have the intuition that even if psychology is not reducible to neuroscience, there is a sense, not metaphysically grounded, but epistemologically grounded, in which psychology clearly is not autonomous from neuroscience. The challenge is then to offer a concept of autonomy which allows (...)
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    Jean-Louis guereña, Les Espagnols et le sexe, xixe-.Brice Chamouleau - 2014 - Clio 39.
    Les Espagnols et le sexe est une contribution à l’histoire de la sexualité dans l’Espagne du xixe et du premier tiers du xxe siècle : le projet de Jean-Louis Guereña constitue un apport important à la compréhension de la construction du sujet libéral espagnol, puisqu’on lui reconnaît ici des pratiques intimes, ou privées, au moment où s’affermit la notion d’« ordre public ». La question principale qui se pose à la lecture de l’ouvrage tient précisément à ce qu’il est postulé (...)
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    Mondes logiques.Brice Halimi - 2018 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 125 (2):267-280.
    Ce texte est tiré d’un exposé élémentaire, destiné à des étudiants agrégatifs, d’introduction aux rapports entre la logique (entendue au sens large) et la question du monde. Son objet est de décrire la place variable que cette question occupe en logique.
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    Settings and misunderstandings in mathematics.Brice Halimi - 2019 - Synthese 196 (11):4623-4656.
    This paper pursues two goals. Its first goal is to clear up the “identity problem” faced by the structuralist interpretation of mathematics. Its second goal, through the consideration of examples coming in particular from the theory of permutations, is to examine cases of misunderstandings in mathematics fit to cast some light on mathematical understanding in general. The common thread shared by these two goals is the notion of setting. The study of a mathematical object almost always goes together with the (...)
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    Operations for a problem of existence: dealing with the ontological uncertainty of nano substances.Brice Laurent - 2015 - Foundations of Chemistry 17 (3):207-224.
    This paper discusses the operations meant to act on situations of ontological uncertainties for chemicals. Using examples related to substances developed as part of nanotechnology programs, it analyses technical and social instruments meant to define the existence of these substances, as « new » or « existing » chemicals. Carbon nanotubes developed by a French company offer an illustration of containment, while the legal disputes about nano silver in the U.S. display oppositions about whether or not these compounds are equivalent (...)
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