Results for 'Benoît Pujol'

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  1. Is Non-genetic Inheritance Just a Proximate Mechanism? A Corroboration of the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis.Alex Mesoudi, Simon Blanchet, Anne Charmantier, Étienne Danchin, Laurel Fogarty, Eva Jablonka, Kevin N. Laland, Thomas J. H. Morgan, Gerd B. Müller, F. John Odling-Smee & Benoît Pujol - 2013 - Biological Theory 7 (3):189-195.
    What role does non-genetic inheritance play in evolution? In recent work we have independently and collectively argued that the existence and scope of non-genetic inheritance systems, including epigenetic inheritance, niche construction/ecological inheritance, and cultural inheritance—alongside certain other theory revisions—necessitates an extension to the neo-Darwinian Modern Synthesis (MS) in the form of an Extended Evolutionary Synthesis (EES). However, this argument has been challenged on the grounds that non-genetic inheritance systems are exclusively proximate mechanisms that serve the ultimate function of calibrating organisms (...)
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    Anecdotologi de Francesc Pujols.Francesc Pujols & Isidre Clopas I. Batlle (eds.) - 2010 - Barcelona: Editorial Dux.
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    A Mixed Methods Framework for Psychoanalytic Group Therapy: From Qualitative Records to a Quantitative Approach Using T-Pattern, Lag Sequential, and Polar Coordinate Analyses.Eulàlia Arias-Pujol & M. Teresa Anguera - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Walking art practice: reflections on socially engaged paths.Ernesto Pujol - 2018 - Axminster, England: Triarchy Press.
    "Artists are trying to move away from the influence of competitive corporate culture that has increasingly defined art as an abrasive urban career. Artists are trying to replace this with the humbler notion of art as a practice, as a mindful way of life, consisting of consciously creative gestures, visible and invisible, large and small. Art practice is a private and public, selfless and generous, creative life process resulting in a conscious cultural product." "Walking Art Practice" brings together the author's (...)
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    Analyse critique du concept de sacré chez Kenneth I. Pargament dans la définition de la spiritualité en contexte médical.Nicolas Pujol - 2014 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 70 (2):275-290.
    Nicolas Pujol | : L’auteur montre, à partir d’une analyse critique de la catégorie de « sacré », que le modèle d’intégration de la spiritualité à l’hôpital proposé par Kenneth I. Pargament véhicule des normativités qui peuvent générer des tensions éthiques sur le plan de la clinique. Cet article rappelle qu’une catégorie comme celle de « spiritualité » doit demeurer un outil opérationnel qui participe à la connaissance du monde, et que, pour cela, elle doit sans cesse faire l’objet (...)
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    Hobbes.Benoît Spinosa - 2014 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
    English summary: Benoit Spinosa presents a much needed French biography and study of the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). Spinosa discusses Hobbes controversial Leviathan and his unique understanding of the political machine in the Early Modern period. French description: Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), philosophe anglais, doit sa celebrite au Leviathan, a une conception de la souverainete politique longtemps jugee monstrueuse. Par-dela contresens et accusations, Hobbes est bien le premier penseur de la modernite a avoir voulu maitriser la machination politique comme la (...)
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    La physica en Los aristotélicos Del siglo XVI.Bartomeu Forteza Pujol - 1999 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 44 (3):865-870.
    Aristotelismos y antiaristotelismoen los ss. XVI y XVII. Se dan en esta época dosaristotelismos en ltalia y otro en Espaiía. El antiaristotelismoconoce dos momentos fuertes. 2. La relaciónentre la Physica y la Metaphysica. Se discuteentre los autores si la Filosofia Primera constituyeuna ciencia aparte, o si debe considerarse comouna Physica Generalis, es decir, como la exposiciónde las defíniciones primeras. 3. Tres modalidades:los Comentarias a Aristóteles: concebidosa la manera tradicional, pero caracterizados yapor un marcado eclecticlsmo; los Manuales:repeticiones de la Física que (...)
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    Morale et sciences des moeurs dans l'Encyclopédie.Stéphane Pujol - 2021 - Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur.
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    Nahmanides’ Astrological and Religious Thinking and the Views of the Contemporaneous Catalan Christian Sages.Esperança Valls-Pujol - 2020 - Perichoresis 18 (4):81-95.
    This paper examines the astrological and religious thinking of Moshe ben Nahman (also known as Ramban or Nahmanides) and the intellectual connections in this field with two of the most outstanding Christian thinkers of his time, Ramon Llull and Arnau de Vilanova. Nahmanides, like many medieval scholars, admitted an astral influence, but he did not accept astrology as a divinatory science. He incorporated astrological doctrines in his exegetical works, assuming that Israel is not determined by any star because it only (...)
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    La quimera de la creatividad: la deriva ideológica de la neurociencia.Manuel Villar Pujol - 2019 - Barcelona: Icaria. Edited by Daniel Inglada I. Carratalà & Oriol Leira Berenguer.
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    Benoît Bourgine, Joseph Famerée, Paul Scolas, dir., Qu'est-ce que la vérité ? Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf ; Louvain-la-Neuve, Université Catholique de Louvain (coll. « Théologies »), 2009, 177 p. [REVIEW]Benoit Mathot - 2012 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 68 (3):714.
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    The Encounter of Chinese and Western Philosophies: A Critique.Benoît Vermander - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    This book revisits the encounter between Chinese and Western philosophy while unfolding questions about the way "comparative philosophy" is conducted today. In the vulgate of intellectual history, "Western thought" has constructed a substantialist view of reality that puts "relations" and "processes" into a subordinate position. The same view explains for the primacy given to the autonomy of individual beings. In contrast, according to the same vulgate, Chinese thought has been mainly stressing the fluidity of all phenomena and forms of life (...)
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    Rethinking Political Myth: The Clash of Civilizations as a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.Benoît Challand & Chiara Bottici - 2006 - European Journal of Social Theory 9 (3):315-336.
    This article argues for the need to recover the concept of political myth in order to understand the crucial phenomena of our epoch. By drawing on Blumenberg’s philosophical reflections on myth, it proposes to understand political myth as the continual process of work on a common narrative by which the members of a social group can provide significance to their political conditions and experience. In order to show how this understanding of political myth can throw light on important aspects of (...)
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    The dynamic moral self: A social psychological perspective.Benoît Monin & Alexander H. Jordan - 2009 - In Darcia Narvaez & Daniel Lapsley (eds.), Personality, Identity, and Character. Cambridge University Press. pp. 341--354.
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    Aides informatiques à la lecture d’un ouvrage de philosophie.Benoit Hufschmitt - 2010 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 60 (2):48-67.
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    La influencia de Francisco Suárez sobre Thomas Hobbes.Bartomeu Forteza Pujol - 1998 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 11:40.
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    Voluntad. Hipólito de Roma y la filosofía del siglo II.Bartomeu Forteza Pujol - 1997 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 10:17.
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  18. Naissance de la phénoménologie de l'histoire. De Schelling à Henry.Benoît Kanabus - 2013 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 111 (2):309-334.
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    Réflexion autour d’un triptyque : catastrophes industrielles, droit international économique et justice « socio-environnementale ».Benoît Lopez - 2024 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 1:113-139.
    Réfléchir à l’idée de justice et de prise en compte des intérêts, notamment économiques, ouvre un champ d’étude considérable, même en prenant comme point de départ l’analyse juridique. Aussi pour tenter de circonscrire l’objet de cette recherche, le choix a été fait de partir d’une situation, provoquant la mise en tension de l’idée même de justice d’une manière originale et d’envisager une réponse juridique nouvelle. A cet égard, partir des catastrophes industrielles s’est imposé à plusieurs titres. D’une part, le phénomène (...)
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    Rousseau et la parole publique.Stéphane Pujol - 2015 - Rue Descartes 84 (1):110.
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    Vers une « crise du droit naturel »?Stéphane Pujol - 2015 - Cultura:31-45.
    L’article « Droit naturel » de Diderot est sans doute l’un des articles les plus lus et les plus commentés de l’Encyclopédie. Certains critiques y voient une rupture décisive avec le droit naturel moderne, d’autres considèrent au contraire que Diderot s’efforce d’en donner une lecture personnelle et non métaphysique. La plupart s’accordent à y reconnaître les symptômes d’une « crise », qui n’est pas sans annoncer celle qui caractérisera un peu plus tard la pensée de Rousseau. Qu’il y ait une (...)
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  22. Historia dicax : rire, discours et rhétorique chez Tite-Live.Benoît Sans - 2023 - Methodos 23.
    La présente étude rassemble les passages de l’Ab Vrbe condita de Tite-Live où un terme lié au rire est associé à un discours ou à une parole rapportée, afin de les confronter aux vues exprimées par Cicéron et Quintilien sur le rire en contexte rhétorique. Si tous les passages étudiés s’insèrent très bien dans la conception rhétorique du rire, l’historien latin s’appuie sur celle-ci pour offrir une répartition originale entre usages acceptables et formes abusives du rire qui participe à la (...)
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  23. Responsibility for Doxastic Strength Grounds Responsibility for Belief.Benoit Gaultier - 2020 - In Sebastian Schmidt & Gerhard Ernst (eds.), The Ethics of Belief and Beyond: Understanding Mental Normativity. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. pp. 71-85.
    How is it possible for deontic evaluations of beliefs to be appropriate if we do not have voluntary control over our beliefs? Gaultier argues that we should reject the claim that we can have indirect control over beliefs in virtue of the basic voluntary control we have over our actions. We have another kind of indirect control over beliefs: we can demonstrate doxastic strength or, on the contrary, doxastic weakness when forming our beliefs. That is, we can resist or, on (...)
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    What is it to have an inquisitive attitude?Benoit Gaultier - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    Following a common assumption, when one inquires into a question, one has an inquisitive attitude towards it. More precisely, I shall assume that there is an inquisitive attitude towards Q that all of those who inquire into Q have in common and in virtue of which they can be said to be in an inquisitive state of mind towards Q. This paper is about the nature of this attitude. I elucidate it by examining whether it boils down to doubt, curiosity, (...)
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    Lecture de l’Écriture et écriture des Pensées.Benoît Vermander - 2024 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79 (4):1345-1366.
    Throughout the manuscript of the Pensées and in other writings, Pascal crisscrosses his research on what the art of writing achieves and entails, on the one hand, and on the way to read and interpret the Holy Scriptures, on the other hand. Reading and writing practices are critically interwoven. This article offers a synthesis on Pascal’s reflexive account of such practices. After a summary of previous findings on the subject, it examines Pascal’s approach to (a) the rules that govern scriptural (...)
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  26. Le concept d’histoire chez Henry lecteur de Marx.Benoît Kanabus - 2011 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 30:197-214.
    Dans une note de son ouvrage consacré à Henry, P. Audi affirme qu’« il n’y a pas de philosophie de l’histoire à proprement parler chez Henry ». Nous ambitionnons de rappeler ici que Henry a néanmoins donné un contenu au concept d’histoire et posé les conditions épistémologiques pour construire une phénoménologie radicale de l’histoire. Cette thématique, il est vrai, est généralement ignorée de la littérature secondaire. À son corps défendant, on est obligé de reconnaître que la question de l’...
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    Human Evolution and the Origins of Hierarchies: The State of Nature.Benoît Dubreuil (ed.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, Benoît Dubreuil explores the creation and destruction of hierarchies in human evolution. Combining the methods of archaeology, anthropology, cognitive neuroscience and primatology, he offers a natural history of hierarchies from the point of view of both cultural and biological evolution. This volume explains why dominance hierarchies typical of primate societies disappeared in the human lineage and why the emergence of large-scale societies during the Neolithic period implied increased social differentiation, the creation of status hierarchies, and, eventually, (...)
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    The weakness of the pigeonhole principle under hyperarithmetical reductions.Benoit Monin & Ludovic Patey - 2020 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 21 (3):2150013.
    The infinite pigeonhole principle for 2-partitions asserts the existence, for every set A, of an infinite subset of A or of its complement. In this paper, we study the infinite pigeonhole pr...
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    Médecine, humanisation et décoïncidence : une articulation exploratrice de nouvelles ressources pour la pensée tillichienne sur la santé.Benoit Mathot - 2022 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 78 (1):81-94.
    Benoit Mathot À partir du cadre théorique de la décoïncidence proposé par le philosophe François Jullien, cet article explore les enjeux d’humanisation des soins médicaux, ainsi que l’introduction de la dimension spirituelle dans la prise en charge des patients. Il revient enfin sur le dialogue possible entre ces réflexions contemporaines et les considérations du théologien luthérien Paul Tillich sur la santé.
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    Liminaire.Nicolas Pujol - 2014 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 70 (2):221-225.
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    L’animal et l’animalité en cours de philosophie.Benoît Schneckenburger - 2019 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 69 (3):21-33.
    « L’animal » n’est pas une notion au programme de philosophie, et pourtant combien nous la rencontrons dans nos cours : interpellés par les élèves, souvent moins au fait des nouveautés de l’éthologie que l’on pourrait le croire ; ou en mobilisant l’animal à l’occasion du traitement de notions. Cet article vise principalement à mettre au jour les problématiques et les références classiques et récentes qui permettent de traiter cette question en évoquant le statut de l’animalité et de l’humanité, le (...)
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    Entretien avec Jeff McMahan sur Jonathan Glover et l’éthique du faire-mourir.Benoît Basse - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 2 (1):68-76.
    In this special issue on Jonathan Glover and his applied ethics, I asked Jeff McMahan to review the influence of Questions of Life and Death, published forty years ago in its original version. Jeff McMahan, Glover's former student, has since developed his own ethics of killing. I wanted to know what he had learned from Glover's philosophy, which he recognized as a pioneer in applied ethics.
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    Symbol, Desire and Power.Benoît Millot - 1988 - Theory, Culture and Society 5 (4):675-694.
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    Ontologie naturaliste et travail abstrait : Relire Marx après Descola et inversement.Benoît Sibille - 2024 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 80 (1-2):401-418.
    Descola’s work has profoundly renewed ecological thought by suggesting that the global planetary crisis is linked to the ‘naturalist ontology’, by which modern Westerners distance themselves from non-humans. This article proposes to re-read Descola with Marx in order to critically assess question the genesis of this ontology. Rather than looking to the history of ideas in search of what prepared this naturalism, a close reading of Marx allows to hypothesise a practical origin of naturalism, in the worldly occupations that make (...)
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    Has provoking microbiota aggression driven the obesity epidemic?Benoit Chassaing & Andrew T. Gewirtz - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (2):122-128.
    Alterations in the gut microbiome have increasingly been implicated in driving obesity and its associated diseases, but underlying mechanisms remain poorly defined. Herein, in addition to reviewing the field, we hypothesize that a highly significant causative factor of such inflammatory disease‐associated microbiome alterations is a more aggressive microbiota that encroaches upon its host, with components having high potential to activate host pro‐inflammatory gene expression in a manner that drives metabolic disease. We further hypothesize that a range of societal changes, including (...)
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    La philosophie politique en deçà et au-delà de l’État : Introduction.Benoît Morissette & Yann Allard-Tremblay - 2015 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 10 (2):60-64.
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    Xenophilia, Difference, and Indifference.Benoît Fliche & John Angell - 2018 - Common Knowledge 24 (2):218-233.
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    Quarantine, cholera, and international health spaces: Reflections on 19th‐century European sanitary regulations in the time of SARS‐CoV ‐2.Benoît Pouget - 2020 - Centaurus 62 (2):302-310.
    The current SARS-CoV-2 crisis raises questions about the challenges faced by nation states and international organisations in offering a coordinated international response to the pandemic, and reveals the great vulnerability of European countries, which are implementing lockdown measures and imposing restrictions on international travel, for the most part on a unilateral basis. Such measures run counter to the prevailing approach of the previous two centuries that developed an international public health space. This article examines the measures adopted by European states (...)
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    A Computational Model of Working Memory Integrating Time-Based Decay and Interference.Benoît Lemaire & Sophie Portrat - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    A crise de identidade dos poderes estatais.Luiz Fernando Obladen Pujol - 2019 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 17 (2).
    O revezamento de protagonismo de um dos Três Poderes, em determinado momento histórico, é sazonal; acarretando o aperfeiçoamento de mecanismos que recomponham o equilíbrio (freios e contrapesos - checks and balances). Ocorre que a crise dos Poderes Estatais dificilmente é diagnosticada pelas próprias instituições, que se escoram no discurso de “estabilidade institucional” para evitar mudanças. A simples positivação de direitos e garantias fundamentais, também chamada por Marcelo Neves de “legislação simbólica” ou “legislação álibi”; somada à adoção de ritos meramente formais (...)
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    Punitive emotions and Norm violations.Benoît Dubreuil - 2010 - Philosophical Explorations 13 (1):35 – 50.
    The recent literature on social norms has stressed the centrality of emotions in explaining punishment and norm enforcement. This article discusses four negative emotions (righteous anger, indignation, contempt, and disgust) and examines their relationship to punitive behavior. I argue that righteous anger and indignation are both punitive emotions strictly speaking, but induce punishments of different intensity and have distinct elicitors. Contempt and disgust, for their part, cannot be straightforwardly considered punitive emotions, although they often blend with a colder form of (...)
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    (1 other version)O Sócrates de Platão e os limites do intelectualismo na ética.Benoît Castelnérac - 2007 - Doispontos 4 (2).
    Normal 0 21 Minha intenção é a de mostrar como uma leitura cética dos diálogos socráticos de Platão permite explicar alguns impasses nos quais resulta a interpretação dogmática desses diálogos. Enumero aqui, de maneira programática, os elementos que permitirão sustentar que, nos diálogos de juventude, Platão desenvolveu uma lógica que conduz a uma posição forte sobre os limites do conhecimento e do intelectualismo. Essa interpretação se inspira em traços dominantes do ceticismo de Arcesilau (séc. III a.C.). Mostrarei como os diálogos (...)
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    Le sens-sans-signe: Pour une éthique de la création.Benoît Maire & Anne-Françoise Schmid - 2017 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 19 (2):132-139.
    The following article is the result of a collaboration between a painter and a woman philosopher. They worked previously on an experimental documentary film about objects and art objects, which was realized at Palais de Tokyo. The painter had illustrated in black and white fictions of philosophy, written during a festival on lost films organized by UNdocumenta in South Korea, and then he made photographs of oil paintings of the English translation. This article about painting and philosophical ethics is their (...)
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    Un mythe libéral, une invention des Lumières : Le commerce comme remède à la guerre.Stéphane Pujol - 2011 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 30:113.
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    Sagesse et révélation: Réflexion théologique à partir de la Chine.Benoit Vermander - 2011 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 42 (1):53-74.
    À partir d’une rencontre avec la «sino-théologie», l’auteur tente une double ressaisie: du rapport entre sagesse et révélation tel qu’il nous est loisible de le penser aujourd’hui; du régime de la sagesse chinoise et, par extension, d’autres expressions de la «sagesse des peuples» à la lumière d’une herméneutique renouvelée. Il suggère quelques chemins par lesquels «sagesse» et «révélation» peuvent être comprises comme des catégories «ouvertes», ne recevant sens et pertinence que d’être référées à une constante reprise à neuf. En parallèle, (...)
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    The Tragedy Trap: On the Tragicized Politics of Nuclear Weapons and Armed Drones and the Making of Unaccountability.Benoît Pelopidas & Neil C. Renic - 2024 - Ethics and International Affairs 38 (2):209-231.
    The discourse of tragedy has significant value in a military context, reminding us of the temptations of hubris, the prevalence of moral dilemmas, and the inescapable limits of foresight. Today, however, this discourse is drawn upon too heavily. Within the tragicized politics of nuclear and drone violence, foreseeable and solvable problems are reconceptualized as intractable dilemmas, and morally accountable agents are reframed as powerless observers. The tragedy discourse, when wrongly applied by policymakers and the media, indulges the very hubris the (...)
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    Edit by Number: Looking at the Composition of the Huainanzi, and Beyond.Benoît Vermander - 2021 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (3):459-498.
    The progressive dominance of historical-critical methods in the reading of ancient Chinese classics has led scholars to privilege micro levels of textual analysis. Consequently, the question as to whether laws of composition could be identified in this corpus has often been ignored, or considered irrelevant. Working on Chinese number symbolism as well as on rules governing “ring composition” in other cultural contexts, this article aims at fashioning anew the question of the possibility of an ancient Chinese “structural rhetoric” and at (...)
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    Le patient tissage d'un réseau autonome.Benoît Delbecq - 2004 - Multitudes 2 (2):167-172.
    Benoit Delbecq reflects upon the conditions under which his creative activity, as a pianist, a composer and an improviser, has to take place within the French context. Status of the copyrights, contribution of public funding, new modes of distribution, ambiguous irruptions of the show business mega-machine, fictions of freedom generated within the creative moment, polymorphous collective structures: this concrete work of knitting a new autonomous artistic network sheds light, beyond the microcosm of jazz, on the production of sociality in today’s (...)
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    Achievements, Safety and Environmental Epistemic Luck.Benoît Gaultier - 2014 - Dialectica 68 (4):477-497.
    Theories of knowledge as credit for true belief, or as cognitive achievement, have to face the following objection: in the famous Barn façades case, it seems that the truth of Barney's belief that he is in front of a barn is to be explained by the correct functioning of his cognitive capacities, although we are reluctant to say that he knows he is in front of a barn. Duncan Pritchard concludes from this that a safety clause, irreducible to the conditions (...)
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    Reconciling Two Computational Models of Working Memory in Aging.Violette Hoareau, Benoît Lemaire, Sophie Portrat & Gaën Plancher - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (1):264-278.
    It is well known that working memory performance changes with age. Two recent computational models of working memory, TBRS* and SOB-CS, developed from young adults WM performances are opposed regarding the postulated causes of forgetting, namely time-based decay and interference for TBRS* and SOB-CS, respectively. In the present study, these models are applied on a set of complex span data produced by young and older adults. As expected, these models are unable to account for the older adult data. An investigation (...)
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